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College of E & ME

Title: Technical and Business Writing Course Code: HU-212

Credit Hours: 2
Text Book: Writing for Science and Engineering - 2nd Edition by Heather Silyn-

Course Material
1. The Handbook of Technical Writing by Gerald J. Alred, Charles T. Brusaw, Walter
E. Oliu, 11th Edition (2015)
Macmillan Learning
ISBN-13: 978-1457675522
ISBN-10: 1457675528

2. How to Write Technical Reports BY Lutz Hering & Heike Hering, Springer (2010),
Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht, London New York
ISBN 978-3-540-69928-6
e-ISBN 978-3-540-69929-3

3. Technical Communication by Mike Markel & Stuart A. Selber, Bedford/St.

Martin’s - Macmillan Learning, Boston, New York, 12th Edition - 2018
ISBN-13: 978-1-319-10788-8 (EPUB)

4. Engineers’ Guide to Technical Writing by Kenneth G. Budinski, ASM

International, USA (2001)
ISBN-10: 0871706938
ISBN-13: 978-0871706935

5. Technical Writing –Process and Product by Sharon J. Gerson & Steven M. Gerson
Pearson Publication, 9th Edition (2016)
ISBN-10: 0134094034
ISBN-13: 978-0134094038

6. Reporting Technical Information by Kenneth W. Houp, Thomas E. Pearsall,

Tebeaux and Dragga , Latest edition, Oxford University Press (2009)
ISBN: 0195323521
ISBN: 9780195323528

7. Business Communication: Building Critical Thinking Skills by Kitty O. Locker &

Stephen K. Kaczmarek, 6th Edition (2012)
McGraw Hills – Irwin
ISBN 978-0-07-340326-7
Level of
Assigned PLO Course Learning Outcomes CLOs Learning PLO
CLO1. Describe technical writing, its C2 10
importance, purpose, characteristics and how it
is different from ordinary writing
CLO2. Discuss the style, content, language, C2 10
form, clarity and consistency in technical and
academic writing by analyzing user manuals,
research proposals, technical papers, and
project reports
10 CLO3. Write memorandums, cover letters, a C3 10
variety of workplace genres including resumes,
cover letters, statement of purpose and use
technology to effectively present written
CLO4. Follow sound presentation skills and A3 10
demonstrate them effectively in classroom

Course Contents
Following are the course contents with teaching methodology.

Week Lecture Topics Delivery Technique

Introduction to Handouts are given to students with various types of writing excerpts.
the Course Students discuss in pairs the characteristics of different writing styles.
Basic Principles Then they share their views with whole class.
1 of
technical/Busines Faculty lecture to further explain the characteristics of Technical/Business
s Writing – writing through power point
Salient Features
Lecture through power point
Recognition & Students watch following videos related to audience recognition.
Involvement To have an understanding about audience need and clarity:
Lecture Aid Video 1, accessible at
Defining Purpose
To avoid jargon for lay audience:
2 Lecture Aid Video 2, accessible at:

Class Activity:
Students are given the activity sheet to practice to the principles of
audience involvement followed by the class discussion on these points.
Model – CMAPP Mini Case Study:
Students are given a case scenario to apply CMAPP Model.
*Newly added topic

Oral Presentation Lecture: Faculty explains hallmarks of a good oral presentation

Activity: Students prepare 2-minute individual presentations without any
*Added at the AV aids
of Student Reading: Links to articles in HBR and Business Insider highlighting
Development importance of
Committee strong presentation skills shared with students prior to class. Accessed at:

Lecture: Faculty explains various principles of presentation skills and what

to avoid while using PowerPoint through a video.

Communication Lecture through power point

Principles (7C’s)
4 Class Activity:
Students solve the worksheets to apply the principles learnt during lecture

Writing Process Students watch video on effective writing tips.

