Shiloh Police Department Offense/Incident Report

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Shiloh Police Department 3498 Lebanon Ave, Shiloh I 62221 Offense / Incident Report Report Date ‘Type of lncident Complaint No. Case Satis 01/28/2021 1311 IDENTITY THEFT 21-0080 OPEN ‘Occurred on 91/28/2021 1030 to o1ar2021 1030 Tneident Location Street Address City siate Zip Code ‘3438 LEBANON AVE BELLEVILLE iv oma Sector Precinct Geo Ward Latitude Primary Location East SEast o3eesr49.8" Neighborhood Jurisdiction Longitude ‘Secondary Location 089°55'529" Dispatch Information Received Date/Time Call Received Via Dispatched Date/Time Call Dispatched As ovagnent 1311 IDENTITY THEFT ‘Arived Date/Time Departed Date/Time Offense Category TTY Refit TeleType Operator ‘onnereat 1311 IDENTITY THEET Officers 1D Role Primary _Arrived Scene Depaned Sone @ REPORTING Offenses Charge ‘Stale State State Charge Code caegary Cause Number____Local Code Jrieiction TypeCass IDENTITY THEFT “T0-Si16-30(A) IDENTITY THEFT Offense Incident Narrative T On Thursday, January 28, 2021, at approximately 1:00pm |, Detective C. Fiynn DSN #42 met with Village of Shiloh Trustee Kurt Burrelsman at Shiloh Village Hall in reference to Identity Theft. Burrelsman stated that at 10:30am he was notified by Village Hall about a racist post believed to| have originated from his Next Door account. Burrelsman stated an unknown subject posted a racist photo depicting African American women working in a field with a Lego Indiana Jones using a whip with the caption "Niggers for sale”. The post indicated Burrelsman is a Shiloh Illinois Trustee and Contractor. Burrelsman stated he reached out to the Next Door application who stated they woul {00k into the post within the next 24 hours. Burrelsman stated he had no idea why someone would post an image like that. Burrelsman stated he may have commented on posts in the past but does. not recall ever making a post for himself. Burrelsman stated he has had the Next Door app for approximately one and a half to two years. Burrelsman stated approximately three days ago his email account was hacked. Burrelsman stated the hacker requested $700.00 in Bitcoin. Burrelsman stated he deleted the ransom request. | Reporting Ofer DET FLYRN “Approving Olfcer(1) 21 SGT. BADE (Cover Pages Ont) Paee 1 of 20, Printed 1072672021 1087 Shiloh Police Department $498 Lebanon Av, Shiloh, I 621 Offense / Incident Report Report Date “Type of incident Complaint No Case Status 01/28/2021 1311 IDENTITY THEFT. 21-00080 OPEN requested Burrelsman print the email sent from the unknown subject claiming to have hacked his email and provide it to me. | sent a message to Next Door through their online contact messenger explaining Burrelsman's account had an unauthorized post and requested contact information for the company. | received a confirmation email that they received my help request and would be in contact in 24 to 48 hours. Pending follow up. Property Quanity Description Moke Model SIN Ref-No, _Prop Stas Recovered IDYDate__ Disposition “Valve Til Number of Line hems ° Total Value 0.00 [Number of Reco ems o Total Reov. Vale 0.00 Vietim 7 Person Tame (ast, Ft Male St) Race Se Boe Tweae Soe Vik BURRELSMAN, KURT D wv : x Ctnjures MvisCoe Sous Treen Losaion —Tement poston witiag to Prseute_ Sion Sept ter tnjay Addresses Me Type sist Ades cy state _Zip Code Comuy_| eel amas, = = USA Phone Nambor Trail Adare Type Phone eset a Type Ena Aas é se Type Sine Expires Reins Marl Sutms Resident Stas Bniciy| ——Langinge Divers iL ognovama3 R x Physical Deseription Fee Place of Birth oe Height Weight Build Skin Color Complesin Eyes TypeoF Eyewear iy sine er oo MeDUIM BRO Vac HsicLonth MairSyle Bead Musa SideBune—Mannetims couney BRO UNShaveN NOTAPOL. Ey Approving OMserCT) Pac 2 aw 20 Printed 10262021 1047 Shiloh Police Department 5498 Lebaron Ave, Silo 62221 Offense / Incident Report Rept De “pect niet Campin No cases oisatat 13 IDENTITY THEFT 00080 OPEN Suaect frm ae as Fn wid Sas) Base 3e0 Tale Miniker UNIENOWN, UNKNOWN v C* ilmmn O° °°" lm ‘Naewes Tye Steet Adrs ci Sie _ZpCoie | County 8A Dinette Type Sia pins ——Resisions —Marin'Suus Reside Sts Eiy La v Oakes Pen ‘Name (Last, First Middle