Silences in Music (Perception)

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E LIZABETH H ELLMUTH M ARGULIS stable and conclusive in one (tonal) context, and unsta-
University of Arkansas ble and implicative in another (Krumhansl, 1990). Yet
little research has addressed the ways in which context
SILENCES IN MUSIC ARE DISTINGUISHED acoustically mediates the experience of perhaps the most obviously
along only one dimension: the length of time they context-dependent acoustic element: silence.
occupy. However, like pauses in speech, they are distin- Acoustically, silences can be defined as periods during
guished syntactically along many dimensions, depend- which the acoustic signal descends below some thresh-
ing on the context in which they occur. In two old of detectable volume. Acoustic silences are com-
experiments, one using musical excerpts from commer- putable automatically by a program designed to analyze
cially available recordings, and the other using simpler sound signals and extract spans during which the signal
constructed excerpts, participants’ reactions to silences falls below the criterion level. In this study, the criterion
were assessed. Participants pressed a button when they level was double the lowest amplitude in the excerpt.
heard a period of silence begin and end, moved a slider The moment the excerpt fell below that cutoff was con-
to indicate perceived changes in musical tension across sidered to be the silence onset, and the moment it went
the course of each excerpt, and answered a series of back above it was considered to be the silence offset.
questions about each silence, including questions about The duration of the acoustic silence was the time from
its duration, placement, salience, and metric qualities. onset to offset, as determined by the criterion.
Musical context, especially tonal context, affected the Acoustic silences can be thought of as one-dimensional
response to silence as measured by all three tasks. gaps consisting purely of duration; the duration from
Specifically, silences following tonal closure were identi- the end of the previous sound to the start of the next.
fied more quickly and perceived as less tense than Yet silences are experienced as anything but one-dimen-
silences following music lacking such closure. sional; in fact, musicians often speak of silences as par-
ticularly important loci of expressivity.1 Perceived silences
Received December 16, 2005, accepted February 7, 2007.
depend inextricably on musical context. The same
Key words: pauses, silence, syntax, tension, tonality acoustic silence, embedded in two different excerpts, can
be perceived dramatically differently. Impressions of
the music that preceded the silence seep into the gap, as
do expectations about what may follow. These impres-

USIC ENGAGES LISTENERS IN complex and sions and expectations can cause two identical acoustic
myriad ways. The acoustic signal does not silences to seem like they occupy different lengths of
transform transparently into heard experi- time, or carry different amounts of musical tension, or
ence; rather, the acoustic signal meets and partners with function differently in other ways. This paper explores
perceptual principles, listening histories, and perhaps a the transformation from acoustic to perceived silence.2
“musical grammar” (Jackendoff & Lerdahl, 2006) to What aspects of the surrounding context impinge upon
produce an experience that engages the body (Janata & the silent period and make it seem to actually sound dif-
Grafton, 2003; Urista, 2003), the intellect (Webster & ferent? Reaction times, tension slider movements, and
Rodriguez, 1997), and the emotions (Juslin & Sloboda,
2003). Much research has explored the ways that con-
text can transform the experience of an individual 1
An abundance of well-known quotations address the expressive
acoustic element. For example, a tone of a particular importance of musical silence. One example, from pianist Artur
pitch, loudness, and duration can be experienced as Schnabel: “The notes I handle no better than many pianists. But the
pauses between the notes – ah, that is where the art resides.”
accented in one (metric) context and unaccented in 2
Nakajima (1987) makes a similar distinction between physical
another (Parncutt, 1994). Similarly, a tone of a particu- and subjective pauses, and Zellner (1994) between physical and per-
lar pitch, loudness, and duration can be experienced as ceived pauses.

Music Perception VOLUME 24, ISSUE 5, PP. 485–506, ISSN 0730-7829, ELECTRONIC ISSN 1533-8312 © 2007 BY THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA . ALL
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486 E. H. Margulis

FIGURE 1. Excerpt from Schubert Moment Musicaux Op 94 No 4. The silence at the fermata interrupts the expected progression to a downbeat tonic
chord in C-sharp minor.

question responses were used to gauge the nature of the Context, in short, can transform the same acoustic
perceived silence that listeners constructed out of the silence into very different perceived silences.
combination of the acoustic silence and the surrounding London (1993) explores the anticipatory metric
context. mechanisms that can make a rest (an acoustic silence)
Consider Figure 1, an excerpt from Schubert’s Moment sound loud (a perceived quality). He quotes Cooper
Musicaux Op 94, No 4, and Figure 2, an adapted version and Meyer’s (1960) observation that the downbeat of
of the same excerpt. In the original version (Figure 1), measure 280 in the first movement of Beethoven’s
the silence interrupts the expected resolution to a Eroica Symphony is “the loudest silence in musical liter-
downbeat cadence on a tonic C-sharp minor chord. In ature” (p. 139), occurring at the moment of a projected
the adapted version (Figure 2), the silence follows downbeat on the largest scale. As London describes it,
cadential resolution on a downbeat C-sharp minor “at the very moment where we expect the culmination
chord. Acoustically, the silences differ only in length of a tissue of musical processes, all we get is the ‘default’
(and perhaps not even that, if a performer chose to sus- articulation of the downbeat as we count along. With
tain both silences for the same duration, invoking the so much riding on that moment, the little metric “click”
freedom permitted by the fermata). Perceptually, how- we hear/create in our heads is deafeningly loud indeed”
ever, the silences differ markedly. The silence in Figure 1, (p. 2). Meter is perhaps the most explored of the musi-
by virtue of occurring in place of an expected continu- cal phenomena that can transform acoustic silences
ation, draws attention to itself. The silence in Figure 2 is into musically significant perceived silences, but other
inconspicuous, falling at a grouping boundary after parameters such as form and tonal structure can have
cadential closure. The silence in Figure 1 seems marked at similar effects.
its onset, but the silence in Figure 2 emerges subtly out of Kraemer, Macrae, Green and Kelley (2005) used func-
the decay of the preceding chord. The silence in Figure 1, tional magnetic resonance imaging to scan participants
following an open gesture, seems tense and forward- while they listened to familiar and unfamiliar pieces of
leaning, but the silence in Figure 2, following a closed music, where short sections (2-5 s) were replaced by
one, seems relaxed and at rest. (Indeed, the expectant silent gaps. Participants showed more activation in the
tension permeating the silence in Figure 1 makes the auditory association areas during silent gaps in familiar
subsequent turn to the major modality more effective). pieces than during gaps in unfamiliar pieces; in other
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FIGURE 2. Excerpt from Schubert Moment Musicaux Op. 94 No. 4, adapted so that the silence at the fermata follows the cadence on the tonic
C-sharp minor chord.

words, brain activity during otherwise identical infants’ heart rate and behavior through alternating
acoustic silences differed depending on the context in periods of music and silence. She found that the arousal
which the silence was embedded. “Simply muting short from the initial auditory stimulus lasted through the
gaps of familiar music was sufficient to trigger auditory subsequent silent period, preventing the measures from
imagery—a finding that indicates the obligatory nature returning to baseline. These results speak to the degree
of this phenomenon. Corroborating this observation, to which the preceding musical context can influence
all subjects reported subjectively hearing a continuation the experience of empty periods.
of the familiar songs, but not of the unfamiliar songs, Pauses serve to segment all kinds of sequential mate-
during the gaps in the music” (p. 158). Context can rial (Restle, 1972), including language, where the length
transform an acoustic silence into a perceived silence of the pause correlates with the hierarchical level of the
that is filled with imagined music. segment ending (Goldman-Eisler, 1972). Linguists, in
The complex time course of musical processing fact, make a distinction between physical pauses and
means that silences are invariably imbued with the lin- perceived pauses (Zellner, 1994)—a distinction which is
gering perception of past events as well as the anticipa- approximately equivalent to the distinction made in
tion of future ones. Tekman and Bharucha (1998) this study between acoustic and perceived silences, where
showed that for chords, priming effects (the facilitation perceived pauses are dependent on linguistic context. In
of processing for chords that are typical consequents, speech, pauses tend to be long and frequent between
and the enhancement of their perceived consonance) words that don’t group together, and short and less fre-
persist through silent periods of as long as 2,450 ms. quent between words that are interdependent (Grosjean,
These priming effects are triggered and persist even Grosjean, & Lane 1979). Mean durations of silent
when the prime is as short as 50 ms, suggesting a quick pauses in speech are comparable to the durations of the
rise and slow decay for priming effects across silences. musical pauses used in this study; in an interview, mean
Kallman and Massaro (1979, 1983) likewise illustrates pauses by speakers were 520 ms, in describing a cartoon
that although the presentation of an intervening audi- (a relatively more complex task), mean pauses were
tory stimulus significantly decreases recognition mem- 1320 ms (Grosjean & Deschamps, 1975).
ory, silent retention intervals only slightly decrease Deutsch (1980) showed that pauses segment melodies,
recognition memory for tones. Dureau (2005) recorded determining which melodic groups get remembered as
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488 E. H. Margulis

