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International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology

Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X (

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A Review : Corporate Governance and Sustainability

Alex Antwi-Adjei1, Yusheng Kong2, Oyinka Kwame3, Nana Ama Antwi-Adjei4
1,2, School of Finance and Economics, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, PR China
3Seed Production Unit, Ghana Cocoa Board,

4Galaxy Oil, Ghana,

Corresponding Author:


Article Info The study was to summarize corporate governance and sustainability
Volume 7, Issue 6 performance empirically. The increased importance of corporate social
Page Number : 79-89 responsibility has also been associated with an increased demand for better
Publication Issue : information on companies’ sustainability performance. However, sustainability
November-December-2020 performance and reporting are (still) voluntary, though CG pressures may urge
companies to become more responsible for their sustainability performance.
This was achieved by reviewing other studies undertaken by other scholars
across the world over the period. Again, the review was based on the GRI
(Global Reporting Index) and sustainable goals for agenda 2030. The
implication of the study was not just to extend literature but also to provide a
new beginning and an idea for the recent development in corporate
governance and sustainability performance. The outcome was also meant to
Article History add to the continuous standard-setting agenda, primarily as the summary was
Accepted : 05 Nov 2020 based on the GRI framework and the sustainable goals agenda.
Published : 14 Nov 2020 Keywords : Corporate Governance, Sustainability, Performance

I. INTRODUCTION level of ownership dispersion, corporate governance

systems can be classified as outsider systems or insider
Corporate Governance and Sustainability systems (Salvioni et al. 2016; Rahman 2017). Outsider
or market-oriented systems are characterized by
Company ownership and control structure are two of highly dispersed ownership: shareholders exercise
the most striking differences between corporate control on managers’ activities through their right to
governance systems (Salvioni et al. 2016; Franks et al. vote, by their shareholdings. In this sense, the
2017). Differences in cross-border corporate judgment on serving management originates from the
shareholding bring differences in administrative and financial market. When the owners are not satisfied,
control bodies regarding composition, independence, they sell their shares, signalling a state of distrust: this
and control mechanisms, among others. Based on the opens up the possibility for a takeover, followed by a

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Technoscience Academy. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-
commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
Alex Antwi-Adjei et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. November-December-2020; 7 (6) : 79-89

change in the board composition. Therefore, the high Magni 2019). Companies are no longer seen merely as
dispersion of share capital connects corporate success instruments of the shareholders. However, they exist
to the maximization of short-term profit, which is within society, so they have responsibilities to that
usually welcomed by the financial markets and society: a wide variety of other stakeholders are
generates approval for the board’s decisions. In this interested in the company, are affected by, and
context, corporate governance choices tend to favour influence its activities (Benton 2016 & Admati 2017).
profit maximization: indeed, this enables the Understanding a company’s responsibility towards a
company to satisfy shareholders’ expectations for large range of stakeholders is the basis for success and
short-term remuneration and to gain their consent survival in a globalized and dynamic world (Aguilera
(Grogaard et al. 2019; Wang et al. 2017). In these et al. 2019; Salvioni and Gennari 2016). Therefore, the
systems, the protection of minority shareholders is board of directors should redefine corporate priorities
guaranteed by the market liquidity and the and goals according to the principles of sustainable
consequent possibility to sell the shares quickly. development. The term sustainability has many
definitions, starting from the broadest one included in
In contrast, insider systems are characterized by the Brundtland Report (1987) (Admati 2017).
concentrated ownership: such capital structure Corporate sustainability means that companies should
determines the possibility to exercise strong control consider the future (as well as the present) in their
on management in the long term by those who decision-making and actions, to use their resources
possess large shareholdings. The high concentration for creating value in the long run. According to
of capital and the frequent involvement of majority Salvioni and Gennari (2016), there is no specific
shareholders in management, often as members of the definition of corporate sustainability; an abundance of
founding family and as executive directors, direct the definitions exists ((Block et al. 2020; Ray et al. 2018),
governance towards the maximization of economic and each organization needs to devise its definition to
performance, in the long run, to maintain and suit its purpose and objectives [39]. The diversity of
increase the corporate value (Block et al. 2020; Ray et indicators only highlights the diversity of views about
al. 2018). In the insider systems, the internal what sustainability means, and what should, therefore,
mechanisms of corporate governance play a be measured (Franciosi et al. 2020). This approach
fundamental role in the protection of minority safeguards the interests of all stakeholders, thanks to
shareholders and in the effectiveness of corporate the mutual recognition of economic, environmental,
governance itself (Grogaard et al. 2019). In both and social issues in strategic planning. Corporate
outsider and insider systems, ownership influences sustainability does not mean that value creation for
the corporate strategic approach due to the board shareholders and their adequate remuneration are less
composition (Grogaard et al. 2019). Regardless of important: the interdependence between economic
differences in firm ownership and related corporate and socio-environmental responsibilities is the
structures, some degree of convergence is possible all requirement to obtain consent and resources. In this
over the world if companies adopt a sustainability way, meeting the needs of non-shareholding
approach. The increasing awareness of sustainability stakeholders also creates shareholder value and
has induced the diffusion of a new approach in ownership satisfaction (Klepp et al. 2020),
dealing with relevant stakeholders, which stresses the guaranteeing the firm’s competitive advantage in the
idea of stakeholder relationship management as a long term. This concept is the principle of shared
source of competitive advantage (Wang et al. 2017; value, which involves creating economic value in a

