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Memorable Experience

Nama : istiazah wahyuni

Nim : 1101210032

The most memorable experience in my life was when I

was able to take care of my parents when they were exposed
to the covid 19 virus. Where the incident that could change
my family's life began When my mother was first infected
after a family vacation at that time our family would be
confused for the first time one of them families affected by
covid, like it or not, we have to take care of mothers because
all hospitals are full, we do the first treatment, namely by
being given oxygen tubes to breathe, when everyone is afraid
of getting covid, we as children are willing to take care of
mothers as long as we get to the hospital and I can only pray
but Alhamdulillah the next day I got a room at the Surabaya
Hospital and alhamdulillah my mother recovered.
After that, it was the turn of the father who was affected
but it was worse than mom, it was the second covid disaster
after Eid yesterday, we had to stock up on large oxygen
cylinders because the covid season was worse, 5 days we
took care of dad at home, it doesn't matter if we can be
affected, everything is at stake, right? Alhamdulillah the
parents got the hospital even though it was a bit far away but
we are very grateful that we also fully trust the doctor so that
dad can recover like mom but it turns out that earlier, dad
had other plans, he died. But I am proud that I can be strong
and tough to take care of my parents when most people are
afraid to take care of their own family but I am brave and can
this will be the most unforgettable memory forever for me.
I can tell all this because I have been sincere and can accept
all this.

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