chunks. According to Lerdahl and Jackendoff (1983), it have been put forth by Fraisse (1984), who suggested
is interonset interval, rather than silence per se, that that expectancies increase experienced duration by
contributes to the determination of group boundaries. drawing attention to the passage of time, and by Orn-
One of the theory’s grouping preference rules stein (1969), who suggested that expectancies increase
(Slur/Rest) advocates locating a boundary at spots experienced duration by encouraging the perceiver to
where the time from the end of one note to the start of attend more closely to the environment, increasing the
the next is longer than the value of surrounding end-to- amount of information encoded into memory, and
start spaces, but another (Attack-point) advocates thus inflating the amount of time that seems to have
locating a boundary at spots where the time from the passed.
start of one note to the start of the next is longer than Jones and Boltz (1989) outline a framework for
surrounding start-to-start durations. The Attack-point understanding how structure guides different modes of
rule does not distinguish between held notes (where a attending that yield different time estimation strategies.
note is sustained from one attack-point to the next) and According to this framework, if the end of an event
pauses (where a rest follows the attack point of the first comes later than expected, the event will seem long and
note). In an empirical test of grouping strategies, Fran- its duration will be overestimated; whereas if the end of
kland and Cohen (2004) found that the Attack-point an event comes earlier than expected, the event will seem
rule accounted for boundary placement better than any short and its duration will be underestimated. However,
of the other rules tested, and that the Slur/Rest rule was if the structure of the stimulus does not afford the for-
only invoked by participants in response to one of the mation of clear temporal expectancies, duration estima-
stimulus melodies. These data suggest that under some tion will be based on the number of changes or segments
circumstances, silences and sustained notes can func- within the event, as described by Ornstein (1969).
tion in syntactically similar ways. Sloboda and Gregory Boltz (1989) asked participants to compare the dura-
(1980) distinguished between physical markers for tions of folk songs ending with different degrees of
phrase boundaries, such as a note of relatively long tonal resolution. Melodies ending on the leading tone
duration or a relatively long pause, and structural (thus lacking tonal resolution) were judged to be
markers for phrase boundaries, such as cadences (stan- shorter than those ending on the tonic (thus possessing
dardized harmonic progressions that often occur at tonal resolution). Boltz hypothesized that the expecta-
phrase ends). The study examined click migration, the tion for an impending tonic made the leading tone end-
tendency for clicks to be misremembered as occurring ings seem too early, causing the tune duration to be
closer to phrase boundaries than they occurred in real- underestimated. In Jones, Boltz, and Klein (1993), par-
ity, a phenomenon that characterizes both music and ticipants heard melodies with a phrase structure of high
language. Click migration shows that structural cues are temporal regularity, and were asked to judge the melody
sufficient to create anticipation for phrase boundaries, length. In some melodies, the final phrase was extended
and suggests that the psychological endpoint of phrases or contracted so that the final note occurred too early or
may be at the beginning of the final, elongated, closural too late in comparison to the previously established
pitch, rather than at the pitch’s end. If this is the case, the phrase regularities. When the final note occurred too
psychological difference between a short final note fol- early, participants underestimated the melody’s dura-
lowed by a silence and a final note held for the length of tion, and when it occurred too late, participants overes-
the silence may be negligible. timated the duration.
The present study uses estimated duration as one In Boltz (1991), participants over or underestimated
measure of contextual effects on silence. There is a large durations for the same stimulus, depending on the
literature on time estimation in psychology, ranging coherence of the level of structure attended to (either
from studies on the “watched-pot phenomenon” (Block, the temporally predictable higher level phrase structure
George, & Reed, 1980; Cahoon & Edmonds, 1980) – the or the temporally predictable lower level contour
overestimation of time periods in which the estimator changes among adjacent notes). Participants attending
is expectantly waiting for something to happen—to to the phrase structure over or underestimated the
studies on “turn-taking” in spoken language—the stimulus duration based on the expected endpoint, but
extraction of temporal regularities in speech that allow participants attending to the contour over or underes-
people in ordinary conversation to neither interrupt timated the duration based on the number of contour
nor enter too late after their partner’s utterance (Jaffe & changes (where more changes yielded longer estima-
Feldstein, 1972). Block and Zakay (1997) review the tions). In Boltz (1993), participants judged the dura-
time estimation literature. Theories of time estimation tion of a music perception task, and the duration of a
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waiting period within an experiment. They used the when it follows closed and open musical gestures; specif-
same strategies to under or overestimate durations as ically, that listeners will: (1) identify a silence more
the participants in the music studies. These findings quickly when it follows a closed gesture; (2) perceive
provide strong support for a general, domain inde- more tension in silence following an open gesture: and
pendent relationship between expectancy and time esti- (3) respond systematically differently to direct questions
mation. However, they concern the estimation of about silence when it follows open and closed segments.
relatively long periods: on the order of several seconds In Experiment 1, participants were played excerpts
or more. The silences used in the present study are from commercial recordings that contained an instance
much shorter, falling well within the range of the per- of musical silence. They were asked to perform three
ceptual present. The estimation of such short durations tasks in relation to the excerpts (with one task per stim-
might rely on different cognitive processes than the esti- ulus presentation). First, they were asked to indicate
mation of longer ones. Nakajima (1987) investigated when the silent periods started and ended. Second, they
the estimation of shorter durations, specifically empty were asked to move a slider to indicate their perception
durations between 40 and 600 ms, marked on either of fluctuations in tension across the course of the
end by short sound bursts. He found that the estimated excerpt (cf. Frederickson, 1995; Schubert, 2004; Vines,
duration of periods within this range were proportional Krumhansl, Wanderley, & Levitin, 2006). Third, they
to the physical duration plus a constant of ~80 ms. His were asked to answer a series of questions regarding
model distinguishes between physical duration, the their experience of the silence and the excerpt. In
measured time between the two sound bursts, and sub- Experiment 2, participants were asked to perform the
jective duration, the perceived time between the two. same tasks in relation to constructed musical excerpts
This distinction parallels the distinction made in this that were isochronous (except for two excerpts featur-
paper between acoustic and perceived silences. ing an accelerando and two featuring a ritardando),
Mattys, Pleydell-Pearce, Melhorn, and Whitecross monophonic, and unitimbral. Experiment 1 provided a
(2005) also worked with short silences and found that more ecologically valid study, in which listeners were
detection latencies for 200 ms pauses inserted into the likely to respond more closely to the way they would in
last word of spoken sentences depended on the lexical- nonlaboratory listening, but Experiment 2 provided a
semantic context of the preceding sentence. Similarly, controlled study, in which certain musical parameters
reactions to pauses in music are likely to depend on the were held constant and others varied to permit the iso-
surrounding context. Silences in music occur norma- lation of the impact of factors theorized to influence the
tively at phrase boundaries (Deliege, 1987; Huron, results for Experiment 1. Participants without musical
2006; Lerdahl & Jackendoff, 1983; Temperley, 2001; training were selected for both experiments, so that
Wertheimer, 1923/1938), where they contribute to a responses to the silences would reflect reactions to
gestalt separation that splits the music into two chunks: music, rather than assessments based on prior training.
one presilence, and one post. David Huron (personal
communication, December 30, 2006) used the software Experiment 1
toolkit Humdrum (Huron, 1995) to perform an analy-
sis of an often-used corpus of Western music: Helmut
Schaffrath’s Essen Folksong Collection (1995). In the PARTICIPANTS
collection’s 687 German ballads, there are 27,664 notes Twenty-five participants were recruited from “Intro-
and 1,192 rests in 3,088 explicitly marked phrases. Of duction to Music,” a class at Northwestern University
the rests, 1,130 (95%) occur at the ends of phrases, and with no prerequisites, intended for non-music majors.
only 62 (5%) occur within phrases. The goal was to recruit participants without substantial
Silences in music most often follow closure. Indeed, training in music. As compensation participants were
as in speech, where the length of the pause correlates given extra credit in the class and $5. The study took
with the hierarchic level of the structure achieving clo- about one hour to complete.
sure, longer silences in music tend to follow instances of Eight out of the 25 participants (32%) reported no
tonal closure on a larger scale (e.g., the final cadence of musical training whatsoever. Another nine (36%) repor-
a section versus the final cadence of a phrase, Berry, ted five or fewer years of instrumental lessons. Seven
1985). Yet silences can also occur midphrase for expres- (28%) reported between six and ten years of instru-
sive effect, at points of dramatic tension or interruption, mental lessons, and the remaining participant reported
before tonal closure has been achieved. This study 13 years of lessons. Five of the participants (20%)
hypothesizes that listeners will perceive silence differently reported some training in music theory, but all except
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490 E. H. Margulis

