Cretaceous-Tertiary: Extraterrestrial Extinct

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6 June 1980, Volume 208, Number 4448 SCIENCE

extinctions (3, 4), and two recent meet-

ings on the topic (5, 6) produced no sign
of a consensus. Suggested causes in-
clude gradual or rapid changes in ocean-
ographic, atmospheric, or climatic con-
ditions (7) due to a random (8) or a cy-
clical (9) coincidence of causative fac-
Extraterrestrial Cause for the tors; magnetic reversal

supernova (11); and the flooding of the


ocean surface by fresh water from a pos-

Cretaceous-Tertiary Extincttion tulated arctic lake (12).
A major obstacle to determining the

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Experimental results and theoretical interpret.ation cause of the extinction is that virtually all
the available information on events at
the time of the crisis deals with biological
Luis W. Alvarez, Walter Alvarez, Frank Asaro, Helen V. A 4ichel changes seen in the paleontological rec-
ord and is therefore inherently indirect.
Little physical evidence is available, and
it also is indirect. This includes varia-
In the 570-million-year period for microscopic floating ainimals and plants; tions in stable oxygen and carbon isotop-
which abundant fossil remains are avail- both the calcareous pAlanktonic forami- ic ratios across the boundary in pelagic
able, there have been five great biologi- nifera and the calcarec us nannoplankton sediments, which may reflect changes in
cal crises, during which many groups of were nearly extermin.ated, with only a temperature, salinity, oxygenation, and
organisms died out. The most recent of few species surviving the crisis. On the organic productivity of the ocean water,
the great extinctions is used to define the other hand, some groiups were little af- and which are not easy to interpret (13,
boundary between the Cretaceous and fected, including the 1;and plants, croco- 14). These isotopic changes are not par-
Tertiary periods, about 65 million years diles, snakes, mammalIs, and many kinds ticularly striking and, taken by them-
selves, would not suggest a dramatic
crisis. Small changes in minor and trace
Summary. Platinum metals are depleted in the earth's crust relattive to their cosmic element levels at the C-T boundary have
abundance; concentrations of these elements in deep-sea sedim ents may thus in- been noted from limestone sections in
dicate influxes of extraterrestrial material. Deep-sea limestones exp osed in Italy, Den- Denmark and Italy (15), but these data
mark, and New Zealand show iridium increases of about 30, 160, and 20 times, re- also present interpretational difficulties.
spectively, above the background level at precisely the time of th e Cretaceous-Ter- It is noteworthy that in pelagic marine
tiary extinctions, 65 million years ago. Reasons are given to indicatED that this iridium is sequences, where nearly continuous
of extraterrestrial origin, but did not come from a nearby supernovfa. A hypothesis is deposition is to be expected, the C-T
suggested which accounts for the extinctions and the iridium obseirvations. Impact of boundary is commonly marked by a hia-
a large earth-crossing asteroid would inject about 60 times the obj4act's mass into the tus (3, 16).
atmosphere as pulverized rock; a fraction of this dust would stay iin the stratosphere In this article we present direct phys-
for several years and be distributed worldwide. The resulting darrkness would sup- ical evidence for an unusual event at ex-
press photosynthesis, and the expected biological consequences nnatch quite closely actly the time of the extinctions in the
the extinctions observed in the paleontological record. One predicti on of this hypothe- planktonic realm. None of the current
sis has been verified: the chemical composition of the boundary claLy, which is thought hypotheses adequately accounts for this
to come from the stratospheric dust, is markedly different from that:of clay mixed with evidence, but we have developed a hy-
the Cretaceous and Tertiary limestones, which are chemically sirriilar to each other. pothesis that appears to offer a satisfac-
Four different independent estimates of the diameter of the asteroid give values that tory explanation for nearly all the avail-
lie in the range 10 ± 4 kilometers. able paleontological and physical evi-

