E.Y.E Operatives Guide Alpha Ver 1-3-21

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Divine Cyber RPG

--[Alpha Edition]--
The History… 3
Old Earth - The Dark Ages 3
The Martian War 6
The Elato Forest Incident 9
The Birth of E.Y.E 9
The Metastreumonic Incursion 10
The First Contact 11
The Unknown Enemy 12

The World of the 25th Century 13

The Federation 13
The Metastreumonic Force 14
E.Y.E 14
The Secreta 15

Intro / Character Creation 15

Characteristics 15
Generating Characteristics: 16
Rolls 16
Advantage/Disadvantage 16
Other Stats: 17

Skills 18
Using Skills: 19
Skills and Characteristics 19
Advancing Skills: 19
Skill Descriptions: 20
Character Questions: 22

Level 23

Classes 24
Pure Classes 24
Harmonious Classes 24
The Path of Balance 25
Class Descriptions 25
Warrior - Weapon Master - Divine Warrior 25
Adept - Psyker - Daemon’s Palm 28
Protector - Guardian - Divine Rampart 30

Soldier - Marksman - Divine Lightning 33
Hacker - Hack Master - Matrix Overlord 36
Ninja - Shadow Strider - Death Wind 38
Avenger - Slayer - Divine Talion 40
Seeker - Dark Hunter - Divine Assassin 42
Warrior Adept - Warrior Psyker - Divine Destroyer 44
Cybermancer - Necro-cybermancer - Cyber Demiurge 47
Crusader - Champion Blade - Divine Seal 51
Monk - Priest - Mystic 54
Equilibrium Fist - Equilibrium Lord - Grey Master 56

Equipment: 60
Weapons: 60
Weapon Characteristics 60
Melee: 61
Handguns: 70
Submachine: 73
Rifles: 75
Shotgun: 78
Sniper: 83
Heavy: 85
Grenades: 91
Ammunition: 92
Other: 92
Armor: 92
Medical Supplies 93
Acquiring Equipment 94

CyberTech: 94
Cyberbrain 95
Cyber Eyes 96
Cyber Arms 96
Cyber Legs 97
Adrenaline Pumper 97
Armored Skull 98
Armored Torso 98
Firewall Module 99
Matrix Amp 99

Combat: 99
Initiative: 99
Encumbrance: 100
Actions Overview: 100
Speed: 102
Melee Attack: 102
Maneuvers: 102
Maneuvers List 103
Parry 103
Ranged Attack: 104
Critical Hits/Critical Misses 104
Reaction Attacks: 105
Lethal Damage: 105

Lethal Injury Table 105
Empowered Damage: 106
Combat Circumstances: 107

Hacking: 108
Countermeasures 110
Multiple Hacks 111

Psi Power 112

Learning Psi Powers 112
Casting Psi Powers 112
Psi Backlash 113
Psi Backlash Table 113
Powers 114

Author’s Note: I only take credit for the rules, systems, and other mechanical/game elements of this rulebook. The
E.Y.E setting and any fictional elements therein are the work of Streum On Studio. I wrote this rulebook because of
my love for the E.Y.E story and world and my wish to see it in the form of a role-playing game.

The History…

Old Earth - The Dark Ages

--Historical archives loaded... ... ... --

Years former to 2116: Dark Ages.
Period from 2116 to 2250: Technological Middle Ages.
From 2250 to 2379: The Long War.
2380: Rebirth and arrival of the new era, it's the new year 0...
Year 20: Where your story begins.

c. 1890 - First Discovery of Psi Powers: Around this time, the secret military intelligence of
multiple old Earth nations stumbled upon the existence of esoteric powers. They called these
strange mental abilities 'psi powers', and rushed to be the first to gain an upper hand over their
enemies by deploying psychic soldiers. Although participating in many of Earth's wars in the
20th century, their role was limited by the need to conceal their existence. By the 1940s and
50s, many of the men and women who received psi training became little more than bloodthirsty
monsters after slaughtering so many enemies with the power of their minds, and had to be put
down by their own governments. Of course, this never stopped them from explaining away the
disappearances and recruiting new psykers. Until around the 1990s, the official records
concerning psi operations remained sealed, and the general public unaware. This time remains
noteworthy not just for the discovery of a new realm of human ability, but the first instance of old
Earth's militaries successfully keeping a secret.

c. 1990 - Psi Powers become Public Knowledge: Many conspiracy theories of all flavors were
popular in this time. Aliens, cryptids, and secret government experiments - wild speculation of all
kinds flowed freely. One such prominent idea, that "sorcerers" or "psychics" had been fighting
alongside the armies of the world for decades, was eventually proven true. In Afghanistan, the
Soviets, having met increasingly frustrating resistance from the native mujahideen, began to
deploy the previously classified Koldyn psi troops to eliminate the opposition by any means
necessary. Unfortunately for the Soviets, a lone operative tearing apart insurgents with blasts of
lightning isn't exactly subtle. Within weeks, war reporters caught wind of the so-called "Red
sorcerers", and the long-held secret of psi powers landed solidly in the public eye. The first
civilian experiments into psi powers were conducted in France and Germany, then in China and
Japan, with the United States following about six months later once the lure of the unknown
broke down fears of "witchcraft". Just as in the last century, these early laboratory trials were not
without casualties from psi backlash, and many aspirant psykers never managed anything more
than levitating a basketball. In spite of all of its setbacks however, the "Psi Revolution" left its
mark on civilization forever. Psykers could be found in all roles in society, from levitating
I-beams on construction sites, to sensing the locations of disaster victims, to instant telepathy
over any distance. However, these abilities were still out of reach of the vast majority The staple
psi powers we know of today originated in the early 21st century, but the stranger abilities were
yet undreamt of.

2044 - 2060 - The Birth of the Consortium: Perhaps it was the fault of weak political ideologies,
or perhaps it couldn't be helped. Either way the historians debate, the major corporations of

Earth grew to monstrous power and influence starting in the 2000s, eclipsing some weaker
nations and carving out de facto domains all around the world. Especially notable was the
coming of the Brouzouf Bank, introducing a stable world currency after the global market
collapse of 2033. The Bank and other megacorporations did all they could to manipulate
legislators to grant additional rights and priveleges, culminating in the "corporate body" statute,
granting near-immunity to criminal prosecution for endeavors in the name of profit.
Entertainment, science, technology, not to mention necessities such as food and water - the
megacorps seemed to control everything while national governments became increasingly
feeble. Despite this level of dominion, one crisis faced the megacorps, the governments, and
everyone else equally - Earth's quickly diminishing natural resources and growing population
(reaching 9 billion souls by 2037). So, as had been expected for so long, mankind turned its
gaze back to space.
Somehow managing to set aside their differences, the United States, the European Union, and
Russia jointly signed a contract with the two megacorps at the time best equipped for space
colonization and terraforming: AngelCorp and Saan. Mars was their first destination, receiving
human landings in 2044, with ships bound for the outer planets launched through the rest of the
2040s. The colonization efforts went as planned, with crowds of settlers arriving to the
developing bases by the day, until 2059, when the United Nations sent a delegation to establish
governance of the new colony. Unbeknownst to them, Saan and Angel never intended to give
up control of the Martian settlements, instead allying themselves with the venerable weapons
manufacturers Croon and Vindico in preparation for a standoff. Secretly, Croon had amassed a
vast "private security" force approaching some countries' armies, while Vindico was building up
a stockpile of many aircraft and armored fighting vehicles. Together, the two industrial
megacorps and the two weapons giants formed the basis for the alliance of megacorporations
called the Consortium. Rather than start a bloody war that could leave the Earth in ruins, the
United Nations instead decided to acquiesce to the Consortium. After nearly a year of
negotiations, the Consortium Treaty of 2060 was signed between the UN and the four original
Consortium members (more would be incorporated later up to the current 17 members).
Besides the risk of war, the governments feared the mounting threat of urban violence in their
own streets, and saw in the corporate forces an alternative to slaughtering their own citizens.
The result was the most important clause of the Consortium Treaty, the legalization of the
private armies.

2077 - Inter-dimensional space discovered: The technology that would give mankind the stars
was discovered quite by accident. 20 years ago, while the colonization of the solar system was
still underway, the United Nations had launched the Cassian Collider Station to make
high-precision particle experiments. The titanic 60km ring orbited the Earth undisturbed,
carrying out its work... until one day it didn’t.
At 7:12 18 August 2077, ground control stations on Earth lost all contact with the
Cassian. 16 seconds later, an AngelCorp satellite identified the Cassian in high orbit over Mars.
Naturally, a miraculous event like this stunned both worlds. Astute observers on Mars even
noticed that for a minute, the Cassian could be seen over Earth and Mars at the same time.
Immediately, the Consortium members rushed to relay orders to their Martian research offices,

but by the time they could launch shuttles, they found Mars’ orbit empty. In just a few hours, the
miraculous ring had returned to its exact previous position above Earth, as if it had never
Perhaps it was fortunate for humanity that the Cassian had been one of the few
remaining non-Corporate science projects. Otherwise, the secret to faster-than-light travel could
have become a casualty of a corporate war. Until now, the collider ring was seen as a holdover
from a bygone era, and now it held the key to the stars.
A small software glitch caused the collider’s systems to get stuck on charging the
capacitors without ever running any of the queued experiments. When the science team arrived
earlier that morning and cleared the glitch, the system’s power banks discharged a truly vast
amount of energy - enough for the station to experience a localized dimensional collapse and
become entangled with a distant region of space.
Work began immediately on replicating the “Cassian effect”, to make the station’s
instantaneous jump between planets more reliable and controllable. Over the last few decades,
numerous planets throughout humanity’s neighborhood had been identified with conditions not
unlike Earth’s. After a brief setback involving a prototype ring transporting itself quite
destructively from the testing ground to underneath Olympus Mons, the recently formed
Interdimensional Studies Group launched the Earth Hypergate. Of course, a 90km orbital portal
between stars isn’t cheap. Rather than let AngelCorp and the Brouzouf Bank take full
possession of the only route out of the solar system, several members of the United Nations
dried up their treasuries for a stake in the gate. The resulting economic decline only got worse
as more and more pioneers clamored to leave Earth seeking new opportunity.
As the massive ring in the sky boosted colony ships to the stars one by one over the
next decade, the old Earth rulers naturally thought first of who would control these interstellar
territories. Of course, after the enormous effort to deploy the gate in the first place they were in
no fit position to force the issue. Like in the Wild West of past centuries, the corporate industry
built up entire planets under its own domain. Vindico and Croon especially ruled over worlds for
decades to come, until future events changed the situation.
It must be recorded here that another event took place that scientists have (perhaps
fortunately) forgotten. Some time after the Cassian’s “maiden voyage”, telescopes detected a
signal on all measurable wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum coming from a point
midway between Earth and Mars. The “Dark Signal”, taking scientist’s favorite epithet for things
beyond their understanding, repeated every 10 seconds until vanishing after 66 days, 6 hours.
Anyone who tried to analyze the signal became mentally unstable and paranoid, and would stop
at nothing to seclude themselves from other people. Likewise, any computer used to process
the signal was inexplicably ruined. To this day, hundreds of years later, there has been no
further detection of that forgotten pulse anywhere in the observable universe. Of course, given
its effects, that does not necessarily mean it has not occurred.

The Martian War

2116 - 2127 - The Martian War: After the waves of settlers set off through the jump gates
towards new planets, mankind enjoyed its most peaceful time to date. The plentiful new worlds

alleviated much of the social and economic pressures of the last century, as well as diminishing
the incentives for war. But then, in 2116, this brief calm in the history came crumbling down
without warning. The events of that year especially are shrouded in mystery. At first, both
government and Consortium science agencies noticed that their bases on Mars had stopped
sending reports, one by one, until radio silence fell over the entire planet. Before any
investigations could be made into the matter, the Earth was engulfed in flame and ruin. Asteroid
strikes on major cities is the official story, but not the only one. There are records of great pillars
of fire being launched from eldritch war machines in the sky, weapons unlike anything of human
origin. And although no landing craft were seen, it became known that the Earth was infested by
mad cultists and strange beasts that would kill any humans in their way. Only now did Mars
re-establish communications. However, the only broadcast was one of war: the message
announced “vengeance and punishment upon the Earth.” The message named no specific
demands or grievances, only pure malice and rage.
In the days and weeks that followed, most of Earth’s civilization was destroyed and its
people slaughtered, with only a third of its people surviving. While most of the survivors were
forced to hide and scrape by among the ruins, the highest-ranking military and political leaders
evacuated from Earth to the most developed colony world, Karhadrin. After a panicked summit,
the leaders of the former countries of Earth formed the Federation, a military dictatorship
claiming authority over all of mankind. The summit initially stalled on the question of a leader,
until Croon Corporation convinced the rest of the Consortium to back one General Augustus
Kabalt as High Commander. Since almost all of Earth’s military equipment had been destroyed
in the attack on Earth, the megacorporations proposed to lend the Federation their own private
armories, hoping to extend their power..
It’s unclear why Croon took an interest in Kabalt. The Consortium was already promising
a vast supply of arms and armor for the counter-attack, which would secure the group powerful
influence in the new Federation. Perhaps Croon wanted to secure a special deal for themselves
that would require the High Commander’s favor.
Regardless of the supply of equipment, one problem still faced Kabalt’s force. With
space-borne warfare absent thus far in mankind’s history, the Federation had no real navy to
speak of, and no dockyards ready to construct them. Rather than wait for another devastating
attack, Kabalt and his inner circle decided to counter - attack Mars as quickly as possible, with a
fleet of refitted merchant and colony ships. There is a story of a mega-hauler in the fleet, its
insides stripped down and christened the F.N. ​Pyroclast,​ a bloated whale with millions of
missiles in its guts. However, when the Karhadrin jump gate deposited the fresh emergency
fleet at their objective, they found the Martian orbit empty. Even the recently built Mars jump
gate was missing, which left a disturbing question as to how the otherworldly attackers had
reached Earth so quickly. Disregarding such concerns for the time being, Kabalt ordered his
men to follow him to the surface to occupy Mars. Expecting to quickly put down a rebellion, the
Federal army, full of inexperienced conscripts, found themselves in a nightmare war with no end
in sight.
It was said that the red planet’s battlefields made the trenches of old Earth look like
paradise. The Federal troops were tormented day and night by swarms of monsters and cultists

armed with otherworldly weapons and a crazed, heedless bloodlust. Defeat, stalemate, decisive
victory, it made no difference, the enemy onslaught continued with its numbers no lessened.
In the midst of this war, the Federation formed units of telepathic soldiers. These new
troops were called the parapsychic Legion. Its role was mainly to inform, misinform, torture, spy,
search for and find traitors.
After 9 years of fruitless bloodshed, the parapsychic legion pierced the enemy’s psychic
shadow and glimpsed ancient catacombs deep underground, apparently the enemy’s
headquarters. Over 2 more deadly years, the exhausted remains of the Federal force fought
through the maze of tunnels underneath Mars, guided through the dark only by the brief visions
of the psychic legion. In the end, Kabalt and the special forces stormed the catacombs. Upon
emerging, they swore vows of silence and ordered the combat engineers to collapse the entire
Because of Kabalt’s order, as well as the enemy forces somehow always eluding
capture, the Martian war ended just as mysteriously as it began. What we know is this: the few
mentally stable survivors had their memories probed by psychic inquisitors, revealing the
Martian population becoming inhuman and bloodthirsty, amassing into an army, then excavating
inhuman technology from beneath the ground. Another key detail: this frenzy seemed to radiate
out from Croon’s mining zone. Many of the interrogated survivors seemed to tell the same story
of an incident in one of the Croon corporation's most important mines in Mars sector 9. As the
reports would have it, first the workers, then their foremen, became insane, frantic, and
bloodthirsty, raising an army with weapons no one had ever seen before. Even more suspicious,
the remains of what appeared to be hired agents from the Syndicate criminal group were found
in the mines, bearing Croon weapons and gear, and dating back to shortly before the war.
Croon themselves naturally denied any knowledge of such discoveries.
Amidst such mysterious circumstances, the Federation used the end of the war to
establish strict authoritarian rule over as many planets as it could. For Mars, vast numbers of
Federal troops were dedicated to establish an occupation zone and watch for any new signs of
the dark frenzy. However, their investigations only met with futility. No intact technology from the
invaders could be recovered. For 12 long years, the Federal authorities failed to find any new
information to explain the Martian War.

In 2132, Cyber and Bio Technologies from the Dark Ages underwent great success, with a new
generation of energy transmitters. But in 2135, a data-processing virus decimated the growing
old intercom federal network, which was quickly replaced by a virtual matrix system that was
connected to its user's thoughts via an extremely complex network of electrodes... This new
network was created by Yvon Jack, who was suspected to have sent the virus. The new system
is called TrKn2, but users call it the matrix, the ocean or just Cyberspace.

NOTE: Any information before this point has been largely forgotten to the shrouds of time well
before your story begins in 20 AX. Even the Martian War immediately following the Dark Ages
is still the subject of much confusion and mystery. Centuries later, people who have heard of
Mars think of it as a place of great evil and danger, but there are little facts to accompany this

notion. Only recent events have revealed Mars to be the neighbor of a far more dangerous

The Elato Forest Incident

-- The incident, the destruction [Year 2139] –

A man is making his jogging round through the Elato forest, which is venerated by the Ancients
who called it the Sanctuary. Suddenly he stops, seeing a strange creature before him, two
meters tall. This creature, gaunt, dark, and appearing more as a hole in space than as a living
being, stands over the bloody corpse of a woman. The man runs and reports what he has seen
to his local police. Two days later, thousands of troops of the Federal army arrived, proceeding
to zone off and quarantine the area the man indicated in his report.
During the quarantine, the soldiers assigned to the zone said to have seen and heard several
strange things prowling about, and their numbers seemed to increase gradually and steadily.
Then on one rainy morning, there was an intense light and then an explosion which destroyed
everything over a surface of several hundred thousand square kilometers.

Only the forest was saved, apparently untouched, in stark contrast to the ruined mega-cities,
flattened by the blast. The Federation pretended a terrorist attack from an orbital targeting
station in an attempt to bury the story.
The news of the incident and the quarantine were revealed by a famous news channel,
preceding the soldiers' testimonies, censured by the Federation. The revelation was a shock to
the population who interpreted it as a sign indicating the end of the world, and many of the
spiritual fanatic groups claimed that it was a divine sign. They joined together and developed the
idea that these creatures were beings superior to humans and had come to punish the declining
world, and to guide the righteous on their path.

The Birth of E.Y.E

-- First contact, last breath—

At the same time, an old secret society was called upon by the Federation to take care of the
forest issue. This group was called Secreta Secretorum, and had existed since before the dawn
of time. As the group began to investigate, it became clear that this new force bore a striking
resemblance to the one that rose up on Mars and devastated Earth decades ago.

As soon as the Secreta was in place, the mysterious Force that the group called the
metastreumonic will sent a messenger. This messenger was captured, studied and killed. In the
official report, the creature attacked first using its messenger status to surprise the members of
the group. At this point, the Federal Army launched a raid into the forest to purify it.

The raid was a failure; no one survived. The zone was declared forbidden.
The group created the E.Y.E project to create an army of warrior monks, with one major
specification; the messenger's DNA was used to create a legion of 1100 soldiers. Each member
of E.Y.E was also cybernetic with next-generation technology. The first aim of E.Y.E was to
avert all actions of the metastreumonic will. To reach this goal, E.Y.E, along with elite soldiers of
the army, launched a new raid to pacify the forest that met with rapid success.

-- Radicalization, and more destruction -

This action had other less happy consequences. A powerful group of fanatics radicalized their
action and launched reprisal action by simultaneously launching several old nuclear missiles all
across the Federation. The many planets and areas that were saved owe their lives to the good
work of the federal information services.

The shock was terrible for the population who demanded revenge. The group gave E.Y.E the
responsibility of pacifying the fanatics. With Federation agreement, the cleaning operation was
met with rapid success.

The Metastreumonic Incursion

-- New Eden, new hell –

Taking advantage of the general chaos and its role in the destruction of the fanatic groups,
Secreta Secretorum builds a fortress on the still irradiated ruins of the old religious megalopolis
of Orteosa. This reinforced megalopolis is baptized New Eden. Ten years later, the influence
and the power of the mega corporations, united within the consortium, exceeded those of the
Federation. Only the group remains influential and powerful. It becomes increasingly
independent, going as far as founding its own army, which immediately has no equal.

New Eden won't be spared from vice and corruption; the megalopolis spirals quickly down.
Crime and chaos destabilize the government in place. The E.Y.E project moves in and quickly
rectifies the situation rather quickly, at the same time gaining influence within the group. The
rise in power of E.Y.E starts to worry the leaders of the group who decide soon afterwards to put
E.Y.E to sleep.

... But not for long. Strange events begin to occur elsewhere within the Federation.

-- The call to arms, the end of an era----

Left and right, the dead return to life to attack the living. Half-man, half-animal creatures start to
walk the earth and strange creatures attack spaceships and the colonies that up until now had
been spared. E.Y.E is reborn, but divided into two authorities which were also divided into

sections to limit its power. Its mission was again to thwart any action that they believed to be of
the metastreumomic will.

Then, terrifying and huge creatures appeared and led whole legions of the dead, beasts, and
strange abominations. In a seven-years war this army decimated 70% of humanity. Then the
attack stopped just as mysteriously as it had started. Almost all of the federal territories were
devastated, in ruin, reduced to lifeless deserts because of the chemical and nuclear attacks
used to try to stop the creatures. Once again, population trauma was enormous, and many
listened to speeches by extremist spiritual movements who preached that the end of their
universe was close and the creatures of the Force were sent to punish them of their headstrong
pretention and vice. The popular mass became paranoid towards the leading authorities,
thinking that the government had known the truth and hadn't done what was needed.

But the most disturbing fact concerned the reports about humans fighting alongside the
mysterious legion. Other strange fact: New Eden was only slightly attacked and barely worried,
for the moment in any case...

-- Independence, decline—

Benefiting from consortium and federal weaknesses the group reached supreme power in the
New Eden colony founding a rigid dictatorship.

But the lure of gains and profits and corruption resurfaced quickly, rapidly strangling the young
independent colony, thus forfeiting power to revolutionary groups and other opponents to the
regime. In this climate, the Federation launched a cabal against the group by revealing old
mistakes and slip ups of the group. The E.Y.E elite was officially dissolved by Secreta
Secretorum to calm the popular masses. But this was not enough to calm Federal vengeful
hatred who placed the colony under embargo.

The First Contact

Space colonization continued through 2250, when a planet was discovered in sector Taurus 27.
The planet was baptized Jade thanks to its green color. After a few months of terra-forming, a
team of construction workers discovered a wreckage; a strange and huge black vessel. The
Federation sent a military detachment, accompanied by an expert scientific team, to study
inside the vessel where they found an artifact that looked like a black and gold human war
hammer with multiple inscriptions on its handle.

Extraterrestrial people made contact 6 hours after this discovery, claiming the lost wreckage and
the hammer as theirs. This race was called Orus. The Federation ordered its detachment to
bring the hammer back with them to their lunar research base as fast as possible, thus ignoring
the Orus request.

20 hours after this exchange, a war broke out. The humans were very quickly crushed by the
technological and psychic superiority of their attackers. The war was one of rare violence. The
Orus fought like they were already dead... In what would have been the final Orus assault, the
fifth of March, 2253, an unknown Force attacked Orus and humans. Their vessels looked
strangely like the wreckage discovered on Jade. The wreckage disappeared during an attack on
the supposedly secret lunar base, along with the mysterious Forces, that disappeared as quickly
as they had come.

Orus and Humans signed a peace treaty, Orus even sharing some of the knowledge and
technologies known to them with the humans. They explained that the army with black vessels
was a mystery to them, but that they had found old texts in a ruin on a remote planet which
spoke about Jade and the wreckage, as well as the great threat it represented. The Orus
mother planet remains unknown to the human race, along with the majority of their culture. The
Orus are a humanoid race, with an organ which is considered to be a third eye in the middle of
their forehead. Their nation is composed of warriors directed by a theocratic system. Orus have
a very powerful caste of fighting monks: the Nemesis, which only the rare human could
integrate, the first being the honorable Najîn (name given by the Orus) in 2277, some say he is
still living today, others think that this could be pro-friendly Orus/Human propaganda.

The Unknown Enemy

The Federation, with its 1200 planets, signed an alliance pact with Orus in 2280. In 2283, the
alliance was attacked by an unknown people of human type, but with technology equivalent to
the Orus one. Their vessels were the same as the Force that had attacked in the past and the
wreckage found on Jade. Close to a century later, after huge and bloody battles, where the
enemy dominated, the situation was mysteriously overturned over by a Nemesis raid. The war
finally ended in 2379 when the Alliance forces, directed by commander Allan Tekaros, the Orus
war master Taller Nayan Chaän, and Najîn, invaded the black planet XechPrimus, cradle of the
invader according to the official version, but only an advanced post, according to rumor.

The circumstances of this war remain mysterious. The black planet might have only been a
minor base of an empire much more vast. But in 2380, the forces that be declared this as the
year of Federation Rebirth, and hence renamed it the year 0. In the year 14, Satchen, a
rebellious warlord master with an army composed of a few billion soldiers, tried to invade
Zarech. The Federation destroyed the planet in response. There are symbols on Satchen's flags
which hadn't been seen since the black planet wars. It's at this moment that the Federation
decides to make the following information public: in 2312 they had created, hand in hand with
the Nemesis, 13 fighting legions.

Each legion lives on a fortress planet, containing 50,000 men. Among them, 10 nemesis-level
masters, and their own master of war (of master nemesis level). It has also been learned from
the Orus that the Nemesis name was rather recent. Some say that this name came following
high treason of half of the Nemesis during the black planet conflict, but no one knows anything
more... We only know that the parapsychic army tried to exterminate of the Nemesis, failing

The parapsychic Army and the Nemesis are the only two institutions authorized to train and use
people with psychic gifts. These gifts are latent in all people; a shock or specific training can
awaken and increase them. The parapsychic army and Nemesis seek psykers and telepaths
throughout the Federation. When they're found, they have two choices: either join one of the two
factions, or be eliminated by the parapsychic army which considers all independent telepathist
or psyker as a potential danger. Nevertheless each megacorporation seeks and non-officially
uses telepathists for security, industrial espionage, recruiting, etc... Federal army also uses
psykers, formed by the parapsychic army that they have nicknamed: war conjurors. The
parapsychic army and Nemesis have a difficult time locating new telepathists and psykers.


Historical Note: the most common calendar system in the 25th century divides years between
BX and AX - before and after Xech Primus, the planet where joint Federal - Orus victory
ended the Phantom War. However, the Secreta, and by extension, E.Y.E, instead use the old
calendar system from the Dark Ages, rejecting the Federation’s attempt to center history on
their accomplishments.
As mentioned before, 0 AX is equivalent to 2380 by Dark Ages reckoning, and your story
begins in 2410, or 30 AX.
The founding of E.Y.E dates back to 2139, or 241 BX.