one of these five reported that the training was rudi- each clicked the appropriate onscreen box to indicate
mentary and lasted one year or less. None of the partic- when they heard periods of silence begin and end. Since
ipants characterized themselves as musicians, and none reaction time was the measure of interest, it was impor-
were music majors. tant that participants respond quickly. Although each
The participants reported listening to music between excerpt contained only one silence, multiple boxes were
1 and 34 hours per week (M = 11; SD = 10), and attend- included to prevent participants from indulging in the
ing between 0 and 20 concerts a year (M = 3; SD = 4). extra calculation time that might be necessary to decide
No participant data was summarily excluded. whether what seemed like the start of a silence was
really the start of the main silence in the excerpt; in
other words, including multiple boxes permitted them
Stimuli consisted of 20 musical excerpts taken from
to register false alarms. After the presentation of each
commercial recordings of tonal repertoire by composers
excerpt, to further encourage fast responding,
from Bach to Mussorgsky, featuring ensembles ranging
onscreen text reminded participants to be sure to
from solo piano to full orchestra (see Appendix A). No
“respond as quickly and accurately as possible.” Par-
vocal music was included, to avoid the complicating
ticipants were given two practice excerpts. After the
factor of text (one excerpt came from a choral work, but
practice trials, they heard the 20 musical excerpts in
the excerpt itself was entirely instrumental). Each
random order, then the same 20 excerpts in a different
excerpt featured a period of silence. This silence
random order.
occurred naturally on the recording and was not artifi-
Participants were asked to take a short break and were
cially introduced. The intent of the stimuli collection
then presented with Stage 2 or Stage 3 of the study (the
was to sample as wide a variety of musical contexts for
order of these stages was randomized). In Stage 2, par-
these silences as possible. The excerpts ranged in length
ticipants heard a series of musical excerpts and were
from 5.9 to 23.5 s (M = 14.1, SD = 4.7). The silences fea-
asked “to move a joystick to indicate the changes in ten-
tured in the excerpts ranged in length from 0.5 to 3.7 s
sion [they] perceive[d] across the course of musical
(M = 1.3, SD = 0.8). The length of the silences did not
excerpts.” Participants were not informed that the
correlate with the tempo of the excerpts; i.e., long
excerpts would be the same as those heard in Stage 1.
silences were found in both fast and slow excerpts, as
Participants moved the joystick forward to indicate
were short silences. Excerpt and silence timings were
increasing tension and back to indicate decreasing ten-
established with a short program written in MATLAB.
sion. They were encouraged to use the full range of the
This program scanned the excerpts for the lowest ampli-
joystick. They were given two practice trials and then
tude, and then marked the silence onset as the moment
performed the task for each of the 20 excerpts.
the amplitude descended below the criterion level of
In Stage 3, participants responded to a series of ques-
twice the lowest amplitude, and the silence offset as the
tions about the musical excerpts. Again, they were not
moment the amplitude returned to the criterion level.
informed that these would be the same excerpts used in
The recordings were presented over ALESIS point 7
Stages 1 and 2. (In poststudy discussion with the exper-
speakers with a shielded reference monitor, 4 ohms
imenter, many participants reported being unaware
impedance in a Wenger V-Ready Anachoic Chamber.
that they had heard any excerpt in more than one stage.)
The questions were presented and responses were col-
Participants heard each of the 20 musical excerpts fol-
lected in MediaLab (Stages 2 and 3) and Direct RT
lowed by the different questions in random order.
(Stage 1) (Jarvis, 2004) on an IBM Thinkpad T23
Halfway through the questions, they heard the excerpt a
running Windows 2000 Professional. DirectRT per-
second time. Participants responded using the key-
mits a timing resolution of 1 ms, and the latency due
board. The questions consisted of the following:
to the mouse did not change from excerpt to excerpt,
making precise timing comparisons possible. Tension n Did you hear a period of silence during the excerpt?
slider responses were collected with a Logitech
(Participants selected yes or no)
Extreme 3D Pro joystick moving in 1 dimension (for- n About how many seconds did the EXCERPT last?
ward to back).
(Participants entered a number)
PROCEDURE n About how many seconds did the SILENCE last?
Participants began the experiment by responding to a (Participants entered a number)
questionnaire about their musical background. n Where was the silence located within the excerpt?
In Stage 1 of the study, following an instruction set, (Participants indicated a rating on a 7-point scale
participants heard a series of musical excerpts and for from “at the start” to “at the end”)
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n Did you experience a sensation of beats (or imag- Results and Discussion
ined head nods, or hand claps) during the silence?
(Participants selected yes or no)
Boxplots were produced for the reaction times to the
n How unnoticeable or noticeable was your experi- silence onset and offset in each excerpt, and extreme
ence of beats during the silence? (Participants indi- cases (extremely early or late responses presumed to be
cated a rating on a 7-point scale from “very unnotice- due to participant error) were removed. Boxplot edges
able” to “very noticeable”) were Tukey’s hinges and extreme cases were identified
n Estimate the number of beats you imagined during as values more than three interquartile ranges from the
the silence (Participants entered a number) edge of a box. Using these criteria, an average of 2 out of
n How expected or surprising was the SILENCE the 25 responses to each silence onset were discarded
itself? (Participants indicated a rating on a 7-point for each excerpt. Since the order of presentation (first or
scale from “very expected” to “very surprising”) second hearing) did not affect reaction times to silent
n How expected or surprising was the music that onsets or offsets, F(1, 19) = 1.01, p = .46, reaction times
immediately FOLLOWED the period of silence? from both presentations were pooled and included.
(Participants indicated a rating on a 7-point scale Across all excerpts, the mean reaction time to silence
from “very expected” to “very surprising”) onsets was 148 ms (SD = 458 ms). The mean reaction
n How badly or well did the silence fit within the con- time to silence offsets was 421 ms (SD = 413 ms). Stan-
text of the excerpt? (Participants indicated a rating dard deviations were large because there was little consis-
on a 7-point scale from “very badly” to “very well”) tency from excerpt to excerpt in terms of orchestration,
n How unnoticeable or noticeable was the silence? dynamics, phrase structure, or tempo, leaving much
(Participants indicated a rating on a 7-point scale unpredictability in the stimuli. Additionally, participants
from “very unnoticeable” to “very noticeable”) often responded early to silence onsets when the preced-
n How relaxed or tense did the silence seem? (Partic- ing event was sustained and faded gradually (see Table 1).
ipants indicated a rating on a 7-point scale from (Experiment 2 featured sharp note releases and more
“very relaxed” to “very tense”) predictability from excerpt to excerpt, significantly

TABLE 1. Mean reaction times and standard error to silence onsets for excerpts in Experiment 1.

Mean RT to Standard
Excerpt Silence Onset (ms) Error

1. Bach St. Matthew Passion No. 36 233 69

2. Beethoven Op. 10 No. 3, Mvt. 1, Excerpt 2 422 67
3. Beethoven String Quartet Op. 131, Presto, Excerpt 2 –184 71
4. Beethoven String Quartet Op. 131, Presto, Excerpt 1 552 65
5. Beethoven Piano Sonata Op. 10 No. 3, Mvt. 1, Excerpt 2 617 67
6. Chopin Nocturne Op. 32 No. 1 86 66
7. Chopin Nocturne Op. 62 No. 1 –696 65
8. Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition (Ravel orchestration) No. 7 The Market 35 65
9. Beethoven Piano Sonata Op. 126, Mvt. 1 96 66
10. Haydn Symphony No. 104, Minuet 449 72
11. Haydn String Quartet Op. 103, Mvt. 1, Excerpt 1 –693 66
12. Haydn String Quartet Op. 77 No. 1, Mvt. 2 300 66
13. Haydn String Quartet Op. 103, Mvt. 1, Excerpt 2 435 65
14. Mozart Fantasy in C Minor, Excerpt 1 –69 65
15. Mozart Fantasy in C Minor, Excerpt 2 748 72
16. Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition (Ravel orchestration) 171 69
No. 10 The Great Gate of Kiev
17. Schubert Moment Musicaux Op. 94 No. 4 333 67
18. Schubert Moment Muiscaux Op. 94 No. 2 –195 65
19. Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 4, Mvt. 1 49 65
20. Wagner Prelude to Tristan and Isolde 693 71
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492 E. H. Margulis

