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User Guide SCL-Config 1

User Guide

December 2011
User Guide SCL-Config 2

1. Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................4
2. System installation ..........................................................................................................................................5
2.1. Minimum System Requirements .............................................................................................................5
2.2. Installation ...............................................................................................................................................5
2.3. Settings.....................................................................................................................................................7
2.4. Uninstalling ..............................................................................................................................................7

3. Project Integration...........................................................................................................................................8
3.1. Project Conception...................................................................................................................................8
3.2. Project Templates ....................................................................................................................................9

4. File functions .................................................................................................................................................10

4.1. Create New Project ................................................................................................................................10
4.2. Save project............................................................................................................................................12
4.3. Open existing project .............................................................................................................................12
4.4. Close project ..........................................................................................................................................12
4.5. Active project .........................................................................................................................................13
4.6. Save project as template........................................................................................................................13
4.7. Delete project ........................................................................................................................................14
4.8. Delete project template .........................................................................................................................14

5. ICD functions .................................................................................................................................................15

5.1. Displaying project configuration and properties of nodes ....................................................................15
5.2. Displaying source (ICD-file) ....................................................................................................................15
5.3. Adding, deleting and renaming devices .................................................................................................16
5.4. Adding, deleting and renaming logical nodes ........................................................................................17
5.5. Editing sAddr ..........................................................................................................................................17
5.6. Removing Data Objects ..........................................................................................................................22
5.7. Restore Data Objects from Template ....................................................................................................23
5.8. Renaming Data Objects ..........................................................................................................................24
5.9. Changing of DO Data Class .....................................................................................................................25
5.10. Changing the control model for controllable data objects ....................................................................26

6. GOOSElight Support ......................................................................................................................................28

6.1. Limitations and scope ............................................................................................................................28
6.2. Common GOOSE Settings for Publisher side .........................................................................................29
6.3. GOOSE Publisher Control Block functions .............................................................................................29
6.4. GOOSE Publisher Control Block settings ................................................................................................29
6.5. GOOSE External Publisher – Internal Subscriber Side............................................................................31
6.6. Adding and deleting Subscribers and Data Objects ...............................................................................31
6.7. External Publisher Settings ....................................................................................................................32
6.8. External Dataset Object Settings ...........................................................................................................33

7. Service functions ...........................................................................................................................................34

7.1. Create MICS file......................................................................................................................................34
User Guide SCL-Config 3

7.2. Create PIXIT file ......................................................................................................................................34

7.3. Create PICS file .......................................................................................................................................34
7.4. Create TICS file .......................................................................................................................................34
7.5. “WinConfig” (batch) Mode ....................................................................................................................34
7.6. Actions log ..............................................................................................................................................35

List of Figures .........................................................................................................................................................36

Document History..................................................................................................................................................38
User Guide SCL-Config 4

1. Introduction
This document describes SCL-Config main functions for creating and editing configuration files of telecontrol
equipment under IEC-61850 standard. This Tool lets you do the following:

• creating new project of Win-Config settings with ICD-file,

• creating new project of archive jffs2.tar with ICD-file from a template project or other archive,
• creating new project of Win-Config settings from archive jffs2.tar,
• viewing the ICD-file in a tree structure,
• using this tool as project-independent basis to edit objects and nodes of ICD-file in a comfortable way
for project specific use. I.e. a common base can be modified to fit your project depending settings.
• viewing and editing the GOOSE publishers and subscribers.

Figure 1 SCL- Config

User Guide SCL-Config 5

2. System installation

2.1. Minimum System Requirements

Application environment is:

• Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7

• Microsoft Framework Net 2.0
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 with Service Pack 1
• Microsoft Office Word 2007

2.2. Installation
To begin installation run SCL_Config_Setup.exe. You will see the installation welcome screen:

Figure 2 Setup Wizard

Setup wizard will pass you through the installation of the SCL Config Tool. Press “Next”.
This is the default installation directory. If you want to install in a different directory, select “Browse”. Press

Figure 3 Destination Folder

User Guide SCL-Config 6

Installation is now complete. Press “Finish”. If the option «Launch application» is on, the application is
launched automatically.

