Entrepreneurship 2: Quarter 1 - Module 1 Finalizing Evaluated Business Plan

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Entrepreneurship 2
Quarter 1 – Module 1
Finalizing Evaluated Business Plan

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines


Copyright: Department of Education

Publisher: Department of Education, Mandaue City Division

This learning module was developed by the following personnel:

Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School

Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School

Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School
Entrepreneurship 2

Quarter 1 – Module 1

Finalizing Evaluated Business Plan

Department of Education – Republic of the Philippines


This module is a self-learning tool that contains instructional materials and

activities for the students to complete each of the learning outcomes of the module. It has
an instruction that can be clearly understand by the learner. It is a self –pace learning kit,
it means that the module should be done according to the pace of the student but will not
exceed on the weeks given by the facilitator.
The module includes processes and methodologies to set up a small business. It
has also the theories, principles and standards in production management, marketing
and financial performance of a small business. The learning material on Finalizing
Evaluated Business Plan contains the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for the
The finalized business plan composed of nine components which are the
following: Executive Summary, Overview of the business, The Business Plan Proper,
Vision, Mission and values, Marketing Plan/ Market Profile, Production/Technical Plan,
Organizational Plan, Operational Plan and Financial Plan.

The instruction is given on how to go through about the module, the students have
to work on the module based on the given activity, the facilitator has to require students
to submit the outputs stated in the module and on the duration of the period as per
instruction of the facilitator.

For this module, week 1 we will focus only on the two components which are the
executive summary and overview of the business.

Entrepreneurship is a subject of Technical Vocational Education Curriculum (TVE)

for Grade 10 students under the K to 12 curriculums. It is designed for preparing the
individual learner to earn a living or increase his earning, by utilizing the knowledge and
skills acquired at school. It is aimed at preparing individual necessary for self-reliance.
The subject provides varied and relevant activities and opportunities to determine
understanding of the key concepts and to demonstrate learning competencies as
required by the subject. Thus, it aims to provide knowledge and skills that can be applied
in a specific skill acquired by the students in his/her chosen field of interest in the TLE
subject to be use in lifelong learning.
The learning material is specifically designed to focus on the different learning
competencies to develop the knowledge and acquire skills in all entrepreneurial activities
of the learner.

Content Standards
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the processes and methodologies
in performing steps needed to set up small business (simulation only).
The learner demonstrates understanding of the theories, principles and standards
in production management, marketing and financial performance of small business

Performance Standards
The learner finalizes product or service design specification, simulate business
registration recruitments of applicants, and source out funds for capital requirements of
the business.
The learner performs simulated managerial, marketing and financial assessment
tasks in operating a small business competently.

Learners are expected to become proficient in performing skill on the competency;

1. finalizes product or service design specification based on the market

Feedback – executive summary and overview of the business.

Subject Requirements
Grade 10 student must take the Entrepreneurship subject to complete the
Technical Vocational Education curriculum. The subject is added to the curriculum as a
special subject to train the students on how to venture into business using the skill
acquired in TLE subject. The subject requires a total number of 2 hours per week.
The subject is added to the curriculum to equip the learners with the appropriate
knowledge, attitude, values and skills on entrepreneurial activities necessary to become
self reliance and productive citizens of our society.

Pre- assessment test

Let us find how much do you know about the two components of the business plan
and the business plan itself. Read the questions carefully and write the letter of your
answer on your quiz notebook.

1. It is the outline or the total picture of the business.

a. Marketing Plan
b. Marketing Strategies
c. Executive Summary
d. Production Strategies

2. It describe the business, the nature of the business and the social contribution.
a. Overview of the Business
b. Production and technical plan
c. Operation plan
d. Organization and management

3. What is written in the executive summary that reveals revenue growth rate and
customer growth rate?
a. future plan
b. history
c. achievements
d. business description

4. It is a section in the executive summary which is critical because it shows how much
money is needed how it will be used.
a. history
b. business description
c. service description
d. financial overview

5. It shows the product nature of the business and how the business will go about its
a. executive summary
b. overview of the business
c. business description
d. product description
In your previous year you studied business plan by generating business ideas.
This time let us study the two components of the business plan which will be used in
finalizing your product base on the market feedback which will be discussed in this

Activity 1
Read and identify if the following paragraph is an Executive Summary, Overview
of the business. Write your answer on a sheet of paper, and then make a statement
supporting your answer
Example: No.1 is an executive summary because ……………………

Jolly's Java and Bakery (JJB) is a start-up coffee and bakery retail establishment
located in southwest Washington. JJB expects to catch the interest of a regular loyal
customer base with its broad variety of coffee and pastry products. The company plans
to build a strong market position in the town, due to the partners' industry experience and
mild competitive climate in the area.
JJB aims to offer its products at a competitive price to meet the demand of the
middle-to higher-income local market area residents and tourists.
JJB is incorporated in the state of Washington. It is equally owned and managed
by its two partners.
Mr. Austin Patterson has extensive experience in sales, marketing, and
management, and was vice president of marketing with both Jansonne & Jansonne and
Burper Foods. Mr. David Fields brings experience in the area of finance and
administration, including a stint as chief financial officer with both Flaxfield Roasters and
the national coffee store chain, BuzzCups.
The company intends to hire two full-time pastry bakers and six part-time baristas to
handle customer service and day to day operations.