reducing the standard deviations for the reaction times, TENSION (STAGE 2)
see discussion below). Stage 2 of the experiment assessed participants’ experi-
To assess the effect of preceding context on the speed ence of musical tension during the silent periods. Par-
with which silences were recognized as such, an ticipants moved a joystick forward and back while each
ANOVA was performed with onset reaction times as the excerpt progressed to indicate increasing and decreas-
dependent variable, and pieces (20) and subjects (25) as ing tension. Since silences in this experiment lasted for
variables. Reaction times varied significantly across different lengths of time, but no silence lasted for less
pieces, F(19, 452) = 13.99, p < .001. A priori post-hoc than 500 ms, to facilitate comparison the quantitative
contrasts were performed to assess the specific effects of analysis examined only the joystick movements during
tonal, metric, and rhythmic context on onset reaction the first 500 ms of each silence.
times. To assess the consistency with which participants
If the part of the excerpt immediately preceding the applied the concept of tension, results from Stage 2 were
silence ended with a tonic chord, reaction times were compared with results from Stage 3. As one part of
significantly faster than otherwise, F(1, 483) = 7.82, p < Stage 3, participants were asked after the completion of
.01. Contrastingly, if the part of the excerpt immedi- each excerpt to estimate how tense the silence had
ately preceding the silence ended with a predominant seemed on a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 signified
chord, reaction times were significantly slower than “extremely relaxed” and 7 “extremely tense.” Correla-
otherwise, F(1, 483) = 7.25, p < .01. These results are tions between the average joystick position in Stage 2
consistent with the hypothesis that untrained listeners during the first 500 ms of each excerpt’s silence and the
react quickly when silence follows a closural harmony rating of the silence’s tension in Stage 3 were high, r(19)
(tonic), but slowly when silence follows an implicative = .75, p < .001. The high correlations between real time
harmony (predominant). Participants’ responses to assessments of tension via the joystick in Stage 2 and
tonal features reflected their responses not to har- post excerpt assessments of tension via the ratings in
monies in isolation, but to harmonies as they are typi- Stage 3 suggest that participants were consistent about
cally embedded within phrase structures; tonic the way they applied the concept of tension; that the
harmonies are much more typical of phrase endings responses during the first 500 ms of the silence were rep-
than predominant harmonies. resentative of the overall impression of the silence (or
When the prevailing metric framework convinces a that the qualities of the silence’s beginning were more
listener to expect strong metric accent at a particular salient in retrospect), and that participants were paying
time point, it is particularly surprising if no note attack attention in both stages of the experiment.
occurs there (Lerdahl & Jackendoff, 1983). In other An ANOVA was performed with the mean joystick
words, it is more likely that a note attack will occur at a positions during the first 500 ms of each silence as the
metric downbeat than at an upbeat, and thus less likely dependent variable, and pieces (20) and subjects (25) as
that a silence will begin on a metric downbeat than on factors (see Table 2). Mean joystick positions (repre-
an upbeat. If the silence started on a metric downbeat, senting tension levels) varied significantly across pieces,
reaction times were significantly slower than otherwise, F(1, 19) = 282.63, p < .001. A priori post-hoc contrasts
F(1, 483) = 22.87, p < .001. Presumably, listeners’ expec- were performed to assess the effect of harmonic con-
tation for a note attack on the downbeat delayed their text. If a tonic chord preceded the silence, the silent period
response to the silence that occurred instead. This result was perceived as less tense than otherwise, F(1, 24) =
is consistent with the hypothesis that metric structure 10.27, p < .005. On the other hand, if a predominant
shapes silence perception. chord preceded the silence, the silent period was per-
Rhythmically, long notes contribute to the creation of ceived as more tense than otherwise, F(1, 24) = 13.18,
closure, and are more normatively followed by silences p < .001. These results suggest that the harmonic ten-
than are short notes (Lerdahl & Jackendoff, 1983). If the sion of the preceding chord carried over strongly into the
silence followed a long note (defined as a note at least ensuing silence.
four times longer than the average duration of the pre- The preceding analysis compared responses during
ceding notes), reaction times to silence onsets were sig- the first 500 ms of each silence, but a visual inspection
nificantly faster than otherwise, F(1, 483) = 43.15, p < of the shape of tension responses across the course of
.001. Long notes are representative of durational clo- entire silences yielded an additional interesting obser-
sure (Narmour, 1990), and are more likely to end a vation. As an example of the differences in perceptions
phrase than short notes. Closure, whether tonal or of tension during the silences in the different excerpts,
durational, speeded silence identification. compare the mean slider positions across the entire
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TABLE 2. Mean tension ratings and standard error to first 500 ms of silences for excerpts in Experiment 1.

Mean Tension Rating for Standard

Excerpt first 500 ms of Silence Error

1. Bach St. Matthew Passion No. 36 73 20

2. Beethoven Op. 10 No. 3, Mvt. 1, Excerpt 2 65 14
3. Beethoven String Quartet Op. 131, Presto, Excerpt 2 60 16
4. Beethoven String Quartet Op. 131, Presto, Excerpt 1 57 13
5. Beethoven Piano Sonata Op. 10 No. 3, Mvt. 1, Excerpt 2 60 13
6. Chopin Nocturne Op. 32 No. 1 58 12
7. Chopin Nocturne Op. 62 No. 1 64 16
8. Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition (Ravel orchestration) No. 7 The Market 80 24
9. Beethoven Piano Sonata Op. 126, Mvt. 1 78 16
10. Haydn Symphony No. 104, Minuet 80 15
11. Haydn String Quartet Op. 103, Mvt. 1, Excerpt 1 61 14
12. Haydn String Quartet Op. 77 No. 1, Mvt. 2 53 5
13. Haydn String Quartet Op. 103, Mvt. 1, Excerpt 2 81 19
14. Mozart Fantasy in C Minor, Excerpt 1 65 19
15. Mozart Fantasy in C Minor, Excerpt 2 87 17
16. Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition (Ravel orchestration) 80 20
No. 10 The Great Gate of Kiev
17. Schubert Moment Musicaux Op. 94 No. 4 67 16
18. Schubert Moment Muiscaux Op. 94 No. 2 82 18
19. Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 4, Mvt. 1 56 12
20. Wagner Prelude to Tristan and Isolde 59 14

silence in two excerpts from Haydn String Quartets: an silence of 1700 ms). These excerpts are particularly use-
unclosed excerpt from Op. 77, No. 1 (with a silence of ful for comparison, because they contrast presilence
1400 ms), and a closed excerpt from Op. 103 (with a closure and openness in excerpts from the same genre
by the same composer with comparable silence lengths.
Figure 3 and 4 present mean tension responses, aver-
aged across all participants, for the entire course of each
silence. Figure 3 shows that the tension from the inter-
80 rupted predominant chord suffuses most of the silence in
Op. 77, No. 1, with no significant decrease perceived until
after a full 1000 ms of silence. Contrastingly, Figure 4
shows that after the tonic chord in Op. 103, the silence
Mean Tension

is not only perceived to start at a lower level of tension,
but is also perceived to decrease dramatically right
away: mean slider positions move steeply downward
across all 1700 ms of the silence. The difference in the
shape of tension responses during the two silences sug-
gests that not only the absolute value, but also the time
course of musical reactions might differ depending on
tonal context.


100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400
In Stage 3, participants were asked a number of direct
Milliseconds from Start of Silence questions about their experience of each excerpt. First,
they were asked whether or not they detected a silence
FIGURE 3. Mean tension slider positions for all participants during the in the excerpt. On average, participants detected a
silence in an excerpt from a Haydn String Quartet (Op. 77, No. 1, Move-
ment 2, measure 29). A predominant chord (no tonal closure) precedes silence 95% of the time. The average detection rates for
this silence. only two excerpts were under 90%: the rate for the
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494 E. H. Margulis

on a tonic or dominant harmony immediately before

the silence, F(1, 24) = 56.75, p < .001. Reaction time data
from Stage 1 of the experiment show that participants
80 were late responding to the start of silences when they
followed predominant harmonies. Thus, for excerpts
featuring a predominant harmony before the silence,
listeners may not realize they are experiencing a silence
Mean Tension

70 until some portion of it passes, resulting in an experi-

ence of silence that seems overall shorter. In contrast,
the dynamic level preceding the silence did not seem to
affect the response time to silence starts. The increase in
overestimation generated by forte dynamics may stem
not from an earlier recognition that silence is occurring,
but rather from the greater contrast between the
acoustic content of the silence and the preceding period.
Specifically, the larger decrease in dynamics may have
marked the silence more dramatically, resulting in a
sensation of longer duration.