The World of the 25th Century

The Federation
Born from the surviving scraps of ancient Earth’s military and political leadership after
the Martian attack, the Federation is, according to its own founding doctrine, the ruling state of
the human race. Of the nearly fifteen-hundred worlds inhabited by mankind, it can truthfully
claim de facto authority over nearly a thousand. Of course, this number has shifted over the
centuries, as worlds become unruly or pacified. At any time, large swaths of human civilization
are simply beyond the Federation’s strained grasp. These worlds may become independent
minor states, Corporate property, havens of crime, or - for the Federation - worse: home to an
E.Y.E temple. During the Phantom War, when mankind and its alien allies were united against a

common enemy, the Federation’s control was at an all-time high. It has fallen significantly
however, after the terrible fighting at the end of the 24th century.
In recent times, the Federation's eternal effort to hold power in the galaxy has often
brought it into conflict with the Secreta, who seem to have their own plans for the future of

The Metastreumonic Force

The metastreumonic force, what is it - the most important question of the last 250 years.
Many scientists claim to study the metastreumonic force, but they pretend, observe, guess,
pray. The force is something that defies the scientific process. An emanation that spreads
throughout all of reality. The source of unending numbers of nightmarish creatures. Despite its
mystery, it seems to have some connection to humanity, for the forms of its spawn are taken
from the depths of our collective unconscious. And despite its chaotic nature, one thing is clear.
The force is not random. There is intelligence behind it, and it hates us and wants us to die.

Years might’ve passed since the war with the Federation, and they might not have the
numbers they once did, but E.Y.E is alive. For as long as anyone can remember, they’ve been a
shadow presence among the stars, keeping their plans to themselves. Where they came from,
and their original purpose, it’s unknown to most today.
As E.Y.E’s own history says, they were formed by Secreta Secretorum as a response to
what they dealt with in the infamous Elato forest incident. This incident was mankind’s first
meeting with the metastreumonic force, but at the same time, was not. From the area which
seemed to be overrun by the Force, a messenger emerged. It was killed, and its genetics
became the basis for the induction necro-processes that E.Y.E uses to create its soldiers. E.Y.E
agents fought bravely across the stars. Without them, mankind would have surely been wiped
out by the metastreumonic attackers.
The legends say that the warrior monks of E.Y.E are part man, part monster. That they
can take down a Federal special forces. That they train in mystical arts and have superhuman
abilities. That they know secrets about the universe that no one else does.
As the fighting arm of the obscure Secreta, E.Y.E’s mission is to put down the
metastreumonic force’s eruptions and hunt its demonic creations. Beyond this, they are to
enforce the Secreta’s place as the rightful overseers and shepherds of mankind. This means
removing from power those who would take that mantle for themselves, namely, the Federation.
Oh, and no one knows what E.Y.E stands for. Just another piece of information lost to

The Secreta
E.Y.E couldn’t have come from nowhere, right? As strange as it might seem, there is
some other group that created E.Y.E, and might still pull its strings, called Secreta Secretorum.
The Federation has had dealings with them in the past, but the Secreta holds no true allies.
Very little is known about the Secreta. The legend says it has existed forever, since the
beginning of time. However, the Secreta does not appear in history until the Elato Forest
Incident, when they formed the E.Y.E order. Officially, E.Y.E is supposed to be the military arm
of the Secreta, following its orders, but for the most part, they’re as mysterious to E.Y.E as E.YE
is to the rest of the world. Less of an actual group or entity, more of a myth. As a result, E.Y.E’s
bases are as much temples to the Secreta as they are military facilities. Within the halls of the
Temple HQ, regular worship services led by E.Y.E priests in the Secreta’s name are a normal
E.Y.E scripture/protocol is not clear on the Secreta either. Always the case is that they
are shown the utmost reverence; the E.Y.E commanders place them above themselves in all
regards. Sometimes, they may suggest that the Secreta is made of distinct individuals; this is
however not usual. More typical, for the priesthood of E.Y.E, is to represent the Secreta as an
abstract deific being, like a guardian spirit from the ancient traditions. They may offer prayer one
day, and receive orders the next. The official doctrine is that the Secreta is the protector, the
overseer of humanity.
May the spirit of the Secreta protect you, warrior...

Intro / Character Creation

As a new E.Y.E recruit, you begin with a score of ​2 ​in each characteristic. A score of 0 is a good
benchmark as the abilities of an average human, but even the lowest of E.Y.E operatives is a
cut above in most things as a result of their innate augmentations.
The characteristics are:
● Weapon Skill (WEP)
○ Proficiency with melee weapons
● Strength (STR)
○ Physical fitness, endurance, muscle mass
● Accuracy (ACC)
○ Visual acuity and proficiency with firearms
● Agility (AGI)
○ Dexterity, speed, and precision of body movements
● Psi Force (PSI)
○ Willpower and control over psi energy

● Hacking (HCK)
○ Intelligence and skill with devices
● Medicine (MED)
○ Knowledge and ability to give medical care

Generating Characteristics:
When you first create your character, you have 6 points to distribute among your
characteristics. You can also, optionally, relocate points, reducing one characteristic to increase
another. You cannot reduce any characteristic below 1, or increase any characteristic above 5.
You cannot reduce Psi Force.
Finally, there is the otherworldly influence of the metastreumonic emissary’s gene and its
promise of power beyond humanity. Optionally, you can choose a characteristic and increase it
by 1, then decrease another random characteristic other than Psi Force by 1. You can exercise
this option up to twice during character creation, increasing a different characteristic each time.
The emissary’s gene can break the previous characteristic limit of 5.

You add your characteristic to the result on the dice when making rolls using it. Most
tasks in this game are resolved by rolling a d20 with relevant bonuses or penalties, then
comparing the result to a Difficulty. For example, a Weapon Skill roll to attack an enemy with a
sword would be done with a d20 + your Weapon Skill. The Difficulty in this case is your target’s
Reflex or Parry. Rolls that total greater than or equal to the Difficulty succeed.
After this point, the rules will refer to characteristics by abbreviations in all caps: WEP,
ACC, STR, and so on.

Many rules in this game grant advantage or disadvantage to rolls in certain
circumstances. Advantage means to roll twice and take the higher result, and disadvantage
means to roll twice and take the lower result. Instances of advantage and disadvantage cancel
each other out on a 1:1 basis. So for example, if you had two sources of advantage and one
source of disadvantage, it comes out to one source of advantage. No die can be rerolled more
than once. If you have advantage from multiple sources, each one after the first adds a +2
modifier. Likewise, additional sources of disadvantage after the first apply a -2 to the roll. If a roll
involving multiple dice (like a weapon damage roll) has advantage or disadvantage, that means
to roll the total twice, not to reroll each die individually.

Other Stats:
HEALTH: ​To get your character’s Health, start with a baseline of 40, then add 3 for each
point of your STR. For comparison, the average human has 20 Health. This superhuman
endurance and resistance to harm is the most important benefit bestowed by the E.Y.E
Don’t forget to update your Health when your STR increases. Normally, temporary
decreases to your STR don’t change your Health. If a temporary effect does change your
maximum Health, it will say so. This most notably occurs as a result of Resurrection Sickness.
As it turns out, using necro-cybermancy to unnaturally shove your consciousness into new flesh
isn’t very healthy for you - but might be your only chance at life if your former flesh fails.

REFLEX: ​Reflex is used to avoid attacks in combat, and is given by 10 + AGI. Most
attacks with weapons are rolled with the target’s Reflex as the Difficulty.

ENERGY: ​Most strenuous actions, such as casting psi powers, powering cybernetics,
and using special abilities, consume some of your limited Energy. You have a pool of Energy
equal to 20 + your level. If an action lists an Energy cost greater than your current Energy, you
cannot perform it until you have Recovered Energy.

RECOVERY: ​Recovery measures the rate at which you regain your Energy. At the start
of each round in combat, you automatically regain Energy equal to your Recovery, which is one
fourth of your maximum Energy. Remember to update your Recovery whenever your maximum
Energy reaches a multiple of 4. You can regain more Energy by momentarily stopping to rest,
which is explained under Actions Overview.

Note: for the most part, tracking Energy only applies to combat scenes. Outside of
combat, with the action moving at a slower pace, it’s assumed that you can recover any Energy
you spend. Most of the time, you will have a full Energy pool at the start of a fight. In certain
situations, like if your group is exhausted or quickly rushing from one fight to the next, the GM
might rule that you start the fight with less than maximum Energy.

PSI POWERS: ​Although some E.Y.E agents see fit to cultivate their psychic ability more
than others, all are psychically capable as a result of the augmentations. When you create your
character, they know up to 3 powers. The number of powers they know cannot exceed their
PSI. The GM will tell you which powers can be learned at character creation (typically the most
basic powers).

MANEUVERS:​ Maneuvers are optional variations on your melee attack that can be used
at will. At character creation, new agents with the aptitude receive the martial training needed to
use maneuvers. If your character has at least 3 WEP, check the Maneuvers section of the
combat chapter.

SKILLS: ​Using and advancing skills is described in the next chapter. At character
creation, choose 1 skill to gain 3 points, 2 skills to gain 2 points, and 3 skills to gain 1 point.
When choosing how to assign these skill points, it can be useful to think about what areas your
character picked up experience in during their life before E.Y.E. For example, if your character
flew starships, you could assign points in Navigation and Vehicles, or Reasoning and Computer
Use for a character with a background in science.

Athletics (STR)
Intimidation (STR, WEP)
Grappling (STR, WEP)

Acrobatics (AGI)
Stealth (AGI)
Sleight of Hand (AGI)

Spotting* (ACC)
Navigation (HCK, PSI, ACC)
Investigation* (HCK, PSI)

Cybertech (HCK)
Computer Use (HCK)
Machinery (HCK)
Vehicle (AGI)

History (HCK)
Reasoning (HCK)
Trade (HCK)
Lore** (HCK, PSI, MED)

Deception (PSI)
Diplomacy (PSI)
Insight* (PSI, MED)
Disguise (PSI, MED)

Using Skills:
When you encounter a task that requires you to use one of your skills, the GM will tell
you the Difficulty of the task, ranging from 5 to 30. The Difficulty tells you the roll that will result
in a success on the task.
When you make a skill roll, you add your points in the skill and one of the characteristics
associated with the skill. So for example, if you were going to make an Intimidation roll, you
would add your points in Intimidation and either your STR, WEP, or ACC (If there are multiple
characteristics associated with the skill, you get to choose which one to apply).
In general, a person who has had previous experience with the skill could expect to
succeed a Difficulty 10 task, whereas anyone but the masters of a skill would consider a
Difficulty 30 task impossible.
For rules purposes, a skill roll is considered a roll of the relevant characteristic. So for
example, an Acrobatics roll is considered an AGI roll. An Investigation roll is considered either a
HCK or PSI roll, depending on which characteristic you’re applying.
Although the game doesn’t have specific rules for it, the GM should take into account
exactly how much the player succeeded or failed the roll by, and can introduce extra benefits or
consequences as appropriate. For example, failing an Investigation roll by only 2 might just
mean you hear inaccurate information while failing by 10 could mean you failed to be discrete
and got the Federal police on your trail.

Skills and Characteristics

While it is clear why STR applies to Intimidation or why ACC applies to Spotting, the
relationship between PSI and Diplomacy or HCK and Trade isn’t obvious. Why are PSI and
HCK applied to certain skills? In the context of using skills, the game uses a character’s PSI and
HCK as measures of their abstract and logical thinking, respectively. So you can expect strong
psykers to also have some competency trying to read and sway people in conversation. Even if
they might otherwise be awkward around others, their subliminal psychic senses give them a
natural advantage in that department. Likewise, a strong hacker would be passable even in
intellectual endeavors where their experience is limited. A mind sharp enough to unravel the
shifting maze of the Echo Matrix can find plenty of other applications.

Advancing Skills:
Succeeding in a skill task gives advancement points in its category, with more
difficult tasks being rewarded with more advancement points. ​This table shows how
advancement point gains correspond to task Difficulty.
Difficulty 5-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30

Description Easy to Moderate to Challenging Hard to Very Very Hard to

Moderate Challenging to Hard Hard Impossible

Advancement 2 4 6 8 10
Points Earned
*Any task with a Difficulty less than 5 is not worth rolling for, you just do it.
Keep in mind, 16-20 approaches the limit of an average untrained human’s capabilities. Any
task above this point requires special training or superhuman characteristics to be feasible.
For example, succeeding on a Difficulty 18 Vehicle task gives 6 Technical points.
Advancement points can be spent to increase the points of any skill in the category, with
the cost being 5 times the next value.​ For example, if you have 3 points in Grappling and
want to increase it to 4, it’ll cost 20 (5 x 4) Physical points. The most points you can have in a
skill is 10.
When a character uses a skill marked with *, the GM should roll for them and reveal only what
the character experiences, not the result of the roll.
For example, a player character says they want to look around their surroundings for enemies. The GM
makes a hidden roll with the character’s Spotting and gets a total of 5. This isn’t high enough to spot
any of the hiding enemies, so the GM tells the player they see nothing out of the ordinary. Because the
player does not know the roll was so low, they have no out-of-character reason to doubt their
character’s judgement. In other words, the skills that work this way are ones where there is no
in-character way to distinguish between a success and a false negative. The GM will tell you at the end
of the session if you’ve gained advancement points in these skills.
The Lore skill is divided based on areas of knowledge. For example, a character could have
Lore (E.Y.E), Lore (Metastreumonic Force), and Lore (Consortium), all with different bonuses. The GM
can also choose to grant advancement points in Lore when your character learns new information.

Skill Descriptions:
Athletics Perform feats of physical strength such as climbing, jumping, traversing
obstacles, and lifting heavy loads.

Intimidation Convince other people to do as you say by threat of violence.

Grappling Perform close-range unarmed combat, with the option to immobilize a target,
prevent them from attacking, and/or inflict injury.

Acrobatics Perform feats of agility or intricate motion. Can accomplish some of the
same tasks as Athletics, the difference being when precision of motion is
required vs. strength. Can also be used to avoid an enemy Grapple

Stealth Avoid others’ notice. Difficulty depends on conditions and Encumbrance,

and is more difficult when moving vs. hiding in place. Contested by

Sleight of Hand Manipulate objects without others noticing.

Spotting* Notice small or distant details, including characters trying to hide. As
opposed to the other Awareness skills, Spotting is used with a focus on
specific details.

Navigate Find your way through an unfamiliar area, track someone, or follow
less-than-perfect directions to a destination. Once you arrive at your
destination, you may also have to use Spotting if it’s hidden.

Investigation* Gather information by finding evidence and clues, whether physical or

spoken. High degree of success can grant extra information, while especially
poor failure can blow your cover.

Cybertech Working with cybernetic devices. Needed to repair damaged cybernetics. With
an especially high roll, you may be able to enhance the function of your

Computers Working with a computing device. Performing a hack as described later will
grant you access to a computer, but Computer Use is needed to find hidden
data or perform more complex operations. Can also be used when trying to
search the Matrix for something specific.

Machinery Working with machines and hardware, making repairs, modifying, or sabotaging.

Vehicle Driving/piloting all kinds of vehicles: ground vehicles, aircraft, and spacecraft.
Repairing and maintaining vehicles, however, is accomplished through

History Recalling details about events in the past, potentially bringing forth useful
information. Difficulty depends on how well known the subject in question is.

Reasoning* Analysing and correlating the information your character knows to produce
some useful conclusion.
Gameplay wise, Reasoning does not give you an answer to a problem for free,
but instead permits the GM to give hints that your character would be intelligent
enough to realize.

Lore** Recall specific information about the associated subject. Accesses more
specific and potentially secret information than History. Remember that your
character can have multiple instances of the Lore skill associated with different


Trade Business expertise that allows you to find optimal prices and quality goods
when buying or selling items. Can also be used to locate a vendor for rarer

Deception Convincing other characters to believe your lies. The Difficulty is based on
circumstances and prior knowledge that would influence the character to trust
or suspect you.

Diplomacy Convincing other characters or causing them to view you more favorably,
using social tact, charm, and persuasion. Difficulty based on the character’s
initial disposition towards you.

Insight* The counter to Deception, used to judge a character’s tone, body language,
and other signs to determine if they are lying. It is harder to detect omission of
part of the truth than blatant falsehood.

Disguise Create a convincing imitation of another character. You will still need the
physical components of a disguise, but the skill measures how well you can
mimic another’s speech and behavior. Difficulty based on your familiarity with
the target.

Character Questions:
How and why did your character join E.Y.E?
Did he actively seek them out or was he found by their agents?
Although E.Y.E tries its best to be secretive, this is often not quite the reality. Depending on
where your character is from, it’s possible that they would’ve heard of E.Y.E somehow. They
could’ve joined for any number of reasons, which fall to you to decide. It could’ve been wanting
to get back at Federal authorities, being down on your luck with few other choices, or whatever
your character’s personal reasons may be. The simple desire to put one’s life towards a cause
is pretty common in our time, where societies shaped by centuries of technological rise and fall
often leave ordinary people feeling lost and purposeless.
As for more official channels, the Secreta will sometimes inform those E.Y.E officers that
are worthy of their contact with names and locations of potential candidates. E.Y.E Masters will
then travel to those planets to recruit or conscript those individuals (depending on how willing
they are). How the Secreta finds these people or why they are chosen, only they know.
Probably one of the most common stories among E.Y.E agents is that they were fleeing
Federal authorities after manifesting psychic powers. Under Federal Law, all psychic individuals
not serving in the parapsychic legion or the Nemesis are enemies of the state. Therefore, those
psykers that do not let themselves be conscripted live on the run, where they usually encounter

E.Y.E’s forces before too long. Keep in mind your character will still be psychically capable after
receiving the augmentations whether or not they were before. If you decide that for backstory
reasons that your character was psychic before becoming an agent, answer this follow-up
What triggered your character to manifest their powers?
There is no clear pattern as to which people have psychic potential, it seems to be
distributed randomly amongst human beings. In the past, there were attempts to produce
psykers through breeding programs or genetic manipulation, but none except E.Y.E, with their
use of the metastreum gene, has been successful. Among the population with psychic potential
though, there is no guarantee that such potential will result in actual power - it has to be
awakened, usually through a stressful or traumatic event of some kind. What was this event for
your character, and how did they react?
How does your character approach problems?
As E.Y.E agents, you have a commander - but you are far from the average Federal
grunt. E.Y.E agents are elite warriors, with the operational latitude that carries. On any given
mission, multiple paths to victory are open to you. Do you make as many waves as possible, or
as few? Are you loud or quiet? Do you charge ahead and expect your team to follow, or do you
hang back and consider alternatives? An agent has many tools at their disposal - which of yours
see the most use? How do you relate to the others on your team? Are they friends, a new
family, or just extra firepower? If forced to choose between their lives and the mission, which
way would you tip the scales of fate?

As characters in E.Y.E learn and grow stronger over the course of a campaign, this is
represented by their Level. Characters start at Lv1 and can reach a maximum of Lv20.
Levelling up your character is not complicated. Consult your class to see what new
ability you learn at this level. Then, you may have some increase to your characteristics.
At these levels - [6 12 18] - Increase one characteristic by 1.
At these levels - [3 9 15] - Increase two different characteristics by 1.
Some classes have abilities that improve at laters levels after they’ve been learned. For
example, the Guardian learns their ability Bulwark at Lv9, but it becomes more effective at Lv14.
Make sure to check when you level up if this is the case for your character. The presence of
bold text ​in an ability description will let you know at a glance if this is the case.
Upon reaching Lv9, and Lv15, you will ascend to a new class, but still keep your
previously gained abilities. For example, a Divine Rampart has all the skills of a Protector and
There is no experience system or anything of the sort in this game. Your group all levels
up at the same time, and when this happens is up to the GM. The GM should grant level-ups
based on the overall pace of the campaign, typically occurring after the group defeats an
important enemy or achieves a major objective. Finally, the GM should avoid skipping levels or

granting level-ups in rapid succession, so that the players get the chance to fully appreciate
each new ability their character learns.
A new character is considered an Initiate from their start at Lv1 until Lv3, at which point
their chosen class activates. There are no class abilities gained before Lv3. The reason for this
is to give new players a chance to learn the game gradually before starting to use more
advanced abilities. The first two character levels are not meant to consume much time, and
represent a sort of prologue. The characters should reach Lv3 by the end of the third session of
play at the latest.
For returning players, or those whose characters have a few missions under their belt, it’s
recommended to start at Lv3.

It is not because we are called blacksmiths that we are blacksmiths, but because we forge.

Your class is based on which of your abilities predominate, so build your character wisely. You’ll
notice that each class is actually a path of three classes. These progress according to level. For
example, a Lv3 Tracker would become a Dark Hunter at Lv9, and a Divine Assassin at Lv15.
Of course, not everyone gets to enter a path of training. New E.Y.E recruits who haven’t yet
specialized in a path are known as Initiates. They are usually sent on a few missions to prove
themselves before being properly initiated into the order. How challenging these missions
actually are, it depends on the commander’s humor and shade of cruelty…

Pure Classes
Level/Characteristic 3-8 9-14 15-20

STR Protector Guardian Divine Rampart

WEP Warrior Weapon Master Divine Warrior

AGI Ninja Shadow Strider Death Wind

ACC Soldier Marksman Divine Lightning

PSI Adept Psyker Daemon’s Palm

HCK Hacker Hack Master Matrix Overlord

Harmonious Classes
Level/Characteristic 3-8 9-14 15-20

WEP + ACC Avenger Slayer Divine Talion

AGI + WEP + ACC Seeker Dark Hunter Divine Assassin

PSI + WEP + ACC Warrior Warrior Psyker Divine Destroyer


HCK + PSI Cybermancer Necro-cybermancer Cyber Demiurge

STR + WEP + ACC Crusader Champion Blade Divine Seal

PSI + MED Monk Priest Mystic

The Path of Balance

Equilibrium Fist Equilibrium Lord Grey Master
Finally, a path not chosen by many, the path of equilibrium. A character on this path must
always have their four greatest characteristics within 2 points of one another (not counting any
temporary or situational modifiers). In addition, they must complete the Grey Trial before they
can take the title of Equilibrium Fist. The Grey Trial is an esoteric test of an operative’s
capabilities that must be administered by an Equilibrium Lord. Its actual contents are closely
guarded, but one can guess that it tests the operative’s powers across many paths. It also has
to be undertaken alone, and any outside help is strictly forbidden.
E.Y.E teaches that the Secreta looks into your destiny, so in most cases, only one attempt of
the Grey Trial is permitted.
Grey Masters are rare compared to the other E.Y.E elites, but it is said among the archivists that
they have the clearest understanding of reality. For this reason, they are sometimes referred to
as “Acolytes of the Truth.”
In game terms, the Grey Trial takes the form of a solo session with the GM and the player
seeking to become an Equilibrium Fist. If this is what you want for your character, discuss with
the GM. It’s a lonely path, but there is also much to gain.

Class Descriptions

Warrior - Weapon Master - Divine Warrior

Level Ability Description

3 Multi-attack When taking the Attack action to make a melee attack, you can
make additional attacks after the first, until one misses. Each attack
after the first costs 5 energy and has a stacking -5 penalty. You

cannot make more attacks in your turn than ½ WEP. Heavy melee
weapons add 2 to the cost and penalty. Multi-attack can only
activate once per turn.

4 Charge You can make a single melee attack after ending a Sprint within
reach of an enemy, and can reroll damage if you do so. Charge and
Multi-attack cannot be used together.

5 Riposte Successful parries instead allow you to make an immediate melee

attack against the opponent with a +2 modifier. Ripostes can be
parried themselves but grant no benefit for doing so.

6 Flawless You have learned to guard yourself from bullets in much the same
Defense way as you would parry a blade. When targeted by a ranged attack,
you can roll to parry with a -2 modifier. For every point your parry
exceeds the attack roll, negate one hit of the attack. (Against Burst
Fire, parry against the first roll).
At Lv12​, if you critically succeed the parry roll and negate all hits,
resolve one hit of the incoming attack against the attacking enemy.

7 Crashing Wave When you make a melee attack, you can spend 10 Energy before
rolling the attack. If it hits, the target is sent flying back 2+STR
meters, where they must succeed an AGI roll (Difficulty 8+STR) or
fall prone. If you succeed in a Charge attack, you can activate
Crashing Wave, and you don’t need to spend the Energy cost in this
case. Crashing Wave may have a diminished affect against larger

8 Judgement As a Half Action, you can enter a finely honed defensive stance,
Stance which is ended if you attack or move during your turn. During the
judgment stance, you have advantage on reaction attacks, parries,
and ripostes.

Level Ability Description

9 Favored Your more specialized training has made you an expert on one
Weapon particular weapon. Choose one of your melee weapons when you
learn this Ability. Once per round when rolling an attack with your
favored weapon, spend 4 energy to reroll if the roll was less than
half your level. You can change your favored weapon between
sessions if it would be feasible for your character to spend time
practicing with it.

10 Combination You are now more accurate when making additional melee attacks.
Attack Multiattack now only costs 4 energy and stacks a -4 penalty. If you
land at least two attacks, the last attack has empowered damage.

11 Executioner When you learn this feature, note the maximum damage of your
favored weapon's attack (not including any temporary or situational
modifiers). Upon a successful melee attack, if the maximum
damage (after Armor) would reduce the target to -15 Health, they
are instead instantly killed.

12 Battle Master You can apply a maneuver to your attack after making the roll,
before rolling damage. In this case, the Energy cost becomes
double the Difficulty. If the attack was a critical hit, it remains a
critical hit even after applying the maneuver.

13 Inner Fire The striking down of the enemy is a holy purpose that must not be
interrupted - pain is a mere distraction. Once per combat, when you
take Lethal Damage, you can choose to immediately take an extra
turn before rolling for Lethal Injury.

14 Blade Wave When holding a two-handed melee weapon, or a melee weapon in

both hands, you can slash the air with such force as to create a
shockwave. Instead of attacking normally with the Attack action,
spend 8 energy and send the shockwave a number of meters
forward from you equal to 4 + WEP. An enemy hit by the wave
takes ½ WEPd8/AP1 damage. A successful AGI roll (Difficulty
10+WEP) results in half damage/AP0. Blade Wave can be used
together with Multiattack, it counts as the first attack. Despite
travelling a large distance, Blade Wave is considered a melee

Level Ability Description

15 Steel Hurricane Attacking in rapid succession is almost effortless for you. Multiattack
now only costs 3 energy and stack a -3 penalty.

16 Blink Strikes You flash between enemies as you fight, striking them down
regardless of distance. After any melee attack, you can spend 6
energy to teleport to an enemy within WEP meters and continue the
attack against the new target (if you can still attack).

17 Angel of Death As a Half Action, you can spend 12 energy to attempt to send the
opponent flying with the first hit, opening them to rapid aerial strikes.
Roll a melee attack against an enemy not much larger than you
(GM’s discretion) with -4 penalty to hit. On a hit, deal half damage
and launch the opponent in the air. Before the end of your turn, you
can make a number of attacks against the falling enemy equal to ½
STR, which automatically hit.

18 Absolute By careful observation and absolute sense in battle, you know the
Victory exact strike that will slay your enemy. If you have been in combat

with an enemy for at least 5 turns:
● Double the AP of your weapon
● Roll damage with advantage
If you have been in combat with an enemy for at least 10 turns, in
addition to the effects above, any hit against that enemy counts as

19 God of War ● Angel of Death no longer takes a Half Action, instead, it can
take the place of any of your melee attacks.
● Blink Strikes can now be used against any enemy within
2xWEP meters, or any enemy that was launched by Angel
of Death this turn.
● Blade Wave now only costs 5 Energy, and can be activated
without spending an action when you hit with a melee attack,
sending the wave in the same direction as the triggering
attack. Additional attacks against the same enemy this turn
cannot activate Blade Wave this way.
● When you take an Attack action to use Blade Wave, it can
also apply the effect of Crashing Wave.