– Three Stages Video link available at:
Pre-writing -
Writing/Drafting Class Activity:
Revision / Students have a class activity based on application of any pre- writing
Editing technique
Memorandum Students are given sample memos to identify the elements and writing
Writing style

Lecture, through power point, to explain the various elements of memo


5 Lecture on guideline to compose an effective e- mail

Class Activity:
E Mail – Students have an on line quiz to assess their existing email etiquette, access
Advantages & at:
*Newly Added Topic
Guideline to
write an effective Students re-write the given e-mail to improve tone & style.
6 OHT 1

Approaches to Students are given sample messages to understand and discuss the direct
Writing plan.
Faculty explains the components of direct plan through power point.
How to Compose: Students watch a video on persuasive strategy.
Good News Video link accessed at:
(Direct Plan)
7 Video 2 link accessed at:
Persuasive Message
(to motivate)
Persuasive Message Class Activity:
II Students read the sample sales message to analyze the elements of
(Sales Appeal- persuasive strategy.
AIDA Plan)

Approaches to Students are given sample messages to understand and discuss the indirect
Writing plan.

Elements of indirect plan and how to create buffer is explained by the

How to Compose: faculty.
8 Bad News Message
(Indirect Plan -
Creating Buffer) Faculty explains the components and formatting of a letter

Letter Writing : Class Activity:

Compulsory & Students compose a bad news message with buffer. (Application of
Optional Elements Indirect Plan)

Letter Writing II Students are given various types of letters as sample to analyze the
Types of letter
-Acknowledgment Faculty explains how to compose introduction, discussion and concluding
& Adjustment, part according to the type of a letter
Complaint Letters,
9 Inquiries and
Responses Online article shared prior to the class, accessed at:

Proposal Writing: Lecture: Faculty explains importance of proposals in academic, research,

- Contexts and professional contexts.
/Strategies Follow-up assignment: Students to submit one-page proposal for their final
Audience and term paper in a week as per given format.
Purpose Proposal
Forms Proposal
Types (Research,
Report Writing Students are given chapter notes prior to the class.
Online source, report writing guideline, shared prior to the class. Accessed
Basic concept at:
Components of
Formal Report portwriting/
Bibliography Faculty explains the concept and components of a formal report
Faculty explains the concept of plagiarism & how to develop a reference
list or bibliography

Class Activity:
Student will have a class activity to apply APA style referencing

Report Writing Faculty explains the difference between short and long report

Student will have a class activity to analyze the components of various

Short & Long types of reports
Reports -
11 Basic concept
Types of reports Class Activity: Students identify the problems in sample report and rewrite
How to write it in appropriate tone according to writing principles suggested in class
Abstract & lecture.
Executive Summary Group Project:
Student will submit a formal report as a collaborative project.
Follow up presentation: Brief presentation on the report assignment.
12 OHT 2

Employment Faculty explains the basic concept of job planning, search and organization
Related Skills* skills
13 (Newly added
topic) Handouts related to self- evaluation and analysis are given to students prior
to the class.

Job Market Search Class Activity:

Skills Students work in pair to identify their skills, strengths and values and then
Job Planning & discuss with the class.
Organization Skills
Follow-up Activity (Assignment):
Student will develop their inventories.

Lecture Aid Video: Behaviour based Interview (shared prior to class),

accessible at:

Discussion on the important points of the video

Employment Faculty explains the basic elements of resume and types of resume.
Handouts of sample CVs are given to students prior to the class. Students
- Resume writing work in pair to identify the salient features and then discuss with the class.
-Follow up Letter or
E-mail Follow-up Activity:
14 Student are given the CV template to compose their CVs.
Lecture Aid Video: How to make a video resume, accessible at:

Discussion on the important points of the video

Student are directed to read more about this topic here: http://career-

Employment Faculty explains the basic elements of cover letter.

Students review sample cover letters
Cover Letter or
Follow-up Email Follow-up Activity (Assignment):
15 Student will identify any job advertisement and write a cover letter to
Writing apply for the job.
ures Faculty explains the writing style and important components of

Class Activity: Student will re-write the instructions to improve the writing
style and tone.
Students’ Students present their collaborative reports.
& Peer Review: Class will comment on the strong and week points of the
17 presentation as target audience.

Faculty’s Comments
18 Final Exams

Summary of Activities/Teaching Aids Added to the Existing Course

Nature of Activity/Material Number
Videos 08
Case Study 01
Class Activities 10
Articles 04
Take Home Assignment 04
Presentation 02

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