ago. At this time, the marine reptiles, thfe of invertebrates. Russell (2) concludes
Luis Alvarez is professor emeritus of physics at
flying reptiles, and both orders of dino- that about half of the genera living at that Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of Cali-
saurs died out (1), and extinctions oc- time perished during the extinction fornia, Berkeley 94720. Walter Alvarez is an associ-
ate professor in the Department of Geology and
curred at various taxonomic levels event. Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley.
among the marine invertebrates. Dra- Many hypotheses have been proposed Frank Asaro is a senior scientist and Helen Michel is
a staff scientist in the Energy and Environment Divi-
matic extinctions occurred among the to explain the Cretaceous-Tertiary (C-T) sion of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
SCIENCE, VOL. 208, 6 JUNE 1980 0036-8075/80/0606-1095$02.00/0 Copyright © 1980 AAAS 1095
Identification of Extraterrestrial and summarized other previous work. sa, has a matrix of coccoliths and cocco-
Platinum Metals in Deep-Sea Sediments Considerations of this type (23) lith fragments (calcite platelets, on the
prompted us to measure the iridium con- order of 1 micrometer in size, secreted
This study began with the realization centration in the 1-centimeter-thick clay by algae living in the surface waters) and
that the platinum group elements (plati- layer that marks the C-T boundary in a rich assemblage of foraminiferal tests
num, iridium, osmium, and rhodium) some sections in the Umbrian Apen- (calcite shells, generally in the size range
are much less abundant in the earth's nines, in the hope of determining the 0.1 to 2.0 millimeters, produced by
crust and upper mantle than they are in length of time represented by that layer. single-celled animals that float in the sur-
chondritic meteorites and average solar Iridium can easily be determined at low face waters).
system material. Depletion of the plati- levels by neutron activation analysis In some Umbrian sections there is a
num group elements in the earth's crust (NAA) (24) because of its large capture hiatus in the sedimentary record across
and upper mantle is probably the result cross section for slow neutrons, and be- the C-T boundary, sometimes with signs
of concentration of these elements in the cause some of the gamma rays given off of soft-sediment slumping. Where the se-
earth's core. during de-excitation of the decay prod- quence is apparently complete, forami-
Pettersson and Rotschi (17) and Gold- uct are not masked by other gamma rays. nifera typical of the Upper Cretaceous
schmidt (18) suggested that the low con- The other platinum group elements are (notably the genus Globotruncana) dis-
centrations of platinum group elements more difficult to determine by NAA. appear abruptly and are replaced by the
in sedimentary rocks might come largely basal Tertiary foraminifer Globigerina
from meteoritic dust formed by ablation eugubina (16, 26). This change is easy to
when meteorites passed through the at- Italian Stratigraphic Sections recognize because G. eugubina, unlike
mosphere. Barker and Anders (19) the globotruncanids, is too small to see
showed that there was a correlation be- Many aspects of earth history are best with the naked eye or the hand lens (Fig.
tween sedimentation rate and iridium recorded in pelagic sedimentary rocks, 1). The coccoliths also show an abrupt
concentration, confirming the earlier which gradually accumulate in the rela- change, with disappearance of Cre-

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suggestions. Subsequently, the method tively quiet waters of the deep sea as in- taceous forms, at exactly the same level
was used by Ganapathy, Brownlee, and dividual grains settle to the bottom. In as the foraminiferal change, although
Hodge (20) to demonstrate an extra- the Umbrian Apennines of northern pe- this was not recognized until more re-
terrestrial origin for silicate spherules in ninsular Italy there are exposures of pe- cently (27).
deep-sea sediments. Sarna-Wojcicki et lagic sedimentary rocks representing the In well-exposed, complete sections
al. (21) suggested that meteoritic dust ac- time from Early Jurassic to Oligocene, there is a bed of clay about 1 cm thick
cumulation in soil layers might enhance around 185 to 30 million years ago (25). between the highest Cretaceous and the
the abundance of iridium sufficiently to The C-T boundary occurs within a por- lowest Tertiary limestone beds (28). This
permit its use as a dating tool. Recently, tion of the sequence formed by pink bed is free of primary CaCO3, so there is
Crocket and Kuo (22) reported iridi- limestone containing a variable amount no record of the biological changes dur-
um abundances in deep-sea sediments of clay. This limestone, the Scaglia ros- ing the time interval represented by the
clay. The boundary is further marked by
a zone in the uppermost Cretaceous in
which the normally pink limestone is
white in color. This zone is 0.3 to 1.0 me-
ter thick, varying from section to sec-
tion. Its lower boundary is a gradational
color change; its upper boundary is
abrupt and coincides with the faunal and
floral extinctions. In one section (Con-
tessa) we can see that the lower 5 mm of
Fig. 1. Photomicro- the boundary clay is gray and the upper 5
graphs of (a) the basal mm is red, thus placing the upper bound-
bed of the Tertiary, ary of the zone in the middle of the clay
showing Globigerina
eugubina, and (b) the layer.
top bed of the Cre- The best known of the Umbrian sec-
taceous, in which the tions is in the Bottaccione Gorge near
largest foraminifer is Gubbio. Here some of the first work on
Globotruncana con- the identification of foraminifera in thin
tusa. Both sections
are from the Bottac- section was carried out (29); the oldest
cione section at Gub- known Tertiary foraminifer, G. eu-
bio; they are shown at gubina, was recognized, named, and
the scale and

