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Curriculum Design

Environmental Activities Grade One

Essence Statement
This is an integrated learning area comprising of Science, Social and Agricultural activities. The learner will acquire knowledge, skills, values and attitudes
leading to competency that will enable exploration of the environment for enjoyment, learning and problem solving. The competences will form basis for
concepts to be acquired at higher levels of learning for sustainable development.

General Learning Outcomes

By the end of Early Years Education, the learner should be able to:
 Practice proper sanitation and safety precautions to limit risks to self, others and the environment
 Demonstrate appropriate values, attitudes and practices for sustainable interactions
 Explore the immediate environment for learning and enjoyment
 Apply acquired competences in solving environmental challenges for sustainable development
 Appreciate the country’s rich, diverse environmental resources and cultural heritage for harmonious living
 Develop appropriate organizational, practical and technological skills for problem solving in conserving the environment
 Communicate environmental friendly messages through technological, verbal and non-verbal modes for conservation, improvement and protection
of the environment
 Participate in community service learning to promote the environmental and social well being.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Question(s)
1.0 Environment By the end of the sub-strand,
and its resources 1.1 Weather and the learner should be able to:  Learners to observe the sky (the sun,  What do we see when
Sky (10 lessons) moon, stars and clouds)during the day look at the sky during
a. Describe the appearance of and share their observations with the day and during
1.1.1 Observing the the sky during the day and others the night?
Sky at night  With the help of parents or guardians  What differences do we
b. Observe differences in learners to observe appearance of the observe in the day and
appearance of the sky during sky at night and report back night sky?
the day and at night  Use stimulus materials to show
c. Develop curiosity in appearance of the sky during the day
observing appearance of the and at night
sky for enjoyment.  Learners to play educative computer
games on the Sun, moon, clouds
and stars
 Learners to draw and colour the
Sun, moon, clouds and stars.

1.1.2 Exploring By the end of the sub-strand, How is the weather today?
weather conditions the learner should be able to:  Learners to explore weather
conditions as an outdoor activity
a. Identify weather conditions (windy, cloudy, rainy and sunny)
of the day  In groups, learners to observe weather
b. Make reasonable weather conditions of the day in the
forecast of the day immediate environment
c. Appreciate weather  Learners to share experiences about
conditions at different times daily weather conditions
of the day.  Learners to identify various weather
conditions of a day using age
appropriate stimulus materials
 Learners to mime various weather
conditions for enjoyment
 Learners to find out more about the
sky during the day and at night
from parents or guardians.
 Learners to draw and colour a
picture on weather.

Core Competences to be developed: Communication and collaboration, imagination and creativity, critical thinking and problem solving.
Link to PCIs and Values: Link to values:
ESD: Environmental Education Unity and respect when working together
Links to other learning activity areas: Religious Education Suggested Community Service Learning activities:
:Appreciating God’s creation Learners are guided by parents or guardians to observe the sky at night.
Movement and Creative Arts: drawing and colouring
Suggested non formal activity to support learning: Suggested assessment:
Learners to develop and colour a poster on weather. Observation as they draw and colour the poster, oral questions on weather.

Suggested Assessment Rubric

Exceeds expectations Meets expectation Approaches expectations Below expectations

 Rarely identifies and

 Consistently and  Accurately identifies the  Occasionally identifies appreciates weather
accurately identifies the sun, moon, stars and the sun, moon ,stars and conditions
sun, moon ,stars and clouds clouds
clouds  Appreciates different  Sometimes appreciates
 Appreciates different weather conditions. different weather
weather conditions. conditions.