Suffix) Other Type Race ‘Sex DOB ‘Age Juvenile ‘Moniker | Down MarTHeW w a a Taser Te suet Ades ciy sme _ZipCote_| County | Bee = aes Fioac Namib Ta Adres Te one evP an ait Ades Diver Licess = Type State Exes _——Rsions Marl Sats Resident Sts Ethic, Lang DRIVERS iL ocounoas EDEL Ta ONSET) aT SCF BADE {oer 08) ime Sw 3 Fined TOReTOET TOT Shiloh Police Department 3498 Lebanon Ave, Shiloh IL 62221 Offense / Incident Report Report Date ‘Type ofncident Complaint No, (Case Stats 01/28/2021 1311 IDENTITY THEFT 21-0080 |OPEN ‘Supplemental Report T Supp. No. Date/Time 1D Officer Name 001 Wngne2i 3:34PM 27 CAPT. PHILLIPS. ATTEMPT TO FORWARD CASE TO A DIFFER On Thursday, January 28, 2021 the Shiloh Police Department made the following contacts in attempt to request assistance or forward this investigation to an outside agency: Special Agent Derek Parker with the Federal Bureau of Investigation was contacted, but their ag declined to take the case because there was no extortion involved and the facts did not rise to meeting their criteria. ency level Captain Bruce Fleshren of the St. Clair County Sheriff's Department was contacted, but indicated they did not have the technical capability to take on the investigation. Captain Mark Doiron of the Illinois State Police was contacted for assistance, but stated they wat not be able to accept the investigation either. Pending Criminal Investigations Division. ‘Sepplemental Report Sapp No Date/Time 1D Officer Name egAMI313PM 21 SGT. BADE SPEAKING WITH SPECIAL AGENT CHRIS WI On Thursday January 28, 2021 at 2:55 P.M. |, Sergeant Kyle Bade DSN 21 was advised by Chj Wittenauer DSN 1 to contact Special Agent Chris Williams with the United States Sebret Service reference to this case. | asked Agent Williams if this case would fall under the jurisdiction of the Secret Service for investigation, and he advised it would not, but would be available if we needed a polygraph for o} case. | thanked Agent Williams, and | disconnected the phone. Case Pending Criminal Investigations Division ld lef in ing Offer DET FLYNT “Tpproving OMeer(T) ADE (Cover Paps On) Pes 4 of 20 Printed 1072672021 1087 ©1202 ni Sten enn Shiloh Police Department 3498 Lebanon Ave, Shiloh, IL 62221 Offense / Incident Report Report Date “Typeof aiden Complaint No. Case Stas ovagi2021 1311 IDENTITY THEFT 21-00080 ‘OPEN Supplemental Report | Supp. No. Date/Time 1D OffcerName 003, t29ne2i 23M 42 ‘DET. FLYNN CONTACT WITH OPD CAPTAIN BRUEGOEM, On Thursday, January 28, 2021, at approximately 4:08pm |, Detective C. Flynn DSN #42 had telephone contact with Captain Brueggeman with the O'Fallon Police Department reference how the Neighbors Application works. Captain Brueggeman stated he had the application and explained worked. Captain Brueggeman stated he observed subjects in the Neighbor's community who hat ow it commented or posted the racist image. | requested Captain Brueggeman reach out to the subjects and provide them with my department cell phone number to contact me. | received text messages from Captain Brueggeman stated Donna and Matthew Dowd "Kinjii” would be in touch with me. End of supplement. ADE {Cover ages ot) Pare 5 of 20 Printed 1072672021 1047 Shiloh Police Department 3498 Lebanon Ave, Shtoh, IL 62221 Offense / Incident Report Report Date ‘Type of cident Complaint No, 012872021 1311 IDENTITY THEFT 21-0080 ‘Supplemental Report Supp. No. Date/Time 1D Officer Name 0s 2iN0211008AM — 21 SGT. BADE EMAIL CONTACT WITH NEXT DOOR On Thursday January 28, 2021 at 4:09 P.M. |, Sergeant Kyle Bade DSN 21 emailed Next Door in reference to this case. | checked the Next Door website for any law enforcement contact information to inquire about sending a search warrant or a subpoena. | was unable to locate any direct “rp information, and sent an email to inquiring about their prodedures. | spoke with Detective Flynn DSN 42, who advised he also sent a contact email to Next Door on Thursday inquiring about their procedures. On Monday February 1, 2021 at 8:00 A.M. | received an email from Next Door's support division. They provided the email address to send a search warrant or subpoena if obtained to request tHe information. Copies of all emails are attached to this report. Case