A.V Aids

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Multi-sensory learning experience
What is A.V aids
▶ These audio-visual aids are the communication devices
or the tools which are used to be the educators to
provide the multi-sensory experience for the learners
during the teaching .
▶ Edger Dale: - “Audio – visual aids are those devices by
the use of which communication of ideas between
persons and groups in various teaching and training
situations is helped. These are also termed as
multisensory materials.”
▶ Mcknown and Roberts:- “ Audio – visual aids are
supplementary devices by which the teacher, through
the utilization of more than one sensory channels keeps
to clarify, establish and correlate concepts,
interpretations and appreciations.
▶ Carter V. Good: - “Instructional-aids are those aids which
help in completing the triangular process of learning i.e.;
motivation, classification and stimulation.”

▶ A.V aids may be classified as under

Audio aids

Visual aids

Audio-Visual aids
Classification of
Audio-Visual Aids
Importance of A.V
▶ The importance of using teaching
aids in physics teaching can be
summarized as
▶ Motivation
▶ Clarity
▶ Interest
▶ Realization of objectives
▶ Introduction
▶ Reducing Verbalism
▶ Realization of skill Objectives
▶ Economy of Time and Energy
▶ Effective Learning
▶ Solutions to problem
▶ Firsthand Experience
▶ Correct Misconceptions
▶ Representation of real objectives
▶ Variety
▶ Active Participation
Audio Aids
▶ Audio aids like radio, tape recorder etc. represent that aid material
which helps the learner to acquire the knowledge through his
auditory senses. Hearing is the only means of active communication
through radio and recordings. The development of disciplined ,
mature, critical listeners become the key goal of education where
communication through sound is concerned. Radio and tape Recorder
are example of audio aids.
Radio listening exerts an influence on students’ attitudes and appreciations,
social behavior and power to develop critical thinking. By utilizing the rich
educational offerings of radio, students have access to the best of the world’s
store of knowledge.

Advantages Limitations
▶ The advantages and values od radio ▶ There is shortage of radio sets in the
listening are schools in the present scenario
▶ It provides an outlet for student ability ▶ This result in one way communication,
and talent as the class cannot ask questions and
clarify their doubts, when the program is
▶ It develops good listening habits in on
▶ The timing of radiobroadcast with the
▶ It appeals to the emotion of children class schedule is a problem .Further,
when they listen to some dramatic act. there is no provision in the time-table
Their powers of judgment and for listening to the radio talks.
discrimination are also exercised.
▶ In order to make radio talks supplement
▶ It stimulates the spirits of cooperation the information, a teacher should select
and responsibility the program carefully according to age,
experience and intelligence of the
Tape Recorder
▶ This is another audio aid which can be extremely useful
to a teacher, especially for introducing a lesson. For
example, a talk of a scientist on a certain scientific topic
can be tape-recorded and used when needed. Tape
recorder has the advantages over radio broadcast in
addition to its own values.
▶ The use of tape recorder in teaching-learning process can
be effectively utilized in producing tones and harmonics,
vibrations of strings , vocal tones, recording explanations
given by the guide on an educational visits etc.
Visual Aid
▶ These types of teaching aids involve the use of the
sense off sight and hence called visual aids.
▶ Visual aids can be used where the subject is too slow
to be seen at a stretch e.g., germination of a seed or
the phenomena of eclipse.
▶ Where the subject is far too distant to be seen as for
example, the position and size of planets.
▶ Where the subject is too small to be seen with naked
eyes e.g. The cell.
▶ Where the subject is too big to be handled or brought
to the classroom e.g., train
▶ Where the subject is nonvisual e.g., electricity
▶ Where the subjects too complex to be understood in
its natural form e.g., the working of a railway engine
▶ Where the subject can act as a motivation agent e.g.,
the portrait of a scientists.
▶ The following are some of
the visual aids which are
usually utilized by physics
▶ Chalkboard
▶ Bulletin Board
▶ Charts , Diagrams, Picture
▶ Model
▶ The chalk board is an age-old traditional aid in the hands of the
teacher which is most commonly used for teaching.
▶ No science teacher can do without it as it is a versatile tool of
▶ A good teacher makes consistent use of it not only in introducing
the lesson and writing important points during the course of
teaching but also in putting on a neat summary, asking
recapitulatory questions and assigning home-work at the end.
▶ It is used to draw diagrams, sketches and outlines of the
apparatus used in the lesson or practical.

Advantages Disadvantages
▶ It encourages a teacher to talk to the board
▶ It is easily available and cheap. and forget his audience (pupils) in the
▶ There is no advance preparation of classroom.
visuals required for using a chalkboard. ▶ There is no possibility of providing dramatic
▶ It is useful in construction of and unusual effects.
mathematical and chemical equations. ▶ It requires the teacher to turn away from the
▶ It helps in putting on a neat summary of students leading mostly to classroom
the lesson. indiscipline.
▶ It is economical in terms of time and ▶ The visibility of a chalkboard in terms of glare
energy. can pose trouble to students.
▶ It is extremely useful in drawing ▶ The chalk board becomes messy and dusty
diagrams, sketches and outlines of the ▶ Writing on it may produce irritating “screech”
apparatus. sound.
Bulletin Board
▶ The bulletin board is one of the effective aids of teaching and oldest method
of visualizing organized instruction. The bulletin board is a place for displaying
bulletins, new items, announcements, multifarious items and visual that are of
interest to the students.
▶ It is always advisable to have a bulletin board near the science room.
▶ It provides opportunity for developing creativeness. Responsibility and other
abilities in the pupils besides providing vitalized material.
▶ It supplements other sources of information and works as an affective
motivational device.
▶ The material exhibited should be of some scientific interest.
▶ The newspaper clipping of scientific interest, the activities of the science club,
the science magazine of the school should be displayed regularly.
Charts, Diagrams, Pictures etc.