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Strand Sub-Strand Specific Learning Outcome Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
1.0 By the end of the sub-strand, What are the
Environment 1.3 Water the learner should be able to:  Learners to brainstorm on sources of water sources of water
and its a. Identify different sources of  Learners to observe a variety of stimulus in our
resources (10 lessons) water in the immediate materials on sources of water. immediate
1.3.1 Sources environment  In groups, learners to share ideas on different environment?
of water b. Observe different sources of water sources of water in the immediate
in the immediate environment environment
c. Appreciate different sources of  With the support of the teacher, learners to
water in the immediate make model sources of water in the class
environment. learning space/corner as a project.
1.3.2 Uses of By the end of the sub-strand, How could we use
water the learner should be able to:  Learners to identify different uses of water responsibly
water using varied stimulus materials in the home and
a. Identify different uses of water  In groups, learners to identify different uses school?
in the home and school of water in the home and school from the
b. Demonstrate careful use of water stimulus materials
in the home and school  Learners to discuss careful use of water in the
c. Appreciate careful use of water home and school
in the home and school.  Learners to create and share with others a
scrapbook on careful use of watereither in the
home or at school as part of a personal
experience and to bring out the value of
careful use of water
Core-competence to be developed: Communication and collaboration while working in groups; Digital literacy; Creativity: ability to think critically
and creatively in making the scrapbook
Links to PCI’s: Personal hygiene Links to values: Moral values of cleanliness
Link to other learning activity areas : Religious Education: Religious Suggested Community Service Learning activities: Learners to
values, appreciate water sources as a gift from God; Nutrition and Hygiene find out more about sources and uses of water from their parents or
cleanliness guardians.
Suggested non-formal activity to support learning through application Suggested assessment: Use a checklist to assess the scrapbook,
Make a display of the scrapbook for other learners to appreciate. Observation on group work, written and oral questions.

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Suggested Assessment Rubric
Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Consistently and correctly Correctly identifies sources and To some extent, correctly Rarely identifies and appreciates
identifies many sources and uses uses of water. Appreciates and identifies sources and use of sources and uses of water.
of water and demonstrates demonstrates careful use of water. May appreciate and
careful use of water. water. demonstrate careful uses of

Strand Sub -strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Key inquiry
question (s)
Environme By the end of the sub-strand, the learner
nt and its 1.4 Soil should be able to:  Learners to identify ways of How could we
resources playing with soil play with soil?
(10 lessons) a. Identify ways of playing with soil  Learners to fill and empty cans
1.4.1 Playing for enjoyment with soil for fun
with soil b. Play with soil in different ways  Learner to model different
for enjoyment objects using soil
c. Model different objects using soil at  Learners to draw on the soil and
school make different patterns using soil
d. Develop curiosity in playing with paints
soil for enjoyment.  Learners to find out more
from parents or guardians on
how to play with soil.

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Core-competence to be development: creativity and imagination, communication and collaboration as learners make patterns using paints from soil.
Links to PCI’s: ESD: Environment and its resources Links to values: Responsibility as learners work together
Links to other learning activity areas : Mathematics: Emptying Suggested Community Service Learning activities: Learners find out
and filling cans from parents or guardians how to play with soil.
Movement and Creative activities: Drawing and making patterns
Suggested non-formal activity to support learning: Suggested assessment: Oral questions and observation of the soil activities.
Displaying patterns from soil paints for peers to appraise.

Suggested Assessment Rubric

Exceeds expectations Meets expectation Approaches Expectation Below expectation

 Consistently plays and  Correctly plays, model  Sometimes plays, model  Rarely plays, model
creatively model objects, objects, make patterns objects, make few objects or make patterns
makes a variety of using soil and shows patterns using soil and using soil.
patterns using soil and curiosity in playing show little interest in
shows curiosity in with soil. playing with soil.
playing with soil.