Milliseconds from Start of Silence Participants were also asked to estimate the duration
of the entire excerpt. These estimates were divided by
FIGURE 4. Mean tension slider positions for all participants during the the actual duration of each excerpt, producing a vari-
silence in an excerpt from a Haydn String Quartet (Op. 103, Movement 1,
measure 70). A tonic chord (tonal closure) precedes the silence.
able representing the ratio of estimated to actual
excerpt duration. On average, participants underesti-
mated excerpt lengths; the average estimate-to-actual-
excerpt from the Prelude to Tristan and Isolde (80%), duration ratio was 0.70. When the estimates of silence
and the rate for the excerpt from the beginning of length were divided by the estimates of excerpt length,
Chopin’s Nocturne Op. 62 No. 1 (88%). Both excerpts the data reveal that on average participants remem-
feature a long, sustained note that fades into the silence, bered the silences as taking up 32% of the length of the
suggesting that listeners may imaginatively project such excerpt. In reality, the average silence took up 9% of the
notes further when they are followed by periods of duration of the excerpt. Whether this durational infla-
acoustic silence. Some participants seemed to concep- tion is a consequence of the focus on silence implied by
tualize silence following long notes as a quiet continua- the experiment, or would occur in more ecologically
tion of the previous sound, rather than an actual valid settings remains open to question. The result may
silence. This speaks to the influence of context on such also be an artifact of the already short duration of the
basic sensations as: did I hear a silence or not? silences, which may have made underestimating less
Participants were also asked to estimate the duration likely than overestimating.
of the silence in each excerpt (see Block & Zakay, 1997, In addition to estimating the duration of the silences
for an overview of the time estimation literature). These and the excerpts, participants were asked to estimate the
estimates were divided by the actual duration of each location of the silence within the excerpt on a scale from
silence, producing a variable representing the ratio of 1 to 7, where 1 signified “at the start” and 7 signified “at
estimated to actual silence duration: if above 1, the par- the end.” The actual location of the silence was measured
ticipant overestimated its length, if below 1, the partici- by dividing the excerpt duration up to the midpoint of
pant underestimated it. On average, participants the silence from the excerpt duration in its entirety; the
overestimated silence lengths; the average estimate-to- higher this ratio, the closer the silence occurred to the
actual-duration ratio was 1.48. Contextual factors end. Then, a ratio of estimated to actual silence location
affected these duration estimates. The lengths of was produced by dividing the participant’s response by
silences following music in a forte dynamic were over- the actual silence location. The greater this ratio, the
estimated (by 31%) in comparison to silences following more participants misremembered the silence as occur-
music in a piano dynamic, F(1, 24) = 50.33, p < .001. ring closer to the end; the smaller this ratio, the more
Additionally, the lengths of silences following music participants misremembered the silence as occurring
that arrived on a predominant harmony were underes- closer to the beginning. When the silence followed a
timated (by 28%) in comparison to music that arrived predominant chord, participants misremembered it as
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having occurred closer to the start of the excerpt than it Bach’s St. Matthew Passion, (3.2). This is not surprising,
in reality did, F(1, 24) = 40.65, p < .001. When the because that silence falls on the weakest (third) beat of
silence occurred following a tonic chord, participants the triple meter, and this beat had not been articulated
misremembered it as having occurred closer to the end by a note attack in the melody at any preceding point in
of the excerpt than it in reality did, F(1, 24) = 37.68, p < the excerpt. Listeners were sensitive to the metrically
.001. Since tonic chords often end musical units, and “unmarked” quality of this silence. Contrastingly, the
predominant chords often occur nearer to their begin- only individual excerpt mean above 5.5 was that for the
nings, these shifts in remembered location might sig- Prelude to Tristan and Isolde (5.6). Since that silence
nify a representational realignment, where the excerpt is followed only two notes, the first short and the second
remembered as closer to syntactically normative than it quite long, this result was surprising. One theory about
actually was. the high beat salience in this excerpt might be that lis-
To assess the metric quality of the different silences, teners, with only one pitch change to cue a beat, count
participants were asked whether or not they experi- it forward mentally across the long following sustained
enced a sensation of beats (or imagined head nods or note and silence, in an effort to make sense of an
hand claps) during the silence.3 On average, 32% of ambiguous stimulus. The extra effort exerted to attempt
participants experienced a sensation of beats during the to locate a beat in such circumstances (London, 2004)
silent period. For only one excerpt did more than 50% may have been reported by participants as an elevation
(in this case, 57%) of participants report a sensation of in beat salience.
beats: the excerpt from Beethoven’s Hammerklavier Participants were asked to assess how expected the
Sonata. In this excerpt, a sequence had been established silence was, given the music up to that point. Participants
before the silence, consisting of a forte rhythmic gesture rated the silence as more expected if it was preceded by a
followed by a pianissimo echo of the gesture. The chord capable of cadential closure (tonic or dominant),
silence follows a forte rhythmic gesture, in the space and less expected if it was preceded by another harmony
that would normally be occupied by its pianissmo echo. (predominant), F(1, 24) = 16.45, p < .001. This result is
Since this missing gesture is highly rhythmic and clus- consistent with the idea, suggested also by the results
ters around a metric downbeat, it is not surprising that from Stages 1 and 2 of the experiment, that listeners
its absence during the period in question resulted in were sensitive to the normative position of silence after
many listeners imaginatively supplying a missing pulse. points of tonal closure.
Similarly, there were only two excerpts for which Participants were also asked to assess how expected
fewer than 20% (in both of these cases, 17%) of partic- the music after the silence was, using a scale from 1 to 7
ipants reported a sensation of beats: the excerpt from where 1 represented “very expected” and 7 “very unex-
Beethoven’s String Quartet Op. 131, and the excerpt pected.” The mean rating was 3.5. There were only two
from Schubert’s Moment Musicaux Op. 94, No. 4. In ratings under 2.5: that for Wagner’s Prelude to Tristan
both of these excerpts, the performer decelerates into and Isolde and Mozart’s C Minor Fantasy. In the Wag-
the rest, which is notated with a fermata. The decelera- ner excerpt, the music after the silence constitutes a
tion has the effect of gradually effacing the regularity of sequential repetition of the music before the silence. In
the beat, making it more difficult to mentally project the Mozart excerpt, the music after the silence consti-
across the course of silence. Moreover, a fermata often tutes a literal repetition of the music before the silence.
indicates a sort of beatless pause before the regular Listeners seemed to be sensitive to this patterning, and
pulse resumes; observe that in the Beethoven excerpt, appeared to interpret it as fulfilling expectations.
the fermata is over a barline rather than over any Silence has a function in grouping (Lerdahl & Jackend-
notated duration. This placement highlights the extra- off, 1983), serving to demarcate group ends and begin-
metric quality of that silence. nings. After the end of one group, a fundamental process
If participants responded that they had experienced a of expectation might project repetition of that group.
sensation of beats during the silence, they were also No ratings over 4.5 were given; however one excerpt was
asked to rate how salient the beats seemed on a scale assigned a rating of 4.4, indicating that the music after
from 1 to 7, and to enter the number of beats they imag- the silence was quite unexpected. In this excerpt from
ined. The overall mean salience rating was 4.8, and the Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition, the music after
only individual excerpt mean below 4.0 was that for the silence features an entirely different tempo, orches-
tration, dynamic level, and pitch and rhythmic pattern
Head nods or hand claps were used in case participants were than the music before the silence. Again, listeners
unfamiliar with the concept of a beat. seemed to be sensitive to this distinction.
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496 E. H. Margulis