the bar in (a) is 1 mm

used to define the basal Tertiary biozone
long. (16, 26); the geomagnetic reversal
stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous
and Paleocene was established, corre-
lated to the marine magnetic anomaly se-
quence, and dated with foraminifera
(30); and the extinction of most of the
nannoplankton was shown to be syn-
chronous with the disappearance of the
genus Globotruncana (27).
1096 SCIENCE, VOL. 208
Results from the Italian Sections but changes to logarithmic to show re- gives a clear picture of the general trend
sults from 350 m below to 50 m above the of iridium concentrations as a function of
Our first experiments involved NAA boundary. It is also important to note stratigraphic level.
of nine samples from the Bottaccione that analyses from five stratigraphic sec- The pattern, based especially on the
section (two limestone samples from im- tions are plotted on the same diagram on samples from the Bottaccione Gorge and
mediately above and below the boundary the basis of their stratigraphic position Gorgo a Cerbara, shows a steady back-
plus seven limestone samples spaced above or below the boundary. Because ground level of - 0.3 ppb throughout the
over 325 m of the Cretaceous). This was slight differences in sedimentation rate Upper Cretaceous, continuing into the
supplemented by three samples from the probably exist from one section to the uppermost bed of the Cretaceous. The
nearby Contessa section (two from the next, the chronologic sequence of sam- background level in the acid-insoluble
boundary clay and one from the basal ples from different sections may not be residues is roughly comparable to the
Tertiary bed). Stratigraphic positions of exactly correct. Nevertheless, Fig. 5 iridium abundance measured by other
these samples are shown in Fig. 2.
Twenty-eight elements were selected
for study because of their favorable nu- a b c d e f g
clear properties, especially neutron cap- 400-_
ture cross sections, half-lives, and gam- C
ma-ray energies. The results of these 0
analyses are presented in Fig. 3 on a log- I-
arithmic plot to facilitate comparison of u-i
N. (26)
the relative changes in elements over a K-
L. (27)
wide range of concentrations. The only 350- I-
A (29)
preparation given to these samples was 0c G-
F3+ (30)

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removal of the CaCO3 fraction by dis- f2-
solution in dilute nitric acid. Figure 3 Fl. (31)
shows elemental abundances as gram of
element per gram of insoluble clay resi- 1-

due. The limestones generally contain 300- U1)

about 5 percent clay. The boundary clay Dl1. (32)
layer contains about 50 percent CaCO3, c- 0
but this is coarse-grained calcite that U)
probably crystallized during deformation U,
long after deposition. Chemical yields of Fig. 2. Stratigraphic sec- 0

iridium in the acid-insoluble fraction av- tion at the Bottaccione

eraged 44 percent for the red and gray Gorge, Gubbio (30). (a) 250- a) c0 B+

Contessa boundary clays, and this value Meter levels. (b) Systems. c
was assumed for all the other samples. (c) Stages. (d) Magnetic a
polarity zones (black is E0
Twenty-seven of the 28 elements show normal, white is reversed o (33)
very similar patterns of abundance varia- polarity, letters give Gub- a)
_o C_0'
tion, but iridium shows a grossly dif- bio polarity zonation, num- 01) A-
ferent behavior; it increases by a factor bers are equivalent marine 200- 0u _Oc
of about 30 in coincidence with the C-T magnetic anomalies). (e)
Lithology. (f) Samples a (34) 0
boundary, whereas none of the other ele- used in first NAA study 0C U)
ments as much as doubles with respect (samples I, J, and L are 0
to an "average behavior" shown in the from equivalent positions Cf
lower right panel of Fig. 3. Figure 4 in the Contessa section, 2
km to the northwest). (g) a