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Strand Sub-strand Learning outcome Suggested Learning experience Key Inquiry
Environ By the end of the sub-strand,
ment 1.5 Plants the learner should be able  Learners to take a nature walk to observe What plants are
and its to: different plants in the immediate found in the
resource (15 Lessons) environment. immediate
s 1.5.1Exploring a. Identify plants in the  Learners to think, pair and share about environment?
plants in the immediate environment plants that they observed during the nature
immediate b. Observe plants in the walk
environment immediate environment to  Learners to draw and colour plants that
realize the diversity in plants they liked during the nature walk
c. Appreciate plant diversity in  Learners to gather more information parents
the immediate environment. or guardians about plants and report back.
 Learners to search for pictures on plants
from digital and print resources
 Learners to sing a song on plants.
Core Competences to be developed: Communication and collaboration: sharing experiences in groups about plants. Imagination and creativity:
drawing and colouring plants. Learning to learn: gathering information through taking a nature walk
Link to PCIs: ESD: Environmental awareness Link to values: Responsibility and unity in working with others
Links to other learning activity areas: Religious Activities: Suggested Community Service Learning activities: learners to find out
Appreciating plants as God’s creation. names of plants from parents or guardians.
Movement and Creative Activities: Drawing and colouring plants
Suggested non formal activity to support learning: Sing songs Suggested assessment: Oral questions, observation and written work on
on plants during the school assembly. Activity sheet on plants.

Suggested Assessment Rubric

Exceeds expectations Meets expectation Approaches Expectation Below expectation
Consistently and correctly Correctly identifies plants in Sometimes identifies some Rarely identifies plants in the
identifies the plants in the the immediate environment. plants in the immediate immediate environment.
immediate environment. environment.

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Strand Sub-Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key inquiry
1.0 1.6 Animals By the end of the sub-strand, the learner What animals are
Environment (15 lessons) should be able to:  Learners are guided safely explore found in the
and its 1.5.1 animals in the immediate immediate
resources Exploring a. Identify different animals in environment environment?
animals in the the immediate environment  Using stimulus materials, learners in
immediate b. Observe different animals in the groups observe and identify
environment. immediate environment different animals
c. Appreciate diversity of animals in  Learners to take a nature walk
the immediate environment. to observe diversity in animals.
 Learners to share their findings
on animals that they observed
 Learners listen to case stories on
animals for enjoyment
 Learners to gather more information
on animals from parents or

Core Competence to be developed: Creativity and imagination, Learning to learn Communication and collaboration
Link to PCI’s: ESD: Environmental awareness. Link to Values: Respect, kindness, care, safety: learners appreciate animals in
Life skills: Effective communications as learners identify animals. their natural environment.
Link to other learning activity areas: Religious Education: Suggested Community Service Learning activities: Learners to explore
appreciating animals as God’s creation. animals in the immediate environment
Literacy: listening to stories on animals
Suggested non formal activity to support learning through Suggested assessment: Oral questions on identifying animals in the
application: Present a message on care of animal to other immediate environment.

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Suggested Assessment Rubric
Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches expectation Below expectation
Consistently and correctly Correctly identifies different Sometimes identifies different Rarely identifies and appreciate
identifies, observes and animals, observes and animals, observes and rarely different animals in the
appreciates different animals in appreciates the animals in the shows appreciation of the immediate environment.
the immediate environment. immediate environment. different animals in the
immediate environment.

Strand Sub-strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Key inquiry
1.0 By the end of the sub-strand, the learner
Environmen 1.7 Energy should be able to:  Learners take a sound walk in the 1 What produces
t and its immediate environment sounds in the
resources (10 Lessons) a. Recognize sounds in the  Learners think, pair and share the immediate
1.7.1 immediate environment sounds they heard environment?
Producing b. Identify ways of producing  Learners to imitate sounds from 2 How could we
sounds sounds from different objects humans, animals, machines or that produce sounds?
c. Create sounds from a variety which is natural such as thunder)
of sources for enjoyment  Learners to identity ways of creating
d. Develop curiosity in producing sound using the body, objects and voice
sounds from different objects. (plucking, hitting, blowing, shaking
snapping, tapping and clicking)
 Learners to listen to different sounds
from common instruments using
multimedia resources.