20 Divine Fury When you roll a Death result on the Lethal Damage table, you do
not die yet. Immediately take your turn for the round, or for the next
round if your turn has already passed. If you can deal more damage
in your turn than your Lethal Damage, negate Death and take one
stack of Fatigue instead. Otherwise, die.

Adept - Psyker - Daemon’s Palm

Level Ability Description

3 Psi Awakening Add a skill to your skill list called Psychic Sense. It allows
you to detect and interpret psychic phenomena in the
environment. Psychic Sense is part of the Awareness skill
category, and its relevant characteristic is PSI.

4 Soul Alignment - ONƎ You begin to delve the mysteries of the many orbiting rings
of the mind. You can take a Half Action to focus yourself
and become Aligned. While Aligned, you can become
Unaligned at any time.
If you became Unaligned this round: when you roll to cast a
psi power and the roll before bonuses is lower than your
PSI, you can reroll the power.

5 Psychic Knowledge Increase the maximum number of powers you can have
known by 3. ​You gain this ability again at Lv10 and Lv15.

6 Negative Force You’ve learned the technique of using your psi energy to
prevent your enemy’s powers. Once per round, when a
visible enemy casts a psi power, you can attempt to negate
it. Spend the same energy spent for the use of the power.
You and the enemy psyker each roll a d10; each side can
choose to add a bonus to the roll up to twice their PSI. The
one who loses the roll takes the bonus they added as
damage. ​At Lv12, you can use Negative Force ½ PSI
times per round.

7 Enlightenment As your growth in the psychic arts continues, a mystical

pattern reveals itself, born from your own mind and soul.
Work with the GM to create a unique psi power for your
character. ​You gain this ability again at Lv13 and Lv19.

8 Abjuration When you roll on the Psi Backlash table, you can spend up
to 10 Energy to reduce the total result by the same amount.

Level Ability Description

9 Spirit Channel When you succeed on a psi power roll by at least 5, half
of the Energy Cost is restored.

11 Soul Alignment - MINΔ While Aligned, you can take a Half Action to align the
second ring and become Twice-Aligned.
When you are at least Twice-Aligned and become
Unaligned, you can set your Energy to its maximum value.

12 Daemon Blast When you deal direct damage with a psi power, other
enemy characters within PSI meters of the target take ½
PSId4/APX damage.

14 Psychoflare By spending twice a power’s normal energy cost, you can

cast it using a Half instead of Full Action. You can use
Psychoflare even when you cannot afford the doubled
Energy cost, but in this case Miscast is guaranteed.

Level Ability Description

16 Soul Alignment - EXIΣT While Twice-Aligned, you can take a Half Action to
align the third ring and become Perfect-Aligned.
Alternatively, at any time, you can take a Full Action
and become Perfect-Aligned.

When you are Perfect-Aligned and become
Unaligned, you can choose one visible character -
they are banished from reality until they return at the
end of the next combat round.

17 Master of the Awakened Art Light falls upon the path, and the gate is open. When
you cast a psi power, you can choose the casting type
after you make the roll.

18 Lord of the Infinite Once per round, you can use Negative Force against
any type of enemy action, not just psi powers. Used
this way, Negative Force costs 20 Energy.

20 Divine Void The obscure vacuous field invocation, known to only a

few psykers in the history of mankind. There are
chains anchoring everything to reality, and those
chains can be broken. Once per day, by spending 40
Energy and a Full Action, choose a point you can see
within 100 meters. A rumbling black sphere 3xPSI
meters across spreads from that point, straining and
twisting against reality. After two rounds pass, the part
of the universe intersecting the sphere, along with
anything within, is permanently erased.

Protector - Guardian - Divine Rampart

Level Ability Description

3 Iron Body You shrug off glancing blows on the battlefield; it’ll take more than
that to bring you down. When a hit with less damage than your
STR causes you to roll for Lethal Injury, do not add your missing

4 Shock Trooper Repel all assaults. Destroy all attackers. You can spend 8 Energy
to roll Athletics to shove an enemy without spending an action.
The Difficulty is equal to 1 + half the enemy’s STR. If you’re
successful, send the target back a number of meters equal to
your STR.
You can only earn Physical advancement points from this ability
once per turn.
Additionally, you can reduce your weapon’s Recoil by 1 when not

5 Titanium Spirit Reduce the first instance of damage you take in a combat by your
STR. After this, Titanium Spirit becomes inactive. During your
turn, you can spend 10 Energy to reactivate Titanium Spirit.

6 Gauntlet Lock No weapon is needed for you to stop enemy blades. While
wearing Heavy armor, you can parry without a melee weapon.
Your bonus to the roll is equal to ½ STR + 2. When parrying with
a weapon, you can use your STR in place of WEP.

7 Aegis Once per round, you can spend 8 energy to attack a visible
enemy when they attack you or your ally. Do not add your ACC to
this attack, however. ​At Lv14, you can add your ACC, and can
use Aegis a number of times per round equal to your ½ STR.

8 Silver Bullet Rain Against the enemy’s onslaught, you pray and keep firing. If you do
not move during your turn, you can reload your weapon faster: no
action for a Half Action reload, and Half Action for a Full Action

Level Ability Description

9 Bulwark Your imposing stance makes the most efficient use of your armor,
angling to deflect incoming attacks. Against attacks from visible
enemies in front of you, your Armor is counted as 2 higher ​(at
Lv14, 4 higher).​ If you don’t specify a facing during your turn,
you’re assumed to be facing in the direction of your last action.

10 Resolute The first time in a combat where you would take Lethal Damage,
immediately regain Health equal to 2 x STR - if your Health is now
at least 0, negate the Lethal Damage.

11 Holy Sanction When you hit an enemy with a ranged attack, they are marked.
When a marked enemy targets your ally for an attack, you can
spend 4 Energy and the mark, then deal d6+STR/APX damage
and apply a -4 penalty to the attack. Only one enemy can be
marked per Attack action.

12 Dread Machine You are a master at deflecting impacts beyond what your armor is
supposed to do. No matter the AP of an incoming attack, your
Armor always counts for at least half its normal value (rounded

13 Last Breath Once per combat as a Half Action, you can draw on your godlike
fortitude and resolve. Transfer all of your Energy to your Health.
This can put your Health at up to one and a half times its normal
maximum - any extra energy remains.

14 Eternal Warrior Once per combat, you can use your iron will to ignore your
injuries. At the end of your turn, you can activate this Ability for 6
energy. Until the start of your next turn, make a note of the
damage you take, but do not subtract it from your Health. You
don’t take this damage until 4 rounds after activating this Ability. If
the damage delayed by Eternal Warrior would cause Lethal Injury,
roll twice and take the lower result.

Level Ability Description

15 Guardian Soul A divine wave of protection radiates from you as you fight, for
your spirit is strong enough to bolster your allies as it sustains
At the start of a combat round, you can choose allies that can
see you: for each one, spend 5 energy and they can use one of
your Guardian abilities during the round. If their STR is less than
half of yours, it’s counted as the latter for the purposes of this

16 Living Shield Once per combat round, when an ally is targeted for an attack,
you can spend 10 Energy, then teleport to make yourself the
target of the attack.

17 Holy Punishment By taking a Full Action, you can mark a number of visible
enemies, spending 8 Energy per enemy marked, then enter
Punishment Stance until the end of the next combat round. While
in Punishment Stance: every marked enemy takes damage
equal to your STR when attacking an ally, also keep a note of the
damage you take. When Punishment Stance ends, deal damage
equal to your stored damage, divided among marked enemies.

18 Timeless You reach the true heights of your strength when it is most
needed. While your Health is below 1, add your ½ STR to your

19 Protector’s You can activate this ability once per battle when you take a
Sacrifice Lethal Injury. All of your allies regain Health equal to your STR
and Energy equal to 2xSTR.

20 Divine Immortality You are the wall that will stand until the stars go out, death shall
not reach you. You can convert other Lethal Injuries into stacks
of Fatigue by succeeding a STR roll. The Difficulty is equal to 12
+ the number of stacks of Fatigue you have.You can roll Divine
Immortality before the Lethal Injury takes effect.

Soldier - Marksman - Divine Lightning
Level Ability Description

3 Gunfighter Gain a +2 bonus to hit with ranged weapons against enemies

within half the weapon’s Close Range.

4 Accuracy You can spend 8 energy when firing Single Shot or Burst Fire at
Medium Range to make it count as Close Range, or 16 energy to
make Long Range count as Medium Range.

5 Battlefield When you take the Suppressive Fire action, you can suppress
Suppression additional targets up to ½ ACC or the weapon’s Full Auto Fire
Rate, whichever is lower. For each target after the first, spend 2
Energy and add a -1 penalty to the attack roll. Roll a Full Auto
attack against each target (they still take half damage on hit). If
you would score more total hits than the weapon’s Full Auto Fire
Rate, allocate hits equal to the Fire Rate among all targets as
evenly as possible. If a suppressed enemy attempts to move and
fails the AGI roll, they cannot move for the rest of their turn.

6 Deadly Aim You’re accurate enough to find the weak points in enemies’ armor.
On a critical hit, increase your attack’s AP by 2. For a full-auto
attack, increase each hit’s AP by 1 instead.

7 Overwatch As a Half Action, you can prepare to meet any new intruders with
a hail of lead. Until the start of your next turn, when an enemy
enters your vision, you can spend 6 Energy to make a ranged
attack against them. Make sure to specify your facing when using
this ability.

8 Fire Control When firing a Full Auto weapon, you can choose to divide hits
between the primary target and any other visible enemies in your
facing. You cannot reallocate hits to an enemy with a greater
Reflex than the primary target. Spend 3 energy for each additional

Level Ability Description

9 Favored Your more specialized training has made you an expert on one
Weapon particular weapon. Choose one of your guns when you learn this
Ability. Once per round when rolling an attack with your favored
weapon, spend 5 energy to reroll if the roll was less than half your

level. You can change your favored weapon between sessions if it
would be feasible for your character to spend time practicing with
the new one.

10 Executioner When you learn this feature, note the maximum damage of your
favored weapon’s attack (not including any temporary or
situational modifiers). Upon a successful Single Shot or Burst Fire
with your favored weapon, if the maximum damage (after Armor)
would reduce the target to -15 Health, it is instead instantly killed.

11 Blitzkrieg When you take the Run action, all of your ranged attacks count as
Half Aimed until the end of your turn.

12 Deliverance The first missed shot during Burst Fire does not end the attack.
(Instead, end on the next miss.)

13 Seraphim As a Full Action, you can Full Aim and make a firearm attack
against a target below you.

14 Heavens’ Spear As if by holy guidance, you find the points of your enemy’s
weakness. Increase the AP of a Half Aimed attack by 2, or 4 for a
Full Aimed attack.

Level Ability Description

15 Aspect of War After making an attack with a two-handed firearm, you can
spend 10 Energy to draw, make an attack with and sheathe
a one-handed firearm without spending an action.

16 Lightning Strike Once per Attack action, upon landing a hit with a firearm
attack, you can spend 15 Energy to call down a terrible bolt
from the heavens on your target. Choose one option
depending on the type of attack.
Vengeful Bolt ​(Single Shot/Burst Fire)​: ​The struck target
takes ACC damage and is marked - until the end of your
next turn, they cannot benefit from concealment against
your attacks, and your hits against them have ½ ACC/APX
bonus damage.
Splitting Bolt ​(Burst Fire/Full Auto)​: ​Lightning bounces
between the primary target and up to d4 other enemies,
dealing ½ ACC/APX damage each time. The maximum
bounce distance is ACC meters.

17 Lightning Strikes Twice On a Single Shot or Burst Fire critical hit, immediately roll
another attack against the same target without spending
ammo or adding Recoil. On a Full Auto critical hit, add d4
hits against the target. Lightning Strikes Twice cannot trigger

itself. Lightning Strikes Twice can cause the weapon to
exceed its Fire Rate. On any firearm critical hit, you can
Rest[Half] without spending an action.

18 Lightning Storm By spending 10 Energy, you can reduce a Full Action reload
to a Half Action, or a Half Action reload to none. If you do
so, your next attack and damage roll this turn have

19/20 Divine The Divine Lightning’s final ability is split between the
[Elimination/Onslaught] Elimination and Onslaught forms. At Lv19, choose which
form you want to learn first. You learn the other form at

Divine Elimination:
Spend a Full Action and all of your Energy. Mark every
enemy you can see in the direction you’re facing, then enter
Elimination Stance. During your subsequent turns, you can
choose to sustain or end the stance.
● Sustain (Half/Full): Add a damage bonus to your
Elimination attack equal to ½ ACC / ACC.
● End (Half/Reaction): Unleash your Elimination
attack, making a Single Shot attack against every
marked enemy (adding Aim Bonus if Half Action).
Treat the d20 roll for these attacks as minimum 10.
You cannot run out of ammo during the Elimination

Divine Onslaught:
Spend a Full Action and all of your Energy. Mark every
enemy you can see, then enter Onslaught Stance. During
your subsequent turns, you can choose to sustain or end the
● Sustain (Half/Full): Add 1/d4 extra hits to your next
Onslaught attack. You add these hits even if the
attack misses.
● End (Half/Reaction): Unleash your Onslaught attack,
making a Full Auto attack against every marked
enemy (halving Recoil if Half Action). Treat the d20
roll for these attacks as minimum 10. You cannot run
out of ammo during the Onslaught attack, and you
can exceed your weapon’s fire rate.

Hacker - Hack Master - Matrix Overlord
Level Ability Description

3 Echo Boost You can initiate a hack with a Half Action, instead of Full. In this
case, you cannot Destroy or Control, and Shutdown only lasts for
2 turns. A hack that was initiated with Echo Boost can be
sustained with a Half Action.

4 Contingency When you would be hit by an enemy countermeasure, you can

Module spend 10 energy to take the next lowest countermeasure instead
(or negate the lowest countermeasure).

5 Detect Intrusion If an ally within your hacking range is targeted by a hack, you are
immediately alerted. Succeeding a HCK roll with Difficulty 8 + the
enemy’s HCK informs you of the enemy hacker’s location.
Sense Intrusion resolves immediately (before any viruses from the
hack take effect).
You can repeat the roll every time the hack is sustained.

6 Volt Spike When you Destroy a hack target, you can short its power core to
deal 2d8/AP3 damage to an enemy within 4 meters. The range
and damage is increased on larger machines. If the hack target
was an implanted device, you cannot target its original host for the

7 Overclock When you would sustain a hack, you can instead overclock. Begin
a new round of hacking (in the same turn), both sides choose
viruses again. When you overclock, both sides count their HCK as
double until the end of your turn. You can only overclock once per
hack per turn.

8 Biocapacitor When you Siphon, you can grant the Energy to an ally within your
hacking range. In this case, half of the siphoned Energy is lost. ​At
Level 12​, this drawback is removed, and you can share the
siphoned Energy among any number of allies.

Level Ability Description

9 Soul Upload Taking Control of a Cyberbrain allows you limited access into the
target’s recent memories. Exactly how much is up to the GM but is
based on your HCK.

10 Matrix Sentinel If you succeed on a Detect Intrusion roll by at least 4, you can make
yourself the target of the hack instead. You cannot use Matrix
Sentinel if you are already the target of a hack. ​At Lv15​, this
restriction is lifted, and any success on Detect Intrusion activates
Matrix Sentinel.

11 Iron Command Enemies make rolls to resist your control with disadvantage.

12 Holo-targeting You manipulate the local nanomachines to highlight enemies,

making them more visible for your team. You can spend 6 Energy
and a Half Action to holo-target an enemy, and you can have
holo-targets on up to ½ HCK enemies at a time. (If you go over the
limit, choose which enemy loses their holo-target). Against a
holo-targeted enemy, allies gain a +2 bonus to hit, or a +4 bonus if
the enemy is concealed.

13 Cyber Wyrm You can implant a fragment of your consciousness after a

successful hack into a non-implanted device, such as a computer.
While in this state, your body can only take a Half Action each turn.
If a hackable enemy attempts to access the device you chose, you
can immediately initiate a Control hack against their Cyberbrain,
their Firewall is also halved.

14 Recursion Each time you sustain a hack, increase your Virus Power by 2.
(Resets when you have no incoming or outgoing hacks).

Level Ability Description

15 Digital Fortress When you win an incoming hack, you can spend 10 Energy,
the attacker rolls for Countermeasure with advantage.

16 Siphoning Swarm You command the local nanomachines to absorb energy from
an area and grant it to you. Choose a point within your hacking
range. You drain 3d6 energy from up to ½ HCK enemies within
4 meters of the designated point. (Biocapacitor applies to
Siphoning Swarm as it would a Siphon hack).

17 Absolute Control Enemies cannot make rolls to resist your control.

18 Matrix Supremacy Gain one extra virus slot.

19 Overlord’s Domain When your Controlled enemy makes an attack, they roll the
attack with advantage. If they succeed, you add your HCK to
the damage.

20 God in the Machine Rule over the entirety of cyberspace. When you take the action
to initiate a hack, you can initiate multiple hacks instead. Each

hack after the first costs 10 Energy. While you have multiple
hacks active, Sustain and Overclock affect all of your outgoing

Ninja - Shadow Strider - Death Wind

Level Ability Description

3 Shadow Attack Your attacks against targets that are unaware of your position have
empowered damage. Shadow Attack only applies to Light weapons
within melee to Close range.

4 Quickdraw Once per turn, without spending an action, you can spend 6 Energy
to draw and attack with a Light weapon (Single Shot only for guns).
Also, you can drop smoke grenades without taking an action.

5 Elusive The first time you are targeted for an attack during a combat round,
you can spend 10 Energy to immediately take a Move action.
If it was a melee attack, the attack resolves with disadvantage
before your move.
If it was a ranged attack, the attack resolves with disadvantage
after your move, or automatically fails if you moved out of line of
sight of the attacking enemy.

6 Flowing Dodge When you make a Careful Movement, you move 2 + ½ AGI meters
instead of the normal 2.

7 First Strike As long as you aren’t surprised, you can take an immediate Half
Action when a combat starts, before Initiative is rolled.

8 Ninja Vault You can roll Acrobatics to kick off an enemy. Spend 8 Energy and a
Half Action. Alternatively, you can follow a successful melee attack
with a Ninja Vault without spending an action (still costs 8 Energy).
The Difficulty depends on the type of enemy (Difficulty 10 for
human enemies. You leap 2 + AGI meters away. If successful on
the roll, put a -4 penalty on the target’s Reflex and Parry until the
end of your turn, and they can’t make reaction attacks against this

Level Ability Description

9 Unseen Blade When making a Shadow Attack, you gain a bonus to the attack roll

equal to your AGI. If it’s a critical hit, gain the same bonus to the
damage. ​At Lv14, the damage bonus becomes 2xAGI.

10 Raven You gain advantage on melee attacks that involve dropping down
onto an enemy, and don’t take fall damage if the attack is

11 Tempo Burst Once per round, when an enemy is about to take their turn, you
can spend 8 energy to roll AGI against their Initiative score. If
successful, you move your turn to before theirs in the Initiative

12 Predator You can take a free Careful Movement action at the start of each
new combat round after the first.

13 Shrouded Knife Once per turn, when you succeed a Shadow Attack on a target
without Lethal Damage, you can spend 10 Energy - the target must
roll for Lethal Injury (for that roll, they count as having Lethal
Damage equal to your AGI).
If the attack was a critical hit, you can use this ability with no
Energy cost.

14 Death Whisper After landing a Shadow Attack, you can spend 15 Energy: the
target is not alerted to your presence and you can immediately
make a Careful Movement.

Level Ability Description

15 Last Shadow If a Shadow Attack deals Lethal Damage, the target must make a
STR roll (Difficulty 10 + WEP) or die.

16 Spectre Your moving form seems to blur and disorient anyone who tries to
follow you. After taking the Sprint Action, you can spend 15 energy
to become untargetable for the rest of the round. If you would be hit
by area damage while Spectre is active, you take the reduced
damage on a failed roll, and no damage on a passed roll.

17 Phantom At the end of your turn, you can spend 12 Energy to teleport to
where you were at the start of the turn.

18 Vanishing You now teleport instead of moving when you make a Careful

19 Silent Storm By spending 25 Energy and a Full Action, you prepare to strike
every enemy in your sight before they notice. Concentrate until the
end of the round, then blink to every enemy you can see in a certain
direction, up to a maximum of 10 enemies. Make an attack against

each one, ending within 10 meters of the last enemy struck.
Enemies cannot make reaction attacks during Silent Storm.

20 Divine Ghost Your ability to elude your enemies has reached impossible heights,
as you disappear into the cracks between space itself. No matter
where you are or how clearly enemies can see you, a Difficulty 10
Stealth roll will allow you to hide. You remain hidden until you take
an action other than moving. If used in combat, Divine Ghost
removes you from Initiative, your next action takes place at any time
of your choosing.
Must have been the wind.

Avenger - Slayer - Divine Talion

Level Ability Description

3 Gun and Blade Once per turn, when wielding a ranged and melee weapon
together, taking the Attack action allows you to attack with both,
at the cost of 6 energy. The second attack can be at any point
during your turn. You can also exchange weapons without
spending an action.

4 Multi-Attack After landing a melee attack with a Light or Medium weapon, you
can roll additional attacks until one misses. Each attack after the
first costs 5 energy and has a stacking -5 penalty. You cannot
make more attacks in your turn than your WEP. Multi-attack can
only activate once per turn.

5 Headhunter After landing a ranged attack against an enemy, your first melee
attack each turn against that enemy has a +2 bonus to hit. If that
melee attack hits, you can spend 6 Energy to roll damage with
advantage (must be chosen before rolling damage).

6 Avenger’s Bite At the cost of a -2 penalty to your ranged attacks, you can wield
Medium Shotguns and Submachine guns in one hand. The only
weapon you can have in your other hand is a melee weapon.
Additionally, you can fire any firearm you’re wielding in one hand
in melee without triggering reaction attacks.

7 Flawless Defense You have learned to guard yourself from bullets in much the
same way as you would parry a blade. When targeted by a
ranged attack, you can roll to parry with a -2 modifier. For every

point your parry exceeds the attack roll, negate one hit of the
attack. (Against Burst Fire, parry against the first roll).
At Lv12​, if you critically succeed the parry roll and negate all hits,
resolve one hit of the incoming attack against the attacking

8 Run and Gun If wielding a firearm in one hand, you can Aim[Half] by spending 4
Energy instead of an Action.

Level Ability Description

9 Executioner Note the maximum damage of your attack (not including any
temporary or situational modifiers). Upon a successful attack, if
the maximum damage (after Armor) would reduce the target to -15
Health, it is instead instantly killed.

10 Slayer’s Rush The first time per combat you spend all of your Energy, you can
immediately take an extra Half Action, then regain Energy equal to
your Recovery. ​At Lv15​, you can instead take an extra turn.

11 Contempt Pitiful heretics shall not interrupt your hunt. When targeted by a
reaction attack while moving, the attack has disadvantage if you
were moving towards an enemy you have already attacked this

12 Dragon’s Teeth Once per turn, when making an attack, you can spend 10 Energy
to draw, attack with, and sheathe a Light weapon without spending
an action.

13 Redline While your Health is below WEP + ACC, add ½ WEP to your

14 Zealot Each time you succeed on an attack roll, your attack rolls count as
1 greater for the purpose of determining if the hit was critical. This
bonus resets when you miss an attack. A Full Auto attack raises
the Zealot bonus equal to half the hits scored, rounded up.

Level Ability Description

15 Demon Claws At the start of your turn, you can reduce your Reflex by an amount
of your choice, up to ½ WEP, until the start of your next turn to
increase the damage of your attacks by the same amount.

16 Blink Strikes When using Gun and Blade, you can spend 8 Energy to teleport a
number of meters up to your WEP+ACC between the ranged and
melee attack.

17 Vengeance Rise You can launch the enemy into the air with a melee strike,
following up with a devastating burst from your guns. Spend 14
Energy, roll a melee attack against an enemy not much larger than
you (GM’s discretion) with a -4 penalty to hit. On a hit, deal half
damage and launch the opponent in the air. Then, before your
target falls at the end of your turn, you can make an attack with a
firearm you’re wielding, which automatically hits. If it’s Burst or Full
Auto, you score a number of hits equal to half your ACC (still can’t
exceed the weapon’s fire rate).

18 Flame Wave Before making a firearm attack, you can spend 10 Energy to
infuse the shot with mystical explosive power. If the attack
succeeds, your target is launched backwards a number of meters
equal to your ACC and must pass a AGI roll (Difficulty 8+WEP) or
fall prone. Whether the attack hits or not, you can choose to let
yourself be launched back the same distance. (You do not fall

19 Archon Ward When you would be hit by an attack, you can reset your Zealot
bonus to zero to add its value to your Reflex or Parry against that

20 Divine Blades You can spend a Full Action and 24 Energy to make an attack with
each weapon you’re carrying. Each attack can be targeted
independently. If you’re carrying multiple of the same weapon, you
can use that type of weapon up to twice. During Divine Blades,
Blink Strikes can be used between any of your attacks and costs
only 2 Energy. Additionally, you add 1 to your Zealot bonus on
activating this ability if you currently have none.

Seeker - Dark Hunter - Divine Assassin

Level Ability Description

3 Preparation You get a +4 bonus on Initiative if enemies are unaware of


4 Shadow Attack Your attacks against targets that are unaware of you have
empowered damage. Shadow Attack only applies to Light
weapons within melee to Close range.

5 Dash When you take the Attack action, you can spend 10 Energy to
move in a line a number of meters up to your AGI before the

attack. The target of your attack cannot make reaction attacks
against this movement, and other reaction attacks against
you during your Dash have a -4 penalty to hit.

6 Assassination Strike Add your AGI to the damage on Shadow Attacks. In addition,
critical hits on Shadow Attacks inflict one stack of Fatigue.

7 Observe Prey A moment of preparation goes a long way to granting you a

cruel and accurate attack. If you took the Aim action against a
target since the start of your last turn, and the target has not
broken line of sight, you keep the aim bonus and can reroll
damage and take the higher result. Melee attacks benefit
from this Ability, but don’t gain the normal benefits of aiming.

8 Viper Dance The wind brings death with it. If you succeeded on an
Acrobatics roll during your turn, gain a bonus to your Reflex
until the start of your next turn equal to the roll’s Difficulty

Level Ability Description

9 Dragon’s Teeth Once per turn, when attacking in melee range, you can spend 10
Energy to draw, attack with, and sheathe a Light weapon without
spending an action.

10 Death Litany At the start of your first turn in a combat, you can spend 8 Energy,
if you do so, you can reroll any damage rolls during this turn,
taking the better result. ​At Lv14​, also add either your AGI or WEP
to Death Litany attacks.

11 Raven You gain advantage on melee attacks that involve dropping down
onto an enemy, and don’t take fall damage if the attack is

12 Improved Dash Dash now only costs 5 Energy, can be used either before or after
the attack, and can allow you to move vertically.