shows a typical gamma-ray spectrum Formation names. 150- 0

used to measure the Ir abundance, 5.5 c
parts per billion (ppb). 0

In follow-up experiments we analyzed 0

five more samples from the Bottaccione E0 0

section, eight from Gorgo a Cerbara (28 0

-Bonarelli level
kilometers north of Gubbio), and four 0
100- H a
large samples of the boundary clay from c
the two sections near Gubbio and two 0 0
sections about 30 km to the north (31). 0)
o. _B

The chemical yield of iridium in the acid- 0


insoluble fraction was 95 + 5 percent for C-)

the Contessa boundary clay, and a 100
percent yield was assumed for all the 50-

other samples. a)

Figure 5 shows the results of 29 Ir 0)

.- A E
analyses completed on Italian samples.
Note that the section is enlarged and that 3.
the scale is linear in the vicinity of the C-
T boundary, where details are important, 0- Apt.

6 JUNE 1980 1097

workers (19, 22, 32) in deep-sea clay The Danish Section at Hojerup Church was studied in detail
sediments. This level increases abruptly, by Christensen et al. (14), who sub-
by a factor of more than 30, to 9.1 ppb, To test whether the iridium anomaly is divided it into four thin layers; we ana-
the Ir abundance in the red clay from the a local Italian feature, it was desirable to lyzed a sample mixing the two internal
Contessa section. Iridium levels are high analyze sediments of similar age from layers (units III and IV of Christensen et
in clay residues from the first few beds of another region. The sea cliff of Stevns al.). These layers are black or dark gray,
Tertiary limestone, but fall off to back- Klint, about 50 km south of Copenhagen, and the lower one contains pyrite con-
ground levels by 1 m above the bound- is a classical area for the C-T boundary cretions; the layers below and above (II
ary. For comparison, the upper dashed and for the Danian or basal stage of the and V) are light gray in color. Undis-
line in Fig. 5 shows an exponential decay Tertiary. A collection of up-to-date pa- turbed lamination in bed IV suggests that
from the boundary clay Ir level with a pers on this and nearby areas has re- no bottom fauna was present during its
half-height of 4.6 cm. cently been published, which includes deposition (14). Above the fish clay, the
To test the possibility that iridium a full bibliography of earlier works Cerithium limestone is present to a thick-
might somehow be concentrated in clay (6, vol. 1). ness of about 50 cm in the small basins,
layers, we subsequently analyzed two Our samples were taken at Hojerup disappearing over the banks. It is hard,
red clay samples from a short distance Church (33). At this locality the Maast- yellowish in color, and cut by abundant
below the C-T boundary in the Bot- richtian, or uppermost Cretaceous, is burrows. Above this is a thick bryozoan
taccione section. One is from a distinc- represented by white chalk containing limestone.
tive clay layer 5 to 6 mm thick, 1.73 m black chert nodules in undulating layers The presence of a thin clay layer at the
below the boundary; the other is from a with amplitudes of a few meters and C-T boundary in both the Italian and
1- to 2-mm bedding-plane clay seam 0.85 wavelengths of 10 to 50 m (14). These un- Danish sections is quite striking. How-
m below the boundary. The whole-rock dulations are considered to represent ever, there are notable differences as
analyses of these clays showed no de- bryozoan banks (34). The C-T boundary well. The Danish sequence was clearly

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tectable Ir with limits of 0.5 and 0.24 is marked by the Fiskeler, or fish clay, deposited in shallower water (35), and
ppb, respectively. Thus neither clay lay- which is up to 35 cm thick in the deepest the Danish limestones preserve an exten-
ers from below the C-T boundary nor parts of the basins between bryozoan sive bottom-dwelling fauna of bivalves
clay components in the limestone show banks (14) but commonly only a few cen- (36), echinoderms (37), bryozoans (38),
evidence of Ir above the background lev- timeters thick, thinning or disappearing, and corals (39).
el. over the tops of the banks. The fish clay Foraminiferal (40) and coccolith (41)

