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1. D
Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes
harness change for the customer's competitive advantage is an Agile
Manifesto principle (D), while the other options are made up. (A) and (B)
focus on early development, while (C) mentions priorities which are all wrong.

2. A
A common failure mode is the Scrum master command and controlling the
team (A). An available product owner is positive (B) and eight team members
(D) is also a good size, while team being distributed (C) is not a reason for

3. C
It would not be ethical to invest in the company immediately (A) or tell your
friends to invest in this company (B). Wait until the information becomes
public knowledge, and then decide if you want to invest in the company. (C) is
the best option here. Provide the proprietary information to a competing
vendor (D) is very unethical.

4. A
The Scrum master should remove impediments (A), but not take part in
estimating user stories (B), spikes (C), or even consider acting as project
manager (D).

5. A
Harry's Agile team should collaborate with the customer to determine if and
when the user story should be completed (A). Immediately add the user story
to the top of the next iteration's backlog is a decision to be made by the
product owner, not the team (B). Finish the user story over the weekend or
other downtime (C) is not an option as sprints are timeboxed. Remove the
user story from the project (D) is not possible, as it is prioritized by the
product owner to be completed.

6. B
In planning poker the use of the question mark card (A) means "I don't know"
while the coffee cup card means "I need a break" (B). The 100 mark card is a
high esteem card (C), while just leaving without asking may cause some
debate (D).

7. B
Another term for rolling-wave planning and successive elaboration is adaptive
planning (B), while WBS planning (C), and adaptive leadership planning (D)
are made up. Agile is top-down planning, not bottom-up (A).
8. A
The Definition of Done criteria are decided by the team (A), and by no one
else (B), (C), or (D).

9. C
The risk burn-down graphs show the cumulative risk severities over time (C),
while the impacts of project risks on the project schedule (A), the project
budget (B), and the cumulative risk probabilities over time (D), are not shown.

10. D
Assumptions (A), constraints (B), and roles and responsibilities (C) are all
found in the project charter, while Earned Value Management (D) is rarely the

11. B
For EVM you need EV, PV, and AC (B). AV (A) is made up while SPI (C) and
CPI (D) can be measured based upon EV, PV, and AC.

12. D
The main steps of vendor management include administer procurements (A),
conduct procurements (B), and close procurements (C), which makes all of
the above (D) the best choice.

13. C
According to Scrum, an iteration planning meeting should last no longer than
eight hours (C).

14. D
Risk can be identified at any time (D).

15. A
Adjourning is the close phase (A) and correct, while storming (B) and norming
(C) are for ongoing teams. None of the above (D) is not the best option in this

16. A
The XP phrase "caves and common" mean a single room where an open
space with information radiators and a whiteboard for meetings is on one
side, and on the other side are programming cubicles (A). Osmotic
communication and collaboration happens at the computers (B); cave and
common areas are not for work (C) and (D).

17. A
The team is self-managing, self-organizing, and cross-functional. Self-
directing (B) self-empowered (C), and self-monitoring (D) are made up.
18. A
The defects that are not found during the development phase are called
escaped defects (A), while the other options are made up.

19. B
It is a sign of the work being done and should be limited to boost performance
(B) is the best answer since it summarizes the philosophy behind the
approach. It does not maximize the performance (A) and it does count toward
velocity (C) and (D).

20. B
Eliminate waste is closely related to Value Stream Mapping (B), while the
other options are irrelevant or made up in this case.

21. C
Incremental delivery means that we improve and elaborate our Agile process
(C) with each increment delivered.

22. D
Improving the data without changing the functionality is called refactoring (D)
and has nothing to do with testing (A), (B), and (C).

23. A
Tools and techniques for value-based prioritization are ROI (A), IRR, NPV,
and similar, while the other options are not relevant to this question.

24. B
Strict and inflexible project management practices (A) is not a positive
indication while adopting organization values trust, collective ownership, and
adaptability (B) is. Adopting organization values hierarchical decision making
(C) and adopting organization values top-down management (D) are not
positive indicators.