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1.7.2 By the end of the sub-strand, the learner
Sounds that should be able to:  Learners to come up with 1. What sounds alert
alert us on different sounds that alert us on on danger?
dangers a. Identify sounds that alert us on dangers 2. How could we
dangers in the immediate environment  Learners to identify sounds used to respond
b. Discriminate sounds that alert us on alert us on dangerous situations appropriately to
dangers for appropriate response  In groups, learners to match various sounds?
c. Appreciate different sounds that alerts different sound alerts with
on dangers. correct danger
 Organize learners to practice
appropriate response to sounds that
alert us on dangers
 Learners to ask parents or guardians
how to appropriately respond to
sounds that alert people on dangers
By the end of the sub-strand, the learner in the community.
1.7.3 should be able to:  Learners to explore sources of 1. What are the
Harmful loud sound in the immediate sources loud sounds?
effects of a. Identify sources of loud sounds in environment 2. How could loud
loud the immediate environment  Learners to be aware of effects sound harm us?
sounds b. Recognize harmful effects of loud sound of loud sounds on their 3. How could we
to health and safety wellbeing avoid loud sound?
c. Observe practices that limit  Learners to identify ways
harmful effects of loud sounds of avoiding loud sound
d. Demonstrate willingness to limit  Learners to recite a poem on
harmful effects of loud sounds to self limiting harmful effects of
and others. loud sounds.
Core-competence to be development: Creativity and imagination when creating sound, dancing and
singing Self-efficacy – discussing on how to avoid practices that brings about loud sound
Links to PCI’s: ESD: Environment and its Resources Link to values: Responsibility and unity as learners work together
Life skills: Effective communication , learners produce sounds in
different ways
Citizenship: Social cohesion, learners sing and dance to different sounds

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Links to other learning activity areas (s): Language: Reciting Suggested Community Service Learning activity:
poems Nutrition and Health: Loss of hearing Display messages that warn on harmful effects of loud sounds.
Movement and creative Arts: Singing and dancing
Suggested non-formal activity to support learning through application Suggested assessment: Sound quiz, written questions
Communicate messages of avoiding loud sounds through clubs movements
and societies.

Suggested Assessment Rubric

Sub-strand Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches expectation Below expectation
Producing sounds Correctly and consistently Correctly identifies Identifies some sources of Rarely identifies sources
identifies sources of sources of sounds and sounds and creates some of sounds or creates
sounds and creatively creates sounds. sounds. sounds.
creates sound.
Sounds that alert us Correctly and consistently Correctly identifies and Sometimes identifies and Rarely identifies and
on dangers make sounds, identifies discriminate sounds that discriminate some sounds discriminate some sounds
and discriminates sounds alert on dangers. that alert on dangers. that alert on dangers.
that alert on dangers.
Dangers of loud sounds Correctly and consistently Correctly observe and Sometimes observe and Rarely observes practices
observe and appreciates appreciates practices that appreciates practices that that protect one from
practices that protect self protect self and others protect self and others loud sounds.
and others from loud from loud sounds. from loud sounds.

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Strand Sub-strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Key inquiry
2.0 Social Home Environment
environment (20 lessons) a. Name various things found in the  Learners to identify and name 1. What things are
home things found in the home found in the
2.1.1 Caring for b. Care for things found in the home (utensils and furniture) home?
things found in the c. Develop positive attitude towards  Learners to identify ways of 2. How could we care
home caring for things in the home. caring for things found in the for things found in
home (cleaning and dusting) the home
 Learners to demonstrate ways of
caring for things found in the

By the end of the sub-strand,

2.1.2 Keeping home the learner should be able to:  Learners find out what makes the 1. What makes our
environment clean home environment dirty home environment
a. Identify what t makes the  Learners to demonstrate cleaning dirty?
home environment dirty of home environment using 2. How could we keep
b. Participate actively in making relevant cleaning activities our home
the home environment clean  Learners to visit a nearby home, environment clean?
c. Demonstrate willingness to keep the if possible of an elderly person,
home environment clean. and clean the home environment.