13 Revenant If your attack inflicts Lethal Injury, you can spend 6 energy to
instead inflict the next highest result.

14 Eclipse Attack When you attack an enemy that’s unaware of you, you can spend
an amount of Energy to reduce the target’s Reflex, at a rate of 3
Energy spent for every point of Reflex reduced.

Level Ability Description

15 Phantom At the end of your turn, you can spend 12 energy to teleport to
where you were at the start of the turn.

16 Death Shroud As your enemies fall, your form is engulfed by shadows, heralding
you onwards to the next sacred kill. Upon killing an enemy,
reduce the Difficulty of the next Stealth roll you make by 4 (until
the start of your next turn.)

17 Reaper’s Herald You flow like a terrible wind around the battlefield so as to find the
ultimate strike to fall your enemies. If you succeed on an
Acrobatics roll, gain the following effects until the end of your turn:
● Your next attack has a bonus to hit equal to one-fifth the
roll’s Difficulty.
● If that attack hits, then, if you hit another attack before the
end of your turn, it is counted as a critical hit.

18 Flash Murder When using your Dragon’s Teeth ability, you can spend 8 Energy
to teleport a number of meters equal to your running speed
between the two attacks.

19 Hurricane Scythe The final augmentation to your Dash ability. You cannot be
targeted for reaction attacks while dashing, additionally you can
make an attack for half damage against every enemy you pass
within melee range of while dashing.

20 Shinigami The finale of the death-dealer’s art. When you hit a Shadow
Attack, you can spend 20 Energy, all of your damage dealt counts
as Lethal Damage.

Warrior Adept - Warrior Psyker - Divine Destroyer

Level Ability Description

3 Battle Caster When you take the Attack action, you can spend 8 Energy to cast
a psi power in the same action, either before or after the attack. If
you choose a power that normally takes a Full Action to cast, you
can cast it in only a Half Action instead.

4 Marked Souls You use psychic guidance to aid your attacks. You have a +2
bonus to attack rolls against have been affected by your psi
powers. (The bonus only applies to the first roll in a Burst Fire

5 Warlock Strikes Add ​Psi Blast ​to your learned powers if you don’t already know it.
After landing a melee attack, you can cast ​Psi Blast​ without
spending an action, but its damage dice are d6s instead of d8s.

6 Cursed Rounds By spending 8 Energy, you can charge your next firearm attack
with one of your psi powers. Add a +2 bonus to the attack roll, and
if it hits, the target also takes the effect of the psi power. If the
power you chose costs more than 8 Energy, you must spend the
power’s Energy cost instead. You can choose whether the
weapon hit or the psi power resolves first.

7 Distortion Your critical hits with weapons drain psi energy from your
enemies, empowering your powers. When you land a critical hit,
roll a d6. Add that amount as a bonus to the casting of your next
psi power, and drain Energy from your target equal to that amount
+ PSI. Distortion does not stack.

8 Void Guard The physical force of your psi power can let you parry just as well
as with a blade. Roll PSI against the incoming attack roll. If you
successfully parry, you immediately ​Psi Blast​ the attacker.

Level Ability Description

9 Warlock’s Chains Add ​Psychic Chains​ to your learned powers if you don’t already
​ ower, you may
know it. If you already know the ​Psychic Chains p
instead choose any power of 10 or lower Difficulty to learn.
When you would throw an enemy with ​Psychic Chains​, you can
instead pull them towards you the same distance. If you then
make a melee attack against them before the end of your turn,
you have advantage on the attack roll.

10 Crimson Revenge Once per combat when you would receive Lethal Damage, you
can reduce the incoming damage by your PSI, then gain
advantage on your next psi power.

11 Rage Wave As your mind fills with rage in battle, you release it outwards as a
deadly force. Rage Wave costs 12 Energy to activate, once per
combat immediately after you take or deal damage. While it’s
active, enemies that start their turn or move within 6 meters of
you take 1/2PSId4/APX damage. Enemies that pass a PSI roll
(Difficulty 10+PSI) take half damage. Rage Wave fades away if a
round passes without you taking or dealing damage (excluding
its own damage).

12 Phantom Blades Each time you successfully cast a psi power, a ghostly blade
appears floating above you. When you succeed a ranged attack,
you can launch as many of your blades as you want at the

target. When you succeed a melee attack, you can strike with as
many blades as you want at any enemies within 3 meters of you.
Phantom Blades dissolve on use and deal d4/AP4 damage. If a
combat round passes without you taking or dealing damage, all
of your blades dissolve.

13 Infernal Achieving mastery over the chaotic energy unleashed by your

powers, you redirect it to your purposes. Once per combat
round, when you would take damage due to Psi Backlash, you
can store the damage. If you hit an enemy with an attack before
the end of your turn, they take the damage instead. Any damage
still stored at the end of your turn is taken normally.

14 Fear and Dead After knocking out or killing an enemy, you can spend 12 energy
Men to project a terrifying wave into enemies’ minds. All visible
human enemies within 25 meters must roll Psi Force (Difficulty
12+PSI) On a failure, they have a -4 penalty to attack rolls and
parries on their next turn and must use their next Action to move
away from you. Enemies who pass the roll only take -2 penalty.

Level Ability Description

15 Psycho Trigger A form that allows for enhanced psychic devastation. Entering
this form, your eyes flash red and a visible haze of anger
surrounds your person. While Psycho Trigger is active, take 5
damage at the start of your turns (this damage does not cause
Lethal Injuries). Rage Wave is permanently active, and your
damaging psi powers have empowered damage. You can
activate or end Psycho Trigger only during your turn.

16 Warlock’s Blink After casting a psi power, you can spend 10 Energy to teleport
up to 2xPSI meters at any time during your turn.

17 Red Sun Only in the midst of battle can you awaken your true psychic
potential. Once per combat round, when you take damage, you
can attempt to cast a psychic power whose Difficulty (after
casting type) is less than or equal to the damage you took.
Example: You just took 15 damage, but you can still use Red
Sun to cast Dragon’s Breath, a Difficulty 20 power, with
Unshackled Casting.

18 Chaos Spear You strive for yet greater power, paying no heed to your
enemies and gathering all of your focus into a psychic assault.
Spend 10 Energy, then set the Difficulty of your next psi power
and your Reflex until the start of your next turn both to 0.

19 Burning Psycho Psycho Trigger gains these changes:

Trigger ● You take 10 damage at the start of your turns instead of
● When you kill an enemy, you regain 10 Health and
● When you cast a damaging psi power, maximize the
damage if you pass the Difficulty by at least 10.

20 Divine Destruction The ultimate manifestation of psychic rage. After succeeding in

at least two attacks or damaging psi powers on your turn, spend
any combination of Health and Energy totalling 20. You unleash
a blast of pure psychic rage against an enemy within 8 meters
that you’ve damaged this turn, dealing Xd4/APX damage, where
X is your damage. If you have Lethal Damage, roll damage with

Cybermancer - Necro-cybermancer - Cyber Demiurge

Level Ability Description

3 Data Hex When you successfully cast a psi power targeting an enemy, you
can spend 6 Energy, initiate a hack against that enemy without
spending an action. In this case, you cannot Destroy or Control,
and Shutdown only lasts for 2 turns. A hack that was initiated with
Data Hex can be sustained with a Half Action. ​At Lv9, when you
succeed in a hack initiated with Data Hex, you can initiate
another hack without spending an action.

4 Eye of Horus If a visible ally is targeted for a hack, succeeding a PSI roll with
Difficulty 8 + the enemy’s HCK causes the enemy hacker to be
visible to you and your allies through any physical objects.
Eye of Horus resolves immediately (before any viruses from the
hack take effect).
You can repeat the roll every time the hack is sustained.
At Lv9, ​when an enemy is affected by Eye of Horus, you can
spend 12 Energy to reduce their Reflex and Firewall by your PSI.

5 Cybermantic Increase the maximum number of powers you can have known by
Knowledge 2. ​You gain this ability again at Lv10 and Lv15.

6 Matrix Sigil Once per turn, if you dealt at least 5 Core damage to an enemy
since the start of your last turn, you can spend 5 Energy, add your
HCK to your next psi power roll.

7 Digital Predator The Echo matrix is a maze, and like the mazes of ancient times, it
is the dwelling of deadly monsters. As a Full Action, spending 16
energy, you spawn a fully digital horror capable of prowling the
network of its own will. The digital predator takes one turn to travel
between enemy devices, choosing targets on its own. It uses your
HCK for its Virus Power and Firewall, and its Core is equal to your
HCK x 3 + 20. Unlike in normal hacking rules, this Core value
persists between hacks. Its viruses are always Scan → Overflow →
Attack. On a successful hack, the predator restores half of its
maximum Core, causes the device to shut down for d4 turns and
deals 2d6+HCK/APX damage to the user if it's a cyber implant. You
take 3d6/APX damage if the predator is destroyed, or you can
choose to consume its essence during your turn, recovering 8
energy. Core damage inflicted by the predator counts for Matrix

8 Streumonic Your understanding of bonds between the physical and spiritual put
Chains impossibilities within your reach. You can use your hacking against
creatures of the metastreumonic force. In this case, use your PSI in
place of HCK to calculate your Virus Power, Firewall, and Core.

Level Ability Description

9 Necro-pulse With your sinister arts, the dead do not always stay down. By
spending 8 Energy, you can send an activation signal into the
Cyberbrain of a recently dead enemy, giving them limited
animation under your control. They must have an intact
Cyberbrain and have been dead for no longer than an hour.
Their speed, characteristics, and maximum Health are halved,
and they cease to function after 30 minutes.

11 Arcane Possession While you are controlling a hacked enemy, you can cast psi
powers originating from it. If these powers miscast, they take
the Psi Backlash instead of you.

12 Swarm Demon The monster emerges from the maze. You bind the
nanomachine Swarm together into the deadly physical form of
your digital predator. You decide at the start of each round
which form the predator will take. When in physical form:
● It uses its Core as its Health
● Its Reflex is equal to 5 plus its Firewall
● It reduces all incoming damage by ½ HCK.
● Its melee attack uses your HCK in place of WEP, has a
range of 6 meters, deals damage equal to its Virus
Power, and has AP5. It can make up to ½ HCK melee
attacks per round, and each one has a stacking -3

● Its Running Speed is 20 meters.
● When it hits a melee attack, it drains HCK Energy from
the target. It recovers this amount as Core, and you
recover this amount as Energy. You can share any
portion of the Energy recovered with an ally.
In addition, while in digital form, the predator’s virus sequence
is now Scan → Overflow → Overflow → Attack

13 Cyber Invocation The first time each turn you activate each virus, activate the
corresponding effect.
● Attack: Deal PSI/APX damage to a visible enemy.
● Shield: One ally or yourself reduces the next incoming
attack’s damage by 2.
● Scan: One visible enemy has 2 less Reflex against the
next incoming attack.
● Mask: One ally or yourself gains light concealment until
the end of the next round
● Overflow: Both yourself and one ally recover Energy
equal to your PSI.

14 Hermetic Disruption When attempting to Hack a piece of CyberTech implanted in a

psychic character, you can choose the Disrupt result in place of
the normal Hack results.

Disrupt​: Copy one of the psi powers they know. You can use
the copied psi power once before it is erased from your
memory. Then, increase the target’s Miscast by your HCK on
any psi powers they attempt to cast. Lasts 3 rounds.

Level Ability Description

16 Machine Fusion In addition to digital form and physical form, your predator gains
one final form: fused form, in which the essence of the predator
bonds to the essence code of another character. This takes on the
appearance of the predator morphing into a suit or aura of
nanomachines around that character
As before, you select the predator’s form [digital, physical, fused] at
the start of the round. When you choose fused form, choose an
allied character or yourself for fusion. While fused, the predator
does not have its own actions, but these effects apply.
● The fused character is considered lightly concealed, as a
shifting cloud of nanomachines obscures their form.
● When the fused character would take damage, you can
negate it by spending an amount of the predator’s Core
equal to the damage to be negated.

● Once per battle, if the fused character would experience Psi
Backlash, they can sacrifice the predator to negate the
Backlash effect.
● If an enemy moves within 6 meters of the fused character,
the predator makes a reaction attack against it. This can
happen a number of times per round up to ½ HCK.
● At the start of the fused character’s turn, the predator
makes a melee attack against an enemy within 6 meters.
Each time the fused character succeeds on an attack, the
predator can attack again (up to ½ HCK times per round).
Once per battle, if the predator is destroyed while in fused or
physical form, all enemy characters within 6 meters take
2xPSI/APX damage (Difficulty 10+PSI AGI save for ½ damage).
Finally, in digital form, the predator’s virus sequence changes to
Scan → Overflow → Overflow → Attack → Attack, and it can move
to a new device in only half a turn instead of a full turn.

17 Metatron Eye of Horus can also be triggered on a visible enemy casting a psi
power. In this case, the roll Difficulty is based on the enemy’s PSI
instead of HCK.
Whenever Eye of Horus activates on an enemy, you can spend 8
Energy. If you do so, your predator moves to that enemy and either
enters digital form and hacks them (only 3 viruses this round) or
enters physical form and makes one attack against them. In either
case, the predator’s assault is resolved before the triggering enemy
If you do not currently have your predator, you can spend 16
Energy to summon it as part of this ability.

18 Distributed Whenever one of your allies takes a turn in a hack, you can spend
Consciousness 8 Energy to give them +1 Virus slot and add your PSI to their Virus
Power. In addition, whenever you or any ally win a hack, you
restore Energy equal to your Recovery.

19 Matrix World Reshape reality according to your program. You can spend a Half
Action and 15 Energy to activate Matrix World. For the rest of the
combat, when you activate each Cyber Invocation, you can spend
8 Energy to gain an additional effect.
​ r ​Psychic Chains​ to
● Attack: Apply the effect of ​Psi Blast o
one visible enemy.
● Shield: Describe a piece of Durability 8 terrain to create, no
larger than a 6-meter cube.
● Scan: Destroy a piece of terrain no larger than a 6-meter
● Mask: One ally or yourself becomes invisible until the end of
their next turn.
● Overflow: Two visible characters switch places. If either or

both are allied characters, the players must consent to the

20 Divine If you hack an enemy’s Cyberbrain (or equivalent if using

Cybermancy Streumonic Chains), they cannot make a save to see through your
images. You can spend 30 Energy at the start of your turn - this
turn, any images you describe become real for all characters, not
only the one you’ve hacked.

Crusader - Champion Blade - Divine Seal

Level Ability Description

3 Combined Arms Once per turn, when wielding a ranged and melee weapon
together, taking the Attack action allows you to attack with both, at
the cost of 6 Energy. Alternatively, for the same Energy cost, you
can make two melee attacks. The second attack can be at any
point during your turn. You can also exchange weapons without
spending an action.

4 Charge You can make a single melee attack after ending a Sprint within
reach of an enemy, and can reroll damage if you do so. ​At Lv12​,
instead of making a single melee attack, you can instead activate
Combined Arms.

5 Righteous Fire At the cost of a -2 penalty to your ranged attacks, you can wield
Medium Shotguns and Submachine guns in one hand. The only
weapon you can have in your other hand is a melee weapon.
Additionally, you can fire any firearm you’re wielding in one hand
in melee without triggering reaction attacks.

6 Riposte Successful parries instead allow you to make an immediate melee

attack against the opponent with a +2 modifier. Ripostes can be
parried themselves but grant no benefit for doing so beyond
nullifying the attack.

7 Shooting Star You count as having 1 more point of Armor if you moved towards
a visible enemy or rolled a melee attack during your last turn. ​At
Level 12​, Shooting Star grants 2 Armor.

8 Momentum Gain 1 stack of Momentum whenever you take the Run action or
land a melee attack. Gain 2 stacks of Momentum whenever you

take the Sprint action or land a critical melee attack. When rolling
damage on a melee attack, you can spend any number of stacks
of Momentum to add a damage bonus of the same number to the
attack. If you spend at least 5 stacks of Momentum on one attack,
you can regain Energy equal to your Recovery, and can choose to
knock them back 2+STR meters, where they must succeed an
AGI roll (Difficulty 8+STR) or fall prone.

Level Ability Description

9 Sacred Hammer Your strikes stagger the enemy with your righteous fury. Your
Ripostes, critical hits, and reaction attacks apply the Concussion
effect until the end of the affected enemy’s next turn. An enemy
can only be affected by Sacred Hammer once per Attack action.
At Lv14​, any Concussion effects you inflict immobilize the enemy
until the end of their next turn.

10 Holy Sanction When you hit an enemy with a ranged attack, they are marked.
When a marked enemy targets your ally for an attack, you can
spend 4 Energy and the mark, then deal d6+STR/APX damage
and apply a -4 penalty to the attack. Only one enemy can be
marked per Attack action.

11 Endless Assault Upon succeeding a melee attack, you can reload your weapon
without taking an action. If the weapon would normally take a Full
Action to reload, you can reload it with a Half Action instead.
In addition, when making an attack with a firearm wielded in one
hand that does not benefit from Aim, you can spend 3 Energy to
reduce the Recoil by 1, or to gain the Aim Bonus on a Single Shot

12 Sentinel At the end of your turn, you can spend 10 Energy to activate this
ability, creating a zone around you under your protection that lasts
until the start of your next turn. The zone is centered on your
location when you activate the ability, and extends out to a radius
equal to half your Running Speed. When an enemy enters this
zone, you either move to them and make a melee attack, or make
a ranged attack against them. Either way, if your attack hits, the
enemy’s movement is halted. You then teleport back to the center
of the zone.

13 Spearhead Your Running Speed counts as 6 meters greater than normal

when moving towards an enemy you’ve hit with a ranged attack
this turn.

14 Dread Machine You are a master at deflecting impacts beyond what your armor is
supposed to be capable of. No matter the AP of an incoming

attack, your Armor always counts for at least half its normal value
(rounded up).

Level Ability Description

15 The Three You learn the three ancient Judgements with which to bind your
Mystic Seals enemies. Each seal can only be used once per combat, and takes a
Half Action to apply on an enemy. At this level, pick one of the seals
to learn. At levels 17 and 19, you can pick another seal to learn.
● First Seal: The Serpent: Note the position the enemy was in
when sealed. At any time once per round, you can spend 10
Energy to teleport them to that position.
● Second Seal: The Reaper: At any time once per round, you
can spend Energy equal to the enemy’s Health (minimum 5).
During the next melee attack against them, their Reflex is set
to 0 and they cannot parry.
● Third Seal: The Emperor: When the affected enemy is about
to take an action, you can negate it. Then they immediately
lose the next Half Action on their turn. After that, the Emperor
seal is spent and cannot be used again for the rest of combat.

16 Archangel A holy light infuses your melee weapon, extending its reach to let you
Blade burn all enemies before you with divine fire. Once per turn, you can
activate Archangel Blade by spending 14 Energy when you make a
melee attack. Instead of rolling the attack as normal, each enemy
within a 6 meter cone in front of you rolls a AGI roll. On a roll of...
● 21+, they avoid the attack and do not take damage.
● 16-20, they take half your weapon’s damage
● 11-15, they take your weapon’s normal damage. (counts as
landing a melee attack).
● <10, they take a critical hit from your weapon. (counts as
landing a melee critical hit).

18 Sanctum Your Sentinel ability gains the following enhancements

● When the zone would fade away at the start of your turn, you
can instead spend 5 Energy to maintain it.
● The zone remains centered on you when you move during
your turn.
● An enemy within the zone at the start of their turn takes APX
damage equal to your STR.
● Any ally within the zone at the start of their turn can recover
Health and/or Energy by an amount equal to your STR.

20 Hand of God Once per day, you can spend 30 Energy and a Full Action to unleash
your full judgement on an enemy, sealing them with the Serpent,

Reaper and Emperor. This takes the place of your uses of the three
seals during this combat.

Monk - Priest - Mystic

Level Ability Description

3 Flow Whenever you deal damage with a psi power, you can store half
of the damage dealt. As a Half Action, you can spend any
amount of stored damage to restore Health in the same amount
to an ally within PSI meters. ​At Lv9, whenever you heal at
least 10 Health with Flow, add ½ MED to the healing done.

4 Angel’s Rescue At any time, once per round, you can spend 10 Energy to
teleport a visible ally to within 2 meters of you.

5 Mystic Knowledge Increase the maximum number of powers you can have known
by 2. ​You gain this ability again at Lv10 and Lv15.

6 Lesser Miracle As a Half Action, you can choose a visible ally with Lethal
Damage, and spend 10 Energy. That ally ignores the next
2xMED incoming damage, and adds your PSI to their next

7 Mantra Whenever you Rest, one visible ally also gains the same Energy
as you, and you set your Flow to 5+PSI if it’s currently less.

8 Life Shield If you haven’t learned it already, learn the ​Force Shield​ power. If
you already know it, instead learn one psi power with the same
or lower Difficulty. By increasing ​Force Shield​’s Energy cost by 4,
you can cast it on a visible ally. Whenever you use ​Force Shield
to block damage from an ally, add half the blocked amount to
your Flow.

Level Ability Description

9 Angel’s Grace When you teleport an ally using Angel’s Rescue, you can instead
teleport them to any point within 2xPSI meters. You can also use
Angel’s Rescue twice per round.

11 Wings of Light The first time per round each ally takes Lethal Damage, you can

spend 8 Energy to subtract MED from the Lethal Injury roll.

12 Twilight Blessing When a visible ally takes damage, you can spend 10 Energy and
have that ally make a note of the damage they took. At the end of
their next turn, they heal that amount plus your MED.

13 Greater Miracle As a Half Action, choose one visible ally currently suffering from
Severe Bleeding, and spend 18 Energy. During their next turn,
that ally can act without advancing their time left before bleeding
out. At the end of that ally’s turn, you automatically use Angel’s
Rescue on them.

14 Radiant Heart Your power infuses your allies with vitality beyond the physical
limits of the body. Your healing can cause your allies’ current
Health to exceed their maximum Health. You cannot raise an ally’s
Health greater than the total of their maximum Health plus your
MED plus your PSI.

Level Ability Description

16 Benevolence Rift When you use Angel’s Rescue on an ally, you can instead banish
them from reality. While banished, they cannot affect anything,
and nothing can affect them. The chosen ally player must consent
to their character being banished. They can return to reality at any
time of their choosing. If they have not yet acted in the round
during which they return, they roll Initiative upon returning.
Also, you can now use Angel’s Rescue three times per round.

17 Life Nexus Once per turn, you can use one of your abilities by spending the
same amount of Flow instead of Energy.

18 Still Mind When a visible ally fails a PSI roll against a hostile effect, you can
spend 8 Energy to repeat the roll for them, using your PSI instead.

19 Mystic Savior When Lethal Injury is being rolled on a visible ally, you can spend
10 Flow to put disadvantage on the roll. Once per round, when
Lethal Injury is being rolled on a visible ally, you can spend 20
Flow to cancel the Lethal Injury roll.

20 Divine Miracle Driven by your conviction, you reach across infinity to save a
departed soul from the void. Once per session, when an ally takes
an Annihilation result, you can spend 40 Energy and a Full Action.
They can return to life at the end of the next session. Each
character can only be affected by Divine Miracle once.

Equilibrium Fist - Equilibrium Lord - Grey Master
Level Ability Description

3 Harmonious Strikes Your form becomes a channel for the flow of mystical
resonant energy. Your unarmed strikes deal 2d6/AP0
damage, or 3d6 empowered/AP3 damage on a critical
hit. When rolling attack or damage with Harmonious
Strikes, you can add any one of the following to the roll -
STR, WEP, PSI, ACC, or half your level.

4 Meditations of Battle At the start of your turn, choose one of the following:
● Genesis Form: Once per turn, when you take the
Attack action, declare a number, up to your
highest characteristic. Spend twice that much
Energy, then make that many Harmonious
Strikes, all with a -2 modifier to hit.
● Duality Form: Once per turn, after attacking with
a weapon, you can spend 8 Energy, exchange
weapons without spending an action, then attack
with another weapon. The second attack cannot
be Full Auto. If both attacks hit, the second
attack has empowered damage.
● Terminus Form: You can only make one attack
per turn. This attack gains a bonus to hit equal to
your greatest characteristic. If it hits, it gains the
same bonus to either AP or damage, your

5 Silent Clarity Increase the number of psi powers you can have
learned by 3.
The first time you cast a psi power each round, reroll the
cast if it’s less than your greatest characteristic.
In addition, after you land an attack, you can cast a psi
power without spending an action if its Difficulty (after
casting type) is less than half the result of the attack roll.

6 Machine Force Once per round, you can spend 8 Energy to initiate or
sustain a hack without spending an action. If you do so,
you have 1 fewer Virus slot than normal, but you can
activate another Virus the first time you hit with an
attack that turn.

7 Blur You can target enemies up to 15 meters away with

melee attacks, spending 5 Energy to teleport to them
before attacking.

8 Way of the Intercepting When a character that you could target for a melee
Fist attack moves or attacks you or an ally, you can spend 8
Energy to attack them. If it’s a critical hit, they either
stop moving or make the attack with disadvantage. ​At
Lv13​, you can instead make two Harmonious Strikes
(activating the effect if either critically hit).

Level Ability Description

9 Battle Focus Count the progression of the truth, and the false will seem slow
indeed. You center your mind as a Half Action. You gain Energy
equal to your Recovery. You have advantage during your next
Attack action, and the next attack against you has disadvantage.
Until the start of your next turn, you also have a +2 bonus to PSI
and HCK rolls against hostile effects.

10 Formless Water At the start of each round, you can decrease some of your
characteristics to increase others by the same amount. Each
characteristic must stay within 2 points of its original value (not
exceeding 10). This can temporarily change your Health, Reflex,
Speed, etc. If this would change your maximum Health, also
change your current Health by the same amount. At any time, you
can return to your original characteristics.

11 Tranquility The still surface punishes those who would make waves.
When you would make a PSI or HCK roll against a hostile effect,
you can spend an amount of Energy equal to your greatest
characteristic, then add a bonus to the roll equal to the Energy
spent. If you succeed the roll, the enemy causing the hostile effect
takes APX damage equal to twice the Energy you spent.

12 Resonance Your attacks transcend their temporal moments, leaving ghostly

afterimages. Upon a successful attack, deal d10/APX damage to
an enemy you hit with an attack during the previous round. A
character can only take damage from Resonance once per round.

13 Omni-scholar This ability can turn into any other ability in the game from any
other class. The ability’s level must be less than yours. You must
choose an ability for Omni-scholar at the start of a combat, and
must change it at either the start of your turn, the end of your turn,
or at any time during your turn.

14 Prime When you deal damage with Resonance, you can spend 5 energy
to teleport next to the one taking the damage.

Level Ability Description

15 Absolute Battle Focus No matter the chaos that rages around you, you can look
within yourself and find absolute order. Once per combat, you
can center your soul as a Full Action. Recover Energy equal
to twice your Recovery. The next attack against you
automatically fails. During your next attack action, you
automatically critically hit. Until the start of your next turn, you
also have a +4 bonus to PSI and HCK rolls against hostile

16 Eternity Storm Having awakened your soul to the flow of time, you compress
an eternity of strikes into an instant. Full Action: spend any
amount of Energy, teleport to an enemy within 15 meters,
then, for every 4 Energy spent, make a Harmonious Strike
against that enemy, rerolling any misses. When your attacks
are complete, activate Resonance on every enemy you’ve hit
during the combat.
After using Eternity Storm, you cannot regain Energy during
the next round.

