App - Form - Mesa Selimovic, Sarajevo

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Name of the Development Project: ‘My School is Super Cool’- the place where the
magic happens
Country Recipient: Region/province: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Location: Sarajevo
Duration: 16 months
Planned Start of Implementation of the
1 September 2022
Development Project:
Planned End Date of Implementation of
31 December 2023
the Development Project:
Project Goals: Overall objective (s):
- Creating more quality infrastructure for
a better and more modern learning and
teaching process
- improving the school today for a better
- - more active involvement of children
and members of the local community in
school environment
- - organizing quality free time for
teenage children
- - prevention of unacceptable behaviour
of teenagers and achieving effective
social integration of children
- - enable students to present the results of
their work to the local community
- - acquainting the local community with
the tradition and culture of the Republic
of Bulgaria

Specific objectives:
- students will spend more time at school
without stress and students will feel nice and
happy to stay in the school space
- organizing quality free time for teenage
- promoting the positive development of young
people and supporting prospective behaviour
-Empowering children to cope in everyday
situations through learning and practicing social
- Promoting peer education and cooperation
- Involvement of students in intercultural
cooperation, getting to know the culture and
traditions of the Republic of Bulgaria
- Better inclusion of children in the new school
clubs like Chess Club and Recycling Club

Description of the Target Group Students 11-15 years old

Total Value of the Development
30 000 BGN
Funding requested by the Development
76 %
Aid of Bulgaria


Full Name of the Applicant: ‘Meša Selimović’ primary school
Applicant’s Country of Origin: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Date the Applicant’s organisation was
30 December 1981
Scope of Activity of the Applicant: Primary education
Correspondence Address: Geteova 16, 71 000 Sarajevo
Contact Person: Mr. Hamdo Radonja
Phone Number: +387 33 541 270
E-mail Address:
Name and Position of the Person
authorized to sign the Grant Mr. Hamdo Radonja, the school principal

1. Name:
My school is super cool- the place where the magic happens

2. Territorial Scope:
State (s) Bosnia and Herzegovina
Region (s) Canton Sarajevo
Location Sarajevo

Address of the Building / Premises, Geteova 16, 71 000 Sarajevo

where activities will be carried out

3. Amount of Project Funding:

Total Value of the Amount of Requested Funding Percentage (%) of the
Project Requested Funding
from the Total Cost of
the Project
30 000 23 000 76%

3.1. Estimates the Activity Costs:

Type of Activity: Price per each Total BGN
Total EUR

Constructing and Constructing of 9000 BGN

equipping of the the gazebo 9000
gazebo, workshops for BGN
the students and 180 BGN
Whiteboard: 180
parents (summer BGN
Lazy bags 187,5 1125 BGN
BGN (6 pieces)
Bookshelves 300 600 BGN
BGN (2 pieces)
Projection screen
191 BGN 191 BGN
Projector 910
Chessboards (5


Establishing and Speakers

equipping of the radio Cables
Mixer amplifier 2651 BGN
2651 BGN
Microphone 199 398 BGN
(2 pieces)
Workshops for the Refreshments 100 100 BGN
parents and students BGN
Teaching 100 BGN
materials, posters,
balloons 100

Communication Plan Designing and

promoting of the
(from 3% to 5% from
the total value of the promotional
not materials- The
project but
exceeding 5 000 BGN) Days of Bulgarian
culture in our
Informing media
about donation of
Embassy to our
Expenditure for the Accounting
preparation of an company- VORTT
Independent Financial This company will
Audit of the completed do Financial Audit
project of the completed
project- 500 KM

TOTAL: 23000 BGN 23000 BGN 11 500 EUR

4. Conformity:
4.1. Objectives of the Project Proposal

4.1.1. Overall Goal Constructing and equipping of the summer
classroom- gazebo which will be the place for
the modernized way of learning, the learning
without stress for many generations.
Constructing and equipping of the radio station
4.1.2. Specific Objectives This classroom will be the space where the
students will spend quality time and they will
acquire many necessary social skills. They will:
- Spend more time in the natural
- Learn in an unconventional, modernized
- Improve media literacy
- Improve cooperation, mutual respect and
understanding of different perspectives
which is extremely important for the
post-war countries as it is Bosnia and
Herzegovina. This is extremely important
for the future generations due to
reconciliation and cooperation of the
people living in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Get acquainted with the culture and
tradition of the Republic of Bulgaria

4.2. Conformity of the Project Proposal with the stated in the CALL FOR PROPOSALS
priorities and areas of cooperation for development for (Provision of inclusive and
high quality education, incl. by improving of the educational  infrastructure).
Contribution for the realization of the Agenda 2030 for the sustainable development and
of the priority goals of the respective recipient state national strategy/ development
Provision of inclusive and high quality education, incl. by improving of
the educational  infrastructure. Constructing and equipping the space for better
learning process and more quality free time of the students.