Figure 4 Installation is complete

After installation will be created:

• Folder "C:\Program Files\TELE-DATA\SCL-Config" with application files

Figure 5 Installation folder

• 3 items in user’s programs menu “TELE-DATA\SCL-Config”

Figure 6 Application program group

Use item “SCL Config Tool” to start Tool.

After application starting “\SCL-Config” data folder will be created in folder “My Documents”:

Figure 7 Application data folder

User Guide SCL-Config 7

2.3. Settings
To start SCL-Config click “SCL-Config” shortcut. When application is starting the first, setting of params – sAddr
type is mandatory.

Figure 8 Settings for the first start of the application

To set the application main options choose the function “Options” on page “Tasks” or main menu item

Figure 9 SCL Config Options

The following parameters are to be set in order to work with the application (“AIP” – Application Installation
Params Description Default value
Application Data Path Path to application data (Settings and Logs) “My Documents”\SCL-Config
“My Documents”\SCL-
Project Path Path to user projects
“My Documents”\SCL-
Project Template Path Path to user project templates
Config\Project Template
Path to user doc templates (for creation PIXS and
Doc Template Path “AIP”\DocTemplate
Application can use 2 types of sAddr fields –
sAddr Type “Not Defined”
“ASCIIx61850” or “PQIx850”
Tab 1 SCL Config Options

2.4. Uninstalling
To remove SCL-Config use item “Uninstall” from programs menu “TELE-DATA\SCL-Config”
User Guide SCL-Config 8

3. Project Integration

3.1. Project Conception

The project is a set of files that can be modified by the user according to certain rules. SCL-Config Tools (then –
Tools) handles these files only in conjunction.
The project can be of two types:
• “WinConfig” – project uses settings files of Win-Config application,
• “Archive Tar” - project uses archive jffs2.tar.
The project “WinConfig” consists of:
• folder for working files,
• working files - “*.xml“, “*. ICD“, “go*.param” (for sAddrType “ASCIIx61850”)
The project “Archive Tar” consists of:
• folder for working files,
• working files - “jffs2.tar“, “*. ICD“, “fname.param“, “device.param“, “go*.param” (for sAddrType
• shell-script “” (if “closed” state)

The project can have 2 states:

• active – when the archive or settings file are not ready to use and user can change the working files
(icd, device.param, goose.param)
• closed – when all working files are saved in the archive or settings file, all files are ready to use.

The project file consists of:

• project state
• project type
• project descriptions
• sAddr type –“ASCIIx61850” or “PQIx850”
Projects are saved to the separate folders with name of the project. Folder name, project file name and ICD-
file have name of project:
\REG-Dx3 (active project)
\REG-Dx4 (closed project)
\eberle43.Goose.20110824 (active project)
User Guide SCL-Config 9
\eberle43.Goose.20110825 (closed project)

3.2. Project Templates

The Project Template is project descriptions file and jffs2-archive or settings files, specially prepared or copied
from working projects. New project is creating from project templates, stored in the folder “Template“
(specified in the options)
. . .
User Guide SCL-Config 10

4. File functions

4.1. Create New Project

“Create New Project” feature includes: selecting archive, Win-Config settings file, project template or closed
project, creating new folder and project descriptions file, copy jffs2-archive or settings files from template,
unpacking all working files, locking archive, copy original ICD as “template.icd“, renaming a ICD-file to project
name, opening ICD-file and GOOSE parameters in Tools.
To create a new Project use the function “Create New Project” on page “Tasks” or via main menu item
“File\Create New Project”.

Figure 10 Create New Project

Next, user must choose a Win-Config settings file, archive, template or closed project, on the basis of which a
new project will be created.

Figure 11 New Project

If user wants to create project from closed project, he must select one of them:

Figure 12 Select Project

User Guide SCL-Config 11

Similar actions must be done at creation of project from template:

Figure 13 Select Template

Then user must set the name for a new project and his description (not necessarily).

Figure 14 Create a new project, last step

The user can give new parameters values for “Project” configuration section – name and description, and
confirm the change of the values by clicking Ok.

Figure 15 Project settings

The user can also give new parameters values for “IED” configuration section – name and description, and
confirm the change of the values by clicking Ok.
User Guide SCL-Config 12

Figure 16 IED settings

4.2. Save project

All changes of configuration parameters and contents are conducted in the local memory. To save
configuration changes in the file use function “Save Project”, via hot-key on panel “Project” or via main menu
item ”File\Save Project”.