In addition to being asked about the expectations melodies produced expressly for this study using Adobe
they had sustained during the excerpt, participants were Audition. Excerpts lasted between 4 and 9 s (M = 6.6).
asked to give a retrospective assessment of how well the The silences featured in the excerpts were 0.5 or 1 s
silence had fit within the excerpt, using a scale from 1 to long. Excerpts were isochronous with note durations of
7 where 1 represented “very badly” and 7 “very well.” 0.5, 1, or 1.5 s, except for two excerpts featuring a ritar-
The average fit rating across all excerpts was 4.6. Only 2 dando into the silence, two excerpts featuring an accel-
excerpts received a rating as low as 3.6; one from eration into the silence, and one excerpt featuring
Beethoven’s String Quartet Op. 131 and Bach’s St. staccato articulations: 200 ms notes interspersed by 500
Matthew Passion. In both excerpts, participants may ms silences. Each individual note in the melody had the
have been reacting to the silences’ unusual emphasis of same distribution of energy among its frequency com-
the measure’s weakest beat, and especially to the delay ponents, as well as the same amplitude envelope. In an
of the subsequent strong beat. attempt to induce a single metric interpretation for
Overall, the results from Stage 3 contribute more evi- each excerpt, notes falling on metric downbeats were
dence to the notion that silence perception is shaped in played subtly louder than the other notes (specifically,
multidimensional ways by the surrounding musical con- these notes received a 3 dB boost).
text. The questions to which participants responded are
exploratory in nature, and merely hint at the complex PROCEDURE

processing that likely underlies the musical experience of Procedures were identical to those used in Experiment 1,
silence. Future studies dedicated specifically to beat per- with one exception. Because the examples were both
ception in silences, for example, or to duration estimates more uniform (all using the same synthetic timbre, for
of empty periods, might provide more robust and example, versus the diversity among piano, chamber
detailed accounts of the perceptual mechanisms ensembles, and full orchestra in Experiment 1; all using
involved. These data simply suggest that the footprint of the same monophonic texture vs. the diversity among
musical context can be seen with other measures than textures in Experiment 1; all using the same two dynamic
reaction times and tension ratings. Future studies will levels vs. the diversity of dynamics in Experiment 1), and
hopefully explore this further. less inherently engaging (synthetic excerpts vs. real musi-
cal contexts), it was a concern that participants might not
attend musically to the stimuli. To encourage them to pay
Experiment 2
as close attention to the musical content as possible,
Method “checkup” questions were interspersed throughout the
reaction time part of the session. These questions asked
PARTICIPANTS participants about the contour of the excerpt, the place-
Twenty-eight participants were recruited from “Introduc- ment of its highpoint, and whether the excerpt was new
tion to Music” at Northwestern University, as in Experi- or they had heard it earlier in the session. These questions
ment 1. The study took about one hour to complete. were intended not to provide data for analysis, but simply
Eleven of the 28 (39%) participants reported no to encourage participants to attend to the music rather
music training. Another 12 (43%) reported five or than simply to scan for the silent period.
fewer years of instrumental lessons. The remaining five
(18%) reported between six and ten years of instru-
Results and Discussion
mental lessons. Only two of the participants (7%)
reported some training in music theory. None of the RTS (STAGE 1)
participants characterized themselves as musicians, and Boxplots were produced for the reaction times to the
none were music majors. silence onset and offset in each excerpt. Extreme cases
The participants reported listening to music between (very late or early responses due to presumed participant
2 and 28 hours per week (M = 10; SD = 7), and attend- error, see criteria for Experiment 1) were removed—on
ing between 0 and 12 concerts a year (M = 3; SD = 3). average 2 of the 28 participant responses to each
No participant data was summarily excluded. excerpt. One subject (number 6), who complained of
exhaustion during the session, performed particularly
MATERIALS poorly, and a disproportionate amount of his data was
The apparatus was the same as in Experiment 1. How- removed. Since the order of presentation (first or sec-
ever, Experiment 2 used different stimulus materials ond hearing) did not affect reaction times to silent
(see Appendix B). Instead of excerpts from commercial onsets or offsets, F(1, 24) = 0.01, p > .05, reaction times
recordings, excerpts were 23 monophonic, diatonic from both presentations were pooled and included.
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TABLE 3. Mean reaction times and standard error to TABLE 4. Mean reaction times and standard error to
silence onsets for excerpts in Experiment 2. silence offsets for excerpts in Experiment 2.

Mean RT to silence Standard Mean RT to silence Standard

Excerpt onset (ms) error Excerpt offset (ms) error

1. Accelerando closed 359 22 1. Accelerando closed 471 31

2. Arpeggios 430 22 2. Arpeggios 411 32
3. Accelerando open 494 23 3. Accelerando open 461 31
4. Long notes closed 419 22 4. Long notes closed 462 32
5. Long notes open 485 22 5. Long notes open 402 31
6. Closed long silence 412 22 6. Closed long silence 329 34
7. Repeated notes 425 22 7. Repeated notes strong 404 32
strong beat silence beat silence
8. Closed short silence 455 23 8. Closed short silence 542 34
9. Closed 368 22 9. Closed 454 33
10. Repeated notes short 437 23 10. Repeated notes short 614 31
strong beat silence strong beat silence
11. Open long silence 452 22 11. Open long silence 599 32
12. Open short silence 495 22 12. Open short silence 414 33
13. Ritardando closed 350 22 13. Ritardando closed 389 31
14. Ritardando open 474 22 14. Ritardando open 356 35
15. Repeated notes short 379 24 15. Repeated notes short 677 33
weak beat silence weak beat silence
16. Repeated notes weak 411 23 16. Repeated notes 375 32
beat silence weak beat silence
17. Repeated notes 392 22 17. Repeated notes 468 31
18. Open 414 21 18. Open 403 32
19. Sequence 437 23 19. Sequence 696 32
20. Repeated thirds 424 23 20. Repeated thirds 411 33
21. Patterned thirds 423 22 21. Patterned thirds 352 32
22. Repeated note triplets 397 23 22. Repeated note triplets 547 33

Across all excerpts, the mean reaction time to silence post-hoc contrasts were performed to assess the effect
onsets was 437 ms (SD = 70 ms). The mean reaction of tonal and metric context on onset reaction times.
time to silence offsets was 462 ms (SD = 80 ms). Since stimuli were isochronous, it was not possible to
Although mean reaction times to silence offsets were assess the effect of long notes as in Experiment 1. Some
comparable to those in Experiment 1, mean reaction excerpts featured closural movements to the tonic pitch
times to onsets were longer. It is likely that this differ- immediately preceding the silence, and others featured
ence is due to the difference in the release characteristics more open movements (such as leaps) to nontonic
of notes in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2. All notes in pitches. If the part of the excerpt immediately preceding
the artificial timbre used in Experiment 2 decayed the silence ended with closural movement to the tonic
quickly; however, many notes in Experiment 1 decayed pitch, reaction times were significantly faster than other-
slowly, causing participants often to identify a silence wise, F(1, 545) = 15.08, p < .001. Although the contexts
onset before the note had actually ceased completely to were impoverished in comparison to Experiment 1, they
sound. This and the greater predictability from excerpt elicited a similar result: reaction times were faster when
to excerpt, including metric probability, also accounts tonal closure preceded the silence. Unlike in Experiment
for the much smaller standard deviation for reaction 1, the data in Experiment 2 show no significant effect for
times in Experiment 2 (see Table 3). the metric placement of the silence. The metric contexts
An ANOVA was performed with onset reaction times may have been too simplified to elicit effects.
as the dependent variable, and pieces (22) and subjects An ANOVA was also performed with offset reaction
(28) as factors. Reaction times varied significantly times as the dependent variable, and pieces (22) and
across excerpts, F(21, 605) = 3.60, p < .001. A priori subjects (28) as factors (see Table 4). Reaction times
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498 E. H. Margulis

