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❖ Yippee!! Summer vacations started ☺.

❖ Summer Vacations are the best time to relax and enjoy with
everyone. Every year children and students wait for
their summer vacations to start so that they can get rid of their
School and their studies for a short while.

• Read the poem and answer the questions.

Brrrr! It is getting cold.
Bear needs to get ready for winter.
First, he eats a lot.
Next, he finds a den.
Then, he fills the den with leaves, so he will stay warm.
Last, he eats even more!
Is Bear ready for winter?
Yes, he is. Winter is here!

1. Who is the character?

Ans. _________________________________________.

2. Bear is getting ready for what?

Ans. _____________________________________________.

3. How does bear filled the den?

Ans. ______________________________________________.

• Read and write one page daily. Do it in a separate notebook.

• Make new words from the following sounds:
1. Cr
2. Sl
3. Wh
4. Ee
5. Bl
6. Sh
7. Sp
8. Pl
9. Ch
10. Fr
• Write about yourself and start each sentence with ‘I’.
1. NAME : ____________________________
2. AGE : ______________________________
3. SCHOOL : ___________________________
4. CLASS : _____________________________
5. LIKE/HOBBIES : _______________________
• ACTIVITY: Make a beautiful chart of singular / plural nouns OR masculine and
feminine genders.


• Learn tables from 2 to 9. Write one table daily in your notebook.

• Write number names of all even numbers comes between 0 to 100.
• ACTIVITY: Make a chart of mathematical tables ( 3 tables of your choice).


• निम्ननिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीनिए –:

सर्दि योों का मौसम था। सुबह का वक्त। चारोों ओर कोहरा ही कोहरा। एक शेर
का बच्चा र्समटकर गोल-मटोल बना जामुन के पेड़ के नीचे सोया हुआ था। इधर
भालू साहब सैर पर र्नकल तो आए थे लेर्कन पछता रहे थे। तभी उनकी नज़र
जामुन के पेड़ के नीचे पड़ी। आँ खें फैलाई, अक्ल दौड़ाई- अहा ! फुटबॉल। सोचा,
चलो इससे खेलकर कुछ गमी हार्सल की जाए।
1. कौिसा मौसम था ?
2. शेर का बच्चा कहााँ सनया था ?
3. भािू िे पेड़ के िीचे क्या दे िा ?

• प्रत्येक मात्रा के 5-5 शब्द कॉपी में निखिए !

• Write one page सुिेि daily in your notebook. Do it in separate
• ACTIVITY: Make a beautiful chart of स्वर और व्योंिि .


• Write 5 sentences on your school in your notebook.

• Learn chapter 1 and 2 from your EVS book and notebook.
• Male a FIRST AID BOX with any waste box at your home and draw a red + on
it. Put only 5 things in the box.
• ACTIVITY: Make a beautiful chart of a family tree OR body parts.


• Learn current affairs Question/Answers done in the notebook.

❖ Decorate the cover page of your notebook and

do the work neat & clean.

--------------------------HAPPY VACATIONS--------------------------------

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