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Information Systems for Managers

1. Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled devices have made remote monitoring in the healthcare
sector possible, unleashing the potential to keep patients safe and healthy, and empowering
physicians to deliver superlative care. It has also increased patient engagement and
satisfaction as interactions with doctors have become easier and more efficient.
Furthermore, remote monitoring of patient’s health helps in reducing the length of hospital
stay and prevents re-admissions. IoT also has a major impact on reducing healthcare costs
significantly and improving treatment outcomes. IoT is undoubtedly transforming the
healthcare industry by redefining the space of devices and people's interaction in delivering
healthcare solutions. IoT has applications in healthcare that benefit patients, families,
physicians, hospitals, and insurance companies. The healthcare industry is rapidly
adopting new-age technologies such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to
improve access and outcomes, especially in rural areas. In this scenario, it is the
responsibility of businesses to ensure that technology acts with responsibility and
transparency. In recent years, India has seen increased IoT adoption in education,
governance, and financial services. IoT Technology has made it possible for doctors to see
and interact with patients who are located far, with smart login devices. The patients'
medical data and case history are automatically transmitted to the doctor for analysis.
What are the potential cybersecurity challenges in using IoT in healthcare? Enlist a few
areas in which IoT can be used in healthcare. Identify the benefits of using IoT in
healthcare in a developing country like India. (10 Marks)


The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a buzzword in recent times in the digital and technical
context. It has proved its potential to bring the entire world together and present it in the grip of
people's hands through interconnected devices and networks. These devices have superlative
power to make the industries, educational sector, airports, and healthcare smart and effective. It
is engaged over sharing information and interacting with multiple people across the world. As far
as the healthcare sector is concerned, the internet of things (IoT) plays a key role in ensuring
doctor-patient interaction and other health issues effectively. With the development of IoT,
remote monitoring of patients can easily be carried out by doctors. It empowers every doctor to
deliver the best and holistic care to every patient. Remote monitoring of a doctor is intended to
investigate the condition of health promptly. IoT also influences reducing treatment costs
significantly. Therefore, it can be assumed that IoT will influence the healthcare sector to a
greater extent in the years to come. Many stakeholders associated with the healthcare sector will
massively be benefitted from the IoT shortly. The clear discussion about the usage of IoT is
furnished below. 
The importance of IoT has already been discussed in the introduction section. Many countries'
health sector has already started using IoT but victimized by the cyber attacker many times. For
example, the National Health Services of the UK has worst impacted by the cyber attackers in
2017. Therefore, it is a huge challenge for IoT to combat cyber attacks. Threats some years ago
restricted to the computers, but have now become common in our handsets. If information about
health bands or pacemakers gets hacked, then it will pose serious concern for the patients. The
power of IoT is well-known to everyone, but it has many loopholes. The IoT has not
appropriately secured handsets. Health professionals will face a huge problem when it comes to
tracking, scrutinizing, and monitoring. Data breaches are another key challenge to health
professionals as mobile devices' usages have been increased tenfold in recent times. Services
such as file sharing, storage, and back-up are dependent on cloud technology. Interestingly, the
cloud is largely vulnerable to data breaches. 
The healthcare sector consists of many elements, such as doctors, nurses, hospitals, health
insurance, equipment supplier, and many more. The usages of IoT carry major importance for
the betterment of a hospital. The IoT can track the real-time location of nebulizers, wheelchairs,
oxygen pumps, and medical equipment. Asset management, such as environmental monitoring,
pharmacy, and inventory control, are also nicely managed by the IoT. The insurance company,
on the other hand, enjoys many benefits by installing IoT in their workplace. The data can be
available to the insurance companies through the health monitoring devices. They will use these
data while they claim the operations. Fraud claims of any insurer will be rectified properly by
this technology. The reward or any incentive can easily be offered to any insurer by optimizing
this technology. Therefore, it acts as the savior of medical institution health professionals,
physicians, and patients. It is often seen the doctors are not able to visit the patients' houses for
offering treatment. Here, the IoT comes to help doctors by getting his or her rid of this problem.
The doctors can acquire the doctors' health condition by utilizing the home monitoring
equipment embedded with the IoT. 
As far as Indian healthcare is concerned, it has lagged behind many countries in many indicators.
In private hospitals, the IoT based supply chain of medicine is observed to a large extent. The
private hospitals have started attending to patients sitting hundreds of miles away from the
hospital. However, there is brighter hope to implement IoT in every hospital across the country.
It can be assumed that IoT enabled connectivity will facilitate the healthcare sector to a greater
way. The Indian medical system will become efficient, integrated, and patient-centric if IoT is
installed at a holistic level. The current face of the Indian medical system will massively be
changed if it is implemented properly.  