Figure 17 Save configuration

On panel “Project” you can find hot-key “Open Project folder” to manage the files of the user’s configuration.

4.3. Open existing project

To open project for editing or save it as template use function “Open Project”, by hot-key on panel “Project”
or via main menu item “File\Open Project”.

Figure 18 Open existing project

4.4. Close project

To close project and save all working files in the archive by hot-key on panel “Project” or via main menu item
“File\Close Project”.

Figure 19 Close project

When the project closes:

1) Removing unused LNode's types from the section "DataTypeTempaltes":
• for each DOType find all LNodeType
• for each LNodeType check DO with type =
• if exist - break, else - remove unused type
User Guide SCL-Config 13

2) If project type is “WinConfig” then go to p.5, else go to p.3

3) Creating new file "device.param", adding descriptions for all used devices
4) Saving “device.param”
5) If sAddrType is “ASCIIx61850” then go to p.6, else go to p.9
6) Creating new files “go*.param”, adding descriptions for all used GOOSE Control Blocks and Subscribers
7) Saving “go*.param”
8) For project type “WinConfig” only - updating files “go*.param” in settings file (xml)
9) Saving ICD file and unlock
10) For project type “Archive Tar” only - adding files to archive: ICD, fname.param, device.param, go*.param
11) Set project state "closed" and save project file
12) Removing files from project folder: fname.param, device.param, go*.param, template.icd
13) For project type “Archive Tar” only - create shell-script “”
14) For project type “WinConfig” only - saving settings file (xml) and unlock

4.5. Active project

To reopen last closed project by hot-key on panel “Project” or via main menu item “File\Active Project”.

Figure 20 Active project

When activation of the project:

1) Reading the last used project file
2) Lock ICD file
3) For project type “WinConfig” and sAddrType "ASCIIx61850" – extracting files “go*.param” from settings
file (xml)
4) For project type “Archive Tar” - unpacking all working files: “fname.param”, “device.param”, “go*.param”
(for sAddrType "ASCIIx61850")
5) For project type “Archive Tar” - locking archive (rename)
6) For project type “WinConfig” - locking settings file (rename)
7) Creating work templates for ICD
8) Show ICD as tree on "Configuration" page
9) Show project properties on "Configuration"/"Project" page
10) For sAddrType "ASCIIx61850" - show GOOSE Publishers and Subscribers

4.6. Save project as template

To save project as template and copy it to “Template” folder use function “Save as template” or via main
menu item “File\ Save as template”.

Figure 21 Save as template

User Guide SCL-Config 14

4.7. Delete project

To delete project use function “Delete” on the form “Select Project”

Figure 22 Delete project

4.8. Delete project template

To delete project template use function “Delete” on the form “Select Template”

Figure 23 Delete project template

User Guide SCL-Config 15

5. ICD functions

5.1. Displaying project configuration and properties of nodes

ICD-file is shown as the logical structure tree on page “Configuration”. On the right panel of the page section
“IED” parameters are shown, as well as options of the configuration logical object and options of the field
sAddr, if exists in the chosen object DAI.

Figure 24 Displaying the project configuration

Figure 25 Displaying the properties of nodes

5.2. Displaying source (ICD-file)

Full original ICD-configuration file is displayed on the page "ICD file". You can stay and expand individual nodes
configuration similar to the display of XML-files in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
User Guide SCL-Config 16

Figure 26 Displaying the ICD file

5.3. Adding, deleting and renaming devices

Configuration change is done on the page "Configuration”. To change the content of the device and its name
use hot-keys and popup menu panel “Device”.

Figure 27 Adding and deleting devices

User Guide SCL-Config 17

Figure 28 Renaming device

5.4. Adding, deleting and renaming logical nodes

To add new logical nodes of the necessary type, to rename or delete from the configuration use hot-keys and
popup menu of the panel “Device”.

Figure 29 Adding, deleting and renaming logical nodes

5.5. Editing sAddr

Upon choosing DAI “stVal” on the right panel “sAddr Editing” parameters’ editor of sAddr field is available. To
accept changes of the parameters press OK, to cancel the changes press Cancel.