2.1.3 Keeping safe and By the end of the sub-strand,

secure in the home the learner should be able to:  Learners to listen to case story 1. What are some of
on possible risks in the home the possible risks in
a. Recognize common risks at home  Learners to recognize common the home?
b. Observe safety and security in the risks in the home 2. How could we keep
home environment to avoid risk  Using supporting stimulus, safe and secure in the
to self and others learners demonstrate ways of home?
c. Demonstrate responsibility towards keeping safe and secure in the
own safety and security in the home
home environment.  Learners to talk with parents or

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guardians and report back on
keeping safe and secure in the

2.1.4 Child Rights and By the end of the sub-strand,

responsibilities in the the learner should be able to:  Using stimulus materials, learners 1. What are the rights
family. to identify child rights in the of a child in the
a. Identify Child Rights in the family family (right to a name, nutrition, family?
b. Demonstrate responsibilities of a shelter, schooling and play) 2. What are the
child in the family  Using stimulus materials, learners responsibilities of a
c. Develop a sense of responsibility to identify responsibilities of a child in the
for family social cohesion. child in the family family?
 In groups, learners to complete
a postcard on responsibilities of
a child in the family.

By the end of the sub-strand,

2.1.5 Meeting family the learner should be able to:  Using probing questions learners 1. What are basic
needs. to state some of the basic family family needs?
a. Recognize basic needs in the family needs (food, water and shelter) 2. How could parents
b. Identify ways in which parents or  Learners to fill printable age or guardians meet
guardians meets basic family needs appropriate forms on basic family basic family needs?
c. Appreciate the efforts of parents or needs
guardians in meeting family needs.  Using age appropriate stimulus
materials, learners to identify
how parents or guardians meet
basic family needs (farming,
employment and business)
 Learners to sing songs and recite
poems or rhymes on how parents
or guardians meet basic family

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Core Competence: Citizenship (Child Rights and family values), Self-efficacy: able to make social decisions.
PCIs: ESD: Safety and Security Link to values: Respecting family members, responsibility in
Life skills: Moral education and self-awareness; meeting family needs, love, care
Citizenship: Family responsibilities.
Link to other learning activity areas : Religious Education: Moral values Suggested Community Service Learning activities: Learners to
and responsibilities be guided to find out from parents or guardians how they meet
family needs.
Suggested non formal activity to support learning: Learners to sing and Suggested assessment: Oral questions, observations written questions
recite poems on how parents or guardians meet family needs during a parents’

Suggested Assessment Rubric

Sub –strand Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaching Below expectation
Caring for things in the Consistently and correctly Correctly names various Occasionally correctly Rarely names and care for
home names various things things found in the home, names some things found things found in the home.
found in the home, cares cares for things found in in the home, cares for
for things found in the the home. some things found in the
home. home.
Keeping the home Consistently and Correctly participates in Occasionally participates Rarely participates in
environment clean effectively participates in making the home and appreciates in making making the home
making the home environment clean and the home environment environment clean.
environment clean and appreciate keeping the clean and appreciate
appreciate keeping the home environment clean. keeping the home
home environment clean. environment clean.
Keeping the home Consistently identifies Correctly identifies risks Occasionally identifies Rarely to identify risks
safe and secure risks and effectively keeps and keeps safe and secure risks and keeps safe and and keep safe and secure
safe and secure secure
Child Rights and Consistently identifies Correctly identifies rights Occasionally identifies Rarely identifies rights
responsibility in the rights and responsibilities and responsibilities in the rights and responsibilities and responsibilities in the
family in the family and family. in the family. family.

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exercises rights and
Meeting Family Needs Consistently recognizes Correctly recognizes Occasionally recognizes Rarely recognizes family
family needs and family needs and family needs and needs, responsibilities the
responsibilities and responsibilities and responsibilities and efforts of parents or
always appreciates the always appreciates the appreciates the efforts of guardians in meeting
efforts of parents or efforts of parents or parents or guardians in family needs.
guardians in meeting guardians in meeting meeting family needs.
family needs. family needs.