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 7 | Issue 6
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way that also creates value for society by addressing their actions for a socially responsible outcome.
its needs and challenges (Bateman et al. 2020; Gan et Therefore, we can assume that the differences in the
al. 2017). Policies inspired by shared value enhance ownership structure characterizing outsider and
the competitiveness of companies, while advancing insider systems should not be decisive for the board’s
the economic and social conditions of the engagement in corporate sustainability. In this sense,
communities where they operate, in a context where a corporate global responsibility approach encourages
economic, social, and environmental dimensions attention to all stakeholders’ expectations and helps to
nurture each other. Efforts to think in terms of shared solve the conflicts of interests between owners and
value can potentially not just foster economic and managers, and between majority and minority
social development, but also change the way shareholders. Embracing the team production theory
companies and society think about each other (Witt 2016) rather than the agency theory (Panda
(Bateman et al. 2020). The maximization of 2017) overcomes any problems about conflicts of
companies’ short-term financial performance is a very interests among the stakeholders. Indeed, according
narrow vision of value creation that induces to the agency theory, shareholders (principals) hire
companies to ignore the broader influences that directors (agents) to manage their assets on their
determine their long-term success (Gan et al. 2017). behalf. This situation can influence directors’
Consequently, the adoption of a sustainability behaviour in favour of shareholders, despite the
approach modifies the board’s direction towards the existence of tools to avoid this extreme disequilibrium
maximization of economic performance in the long (such as the rules regarding the appointment of non-
rather than the short term. This approach should executive and independent directors). According to
overtake the traditional and limited short-term focus, the team production theory, a corporation is a “nexus
typical of outsider systems. Many scholars have of firm-specific investment” made up of shareholders
examined the long-term aims of sustainable and stakeholders instead of a “nexus of contracts”: the
companies, focusing their attention on large US corporate assets belong to the corporation and not to
public companies operating in outsider systems of shareholders. Shareholders relinquish their control
corporate governance (Benton 2016 & Admati 2017; rights over the corporation to the board, which is a
Mura et al. 2018). However, is there any relationship mediator. This choice limits their opportunistic and
between the adoption of a sustainable approach by short-term rent-seeking behaviours. It enables other
the board and the characteristics of ownership in stakeholders to make firm-specific investments,
outsider and insider systems? Corporate ownership which are necessary to generate a surplus from team
structures play a significant role in the board production in the long run (Witt 2016). In this logic,
composition, particularly in those systems where the the board of directors is a sort of “trustee charged
shareholders’ meeting is the single body designated to with serving interests above and beyond those of
elect the board. Nevertheless, evidence suggests that shareholders,” and this “can be in shareholders’ long-
what influences the company’s approach to run interests” (Turinomujuni 2020). Therefore, this
sustainability, is not the criteria for the board’s approach constitutes further evidence that the
composition, but the substantial commitment of the traditional differences between outsider and insider
board to the sustainability principles (Bateman et al. systems are gradually disappearing. This serves to
2020; Gan et al. 2017). Mura et al. (2018) argue that confirm that the sustainability approach adopted by
the principle of managerial discretion recognizes the boards of directors are not significantly affected
managers as moral actors. They are obliged to exercise by shareholders’ short-term rent pressures and,