varied significantly across excerpts, F(21, 590) = 10.04, p when notes were 1000 versus 500 ms long, t(27) = 1.89,
< .001. As for the silence onsets, the order of presenta- p = .07. Both these findings are consistent with esti-
tion did not affect reaction times for silence offsets, F(1, mates of preferred synchronization rates (Parncutt,
24) = 0.97, p > .05, so reaction times from both presen- 1994). Overall, when the silence length matched the
tations were pooled and included. When the same two note length (500 or 1000 ms), participants responded
excerpts, differing only in that one achieved tonal clo- faster to the offsets for silences following open music,
sure before the silence and one did not, were played t(25) = 3.20, p < .005, suggesting that listeners expected
with notes of 500 ms duration and silences of either 500 silences to be as short as note durations only when clo-
or 1500 ms duration, the reaction times to the silence sure had not yet occurred.
offset were significantly faster after silences of 1500 Analyses were conducted to determine whether the
ms, t(26) = 5.47, p < .001. In other words, reaction metric placement of a silence (starting and/or ending
times to silence offsets were significantly faster after on or off the beat) affected reaction times to onsets or
longer silences, regardless of whether the music pre- offsets, as well as whether the meter of the excerpt
ceding the silence was open or closed. There are at least affected reaction times. No significant effects were
three possible explanations: first, the 500 ms offsets may found. This supports the idea that pitch contributes
have occurred while the participants were still recover- more to the conceptualization of silence than meter, but
ing from the onset response. Second, silences lasting it remains possible that another set of more metrically
longer than the average note duration may be norma- engaging stimuli, with notes and silences of different,
tive and thus more expected. Third, participants may less predictable lengths and more intricate melodic pat-
have targeted their attention at 1500 ms when an offset terns would reveal metric effects.
failed to occur at 500 and 1000 ms. Two of the excerpts featured a ritardando into the
To distinguish adequately between the possible expla- silent period. One excerpt achieved closure at the end of
nations, further research would be necessary. However, the ritardando, and the other remained open. Reaction
the present data allow an exploration of the hypothesis times to the silence onset for the excerpt whose ritar-
that offset reaction times relate to norms of silence dando arrived on the tonic pitch before the silence were
placement. Tonal closure tends to demarcate the end of faster than reaction times to the silence onset for the
a musical section, and is more often followed by long excerpt whose ritardando did not, t(26) = 4.38, p < .001.
silences than are other kinds of events. After a melody Similarly, two of the excerpts featured an accelerando
that achieves closure, listeners should anticipate a into the silent period. One excerpt achieved closure at
longer silence. Although the results are not significant, the end of the accelerando, and the other remained
the data show a trend in this direction. When 500 ms open. Reaction times to the silence for the excerpt
silences were preceded by music that achieved closure, whose accelerando arrived on the tonic pitch before the
responses to the silence offset were slower than when silence were faster than reaction times to the silence
the 500 ms silences were preceded by music that onset for the excerpt whose accelerando did not, t(26) =
remained open, t(26) = 1.98, p = .06. However, when 6.05, p < .001. Although ritardandos tend to point to
1500 ms silences were preceded by music that achieved closure, and accelerandi tend to point to continuation,
closure, responses to the silence offset were faster than in both cases the arrival of tonal closure seemed suffi-
when the 1500 ms silences were preceded by music that cient to produce an effect, even when temporal evi-
remained open, t(23) = 1.19, p = .08. This marginally sig- dence countered the closural impression (as in the case
nificant trend suggest that listeners responded more of the accelerando).
quickly to long silence offsets when they followed clo- Not only were reaction times to silence onsets faster
sure, but that they responded more quickly to short for tonally closed excerpts regardless of whether the note
silence offsets when they followed openness. This, in duration values were constant, increased, or decreased,
turn, suggests that listeners might be sensitive to the nor- but also increasing or decreasing the duration values
mative length of silences in different musical contexts. had no discernable effect on the reaction times. In other
Excerpts featuring 500 ms notes and 500 ms silences words, examining just tonally closed excerpts, there was
were contrasted with excerpts featuring 1000 ms notes no significant effect on reaction time to the silence
and 1000 ms silences. The responses to silence offsets onset of approaching it with steady, accelerating, or
were faster for the excerpts where both notes and silences decelerating note values. This finding suggests that the
lasted 1000 ms, t(26) = 4.69, p < .001. The same pattern tonal schema for silence location is strong enough to
held true for responses to silence onsets, although the override the effects of temporal entrainment (Jones &
trend did not rise to significance; responses were faster Boltz, 1989), which would predict that participants
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would react faster to silence onsets in temporally regu- continue to increase. This finding relates to Frankland
lar contexts. and Cohen’s (2004) observation that the Attack-point
rule, which does not distinguish between held notes and
TENSION (STAGE 2) interspersed silences, accounted for boundary place-
Since the stimuli in Experiment 2 were more impover- ments better than any other grouping rule in Lerdahl
ished, it was uncertain whether systematic tension and Jackendoff (1983). It also relates to the finding from
responses would be elicited. Although the results are Stage 3 of Experiment 1 (reported above) that listeners
not significant, there is a trend in the direction found in were most likely to miss a silence if it followed a long
Experiment 1, suggesting that basic tonal cues in a rela- sustained note; there is clearly some blending between
tively simple context are enough to activate perceptions perceptions of long notes and silences in some contexts.
of closure and openness. The first 500 ms of the silence The two most strongly contrasting excerpts—the
were perceived as less tense if the excerpt arrived on the excerpt in which the music decelerated to a tonic pitch
tonic pitch immediately before the silence, t(26) = 2.03, before the silence (Figure 6), and the excerpt in which
p = .05. the music accelerated to the leading tone (an open
Since some note durations were systematically varied pitch) before the silence (Figure 7)—can be compared
in Experiment 2, it was possible to examine the effect on in terms of the mean positions of the tension slider for
tension of sustaining a note versus following it by a all participants across the full 1000 ms of the silence.
silent period (see Figure 5). Not only is the position of each curve different—low
For excerpts ending in an open leap, sustaining the for the closed, decelerating excerpt, and high for the
final note over an additional 500 ms elicited a percep- open, accelerating excerpt—but also the shape of the
tion of greater tension increase than when the same 500 curves is different—steeply descending for the closed,
ms period was silent, t(25) = 2.70, p < .05. (This may decelerating excerpt, and gently arched for the open,
also have been a function of the slower tempo). For accelerating excerpt. After the closed arrival on the
excerpts ending in a closed arrival on the tonic, no sig- tonic in the excerpt represented in Figure 6, listeners
nificant difference emerged between sustained and reported an immediate decrease in tension, which was
silent excerpts. This difference in the effect of sustaining sustained across the course of the silence. However,
a note vs. following it with silence for open and closed
excerpts suggests that the time-course over which peo-
ple respond to closed and open moments is different. It
seems that as soon as the attack for a tonic arrival
occurs, participants perceive the tension to drop (com- 100
pare with Figure 4 from Experiment 1). It is equivalent
to them whether the tonic note is held or whether
silence replaces the hold: in both cases, participants
report the tension to drop. When there is an implicative 90
note, continuing to sound it systematically increases the
tension. But replacing some of the note’s duration with
Mean Tension

silence does not preserve the effect: the tension fails to




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Milliseconds from Start of Silence

FIGURE 5. 1000 ms tone and the same tone with a 500 ms duration FIGURE 6. Mean tension slider positions for all paricipants during the
followed by a 500 ms silence The two were more perceptually inter- silence in an excerpt featuring a ritardando to a tonic pitch (closure)
changeable after tonal closure, and less before it. before the silence.
Music2405_05.qxd 5/18/07 12:10 PM Page 500

500 E. H. Margulis

remained the same, longer silences were perceived as

poorer fits, t(27) = 4.21, p < .001.
Participants were asked whether they experienced a
sensation of beats during the silent period. More partic-
ipants reported hearing beats during the silence when
the excerpt consisted exclusively of repeated notes, t(27)
= 2.91, p < .01. Presumably, the absence of complex
Mean Tension

tonal information permitted a reallocation of attention

to the basic rhythmic qualities of the excerpt. Moreover,
because the melodic content in these excerpts was com-
pletely predictable (merely repetitions of a single note),
participants may have imaginatively extended it across
the course of the silence. These imagined notes may
have marked time in a way that led to the reporting of a
salient sensation of beats.
Participants rated silences as more tense when they
followed a tonally open segment even if the tempo was
changing (i.e., the music was accelerating or decelerat-
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 ing), t(26) = 3.01, p < .01. The same effect held for
Milliseconds from Start of Silence
excerpts where the silence was 1000 ms and the notes
FIGURE 7. Mean tension slider positions for all participants during the were 500 ms, t(24) = 2.43, p < .05. The same direction
silence in an excerpt featuring an accelerando to the leading tone (no of effect occurred for all other excerpts, but was not
closure) before the silence. significant. It may be that the 1000 ms silence allowed
more time for the difference in tension to noticeably
emerge, particularly given the results from the ten-
sion portion of the study suggesting that the time
after the open arrival on the leading tone in the excerpt scale of tension changes differs after closed and open
represented in Figure 7, listeners perceived the tension excerpts.
to continue to increase across the first half of the Participants were asked to estimate the duration of
silence, but gently curve back down to its preceding the silence. These estimates were divided by the actual
level in the second half. These results echo those from silence durations to produce ratios reflecting the degree
Experiment 1, shown in Figures 3 and 4. of over or underestimation. Because all excerpts except
the four featuring a ritardando or accelerando were
QUESTIONS (STAGE 3) isochronous, it was hypothesized that temporal infor-
Participants first reported whether they heard any silent mation would be clearer and estimates would be more
period in the excerpt. On average, participants reported accurate. Indeed, estimates were more accurate than in
hearing a silence 92% of the time. In one excerpt, 500 Experiment 1, but still reflected an inflation of the
ms silences were interspersed among 200 ms notes, silence’s duration in memory. On average, participants
making the silences seem more like articulations (con- estimated silences to be 1.16 times as long as they actu-
ferring a staccato, truncated quality on the notes) than ally were (as opposed to 1.48 times in Experiment 1). As
like marked rests (although in other contexts, the 500 in Experiment 1, silences occurring immediately after
ms silence functioned clearly as rests). For this excerpt, the arrival of tonal closure were estimated as lasting
far fewer participants (14%) reported hearing a silence, longer than silence occurring after music that remained
t(27) = 9.95, p < .001. As in Experiment 1, context was open, t(22) = 2.14, p < .05. Given the results from the
able to modulate whether participants perceived a reaction time portion of the study, this difference is the-
silence or not. orized to arise out of the fact that it takes listeners some
As in Experiment 1, participants were asked to rate time to acknowledge that a silent period has actually
how well the silence fit within the excerpt. Silences fol- begun when no closure has yet occurred.
lowing an arrival on the tonic pitch were perceived as bet- In comparison to Experiment 1, participants were
ter fits than silences following melodies that remained also more accurate in judging the lengths of excerpts,
open, t(22) = 2.83, p = .01. Moreover, when note lengths slightly underestimating them as .97 times the length
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Silences in Music 501