17 Silent World Once per combat, by spending 10 Energy upon hitting an

enemy with an attack, you metaphysically shift them and
yourself into an adjacent reality. All inanimate features are
unchanged from your previous location, but you are the only
living beings present. The Sanctum will end at the start of
your turn unless you spend 5 energy to maintain it. While in
the Sanctum, you cannot regain Energy.
Within your Sanctum, you have mastery over the
environment. At any time, once per round, you can create,
destroy, or reshape terrain approximately equivalent to a 5x5
meter cube. Your changes to the Sanctum’s environment
have enough speed to be used offensively, although the
enemy can make a AGI save.

18 Equality All is within you. You are calm. All is calm.

Spend a Half Action and 10 Energy, then choose any other
character. Both of your Health values become the average of
your current Health values.
Alternatively, spend a Full Action and 20 Energy. All visible
characters set their Health to half of its maximum value.

19 Singularity As your path of balance reaches its apex, you begin to feel
strangely connected to the world around you. Your
surroundings seem like parts of your body, and other people
seem like parts of your self. Although, existing as yourself,

you are not at complete harmony with the truth. Your
reaching out brings with it distortion.
When any roll is made, you can add a bonus or penalty to it,
up to plus or minus 8 on one instance. The GM adds the
amount you chose to a value called Entropy. The GM can
spend Entropy to add bonuses or penalties to rolls. Either
way, once this change has been applied to a roll, it is final -
this supersedes advantage, disadvantage, and any other
effects that grant rerolls. At the end of each game session,
Entropy is reset to zero.
In combat, you can reduce Entropy by 1d4 whenever you use
Battle Focus, or you can reduce it by 2d4 whenever you use
Absolute Battle Focus. Out of combat, Entropy fades away at
a rate of 1 point per hour.

20 Truth The last secret. The well of the soul. The heart of the
universe. The order of the void. The pattern that lives deep
within and far beyond your reality. No one knows what the
final Ability of the Grey Masters is. When the time is right, it
will reveal itself to you. Depending on the path of your story,
this may be later than when the rest of your group gains their
final level.



Weapon Characteristics

● Size​: How much of your carrying capacity the weapon occupies.

○ You can carry…
■ Only one piece of Heavy equipment
■ Up to two pieces of Medium equipment
■ Up to six pieces of Light equipment
○ This also tells you how much the weapon encumbers you when carrying it.
Check the Combat chapter for more explanation of Encumbrance.
○ Unlike other weapons, drawing, stowing, or swapping to a Light weapon does
not take an action. Light weapons can also be fired in melee range of enemies
without triggering reaction attacks.
○ Light weapons and Medium melee weapons can be used in one hand (some

Medium melee weapon specials grant extra benefits for being wielded in both
hands). Medium firearms and Heavy weapons must be wielded in two hands.
Some class abilities can alter this.
● Capacity*​: The number of rounds the weapon can store at a time. Also indicates what
action it takes to reload the weapon.
● Rate of Fire*​: The maximum number of hits you can score with the weapon per Attack
action. Also the ammo expended by each attack (Single Shot uses 1 ammo). If the
weapon is capable of Burst Fire and Full Auto, it will show the respective Rates of Fire
for each mode in that order (delineated by slashes). So for example, a weapon
capable of all three modes, with a Burst Fire rate of 2 and a Full Auto rate of 5 would
say 1/2/5 for its Rate of Fire.
● Fire Mode*​: Which types of attack the weapon is capable of. See the Combat chapter
for explanation of how each Fire Mode is resolved.
● Aim Bonus*​: If the wielder aims, they add this bonus to their next Single Shot attack
with the weapon. (see the Combat chapter for more info on Aiming).
● Recoil*​: the penalty to Burst Fire and Full Auto rolls the weapon applies. See the
combat chapter for more info.
● Damage​: The damage dealt by one hit from this weapon. Multiple successful rolls in
Burst Fire, or a successful Full Auto roll will deal multiple hits, each rolling damage
○ Damage taken is reduced by the Armor of the target, down to a minimum of 1
damage per hit. The Armor is applied to each hit separately. So for example, a
target with Armor 3 that took a 5 damage hit and a 2 damage hit from a Burst
Fire attack would only take 3 damage in total (2+1).
● Armor Piercing​: The amount of Armor that each hit from the weapon ignores. APX
denotes an attack that is completely unaffected by Armor.
● Range​: The Close, Normal, and Far range of the weapon, given in meters. Roll
attacks normally within the weapon’s Close range. Apply a -2 penalty for attacks within
Normal range, and a -4 penalty for attacks within Far range. The weapon is ineffective
past Far range. Melee weapons can strike at a distance of up to 2 meters.
● Parry**​: The bonus, if any, that a weapon provides when using it to parry. See the
Combat chapter for how parrying works.
*Firearms only.
**Melee weapons only.

Legendary Forge - Facere Mortis


4d6 + STR

Armor Piercing




Medium (2 Encumbrance)

Special - Versatile Grip: The weapon can be held in its normal one-handed stance, or in both
hands. The latter changes the damage to 4d8 + 2 × STR, and the AP to 4.
Special - Spiritual Channel: Before attacking with Facere Mortis, you can choose to channel
psi force into your attack. Spend 5 energy. On hit, reroll any of the damage dice if they rolled
lower than your PSI (take the higher result).

[​A standard issue sword for all E.Y.E troops. Receiving your Facere Mortis marks proper
initialization into the order. Measures 1080 mm in the blade, 290 mm in the hilt. Not a normal
sword, it’s made special by the fact that it was forged with matter from a meta-streumonic
creature. By some property that is not known anymore, this makes the sword responsive to the
flow of psi force from its bearer, granting additional power to its strikes.]​

Legendary Forge - Ventus


4d4 + STR

Armor Piercing




Light (½ Encumbrance)

Special - Spiritual Channel: Before attacking with a Ventus, you can choose to channel psi
force into your attack. Spend 4 energy. On hit, reroll any of the damage dice if they rolled
lower than your PSI (take the higher result).

[​The off-hand equivalent to the Facere Mortis, it is common for E.Y.E warriors to fight with
them together, one in each hand. Measures 580 mm in the blade, 210 mm in the hilt. Forged
with the same arcane technology as its “big brother”, it’s likewise able to channel psi energy.]​

Croon - Chainsword


4d4 + STR

Armor Piercing




Medium (2 Encumbrance)

Special - Rending Gear: When you roll a 4 on a damage die for a hit with this weapon, resolve
a d4/AP1 hit against the same target. On a critical hit, instead deal 20+STR/AP1 damage,
then resolve a d4/AP1 hit against the same target.
Special - Dual Chain: You can wield a Chainsword in each hand. If you do so, you have a -2
penalty to attack rolls, and the weapon’s base damage to 3d4+STR.

[​Perhaps no other weapon represents the savagery of the Dark Ages quite as well as the
Chainsword, who would churn anyone caught by its many spinning teeth into a shower of blood
and gore. It was not used by regular military forces, but saw plenty of use anyway as an
intimidating weapon for mercenary companies and others of lesser repute. It seems that many
Chainswords were made special-order by Croon for the Syndicate before contracting their
services. This idea that Croon would equip its hired agents with a weapon best suited to tearing
apart unarmored targets has sinister implications.]​

Croon - Chainaxe


6d4 + STR

Armor Piercing




Large (4 Encumbrance)

Special - Rending Gear: When you roll a 4 on a damage die for a hit with this weapon, resolve
a d4/AP3 hit against the same target. On a critical hit, instead deal 25+STR/AP3 damage,
then resolve a d4/AP3 hit against the same target.
Special - Blood Price: On a critical hit, the head of the axe sticks in the target. When you or the
target move, or when you make another attack with this weapon, the stuck enemy immediately
takes 10/AP6 damage as you tear the axe out of them.

[​In this long-hafted axe with a chain blade, Croon somehow managed to exceed the brutality
of their own Chainswords. The Chainaxe became a very common weapon during the first
metastreumonic invasion, where it allowed many E.Y.E warriors to hold the line against
ceaseless swarms of metastreums. Since then, at least one Chainaxe-bearing challenger can
always be seen in the Askelios III colosseum - lest the audience’s thirst for blood go unsated.​]

Legendary Forge - Akaryi


4d6 + STR

Armor Piercing




Medium (2 Encumbrance)

Special - Spearman’s Balance: After succeeding in a Parry with this weapon wielded in two
hands, your Riposte or (or counter-attack if you don’t have the Riposte ability) has empowered
Special - Reach: If wielding this weapon in two hands, the damage changes to 5d6 + 2 × STR,
and you can make melee attacks at a distance of up to 4 meters.

[​A deceptively simple invention of the Holy Forge’s priesthood, the Akaryi appears to be a
simple heavy spear on first observation, with a strong head for striking as well as thrusting.
However, in a true warrior’s hands, the Radiance spear will deliver the heaven’s fury on to any
who dare oppose him. According to the legend, the Champion of New Eden fought alone atop a
mountain of corpses with this weapon during the first wars against the metastreumonic
invaders. ​]

Croon - Anubis Crescent


2d12 empowered + 2 × STR

Armor Piercing




Medium (2 Encumbrance)

Special - Electroparalysis: As the crescent of this polearm weapon sings through the air, it
generates a debilitating electric charge. A creature that takes damage from this weapon must
succeed a Difficulty 13 STR roll or have their Running Speed reduced by 4 meters and their
physical characteristics reduced by 2 until the end of their next turn. Multiple successful hits
from this weapon each add a +2 to the Difficulty for each hit after the first, but will not stack the
effects. On a critical hit, the effect is doubled, and the target does not make a roll.

[​A cruel and sinister weapon, with its origins as an instrument of worship. When the death
reverence fanatics called the Vale Order started to go rampant on multiple worlds, they
conceived of this weapon to kill in a way that honored their faith. Even a glancing laceration
from the ion-charged blade cripples the functions of the body. With the massive scale of
violence committed by the cult, it was only a matter of time before others took notice of the
scythe’s deadly capabilities. It can be found now in the hands of E.Y.E priests, the odd
Syndicate officer, and Federal commanders, who use it as much to keep conscripts compliant
as to fight. Who sold arms to the depraved zealots in the first place, one can only guess.]​

Legendary Forge - Damocles


5d6 empowered + STR

Armor Piercing




Medium (2 Encumbrance)

Special - Versatile Grip: The weapon can be held in one hand, or in both hands. The latter
changes the damage to 5d8 + 2 × STR, and the AP to 6.
Special - Power Field: Parries against this weapon have a -3 penalty. When parrying with this
weapon, if you overcome your opponent’s attack by at least 10, the opponent drops their

[​This long two-handed sword is made exclusively by the Holy Forge, even if it has been often
reproduced by other weapon-manufacturers since then. A distortion field created by a generator
built into the hilt travels through the blade: the energy is driven to the blade by small conductors
sometimes located inside the weapon, and sometimes outside. When the blade touches
something, and if the owner activates it, the distortion field's shock waves pass through the
blade in order to penetrate and tear the target apart.
This weapon is often used as a standard close-combat weapon for federal officers, however it is
also very popular among looter chiefs. The Secreta uses it especially during ceremonies, even
though many soldiers of E.Y.E enjoy it for its efficiency in combat. The only let-down of this
powerful sword is its loud noise and the light the distortion field produces when the blade hits its

Legendary Forge - Distortion Hammer


3d8 + 24 + 2 × STR

Armor Piercing




Heavy (4 Encumbrance)

Special - Distortion Field:

● Parries against this weapon have a -5 penalty.
● Enemies hit by this weapon are pushed d10 meters away and knocked prone.
● Enemies who parry this weapon are pushed 2 meters away, take 2d4/AP1 damage
and must roll Difficulty 11 STR or fall prone.
● Enemies who dodge this weapon take d4/AP0 damage.
● If this weapon deals Lethal Injury, roll for the result with advantage.
● Critical hits with this weapon have APX.
Special - Great Warhammer: 6 STR is required to use this weapon properly. Characters with 5
STR can use this weapon, but with disadvantage. Use of the weapon below 3 STR is not

[​With this weapon, the Forge created an engine of incomparable devastation, power and
strength. The first hammer was created so long ago no one can remember... At the beginning,
this weapon used some kind of nuclear fusion technology, but very soon distortion versions
appeared. Only a few other weapon-manufacturers ever managed to reproduce it, and some
rare copies are above the level of the originals. Its name only is sufficient to make any warrior
shudder. This massive and heavy hammer integrates a powerful distortion engine; when the
hammer hits its target, a powerful explosion is freed from the weapon, grinding its target to mere
Only a very powerful and experimented warrior can use this weapon, because of its weight and
the powerful explosion it generates on impact. Heavy federal troops and warriors from E.Y.E.
are the main users of this weapon.​]

Varandine - Kryrazor 90



Armor Piercing




Medium (2 Encumbrance)

Special - Powered Blade: You can expend your energy to activate the blade’s nanomolecular
property. Spend 8 energy, increase the weapon’s AP to 9, and empower the damage. Lasts
until the end of your turn.
Special - Ultra-sharp: When a hit from this weapon deals Lethal Damage, add another d6
damage to the hit before rolling Lethal Injury. In addition, if Powered Blade is active, and the
enemy attempts to parry a critical hit from this weapon, their weapon is destroyed.

[​During the last century, Varandine made its debut into the CQC market with a
characteristically sophisticated blade. The Kryrazor nanoblades were made with extreme
precision technology, giving it unparalleled cutting ability. As such, the sword was extremely
useful for cutting down armored combatants, slicing through plating like paper and inflicting
terrible wounds. Imitations existed from lesser megacorps, but they were prone to breaking,
unlike the genuine-made “Touch of Death”.
The Federal command heavily purchases these blades for issue to SF, paraphysics, and CT
units. Much to their fear, some Kryrazors have found their way into the hands of Syndicate

Varandine - Kryrazor 45



Armor Piercing




Light (½ Encumbrance)

Special - Powered Blade: You can expend your energy to activate the blade’s nanomolecular
property. Spend 5 energy, increase the weapon’s armor piercing to 6, and empower the
damage. Lasts until the end of your turn.
Special - Ultra-sharp: When a hit from this weapon deals Lethal Damage, add another d8
damage to the hit before rolling Lethal Injury.

[​The smaller of the two Kryrazor models, the 45 makes an exceptionally deadly dagger,
having acquired nicknames like the Stinger and Little Reaper. It was common at one time for
ranking Federal officers to carry a Kryrazor 45 as a sidearm, but availability issues have made
this difficult. For its stealth and utter contempt for armor, assassins’ guilds across the galaxy
prize the Kryrazor knife.
Anyone who has made enemies with the wrong people fears the low hum of this blade powering
up its nano-edge.]​

Legendary Forge - Goliath


5d10 + 2 × STR

Armor Piercing




Heavy (4 Encumbrance)

Special - Giant Strength: Critical hits with this weapon inflict Concussion and cause the target
to be knocked back 4 meters fall prone. Concussion effects increased while wielding this
weapon inflict a -6 instead of -4 penalty.
Special - Warhammer: 4 STR is required to use this weapon properly. Characters with 3 STR
can use this weapon, but with disadvantage. Use of the weapon below 2 STR is not possible.

[ ​“All units, fall back. We’re evacuating this section of the forest.
“Repeat, fall back. What the hell are you doing, agent? Spotters called out a horde moving on
your position, you’re going to die.”
“Going to die? That was a given. All these monsters will do is let me die on a hill of corpses - a
death worthy of E.Y.E.” ​]

Any weapon in this category can be wielded in one hand instead of two, to wield a melee
weapon in the other hand. In this case, Reduce the weapon’s Aim Bonus by 1 and increase
its Recoil by 1. With the exception of the BK13, you cannot dual-wield two handguns.

FKO - Black Crow

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Light (½ Enc.) /13 (Half Action) 1/3

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single/Burst +2 -4

Damage Armor Piercing Range

2d6 2 50/100/150 m

Special - Stopping Power: When a hit from this weapon deals Lethal Damage, add another d6
damage to the hit before rolling Lethal Injury.

[​The Black Crow was first conceived to counter Croon's heavy pistols. This weapon, coming
from the Dark Ages, has been used by mercenaries, bandits, rebels and bounty-hunters alike
for a long time. Its firepower and fast rate of fire let it quickly reach the level of other weapons of
the same category. Its low production count makes it a very rare and coveted weapon. Before
its reintroduction in the conflict against the Metastreumonic force, this weapon was only used by
The Black Crow is in use by federal special forces and shock troops, but also by warriors of
E.Y.E, without counting organized criminal groups such as the Syndicate, the Black Dragons or
the Camarilla…]​

Croon - BK13

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Light (½ Enc.) /20 / (Half Action) 1/4/6

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single/Burst/Auto +1 -3

Damage Armor Piercing Range

2d6 0 25/50/75 m

Special - Dual Pistols: The Croon BK13 pistol is designed to be used as a pair, with one in
each hand. While wielding one BK13, you can draw the other without spending an action. In
this configuration:
- Their Recoil becomes -4, but Recoil only increments after every other attack.
- When you make an attack with the weapons, you can attack with both. Resolve them
as if they were separate attacks. They can both target the same enemy, or different
- The fire rate remains the same whether using one BK13 or two.
- A Full Action is required to reload both BK13s

[​This automatic pistol was still being used by official forces such as private corporate armies
even before its large-scale reintroduction. Massively built during the Dark Ages, this weapon,
with an infernal rate of fire, has proven itself to be an excellent and reliable handgun. Its low
recoil, its lightness and its large magazine seduced many warriors from all ages.
The BK13 is the standard pistol used by the federal military and police forces, as the
Metastreumonic force terrorizes the whole federal territory. Many criminals still like this weapon,
that's why you generally meet its bullets each time you meet punks and other looters…]​

Croon - GCTG 222

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Light (½ Enc.) /6 (Full-Action) 1/3

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single/Burst +3 -4

Damage Armor Piercing Range

5d4 4 60/120/180

Special - Slayer: Critical hits from this weapon deal 25/AP4 damage.

[​Croon tried to create an equivalent of the legendary 444 Bear Killer with this six-bullet
cylinder pistol, created at the beginning of the Technological Middle Ages. It has been a failure,
but the result is a very easy-to-use weapon, with a good fire power, a great accuracy and a
lower recoil compared to the 444.
At the time of its creation, the 222 was especially used by police officers and also by some
criminals. It equips the federal police along with the BK13. Some military officers also use this
pistol as their secondary weapon; the last-chance weapon. It’s said to be able to kill a
Carnophage with a single bullet.]​

Legendary Forge - 444 Bearkiller

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Light (½ Enc.) /4 (Full-Action) 1/4

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single/Burst +4 -5

Damage Armor Piercing Range

9d4 6 100/200/300

Special - Slayer: Critical hits with this weapon deal 40/AP6 damage to all enemies in a line,
reduced by 10 for each previous enemy or obstacle the round has passed through (replaces
the weapon’s regular damage.)

[​This legendary pistol, which origins were lost, is the most powerful pistol ever made. Ancient
texts show that it has existed since the Dark Ages. Only some lucky men had the chance to use
this weapon. The Holy Forge manufactures only a few quantity of this marvelous gem. Before
the war, only a few Federal SpecOps officers, and some E.Y.E warriors, carried this weapon.
Now, it is even harder to come by.

A tale deals with a man, one day, lost in the forest, who was attacked by a very angry and
wounded bear. The man managed to kill the animal with his bare hands. A Techno-Monk of the
Holy Forge passed-by and saw the scene. Some days later, the man woke up and found a very
strange and heavy pistol beside him; a pistol that could disembowel a bear with a single bullet,
and that could even kill several aligned bears in a single shot.
The fame of this weapon comes mainly from its unequaled power as a pistol, but also from its
unbelievable accuracy. Its recoil, however, is terrific.​]

Vindico - Motra

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Light (½ Enc.) /30 (Half-Action) 1/3/6

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single/Burst/Auto +2 -1

Damage Armor Piercing Range

2d4 1 150/300/450

Special - Assassin’s Arm: This weapon can pierce up to 3 Durability of cover.

Special - Silenced: This weapon has a built-in silencer. Unless enemies are nearby (GM’s
discretion), they are not alerted to its fire.
Special - Auxiliary Shock Wire: Some variants of the Motra feature an underbarrel attachment
that fires a stunning wire for non-lethal takedowns. Once per turn, you can fire the shock wire
(no action required). Roll a Single Shot attack at a target within 10 meters. The shock wire
deals d8/AP0 damage. If it deals at least 1 damage, the target must succeed a Difficulty 12
STR roll or lose a Half Action on their next turn. This special is negated against creatures of
the metastreumonic force. After the shock wire is used, it cannot be used on the next combat

[​When this submachine gun was launched, during the Dark Ages, Vindico created the
surprise by being better than Croon on its own familiar ground. The Motra combines power,
thanks to its high caliber, and accuracy. The weapon is also very compact. This weapon has
known a large success among the security services and among Special Forces. Now it is used
by federal Special Forces, and also by the federal police. Because of its low profile, many
organized criminals and rebel groups use it for their missions.]​

Croon - HS 010

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Light (½ Enc.) /100 (Half-Action) 18

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Auto 0 -2

Damage Armor Piercing Range

d4 0 40/60/80

Special - Triple Barrel Storm: Resolve 3 hits instead of 1 for every point your roll exceeds the
target’s Reflex.
Special - Fuller Auto: When making an attack with this weapon, you can choose to overdrive
its action, doubling its fire rate. Double the Recoil, but resolve 6 hits (instead of 3) for every
point your roll exceeds the target’s Reflex. If you roll an unmodified 3 or lower while using this
function, the HS 010 breaks and is unusable.

[​This sub-machine gun bearing the signature of Croon, and built during the Dark Ages, is well
known for its incredible rate of fire - even for a weapon belonging to its category. With its three
rotating barrels, it creates a real hard rain of high-velocity projectiles. Even though its rate of fire
and recoil relationship seems to be very good, it's actually not the case for its accuracy. Its
secondary firing mode is still a fable for everyone: the well-known high-speed doubling the rate
of fire, but also damaging the weapon at an alarming rate.
Since its creation, this weapon has equipped the main private corporate armies, but also every
rebel and terrorist groups, without counting the Syndicate and its like. After its recent
reintroduction, this weapon could be seen in the hands of the federal police, but also in the
hands of the more fortunate looters, for whom its loudness and fire rate make it as much a
status symbol as a weapon.​]

Tyroll - Bhao

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Medium (2 Enc.) /8 1

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil Damage AP Range

Single +2 0 2d6 empowered X 50

Special - Crimson Lightning:

● Missed attacks with this weapon deal half damage.
● Critical hits with this weapon deal 16 damage, in addition, the target must pass a

Difficulty 15 STR roll or can only take a Half Action on their next turn (No effect against
creatures of the metastreumonic force).
● This weapon cannot cause any Lethal Injuries below Death. If it would, it instead deals
d4 extra damage and shuts down one of the target’s cybernetics.
Special - Power Core: The weapon restores its Capacity after not being fired for one round.
Alternatively, you can spend 8 Energy to restore its Capacity instantly.
Drawback - Energy Weapon: Damage is halved against creatures of the metastreumonic

[​The Bhao Volt Carbine was a weapon built for a war that had already ended. With the
Federation losing ground in every battle of the Orus war, high command was desperate for any
advantage against the precognitive aliens. Tyrol’s answer was to bypass the Orus’ future-sight
abilities with beams of electricity that could not be evaded. However, mankind and the Orus
were forced to make peace after facing a common enemy, and this unique “lightning gun” never
saw battlefield use. Unpopular though it may be in the present time of incessant
metastreumonic attacks, the Bhao was never truly forgotten. Today, its main users are bounty
hunters who leverage its paralyzing arcs to bring down their targets alive.​]

Vindico - UltraV

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Light (½ Enc.) /40 (Half-Action) 5/8

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Burst/Auto +2 -2

Damage Armor Piercing Range

2d6 3 60/90/120

Special - Stabilized: When making a Burst Fire attack with this weapon, the maximum Recoil
penalty cannot exceed -4.

[​One of the most popular submachine guns in the Federation, being found in the arsenals of
Federal troops and E.Y.E agents. Its powerful 10mm rounds and well-controlled bursts make it a
good choice with which to take down the lighter metastreumonic creatures.​]

FKO - Rotten Mound

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Medium (2 Enc.) /15 (Half-Action) 1/4

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single/Burst +2 -2

Damage Armor Piercing Range

4d4 1 150/300/450

Special - Reliable: Missed attacks with this weapon deal d6/AP0 damage. This special is
negated if the target is concealed or in cover.

[​This very old weapon at the first glance could seem to be strange, why re-introduce a semi
automatic rifle with medium power? Simply because it's one of the most reliable weapons ever
created during the Dark Ages, used in more than one hundred conflicts. It has never shown a
sign of weakness, with an honest accuracy and a low recoil, this is a weapon very inexpensive
and terribly efficient. The federation equips its police with this old rifle to Croon's and Vindico's
great displeasure.]​

FKO - KA-93

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Medium (2 Enc.) /20 (Half-Action) 1/3/5

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single/Burst/Auto +2 -4

Damage Armor Piercing Range

3d6 3 200/400/600

Special - Stopping Power: When a hit from this weapon deals Lethal Damage, add another d6
damage to the hit before rolling Lethal Injury.

​ [​Powerful, low cost and extreme reliability are the words used by the amateurs of this
legendary rifle from the Dark Ages. This weapon was used in these times by all armed forces
without money; rebels, terrorists, and also many criminal groups. It was also paradoxically used
by many special forces' members during that era. The KA93 is a robust and efficient weapon
despite its weight, its size and its heavy recoil that would demotivate many fighters. It is still a

very common weapon, used by the federal forces even though Croon and Vindico are trying to
make the federation abandon this weapon in profit of theirs.​]

Tyroll - S6000

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Medium (2 Enc.) /100 (Half-Action) 1/8/15

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single/Burst/Auto +3 -1

Damage Armor Piercing Range

d4 1* 250/450/650

Special - Lethal Precision: When firing the weapon in Full Auto mode, add +1AP for every 3
hits scored.

[​The S6000 was Tyroll's answer to the KA93 during the Dark Ages. The first particularity of
this assault rifle is its very small caliber, relying more on the impact speed rather than on the
size of the projectiles. The S6000 is the assault rifle with the highest rate of fire of its category,
having a very low recoil and surgical accuracy.
The detractors of the S6000 prefer the KA93 for its power. The S6000 was quickly forgotten but
is now being reintroduced, especially in federal special forces.​]

Vindico - Revenn XMR

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Medium (2 Enc.) /30 (Half-Action) 1/9

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil Damage AP Range

Single/Burst +3 -3 d8 2 300/400/500

Special - Coil Charge: Single Shot hits from this weapon increase their AP to 6.
Special - Mag-burst: Resolve 3 hits against the target for each hit scored when firing this

[​In the 23rd century, the Consortium’s archaeological corps conducted a sweeping survey of
old Earth, uncovering several strange technologies from the Dark Ages. One intriguing find from
this expedition was the schematic for a man-portable magnetic rifle. At the time, only
ship-mounted cannons used this technology, and previous attempts at miniaturization had

failed. The tech-monks of Earth must have been truly wise, for they contrived the weapon’s
magnetic coils in such a way that the rifle shot multiple rounds before the user felt any deviation
in aim. Despite further excavation, no surviving examples of this weapon, Artifact 3, could be
found, suggesting that it was still in development when the Martian attack decimated the Earth
in 2116. ​]

Legendary Forge - Helios

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Medium (2 Enc.) /30 (Half-Action) 1/3/6

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single/Burst/Auto +3 -4

Damage Armor Piercing Range

2d10 4 250/500/750

Special - Huntsman: When you make an Aimed attack with this weapon, change its damage
to 2d12 + ½ ACC, and increase the AP by 1
Special - Sacred Machine Runes: This weapon can act as a channel for its user’s Psi Force.
Before attacking with this weapon, you can spend 5 Energy. On hit, reroll any of the damage
dice if they rolled lower than your PSI (take the higher result).