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 7 | Issue 6
Alex Antwi-Adjei et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. November-December-2020; 7 (6) : 79-89

consequently, by shareholders’ categories (i.e., the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance

majority and minority). Furthermore, the alignment (2015), the ISO 26000 (2010), the green paper on The
of interests as a condition generating sustainable EU Corporate Governance Framework (2011) and
competitive advantage in the long run (Bateman et al. many other EU recommendations, directives and
2020; Gan et al. 2017) is a premise that characterizes papers. A number also requires good governance of
all sustainable companies. This also contributes to a country-based codes and regulations. In particular,
gradual convergence of different corporate the national regulators are expected to adopt
governance systems. To conclude, the board of principles and rules following those suggested and
directors has a fundamental role in embedding shared internationally. This explains why the rules
sustainability into business culture (Turinomujuni and recommendations for effective corporate
2020; Wash et al. 2019). Moreover, the board should governance are similar in countries with significant
promote substantial convergence in governance by differences in corporate governance structures.
setting strategic sustainable goals in both outsider and Convergence in function or de facto refers to the
insider systems. practices voluntarily adopted by companies to be
attractive to global markets: such companies tend to
Sustainability and Convergence of Corporate share similar strategic approaches, regardless of the
Governance Systems characteristics of their corporate governance systems.
According to several scholars, globalization of Specifically, the search for competitive advantage in
financial and product markets is encouraging a global markets leads companies to emulate successful
gradual path of convergence of corporate governance competitors, to attract the best financial and human
systems. The convergence between outsider and resources, particularly where they are lacking. This
insider systems can be observed as convergence “in situation gives rise to companies’ hybrid responses,
the form” or “de jure” and convergence “in function” which are partly due to institutional pressure and
or “de facto” (Pinder 2017). Convergence in form or partly originated from their own strategic choices on
de jure refers to the convergence of rules at an how to satisfy different categories of stakeholders. In
international level. The growing wish of both other words, there is convergence in the governance
investors and issuers to operate in global capital vision, which brings about long-term competitive
markets requires some degree of acceptance of high advantage based on the company’s global stakeholder
common values and standards. International bodies relationship management approach to fulfil all its
encourage convergence in both corporate governance responsibilities. The two convergence dimensions
principles and sustainability, considering the latter as influence each other. De jure convergence tends to
a condition for sound governance in terms of risk make some companies’ choices uniform, stimulating
management, cost reduction, and access to capital de facto convergence. De facto convergence can
markets. At the same time, good governance influence de jure convergence: for example, this can
encourages trust in the economic system because it is happen in the case of a regulatory gap, when the
a condition for the development of the entire society companies autonomously adapt the existing best
and the environment. In this regard, the most practices to deal with competitive pressure (Pinder
important principles and guidelines are contained in 2017; Berger-Walliser et al., 2018). Empirical studies
the UN Global Compact publications, the ILO on convergence in corporate governance systems
Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning have existed for years, with the main focus on de jure
Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (2014), aspects (Berger-Walliser et al., 2018; Ciepley

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 7 | Issue 6
Alex Antwi-Adjei et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. November-December-2020; 7 (6) : 79-89