pending Criminal Investigations Division Attachments: Copies of all emails DET FLYNN ‘Approving Offcer(1) 21 SGT. BADE | Cover Pages Onty) 6 a@ 2 Printed 1072672021 1047 Teper ‘210-202 vn Lai aan cn Shiloh Police Department [498 Letanon Av Silo 16221 Offense / Incident Report Report Date “Type of Incident Complaint No, case Sats 1282024 1311 IDENTITY THEFT 21-0080 |OPEN ‘Supplemental Report Supp. No. Dae T 005 insnani VIDEO STATEMENT FROM KURT BURRELSY On Friday January 29, 2021 at 9:15 A.M. |, Sergeant Kyle Bade DSN 21 met with KURT Burrelsman at my department in reference to a video interview. | placed KURT in Interview Room #2, and performed a video interview. | asked KURT if he could read, write, and understand English, and he stated yes. | began the interview, and the following is a brief synopsis: TD Officer Name AM 21 SGT. BADE. * I got a knock on the door yesterday from the Mayor and the Chief saying there was a situatidn we need to deal with * They told me what it was * Then we went to city hall and talked about it * I don't remember the words exactly, but somebody posted something on that Next door site, jsome hard core racial stuff * They posted something bad enough we need to deal with * | don't know if they even mentioned pictures * I don't have the Next Door Application on my phone * have only accessed it on my computer * have never posted anything on there in my life, | have only read other people's postings * | have seen it when it went viral over Facebook * When | went on my computer to see it, Next Door had taken down the post because of the content, and they deleted my profile * | did reach out to Next Door and sent an email to ask them to put my profile back up so ! cou| vindicate myself * | sent that email from my computer * I never made that post, | have never written anything like that in my life, it would never be in my brain to do it * | don't know if that image would be on my hard drive * The first time | saw the image was at village hall when they showed it to me * | never saw that image before | (When asked if the image would not be on the hard drive) Probably not Unless it got on there somehow overnight, I'm not sure how computers work | actually think | saw it before ! went to bed the night before | saw the words, it was so ridiculous | thought it was bullshit, or someone was pranking me | blew it off, | thought it was on only my page, or someone sent it to me and on my computer | didn't see the picture, | just saw the words on that page Itwas late, | was tired, and | didn't even think about it the next morning It would have had to been Wednesday Night, it was late, probably around 10-11 & OMicer “7 DET: FLYNN “Foproving Offeer (1) 21 SGT BADE (Cover Pages On) Pee 7 of 20 Printed 1072672021 1047 Shiloh Police Department 3498 Lebanon Ave, Shiloh, IL 62221 Offense / Incident Report | Repo Date Theoret Camplin No Cue sias ovsagai 1311 IDENTITY THEFT 2100080 joren * Tdon't think it was on the app, I think it was through my email * | think the postings on Next Door come through as an email * I didn't know it was a posting on Next Door * | thought it was an email, not a posting on the site * I clicked on the email and it was a Next Door posting * [remember seeing something like “Kill all Niggers, or Niggers for Sale" or something like th * I didn't even remember the texts until the next day * I didn't even know it was on the Next Door App, or had been sent viral until the next day * My email is through Charter | * The email should be in the deleted folder, that is my way of dealing with unpleasantness, | throw it in the trash * A few days ago, | got a malicious email that sent part of an email between me and my bank that had my personal information on it * They were trying to extort Bitcoin from me * The next day, there was nothing more on it so | hoped it went away * | can't remember what it said, but there was a threat to pay * It should be in the deleted folder * I do have a laptop, its for fun and games * I don't have email or apps on the laptop * Lam not sure about having my phone dumped, | need my phone for work * Today is not good enough, if you can tell me when it will be done, if you can't, you are not gating my phone * Thave to have it for work * Just understand, | am having a T.V. delivered, and | am trying to finish a job, and they are ‘supposed to be there between 12:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. At this time, | exited the Interview Room and had Detective Kienitz DSN 35 contact Detective Drew Rutter of the Fairview Heights Police Department, who advised we could bring cell phone over immediately. | reentered the Interview Room, and continued the interview. * My phone is an Android * I guess, this is pissing me off (When asked if he would provide consent to downldad his phone) Iread KURT the Voluntary Consent to Search Form, which he signed. | exited the Interview Rdom, and provided the form to Detective Kienitz. | returned to the room, obtained KURT'S phone, and gave the phone to Detective Kienitz who took the phone to the Fairview Heights Police Department. (For further, see Detective Kientz’s supplement). | returned to the Interview Room, and continued the interview. | read KURT the Voluntary Consent to Search Form for his HP Intel Computer Tower) and he signed the form Oe ar TaRTIGONGETT HB EIDE] (oath) | =e Final Tae TOT * 9421 ate i in Shiloh Police Department 3498 Lebanon Ave, Silo, I 62221 Offense / Incident Report Reyor Date Typeof ident Camplin No. cus Sus 0172¢n021 1311 IDENTITY THEFT 21-00080 loren” | * My laptop has access to the internet * No bro, we are not going there (When asked if he would consent to a search of his laptop) * My laptop is a Service Pro 5 | think * I get problems with viruses on it, so | purge it * There is no email service on the laptop * I think the time frame when seeing the email was between 8:00 P.M. and 11:00 P.M. | think, but it was Wednesday evening * | didn't notice any thing different with the email * | didn't want to deal with it, | was too tired * Ijust thought someone was goofing on me, and didn't know it was on the application * I don't know anyone who would do this to me * I don't have any enemies * | didn't post these images * Itwould not be on the phone * I'm not sure if tis on my computer, I'm not sure how computers work * On my computer, you will see a bunch of deleted files * Like a bunch of deleted emails, junk emails For further, see video interview | filled out a Voluntary Consent to Search form for KURT'S laptop marked (*Refused to Consent) and KURT signed the form. | walked KURT outside, and he asked to speak to me. KURT alluded ta the fact he was advised not to tell Detective Flynn about seeing the message on Wednesday night When he spoke with him because it was not relevant because he did not post the image or|the message attached to the image. | advised KURT | would add this to the report, and he left the department Case Pending Criminal Investigations Division Attachments: Voluntary Consent to Search Forms X3 Video Statement Checklist for DET-FLYRN “Approving OMeer(1) 31 SGT. T Coe Pages Only) Pane 9 of 20 ‘Printed 1072672021 1087 Shiloh Police Department 3498 Lebanon Ave, Shiloh, IL 62221 Offense / Incident Report Repon Date “ype incident Complaint No ose Siats 017282021 1311 IDENTITY THEFT 21-00080 loren ‘Sopplemental Report Supp. No Date/Time 1D Offices Name 0006 Wapnont 23M 38 DET. KIENITZ EXHIBIT #1 TO FHPD FOR DATA EXTRACTIC On Friday, January 29th, 2021 at approximately 9:50 a.m., |, Det. Kienitz #35, transported Ext to the Fairview Heights Police Department. Upon arrival, | provided Exhibit #1 to Det. Rutter #194 who completed a data extraction of Ext The data extraction was placed onto a 64GB thumb drive. | transported Exhibit #1 and the thumt back to the Shiloh Police Department. ibit #1 bit #1. drive | responded to 3781 Harbor Way and provided Exhibit #1 back to Burrelsman. Burrelsman signed the evidence form acknowledging he received Exhibit #1. The thumb drive containing the data extraction was labeled as Exhibit #4 and placed in temporary evidence locker #9 for safekeeping until it can be analyzed. Case pending... ag TE DET-FLYRR Tamang OMT) a3 (Cove Pa Ob) 7 «2 Trine Toaez00 TOT 1 ate in Shiloh Police Department ‘3498 Lebanon Ave, Shiloh, IL 62221 i Offense / Incident Report Report Date “Type of Incident Complaint No. Case Stats 0172872021 1311 IDENTITY