[​“Always change, always adapt. Take what the enemy gives you, and use it to strike them
down. Isn’t that what the ancients said?”
“Indeed you’re right. Our salvation will be born from this enemy.”
“But won’t that make them… inhuman? Corrupted?”
“I know that isn’t your belief, otherwise you would be unfit to serve our master. The only
inhuman choice would be to stand before the path of ascendancy and refuse it. Our warriors
stand between existence and silence. No human could accomplish what we demand of them.
They must be more than human.”]​

SLM - Betty Boom

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Light (½ Enc.) /2 (Half-Action) 1/2

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single/Double 0 -4

Damage Armor Piercing Range

2d8 0 6/10/12

Special - Wide Fire: Empowered damage against targets within Short Range. At Long Range,
reduce the damage to 2d6.
Special - Double Barrel: When attacking with this weapon, you can choose to fire one or both
barrels (as long as both are loaded). Make a single roll, but resolve two hits against the target
if successful.
Special - Quad Flames: You can dual-wield this weapon.
Special - Gun Kata: Training in the E.Y.E warrior-priests’ “Way of the Short-barreled Fist”
allows for many deadly maneuvers in combat.
● As a reaction, you can fire at an enemy that moves within 3 meters of you.
● Up to twice per turn, you can spend 5 energy to reload this weapon without taking an
action. (Reloading while dual-wielding costs 5 energy per gun, for 10).
● When you reload, you can forcefully eject the shells into an enemy within 2 meters,
dealing d4/AP0 damage.
● Once per turn, you can make a Careful Movement without spending an action,
immediately before or after firing this weapon.
Gun Kata can be learned at the Temple in between game sessions.

[​SLM, the now sadly-defunct manufacturer of the Dark Ages, made a legendary hunting
shotgun; the Bourru, and then a version with a shorter butt and barrel; the Betty Boom. This
shotgun has two barrels shooting two 12 gauge cartridge shells. It is often assimilated to the
"little criminal" weapon, even if the Betty Boom proved to be an excellent emergency weapon.
This weapon has still not been officially reintroduced in the ranks of the federation yet, but some
federal fighters unofficially use it. It is more common among looter groups. Some E.Y.E priests
have developed a martial art dedicated to the use of the Betty Boom.​]

SLM - Depezador

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Medium (2 Enc.) /32 (Half-Action) 1/3

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single/Burst +1 -4

Damage Armor Piercing Range

2d8 0 15/30/45

Special - Wide Fire: Empowered damage against targets within Short Range. At Long Range,
reduce the damage to 2d6.

[​Few years before SLM's bankruptcy and closure during the Dark Ages, they created the
Depezador, a very powerful shotgun. This shotgun has, without a doubt, an incredible fire power
and a destructive efficiency. It was very appreciated by all kinds of security forces during its
time. The Depezador also found its clients in criminal groups as well as in assault forces.
Since its production, it has been used by federal forces and also by E.Y.E. Its high-capacity
ammo clip has a large role in this choice.​]

Vindico - Caw Hammer

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Medium (2 Enc.) /12 (Half-Action) 1/4/6

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single/Burst/Auto +1 -3

Damage Armor Piercing Range

d12 2 50/75/100

Special - Wide Fire: Empowered damage against targets within Short Range. At Long Range,
reduce the damage to 2d6.
Special - Leadstorm: Against targets within 6 meters, a Burst Fire or Full Auto attack lands
minimum two hits.

[​SLM, having the supremacy in the shotgun market during the Dark Ages, had some strong
rivals. Taking advantage from SLM's sudden bankruptcy and its soon-to-come closure, Vindico
created the Caw Hammer; a highly-reliable automatic shotgun with an incredible fire power, in
an attempt to take over SLM's reputation. This automatic 10-gauge made itself a bloody name
during the Dark Ages. It has a great rate of fire, but a small magazine.

Like every other shotgun built during this period, its life-span was rather short despite its fame.
However, since the Metastreumonic force began to strike, it found a new existence thanks to the
federation, and is also used in some looter groups. Its use is more marginal among E.Y.E.]​

Saan - Mitternacht

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Medium (2 Enc.) /12 (Half-Action) 1/3

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single/Burst +1 -4

Damage Armor Piercing Range

4d4 3 25/50/75

Special - Splinter Rounds: The Mitternacht’s unique mode splits its slug rounds lengthwise as
they leave the barrel, sacrificing ballistic performance to cause terrible injuries. In Splinter
mode, reduce the AP to 0, reduce the range to 8/16/24 m, and change the damage to 2d10

[​It is not really typical for the atmospheric forges of Saan to produce their own weapons, but in
recent decades they have seized an opportunity to profit off of the popular unrest that’s swept
many Federal planets. The Mitternacht quickly found a solid place among the ranks of Federal
police, who were pleased by the grievous injuries dealt by its splitting rounds. With the splinter
module deactivated, it can also function as a slug shotgun that packs a serious punch. A
stalwart soldier using this weapon can quickly disperse a crowd or stop many of the
Metastreumonic monsters in their tracks. E.Y.E is also fond of the Mitternacht as a potent
demon-hunting weapon, and it’s highly sought after by their warriors. ​]

FKO - Ancalagon

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Medium (2 Enc.) /6 (Half-Action) 1

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single +1 -2

Damage Armor Piercing Range

2d8 empowered 0 10 m*

Special - Dragon’s Breath: The blasts of flame produced by this weapon’s rounds cover a
cone 10 meters long and 4 meters wide at the end. All characters in the cone take damage.
Instead of rolling a ranged attack with this weapon as normal, all characters in the target area
roll AGI (Difficulty 10 + user’s ACC), taking only d6 damage on a success. Characters that
took at least 10 damage from the initial attack also catch on fire (d6 damage at end of combat
round). Putting out fire takes a Half Action.
Drawback - Energy Weapon: Damage is halved against creatures of the metastreumonic
force. They also cannot be lit on fire by the previous Special.

[​An ancient weapon, but one with a fearsome reputation, FKO’s fire-spewing shotgun first saw
action after the Dark Ages, in the bloody and vicious fighting on Mars. During that war, many
groups of rebels were routed screaming and charred from their trenches by Ancalagon’s burning
roar. (Of course FKO secretly sold to both sides, so many Federal soldiers met the same fate).
Its main users today are Federal shock troopers whose mechanized armor lets them carry it
alongside a conventional weapon. E.Y.E warriors are discouraged from using the Ancalagon -
the metastreum’s monsters shrug it off just like other energy weapons.​]

Legendary Forge - Lion’s Roar

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Medium (2 Enc.) /25 (Full-Action) 1/3

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single/Burst +2 -4

Damage Armor Piercing Range

6d4 4 40/80/120

Special - Redeemer Shells: After landing a hit with this weapon, the slug round detonates into
a burst of fragments. If the hit dealt at least 10 damage after Armor, deal 2d10
empowered/APX extra damage. Otherwise, deal d10/AP0 damage.
Special - Bayonet: This weapon has the following characteristics when used as a melee
weapon: 3d6+STR Damage, AP4, Parry +1

[​“Do not mistake your weapons for your power. One day our true enemy will arrive, and you
will have no weapons.”
“True enemy… some new creature of the force you’ve foreseen?”
“I do not speak of mere creatures to be killed.”]​

SLM - Bourru

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Medium (2 Enc.) /3 (Full-Action) 1/3

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single/Burst +1 -3

Damage Armor Piercing Range

3d6 0 10/20/30

Special - Wide Fire: Empowered damage against targets within 5 m

Special - Caestus: When making a Burst Fire attack with this weapon, each hit gives the next
hit in the burst +3AP. If all three attacks hit, the last hit counts as critical.

[​The venerable grandfather of all modern shotguns, the infamous Bourru of the Dark Ages.
The rapid triple blast became the signature of this famed weapon and the cementing of SLM’s
legacy as an arms maker. Even then, money was no object for the Consortium members, and
so they naturally procured this shotgun for their corporate security. When the Federal shock
troops arrived for a raid, an unexpected three-round burst punched straight through their shiny
new armor. Since then, the memory of the Bourru has lived on, though the same cannot be said
of SLM themselves. ​]

Tyroll - B.O.S.C.O.

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Medium (2 Enc.) /25 (Half-Action) 1/2

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single/Burst +4 -2

Damage Armor Piercing Range

2d8 3 300/600/1000

Special - Lethal Accuracy: Critical hits with this weapon deal 20/AP3 damage.
Special - Assassin’s Arms: This weapon can pierce up to 5 Durability of cover.
Special - Silenced: This weapon is fitted with a silencer. Unless enemies are nearby (GM’s
discretion), they are not alerted to its fire.

[​The B.O.S.C.O had its time of glory among the assassins guilds during the Dark Ages,
thanks to its medium rate of fire, its powerful rounds and its very efficient silencer. As the

plasma-induced weapons began to rise, the B.O.S.C.O became outdated and slowly
abandoned, even if some assassins still enjoyed its maneuverability and continued to use it.
Its great accuracy and efficiency in medium to long-ranged assassination operations was never
topped, and since the Metastreumonic force as well as the looters began to attack several
worlds again, the federal special forces have been equipped with this silent and efficient

Vindico - TRK AD

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Heavy (4 Enc.) /5 (Full-Action) 1

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single +4 -4

Damage Armor Piercing Range

5d6 6 500/1000/1500

Special - Lethal Accuracy: Critical hits with this weapon deal 35/AP9 damage.

[​The TRK was created with the purpose of combining a powerful sniper rifle and a
plating-piercing weapon. These objectives have been reached with great success, as the TRK
was probably the most powerful firearm the Dark Ages ever known. Its low rate of fire didn't
discourage long-distance-firing amateurs, because of its great power and its very high accuracy.
Some assassins use it to devastating effect, but it is more common to find it among heavy
federal shock troops, as their reinforced armor can absorb the high recoil with ease.​]

Croon - SWP

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Heavy (4 Enc.) /10 (Half-Action) 1/3

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil Damage Armor Piercing Range

Single/Burst +4 -3 3d8 3 600/1200/1800

Special - Plasma Sabot: In Single Fire mode, the weapon charges and contains the round
within an unstable plasma field that detonates on contact. The plasma blast deals 2d6/AP0
damage. If it deals at least 1 damage to the target, the blast punches a hole in the target’s

Armor: the shot itself deals 4d8/AP7 empowered damage. (Only the plasma blast is
considered an energy weapon).
Special - Repulsor Field: In Burst Fire mode, the plasma charge causes the weapon’s shots to
ricochet off hard surfaces. If the attack roll missed, but the total was an even number, the shot
hits a random enemy target for half damage/AP0.

[​In the 23rd century, the Consortium’s archaeological corps conducted a sweeping survey of
old Earth, uncovering several strange technologies from the Dark Ages. The schematics for
weaponizing plasma were one such discovery. As it turns out, the engineers of antiquity had not
managed to create a fully-plasma based weapons system, rather, they incorporated a plasma
field into a kinetic weapon to supercharge its ballistic performance. Most notably, the original
version of this weapon, filed as Artifact 12, was part of the Syndicate cleaners’ arsenal when
they attempted, unsuccessfully, to erase the evidence of the Croon incident.​]

Legendary Forge - Hunting Machine

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Heavy (4 Enc.) /8 (Full-Action) 1

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single +4 -5

Damage Armor Piercing Range

12d4 10 800/1600/2000

Special - Slayer: Critical hits with this weapon deal 50/AP10 damage to all enemies in a line,
reduced by 10 for each previous enemy or obstacle the round has passed through (replaces
the weapon’s regular damage.)

[​This strange weapon, with its origins unknown, is a very rare weapon; almost as rare as the
444 Bear Killer. The 444 would be the pistol version of the Hunting Machine. The name was
coined by a bounty-hunter during the Dark Ages who made himself a reputation by killing an
incredible number of pursued with this rifle.]​

FKO - Hungry Jackal

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Heavy (4 Enc.) /40 (Full-Action) 1/5

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single/Auto +3 -3

Damage Armor Piercing Range

3d4 2 200/400/600

Special - Reliable: Missed attacks with this weapon deal 2d4/AP0 damage. This special is
negated if the target is concealed or in cover.
Special - Light Machine Gun: Making a Suppression attack with this weapon only consumes 3
more ammo than usual, and deals 2d4 damage per hit instead of the usual half damage. If an
enemy suppressed by this weapon moves, they take 3 hits instead of the usual d4.

[​A real living fossil of a weapon. There is nothing particularly special about the Hungry Jackal
machine gun, and that is precisely its strength - so reliable and efficient that it has been used
continuously for centuries since its introduction in the Dark Ages. In fact, the Hungry Jackal has
the longest time in service of any weapon issued to the Federal army. As for E.Y.E, they once
had far superior choices in heavy firearms, but this is no longer the case. Of course, all a warrior
of the Secreta needs to slay monsters is something to put bullets downrange.​]

Vindico - Vulcan

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Heavy (4 Enc.) /2 (Half-Action) 1

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single 0 -3

Damage Armor Piercing Range

* * 40/60/80

Special - Grenade Launcher: This weapon can be loaded with any of the items in the
Grenades section of this chapter. During your turn, either or both of the grenades loaded in
the launcher can be exchanged. Doing so takes the same action as reloading the weapon.
Special - Indirect Fire: Choose the point where you want to land the grenade.
● Roll a d8 for scatter direction (1 = forwards, proceed clockwise)
● Roll d6 + range penalty - ACC for scatter distance. Roll 2d6 instead if you can’t see
your intended target. Aiming reduces scatter by half.
● Resolve the effect of the launched grenade.

[​Now, as in the Dark Ages, the double-barrelled Vulcan grenade launcher is the most
common way for a soldier to deliver explosive ordnance on the battlefield. The Spiculum Ovum
may have it beat in terms of raw power, but the Vulcan is far more readily available than any
Legendary Forge invention. It also has the advantage in versatility, accepting grenades of all
types - flash, smoke, etc. This point is especially relevant for the parapsychic legion, who use
Vulcan launchers loaded with Curse grenades to help subdue any psykers not in the service of
the Federation.​]

Legendary Forge - Manticore

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Heavy (4 Enc.) /100 (Half-Action) 10

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Auto +1 -3

Damage Armor Piercing Range

2d4 empowered 3 100/200/300

Special - Absolution Fire: After hitting a target with this weapon, distribute the hits evenly
among it and any other enemies within 2 meters of it. On a critical hit, all affected enemies
have their Running Speed halved during their next turn. An enemy can only be affected by
Absolution Fire once per Attack action.

[​“‘He who aims with the eye and hand creates for himself only failure.’ Why do we know this?”
“Oh, don’t drill me on the liturgy. I’ve heard it as often as you have.”
“Recite to me the wisdom you’ve received. You’re accompanying me on this mission, so I will
hold you to the highest standards of our masters.”
“Fine. ‘The beginning creates the end. A human beginning creates a human end. A divine
beginning creates truth. Therefore aim with the soul.’”​]

Vindico - HRC Scorpion

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Heavy (4 Enc.) /20 (Half-Action) 1/2/4

Fire Mode Aim Recoil Damage Armor Piercing Range


Single/Burst/Auto +3 -4 4d6 4 250/450/650

Special - Stopping Power: When a hit from this weapon deals Lethal Damage, add another d6
damage to the hit before rolling Lethal Injury.
Special - Stinger: After attacking with this weapon, if at least one hit dealt at least 12 damage
(after Armor), resolve one 3d6/AP2 hit against another enemy behind your target.

[​A terrifying presence on the battlefields of the Dark Ages, this absurdly large-caliber rifle
dealt swift vengeance to any dreamt to challenge Vindico’s corporate legions. When the forces
of their rivals caught Vindico’s Europa lab by surprise, the production lines for the Scorpion were
destroyed. To this day no one has had the engineering capability to absorb the terrible recoil of
the 65 Scorpio round quite like Vindico, but its stopping power against the Metastreumonic
beasts earns it a place in the modern soldier’s arsenal.​]

FKO - Sulfatum

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Heavy (4 Enc.) /500 (Full-Action) 18

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Auto 0 -4

Damage Armor Piercing Range

d6 3 300/500/600

Special - Triple Barrel Storm: Resolve 3 hits instead of 1 for every point your roll exceeds the
target’s Reflex.
Special - Brass Tornado: Resolve half the number of hits scored against all visible enemies
within 2 meters of the primary target. Enemies behind cover with Durability 4 are

[​Was it because Croon and its auto-cannon were bothering FKO that they decided to create
the mighty Sulfatum during the Dark Ages? This weapon, with its inconceivable rate of fire,
makes bullets fly with an infernal rhythm, and with the recoil that comes with it. This kind of
weapons could only be found on top of vehicles in the past, before the Sulfatum was made
especially for infantry purposes.]​

Legendary Forge - Spiculum Ovum

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Heavy (4 Enc.) /6 (Full-Action) 2

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single/Burst 0 -4

Damage Armor Piercing Range

4d6/3d6* 3/0* 100/150/200

Special - Proximity Explosive: The grenade from a Spiculum Ovum triggers when there is a
creature within 4 meters of it. On explosion, creatures within 4 meters take full damage and
penetration. Creatures between 4 and 6 meters away take 3d6 damage at AP 0.
Special - Indirect Fire: The Spiculum Ovum works by targeting a point where you want the
grenade to land instead of an enemy.
● Choose the point where you want to land the explosive.
● Roll a d8 for scatter direction (1 = forwards, proceed clockwise)
● Roll d6 + range penalty - ACC for scatter distance. Roll 2d6 instead if you can’t see
your intended target. Add the Recoil to the second shot if making a Burst Fire attack.
Aiming reduces scatter by half.
● Enemies can make an AGI roll (Difficulty 10 + user’s ACC) to take reduced damage if
they would take full damage, or to take no damage if they would take reduced

[​As often with the Forge, no historic elements could have been retrieved concerning the date
of creation of this automatic grenade launcher. We simply know that it saw use during the
bloody conflicts marking the Dark Ages, outdoing Vindico's models, which had, at that time, the
supremacy for that kind of weapons.
The superiority of this weapon is largely based on its rate of fire, the power of its shells, and also
the accuracy of its shots, even with indirect shots. Because of its weight and power, it is mainly
found among federal shock troops.]​

Tyroll - Ion Cannon

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Heavy (4 Enc.) /8 (Full-Action) 1

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil Damage Armor Piercing Range

Single +1 0 Special X 800

Special - Ion Beam: Instead of making an attack roll against a target, indicate a direction for

the beam to fire. Any enemies within range in that direction must make an AGI roll, with the
Difficulty equal to 12 + ½ your ACC.
Special - Charge: Firing this weapon requires a Full Action. It can only be fired during your
Special - Heat: The Ion Cannon can fire beams of variable power at the cost of heating up the
weapon. When you make an attack with the Ion Cannon, choose one of three settings:
● Low Power: 10 + 2d10 damage, +1 Heat
● High Power: 20 + 3d10 damage, +2 Heat
● Max Power: 30 + 4d10 damage, +3 Heat
1 Heat is vented at the start of each round. If the Ion Cannon reaches 4 Heat, it overheats and
vents explosively. You and all characters within 2 meters take 2d10/APX damage, then the
weapon returns to 0 Heat.
Drawback - Energy Weapon: Damage is halved against creatures of the metastreumonic

[​The historical records show that emitters of directed energy were common weapons for
heavy fighting vehicles and smaller spacecraft during the Middle Ages. However, this type of
weapon saw an explosive increase in usage after Tyroll discovered a way to compact the
energy needed to feed the power-hungry cannons into a man-portable system. In its trials, Tyroll
scientists recorded the “King Zero'' prototype melting holes through multiple tanks with a blazing
blue beam, before inflicting third-degree burns to the engineer testing the weapon. Naturally,
they deemed the test a great success. For quite some time, the new Ion Cannon usurped the
throne of the old mininuclear 40 mm autocannons, until the vicious return of the metastreumonic
force in recent times.​]

Vindico - Excidium

Size Capacity Rate of Fire

Heavy (4 Enc.) /5 (Full-Action) 1

Fire Mode Aim Bonus Recoil

Single +3 -4

Damage Armor Piercing Range

10d6* 6 1000/2000/3000

Special - Mininuclear Warhead: The damage in the Excidium’s statblock represents the
impact damage of the shell itself and does not include the nuclear explosion. All creatures
within 6 meters of the blast (including the primary target) take 4d10/AP4 damage, while all
creatures between 6 and 10 meters take 3d10/AP2 damage. A creature that was not hit
directly by the shell can make a Difficulty 16 AGI roll to take reduced blast damage instead of
full, or no damage instead of reduced.
Special - Indirect Fire: The Excidium can target a visible point where you want the shell to

land instead of an enemy.
● Choose the point where you want to land the explosive.
● Roll a d8 for scatter direction (1 = forwards, proceed clockwise)
● Roll d6 + range penalty - ACC for scatter distance. Aiming reduces scatter by half.
● Resolve damage as above

[​<<They have created a monster!>> These were the words of the patriarch and boss of the
regretted Mega Corporation AyAette when Vindico, around the beginning of the Technological
Middle Age, took the head office of the company by force, testing at the same time this powerful
assault cannon. This extremely potent weapon proved to be usable even by an un-motorized
infantry unit. It was the first time a weapon with such a caliber and power was used that way.
Several conflicts confirmed the utter power of this weapon, until an improved cooling system for
the heavy Ion Cannons was introduced, making the plasma weapons the more popular choice.
Nevertheless, during these confused times, the Excidium makes an explosive come-back,
demonstrating why it is nicknamed the "Monster".]​

All grenades have a range equal to 20+STR. When thrown, they scatter d6-ACC meters
in a random direction. (For convenience, roll a d8 and d6 at the same time - the d8 gives the
direction). Each grenade counts as a Light (½ Encumbrance) item.

Kinder Grenade: ​An explosive grenade. Characters within 2 meters take 3d8/AP0 damage.
Characters between 2 and 4 meters away take 2d8/AP0 damage. Armor counts as double
against this damage. A character can make a AGI roll (Difficulty 10 + user’s ACC) to take
reduced damage instead of full damage, or no damage instead of reduced.
Fire Grenade​: Characters within 2 meters take 2d6/AP0 damage. Characters within 2 and 4
meters take d6/AP0 damage. A character can make a AGI roll (Difficulty 10 + user’s ACC) to
take reduced damage instead of full damage, or no damage instead of reduced. Upon
exploding, the grenade spreads fire over the area within 4 meters. Characters that took damage
from the initial explosion or characters that enter the area also catch on fire (d6 damage at end
of combat round). A character can put out fire with a Half Action. Metastreumonic creatures take
half damage and cannot be lit on fire.
Flash Grenade​: Characters within 20 meters and in line of sight of the point of explosion must
make an AGI roll (Difficulty 10 + user’s ACC) or have their WEP, ACC, and AGI reduced by 4
until the end of their turn.
EMP Grenade​: Characters within 4 meters must make an AGI roll (Difficulty 10 + user’s ACC)
or have the effects of their CyberTech negated until the end of their next turn.
Smoke Grenade​: Characters within 4 meters are heavily concealed. Characters between 4 and
6 meters away are lightly concealed. This lasts for 3+d4 rounds. The GM can choose to reduce
the duration based on environmental conditions.

Red Phosphorus Grenade​: Characters within 4 meters are heavily concealed. Characters
between 4 and 6 meters away are lightly concealed. Unlike the Smoke Grenade, this
concealment is not negated by detection from CyberTech or other devices. This lasts for 3+d4
rounds. The GM can choose to reduce the duration based on environmental conditions.
Curse Grenade​: Characters that know at least one psi power within 20 meters of the point of
explosion must make an AGI roll (Difficulty 10 + user’s ACC) or increase the Miscast on all
powers cast by 5 until the end of the next combat round.

● For Light weapons:
○ Two spare magazines are included in the encumbrance of the weapon.
○ Every four additional magazines carried adds 1 Encumbrance.
● For Medium weapons:
○ One spare magazine is included in the encumbrance of the weapon
○ Every two additional magazines carried adds 1 Encumbrance
● For Heavy weapons:
○ Every spare magazine carried adds 1 Encumbrance
The Encumbrance values given for all weapons include one full magazine already in the
weapon (but a weapon’s Encumbrance does not decrease when unloaded).

Breaching Charge ​(Medium - 2 Enc.): A pack of explosives that can be attached to a surface to
blow a surface. The breaching charge can destroy material of up to Durability 6. Once placed, it
can be set on a timer charge, or remotely detonated via Matrix signal.
Swarm Capsule​ (Medium - 2 Enc.): When opened, the contents of this cylindrical capsule
disperse Swarm nanites in the air, granting the local area high matrix density for a limited time.
The purpose of the Swarm Capsule is explained in more detail in the Hacking chapter.

All E.Y.E members have the choice of these three types of armor when equipping
themselves for a mission.
● E.Y.E Light Armor
○ 3 Armor
○ ½ Encumbrance
● E.Y.E Medium Armor
○ 6 Armor
○ 2 Encumbrance
● E.Y.E Heavy Armor
○ 9 Armor
○ 4 Encumbrance

Medical Supplies
You can only benefit from one medical item per round. However, you can benefit from multiple
effects if they were applied on different turns. Any MED bonus or roll refers to the Medicine
characteristic of the one giving the treatment, in the case where one character is giving medical
treatment to another.
Any Injector item can be applied to yourself or an ally within 2 meters as a Half Action. It
is a Light item, and can be used once.

Regen Injector​: At the end of this and the next four turns, regain 4+d4 points of missing health.
Upon using the injector, a successful Difficulty 10 MED roll immediately restores an additional
10 points of Health.
Adrenal Injector​: One stack of Fatigue is cleared, and the next stack gained during the combat
is ignored. Also, gain d8+MED points of temporary Health (lasts 15 minutes or until end of
Vivex Injector​: Clear all of their Lethal Damage (but not Lethal Injuries). In addition, succeeding
on a Difficulty 12 MED roll lets the recipient immediately Rest[Full] without spending an action.
Xium Injector​: This formula allows an E.Y.E agent to activate their latent healing factor, at a
cost. For the next 4 turns, at the start of the recipient’s turn, they regain Health equal to their

Medkit (Medium Item, 4 Uses): Each use of this medical toolkit can...
● Remove 1 stack of Fatigue in half the normal time.
● Remove Concussion in half the normal time.
● Stabilize one affected by Severe Bleeding or Knockout, if operated on for one minute.
Roll d10+MED, they recover with that much Health.
● 2 uses of the kit can repair a broken organic limb.