2020).The point in question was the admission (e.g., political, historical, and economic issues)
regarding the existence of an optimal model, more or influences the progressive convergence process. The
less implicitly recognized in the Anglo-American or scenario for convergence is challenging to predict:
outsider one, that other systems must inevitably that is, a continuous increase in diversity within an
converge towards (Oaker 2020; Tritt et al., 2019). overall trend towards convergence (Singh et al., 2020;
However, they did not explicitly consider that the Agrawal 2017). Nevertheless, the substantial
sustainability approach implemented by companies convergence of companies’ strategies resulting from
could either be a factor of de facto convergence or a the sustainability approach suggests that different
potential incentive for rule convergence. Berger- countries may have different ownership structures,
Walliser et al. (2018) proposed that the existing corporate governance rules, and institutions;
context had a “norming” effect, which could facilitate nonetheless, the corporate boards may still be able to
or not the growth of institutional pressure for perform the same functions, with the emphasis on
sustainability. However, they did not specifically similar key performance indicators.
refer to convergence in corporate governance systems.
Studies by Gupta et al. (2020) focused on the The Governance of Sustainability
characteristics of sustainable companies in the US, The first impulse for sustainable corporate strategies
depicting how such companies had overcome the stems from the board of directors. The presence of a
typical limits of outsider systems. However, they did leader who raises followers’ commitment to achieving
not investigate the consequences in terms of the organizational mission and objectives (Raja et al.,
corporate governance convergence. Based on previous 2020) is a prerequisite to transfer the principles of
considerations, if companies pursue the same long- sustainability into the goals and behaviours of the
term sustainable value creation goals, a gradual whole organization. This determines a governance
convergence of corporate governance structures approach directed towards the growth of sustainable
cannot be excluded. Corporate governance systems value over time (Salviani et al., 2018). Authors and
are the result of cumulative processes, which create a international guidelines emphasize the role of the
regulatory substratum that can be an unavoidable tie board of directors in the realization of sustainable
for companies (Appelbaum et al., 2017). Therefore, it goals. Cadbury report states that “It is the ability of
is quite improbable that one system might prevail on boards of directors to combine leadership with
the other. However, it is plausible that some typical control and effectiveness with accountability that will
differences between outsider and insider systems can primarily determine how well (Price et al., 2018)
prevail. Some scholars prefer using the term companies meet society’s expectations of them”.
“hybridization” of corporate governance systems According to the UN Global Compact, “Corporate
instead of “convergence” to underline the sustainability is imperative for business today—
simultaneous processes of continuity and change essential to long-term corporate success and for
across national boundaries (Berger-Walliser et al., ensuring that markets deliver value across society
2018; Ciepley 2020). Others refer to a sort of (Fussler et al. 2017; Mcintosh et al., 2017). To push
“paradox,” considering that mechanisms favouring sustainability deep into the corporate DNA,
divergence exist together with mechanisms favouring companies must commit at the highest level” (Berman
convergence (Acquire et al. 2019). Moreover, the et al., 2017).
concept of path dependence (Sydow et al. 2020; Lux
et al., 2020) suggests that the country’s background

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 7 | Issue 6
Alex Antwi-Adjei et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. November-December-2020; 7 (6) : 79-89

In 2013, the European Parliament adopted a responsibility, stakeholder engagement, and