Figure 30 Editing sAddr

User Guide SCL-Config 18

Such editors are accessible for the use:

ICD Template (sAddr) Type = “ASCIIx61850”, Record Type = “ST” (Status\Measurands)
User Guide SCL-Config 19

ICD Template (sAddr) Type = “ASCIIx61850”, Record Type = “CO” (Control). The behavior of “scale” setting for
DoublePoint, Boolean and other types is different.
User Guide SCL-Config 20

ICD Template (sAddr) Type = “ASCIIx61850”, Record Type = “SP” (Setpoint\Setting group). The behavior of
“scale” setting for DoublePoint, Boolean and other types is different.
User Guide SCL-Config 21

ICD Template (sAddr) Type = “PQIx850”, Record Type = “ST” (Status\Measurands)

ICD Template (sAddr) Type = “PQIx850”, Record Types “CO” (Control) & “SP” (Setpoint\Setting group) are not
User Guide SCL-Config 22

5.6. Removing Data Objects

Removing of DO is executed in two steps:
1) when an user executes the function “Remove DO” in application:
• verifications of name
• mandatory DO list for LPHD Logical Node - "PhyNam", "PhyHealth", "Proxy", for other - "Mod", "Beh",
"Health", "NamPlt". A removing the DO is blocked.
• if DO is system, confirmation of operation is required. A not system DO has a DA with name “dataNs”
• ICD can have more than one of Logical Node same type, that means all these DO will be removing. List
of LN will be shown and confirmation of operation is required
• removing DOI from LNode
• excluding empty Data Sets
• excluding Reports without data set.

Figure 31 Algorithm of removing Data Objects

User Guide SCL-Config 23

2) when an user closes project - removing unused DO's types from the section “DataTypeTemplates”

Figure 32 Removing Data Objects

5.7. Restore Data Objects from Template

Restoring of DO is executed when an user executes the function “Restore DO” in application. Based on a
template (original ICD-file) is created:
• in the section “DataTypeTemplates” - DO Type and DO for LNodeType, if they are not exists
• DOI for all LNode of the LNodeType
• DataSet and Report, if they are not exists

Figure 33 Restore Data Objects from template

User Guide SCL-Config 24

Figure 34 Algorithm of restoring Data Object from template

5.8. Renaming Data Objects

Figure 35 Renaming the Data Obects

User Guide SCL-Config 25

Algorithm of renaming DO
1) verifications of old name
• Mandatory DO list for LPHD Logical Node - "PhyNam", "PhyHealth", "Proxy", for other - "Mod", "Beh",
"Health", "NamPlt". A change the name is blocked.
• If DO is system, confirmation of operation is required. A not system DO has a DA with name “dataNs”

• ICD can have more than one of Logical Node same type, that means all these DO will be renamed. List
of LN will be shown and confirmation of operation is required

Figure 36 Confirmation to rename DO list

2) verifications of new name

• A change the name from mandatory DO list is blocked.
• If the new name exists, renaming is canceled

3) Rename DO in LNodeType from section “DataTypeTemplates”

4) Rename DOI in Logical Node
5) Rename FCDA in DataSets of Logical Node

5.9. Changing of DO Data Class

Changing of DO Data Class is accessible for changing “SPC” to “DPC” and vice versa. In this case DO Editor is
displaying on editor panel.

Figure 37 Changing of DO Data Class

Algorithm of changing of DO Data Class:

1) Changing of DO Data Class is accessible for changing “SPC” to “DPC” and vice versa
2) search DOType in LNodeType from section “DataTypeTemplates” where:
User Guide SCL-Config 26

• “id” = new type (“SPC” or “DPC”)

• DOType has not DA with name ”SBOw”
• If DOType has DA with name ”dataNs”, it is preferring
3) Setting the new value of Type Id for DO
4) DO will to have new Data Class
5) If new DOType is not searched, then changing is canceled

5.10. Changing the control model for controllable data objects

Note: for “Status only” Data Objects a control model does not change.
Changing of DO Data Class is accessible for four control models:
• Direct with normal security
• SBO with normal security
• SBO with enhanced security
• Direct with enhanced security
Change is performed after selecting a DAI node:

Figure 38 Changing the control model for controllable data objects

User is able to select a control model from the drop-down list “Control Model”. The program finds new DO
type for selected model by algorithm:
1) New DO type has the same Data Class;
2) Direct with normal security requires mandatory Data structure Oper;
3) SBO with normal security requires mandatory Data attribute SBO, mandatory Data structure Oper and
optional Data structure Cancel. Cancel can be omitted if cancel service is unsupported;
4) SBO with enhanced security requires mandatory Data structure SBOw, mandatory Data structure Oper
and optional Data structure Cancel. Cancel can be omitted if cancel service is unsupported;
5) Direct with enhanced security requires mandatory Data structure Oper and optional Data structure
Cancel. Cancel can be omitted if cancel service is unsupported;
Can be searched several types. In this case user can select from choose one.
If “sbo” type is selected, the user is able to edit “sboTimeout” and “sboClass” DAs.
After a confirmation a program changes a type of DO and brings all DAs conformably with selected DO type
(fig. 29 & 30)
User Guide SCL-Config 27

Figure 39 New attributes for selected “sbo” control model

Figure 40 Excluded attributes for selected “direct” control model

User Guide SCL-Config 28

6. GOOSElight Support
GOOSElight contains the settings for Publisher and Subscriber sides. These are different and perform different
functions. SCL Config provides the ability to create, to edit, to adjust and to save all settings for both sides. All
functions are available on “GOOSElight” page of application.
All GOOSE settings are saved in form of “param” files:
• for project type “Archive Tar” inside archive (jffs2.tar)
• for project type “WinConfig” in settings file (xml) as CData sections

Figure 41 GOOSE settings page

6.1. Limitations and scope

The GOOSE features are applied only for sAddr type "ASCIIx61850".
Attributes that can be added to the GOOSE publisher Data Set :
• “stVal”,
• “mag.f”,
• “valWTr.transInd”,
• “valWTr.posVal”,
• “q”
User Guide SCL-Config 29

6.2. Common GOOSE Settings for Publisher side

Editor “General Settings for GOOSE” provides editing common settings - activation, timing strategy, timing

6.3. GOOSE Publisher Control Block functions

The GOOSE Publisher Control Block List is available on the “GOOSE Control Blocks” box.

Figure 42 GOOSE Control Blocks list

Selected block can be removed using function “Remove GOOSE Control Block”. When user deletes a block, the
ICD sections for this block are removed – “GSE”, “GSEControl”, “DataSet”.
Function “Add GOOSE Control Block” will prompt to define the required parameters for the new block. The
new block will be shown in the list. The maximum number of blocks is 4.

Figure 43 Parameters for the new GOOSE Control Block

6.4. GOOSE Publisher Control Block settings

For the selected in the list GOOSE control block is available to view and edit the parameters of this block. The
properties editor has 3 pages of settings.
Page “Common Settings” allows defining names and descriptions of main sections.

Figure 44 Common settings of the GOOSE Control Block

User Guide SCL-Config 30

Page “Communication Settings” allows defining MAC address.

Figure 45 Communication settings of the GOOSE Control Block

Page “Data Set” shows the Data Set of the Control Block and allows editing it. Functions “Data Object Up”,
“Data Object Down” and “Remove Data Object” are processing all Data Attributes records for current Data
Object. Functions “Data Attribute Up” and “Data Attribute Down” are changing order of Data Attributes
records for current Data Object.

Figure 46 Data Set of the GOOSE Control Block

Adding the Data Object to Data Set of GOOSE Control Block is done in a device tree. For the selected Data
Object is used function “Add DO to GOOSE Control Block”.

Figure 47 Adding the Data Object to Data Set of GOOSE Control Block
User Guide SCL-Config 31

Before adding it will be necessary to select a Control Block and Data Attributes. Attributes list is defined by a
Data Object type from template section of ICD.

Figure 48 Adding the Data Object to Data Set of GOOSE Control Block

Note: For structure “valWTr” data attribute “q” will be added twice – for each attribute. To Data Set will be
added 4 records.

Figure 49 Adding structure “valWTr” to Data Set of GOOSE Control Block

6.5. GOOSE External Publisher – Internal Subscriber Side

The application contains up to 16 internal subscribers. They are able to receive GOOSE messages from external
GOOSE Publisher. Each subscriber can receive the messages from one Publisher. Each subscriber contains a list
of the external data objects, which are included in messages from conformed external publisher. Subscribers
and data objects are shown as the logical structure tree on box “GOOSE Light Subscriber Configuration”.

