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1: What is the significance of active listening, nonjudgement and empathy for a teacher’s role
in institutes of higher education? Reflect on the importance of these skills using examples from
your interactions with students.
Significance of active listening, nonjudgement and empathy:
 Every individual just wants to be listened to. In educational institutions, students want to
truly be heard and understood.
 During a conversation, unconsciously students tell us how to handle them and this can be
only done by actively listening to the student.
 Through actively listening we can add follow-up questions and engage the students with
the conversation.
 But many a time active listening is especially critical in situations where students are
upset or frustrated due to personal reasons. At that moment by asking follow-up
questions, relaying back their situation, and empathizing with their frustrations, students
feel truly understood and taken care of.
 After listening to the student we have to respond non-judgmentally. This will allow the
student to express their thoughts and feelings. I strongly believe that a non-judgmental
attitude increases trust and respect between students and a teacher or any person in
 While listening, by showing empathy, we put ourselves in the shoes of the student and
their situation. This would significantly boost the conversation.
My experience:
Since I have recently joined the University and classes are conducted online, I am unable to
connect with the students. In online teaching, it is very difficult to engage the student for one
hour. I used to motivate them to ask their doubts/questions in online classes but not all of them
responds. I also understand that during this tough time students are very clueless about their
future, therefore, we as a teacher have to counsel them through healthy conversation and guide
them to the right path.

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