▶ These aids are important media of teaching. The play a

significant role in making the ideas clear and
comprehensive. This includes the usage of a wide variety
of graphic and pictorial material.
▶ A chart, for example , is a systematic arrangement of key
facts or ideas in a graphic or pictorial way.
▶ It is a representation that depicts logical visualization of
relationship by summarizing, comparing and contrasting
in explaining subject matter.
Charts serve the following important
purposes of:
▶ Presenting matter symbolically
▶ Showing relationship by means of facts, figures or statistics
▶ Summarizing information
▶ Presenting abstract ideas in visual form
▶ Showing continuity in process
▶ Encouraging utilization of other media of communication
▶ Showing the development of structures
▶ Motivating a students' desire to continue related research
▶ Posing questions and to stimulate thinking
While using charts, diagrams, pictures etc.
the teacher should keep in view the
following points:
▶ It should be according to the interest of the students. This should be done by
making it appealing by way of colors, design lettering color contrast etc.
▶ The exactness and accuracy of the represented thing should not be sacrificed in
bringing brightness and simplicity.
▶ These aids should be simple and comprehensive.
▶ The students should understand the purpose of the aid without any explanation or
comment. There should be proper spacing, and the diagrams drawn should be quite
big which can be seen from a distance. The teacher should guard against
overcrowding of observations.
▶ The picture or the diagram should be relevant, accurate, exact and realistic.
▶ The place where it is displayed should be well illuminated and visible to all the
students in the class.
▶ There should be no exaggeration of the facts in the aid.
▶ In the teaching-learning process, models are nearest to
living experience as they are the replicas of the original
▶ They are designed and simplified for teaching purposes
which provide contrived experiences.
▶ Models simplify the reality and enable us to reduce or
enlarge objects to any desirable size.
▶ In many cases, working scale models of the original are
used where the specific action of the original is
duplicated and could be explained easily.
Types of models
▶ Models are of different types like the
▶ Scale model
▶ The Scale model is used for items such as cars to show the exterior form and
shape of the original.
▶ Working model
▶ Working models stress on operational part of the actual object and show how
these essential parts operate. For instance, the working model of a hydraulic
brake of an automobile would probably show only the essential moving parts and
not all the details of the original.
▶ Sectional model
▶ The sectional type models is constructed in such a manner that it can be
dismantled to show inner construction or detail model since it can be taken apart.
Advantages Disadvantages
▶ Models give a notion of reality. ▶ Models may at times give a wrong
conception of size.
▶ The possibility of having enlarged
or reduced scale models help ▶ Models are often fragile and hence
close examination. not portable.
▶ Models can show structural as well ▶ They have a limited audience as it
as functional aspects of an object. entails close observations.
▶ Models can motivate the student
to learn and develop curiosity,
interest and creativeness.
Audio Visual Aids
▶ These are sensory aids which help to make teaching concrete, effective and interesting.
Examples of this type of aids are television, motion picture, video films, living subjects, etc. By
use of these aids the teachers provide the learners an opportunity to utilize both auditory and
visual senses for gaining the desired learning experiences.
▶ They provide better impact in teaching-learning process when compared to audio or visual aids
▶ They provide variety to teacher and students and stimulate the students to learning in a way
that the teacher at times cannot.
▶ In a short span of thirty minutes of filmed documentary the student may learn more about a
lesson like history of science than he could I three hours of reading or similar hours of oral
▶ The student may remember it for longer time. The audio-visual aids expand the reach of the
ordinary classroom.
▶ It exposes the student to places which are either inaccessible or too dangerous of the ordinary
man to visit.
▶ Some of the audio-visual aids which can be effectively used in
teaching science are:

Educational Films or cinema

Educational Films or Cinema
▶ Educational films can depict real situations in a more effective way by utilizing
both auditory and visual senses. The films of varying scientific interest on
different themes and topics are now proving a valuable teaching aid in teaching
▶ These educational aids are available on wildlife, marine life, human physiology,
health education etc.
▶ Films of similar type can be used to explain the mechanism and application of
all the important laws and principles related with all branches of science.
▶ The films on general interest , scientific inventions , biographies and life events
of the scientists are also available for deriving useful educational advantage.
▶ Films can be effective in highlining reality.
▶ Films can provide an easily reproduced record of an event or an operation using
close-ups. It can make demonstration more meaningful.
▶ Films can enlarge or reduce the actual size of objects while controlling the time
factor e.g., the opening of a flower from the flower bud stage
▶ Films can influence and change attitudes.
▶ Television is an effective and good, audio-visual aid in teaching of sciences.
▶ Television channels are competing to produce best educative programs on health, natural
phenomena, wildlife, life in extreme climate, medicines, human physiology, environment,
agriculture, yoga, fitness exercise, food habits etc.
▶ Communication using the television can be effective because it can transmit a wide range
of audio-visual materials like films, objects, pictures etc.
▶ It gives the student access to excellence. One can see and hear the gifted artist, the great
scientist in television.
▶ The science programs on television provide rich content to students and excellent
instructional practices to the classroom teachers.
▶ A good television program can bring the world of reality to the classroom.
▶ Limitations of Television
▶ Students cannot pace their learning as the television moves ahead at a constant speed
▶ The students do not have a personal contact with the presenter or even with a teacher.
▶ It may pose administrative problems in some schools.

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