they actually were. When the estimates of silence length proved highly sensitive to subtleties regarding the con-
were divided by the estimates of excerpt length, the data textual placement of silence. Statistical learning has
reveal that on average participants remembered the been proposed as a mechanism to account for this kind
silences as taking up 26% of the length of the excerpt. In of implicit enculturation (Saffran, Johnson, Aslin &
reality, the average silence took up 15% of the duration Newport, 1999). It is particularly noteworthy that
of the excerpt. As in Experiment 1, these data show an responses reflective of stylistic norms were elicited not
inflation of comparative silence length in memory, only by full musical excerpts, but also by starkly impov-
though not as extreme an inflation. erished excerpts possessing only the barest rudiments of
Overall, results from Stage 3 in Experiment 2 mirror tonal structure. Precisely what (or how little) is required
those from Stage 3 in Experiment 1, but without as to persuade listeners to “respond musically” (where
much richness and subtlety; a consequence of the “respond musically” means cognitively to activate a
starker, simpler musical contexts. particular set of schemas and expectations, and physio-
logically to activate particular neural circuitry)?
People have hypothesized that part of the nature of a
General Discussion “musical” response is its partial ineffability (Raffman,
1992). The responses to silence made during this study
Several general trends emerged across both experi- were complex and consistent across a population of
ments. First, and most generally, musical context affects untrained participants, yet ordinary conversation
the perception of silent periods, themselves devoid of would likely not reveal that these moments had partic-
any presently sounding stimulus. Second, silence is ularly engaged the listeners. Indeed, as Bent (1981)
affected not only by the temporal context surrounding observes, even the terminology trained musicians use to
it, but also by the pitch context preceding it (although discuss silence implies that it is little more than a
silences themselves contain only temporal information: nonentity, a blank canvas on which the notes are drawn.
the length of their duration). Third, the occurrence or The results from this study, however, suggest that
nonoccurrence of tonal closure (in the form of a silences are loci of active musical engagement. What
melodic descent to the tonic pitch, or a cadential arrival cognitive mechanisms underlie the projection of musi-
on the tonic chord) immediately before the silence is cal expectations that produce stable measures (such as
perhaps the most significant factor in the shaping of reaction time and tension assessments) of active pro-
that silence’s sound. cessing during silent spans but seem not to rise to the
Silences often occur at phrase boundaries in both lan- level of direct reportability? What does it mean that
guage and music, allowing time for listeners to shift people seem to respond musically even when they don’t
attention from one syntactic unit to the next (Knösche know they’re doing so?
et al., 2004). Yet they can also occur mid-phrase, at Silent periods embody an opportunity to study the
points of dramatic tension or interruption (Dougherty, active, participatory nature of musical engagement.
1981). This study shows that listeners responded differ- Although very little empirical literature has so far
ently to these silences, reacting to them more slowly, exploited their potential, silent periods could provide a
and experiencing a different flow of musical tension unique chance to study the way that past musical events
across their duration. Overall, it provides additional shape expectations about future ones, and the way that
evidence that the time course of musical engagement is underacknowledged, often taken for granted musical
complex; elements from the past (e.g., preceding musi- elements (such as rests) are actually suffused with the
cal context) impact significantly on the experience of full extent of “musical” listening. The Duc de la
the present (e.g., a presently sounding silence), such Rochefoucauld made a telling observation about speech:
that a silence within one context is not really experi- silences might be “eloquent,” “mocking,” or “respectful,”
enced as the same event as that silence in another con- he said, and mastery of such “airs and tones” is only
text. It remains an intriguing topic for further inquiry “granted to a few” (“The Chattering Classes,” 2006). Just
how precisely this web of remembering and expecting as the keys to the social relationships in a 17th century
applies in musical listening, and in experience at large. salon might be unlocked only by careful attention to the
These results also add support to the growing body of most inconspicuous of conversational elements—the
evidence that listeners implicitly extract stylistic norms pause—the keys to the nature of musical attending
from the corpuses of music they encounter. Participants might be found most readily in the places where the
in this study had little or no musical training, and yet notes stop.
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502 E. H. Margulis

Author Note on the project, and David Huron for providing a cor-
pus analysis of rests in the Essen Folksong Collection.
The author would like to thank the Northwestern Univer-
sity School of Music for support of this project during Correspondence concerning this article should be
the data collection stages, when the author was on the addressed to Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis, University of
School of Music faculty. The author would also like to Arkansas Department of Music, 201 Music Bldg, Fayet-
thank Christopher Rhoads for statistical consultation teville, AR, 72701. E - MAIL :


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Appendix A

List of repertoire from which excerpts were drawn for use as stimuli in Experiment 1.

Excerpt Silence Silence length as percentage

Piece length (s) length (s) of excerpt length

Bach, St. Matthew Passion, Ach! nun ist mein Jesus hin! 10.94 0.45 4.11
Beethoven, Piano Sonata Op. 10, No. 3, Movement 1 (Excerpt 1) 10.09 1.26 12.49
Beethoven, Piano Sonata Op. 10, No. 3, Movement 1 (Excerpt 2) 13.51 1.17 8.66
Beethoven, Piano Sonata Op. 126, Movement 1 9.39 0.50 5.33
Beethoven, String Quartet Op. 131, Movement 5 (Excerpt 1) 7.73 0.74 9.58
Beethoven, String Quartet Op. 131, Movement 5 (Excerpt 2) 12.86 0.80 6.22
Chopin, Nocturne Op. 32, No. 1 14.77 1.06 7.18
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504 E. H. Margulis


Excerpt Silence Silence length as percentage

Piece length (s) length (s) of excerpt length

Chopin, Nocturne Op. 62, No. 1 17.14 2.74 15.98

Haydn, String Quartet Op. 77, No. 1, Movement 2 14.72 1.70 11.55
Haydn, String Quartet Op. 103, Movement 1 (Excerpt 1) 15.31 1.42 9.27
Haydn, String Quartet Op. 103, Movement 1 (Excerpt 2) 17.56 1.06 6.04
Haydn, Symphony Op. 104, Movement 3 21.10 1.90 9.00
Mozart, Fantasy in C Minor (Excerpt 1) 9.41 1.01 10.74
Mozart, Fantasy in C Minor (Excerpt 2) 5.90 0.59 10.00
Mussorgsky, Pictures at an Exhibition, (transcribed 11.60 0.92 7.93
for orchestra by Ravel), Limoges—the Market
Mussorgsky, Pictures at an Exhibition, (transcribed for 16.20 0.85 5.25
orchestra by Ravel), Great Gate of Kiev
Schubert, Moment Musicaux Op. 94, No. 2 17.23 3.73 21.65
Schubert, Moment Musicaux Op. 94, No. 4 21.03 1.98 9.42
Tchaikovsky, Symphony No. 4, Movement 1 23.47 1.29 5.50
Wagner, Prelude to Tristan and Isolde 11.08 1.30 11.47

Appendix B


Repeated notes strong beat silence

Repeated notes weak beat silence


Patterned thirds

Repeated thirds

Repeated note triplets

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505 E. H. Margulis Silences in Music 505


Repeated notes



Repeated notes short strong beat silence

Repeated notes short weak beat silence

Closed short silence

Open short silence

Open long silence

Closed long silence

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506 E. H. Margulis


Long notes open

Long notes closed

Notes increase length (ritardando) up to silence:

Ritardando open

Notes decrease length (accelerando) up to silence:

Accelerando open

Accelerando closed

Notes are 200 ms separated by 500 ms pauses:

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

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