Pumpkin Sorbet is both the business name and the name of its primary products.
It is cooperative in nature. Specifically, it will produce a pumpkin-flavoured ice sorbet that
will be dressed in sprinkles, marshmallows and peanuts that will surely fit and guarantee
clientele’s satisfaction. It combines innovativeness and creativity in product concepts
such as ice cream with pumpkin as the main ingredient. Dominating the existing ice
cream businesses in Buli as well as in Muntinlupa will be its main thrust.


1. What is an executive summary? How will you write it? What are the highlights in the
executive summary?
2. What is the difference between the overview of the business and the executive
Topic: Components of the business Plan (Executive Summary, Overview of the

1. Executive Summary

An executive summary is the first section of a business plan and is generally

considered the most important. Typically, 2-4 pages long, the executive summary is often
written last, after the entire plan has been finalized. The executive summary then covers
the highlights of all the other sections.

The Role of an Executive Summary

In a business plan being used to pursue funding from banks, venture capitalists,
or angel investors, an executive summary is designed to intrigue the reader. Its goal is to
provide enough information that the reader will want to dig in and read all the specifics
within the plan itself.

It is not an introduction. You do not want to write an executive summary that is a

lead-in to the plan. It needs to be more of a highlight reel.

In business plans that are meant more as internal guides, the executive summary
is a good place to state objectives and goal.

While there is no set format for a business plan, there are guides to make the task
easier. However, there are certain topics that should be addressed in an executive
summary, including:

Business description – Right up front, make it clear what the business does and the
types of products and services it offers. Who is the target market? What problem
do the company’s offerings address?

History – After leading with basic information about the company, it’s time for a little
history lesson. More detail about when the business was started, by whom,
what their backgrounds and roles are, where it is located, and where the
business stands now should be shared.

Achievements – Since this section is meant to focus on highlights, be sure and reveal
its revenue growth rate, customer growth rate, and any relevant milestones that
speak to the company’s rising success.

Product or service description – One or two paragraphs of the executive summary

should go into more detail regarding the company’s products and/or services,
how they serve a need, what their competitive advantage is, and why demand
is growing for them.

Financial overview – If the plan is being used to solicit financing, this section is critical.
It should have top line projections as well as a run-down of how much money is
needed and how it will be used.

Future plans – Where is the business headed? What expansion plans exist? What will
it looks like in 3-5 years? Those should all be addressed in the last paragraph or
two of the executive summaries. At the conclusion of an executive summary, the
reader should have a good sense of the type of business being described, its
level of success so far, and what kind of money is needed.

2. Overview of the Business

The company summary in a business plan—also known as the company

description or overview—is a high-level look at what you are as a company
and how all the elements of the business fit together. It states about the name
of the business, product, nature of the business and how the business
will go about its operation.

Enrichment Activity

To be written in 1 whole sheet of paper

1. Write an executive summary of a business that you are planning to have considering
the guide discussed in our lesson.


Mr. Raymond Santos decided to start a business, but it needs for him to prepare
a business plan. He recalls the components of the plan and start it with the two
components these are_ , and _, When Mr. Santos wrote the executive
summary he recalls certain topics that need to be addressed, and these are ,
,_ ,_ , , which are very important to give the reader
or the prospective investors of the total picture of the business plan.



Being an entrepreneur, you must have an effective business plan. You should
follow the steps in preparing a business so that the data must be accurate and adequate.
This will help you to choose the appropriate and effective strategies to ensure success
in your business venture.

Think of a simple business you want to engage in. Make a sample business plan
of that business using the format below considering the two components highlighting
your executive summary.

Executive Summary (Product or Service) is a registered business

engaged in .

Overview of the business

Business Name:


Name of Owner _
Post Assessment


1.. It is the outline or the total picture of the business.

A. Marketing Plan B. Marketing Strategies
C. Executive Summary D. Production Strategies

2. It describe the business, the nature of the business and the social contribution.
A. Overview of the Business B. Production/Technical Plan
C. Operation Plan D. Organization and Management

3. What is written in the executive summary that reveals revenue growth rate and
customer growth rate?

A. future plan B. history

C. achievement D. business description

4. It is a section in the executive summary which is critical because it shows how much
money is needed how it will be used.

A. history B. business description

C. service description D. financial overview

5. It shows the product nature of the business and how the business will go about its

A. Executive summary B. Overview of the business

C. Business description D. Product description

Additional Activity

Write an executive summary, and an overview of your business.

Reynaldo M. Valdez.,et al Competency Based Curriculum and Competency Based Learning

Material for Fourth Year, July 2009


For Feedback

Address: Plaridel Street, Reclamation Area, Mandaue City

Contact Number: 09208382383


Office of the Management Team: Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School

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