The discussion above has beautifully portrayed the usefulness and appropriateness of using IoT
in the healthcare sector. The health expert and associate health professionals must rethink the
implementation of IoT in the hospital, aiming to yield a better result. They already felt that the
influence of IoT is enhancing day by day in every sphere of life. Therefore, the proper discussion
should be placed with the IT professionals about the implementation process of IoT in the
hospital sector. IoT devices can have the potential to assist health professionals in reducing the
hospital's internal cost and promoting better and inclusive healthcare services.

2., one of the largest e-pharmacies claims more than 3.7 million customers in
over 610 cities and towns. The market size of e-pharmacies was approximately $512 million
(Rs 3,500 crore) in 2018. It is predicted that there will be a compounded annual growth
rate (CAGR) of 63 percent which will reach $3.6 billion (Rs 25,000 crore) by 2022. Explain
how information systems help in managing the supplies of medicines by online pharmacies
and delivering them to customers. (10 Marks)


The supply chain process has attained particular and key importance in the business context of
the present generation. The supply chain plays a key role in establishing a competitive advantage
for corporations across the world. However, the supply chain of pharmaceutical companies is
complex comparing to other companies. The flow of information plays a major role in the
medicine supply. The information system is used by the Medicines Company and sectors like
infrastructure, logistics, and services. The combination of hardware, software, and the internet is
framed to receive requisite information to reach an inclusive and meaningful conclusion. Overall,
the information systems play a key role in integrating knowledge and technology to one place
and utilize it in a meaningful and strategic manner. 

The quality of information and information sharing levels is of prime importance in maintaining
medicines' supply chain processes in pharmaceutical companies. It determines the success of the
decision-making process. Accumulated information collected from multiple sources contributes
positively to overachieving long term and short term goal in an effective manner. The quality of
information can be shared from the suppliers to the firm to facilitate their business holistically.
Information sharing quality includes credibility; accuracy, and timeliness help managers make
effective but meaningful decisions. Here, the information system's role is widespread and
significant over collecting the information and distributing it to the company's main stakeholder.
The information system is the amalgamation of hardware, software, and telecommunication
designed to obtain useful information and data and analyze it and distributes it for the company's
betterment and inclusive growth.
The functions of online e-pharmacy company entirely relies upon information
system. This system enables the company to generate a larger volume of data. These data will
further be processed for turning it into information. Such information will be used by the upper
management of for the planning activities. Additionally, it is used to allocate
resources, estimate demand, and evaluate the pharmaceutical business's management operations.
Apart from that, it acts largely to improve the accountability of the company. The pharmaceutical
management information system's reporting and recording procedure are of paramount
importance over the company's development. It helps the manager to allow and release the
medicines on time from suppliers to customers. 
The information system can be classified into operational IS, infrastructural IS, and strategic IS.
The operational information system aims to monitor every activity regularly. It enables
executives to make decisions regularly. It promotes inclusive growth in the organization by
improving the day-to-day operation. The operational IS enables the upper management of to focus on day-wise or shift-wise operational goals effectively. The operational IS
largely ensures the inter-departmental information sharing and engagement of technologies. 