4.3. Description of the Target Group

Children 11-15 years old

5. Methodology and Organization

5.1. Description of the Activities

Please, fill in the table with details for each specific activity of your development project
Constructing and equipping of the gazebo-
Name of the Activity:
summer classroom
Purpose of the Activity: Long-term provision of infrastructure for modern
and quality learning, quality free time for teenage
Description and Justification of the Though it is the 21 century the students in our
Activity: school learn in the traditional classrooms. They do
not have any special areas where they can learn
and spend their free time. By building the gazebo
the students will have a new space where they will
have some interesting school clubs and activities
for better and more quality organizing of their free
time. Right now, the only place where the students
can go after their school lessons are the streets in
the area, usually without any monitoring of the
adults. In this equipped gazebo students will have
an extremely good opportunity to spend nice time
there and learn in non-traditional way. They could
have flexible seating (lazy bags), they could
organize readers club, participate in the Chess
Club and Recycling Club. They would spend their
free time in more quality and creative way. Due to
Covid 19 pandemic a lot of parents of our students
lost their jobs and they can’t afford to pay
membership fee in the sports and other clubs as
they used to do it before. So, this would be great
opportunity for our students to do the things they
like for free.
Besides all of these things, students will:
- learn in a natural environment (expert
recommendation is that students spend as
much time as possible in the natural
- Acquire knowledge in a different and more
creative way compared to the traditional
way of teaching (the new environment
provides new learning opportunities
through various activities and in a more
relaxed way, eg flexible seating, stress-free
- Younger learners learn from older students
(older students teach younger ones - Older
students help younger students to master
certain teaching contents reading, helping
with homework, exchange of opinions and

Constructing and equipping of the gazebo-
Name of the Activity:
summer classroom
- develop critical thinking and opposing
opinions with arguments (different
perspectives - respecting and appreciating
different attitudes and opinions)
- be brought closer to nature to understand
the importance of protecting and
preserving natural heritage
- develop environmental awareness
(recycling different materials and making
new items - jewellery box, pencil holder,
decorative items, painting on glass….)
- To acquire knowledge from different
subjects and areas through different
activities and sections through
collaboration and correlation of different
Results: - Organizing free time of the teenagers in the
school area (gazebo) in a quality way,
- Future generations will use this space too
- Students will stay in a stress-free school
space, students will feel nice and happy to
stay in the school space
- Promotion of the peer education and
- Promotion of the positive development of
young people and supporting prospective
- Involvement of students in intercultural
cooperation, getting to know the culture
and traditions of the Republic of Bulgaria

Executor of the Activity: Company for the gazebo construction, the

principal of the school, teacher and students

Name of the Activity: Establishing and equipping of the radio station

Purpose of the Activity: Improving media literacy. The members of the

School Club of the Journalists would, in addition
to media literacy, have the opportunity to
overcome the fear of appearing in public. Students
do not often have the opportunity to perform in
public, so this will be an extraordinary opportunity
for them, all with the goal of strengthening self-
confidence and overcoming the fear of performing
in public. Students would prepare the school news
and information about current events.
Other goals are:
-to introduce students to various technologies in
order to understand that it is possible to achieve
coexistence of technology and nature
- providing conditions so that students can develop
critical thinking and improve media literacy
Description and Justification of the Students will improve media literacy and apply
Activity: what they have learned in a practical way.
Students collaborate, collect and select
information and publish it. Students will listen to
school news and music during the lunch break.
Results: Preparation and realisation of the radio shows.
Students will always be informed about all current
Executor of the Activity: Teachers and students of ‘Meša Selimović’
primary school

5.2. Methodology for Implementation of the Development Project Proposal

5.2.1. Communication plan and Publicity in the Implementation of the Development
Project Proposal
Students and teachers will inform members of the Parents' Council, the local community
and citizens about the content, implementation and goals of the Project through the
school's website, news websites and parents’ meetings. The media (TV, radio and news
websites) will be informed about the realization and results of the project.

5.2.2. Organization and Management

1. Contact the companies that will be the contractors for the procurement of equipment
and teaching aids
2. Informing the members of the Teachers 'Council, the Parents' Council and the local
community about the plan, implementation and realization of the project
3. Teachers will organize work in a different environment
4. Informing the public

5.3. Duration of the Development Project
Duration of the Development Project 16 months
Planned Start of the Implementation of the 1 September 2022
Development Project
Planned end of the Implementation of the 31 December 2023
Development Project

5.4. Monitoring and Internal Evaluation when Implementing the Activities

The principal controls the contractors and procures the equipment, the teachers organize
the realization of the activities, students and parents will participate in the activities. The
company VORT controls the spending of the money for the realization of the project. The
interim and final reports on development project implementation will be prepared.