Figure 50 External Publishers List

6.6. Adding and deleting Subscribers and Data Objects

Use hot-keys and popup menu of the top panel to add new Subscribers and Data Objects or to delete their.
User Guide SCL-Config 32

Figure 51 Adding and deleting Subscribers and Data Objects

Communication and GOOSE publisher settings may be got from external ICD. After select this function the new
form will be shown. It is need to select ICD-file and GOOSE Control Block from it, to check necessary data
objects. Selected control block and data objects wil be added as new Subscriber.

Figure 52 Adding Subscribers and Data Objects from ICD-file

6.7. External Publisher Settings

For selected Subscriber is available settings editor. Logical Devices list contains Logical Devices from ICD of
project. If publisher was loaded from external ICD, then GOOSE ID, Control Block and DataSet names, MAC-
address will be filled from it.
User Guide SCL-Config 33

Figure 53 External Publisher Settings

6.8. External Dataset Object Settings

For selected Data Object is available settings editor. Locked data in form is defined by Subscriber. The behavior
of “scale” setting for DoublePoint, Boolean, Quality and other command types is different.

Figure 54 External Dataset Object Settings

User Guide SCL-Config 34

7. Service functions

7.1. Create MICS file

The file may only be used for configurations based on a template supplied with the application. Generation file
is executed the main menu item "Create MICS". The format is Portable Document Format (pdf). The user will
be asked to specify a folder name to save.

7.2. Create PIXIT file

For the configurations based on a template supplied to application, application saving file documentation
PIXIT. Generation file is executed the main menu item "Create PIXIT". The format is Portable Document Format
(pdf). The user will be asked to specify a folder name to save.

7.3. Create PICS file

For the configurations based on a template supplied to application, application saving file documentation PICS.
Generation file is executed the main menu item "Create PICS". The format is Portable Document Format (pdf).
The user will be asked to specify a folder name to save.

7.4. Create TICS file

For the configurations based on a template supplied to application, application saving file documentation TICS.
Generation file is executed the main menu item "Create TICS". The format is Portable Document Format (pdf).
The user will be asked to specify a folder name to save.

7.5. “WinConfig” (batch) Mode

“WinConfig” (batch) Mode provides Win-Config supporting. This mode is activated when the application starts
with the parameters:
SCL-Config.exe [ICD file name] [xml file name]
for example:
SCL-Config.exe "D:\projects\eXX\eXX.icd" "D:\projects\eXX\eXX.xml"
After starting the application creates temporary project of “WinConfig” type in path <“My Documents”\SCL-
Config\WinConfig> and opens this project for editing. Some functions of SCL-Config are blocked:
• “open project”,
• “create new project”,
• “options”.
For temporary project sAddr type is set in accordance with ”code” field from the node “software” in file
• sAddr type “ASCIIx61850” for REG devices (code= asc850),
• sAddr type “PQIx850” for PQI\CPR devices (code= pqi850).
When the SCL-Config exits, it closes a project, replaces the original ICD and xml files, and deletes the
temporary project. Before replacement of ICD and xml files backup files are created.
User Guide SCL-Config 35

7.6. Actions log

All events open and save files, add and delete nodes, change sAddr stored in the log file and displayed on the
page "Log". Log files saved in "Log" application folder.