Animus Codex
● Medium Item
● 1 Use
● This strange spherical machine is the only known method of sustaining the human
consciousness outside of a Cyberbrain. Its usage depends on whether the patient is
alive or dead. A living patient must transfer their essence willingly (unless their
Cyberbrain is being controlled by a hacker). Compiling the mind of the deceased is far
more difficult. The operator must succeed 3 rolls of 13 before reaching 5 failures, or lose
the patient. These rolls can be made with MED or HCK. In either case, the process takes
d10+10 minutes.
● Reinvoking the mind from the Animus Codex to a new Cyberbrain is actually the least
treacherous part of the process, and can be done anywhere in about a day. However,
the patient must not be moved, and the medic must give their full attention to oversee
the invocation process. If the new Cyberbrain is not blank, it is wiped as part of the

process, both to lessen the trauma of remembering one’s own death and to mitigate the
chance of false memories as much as possible. For the former purpose, the patient's
memories are also wiped for 60 minutes prior to their death. This can be optionally
reduced, but for each 2 minutes removed from the memory wipe, the patient gains an
extra hour of Resurrection Sickness.
● The one who was revived rolls 2d4, they suffer that much Resurrection Sickness penalty
to all of their characteristics while they adjust to their return to life. The penalty is
reduced by 1 every hour. Resurrection Sickness affects any other values based on your
characteristics, including maximum Health.
● Depending on the quality of the device, the compiled soul is preserved in the Codex for a
period of time ranging from days to months before breaking down. Rumors persist of
supposed “Eternal Codexes” that can restore a consciousness after any amount of time,
but such a thing is almost certainly impossible...

Acquiring Equipment
You may notice that none of the entries in this chapter include a monetary cost. This is
intentional. The availability and demand of goods, and thereby their price, can vary greatly
across the stars, which player characters with a high Trade skill can exploit. And that’s not even
considering any other means of acquiring gear other than purchase. The Federation is a place
where law and order often struggles to keep hold. Things can be stolen, bartered, offered as
bribe, traded on the black market, exchanged for favors, or simply looted from the battlefield
after the smoke settles. At any rate, a rare weapon puts a target on your back, and the Holy
Forge isn’t going to ring you up a Bearkiller just because you walked up with a fat stack of

The quality and power of a piece of CyberTech is measured by its Tier. Tiers go from 1
to 5. Naturally, higher-tier cybernetics will be rarer and cost much more brouzoufs.
All CyberTech gives some passive bonus at all times, you have this bonus just for having
the CyberTech installed. Some CyberTech also has associated active effects, called Cyber
Powers. These may come standard with the CyberTech, such as the Cyber Legs’ Speed Boost,
or not, as with the Armored Torso’s Dermal Sheath. In the latter case, each Cyber Power you
want will have to be found and installed separately.
You can activate Cyber Powers at the start of your turn by paying their Energy Cost
(does not take an action). If they have an immediate effect, it happens, if they have a duration,
they are active At the start of each combat round, your active Cyber Powers turn off unless you
pay the Energy Cost again.
Finally, the rules for each cyber-implant also specify what happens if affected by a
Control hack.

CORE: 30
The Cyberbrain is a highly complex array of neural circuits and high-density memory
channels which combine to raise the human brain function beyond normal levels.
In the game, the Cyberbrain does not follow the usual pattern of increasing power with Tier. Its
main function is to provide a non-biological sanctuary for your mind/soul code to safeguard
against the event of bodily death. Making use of this function of the Cyberbrain is explained
more in the Medical Supplies section.
In addition, the Cyberbrain can accept up to four acceleration modules, which must be installed
separately and permanently boost one characteristic other than STR by one point.
Cyber Power:
● Sound Triangulator (3 Energy): This module attached to the CyberBrain, triangulates
incoming auditory stimulus and converts it into visual form. You can see the locations of
nearby sounds highlighted, out to a distance of 30 meters.
● Cyber Ghost (3 Energy): This laser projector system projects a hologram of a rough
human silhouette on a point within 30 meters, which also emits a noticeable low
humming sound.
● Cyber Cloak (6 Energy): this system consists of a thin wave substrate layer infused in
the skin, but is processed and executed in the brain. It counteracts normal light
reflection, making the user invisible. Cyber Cloak is automatically deactivated if the user
casts a psi power or makes an attack.
If hacked, the hacker selects whether to possess or turn the user. If possessed, the hacker can
dictate the user’s actions. Any attacks have a -2 penalty. If turned, the user acts as though the
hacker and their allies are its allies and the hacker’s enemies are its enemies. While turned,
they can follow simple orders from the hacker. Hacking a Cyberbrain also grants the hacker this
option, same as Cyber Eyes - at the start of their turn, the hacker can describe some false
image which is projected onto the eyes. The user can roll a Difficulty 14 ACC or PSI roll to
recognize the images as an illusion.
Echo Matrix Datalink (EMD)
This is a common device in the 25th century. Implanted in the brain, it consists of a processor,
neural interface, and relay allowing the bearer to access the echo computer network with a
thought. All characters who possess this equipment can hack. Hackers and Cybermancers are
merely better at it. The Tier 1 EMD is standard-issue to all E.Y.E agents.
Tier HCK Required Virus Slots Range

1 0 2 40 m

2 3 3 60 m

3 6 4 80 m

4 9 5 100 m

HCK Required:​ Your HCK needs to be at least this much to use this tier of datalink.
Virus Slots:​ This gives the number of viruses that you can activate in a single round of hacking.
Naturally, running more viruses significantly increases the effectiveness of your hack.
Range:​ If your target is further away than this distance, your datalink will not be able to detect it.

Cyber Eyes
CORE: 16
This system involves a set of bioelectric enhancements to the retina and optic nerve of
the eyes, increasing the visual acuity.
For each Tier of Cyber Eyes, add a +1 bonus to Spotting skill rolls. At each odd-numbered Tier,
add a +1 bonus to your attack rolls with firearms.
If you have E.Y.E Vision, for each Tier of Cyber Eyes past 1, negate one point of Concealment
on invisible enemies with implanted CyberTech.
If you have Sensitive Wave, for each Tier of Cyber Eyes, increase the range by 4 meters and
decrease the Energy cost by 1.
If you have Targeting System, for each Tier of Cyber Eyes, decrease the Energy cost by 1.
Cyber Powers:
● E.Y.E Vision (3 Energy): This system acts as night vision, while also highlighting any
enemies with cyber-implants. Enemies with implanted CyberTech in Light or Heavy
Concealment lose Concealment. Invisible enemies with implanted CyberTech instead
have Heavy Concealment. Ignore any Concealment caused by darkness or low light, as
well as any penalties to Spotting checks of the same source. However, E.Y.E Vision
makes it significantly harder to see creatures of the metastreumonic force. Depending on
the metastreum, this can range from their form being distorted to full invisibility.
● Sensitive Wave (10 Energy): When activated, this module emits, then detects an
unusual form of electromagnetic radiation which passes through all physical objects.
Until the start of your next turn, you can see through physical objects, out to a distance
of 20 meters. Negate the Concealment of enemies In Cover or Hunkered Down if your
weapon can penetrate the cover. (Unlike other Cyber Powers, Sensitive Wave does not
remain active until turned off, you simply expend the Energy and get one instance of the
● Targeting System (8 Energy): Also requires at least Tier 1 Cyber Arms to install. This
system provides automated assistance in target identification and acquisition, guiding
your weapon. While Targeting System is active, you can Aim[Half] without spending an
action, and Aim[Full] by spending a Half Action.
If hacked, the user has their vision obscured by glitches, causing a -4 penalty to WEP, ACC,
and Spotting skills rolls. At the start of their turn, the hacker can describe some false image
which is projected onto the eyes. The user can roll a Difficulty 14 ACC or PSI roll to recognize
the images as an illusion.

Cyber Arms
CORE: 16

This system augments your arms, installing powerful engines to output power beyond
the human capability, as well as reinforcing the bones to handle such force.
These arms let you make super-charged punches. Each tier increases the damage:
2d4/2d6/2d8/2d10/2d12 + STR/AP0.
For each Tier of Cyber Arms, increase your STR by 1 when dealing damage with a
melee attack, or when making a Physical skill roll that would involve direct use of your arms.
Once per combat, you can negate a Broken Arm Lethal Injury. With Cyber Arms of Tier 3
and above, this is instead twice per combat.
If hacked, the owner has a -2 penalty to WEP and ACC, and the hacker can either force the
user to make one attack each round, or negate one attack during the user’s turn.

Cyber Legs
CORE: 16
This system replaces the muscles and bones in your legs with high-power motors and
reinforced alloy.
Each Tier of Cyber Legs adds 2 meters to your Running Speed.
Cyber Legs of Tier 2 or better include magnetic capacitors in the feet, allowing you to run
on walls. If you are not standing or otherwise secured by the end of your turn, you slide towards
the ground, and cannot wall-run again until you are standing on a steady surface.
Cyber Legs halve any damage taken from falls if you land on your feet. Cyber Legs of
Tier 3 and above prevent all fall damage.
The powerful motors in Cyber Legs can also deliver brutal kicks. Each tier increases the
damage: 2d4/2d6/2d8/2d10/2d12 + STR/AP0. With Cyber Legs of Tier 3 and above, if the kick
hits, the target must succeed a STR roll (Difficulty 8 + your STR) or fall prone.
Once per combat, you can negate a Broken Leg Lethal Injury. With Cyber Legs of Tier 3
and above, this is instead twice per combat.
Cyber Powers:
● Speed Boost (Energy Cost 8): Double the speed bonus granted by your Cyber Legs.
● Jump Boost (Energy Cost 8): Double your jump height.
If hacked, the owner loses 3 Reflex, and the hacker can either force them to make one Run or
Sprint action per round, or negate one Run or Sprint action on the owner’s turn.

The CyberTech systems after this point are not hacking targets, so they have no Core.

Adrenaline Pumper
This implant, attached to your cardiovascular system, releases chemicals that push your
body beyond its normal limitations.
For each Tier of Adrenaline Pumper, automatically recover 1 Energy at the star of each turn.
If you have Power Conversion, then for each Tier of Adrenaline Pumper, reduce the Health cost
by 1 and increase the Energy gain by 2.
If you have Limiter Removal, then for each Tier of Adrenaline Pumper, reduce the Energy Cost
by 1.

Cyber Powers:
● Power Conversion: Take 7/APX damage, then regain 12 Energy.
● Limiter Removal (Energy Cost 10): a dangerous cyber power from the Dark Ages, used
by the bold and reckless. Increase the effective Tier of all your CyberTech by 1. This
effect can add incrementally each combat round Limiter Removal is active. This can
cause your CyberTech to exceed the normal maximum of Tier 5. When you deactivate
Limiter Removal, take a stack of Fatigue and 2d6 empowered/APX damage, also, all of
your CyberTech have their effects negated until the start of your next turn.

Armored Skull
Alloys are infused into the skull, making it more durable. Layered in between alloy plates
is a soft shock-absorbing layer which mitigates blunt force trauma.
Each Tier of Armored Skull increases your maximum Health by 2 points.
Once per combat, you can negate a Concussion Lethal Injury. This changes to twice per
combat with an Armored Skull of at least Tier 3, and three times per combat with an Armored
Skull of at least Tier 5.
Once per combat, you can negate a Knockout Injury. With an Armored Skull of Tier 4 or
above, this changes to twice per combat.

Armored Torso
The bones making up the spine and ribcage are infused with super durable metals,
helping to resist injury.
Each Tier of Armored Torso increases your maximum Health by 4 points.
Each Tier of Armored Torso increases the roll needed for Death or Annihilation Lethal
Injuries by 1. (Example: a Lethal Injury roll of 22 would normally kill you, but because you have
Tier 2 Armored Torso, you are only knocked out instead).
Starting at Tier 3, each Tier of Armored Torso provides a -1 modifier to all Lethal Injury
Cyber Powers:
● Dermal Sheath (Energy Cost 5): The structure of the Armored Torso is expanded to
reach throughout most of your body, ending in energized plating below your skin. This
plating can completely negate incoming damage, but requires Energy upkeep. The
Energy expended to block each hit equals half the damage you would take, rounded up.
If an incoming attack would cause you to spend more than your current Energy: spend
your remaining Energy, negate damage up to twice the Energy spent, then take the
remaining damage as normal.
● Electric Skin (Energy Cost 12): The Armored Torso is used to mount implanted
bio-electric capacitors, which connect to corresponding points right below the surface of
your skin. Any enemy that comes into physical contact with you takes 2d4/APX damage.
This includes physical contact through weapons, such as a hit with a melee attack (even
if it doesn’t penetrate your armor), or if you make a parry. It does not, however, include
dodged attacks.

Firewall Module
This neural implant consists of digital noise transmitters and encryption cores that serve
to fragment incoming enemy virus attacks.
For each Tier of Firewall, increase your Firewall by 2.

Matrix Amp
This neural implant powers up your hacking signal beyond its normal effectiveness.
For each Tier of Matrix Amp, increase your Virus Power by 2.


Initiative is rolled with a d12 and influenced by:
● Your AGI, add it to the roll.
● Whether you’re going to take a Half or Full Action this round. If you decide to only take a
Half Action, add a +8 to your roll.
● Your Encumbrance, subtract it from the roll.
Initiative is rolled at the start of each round - meaning each round brings with it a new action
Ties between enemies and players go in the players’ favor. Players can settle ties amongst

During your turn, you can choose to Delay - set aside any amount of action that you
could take during your turn to occur at some point during the round after your turn (you still can’t
take more than a Full Action or two Half Actions during the round, or just one Half Action if you
took the Initiative bonus). You can then name a triggering event at which point you will take the
delayed action, or simply declare that you will act now after any other character’s turn ends. If
you delayed your whole turn (a Full Action), you do not need to take it all at once, you can take
two Half Actions at different times. In any case, any unspent delayed actions can be used at the
end of the round or are lost.
If an effect is active that would end at some point during your turn and you choose to
Delay, the effect ends when it would have had you not Delayed.

Simultaneous Turns:

Any player characters whose turns are adjacent in the Initiative order can choose for
their turns to be simultaneous. Depending on the situation, working together in such a way can
be very powerful.
For example, player A is due to take their turn immediately after player B this round (or
vice versa). They choose to take simultaneous turns. Player B can take a Half Action, followed
by player A taking a Full Action, followed by player B taking another Half Action.
There is no limitation on the number of players that can take a simultaneous turn. If all of
the player characters’ turns are taking place this round with no enemy turns interrupting, the
whole party can choose to act simultaneously.

The weight of the gear you wear and carry impacts your ability to move and react quickly.
● For every two pieces of Light equipment you have, gain 1 Encumbrance.
● Each piece of Medium equipment you have adds 2 Encumbrance.
● Each piece of Heavy equipment you have adds 4 Encumbrance.
● Each point of your STR negates one point of Encumbrance.
Encumbrance negatively impacts your Initiative and Speed (covered more specifically in those
Additionally, each point of Encumbrance above 4 is applied as a penalty to AGI rolls and

Actions Overview:
These are just some of the things you can do with your action in combat. Don’t feel restricted by
this list, it simply covers the most common things your character will want to do when the bullets
start flying. Feel free to describe something your character could reasonably attempt even if it’s
not shown here - it’s up to the GM to decide whether you’ll need to spend a half or full action
and whether you need to roll an ability or skill. Some skills are definitely useful during combat,
including (but not limited to): Acrobatics or Athletics to help traverse the battlefield, Grappling for
close-quarters fighting, even the Technical or Knowledge skills for recalling an enemy’s hidden
Actions will be designated as Half or Full. You can spend your turn on two Half Actions, like
moving and shooting, or on one Full Action, like an all-out sprint. Finally, unless another rule
(like a class feature) says otherwise, you can only choose an action once per turn. So for
instance, even though Attack is only a half action, you can’t choose it twice a turn.

Run [Half]: Move a number of meters equal to your

Running Speed.

Sprint [Full]: Spend 4 Energy, then move a number of
meters equal to your Sprint Speed.

Careful Movement [Half]: Quickly dodge 2 meters. This movement

does not trigger reaction attacks.

Take Cover [Half]: Get behind a low obstacle to protect yourself

from attacks. If you end a Run or Sprint
action next to cover, you can take this action
for free. See Cover under Combat
Circumstances for more details.

Stand [Half]: Stand up after hunkering down, or being

knocked prone.

Attack [Half]: The sections after this one explain how to

make attacks with melee weapons and
If you’ve already taken the Attack action this
turn, apply disadvantage.

Reload: Half or Full Action. Specified by individual

weapons (check the Capacity of the one
you’re using).

Aim [Half]: Your next attack with a ranged weapon adds

its Aim Bonus, or reduces its Recoil by 1
(minimum 1).
If using a weapon’s Indirect Fire, remember
to reduce the scatter by half.
Cancelled out if you take any other action
between aiming and firing.

Aim [Full]: Grants the benefits of Aim [Half], but also

grants advantage to the attack. This
advantage only applies to the first roll for
Burst Fire.
As with Aim [Half], lose the benefits if you
take another action before firing.

Suppressive Fire [Full] You can suppress an enemy using a Full

Auto weapon you’re wielding. Spend twice
the normal ammo for a Full Auto attack, then
resolve the attack as normal. If you succeed,
the target takes half damage and is
suppressed. While suppressed, an enemy
has disadvantage on ranged attacks. If the
enemy moves before your next turn, and is

visible and not in cover, they must pass an
AGI roll (Difficulty 12 + your ACC) or take d4
hits from your weapon. Suppression lasts
until the enemy moves or ends their turn.

Hack [Full] Initiate or continue a hack. See the Hacking

section for more details.

Hunker Down [Half] Fully hide behind an object to cover yourself

from enemy fire.

Rest [Half] Forego an action to catch your breath.

Regain Energy equal to your Recovery.

Rest [Full] Regain Energy equal to twice your Recovery

Your Sprint Speed represents the distance you can cover if your character puts all of
their effort into running as fast as possible (as per the Sprint action), whereas your Run Speed
represents your character’s ability to move while still sparing effort and attention for other action
(as per the Run action). Your Running Speed is equal to 10 + 2 x AGI minus your
Encumbrance. Your Sprint Speed is just twice your Running Speed.

Melee Attack:
Melee attacks are simply rolled with d20+WEP, and compared to the target’s Reflex (or parry
roll, explained below). A roll equal to or greater than the target’s Reflex is a hit, a roll less than
the target’s Reflex is a miss.

As your proficiency with melee arms increases, you learn ways of imparting additional effects to
your strikes. This section lists maneuvers, modifiers that can be applied to a melee attack. If
your WEP is at least 3, you know maneuvers equal to your WEP, learning an additional
maneuver each time your WEP increases.
Maneuvers have a Difficulty, which is applied as a penalty to the attack roll, and an effect, which
is applied if the attack hits. Maneuvers cost Energy equal to their Difficulty to activate. Only one
maneuver can be applied to each attack action. A maneuver’s Difficulty increases by 2 for the
rest of the turn each time it’s attempted (whether it hits or not).
If using a maneuver in circumstances where other effects activate when you hit an attack, you
can choose the order in which effects resolve. This shouldn’t be an issue most of the time, but
the option is included in case of unforeseen interactions.

Maneuvers List
Reposition ​(Difficulty 1): Make a free Careful Movement.
Power​ (Difficulty 2): Add 4 + ½ STR to the damage. Reduce your Reflex by 2 until the start of
your next turn.
Beat ​(Difficulty 2-4): The target has a penalty to melee attacks on their next turn equal to this
maneuver’s Difficulty.
Defend​ (Difficulty 2-4): You gain Armor against incoming melee attacks equal to half this
maneuver’s Difficulty until the start of your next turn.
Dodge​ (Difficulty 2-4): You gain Reflex against incoming melee attacks equal to this maneuver’s
Difficulty until the start of your next turn.
Push ​(Difficulty 3): Force the target to move 2 meters away from you, then optionally make a
Careful Movement in the same direction.
Bash​ (Difficulty 4): Deal half damage but deal the Concussion effect until the end of the target’s
next turn.
Bleed ​(Difficulty 4): The target takes ½ WEP/APX damage at the start of their turns. Applying
this effect to a bleeding target increases the bleeding by 1. The target can take a Half Action to
stop the bleeding.
Crumple​ (Difficulty 4): Reduce the target’s Reflex by 4 against melee attacks from your allies
until the start of your next turn.
Precision ​(Difficulty 4): Add 4+½ WEP to the damage.
Slow ​(Difficulty 4): Reduce the target’s Running Speed by half until the end of their next turn.
Disarm​ (Difficulty 2 + opponent’s WEP + opponent’s weapon’s Parry Rating): Your target drops
their currently held weapon. If your target is holding two weapons, you may choose which one
they drop. Your attack deals no damage.
Break ​(Difficulty 5): Reduce the target’s Armor by ½ WEP or ½ STR.
Cleave ​(Difficulty 5): Make a single melee attack with your original weapon against another
target adjacent to your original target and within your reach. Do not add your STR to that
attack’s damage.
Trip​ (Difficulty 5): Knock the target prone.
Assassinate​ (Difficulty 8): The target must be both facing away from you and unaware of you.
Double the damage and increase the AP by 3.
Slice ​(Difficulty 8): The target takes a Destroyed Limb Injury.

If you have at least one melee weapon in hand when an enemy makes a melee attack against
your character, the GM will give you the choice to simply try to dodge using your Reflex or to
parry. You have to choose whether or not to parry before seeing the attack roll. If you choose to
parry, roll d20 + ½ WEP + your weapon’s Parry Rating. The parry roll needs to equal or exceed
the attack roll to be successful.
● A successful parry causes the attack to miss. If you attack the enemy in melee before
the end of your next turn, you have advantage.

● If you fail to parry, and the attack roll was enough to hit your Reflex, take the damage as
● If you fail the parry, but the attack wouldn’t have been able to hit your Reflex, the attack
hits you for half damage. This was an attack that you could have dodged, but chose not
to. Fortunately it was poorly aimed and is less likely to deal a particularly serious injury.
You can parry a number of times per round equal to your WEP.
If you are wielding two melee weapons at once, use the greater Parry Rating +1.

Unarmed attack:
If you ever happen to find yourself fighting without a weapon, you can use unarmed
attacks. An unarmed attack can be any type of punch or kick. It deals d6 + STR/AP0 damage.

Ranged Attack:
There are three different ways you can fire a ranged weapon, but some weapons may not be
capable of all three modes of fire. The Fire Mode entry of the weapon’s statblock will tell you
how it can be fired.
● Single Shot: Roll d20 + ACC. Remember that if you aim, a Single Shot attack can benefit
from your weapon’s Aim Bonus. If the result is equal to or greater than the target’s
Reflex, you’ve hit and can now roll damage.
● Burst Fire: This mode has you continuing to roll attacks until one misses. The first attack
is always simply a d20+ACC roll compared to the target’s Reflex. For every attack after
the first, subtract the weapon’s recoil. You subtract the recoil again after each shot. So if
you were firing a -2 Recoil weapon, your second attack would take a -2, your third attack
would take a -4, your fourth attack would take a -6, and so on.
○ You can also after any of the shots choose to end the Burst Fire on your own.
● Full Auto: Roll a d20+ACC, subtract twice the weapon’s recoil. For every point the result
exceeds the target’s Reflex, resolve a hit against the target.
Remember to count the Recoil as 1 fewer if you aimed.

Critical Hits/Critical Misses

A critical hit happens when:
● you roll a 20 (on the die, no modifiers) when attacking, OR...
● you exceed your target’s Reflex by at least 10.
If the attack was melee, Single Shot, or Burst Fire, do not roll for damage, instead deal the
maximum possible damage. If the attack was Full Auto, deal the maximum number of hits.
Critical hits in melee, Single Shot, and Burst Fire can only be parried if the defender rolls an
unmodified 20 to Parry.
Some classes have abilities that make critical hits even more potent.

A critical miss happens when you roll a 1 (on the die, no modifiers) when attacking. No matter
the total of the roll, you cannot hit with a critical miss. If the attack was in melee, the next enemy
to attack you in melee before the start of your next turn gains advantage, due to your poor

attack leaving you exposed. Critical misses on other rolls have no special effect other than
causing the roll to fail.

Critical hits on characteristic or skill rolls do not result in outcomes that would otherwise be
impossible. They merely represent the best possible outcome of the task being attempted.
Likewise, players should not be overly punished for critical misses on characteristic or skill rolls,
unless the task being attempted is especially risky.

Reaction Attacks:
Certain circumstances in combat will allow you to make reaction attacks. A character can have a
reaction attack made against them when they:
● move while within an enemy’s melee range (and not making Careful Movement).
● Fire a Medium or larger firearm within melee striking distance of an enemy.
Reaction attacks are melee attacks. Some abilities allow characters to attack with firearms as a
reaction, but these are treated differently.
Usually, a character can only make one reaction attack per round.
A character cannot make a reaction attack if they have taken Lethal Damage that round.

Lethal Damage:
When you take damage while your Health is already zero, any further damage is Lethal
Damage. Unlike damage to your Health, which represents superficial injuries and general wear
and tear on your body, Lethal Damage brings serious danger to your life. You roll for Lethal
Injury whenever you take Lethal Damage. Roll a d12, then add your missing Health and subtract
your STR. Then consult the table for the result (in this case, a higher roll is worse for your

Lethal Injury Table

1-3 Fatigue:​ Your muscles have suffered injury, you have difficulty breathing, you are
no longer fighting at normal condition. Reduce your WEP, AGI, ACC, STR by 1.
Successive instances of Fatigue can stack. Each instance of Fatigue can be
removed by two hours of rest.

4-6 Concussion:​ The force of the attack overwhelms your senses. Until the end of
your next turn, you have a -4 penalty to all rolls and can only move half as far as
normal. After that, until you can rest for two hours, you have a -2 penalty to all rolls.
Does not stack with itself or with Fatigue, the larger penalty takes precedence.

7-10 Broken Limb:​ The attack shatters your bones in one of your limbs, making it
unusable until you get medical attention. A 7 or 9 results in a broken arm, an 8 or
10 results in a broken leg.
A broken arm prohibits the use of two handed weapons. Two broken arms prohibits
the use of any weapons. A broken leg reduces your speed to 1/4th its normal

value. Two broken legs stop you from moving.

11-14 Destroyed Limb:​ As above, except the limb has been blown or sliced off entirely.
11 or 13, results in a destroyed arm, 12 or 14 a leg.
You will not have use of it until you can find and attach a cybernetic replacement.
If the limb was organic, shock prevents you from taking your next turn. If it was a
cyberlimb, you can only take a Half Action next turn, as the shock of losing an
artificial limb is not as severe.

15-17 Severe Bleeding:​ the attack has ruptured a major blood vessel in your body,
causing you to begin to bleed out. Without medical attention, you have 2d4+STR
minutes to live. If you cannot stop the bleeding in that many minutes, you will die.
Moving over 4 meters or taking an action during your turn each cost you 2 minutes
of time before you bleed out. (Remember, one round of combat is 4 seconds).

18-20 Knockout:​ As above, but you have also been knocked unconscious and cannot
take any actions. Also halve the value for your bleedout time.

21-29 Death:​ A bullet tears through your body, a blade slices off your head, or your
injuries simply become too much to carry on. You are dead. Remember that your
squad can try to recover your cyberbrain. If you are not so fortunate, may the
Secreta have mercy on your spirit.