5.5. Performance Indicators


Indicator Quantity /pcs/

1. Career Day- professional orientation- the parents

present their professions
2. Literary gatherings - visits of writers and
conversation about literary works with students

3. Day of Bulgarian culture and tradition 1

4.Workshops - children, teachers, parents, pedagogue

1. Child safety in the digital environment
2. Say NO to the problematic situations
3. Being literate is IN
4. Umbrella for two
5. Supporting hand

5.Recycle and profit 1

6. School chess tournament 1

7. Radio shows (On weekdays)

5.6. Indicators for Evaluation of the Development Project
of the
Name Activity Description Activity
The Career Presenting of different The parents present their profession to the
Day professions students Parents
Visits of writers and Writers,
conversation about poets,
Literary literary works with The writers will read, present and discuss students,
gatherings students literary works with the students teachers
Day of Students will prepare their projects about
Bulgarian Presentation, posters, Bulgarian tradition and customs and present
culture and video promotion in their projects to the parents, local community Students,
tradition English language representatives, teachers and other guests teachers
The safety of Teachers will present the Teachers will prepare the presentation and
the children presentation about safety workshop for the parents in order to inform
in the digital of the children in the and educate them about the danger things in Teachers,
environment digital environment the digital environment parents
Say NO to The school pedagogue will organise the
How to say no to the
problematic workshop for the students how to say no to Pedagogue
problematic situations
situations the problematic situations , students
Being literate Bosnian Language Workshop prepared by the Bosnian language Teachers,
is IN workshop teachers students
Umbrella for The older students will prepare the workshop
two Peer education for the younger learners Students
The students will help their classmates with
their homework assignments, advice how to
Supporting improve their learning process and achieve
hand Peer education the better results Students
The presentation of the The members of the School Recycle Club
Recycle and School Recycle Club will present all the things that they have Teachers,
profit works created on their meetings students
School Chess tournament will be organised
School chess for the members of the School Chess Club,
tournament other students will be invited to participate in Teachers,
School Chess tournament the tournament as well students
The members of the Journalists Club will
Radio shows The preparation and prepare and broadcast the news on the radio Teachers,
publishing of the news shows students

Da li u indikatore ide šadrvan I radiostanica?

5.7. Sustainability of the Development Project

Sustainable Development Goals are:
- Quality education in the new environment (summer school, gazebo)

- Well-organized free time of the teenagers
- Recycling
- Getting acquitted with traditions and cultures of other countries eg. Bulgaria
- Improving media literacy

6. There are no circumstances under Art. 23, para. 3-8 of Decree No. 234 of the Council
of Ministers of 01.08.2011 on the policy of the Republic of Bulgaria on participation in
international development cooperation.
The school (the principal and teachers)
1. Didn’t declare bankrupt;
2. isn’t in liquidation proceedings or in a similar procedure under the national laws and
3. isn’t in open insolvency proceedings or must not have entered into an out-of-court
settlement with its creditors within the meaning of Article 740 of the Commerce Act,
4. isn’t disqualified from practicing a particular profession or activity under the law of
the State in which the offense was committed;
5. hasn’t any monetary debts owed to the State or a municipality within the meaning of
Article 162, paragraph 2 of the Tax and Social Insurance Procedure Code established
by an act of a competent authority which has entered into force, unless rescheduling or
deferral of the debts has been allowed, or monetary debts relating to the payment of
social insurance contributions or taxes under the legal provisions of the State in which
it is established;
6. hasn’t any outstanding private debts owed to the State listed in Article 3, paragraph 7
of the National Revenue Agency Act.

None of the members of the management body (or the teachers)

7. have been convicted by a final sentence for indictable offense;

8. haven’t fulfilled his/her/its obligations relating to the payment of social insurance
contributions or taxes in accordance with the applicable law;
9. have provided deliberately false documents when providing information requested as a
condition for financing development aid activities or has not provided such
10. have been disqualified from practicing a particular profession or activity under the law
of the State in which the offense was committed;
11. are legal persons for which any of the circumstances under paragraph 3 exist;
12. have any outstanding private debts owed to the State listed in Article 3, paragraph 7 of
the National Revenue Agency Act.

Date and place: 29 June 2021

Names, contact details and signature of the
Hamdo Radonja
Geteova 16, 71 000 Sarajevo
Mobile phone: 061 106 407


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