THEFT 21-0080 (OPEN ‘Supplemental Report T ‘Supp. No. Date/Time 1D Officer Name 007 Yagneni2s9PM = 42D. FLYNN. MATTHEW DOWD INTERVIEW On Friday, January 29, 2021, |, Detective C. Flynn DSN #42 received a telephone call from Mat Dowd in reference to this case. Dowd agreed to come to the Shiloh Police Department to discus image he screen captured and posted on the Neighbors Application. I conducted a video interview with Dowd at the Shiloh Police Department. The interview began 12:06pm and ended at 12:17pm. This is a synopsis of the interview. For the entire interview attached DVD. + | saw the image on the Neighbors App. + [don't do any social media. + Thave the Next Door app to sell stuff. + Ittook me about a month to get the app. thew + No one can just get it, you have to be verified, unless you know someone in the neighborhood. + Dowd initially did not remember the day and time frame he observed the post, + Dowd did screen capture the image, which he showed me on his phone. + The date of the screen capture was 1/27/2021 at 8:56pm. + When I saw the post, | was completely disgusted. + Mywife and I were sitting there in awe for a couple of minutes. + reported it to Next Door. + Lused my wife's phone, screen captured it, reposted the disgust and sent it to| Next Door. + Itwas close to 9:00pm. + Mypost and the other post were taken down. Reporting OMtcer DET FLYNN Printed 102672021 1087 ma i oe Shiloh Police Department 3498 Lebanon Ave, Shiloh, IL 62221 Offense / Incident Report Report Date “Typeface Compl No se Sates 0172872021 1311 IDENTITY THEFT 21-00080 ‘OPEN + I don't know the subject who made the post, never heard of him. * didn’t know he was a Trustee until it went to the Belleville News Democrat. * The post was made in the for sale and free section of the application. . Dowd walked me through the process to report a post. End of interview. | made two copies of the interview marked exhibit #5. Both copies were secured in temporary evidence locker #9. End of supplement. ‘Sopplemental Report Supp. No. Date/Time TD Offices Name 00s Wasnt ss7PM 21 SGT. BADE. ATTEMPT TO APPLY FOR SEARCH WARRAD On Friday January 29, 2021 at 1:30 P.M. |, Sergeant Kyle Bade DSN 21 spoke with|Chief Witter DSN 1 in reference to this case. Chief Wittenauer advised he had spoken with St. Clair County Attorney James Gomric about this case. Chief Wittenauer advised he spoke with State's Attorney Gomric about if his office would issue| Search Warrants, or have myself testify before the Grand Jury to request Subpoenas for any evi from Next Door, or any other social media platform which would also include the |. nauer State's idence \ddress which the post originated from. Chief Wittenauer stated State's Attorney Gomric advised at this time he could not see any evidence of a crime having occurred, and his office would not perform either task at! this time, but would consider both options if further evidence of any crime was discovered in the cour our investigation. Case Pending Criminal Investigations Division DET FLYNN “Approving Ofer (1) ADE] (Cover Paps Only) Pose 12 of 20 Printed 1072672021 1087 of Shiloh Police Department 3498 Lebanon Ave, Shiloh, L 62221 Offense / Incident Report Repon Date “ype of incident Complaint No, (case Sats 01/28/2021 1311 IDENTITY THEFT 21-0080 ‘OPEN ‘Supplemental Report T I ‘Supp. No. Date/Time 1D Officer Name | ‘009 2in0213:00PM = —21— SGT. BADE REVIEWING DATA EXTRACTION FROM CEL | On Monday February 1, 2021 at 8:00 A.M. I, Sergeant Kyle Bade DSN 21 began to review the|data extraction from KURT Burrlesman's cell phone contained on the flash drive provided to me by Detective Kienitz. After reviewing the data, images and messages until 3:00 P.M., | did not find|the image which was posted to Next Door, or the text which was included into the message, nor any other racial photo or comments. | also did not find any other evidence on the flash drive which was 0 it to this case. | advised Chief Wittenauer DSN 1 of this, and he advised he would return the flashidrive, along with the HP Computer Tower to KURT. | removed the computer tower from Temporary Evidence Locker, and listed the flash drive, and computer tower on the Evidence Receipt, and signed the