resolution [102], stressing the importance of the accountability, regardless of the company’s industrial
board’s commitment to corporate social responsibility sectors and dimensions. The board’s systematic
(CSR). In particular, the EU Parliament reminded that commitment to sustainability can be expressed
corporate responsibility must not be reduced to a through the formal establishment of devoted
marketing tool. However, it should be embedded in committees and other organizational positions. The
the company’s overall business strategy, engaging on a literature shows that the company’s approach to
board level. Research sustains the fact that companies sustainability differs (Helfaya et al., 2017) depending
assign their board the responsibility to oversee on who is involved in sustainability decisions.
sustainability issues (Cucari et al. 2018) because
sustainability is closely tied to corporate strategy, The path toward sustainability consists of sequential
which is a core board responsibility (Berman et al., stages (Jizi, 2017; Endrikat et al., 2017). In the first
2017). Therefore, leadership should not only be stage, the focus is on compliance with external and
considered as a hierarchical position but as a personal internal regulations; moreover, sustainability is not
engagement of the board’s members too (Helfaya et considered as a strategy requiring central
al., 2017), overcoming the differences in corporate management, and there is no formal Chief
governance between outsider and insider systems. Sustainability Officer (CSO) position. A more
Several studies investigate the possible links between strategic approach to sustainability marks the next
corporate governance structure and CSR performance: stage; emphasis is put on how to achieve
evidence suggests that simultaneous improvement of organizational efficiencies, by engaging internal
each dimension of performance does not depend on stakeholders too. The position devoted to
changes to the board’s composition, but what matters sustainability is defined as CSO, even if the ultimate
is that the board substantially shares the sustainability responsibility for sustainability is attributed to the
principles (Oaker 2020; Tritt et al., 2019). Thus, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The last stage is the
board’s engagement in sustainability alters the most proactive, and it is characterized by
variables related to the decision-making process sustainability-driven strategies discussed in special
(Cucari et al., 2018), favouring the implementation of committees.
sustainable practices in the organization’s activities
and creating a sustainability culture that goes beyond The board of directors can set up internal committees
the mandatory rules (e.g., health and safety laws, and from among its members. Such committees perform
environmental laws) and beyond the mere reaction to specific tasks, analyses, and preliminary work to
outside pressures. The board of directors seems to be a support the board’s decision-making, for which the
potential factor of convergence from two perspectives. whole body maintains full power and responsibility
Firstly, the board’s composition and responsibilities (Zhou et al., 2018; Whitler 2020). The board
are intended to safeguard the stakeholders’ interests, committees are usually composed of non-executive,
according to mandatory or self-regulatory rules: these possibly independent directors, who should preside
rules derive from national and international standards over subjects where specific skills are required or who
of good, responsible, and sustainable corporate are exposed to a high risk of conflict of interest. Some
governance and make de jure convergence possible. committees are mandatory (for example, the audit
Secondly, the board’s engagement in sustainability committee in one-tier systems of corporate
leads to the adoption of strategies based on global governance). In contrast, others are recommended by

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 7 | Issue 6
Alex Antwi-Adjei et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. November-December-2020; 7 (6) : 79-89

self-discipline codes or are completely voluntary. The sustainability projects (Kalodimos et al. 2020; Whelan
increasing awareness of global corporate et al., 2016 ). Research confirms the growing interest
responsibility is also reflected in committee in sustainability among mainstream investors (Hess
specialization: today, some committees are specifically 2019; Morioka et al., 2017); understanding investor
assigned to monitor the links between corporate priorities is an important responsibility in the board
decisions and social and environmental impacts. The of directors’ focusing on corporate strategy and
gradual diffusion of these committees aims to improve behaviours. Except for the founding families, the
the firm’s governance, emphasizing its relationship main shareholders are large and institutional investors
with new critical factors for the company’s in both outsider and insider systems, suggesting a
competitive and socio-environmental success (Fuente positive relationship between institutional ownership
et al., 2017). The presence of committees in and corporate sustainability (Hess 2019; Morioka et al.,
sustainability issues helps go beyond myopia created 2017). From a corporate point of view, considering
by the pressure of short-term objectives and issues that the integrated environmental, social and
demanding immediate attention. Creating committees governance issues are part of mainstream investment
to handle sustainability matters does not absolve the analyses, communication to financial markets should
entire board of its obligation to oversee this aspect of explain these issues as part of corporate strategy with
the company’s performance; however, the committees’ a focus on the long-term perspective (Kalodimos et al.,
focus, expertise, and sustained attention can help the 2020). Investors have grown up with the ability to
board fulfil this obligation (Whitler, 2020). In both connect sustainability performance with corporate
outsider and insider systems, the voluntary performance, using the first as a key criterion for
establishment of board positions devoted to making and leaving investments (Hess 2019). From
sustainability emphasizes its acknowledgment as a institutional investors, investing in socially
critical success factor. Therefore, sustainability needs responsible businesses is the first way to signal
to be discussed and managed at a high level, potential clients their engagement in sustainability
irrespective of binding rules about the board issues; this is also a way to diversify their services
composition. This approach influences all from those of the competitors (Risi 2020). At the same
organizational behaviours and sends a clear message time, institutional investors in possession of a
to investors about the company’s commitment to significant percentage of shares may be unable to
sustainability in the long run. Many studies support easily divest themselves of them in the short term
the fact that a sustainable corporate approach is without causing a considerable reduction in the stock
valuable for shareholders (Salvioni et al., 2016; Naciti price. This attention to long-term value creation by
2019). The ownership structure of sustainable investors can be a further point of convergence
companies reflects the typical differences between between insider and outsider systems: even in the
outsider and insider systems, with a higher outsider systems, traditionally aimed at short-term
percentage of shares owned by big shareholders (often profit maximization, a board committed to
founding families) in insider systems and a more sustainability is the arbitrator of the stakeholders’
dispersed capital in outsider ones (Endrikat et al., expectations in the long-term. According to the team
2017). In both cases, companies should satisfactorily management approach, this board role also safeguards
communicate their commitment to sustainability in the interests of small and fragmented shareholders.
support of the financial market in the perception of Moreover, the length of a top manager’s presence in
future value creation, despite current expenses in sustainable companies’ corporate governance bodies is