Strand Sub –strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Key inquiry
2.0 Social 2.2 By the end of the sub-strand, the How could the
environment Enterprise learner should be able to:  Learners are guided through probing family make
projects (30 questions to identify how families make money rightfully?
lessons) a. Identify ways of making money
2.2.1 Ways of money rightfully in the family  In groups, learners to discuss
making b. Demonstrate awareness of rightful rightful ways of making money.
money in the ways of making money to  Using case stories, learners to identify
family promote good citizenship different ways of making money
c. Appreciate genuine ways of making rightfully
money as good citizens.  Learners to find out more from parents
or guardians on rightful ways of earning
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By the end of the sub-strand, the What activities

2.2.2 learner should be able to:  learners to suggest an income generating could generate
Exploring the a. Identify income generating activities activity at home income for the
environment for the family  learners to use varied stimulus materials family?
for b. Suggest possible income generating to explore income generating activities
appropriate activities for the family that could be carried out in the family
income c. Demonstrate interest in the income  Learners to think, pair and share on
generating generating activities at home. income generating activities that could be
activities. undertaken by the family
 Learners to share suggestions on income
generating activities with guardians or
 Learners to visit an on going income
generating project for kids.

Core Competences to be developed: Communication and collaboration, imagination and creativity, critical thinking and problem solving.

Link to PCIs and Values: ESD Environmental Education and its Link to values: Honesty, integrity
resources: environment and its resources. Financial literacy:
income generating activities
Life skills : Effective communication, service learning and
parental involvement
Links to other learning activity areas: Literacy, Religious Suggested Community Service Learning activities: discussion with parents
Education or guardians on income generating projects.
Suggested non formal Activity to support learning Suggested assessment: Observation as they perform the poem or sing.
Visit an on going income generating project for kids Oral question on weather

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Suggested Assessment Rubric
Sub-strand Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaching expectation Below
Ways of Consistently and creatively Identifies ways of making Sometimes identifies ways of making Rarely identifies
Making money identifies ways of making money, money, demonstrates and money, may demonstrate and ways of making
demonstrates and appreciates appreciates rightful ways of appreciates rightful ways of making money.
rightful ways of making money. making money. money.
Exploring the Creatively and consistently Identifies and suggests possible Sometimes identify possible income Rarely identifies
environment for identifies and suggests various income generating activities generating activities for the family. possible income
appropriate possible income generating for the family. generating
income activities for the family. activities for the
generating family.

Strand Sub-strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Key inquiry
3.0 Care for By the end of the sub-strand, 
the 2.2 3.1 Caring for plants the learner should be able to:  Learners to suggest reasons for 1. When do we water
environment 2.3 (5 lessons) watering flowers. flower beds?
a. Point out when flowers should  In groups, learners to identify 2. How could we water
3.1.1 Watering flower be watered at school things used for watering flower beds?
beds at school. b. Water flower beds appropriately flowers (watering can,
within the school environment sprinklers, hose pipe, bucket,
c. Demonstrate willingness to take improvised watering cans)
responsibility in watering  Learners are guided to watch
flowers at school. age appropriate media on
watering of flower beds
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 Learners to practice correct
procedure of watering
flower beds and takes
 Learners to take turns in
watering flower beds
 Learners to participate in
planting flowers to beautify
the school compound.

Core Competences to be developed: Communication and collaboration taking turns in watering flowers. Imagination and creativity:
improvising watering cans.
Link to PCIs and Values: Environmental Education: Caring for Link to values: Respect, responsibility as learners take turns in watering
plants flowers at school
Life skills: Cooperating while taking turns in watering flowers.
Links to other learning activity areas: Religious Education Suggested Community Service Learning activities:
Activities: Respect plants as God’s creation. Participate in watering flowers in school
Suggested non formal Activity to support Suggested assessment: Observing the procedure of watering flowers.
Beautify the school compound through school clubs and societies.
Suggested Assessment Rubric
Exceeds expectations Meets expectation Approaches Expectation Below expectation
Consistently and correctly points out Correctly points out when flower Sometimes point out when flower Rarely points out when flower beds
when flower beds should be watered beds should be watered at school, beds should be watered at school, should be watered at school and may
at school, waters flower beds waters flower beds appropriately waters flower beds appropriately water flower beds appropriately
appropriately within the school within the school environment and within the school environment and within the school environment.
environment and demonstrates demonstrates willingness to take sometimes takes responsibility in
willingness to take responsibility in responsibility in watering flowers watering flowers at school.
watering flowers at school. at school.