FTert.1 L-
T/C K-
boundary 1 Clay j
region [ rt._

Elemental abundances I
in 12 samples from
two sections at Gubbio Lower port
of Upper

Fig. 3. Abundance variations of 28 elements in 12 samples from two Gubbio sections. Flags on "average rare earth" diagram are + 30 percent
and include all rare earth aata.
1098 SCIENCE, VOL. 208
zonation indicates that the C-T bounda- the atomic number position of iridium. The Boundary Layers
ries at Gubbio and Stevns Klint are at Iridium has been detected (45) in a warm
least approximately contemporaneous, spring on Mount Hood in northern Cali- The whole-rock composition of the
and they may well be exactly synchro- fornia at a level of 7 x 10-12 g per gram Contessa boundary layer (a mixture of
nous. However, no paleomagnetic re- of water, and in two cold-water sources red and gray clay) is shown in Table 3.
sults are available from Stevns Klint, so at levels of 3 x 10-13 to 4 x 10-13 g per There are two recognizable sublayers,
synchroneity cannot be tested by revers- gram of water. Many other cold-water each about 0.5 cm thick, the upper being
al stratigraphy. sources in this area had Ir levels less red in color and the lower gray. The ele-
than 1 x l0-13 g/g. mental iron content, which may explain
Results from the Danish Section
128,000 134 Cs 1056-0
Seven samples were taken from near
the C-T boundary (Fig. 6). Fractions of | 181Hf 980 mi.
z 260o0 [ A | |
each sample were treated with dilute ni- 126000a19aI-r 39.8-day decay
tric acid, and the residues were filtered,
washed, and heated to 800°C. The yield
of acid-insoluble residue was 44.5 per- 124,000
cent for the boundary fish clay and var-
ied from 0.62 to 3.3 percent for the pelag- u122,o0
12,000 0 131 Ba
ic limestones (Table 1). to
Neutron activation analysis (24) and x- E
ray fluorescence (XRF) (42, 43) measure- 0 120,000

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ments were made on all seven samples
both before and after the acid treatment.
This measurement regime was more so- 11 8,000
460 470
480 490
phisticated than that used for the Italian
sections studied earlier, and 48 elements Gamma-ray energy (keV)
were determined. Fig. 4. Typical gamma-ray spectrum used to determine Ir abundance (5.5 ppb) in nitric acid-
The Cretaceous and Tertiary acid-in- insoluble residues without further chemistry. Note that the entire spectrum rests on a back-
ground of 118,000 counts. Detector volume was 128 CM3; length of count was 980 minutes.
soluble residues were each rather ho- Count began 39.8 days after the end of the irradiation. Residue is from a Tertiary limestone
mogeneous in all of the measured ele- sample taken 2.5 cm above the boundary at Gorgo a Cerbara (see Fig. 5).
mnents, and the two groups were only
slightly different from each other. The
residue from the clay boundary layer Height above
or below
was much different in composition (m.y.) T/C
- (m)
(Figs. 7 and 8 and Table 2), and this sug- Fig. 5. Iridium abun- 10 1 04
gested a different source for the bound- dances per unit
a -400

ary clay. weight of 2N HNO3 u

E 1 03
acid-insoluble resi- -360
As shown in Table 1, the Ir in the dues from Italian Z
boundary layer residue rises by about a limestones near the 102
factor of 160 over the background level Tertiary - Cretaceous 20 -347.8
(- 0.26 ppb). A 1-cm thickness of this boundary. Error bars : -i

on abundances are Large samples of

layer would have about 72 x 10-9 gram the standard devia- I
mixed red and gray T/C clay
of Ir per square centimeter. To test tions in counting ra- o1 Z. 7 1$>1l ~ Bottaccione-
whether there is enough Ir in the sea- dioactivity. Error 8 o Contessa
bars on stratigraphic e Acqualagna 10
water to contribute to this value, we * Petriccio
made a measurement of the Ir in the position indicate the
stratigraphic thick-
ocean off the central California coast. In ness of the sample. IC; Mean
water passed through a 0.45-,tm filter Ir The dashed line 7
was undetected, giving an upper limit of above the boundary is
6 0 -347.6
4 x 10-13 g of Ir per gram of seawater. If an "eyeball fit" ex- 0

