Vicente Huanca Canaviri 18/05/2021 "B": Name: Date: Group

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Name: VICENTE HUANCA CANAVIRI Date: 18/05/2021

Group: “B”

Fill in the correct comparative and superlative forms .

Positive (spanish) Comparative Superlative

happy feliz happier happiest

dangerous peligrosa/o more dangerous most dangerous

tall alto taller tallest

popular popular populer populest

big grande bigger biggest

crazy loco crazier craziest

lazy perezoso lazier laziest

hard duro, difícil harder hardest

good Bueno better best

beautiful bonito more beautiful most beautiful

rich rico, abundante richer richest

fast rápido faster fastest

soft blando, suave softer softest

late latir later lates

flat llano, liso, plano flatter flattest

quiet tranquilo, silencioso quieter quietest

foggy Neblinoso foggier the foggiest

wild salvaje wilder wildest

modern moderno more modern most modern

popular popular populer populest

western occidental more western most western

strict estricto stricter strictest

expensive costoso more expensive most expensive

active activa/o more active most active

sure segura more sure most sure

long largo longer longest

excellent excelente more excellent most excellent

empty vacio emptier emptiest

cheerful alegre more cheerful most cheerful

wild salvaje wilder wildest

In which forms are the verbs written (Base form or Infinitive, Simple Past, Past Participle)?

¿En qué formas están escritas los vebros? (Forma base o infinitivo, pasado simple, participio pasado)

Played → pasado simple indicativo

began → pasado simple afirmativo

gave → pasado Simple afirmativo

known → presente perfecto simple afirmativo

sink → Presente indicativo

tear → Presente simple afirmativo

do → Presente Simple afirmativo

fell → Pasado simple afirmativo

spoken → Presente perfecto simple afirmativo

sang → Pasado simple afirmativo

gone → Presente perfecto sin

Fill in the missing words

Completar con las formas correspondientes de los verbos

Infinitive (Spanish) Simple Past Past Participle

set colocar I,you,he,she,id,we,they set

To get obtener got up go

I saw vista he,she,It has seen

I stole robo stole stolen

cost costar cost cost

I lent prestado I Lent lent

read leer read red

sell vender sold sold

be ser Had been

feel sentir felt felt

hear escuchar heard heard

sleep dormir slept slept

find encontrar found found

Leave Izquierda left left

have tengo have have

Mead quiso decir meant meand

Shake Temblo shook shaken

Does Remolacha did done

To fed Alimentado fed fed

To stick Atascado stuck stuck

Fill in the correct plural forms of the given words.

Singular (Spanish) Plural

fly moscas flies

fax fax faxes

city ciudad cities

nose nariz noses

kiss beso kisses

photo foto photos

mountain montañas mountains

tomato tomate tomatoes

roof techo roofs

boy chico guys

bed cama beds

woman mujer women

mountain montañas mountains

fork tenedor forks

fish pescado fish

lady dama ladies

house casa houses

office oficina offices

mouse ratón mouses

child niño kids

Present simple tense

Choose the correct option.

1) It ....... rains..... a lot in Britain.


b.rains rain

2) I … like …pizza very much.

a. likes

b. like like

3) I ...... don't speak....... English very well.

a. don't speak speak
c.not speak

4) My sister ....... doesn't go...... to the cinema very often

a. don't go

b. goes not

c. doesn't go

5) They always ...... watch....... TV in the evening.

a. watch

b. are watch

6) I ....... don't....... married.


b.'m not


7) English people ......likes....... animals.

a. likes

b. like

8) The banks ...... doesn't open....... on Sundays.

a. don't open

b. doesn't open

9) My sister in London.

a. live

b. lives live

10) Your brother ...... plays........ tennis very well.

a. plays play

c. play

11) They .......... don't know.......... the answer.

a.doesn't know
b.aren't know

c.don't know

12) I ....... don't........ understand.



Present Continuous tense

Choose the correct option.

1. ___am__ they coming over for dinner?




2. Vanessa __is___ not sleeping on our sofa.




3. My mother-in-law is __ be staying___ at our house this week.



be staying

4. I __ eating___ my dinner right now.



am eating

5. My sister __is learning___ Spanish.


is learning


6. I __be working___ at the hair salon until September.


be working

am working

7. We ___are eating__ at a fancy restaurant tonight. Jhonny decided this yesterday.


are eating


8. Why ___he not is_____ playing football tomorrow?

he not is

he isn't

isn't he

9. They are ___opening__ a new shopping mall downtown.




10. Melissa is ___lying__ down on her bed.




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