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Strand Sub-strand Specific learning outcome Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Caring for 3.2 Caring for By the end of the sub-strand,
the animals the learner should be able to:  Learners to identify common 1. What do animals
environment (5 lessons) feeds, feeding and watering at home eat?
3.2.1 Feeding and a. Identify common feeds for equipment for animals at home 2. What equipment do
watering animals various animals at home  In groups, learners share we use in watering
b. Identify common equipment for experiences on feeding and and feeding animals at
watering and feeding animals at home watering animals (chicken, home?
c. Clean the equipment for watering cow, cat and dog) 3. How could we keep
and feeding animals at home  Learners to visit a farm or watering and feeding
d. Appreciate the need to feed and watch a video clip to equipment clean?
water animals at home. identify animal feeds and
watering equipment
 Learners to practice feeding
and watering animals at home.

Core-competence to be development: Collaboration and communication : learners working in groups

Links to PCI’s and values: ESD: Animal Welfare Education– Links values: Respect and care for animals
Freedom for animals
Links to other learning activity areas: Nutrition and Suggested Community Service Learning activities: Learners are guided to
Hygiene: cleanliness find out from a farm some of the common animal feeds and watering equipment.
Religious Education: Respect of God’s creation
Suggested non-formal activity to support learning Suggested assessment: Oral questions, observation as learners practice
through application: feeding and watering animals.
Visit a farm or attend agricultural shows to learn more on animals.

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Suggested Assessment Rubric
Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches expectation Below expectation
Correctly and consistently Correctly identifies common Sometimes identifies common animal Rarely identifies common animal feeds
identifies animal feeds and animal feeds and is able to feed feeds and is able to feed and water and is able to feed and water animals
watering equipment for domestic and water animals appropriately. animals appropriately. appropriately.
animals, is able to feed, water
and clean the watering equipment

Strand Sub-strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Key inquiry
3.0 Care By the end of the sub-strand,
for the 3.3 Managing the learner should be able to:  Learners to brainstorm types of waste 1. What types of
environme waste responsibly a. Identify types of waste in from the classroom waste are found
nt the classroom in the classroom?
(10 lessons) b. Safely sort out waste in the in the  ( Plastic and non-plastics) 2. How could we
3.3.1 Exploring classroom for appropriate disposal  Learners to record types of waste (by dispose of
types of waste in c. Dispose of waste responsibly to limit writing or drawing) classroom waste
the classroom risks to self, others and environment  Learners to safely sort out wastes from responsibly?
d. Appreciate a clean classroom the classroom
environment for good health.  Learners to make a plan to reduce and
effectively dispose of waste from the

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Website: Page 20
3.3.2Safety in By the end of the sub-strand,
handling waste in the learner should be able to:  Learners to identify types of waste found 1. What wastes
the home in the home are found in the
a. Identify types of waste found in  Learners to watch video clips on safe home?
the home handling of wastes 2. How could we
b. Sort out waste for safe and  Learners to identify safe ways of handling safely dispose of
effective disposal in the home wastes in the home waste at home?
c. Appreciate the need for safety when  In groups, learners to simulate safety in
handling waste at home to limit risk to handling different types of waste in the
self and others. home
 Learners to discuss with parents or guardians
about safe ways of handling wastes in the
 Learners to participate in making sign posts
and place them at appropriate places to guide
disposal of waste.

Core Competences to be Developed: Communication and collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving practice safe handling of different types
of waste; learning to learn: gathering information on waste disposal.
Link to PCIs: ESD: Care of the environment Link to values: Responsibility and teamwork as learners simulate safety
Life skills: Service learning, Cooperating with others while working and make sign posts
in groups.
Links to other learning activity areas: Hygiene and Nutrition: Waste Suggested Community Service Learning activity:
disposal Ask parents or guardians about ways of handling waste
Suggested non formal activity to support learning through Suggested assessment: Observation, written assignment
application: Engage clubs to create sign posts and place them
at appropriate places to guide disposal of waste.