receipt wit the items returned. | gave the flash drive and computer tower to Chief Wittenauer, who returned both items to KURT. Case Pending Criminal Investigations Division Attachments: Evidence Receipt DET FLYNN {Cons Pages Only) 3 & 20 Printed 1072670021 1047 Shiloh Police Department ‘3498 Lebanon Ave, Shiloh, IL 62221 | Offense / Incident Report Report Date “Type of Incident Complaint No, ‘Case Status 01/28/2021 1311 IDENTITY THEFT 21-0080 ‘OPEN ‘Supplemental Report ‘Sapp. No. Date/Time 1D Officer Name 10 ainow3:s3eM = 42—_‘DET. FLYNN BRENDA KERN COMMUNICATION On Friday, January 29, 2021 |, Detective C. Flynn DSN #42 received copies of the email exchal between Village Clerk Brenda Kern and Nextdoor Support Team from Captain Phillips. Kern sent the email 1/29/21 requesting the IP Address for the post to the Nextdoor Forum of th meme. Nextdoor responded with the case Nextdoor further responded with an em: ge racist il address for the legal team and to forward any inquiries to that account. The email included a response stating, "We also did explore the member account you referenced and based on our findings not believe this member is responsible for posting the information you described. Hawever, if do ju have a screenshot of a specific post from this person that we can review, it would be most helpful to allow us to investigate further on our end." j uploaded the screen capture images from the post and submitted it to the Nextdoor Agency Si email address. | received an email response back stating “they reviewed the screenshots and have determined| Ipport \that the user Brent Burrelsman should be permanently banned.” It should be noted that Nextdoor listed the name Brent instead of Kurt. At this time, | have not attempted to contact Nextdoor reference this case. End of supplement. ‘Supplemental Report Supp. No. Date/Time. 1D Officer Name ont 2inni'ss33PM 42‘ DET. FLYNN | ‘TERRY BRUCKERT COMMUNICATION On Monday, February 1, 2021, | Detective C. Flynn DSN #42 spoke with Village Clerk Brenda Kern via telephone. Ker stated the City Attorney Terry Bruckert sent a letter to the Nextdoor application. emailed me a copy of his communication. | printed the email and placed it in the case file. End of supplement. Reporting Officer E_ DET FLYNN “Fpproving Offcxr(1) 21 SCT. (Cover Paps Only) of 20 Printed 1072672021 1087 Kern Shiloh Police Department 3498 Lebanon Ave, Shiloh, IL 62221 Offense / Incident Report Report Date Type of Incident Complaint No. 01/28/2021 1311 IDENTITY THEFT 10080 Sopplemental Report Supp. No, Date/Time 1D Officer Name 012 2300219:43AM = 42_——_‘DET. FLYNN ‘AGENCY SUPPORT EMAIL AMANDA On Tuesday, February 2, 2021, | Detective C. Flynn DSN #42 received an email from Nextdoor, Agency Support. The email stated “Yes, this post was made on Nextdoor. It has singe been aid and we have taken appropriate action on the member who made the post." | printed the ema was placed in the case file, responded to the email requesting a telephone number to speak with the customer service representative, ind it End of supplement. “Soplemeatal Report Supp. No. Date/Time 1D Officer Name ons ponent ss2aM 2 ‘SGT- BADE CONTACT WITH NEXT DOOR ‘On Monday, February 8, 2021 at approximately 2:24 P.M. |, Detective C. Flynn DSN #42 rece| phone call on my Shiloh Police Department cell phone from Garrett with the Nextdoor app in re to this case. Garrett explained the process for applying for a subpoena, all subpoenas must be submitted vi email. Once the legal team has reviewed the subpoena they will respond to the email reference request. Garrett stated there is no outside contact information for their legal team. Garrett stat received two emails from Kurt Burrelsman. Garrett stated he responded to both emails and has gotten a response from Burrelsman for either email. Garrett requested for us to contact Burrels! and explain to him Nextdoor is waiting for his response. Garrett refused to provide his last name| provided me with his contact information 2s. Case Pending Criminal Investigations Division ived a rence he jot jan but “Approving Oicer(1) a1 SGT. BADE (Cove ages Only) Prined 102672021 1047 Shiloh Police Department | 3498 Lebanon Ave, Silo, IL 62221 Offense / Incident Report ; Report Date “ypeof cident Compl No. ' casests ovzs2021 1311 IDENTITY THEFT 21-00080 | OPEN ‘Supplemental Report T [ Supp. No Date/Time 1D Ofce Name y ore 29n021 12:30PM 27 CAPT. PHILLIPS CASESTATUS \ On Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at approximately 12:30 PM |, Capt. J. Phillips #27 reviewed the|status of this case. At this time, the Shiloh Police Department's investigation has not revealed any criminal offense|to investigate, which would be a necessary requirement to pursue a subpoena through the St. Clair County State's Attorney's Office. All information from this investigation has been relayed to the Village of Shiloh and Kurt Burrelsman if ‘they would like to pursue this incident further. Pending. DET-FLYNN “Approving OMcer(T) SGT BADE (Cove age Only) ‘rined 10262021 1047 iainon Shiloh Police Department 2498 Lebanon Av, Sia 6221 Offense / Incident Report Report Date “ype of incident ‘Supplemental Report Supp. Na, Date/Time 1D Officer Name ois 426n021 1:40AM OL —CHIEF R. WITTENAUER, (CHIEF WITTENAUER SUPPLEMENT On 01/25/2021 Trustee Kurt Burrelsman approached me after the Village Council Meeting andjadvised me that he believes his home computer had been hacked or that he may have gotten a virus ai id that he was being extorted for bit coin. Without asking for any more details, | advised Burrelsman to come to the Police Department tomorrow morning and make a report and we may be able to help. Trt Burrelsman did not make a report before the next series of events unfolded. On 01/28/2021 It was brought to my attention that a racist post had been distributed on the Ne» social media site and the post also showed under the caption “Kurt Burrelsman Village of Shilol Trustee.” *|was advised that citizens as well as media were calling Village Hall and wanting an explanati “Due to the inflammatory nature of the post | felt incumbent for the Police Department to get i immediately. * | asked if anyone had gotten in touch with Kurt and was told that they tried but had not reachet yet. * |, along with Deputy Chief Philips immediately drove to Burrelsman's house and began knock| the doors and windows. and continued to call his phone but got no answer. * DC Phillips and | then left the area. istee door In. ved id him ing on * Shortly after, I spoke with Mayor Jim Vernier who stated that Burrelsman sometimes sleeps late and that we should try to wake him again. * A few minutes later | arrived at Burrelsman’s residence and met with mayor Vernier who was scene. * Mayor Vernier advised me that he had talked to Burrelsman and he was going to meet us outside. * Burrelsman immediately came outside and we explained the situation. * Burrelsman advised that he did see part of the post but he did not send it. (Later, I took this to that he had seen the wording but not the picture. *Burrelsman then contacted the BND who had been calling for an explanation. *Soon after, | met with Burrelsman at the Village Clerk's office. *At this time Mayor Jim Vernier and Village Clerk Brenda Kern, were speaking with Trustee Burrelsman about the post because they wanted to get a statement out due to the fact that Burrelsman was identified in the post as a Trustee for the Village of Shiloh. | * | advised all those present that the police department could still take a report from Burrelsman initial incident he advised me of on 1/25/2021, and that maybe this post has something to do wi mean yr the " that. * Lalso advised that | would attempt to get an outside agency to investigate for transparency reasons. * I then advised the Detective Division to take an initial report from Burrelsman. * | advised Burrelsman that as part of the investigation we would be wanting to have someone Reporting Offexr = LYNN ‘Approving Offcer(1) 21 SGT BADE) {Cover Page Osi) Poe 17 of 20 ‘Primed 1026/2021 1087 (1922 eno 8 Ld enn en Shiloh Police Department ‘3498 Lebanon Ave, Shilo, IL 62221 Offense / Incident Report | Report Dt Type orien Campin No — ovasaez 1311 IDENTITY THEFT 2100080 Oren investigate his phone and Computer. Burrelsman was receptive to this but advised that he n both and would like them back today. | advised that I could not guarantee this but 4 shouldnt be more