Figure 55 Actions log

User Guide SCL-Config 36

List of Figures
Figure 1 SCL- Config ............................................................................................................................................4
Figure 2 Setup Wizard ........................................................................................................................................5
Figure 3 Destination Folder ................................................................................................................................5
Figure 4 Installation is complete ........................................................................................................................6
Figure 5 Installation folder .................................................................................................................................6
Figure 6 Application program group ..................................................................................................................6
Figure 7 Application data folder .........................................................................................................................6
Figure 8 Settings for the first start of the application ........................................................................................7
Figure 9 SCL Config Options ...............................................................................................................................7
Figure 10 Create New Project...........................................................................................................................10
Figure 11 New Project ......................................................................................................................................10
Figure 12 Select Project ....................................................................................................................................10
Figure 13 Select Template ................................................................................................................................11
Figure 14 Create a new project, last step.........................................................................................................11
Figure 15 Project settings .................................................................................................................................11
Figure 16 IED settings ......................................................................................................................................12
Figure 17 Save configuration ............................................................................................................................12
Figure 18 Open existing project .......................................................................................................................12
Figure 19 Close project .....................................................................................................................................12
Figure 20 Active project ...................................................................................................................................13
Figure 21 Save as template ..............................................................................................................................13
Figure 22 Delete project ...................................................................................................................................14
Figure 23 Delete project template ...................................................................................................................14
Figure 24 Displaying the project configuration ................................................................................................15
Figure 25 Displaying the properties of nodes ..................................................................................................15
Figure 26 Displaying the ICD file.......................................................................................................................16
Figure 27 Adding and deleting devices............................................................................................................16
Figure 28 Renaming device ..............................................................................................................................17
Figure 29 Adding, deleting and renaming logical nodes ..................................................................................17
Figure 30 Editing sAddr ....................................................................................................................................17
Figure 31 Algorithm of removing Data Objects ................................................................................................22
Figure 32 Removing Data Objects ....................................................................................................................23
Figure 33 Restore Data Objects from template ...............................................................................................23
Figure 34 Algorithm of restoring Data Object from template..........................................................................24
Figure 35 Renaming the Data Obects ...............................................................................................................24
User Guide SCL-Config 37

Figure 36 Confirmation to rename DO list .......................................................................................................25

Figure 37 Changing of DO Data Class ...............................................................................................................25
Figure 38 Changing the control model for controllable data objects ..............................................................26
Figure 39 New attributes for selected “sbo” control model ............................................................................27
Figure 40 Excluded attributes for selected “direct” control model .................................................................27
Figure 41 GOOSE settings page ........................................................................................................................28
Figure 42 GOOSE Control Blocks list.................................................................................................................29
Figure 43 Parameters for the new GOOSE Control Block ................................................................................29
Figure 44 Common settings of the GOOSE Control Block ................................................................................29
Figure 45 Communication settings of the GOOSE Control Block .....................................................................30
Figure 46 Data Set of the GOOSE Control Block ...............................................................................................30
Figure 47 Adding the Data Object to Data Set of GOOSE Control Block ..........................................................30
Figure 48 Adding the Data Object to Data Set of GOOSE Control Block ..........................................................31
Figure 49 Adding structure “valWTr” to Data Set of GOOSE Control Block .....................................................31
Figure 50 External Publishers List .....................................................................................................................31
Figure 51 Adding and deleting Subscribers and Data Objects .......................................................................32
Figure 52 Adding Subscribers and Data Objects from ICD-file .........................................................................32
Figure 53 External Publisher Settings ...............................................................................................................33
Figure 54 External Dataset Object Settings ......................................................................................................33
Figure 55 Actions log ........................................................................................................................................35
User Guide SCL-Config 38

Document History

Author Department Changes Version Date

Sergiy Tarkhanov Initial version 0.1 01.12.2008

Sergiy Tarkhanov Extension according to SCL-Config 0.2 05.01.2009

release 1.1
Sergiy Tarkhanov Extension according to SCL-Config 0.3 18.05.2009
release 1.2
Sergiy Tarkhanov Extension according to SCL-Config 0.4 17.06.2009
Sergiy Tarkhanov Extension according to SCL-Config 0.5 12.08.2009
release 1.3
Sergiy Tarkhanov Extension according to SCL-Config 2.0 17.12.2009
release 2.0
Sergiy Tarkhanov Extension according to SCL-Config 3.0 15.03.2011
release 3.0. New sAddr format and
user editors for ASCIIx61850
Sergiy Tarkhanov SCL-Config release 3.1. 3.1 22.03.2011
Supporting new type of sAddr -
Sergiy Tarkhanov SCL-Config release 4.0. Some 4.0 22.03.2011
support functions of GOOSE for
sAddr type "ASCIIx61850"
Sergiy Tarkhanov SCL-Config release 4.1 4.1 23.07.2011

Sergiy Tarkhanov SCL-Config release 5.0. Full 5.0 25.08.2011

support functions of GOOSE for
sAddr type "ASCIIx61850". Win-
Config projects support.
Sergiy Tarkhanov SCL-Config release 5.1. “One 5.1 30.09.2011
project” mode for Win-Config
Sergiy Tarkhanov SCL-Config release 5.2. 5.2 20.12.2011
“WinConfig” mode for Win-Config

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