25. C
Hire more people (A) is not an option for the team and the number of
features in the backlog (B) would not reduce the current debt, which can be
reduced by refactoring the code (C) so this is the best option. Change of
velocity (D) has no effect at this stage.

26. B
The purpose of asking the "5 Whys" (B) is to determine the root cause.

27. B
Agile smells include Loss of Rhythm (A), Missing Pigs (C), and Persistent
Signatures (D), but not Flying Chickens (B)
28. C
400/50 = 8 weeks (C).

29. D
Agile estimates are collaborative (A), team-based (B), and iterative (C), which
makes all of the above (D) the best choice.

30. B
When managing an Agile software team, engaging the business in prioritizing
the backlog is an example of incorporating stakeholder value (B). Technical
risk reduction (A) is conducted by the team while vendor management (C) in
this case does not incorporate stakeholder value. Stakeholder story mapping
(D) is rarely the case.

31. C
In Agile, management and leadership are used together (C).

32. B
Agile expects uncertainty and manages it through iterations, anticipation, and
adaptation (B).

33. B
The optimal team size is most likely between 5 and 9 (B) or the number of
people who can split two pizzas. Too few will not be enough to manage the
work, while too many will result in free riders and ineffectiveness.

34. B
High-performance teams that listen well will be told more (A), understand
people better (C), and be better at resolving conflicts (D); however, they will
not be more effective (B).

35. D
Customer persona modeling may include stereotyped users (A), real people
(B), and archetypal description (C), while requirements (D) are not illustrated.

36. A
Businesspeople and developers must work together daily throughout the
project involves real customer Involvement, Whole Team (B), Osmotic
Communication (C), and Daily Scrum (D); however; it does not involve
retrospectives (A).

37. B
The "I" in INVEST stands for Independent (B).
38. A
SCAMPER (A) is a brainstorming technique just like brainwriting, pre-
mortem, and such, while 5 Whys (B) and Root-Cause analysis (C) are for
product quality. Decision trees (D) mostly are used for risk management.

39. B
The best thing is to be firm and insist on prioritization (B). The team needs the
prioritization (A) and it does not prioritize itself (C), nor is it the team's decision
(D) to make the prioritizations for the business.

40. C
The Speculate phase (C) clearly identifies what is to be done and how the
work is to be accomplished.

41. C
55% of the message pertaining to feelings and attitudes is in facial (C)
expression, which is the most important variable in terms of communication.

42. C
92% 120 minutes of value (meeting) and 2 + 8 (10) minutes of non-valued
time (C). The formula is 10/120 = 0.08. 100% − 8% = 92%.

43. B
Leading adaptive work is based upon 6 (B) principles.

44. A
Simplicity is not an XP practice, while On-site Customer (B), Planning (C),
and Refactoring (D) are.

45. D
Feedback techniques are used at pair programming, unit testing, continuous
integration, sprint planning meeting, daily Scrums, and sprint review
(shippable product), which makes (D) the best choice.

46. A
The Agile approach includes the process of "inspection and adjustment" to
improve customer value by incorporating the customer's voice in the adaptive
development process (A). To develop a risk-mitigation plan for incomplete
feature development (B) is hardly relevant, while tracking development scope,
cost, and schedule errors is also of little value for the team (C). The team
does not apply a project plan (D).

47. B
The problem is that many managers confuse estimates with commitments. As
soon as the team expresses an estimate they are forced to commit to it (B).
48. C
The iteration demo in Scrum is owned by the product owner (C).

49. C
The cone of uncertainty narrows as the project progresses. (C) is correct.

50. B
Option (B) is made up while (A), (C), and (D) are correct dimensions. The
missing dimnesion is the power dimension, not personal power as suggested
wrongly here.

51. C
Work-in-progress is found on the task board (C), while the user story backlog
(A) is not a log with WIP. The product roadmap (B) and WBS (D) are high-
level descriptions and hold no WIP.

