ES 200 - S2 - Air - L1 - 5october 2021

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Module B:

Air Quality
Receptor & Control Technology

Manoranjan Sahu
ESED, IIT Bombay
Evaluation Criteria
When: from 5th October – 18th October
• There will be a total of six lectures

Evaluation: 33% towards the final grade

• HW/Assignment/Quiz – 10 marks
• Final Exam – 23 marks

“Air and water, the two essential fluids on
which all life depends, have become global
garbage cans”

“Mankind has probably done more damage to

the Earth in the 20th century than in all of
previous human history”

(Jacques Yves Cousteau, 1910-1997)

What is acid Rain? Air Pollution and

What can I do?

Clean and Dirty Gases


You will be able to understand and explain air

pollution issues and understand the basic
principles of pollution and air quality

• To understand basic concepts and definitions and
parameters associated with air pollution
• To describe physico-chemical phenomena, and
• To apply the understanding on current air quality

Learning Objective
1. To learn about air pollution as a system, air quality
regulations, and their impact on human health and
climate, and various types pollutants

2. To understand sources of air pollutants & their variability

3. To understand particle composition, morphology & size


4. To learn about monitoring methods to quantify pollutants’


5. To explain effects of meteorology and physico-chemical

phenomena of transport of pollutants in the atmosphere

6. To learn about current air pollution control methods and

emerging control technologies.


Will provide relevant articles or chapters from

other books, as necessary
Today’s Learning Objective !
1. To learn about air pollution as a system, air quality
regulations, and their impact on human health and
climate, and various types pollutants
Air Pollution

Atmosphere is characterized by two important physical parameters in atmosphere:

Pressure, Temperature
Atmosphere Composition
Average composition of the atmosphere up to an altitude of 25 km.

Gas Name Chemical Formula Percent Volume

Nitrogen N2 78.08%
Oxygen O2 20.95%
*Water H2O 0 to 4%
Argon Ar 0.93%
*Carbon Dioxide CO2 0.0360%
Neon Ne 0.0018%
Helium He 0.0005%
*Methane CH4 0.00017%
Hydrogen H2 0.00005%
*Nitrous Oxide N2O 0.00003%
*Ozone O3 0.000004%

Air Pollution
• Problems in many urban areas in late 1800s and early
1900 due to coal use
• Smoke and ash from fossil fuels by power plants, trains, ships:
coal (and oil) burning = smoke, ash
• 1930 - 1950’s - Air Pollution Episodes
• 1948- Donora Fog in Pennsylvania, USA
• 1000’s of deaths attributed to air pollution episode in
London (Great Smog) in December 1952
o large emissions of pollutants
o restricted air volume
o failure to recognize problem

• Bhopal gas tragedy: 2–3 December 1984

London Smog, December 1952
London-Smog, December 1952
5'000 910 1000
Smoke (particles)
4'500 900
Pollutant Concent. in ug/m3

SO2 800
3'500 700
3'000 600
Some >4‘000 extra death within one week

2'500 500
12‘000 extra death within 6 months
2'000 400
1'500 300
1'000 259 200
500 100
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
December 1952
BS County Hall SO2 ug/3 Todesfälle Total
London smog, 1952

London 21st century

TATE MODERN art museum
London mid 20th century Bankside
Air Pollution-India

132 air quality non attainment city in India

Non-Attainment cities with respect to Ambient Air Quality India (2011-2015) and WHO report 2014/2018
Air Pollution-Delhi
world/articleshow/66779835.cms?from=mdr in-dies/306695
Air Pollution-India (Capital of smog)
Air Pollution: A Silent Killer
Air Pollution Related Death
Pollution Exposure Varies with Income level

Poorer households have a higher dependence on solid

Health effects of air pollution

Künzli et al., 2010

Website to watch
Air pollution affects climate: Direct effects

Sun provides the energy that

drives Earth’s climate, but not
all of the energy that reaches
the top of the atmosphere finds
its way to the surface.

That’s because aerosols—and

clouds seeded by them—
reflect about a quarter of the
Sun’s energy back to space.

Black carbon aerosols, similar to the

soot in a chimney, absorb sunlight
rather than reflecting it. This warms the
layer of the atmosphere carrying the
black carbon, but also shades and cools
the surface below.
Air pollution affects climate: Indirect effects

Whereas aerosols can influence climate by Brighter clouds, in turn, block sunlight
scattering light and changing Earth’s from reaching Earth’s surface, shading
reflectivity, they can also alter the climate the planet and producing net cooling.
via clouds. On a global scale, these aerosol This cloud brightening effect—called the
“cloud albedo effect”—may have a big
“indirect effects” typically work in opposition impact on the climate
to greenhouse gases and cause cooling
Air Quality Regulation
1952: London Smog (that we talked about earlier)
1956: The British Clean Air act
Air Prevention
1963: The US Clean and
Air Control
Act of Pollution Act
1971: The Canadian Clean air Act
1981: The Air Act (India)
Amended in 1987
A comprehensive legislation which makes provisions for:
• Central pollution control board (CPCB)
• State pollution control boards (SPCBs),
• power to declare pollution control areas,
• restrictions on certain industrial units,
• authority of the Boards to limit emission of air pollutants,
• power of entry, inspection, taking samples and analysis,
• penalties, offences by companies and Government, and
Air Act, 1981
Air Prevention and Control of Pollution Act
(1981), Amended in 1987
• The Act specifically empowers State Government to designate air
pollution control areas and to prescribe the type of fuel to be used in
these designated areas
• Air pollution sources such as industry, vehicles, power plants, etc. not
permitted to release criteria air pollutants or other toxic substances
beyond a prescribed level (called as NAAQS)
• The Air Act apparently adopts an industry wide “best available
technology” requirement for abiding the emission requirements
Why Study/Assess Air Quality?
That was 20th century, …with advancement in
technology and preventive measures and
enforced regulations, the question is:

Is air pollution still a relevant problem?

Are you breathing clean Air?

Air Pollution Research
• Two events sparked research on air
pollution and regulations to control air

– Donora fog in 1948

– London smog event in 1952
– Both cause by pollutants being trapped
by weather events. Both killed numerous

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