The strategic IS aims to formulate long term planning to help the firm enjoy advantages for the
long term. It also focuses on reducing competitive advantage and cost of operation. It acts
supremely over holistically sharing the information. It plays a key role in helping the company to
form a robust supply chain effectively. The infrastructural information system aims to optimize
information technology to smoothen data communication and information sharing processes
effectively. Security implementation, as well as making coordination among the workers in the
organization, is ensured by this IS. This information system highly enhances the knowledge and
information sharing experience. This information system enables the managers to make a strong
decision following their goals and mission. 
These three systems will play a vital role in ensuring the supply chain's proper channel in the
online medicine company. The online medicine company is of huge importance over delivering
the medicine promptly. If these three forms of an information system are operated properly, it
will surely yield a better result. 
The success of any organization largely relies on the supply chain. The supply chain acts as a
major role in determining the competitive advantage for an organization's success. The above-
furnished discussion shows how the information management system can help online pharmacy
companies maintain a sustainable relationship with both customers and stakeholders. The
companies' managers are often confused about the implementation of information systems to
sustain the supply chain of medicines appropriately. The supply chains of pharmaceutical
companies are crucial for companies and important for political and societal perspectives. The
pharmaceutical companies' managers are required to take into granted cultural and technical
obstacles while implementing an information system for maintaining the supply chain. In many
developed countries, the track and trace system is widely used in information management to
smoothen medicines' entire supply chain process for the online pharmacy business. 

3. Digital India is working to transform the rural economy and create skilled jobs. It has
touched upon all aspects of our lives, from work, travel, and communication to healthcare,
education, and shopping. The push for e-governance and Digital India comes from the
telecom sector, increasing internet penetration and proliferating mobile devices. As citizens
become more tech-savvy, their aspirations are expected to surge in terms of quality of
services and the way cities are governed. A shift towards citizen-oriented governance is
imminent. E-governance is changing the relationship between citizens and authorities.
Every citizen will be able to monitor activities of government, be aware of their plans to
work directly, and interact with them without queues and unnecessary bureaucracy. E-
governance is the automation of work with documents, statements of citizens, certificates,
licenses, and formal acts that legalize certain activities of citizens. The average citizen is
now familiar with digital payments, e-governance, digitization of land records, etc. People
are hoping for better utilization of taxpayers' money. E-governance, or the use of ICT to
deliver government services, nurtures a transparent, productive, and efficient form of
governance. E-government can also reduce corruption. If diligently designed and
implemented, it can improve efficiency in the delivery of government services, simplify
regulations, strengthen citizen participation, and lead to cost-savings for citizens,
businesses, and the government itself.
The benefits of all this will be the transparency of public authorities and local governments,
savings in time and material resources, and improvement in the quality of administrative
services. While barriers to efficient e-governance are many, social media, mobility,
analytics, and cloud technologies can make all the difference. Notably, since we live in a
connected economy, the benefits of e-governance will not remain restricted to the 100
Smart Cities but will percolate to other urban areas and even rural India. That said, it's
also time to take into cognizance threats such as data security. Data is the new oil and
organizations are looking to exploit the information they hold. The importance of
addressing cyber-security at the highest levels of corporate leadership cannot be
understated. Cyber-security is integral to national security. Here, IT companies have a
major role to play. They must set up a compliance framework that not only protects
consumer data but also deletes it when the work is done. They need to rework their
technologies and record-keeping systems. All sectors have to train and retrain their IT
teams. It's also time the government brings in a new arsenal of talented individuals who are
adept at innovating.


a. Explain the different e-governance models? What are the advantages of e-governance? (5


The government activities have largely been redefined with the advent of the internet and the
development of information and telecommunication technology. The electronic government or e-
governance is one such application of information and communication technology involved in
offering the common services, integrating multiple systems, and functions between government-
to-business, government-to-citizen, government-to-employees, and government-to-government.
The people will have access to the government's service in a transparent, convenient, and
efficient way. By changing the conventional mode of operation through implementing e-
governance, the government has facilitated every activity, such as business, services, and
developmental work, to a large extent. 