52. D
When working with a globally distributed team, the most useful approach
would be to gather the entire team for a kickoff event and keep them working
together for at least the first iteration (D). Bring the entire team together for a
diversity and sensitivity training day before starting the first iteration (A) may
work well, but is not the best option. Bring the entire group together is fine but
not for a big celebration at the end of the project (B). Bring the entire group
together for a get-to-know-you session (C) before starting the first iteration
may also work, but (D) is the best option.

53. B
Buy a feature (B) is an innovative game.

54. A
XP does support knowledge sharing by collective code ownership (A).

55. C
User stories are first assigned to iterations during release planning (C).

56. D
Develop an Overall Mode (A), Build a Feature List (B), and Plan by Feature
(C) are all FDD processes while Execute a Feature (D) is made up.

57. B
It is not acceptable to extend the iteration for a few days in order to finish
everything in the plan because iterations are timeboxed (B) and Scrum
masters cannot make any decisions.
58. B
Agile Project Management is an execution-biased model (B) with limited focus
on control and planning (A), (C), and (D).

59. D
Planning is not part of the APM framework. The phases are: Envision,
Speculate, Explore, Adapt, and Close.

60. D
The product backlog is dynamic and incomplete (D) as it is an ongoing live

61. C
Benefits associated with product demonstrations are learn about feature
suitability (A), usability (B), and new requirements (D). However, since this is
a not question, the answer is (C) learning about feature estimates.

62. B
(10 + (15 × 4) + 50)/6 = 20 (B).

63. C
The project manager is most likely to do administrative activities for the team
(C) while (A), (B), and (D) are conducted by the team.

64. C
The Kanban Method is a change-management method derived from Toyota
Production Systems (TPS) (A) and Goldratt's Theory of Contracts (ToC) (B),
which makes (C) the best choice. Kanban has nothing to do with Scrum (D).

65. D
Agile teams typically prefer to treat quality as non-negotiable (D).

66. B
The team and Scrum master are required to attend the retrospective meeting,
while the product owner attendance is optimal (A). Options (C) and (D) lack
the Scrum master and/or may include the product owner.

67. B
To best describe how much money you hope the project will return, you
should show an estimate of Return on Investment (B). While internal rate of
return (A), (C), and (D), are financial measurements, they are not the best

68. C
The five XP values are communication, feedback, simplicity, courage, and
69. A
Signature presence is used in coaching (A).

70. C
Assignment of user stories to various T-shirt sizes (small, medium, large,
extra-large) is called Affinity estimating (C). It is a release estimating
technique (D), while Infinity estimating (A) and T-shirt estimating (B) are made
up terms.

71. A
The difference between Crystal Yellow and Crystal Diamond is the increased
number of people involved (B), which is the best choice. However, often
scope (B), cost and duration (C), and (D) will also be affected.

72. A
The product owner (A) is the sole decision maker. Scrum masters are
process specialists not decision makers. Upper management (C) and
stakeholders (D) should take their requirements to the product owner.

73. D
The common content of a business case include Introduction, Methods, and
Assumptions (A), Business Impacts (B), Sensitivity, Risks, and Contingencies
(C), and Conclusions and Recommendations. However, no Implementation
Strategies (D) are involved.

74. D
That burn-up charts separate out the rate of progress from the scope
fluctuations (A) is true. Burn-up charts and burn-down charts trend in opposite
vertical directions (B) is true, and burn-up charts can be converted to
cumulative flow diagrams by the addition of WIP (C) is also true. However,
that burn-down charts indicate whether rate-of-effort changes are due to
changes in progress rates or scope (D) is not correct.

75. B
The Agile Manifesto value "customer collaboration over contract negotiation"
means that Agile approaches focus on what we are trying to build with our
vendors, rather than on debating the details of contract terms (B). Not to
focus too much on negotiating contracts (A), not to use contracts (C), and
only collaborate with vendors (D) are all wrong.