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 7 | Issue 6
Alex Antwi-Adjei et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. November-December-2020; 7 (6) : 79-89

an expression of stakeholder approval of board improvement of corporate governance rules by the

strategies. In insider systems, a large percentage of regulators. In other words, a sustainability-oriented
executive directors were originally appointed twenty board can be a change agent (Hernelind et al., 2020;
years ago or even earlier (and they are usually Almeida et al., 2017): it can maintain a constant
members of founding families). Vice versa, in outsider dialogue with all the stakeholders and ensure that
systems, the percentage of non-executive, often sustainability is dynamically integrated into corporate
independent directors first appointed over a decade objectives and business operations to create a shared
ago is higher than the percentage of the executive sustainability culture. This new way of understanding
ones; it is also higher than the same percentage in the role of companies in society is requisite for the
insider systems’ companies (Salvioni et al., 2016). We creation of shared value in the interests of all internal
can interpret the stable presence of executives (in and external stakeholders.
insider systems) or non-executives (in outsider
systems) as a guarantee of the continuity of corporate Sustainable Practices in Successful Stakeholder
choices in a long-term vision, according to the Relationship Management
principles of sustainable development. The attention Corporate governance is a combination of structures
to sustainable development in the future, instead of and processes (Brundiers et al., 2017). While the
profit maximization in the short run, is also expressed structures refer to all the bodies responsible for the
through the variable remuneration of executive board firm’s direction and control, the processes consist of
members linked to long-term performance (Ghazi, the activities developed to satisfy the stakeholders’
2020). Additionally, such variable remuneration can expectations. Because of the different nature of such
be related to non-financial targets: this encourages interests, stakeholder relationship management
the balance of financial and socio-environmental becomes crucial for the continuity of sustainable
objectives in safeguarding the stakeholder. To businesses. The stakeholder approach to corporate
conclude, the structure of corporate governance governance requires balanced decision-making,
boards depends on many economic, historical, and which takes into account the legitimate claims of all
juridical factors, which determine each country’s categories of stakeholders (council 2018; Bruneel et al.,
framework of binding legislation and self-discipline. 2020). This approach is fundamental to sustainable
Even if such rules are adopted in different countries, value creation (Scherer et al. 2020); moreover, it
all of them aim to guarantee sound and transparent stimulates the adoption of the triple bottom line
corporate governance in the stakeholders’ interest. concept in corporate disclosure (Aly et al. 2017;
Furthermore, they are often derived from the same Olouch et al., 2019). In other words, the stakeholder
globally recognized principles of good governance. approach encourages the board of directors to identify,
This situation favours a gradual path toward better implement and inform about the company’s ethical
governance structures that should encourage good practices for making a profit, improving employees’
governance practices. Despite operating in different and citizens’ wellbeing, and preserving the
sectors and markets, all sustainable companies environment. As already explained, in today’s world,
implement strategies to integrate economic, social, all companies looking for enduring success are
and environmental performance to satisfy all the expected to meet distinct stakeholders’ expectations
stakeholders’ expectations. This supports the in the long term. This condition applies to both
competitive success in global markets and stimulates insider and outsider systems, inspiring the mission
emulation by other companies, as well as the and vision of outstanding firms (James-Valdez et al.,

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 7 | Issue 6
Alex Antwi-Adjei et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. November-December-2020; 7 (6) : 79-89

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