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NAME: Kelen Nayeli Campo Gomez

tecnologo control ambiental ficha 1834670

Actividad 1. Match sentences of column A with their context in column B


1.- I can watch TV until midnight. I A.- Puedes colocar la radio en tu cuarto.
2.- I can go to Rome with my B.- Necesitas mover un mueble.
3.- He can listen to music in his C.- Te regalan entradas para un conciert
4.- You can’t stay here.H D.- Puedes viajar a Italia.
5.- Can I have another apple? F E.- Estás castigado y sin teléfono.
6.- Can I have the bill, please? F.- Tienes un poco de hambre.
7.- Can I borrow your car?K G.- Has terminado tu cena en el

8.- Can I have a glass of water? J H.- Te han llevado a un lugar que no
te gusta.
9.- Can you help me? B I.- Puedes ver la tele por la noche.
10.- Can I go home? L J.- Tienes sed.
11.- Can I go to the concert?C K.- Necesitas movilizarte rápido.
12.- Can I talk to my friends?E L.- No se puede permanecer en ese luga


1.- When I was young I could run A.- Por eso me siento lleno de energía hoy.
very fast. C
2.- I could sleep very well last night A. B.- Fue un logro inesperado.
3.- When I was younger I could play C.- Ahora apenas puedo trotar.
the violin. E

4.- He could walk before he was one D.- Ahora que aprendí voy a la piscina
year old. B todos los días.

5.- When I was younger I couldn’t E.- Lamentablemente se me olvidó.

swim. D
Actividad 2. Complete these sentences with the following verbs:
Can can’t could couldn’t

1. I am sorry but I can't help you to move the sofa, I have a backache.
2. My little cousin can run very fast; he has got lots of medals at home!
3. Jerry can't buy a new car at the moment, he hasn’t got the money.
4. The bag is so heavy that Mary can carry it.
5. John coudn't dance very well when he was a teenager.
6. Excuse me! Can you tell me where the toilets are, please?
7. Helen was very busy yesterday, so she coudn't go to the party.
8. He couldn't swim when he was a child, he learnt when he was twenty.

Actividad 3. Look at the Pictures. Complete with the right profession



1. He is a cook 2. He is a painter 3. He is an electrician


He can cook food. He can paint walls. He can't sell meat.

and say if the person can or can't do the activities


1. He is a firefighter 2. She is a nurse 3. They are 4. She is a pharmacist



He can’t repair She can They can't fix a She can sell
cars. give computer problem. medicine.

Actividad 4.
Completa las siguientes oraciones con el verbo marcado en verde y los modales
'SHOULD’ o 'MUST’ en afirmativo o negativo, según corresponda.

1. She (go) must to the university if she wants to be a doctor.

2. We (take) must an umbrella. It´s going to rain
3. The exam is going to start. You (be)should quiet.
4. Girls (walk) should alone at nights.
5. You (read) must the instructions before using it.
6. It´s too hot. You (wear) must a T-shirt.
7. He´s drunk. He (drink) shouldanymore. He's drunk.
8. John (finish) must his homework before playing the guitar.
9. (we / wear) should a tie?
10. You (not watch) should TV so close. It can hurt your eyes.

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