76. D
The benefits of distributed teams are Global markets (A), Global talent (B),
and Reduced costs (C). This makes all of the above (D) the best choice.
77. C
Option (C) Independent, Negotiable, Valuable is part of INVEST.

78. D
In Agile approaches, negotiation is viewed as a healthy process of give-and-
take. The other options a zero-sum game (A), a winner-takes-all challenge
(B), and a foolproof win-win scenario (C) are one-sided and could create

79. C
Facilitator, teacher, conflict navigator, problem solver (C) are all coaching

80. C
When information is shared between collocated team members
unconsciously, it is known as Osmotic communication (C), while Chaordic
communication (B) and Entropic communication (D) are made up. Active
listening (A) is important for communication; however, it is not the best choice
in this question.

81. A
In Agile, planning should be at the level of features because customers get no
value from activities (A).

82. A
Pre-mortem (A) is a useful technique used to identify risk, which may be used
during the daily stand-ups (B). Decision tree analysis (C) may be used for
further risk assessment, while Osmotic communication (D) is not relevant

83. C
Agile contracts have a fixed time (A) and cost (B), while scope varies (D).
This makes (C) the right choice.

84. B
The steps involved in value stream analysis include: Create a value stream
map of the current process, identifying steps, queues, delays, and information
flows (B). Meetings and coffee breaks should not be documented (A). The
goals are not set forth in the project charter (C) nor review how to adjust the
value stream charter to be more flexible (D).

85. B
Chickens are everyone except the three roles (B).
86. B
Working software over comprehensive documentation (B) is found in the
Manifesto while the others are mixed up incorrectly.

87. B
Delivering working software (B) frequently is not an Agile Manifesto value or
principle regarding communication.

88. A
The organizational benefits of Emotional Intelligence are more effective
development of team working (A). It may help with the communication (B) and
reduce the severity of the conflicts (D). However, there is no evidence of
higher salaries (C).

89. B
High-bandwidth communication is face-to-face communication (B).

90. D
Intuitive listening (A), interested listening (B), and self-centered listening (C)
are made up, while (D) is the correct list as: (1) Internal listening, (2) Focused
listening, and (3) Global listening.

91. D
The values of the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Honesty do
state that we are truthful in our communications and in our communication
(A), we provide accurate information in a timely manner (B), and we are
truthful in our communications and in our conduct (C). However, it does not
state that we earnestly seek to understand the wrongdoing (D), which is the
correct answers in this not question.

92. B
To ensure the success of our project, the order is specified by the business
representatives (B). The PMO, team, and architect cannot make the decision;
it has to be the product owner/business representatives who are responsible
decision makers.

93. D
Face-to-face communication at a whiteboard (D) is the most effective form of
communication according to the research by Cockburn.

94. C
After refactoring, the code should be better organized (C).
95. A
$127 Now PV = –$2,000. Year one ($100 /1.1 = $90.91). Year two ($100 /1.1
× 1.1 = $82.64). Year three ($100/1.1 × 1.1 × 1.1 = $75.13). Year three final
payment $2,500/1.1 × 1.1 × 1.1 = $1,878.29. NPV = –$2,000 + $90.91 +
$82.64 + $75.13 + $1,878.29 = $127.

96. B
There is no ideal iteration length. It depends on the project and can vary (B)
by one or two weeks. (A) and (C) are often too short and stressful, while one
month or four weeks is the option many teams choose (D). However, it is up
to the team to decide.

97. D
Next sprint (D) is not considered during self-assessment.

98. D
A specialist (D) is a role from Belbin.

99. D
In Scrum, the definition of "done" is created by the development team (A), the
product owner (B), and the Scrum master (C)—not by the process owner (D).

100. C
Test-driven design (A), reforecasting (B), and peer programming (D) are
made up, while test-driven development, refactoring, and pair programming
(C) is correct.

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