Lesson 5 Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary Sources II (Part II)

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Reading in Philippine History

Content and Contextual Analysis for Selected Primary Resources

Module 5 Week 5 Content and Contextual

Analysis for Selected Primary Resources

At the end of this module, you are expected t0:

1. Discuss and Determine the Content and Contextual Analysis for Selected
Primary Resources
a) A Glance at Selected Philippine Political Caricature in Alfred
McCoy’s Philippine Cartoons: Political Caricature of the
American Era (1900-1941)
2. Analyze the Content and Contextual Analysis for Selected Primary
a) A Glance at Selected Philippine Political Caricature in Alfred
McCoy’s Philippine Cartoons: Political Caricature of the
American Era (1900-1941)

Political Caricature in Alfred McCoy’s Philippine Cartoons: Political Caricature

of the Caricature of the American Era (1900-1941)
Political Caricature/ Cartoon
- Modern art form that turned away from classical art by exaggerating human features
and prodding fun at its subjects.
- It is also known as Editorial Cartoon that contain a commentary that express the artist
opinion toward certain issues.
- This art became part of the print media as a form of political and social commentary
that usually pin point the person’s power and authority. It is a unique way to present
ideas and capture the audience or readers’ imagination.
In Alfred McCoy’s book Philippine Cartoons: Political Caricature of the American Era (1900-
1941), with the help of Alfredo Roces, they complied some political cartoons that is published in
newspaper dailies and periodical in the aforementioned time period.
McCoy’s and Roces Book show the transition from the Spanish Colonial period to the
American Occupation period, it also demonstrated the different strands of changes and shift in
Philippine culture. Society, and politics.
In this part, we are going to look at selected cartoon or caricature and discuss its content.

Course Module
Figure 1. Cartoon Published in The Independent on May 20, 1916

The example shown above present politician from Tondo, as shown above it is Dr. Santos,
passing his crown to his brother-in-law, Dr. Barcelona. As you can see there is a Filipino guy who is
wearing a salakot and barong tagalog who’s trying to stop Santos.

Figure 2. Cartoon Published in The Independent on June 16, 1917

The second example shown above was drawn by Fernando Amorsolo and it aimed as a
commentary to the workings of Manila Police at that period. As can you see there is a Filipino child who is
running because he stole a skinny chicken for he had nothing to eat. The police officers was running after
him then suddenly a man wearing a salakot and barong tagalog, labeled as Juan de la Cruz was grabbing
or stopping the officer, it seems like it was telling him to leave the small-time pickpockets and thieves and
to turn at the great thieves instead, he was also pointing at his back where in a huge warehouses
containing bulk of rice, milk, and some grocery product.

Figure 3. Cartoon Published in Philippine Free Press showing Colorum Car

Reading in Philippine History
Content and Contextual Analysis for Selected Primary Resources

The third example shown above was showing an illustration of commentary about the
unprecedented cases of colorum automobiles in some city street. This illustration shows fatal accidents
involving colorum automobiles such as taxis and jeepneys that occurred too often already.

Figure 4. Cartoon depicts a cinema

The fourth example shown above was revealing a cinema scenario. There is a rigid police
officer that was flashed at the screen who was saying that couples are not allowed to neck, make love and
do something funny inside the cinema but seemed the older couple were amused and the youngster
couple were horrified.

Figure 5. Cartoon Published by The Independent on November 27, 1915

The fifth example shown above was exemplifying the caricature of Uncle Sam who was
riding a chariot that was pulled by Filipinos who’s wearing school uniforms. As you can see in the
illustration the Filipino Boy who was wearing school uniform is also carrying American objects such as
baseball bats, whiskey, and boxing gloves. According to McCoy’s caption to the said cartoon, stated that
this cartoon was based on an event where in William Howard Taft was conveyed to manila pier riding a
chariot who was pulled by Liceo de Manila’s students in 1907. It was condemned by the Nationalist at that

Course Module
Figure 6. Cartoon Published by Lipang Kalabaw on August 24, 1907

The last example shown above was showing Uncle Sam rationing Porridge to the politicians
and members of the Progresista Party also known as Federalista Party while on the other side was the
Nacionalista Party member who were waiting and look on for their turn. This cartoon portrays the
patronage of the United States being coveted by politician from either of the party.

References and Supplementary Materials

Books and Journals
1. Antonio, Eleonor D., Dallo, Evangeline M. at et al... ; 2010; Kayamanan (kasaysayan ng
Pilipinas); Sampaloc, Manila; Rex Book Store, Inc.
2. Agoncillo, Teodoro A.; 2010; Philippine History; South Triangle, Quezon City; C & E
Publishing, Inc.
3. Candelaria, John Lee P., Alporha, Veronica C.: Reading in Philippine History; Sampaloc
Manila : REX Book Store, Inc.

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