Project Report: Problem Solving and Design Thinking

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Problem Solving and Design Thinking

Subject Code: CSL 110

Project Report

Faculty name:
Dr. Shaveta Arora
 Aayush Kumar (20MEU008)
 Pulkit Batra (20MEU006)
 Akshay Sharma (20ECU001)
 Dildar (20MEU003)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

The NorthCap University, Gurugram- 122001, India
Session 2020-21
Project Title: Cook Bot

Millions of people live away from home due to many reasons such as studying or
working. Well, the common problem among them is one involved with food. It is
true that nothing compares with home cooked food. With this fast-paced world, it
is tough to have a proper schedule of work and maintaining a fixed time to eat.
This is when we found out that we are actually not alone who thinks that this is a
problem which remains un-noticed. After this, we started our work towards
solving this problem and here we are with a solution COOK BOT 
This report takes you through our journey from having just an idea for helping
people to coming up with a solution. We cover how each principle of design
thinking and tools helped us throughout and much more.
Table of Content

Sno. Title Page Number

1. Introduction 5-6
2. Design Thinking Principles and Tools Used 7-13
3. Result and Conclusion 14
4. References 15
In a study, it is found that about 11 million people die every year due to improper
diet and that is really concerning. Our project Cook Bot might help us save a few.
The reason for an improper diet may be any but majorly it is the improper
schedules and overlooking of importance of Good Food.
Cook Bot is a machine that we have designed which can provide you with freshly
cooked food on a click of a button. Cook Bot is an electric machine made out of
recyclable materials. Currently it only supports OBM (One Bowl Meals). A thing
that users love is the automation of the cooking. The consumer doesn’t have to
cut the vegetables prior, just have to fill in the supplies as they come from
market. The machine level 4 helps to automate this process. Below are the
important details that we can’t miss.
Cost of Operation and Setup-
The machine is expected to cost only Rs.30,000 in the initial stages of production
and if the manufacturing is upstretched to 1000 units or more per month then the
cost can come down to around Rs.25,000. The cost of operative electricity of is
Rs. 400 and rest of the cost really depends on the materials that you refill. Cook
Bot can cook for up to two people in one go.
Working Idea –
The machine works on the principles of IOT. It uses Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to pair
with the user’s device for remote working capabilities.
The machine basically consists of 7 portions.
Which are as-
1. Storage section for Spices and Oil
2. Storage for non-refrigerated items
3. Perishable item storage
4. Item cure line
5. Item lineup section
6. The conveyance line
7. Induction Plate
Guide to use –
To use the machine you just have to fill the machine with supplies once a week
like on weekends, with vegetables like Onion, Tomato, Potato, Peas, etc. and once
a month with spices like Red Chilly, Turmeric, Salt, etc. and any type of oil. You
can either connect the water supply or you can fill in the water every day or two.
Now, the user have to install an application on their phone and connect with the
machine. And on a click of a button the bot can make a dish by using either the
pre-saved recipes or using a custom of the user.
As we know that most people have to commute to work, they can just push the
button set the ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) on the phone when they are on
their way back and by the time they reach, they’ll get a good wholesome meal
cooked preferably 2-3 minutes before they reach.
Design Thinking Principles and Tools Used

Design Thinking is essentially a problem-solving approach specific to design, which

involves assessing known aspects of a problem. Well, in simpler terms, design
thinking is one of the most efficient and effective method to solve a problem. To
solve the previously known problem, we used design thinking principles in order
to make the whole process smooth and effective. And we explain how each
principle really helped us ahead.

Empathize - We started off by gathering information. We conducted interviews

and surveys which helped us to get a fresh perspective of the problem. After the
Interviews on Google Meets and Surveys on Google Forms, we formed 2 empathy
maps which were very crucial in understanding the problem. Below you can find
the survey form and answers received and both the empathy maps.
Define- Next, our goal was to define the problem statement. Which in turn,
helped us to focus on the main core of the problem. The Problem Statement we
formed was looking like such –

Manav needs a portable solution to provide him meals anytime

Ideate- After understanding the main problem and the reason behind it, we went
on to follow the methods of Ideation and started thinking of solutions and plotted
it on a MindMap using Miro. When we were thinking and searching of solutions,
we got to learn that there is no product to buy to solve this problem but we surely
plotted a MindMap on Miro. The MindMap is attached below.

Prototype- To decide which idea to take to prototype stage, we presented this to

a close circle and we had a vote to bring forward the idea to make a custom
machine. To design the machine, we used the DIVIDE and CONQUER strategy.
Pulkit and Dildar were responsible to design the in-machine stowing systems and
Aayush and Akshay were responsible to design the in-machine conveyance

Test- The problem remains unsolved until and unless the stakeholders give their
token of approval and that is when we started the steps to test the prototype.
The challenge was that we didn’t had the machine with us and the COVID-19
guidelines were in effect. This forced us to test it with a mass survey. A google
Form was created and was circulated across the people and the stakeholders. Till
22nd June we received many responses and luckily, we got a thumbs up for our
This was all possible because of tools that we had access to -

1. Google Meet: (used to conduct Interviews)

Google Meet, also known as Google Hangouts Meet, is built to let dozens of
people join the same
virtual meeting, and
speak or share video
with each other from
anywhere with internet access.

2. Google Forms: (used to take Surveys)

Google Forms is free online software that allows you to create surveys, quizzes,
and. It's part of Google's web-based apps suite,
including Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and more. It's a versatile
tool that can be used for
various applications, from
gathering RSVPs for an
event to creating a pop

3. Jamboard: (used for Empathy Map)

Jamboard is one smart display. Quickly pull in images from a Google search, save
work to the cloud
automatically, use the
easy-to-read handwriting
and shape recognition
tool, and draw with a
stylus but erase with
your finger – just like a whiteboard.
4. Miro: (used for Mind Map)

Miro is a cloud-based collaboration tool for small to midsize businesses. The

solution features a digital
whiteboard that can be used
for research, ideation, building
customer journeys and user
story maps, wireframing and a
range of other collaborative
Result and Conclusion

The machine Cook Bot is not just a machine that cooks. It is one of the reliever for
family and self. Self-peace comes when there’s a guarantee that you’ll get fresh
food whenever you reach home and there is no need to hurry or have that packed
food which believe us or not, helps focus in ones work as well.
Apart from good mental health, it also ensures that you eat healthy food every
day. The inbuilt recipe database is designed to use very minimal oil and make the
food as worthy as possible.
Our loved Mothers all around the world, cook for their family every day and the
point of concern comes in when their sons or daughters are away from home and
they don’t have someone to cook for them. The first question they ask on a call is,
“Khana Khaya Kya?” And Cook Bot might not make as good food as our mothers ;)
but it surely maintains the peace of mind of all the well-wishers too. This makes
Cook Bot a project that brings a smile on the face and a satisfaction in mind.
The process of working on this project in a group has helped us discover new
things like facts, tools, methods, point of views. We also cannot deny the fact that
Design Thinking helped us save many months of work as it create a smooth
workflow across the team.


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