than a day or two, *Shortly after | had a phone conversation with the St. Clair County States Attorney's Office andjasked about getting a subpoena for finding the IP address where the post in question came from. * | was told that at this time there was no evidence of a crime but if more information was developed we may be able to subpoena the records then. The Shiloh Police Department Detective Divisio continued the investigation (see their reports). Sometime around 3/12/2021 | had a phone conversation with Burrelsman and advised him that|we had no evidence that any crime was committed against him but that we could still get forensics Hone on the computer if he wanted. Burrelsman was receptive to this. On 3/12/2021 | spoke with Madison County Detective Lt. Brian Koberna who | knowjhas the equipment and is a computer forensics investigator. He advised that he was going out of town but that I should call.him after 3/22/2021. | I contacted Koberna on 3/24/2021. He advised that he would need the computer for 24 hours complete a scan and that he could then give us a drive with the information and we could investigate further. On 3/25/2021 | contacted Burrelsman and advised him that we could get the computer forensics done and he would be without the computer for 24 hours. He advised that he would get back to me When he was available. Iwas next contacted by Burrelsman on 4/26/2021 he advised that he had time to relinquish his computer because tax season was over. He did state that more things had been erased from the computer but did not elaborate. At this time, it was decided that we would not to proceed with requesting outside help for the computer scan because of the time lapse, the electronic devices in question are not Village property and that there was no evidence of a crime. Tages T TD Namber Date/Time ‘Subject Type Tage / Attachment Type Bealed 012972021 1358 OF FENSE/ INCIDENT. Oo Name Description NEXTDOOR BLOG ‘Taken Date/Time Agency Image Captured By Original File Name ‘ox2972021 0000 906-8. MOORE SAVERS 1:1202112021-001TO| 2021-10021-00080\BL0G ABOUT NEXTDOOR pdr Reporing OMe = TSGT BADE DET-FLYNN ‘Fpproving Offer (T) Coverages Only) Fase 18 of 20 ‘Printed 1072672021 1047 Shiloh Police Department : $498 Lebanon Ae Si, 1.6221 Offense / Incident Report Report it “ype oft Compas No _ Ovaazent i311 IDENTITY THEFT 2100080 OPEN DNanter Saas a a unon0nt 18 OFFENSE INCIDENT ame | THE VERGE ARTICLE ‘Token Date/Time Agency Image Captured By Original File Name | ouzsn0et oe Oe MOORESAVERS — UNDTUND-017O Joa cuor aNOTHE VERGE AnTiCuEnat TDN -)h—hLULl ee Sal (02/04/2021 1318 | OFFENSE / INCIDENT Oo _ CONSENT To staRCcH _ ings Cpr By ig! FileName duaroct ow Jose MeMCGARVEY —— WupnTano¥-on'TO Joatronatanps0CONSENTTO Seana TDN _. nage Rs Te Sal 02/04/2021 1318 OFFENSE / INCIDENT. ! Oo _ Destin EMAIL-COMMUNICATION Tay inner aay nage Cpu By rig Name tomanoat ete ese MeMCGARVEY —— VonpTuna-o17O Jost ronatanooneaan CovntutcettOn et Baer a. Tage Racine Tipe i (02/0472021 1320 OFFENSE / INCIDENT. Oo _ _ EVID SHEET EXH 1S ‘Taken Date/Time Agency ‘Image Captured By Original Fite Name | coraoat owe es MeMCGARVEY ——_npTuna-o170, Jort toot andso VID SHEET EN ay TD Wor Taine Sie Tp — i Gomiaozt ist OFFENSE INCIDENT NS Nave Destin ig VID STMT CHKLIST-K BURRELSMAN Taken Date/Time Agency 270472021 0000 Image Captured By 908M. MCGARVEY Original Fle Name _| 13g02102021-001 TO, 2021-100121-00080\V1D STMT CHKALST “KURT BURRELS! Npdt Reporting OTR DET FLYNN Fpproving OMfeer(1) 21 {Cover Pages Only) Pare 19 of 20, Printed 107262021 1047 Shiloh Police Department 3498 Lebanon Ave, Shiloh, IL 62221 Offense / Incident Report Report Date Type of Incident Complaint No, (Case Status 0172872021 1311 IDENTITY THEFT 21-0080 ‘OPEN | TD Nonber Date/Time ‘Subject Type Tage Attachment Type Sealed 020472021 1322 OFFENSE / INCIDENT Oo Name Description VID STMT CHKLIST-M DOWD Pypyay —TekenDate/Time Agency Image Captured By ‘Original Fle Name o2v04n2021 0000 905M. MCGARVEY 9211202100170 2021-100121-0080\V1D STMT CHKLIST “MATTHEW DOWD pat Teporing Oftoar = “Toproving Offexr(1) 21 SGT BADE (over age Ont) Pare 20 of 20, Printed 1072672021 1087

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