30+ Annihilation:​ As above, except your cyberbrain was destroyed by a powerful

attack, such as an Excidium shell or a Fusion Hammer impact. You are
permanently dead.
Only damage with at least AP5 can deal an Annihilation result. (Damage with lower
AP instead simply causes Death).
Example: You slice at a Federal Trooper, who currently has 6 remaining Health, with your
katana, dealing 14 damage. including 8 Lethal Damage, low enough to roll for Lethal Injury. The
GM rolls a 12 on the d12. They add the Trooper’s current Lethal Damage, giving 20, then
subtract his 2 STR, giving an 18 for a Knockout result - the enemy is now knocked out and will
soon bleed to death.

Empowered Damage:
Certain abilities or rules refer to damage being empowered. This does one of two things.
If there’s only one damage die, it counts as minimum half its maximum value. For example,
you roll a 2 on an empowered d12, so the 2 becomes a 6.
If there are multiple damage dice, roll, then exchange the lowest die for its maximum value.
For example, you roll 3d6 empowered and get 1, 3, and 6. The 1 becomes a 6, bringing the
total to 15.
If you would have empowered damage from multiple sources, each one after the first gives
a +3 damage bonus.

Combat Circumstances:
In Cover:​ A character is considered in cover when there is a solid object within reach
and between them and the attacker.
Each piece of cover has a Durability value. You can ask the GM at any time for the
Durability value of any solid obstacle around you. Here are some example Durability values:
1 3 4 6 8 10

Wood Thin Metal Brick Concrete Thick Metal Armored Bulkhead

If the attack has AP at least as much as the defender’s cover’s Durability, then that
weapon’s rounds punch through it. If this is the case, reduce the damage of each incoming hit
by the Durability (just like you would with your Armor). The cover might not have stopped the
attack, but it might still slow it down enough to stop it from getting through your Armor. Also,
critical hits from Single Shot and Burst Fire ignore the damage reduction from cover. This
represents the attacker managing to hit the exposed parts of the defender.
Against a firearm attack with at least as much AP as the cover’s Durability, a character in
cover is lightly concealed. Against firearm attacks with lower AP, they are heavily concealed.

Hunkered Down: ​A character in cover is behind their cover, but their body is still visible
to the attacker. They may be crouched looking over a low wall, peeking out from around the
corner of a wall, or something similar. A hunkered down character is fully behind cover, with no
part of them visible to the attacker in question.
Against a firearm attack with at least as much AP as the cover’s Durability, a hunkered
down character is heavily concealed. Against firearm attacks with lower AP, they cannot be hit.

Prone: ​a prone character has a lower profile, making them harder to hit with firearms.
Shooting at a prone target gives a -2 penalty to hit. At medium range, this increases to a -4, and
a -6 at long range. This assumes the character is not in cover, if they are, then the cover rules
overrule the effects of being prone.
However, melee attacks against prone characters have advantage, and prone
characters make Parry attempts with disadvantage.

Concealed:​ many conditions can conceal a character. Smoke, fog, heavy weather, low
light, darkness, etc.
Light Concealment: the character is somewhat obscured but still visible. Firearm
attacks against them have a -2 penalty to hit. Low light, heavy weather, and similar
conditions would make a character lightly concealed.
Heavy Concealment: the character is barely visible. Firearm attacks against them
have a -4 penalty, and melee attacks against them have a -2 penalty. Thick fog, smoke

from a smoke grenade, and darkness are examples of conditions that would cause
heavy concealment.
Full Concealment: the character is not visible, but their approximate position is
known. All weapon attacks against them have a -6 penalty. The most common instance
of Full Concealment is when an invisible character is not hiding.

Surprise: ​An attack where the defender is unaware of the attacker’s position at that
moment has advantage.
Surprise Round:​ A round of combat is considered a surprise round if one side is
unaware of the other side’s presence when the round begins. During a surprise round, surprised
characters are considered to have an Initiative of 0 and can only take a Half Action.


Melee weapons are especially potent when it comes to destroying cover. If a character’s
maximum damage of one hit from a melee weapon would total at least 5 x an object’s
Durability, that character can use that weapon to destroy that object. If using a melee weapon
to attack a character behind cover that can be destroyed by that weapon, it is destroyed as
part of the attack.
Cover destruction can also be caused by firearms, especially powerful automatic or explosive
firearms, but this is left up to GM ruling.

Party Communication

Thanks to their metastreumonic augmentations, E.Y.E agents can share a localized telepathic
field with their squadmates, allowing for fast and easy communication in the field. So long as
all individuals involved choose, they are aware of one another’s immediate thoughts. This
means that during a combat scene, you can strategize with your fellow players as much as
you wish, as long as it doesn’t go so long as to disrupt the flow of the game.
The maximum effective range of this field does not have a hard value and is ultimately up to
the GM. In general, player characters are in telepathy range if the GM can describe their
surroundings without having to jump between perspectives.
Outside of telepathy range, the main way for characters to communicate is by sending
messages using their implanted datalinks.

All players should be familiar with this section, not only those who want to specialize as a
Hacker or Cybermancer. Your enemies might try to launch digital assaults against your own
mind, and you'll have to keep your wits about you to fend them off.
First, you’ll need to equip yourself for hacking.

All player characters have an echo matrix datalink (EMD) implanted in their brains as part of
E.Y.E’s standard issue augmentation array. Many non-player characters will be augmented
similarly, so be careful. You can find the description of the EMD in the CyberTech chapter, but
the table is also reprinted here for convenience.
Tier HCK Required Virus Slots Range

1 0 2 40 m

2 3 3 60 m

3 6 4 80 m

4 9 5 100 m

1. Choose a device within your datalink’s range, and the result that you want if the hack is
successful (see the table below).
2. Make a note of your Virus Power, Firewall, and Core; these will change as the Hack
progresses. The GM will tell you the stats of the enemy device.
a. Your Virus Power starts at 10 + 2 x HCK.
b. Your Firewall starts at 5 + 2 x HCK.
c. Core is 2 × HCK plus the targeted device’s Core for the defender, OR 2 × HCK
plus the Cyberbrain’s Core for the attacker.
3. You and the enemy choose which viruses you’ll activate this round, then reveal to one
another at the same time. Make sure it’s clear what order they’re in.
a. Attack:​ Deal damage to the target system’s Core, equal to your Virus Power
minus the enemy’s Firewall. If your Virus Power is less than the enemy’s Firewall,
do 1 damage.
b. Shield:​ Increase your Firewall by 4 + HCK.
c. Scan:​ Decrease the target system’s Firewall by 4 + HCK.
d. Mask:​ Decrease the target system’s Virus Power by 4 + HCK.
e. Overflow:​ Roll 2d4 + HCK, add that number to your Virus Power, subtract it from
your Firewall.
4. The viruses activate in alternating order, starting with whoever initiated the Hack.
5. If at any point one side’s Core reaches zero, the hack is over and that side loses. If the
attacker won, the result they chose occurs. If the defender won, roll for the
Countermeasure the attacker suffers.
6. If neither side hit zero Core, the attacker can choose to:
a. Sustain the hack. Begin a new round and both sides choose viruses again. If in
combat, your turn is over. You must take the Hack action again on your next turn,
continuing the hack from where you left off.

b. Cancel the hack. The defender rolls for Countermeasure with disadvantage.

Hack Results
Shut Down The device ceases all function but is not damaged. It will reactivate in a number
of minutes equal to 5 x HCK, or a number of combat rounds equal to HCK (or 2
turns if your HCK is less than 2) if it’s a cyber-implant.

Destroy The device’s circuits melt down, making it permanently unusable. Destroying a
cyber-implant deals 3d6/APX damage to the owner. Destroying a Cyberbrain
instantly kills the owner.

Siphon Can only be chosen if the target device is implanted within a creature. All of
their energy is transferred to you. In addition, the target device shuts down for
one round.

Control As long as you stay within range, you can directly control the device: manually
raising and lowering an elevator, aiming and firing a turret, etc. Controlling a
computer system gives you access to all of its stored files. In the case of a
cyber-implant, the owner can make a HCK roll (Difficulty 12 + your HCK) to
keep control for that round only. The rules for each cyber-implant specify what
happens if a hacker takes control of it.

Use this table if the attacker lost the hack, or chose to cancel it. The GM rolls on the table with a
d20, adding 3 x (defenders HCK - your HCK).
1-4 Nothing happens. The enemy’s countermeasure wasn’t effective.

5-8 GHOUL Protocol: This code plants hallucinations in your vision. Until you take a Half
Action to purge the virus, you have a -2 penalty to ACC, AGI, and WEP rolls, and
can’t initiate hacks.

9-12 VAMPIRE Protocol: The device steals Energy from you equal to 15 + 2x its HCK. You
also can’t initiate hacks on your next turn.

13-16 LICH Protocol: Roll a Difficulty 15 HCK roll. On a fail, you make melee and ranged
attacks with disadvantage for two turns. If you rolled less than 12, you also cannot
Run or Sprint for the same duration. You also can’t initiate hacks on your next turn.

17-20 Retaliation Hack: Your echo signal was traced, and the enemy device initiates a hack
of its own against your Cyberbrain.

21-24 Neural Overload: The countermeasure has breached your Cyberbrain and shocked it
enough to shut it down. You take 2d8/APX damage and fall unconscious for d4

25-31 Kill Switch: the countermeasure fires a pulse into your cyberbrain that instantly shuts
it down. You are dead, but your cyberbrain can be recovered and rebooted with the
right equipment.

32+ Cyberbrain Meltdown: The countermeasure shorted the circuits in your cyberbrain,
melting it down and turning your head into a smoking puddle. You are dead,

Multiple Hacks
In certain situations, hacking can go from a digital duel to a battle involving multiple
hackers. Here are the rules that govern multiple hacks occurring simultaneously. These rules
apply to both player and non-player characters.
● You cannot initiate a hack if you’re already in the process of hacking a target.
● You cannot initiate a hack if you’re already defending against an incoming hack.
● If an ally is hacking, you can take the Hack action to help them, adding your HCK to
theirs temporarily (you must Sustain the hack or your ally loses the bonus).
● Multiple unaligned hackers all attacking the same target compete against one another
just as much as against their target. You might find yourself racing an enemy hacker for
control of a device. In this case:
○ Different attacks with the same defender are considered to run simultaneously.
Viruses coming from attackers with greater HCK activate first.
○ Due to signal interference, each attacker has a -2 penalty to all of their virus
effects for each other attacker. So for example, if three attackers were contesting
a device, all of their virus effects would have a -4 penalty.
○ The defender chooses who to target with their viruses.
○ If the defender’s core reaches zero, the attacker who dealt the most damage in
the last round wins. The other attacks end with no result.

Hacking, and wireless technology in general, works differently in the world of E.Y.E than
it does in our world. Signals are transmitted through the Echo Matrix, a vast digital space
supported in the physical space by the Swarm, a cloud of nanomachines spread throughout the
air. On highly industrialized worlds, the Swarm is dense and omnipresent, both by conscious
effort and as a byproduct of technological development. On less populated or less advanced
worlds, the Swarm is thinner and weaker. If this is the case, the GM will impose a penalty on the
effectiveness of all viruses. Class abilities that make use of the Swarm may also have a
diminished effect. The main way for hackers to overcome this is by using a Swarm Capsule,
which when opened, imparts high matrix density to the nearby area for a limited time. Using a
Swarm Capsule when matrix density is already high is not beneficial - at that point, the limiting
factor is the capacity of the hacker and his equipment to process data, not the matrix density.

Psi Power
Learning Psi Powers
You can have a number of psi powers learned up to your PSI. To actually learn a power,
you will need to practice from a scroll or be instructed by a Psi Master. E.Y.E provides scrolls
and/or instruction to its agents for basic and intermediate powers. However, in these chaotic
times, many more advanced powers are absent from the scroll-shelves. Finding a way to learn
these powers falls to the agents’ own initiative.
Learning a new psi power requires time to practice, so it’s usually only possible between
game sessions, unless a session happens to include some period of downtime. The GM will
make a decision if the precise time spent learning a power is relevant. As a benchmark, an
E.Y.E agent, with their enhanced aptitude for psionics, can be expected to master a basic power
like ​Psi​ ​Blast​ in about 6 to 8 hours of training.

Casting Psi Powers

Once you’ve learned a psi power, you have some degree of choice in how exactly you
go about casting it. This represents how much raw psychic energy you choose to summon,
prioritizing control, power, or a balance of both.
Standard Casting:​ Spend the Energy cost of the power, then simply roll d20+PSI. If the total
is equal to or greater than the power’s Difficulty, you manifest its effects as described in the
power’s entry. If the total is less than the Difficulty but greater than the Miscast, nothing
happens. If the total is less than or equal to the Miscast, you have lost control of the psychic
energy and must roll Psi Backlash.

Focused Casting:​ a more difficult method of casting powers but one that commands a
stronger grasp on the unstable psychic energies. Before casting the power, you can reduce its
Miscast by up to 5, but increase the Difficulty by the same amount.

Unshackled Casting:​ a dangerous method of casting powers that brings the psyker
additional power. Before casting the power, you can reduce its Difficulty by up to 5, but
increase the Miscast by the same amount. In doing so, it may be the case that you succeed in
the power while suffering Psi Backlash. In this case, manifest the effects of the power before
rolling Psi Backlash.


Normally, a psi power that affects another character can target any character you can see. If a
power has more limited range, it will say so.

How many powers per turn?

If you cast a power with a casting time of a Half Action, you still have the other half of your
turn left, which could be used to cast another power. However, doing so produces psychic
entropy, making any successive powers cast during your turn after the first have +4 Difficulty
and Miscast. This only applies to powers cast during your turn.

Psi Backlash
You suffer Psi Backlash whenever you roll an unmodified 1 when casting a power, or when your
total roll is less than or equal to the power’s Miscast. Roll a d20, subtract your PSI, then add the
power’s Miscast. Don’t forget that the Miscast may have been changed by the casting type you

Psi Backlash Table

0-3 Psi Fatigue​: You manage to center yourself in time to avoid worse backlash, but it
exerts you to do so. Lose Energy equal to twice your Recovery.

4-6 Light Kinetic Backlash: ​You’re sent flying 5 + d10 meters away in a random
horizontal direction. If you slam into a hard surface, take 2d6/AP0 damage. Unless
you succeed a Difficulty 12 AGI roll, you fall prone.

7-9 Minor Psi Rupture: ​The psi energy recoils onto your body, dealing you 2d6/APX

10-12 Strong Kinetic Backlash: ​You’re sent flying 10 + 2d10 meters away in any
random direction. If you slam into a hard surface, take 4d6/AP0 damage. Unless
you succeed a Difficulty 15 AGI roll, you fall prone.

13-15 Blood Price:​ For withdrawal of power, a sacrifice is demanded. Take d8/APX
damage, then roll on the Lethal Injury Table. (This backlash still applies if you
don’t have any Lethal Damage, you just roll d12 - STR).

16-18 Major Psi Rupture: ​The unrestrained psi energy violently blasts through you,
dealing 3d6 empowered/APX damage.

19-21 Sanity Damage:​ The unrestrained energy shocks your processing of reality,
causing various types of hallucinations to appear. The hallucinations cause a -3
penalty to all characteristics. They may also have other effects depending on the
situation. At the end of each round, succeeding a Difficulty 12 PSI roll allows you
to shake off the hallucinations.

22-24 Mirrored Power: ​In a bizarre mystic reaction, your power still manifests but in the
opposite direction, targeting you. What this specifically means depends on the
specific power.

25-27 Psi Explosion:​ You lose control of the psi energy, sending a blinding flash
through your mind that knocks you unconscious.

28-32 Lethal Psi Rupture:​ Your casting attempt generates lethal amounts of psi energy,
which sends blasts of force through your body, killing you. Resurrection is

33+ Heaven’s Blazes:​ You have tried to harness far more power than any mortal can
possibly control, tearing your body and soul apart in a mystical shockwave. You
have been destroyed. Resurrection is not possible.

Psi Blast Difficulty X Miscast 4 Action Half Energy Cost 4

You release a directed blast of pure psi force in front of you. Choose a visible enemy within 4
meters. The Difficulty is equal to the enemy’s Reflex. It takes 1/2PSId10/AP1 damage. If you
failed to cast the power but did not trigger Miscast, the target still takes half damage.

Chain Lightning Difficulty X Miscast 6 Action Half Energy Cost 8

You unleash an arc of electricity which can travel between multiple enemies. Choose an enemy
within 16+2xPSI meters. The Difficulty is equal to the enemy’s Reflex. It takes 1/2PSId8/APX
damage. You can then spend 3 Energy to cause the electricity to arc to another enemy within
10 meters. You can make the electricity arc up to ½ PSI times.

Telekinesis Difficulty X Miscast X Action Half Energy Cost X

You exert your psi potential to move objects. ​Telekinesis ​affects a non-living object within a
number of PSI meters. The bulk of the object you can move depends on your PSI, and moving
larger objects takes more energy. The objects listed are only examples; if you have the amount
of PSI, you can move any object of reasonably similar mass.

Psi Force Movable Object Examples Energy Difficulty Miscast

0 Chair 4 9 4

1 Barrel 6 10 5

2 Sentry Turret 8 11 6

3 Manhole Cover 7 12 7

4 Motorbike 8 13 8

5 Concrete Roadblock 10 14 9

6 I-Beam 12 15 10

7 Metal Statue 14 16 11

8 Car 16 18 12

9 Interceptor 18 20 13

10 City Bus 20 22 14

>10* Armored Vehicle 22 24 *

*Since a Psi Force greater than 10 is not possible, using Telekinesis on objects beyond the
capacity of Psi Force 10 always causes Psi Backlash.
The Energy cost listed in the table simply represents making the object levitate for a few
seconds. It will fall back down at the end of your turn. You can move the object as part of the
cast of this power, but not fast enough to deal damage.
If you’re further away from the target object, you’ll find it more difficult to exert your psi force. For
every 5 meters of distance between you and the object, count your PSI as 1 lower than normal.
For example, a character with 2 PSI could lift a barrel, but not from more than 10 meters away.
For 50% more Energy, you can keep the object levitating until the start of your next turn, at
which point you can cast ​Telekinesis​ again or let it fall.
Alternatively, for 50% more energy, you can launch the object forcefully. The GM decides the
range and damage of such an attack based on the bulk of the object and your PSI.
You can use ​Telekinesis​ as a reaction, to hold and throw one object. In this case, you can’t
target an object heavier than what could normally be lifted with 2 PSI.

Empty Soul Difficulty X Miscast 8 Action Reaction Energy Cost 15

You can cast this power as a reaction, when you would be hit by an attack. The Difficulty is
equal to the incoming attack roll. On success, you take no damage for the rest of the turn and
your soul leaves your body. While in this form:
● You are invisible to mortals, but cannot hide from creatures of the metastreumonic force.
● The only actions you can take are casting psi powers and moving, which can now pass
through solid obstacles.
● Your psi powers use 5 less Energy. When you deal damage with a psi power, you deal
an extra d6 damage.
● You have an extra Half Action which you can only use to move your body.
● Your body takes half damage and cannot receive Lethal Injuries. However, Force
creatures can target your soul for double damage.
● You can return to your body at will. You must return after two combat rounds.

Third Eye Difficulty 5 Miscast 3 Action Half Energy Cost 3

You tune out the physical world to open your psychic senses. You are blind, unable to make out
anything but darkness. Within a number of meters equal to your PSI x 10:
● You can see souls of living creatures, no matter the obstacles that would normally
obstruct your vision. They appear as floating orbs of light.
● You can clearly see any creatures of the Metastreumonic Force (also through obstacles),
and they appear glowing with light to you.
● Any use of psi ability appears to you as a flash of light coming from the direction where it
was used.
You can return your senses to the physical world freely at any time.

Blink Difficulty 6 Miscast 4 Action Half Energy Cost 6

You teleport to a spot you can see up to 6xPSI meters away.

Psi Drift Difficulty 6 Miscast 3 Action Half Energy Cost 6

You use psi force to keep yourself aloft in the air. You can move up to 2 x PSI meters vertically
and 10 + 2 x PSI meters horizontally. You can instantly end ​Psi Drift​ and drop at any time.
Although ​Psi Drift​ is rather slow, ending it and dropping can help avoid attacks.

Psychic Chains Difficulty 8+X Miscast 6+X Action Full Energy Cost 10+X

Your mind manifests invisible chains to constrict and manipulate another living creature.
Increase the Difficulty, Miscast, and Energy Cost by 1 for each point of the target’s STR (or
decrease it for a target with negative STR). Choose an option:
● Crush: the target’s Armor is damaged, losing 3 of its Armor value (until repaired). They
then take 2d10 + PSI/AP3 damage.
● Hold: until the start of your next turn, the target’s Running Speed is reduced by 4+PSI.
● Throw: the target lands prone 5+PSI meters away and takes 2d6 + PSI damage if they
crash into a solid obstacle.

Hypnosis Difficulty 8+X Miscast 6+X Action Full Energy Cost 7

You invade the target’s mind and manifest false impressions on their senses. Increase the
Difficulty and Miscast for each point of the target’s PSI. If you succeed, describe the illusion you
plant in the target’s mind. It can include sight and sound, and cannot be much larger than a
human. You can create a larger illusion if you add 2 to the Difficulty and Miscast (up to 5x5
meters in volume). The target can roll PSI at the end of each of their turns (Difficulty 8 + your
PSI) to snap out of the illusion.

Psychic Shroud Difficulty 7+X Miscast 6+X Action Full Energy Cost 6

You reach into your targets’ minds and erase your own image, making it impossible for them to
be aware of you. Increase the Difficulty and Miscast for each point of the greatest PSI value
among the targets, and by 1 for each additional target. While affected by this power, you are
considered invisible to the targets. At the start of each of your turns, you must spend the power’s
Energy cost to maintain the effect. The target clears the effect if they take damage from your psi
power or attack, or if they succeed on a PSI roll of Difficulty 10+PSI.

Mass Hypnosis Difficulty 8+X Miscast 6+X Action Full Energy Cost 11

You invade multiple targets’ minds and manifest a shared illusion on their senses. Increase the
Difficulty and Miscast for each point of the greatest PSI value among the targets, and by 2 for
each additional target. If you succeed, describe the illusion you plant in the targets’ mind. It can
include sight and sound, and cannot be much larger than a human. You can create a larger
illusion if you add 2 to the Difficulty and Miscast (up to 5x5 meters in volume). The target can roll
PSI at the end of each of their turns (Difficulty 8 + your PSI) to snap out of the illusion.

Awakened Sight Difficulty 9 Miscast 5 Action Half Energy Cost 9

You gain the supernatural vision capabilities from the ​Third Eye​ power, but you can still see the
physical world as you normally would. Roll a d4. After that many rounds pass, your senses
overload from the combination of physical and spiritual, and you become completely blind for
one round. (Out of combat: 10 seconds of awakened sight, 3 seconds of blindness).

Polycloning Difficulty 10 Miscast 5 Action Half Energy Cost 7

You manifest ½ PSI + 1 (round up, minimum 2) clones of yourself, illusions born from your mind.
They do not have characteristics, instead add half your PSI to their rolls. Their movement is
equal to yours. They are insubstantial, dissolving if damaged or if affected by a hostile PSI
power. Polyclones can follow simple orders, such as waiting at a certain point, following you, or
attacking enemies. A character that saw you cast the power can roll Difficulty 12 ACC to identify
you among your clones. The clones’ illusory nature can be distinguished with a Difficulty 12 PSI
roll. They mimic your gear in appearance only. The polyclones are armed, their weapons are
decided by the GM and improve with the caster’s PSI.

Note: Polycloning, as well as some other powers, share the general effect of creating clones. All
powers that create clones share a limitation. If you successfully cast them, any psychic clones
you currently have manifested dissolve before the new clones manifest.

Force Shield Difficulty 11 Miscast 6 Action Reaction Energy Cost 8

You concentrate psychic energy into a shield that can deflect incoming attacks. Reduce the
incoming hit’s damage by 2d6 + 2xPSI. If you do not take damage from that hit, you can cast
Force Shield​ once again before the start of the next turn with 2 reduced Difficulty and Energy
Cost (this stacks).

Force Wall Difficulty 13 Miscast 8 Action Reaction Energy Cost 10

You form a solid wall of force, visible as a shimmering, almost transparent shape. Characters
and objects can pass through the wall from the side towards yourself when cast. A character
fully covered by the solid side of the wall is considered Hunkered Down with the force wall as
cover. The other side has Durability equal to your PSI. Choose a shape.
Dome: a sphere centered on yourself with a radius of PSI meters.
Wall: a sheet of force that can be shaped as you choose. It cannot be longer on any side than
4+2xPSI meters.
At the start of your turn, the wall fades away unless you spend 5 Energy to sustain it.

Transmutation Difficulty 12 Miscast 6 Action Full Energy Cost 12

You focus your psi to transmute your energy into a being fabricated in your image. This is a
clone of yourself, but more real than those created by ​Polycloning.​ Its movement is equal to
yours. Its Health is equal to 10 + 2xPSI, and it dissolves if reduced to 0 Health. It has no Armor
but reduces all incoming damage by 3. You can command the clone, otherwise it will default to
following you and returning fire against enemies that target you or it. However, it can follow more
advanced orders than polyclones. The transmutation has better armament than polyclones, its
weapon is decided by the GM and improves with the caster’s PSI. Unlike polyclones, the
transmuted clone is easily discernible as a fabrication, so it’s not as good as a decoy.

Madness Difficulty 12 Miscast 6 Action Full Energy Cost 7

Your telepathy awakens fear in the target’s mind while striking at their awareness. Your target
must roll PSI (Difficulty 10 + your PSI). They have disadvantage if their Health is 5 or lower.
On a failed roll, they have a -4 to ACC, WEP, PSI, and HCK, and believe any creature they see
is their enemy. This madness lasts until the victim spends 2 minutes alone, or passes a
Difficulty 15 PSI roll at the end of the next combat round.
On a passed roll, they have a -2 to ACC, WEP, PSI, and HCK until the end of the next combat
round, and their next missed attack is resolved against an ally if one is present.

Doppelganger Difficulty 16 Miscast 12 Action Full Energy Cost X

The rarest and most powerful of the conjuration techniques. The psyker channels their soul
essence into a transparent form of pure psi energy. You create an exact psychic afterimage of
yourself, which has all of the same weapons, abilities, and actions as you (but doesn’t have

your CyberTech). The Energy cost for this power is equal to half of your maximum Energy,
which is granted to the Doppelganger as its own Energy pool. While the Doppelganger is active,
any Energy gain is halved (the other half goes to the Doppelganger).
The Doppelganger’s characteristics are 2 lower than yours and it has 20+2xPSI Health
(dissolves if reduced to 0 Health). It shares your Initiative and acts during your turn, but you
must take at least a Half Action before it can act. It has no Armor but reduces all incoming
damage by 3, and any damage it takes is redirected to you. Finally, the Doppelganger dissolves
at the end of the next combat round, unless you spend Energy equal to your Recovery to
sustain it.

Dragon’s Breath Difficulty 20 Miscast 15 Action Full Energy Cost 25

An ancient and deadly power with violent effects. The caster twists the space around the target,
dealing 20+2xPSI/APX damage. If the target then has at least 10 Lethal Damage, they are
destroyed as the caster teleports into their space.


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