The e-governance is encompassed with many models that focus on facilitating every function
associated with the interest of common people, businesses, educations, and government.  

UN Study-Five Stages Model: This model aims to make the government more transparent by
highlighting several components associated with it. As per this model, the government should
enhance its presence online by making the website static and independent. It also suggests the
government makes the website and online portal more updated and effective for human
development. The website should be interactive by furnishing the officials' contact, applying for
services, download forms, and many such services to obtain feedback from the user. The website
should be transactional as the user can pay the government for the service they enjoy. 
Quirck's Four Staged Maturity Model: There are four stages involved in this model, broadly used
by the government across the world. The model underscores the e-service that interfaces with the
customers. The website should act as e-commerce where cash can be transacted for the
government's services for the common citizens. It should nurture the e-democracy by promoting
the political dialogue between concerned communities and citizens for public interest decisions.
Additionally, it should also work over the process of people management.
Citizen oriented e-government maturity model: There are five stages named web presence,
interaction, transaction, transformation, and e-democracy associated with this model. The web
presence reveals the government's main objective, mission, and vision by posting information via
their websites. With the development of advanced e-governance, the government's information
and news would regularly be updated on the government's site. Interaction is the second stage
that interacts with users by replying to the user's queries via call or e-mail or text message. The
transaction is another key stage that enables the user to pay their tax, apply for the license, and
many such functions. The transformation stage focuses on transforming the conventional mode
of operation to the modern and digitized mode that facilitates the entire services to the holistic
level. Lastly, e-democracy is the long-term goal that endorses the government's effort, which
makes efforts to improve citizen involvement and political participation to a greater extent. 
The discussion above has underscored the effectiveness of e-governance and its usefulness over
the social and economic development. The governments worldwide are in contact with each
other over how they can enhance their productivity level by redeveloping the e-governance. 

b. What are certain challenges to e-government security? How can they be avoided? (5


With the development of information technology and communication, e-government has attained
huge recognition and importance in today's world. The advancement of communication
technology enables the common citizen, government administration, and enterprises to exchange
useful and important notification over a network efficiently. However, many issues, such as e-
government, e-government model, policy for e-government, and security issues, have arisen
recently. The initiatives of e-governance will remain at risk to the security breaches in the
absence of a well-established security policy. The main objective of protecting the government's
security is to sustain business establishments and key information of common citizens. Many
precautions have been addressed to keep the information and data safe, yet the pace of
strengthening the security system should be boosted. 

The government needs first to understand the three aspects of data security: confidentiality,
availability, and integrity. The confidentiality refers to the protection of key information from
unauthorized persons, whereas integrity focuses on the authenticity of the information published
over the website of the government and the availability indicates the information must be
available when it is required. 
Many attacks pose serious challenges to the security of e-governance. Several of them are
discussed here in a delicate manner. 
Internet infrastructure attacks take place on the key elements of internet infrastructure instead of
attacking specific systems on the internet. Such an attack can be taken on the larger portion of
the internet that obstructs day-to-day operations. Malicious software consisting of scripts, code is
devised to disrupt the operations, accumulate the information, and exploit the information and
resources in an impermissible manner. Trojan horses and viruses are encrypted in the legitimate
file or any content that poses a serious concern for the government once it is downloaded and
saved in their system. 
There are many ways through which it can be shielded. The system user needs to change the
password very often as intruders install packet sniffers to gain the password. A firewall is
another key component that protects the information with great care. It is a series of programs
that shield a private network's resource from being misused by the other networks. 

The clear picture of internet security and the vulnerability of e-governance has nicely been
portrayed in the above-furnished discussion. The government must follow several basic
precautions of internet security to keep the information and government data secure and safe. 

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