Suggested Assessment Rubric

Exceeds expectations Meets expectation Approaches Expectation Below expectation
Consistently and correctly Correctly identifies and disposes Sometimes identifies and Rarely identifies and disposes

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Website: Page 21
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Mob: 0725788400 |
Website: Page 21
identifies and disposes home and home and classroom wastes disposes home and classroom home and classroom wastes
classroom wastes effectively and effectively. wastes effectively. effectively

Strand Sub-strand Specific learning outcome Suggested learning experiences Key inquiry
3.0 Care for the 3.4 Caring for water By the end of the sub-strand,
environment (5 lessons) the learner should be able to:  Learners to identify ways of 1. How is water
3.4.1 Using using water sparingly at home wasted at home
water sparingly a. State ways in which water is and school and school?
wasted at home and school  Learners to use age appropriate 2. How could we
b. Identify ways of using water stimulus materials showing reduce water wastage
sparingly to reduce wastage various ways in which water is at home and school?
c. Use water sparingly at home and used sparingly
school  In groups, learners to
d. Demonstrate willingness to use demonstrate the different
water sparingly. practices of careful use of
 Learners to identify common
practices that lead to wastage
of water in the home and
 In pairs, learners to discuss
ways of using water sparingly.
 Organize learners to participate
in school water day to share
experiences on careful use of

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Website: Page 22
Core-competence to be development: Critical thinking and problem solving: learner practicing use of water sparingly, Communication
and collaboration: learners in groups carry out simple activities on careful use of water.
Links to PCI’s: ESD: Water conservation Links to values: Using water sparingly
Links to other learning activity areas (s): Hygiene and Suggested Community Service Learning activity
Nutrition: Use of water Learners to find out from their parents or guardians on how water is
used sparingly at home and school.
Suggested non-formal activity to support learning Suggested assessment: Oral interviews on water use and direct observation
through application: of group work.
Organize an event on school water day to share careful use of water.

Suggested Assessment Rubric

Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Consistently and correctly uses Correctly uses water sparingly. Sometimes uses water Rarely uses water sparingly.
water sparingly. sparingly.

Strand Sub-strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Key inquiry
3.0 Care for 3.5 Conserving Light By the end of the sub-strand, How could we save
the Energy in the home the learner should be able to:  Learners to discuss ways of saving light energy in the
environment and School light energy in the home and school home and school?
(5 Lessons) a. State responsible ways of using  Using stimulus materials, learners to
light energy in the home and discuss ways of saving light energy
school  Learners to make rules on conserving

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Website: Page 23
b. Demonstrate correct ways of using light energy in the home and school
light energy in the home and  Learners to colour designed stickers
school and display them. The stickers to
c. Use light energy sparingly and contain messages on conserving light.
responsibly at home and school to
conserve energy.

Core Competences to be developed: Communication and collaboration: displaying stickers on conserving energy. Critical thinking and problem
solving: when develop rules on conserving light energy at home and school.
Link to PCIs: ESD: Environmental education; Social Environment Link to values: Responsibility in conserving light
Life skills : Responsibility in conserving light
Links to other learning activity areas: Movement and Suggested Community Service Learning activity: Learners to share
Creative Arts: designing stickers information with parents or guardians on light saving and report back.
Suggested non formal Activity to support learning Suggested assessment: assessing the stickers
through application:
Track the use of light energy at home or school to determine if
there is a positive change towards conserving energy.

Suggested Assessment Rubric

Exceeds expectations Meets expectation Approaches Expectation Below expectation
Consistently and responsibly Responsibly demonstrate ways Sometimes demonstrate saving Rarely demonstrate saving of
demonstrate ways of saving light of saving light energy at home of light energy at home and light energy at home and school.
energy at home and school. and school. school.

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