ponential with a half- Gray clay Red clay -

the depth of the shallow ancient Danish height of 4.6 cm. The
sea is assumed to be less than 100 m and dashed line below the
our limit for Ir in seawater is applicable, boundary is a best fit
then the maximum Ir in the 100im col- exponential (two 10 -347.5
umn of water should be 4 x 10-9 g/cm2, points) with a half- D
height of 0.43 cm. The a Legend
almost a factor of 20 lower than the ob- filled circle and error Gubbio 1 02
served value. So there was probably not
0 Bottaccione
bar are the mean and
° Contessa 103
enough Ir stored in the seawater to ex- standard deviation of E . 27 km north of Gubbio
plain the amount observed in the Danish Ir abundances in four Is Acqualagna
large samples of 70- C-
O Petriccio 1 04 -300
boundary. Iridium has apparently not boundary clay from 78-
o Gorgo a Cerbaral
1 00- I - 0
been detected in seawater. One tabulat- different locations.
ed result (44) contains a typographical 2 4 6 8 10
error that places the value for indium in Iridium abundance (ppb)
6 JUNE 1980 1099
the color, is significantly higher in the Table 1. Abundance of iridium in acid-in- exception. Its enhancement may be due
residue of the red layer (7.7 versus 4.5 soluble residues in the Danish section. to replacement of iron in the clay lattices
percent) than in the gray, and so is the in the sulfide environment or to a dif-
Ir (9.1 + 0.6 versus 4.0 + 0.6 ppb). Abun-
Abun- dancet ferent, more mafic source for the bound-
Boundary samples were analyzed from dance of acid- ary layer clay than for the Tertiary and
the Bottaccione Gorge nearby and two Sample* of insol- Cretaceous clays.
other areas about 30 km to the north. iridium uble Recent unpublished work by D. A.
In samples taken near the Italian (ppb) resi- Russell of the National Museums of Can-
boundary layer, the chemical composi- (%) ada and by the present authors has
tions of all clay fractions were roughly SK, +2.7 m < 0.3 3.27 shown that the boundary layer whole-
the same except for the element Ir. How- SK, + 1.2 m < 0.3 1.08 rock concentration of Ir in a section near
ever, there are discernible differences, as SK, +0.7 m 0.36 ± 0.06 0.836 Woodside Creek, New Zealand, is ap-
shown in Fig. 9, which suggest that at Boundary 41.6 ± 1.88t 44.5 proximately 20 times the average con-
least part of the boundary layer clay had SK, -0.5 m 0.73 ± 0.08 0.654 centration in the adjacent Cretaceous
a different origin than the Cretaceous SK, -2.2 m 0.25 + 0.08 0.621
SK, -5.4m 0.30 ± 0.16 0.774 and Tertiary limestones.
and Tertiary clays.
The Danish C-T boundary clay is *Numeencal values are the distances above (+) or
below (-) the boundary layer; SK, Stevns
somewhat thicker than 1 cm and is di- Klint. tThe boundary layer has a much higher A Sudden Influx of Extraterrestrial
vided into four layers, as mentioned ear- proportion of clay than the pelagic limestones above
and below. *Some iridium dissolved in the nitric Material
lier. Only a single mixed sample from the acid. The whole-rock abundance was 28.6 ± 1.3
two middle layers was measured, so no ppb.
To test whether the anomalous iridium
information is available on the chemical at the C-T boundary in the Gubbio sec-
variations within the boundary. The av- tions is of extraterrestrial origin, we con-
erage Ir abundance is 29 ppb in the whole

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calcite expected from the calcium mea- sidered the increases in 27 of the 28 ele-
rock or 65 ppb based on the weight of surement. The boundary clay fraction is ments measured by NAA that would be
acid-insoluble residue. far different chemically from the lime- expected if the iridium in excess of the
The whole-rock abundances and min- stone clay fractions above and below, background level came from a source
eral composition of the Danish boundary which are similar to each other. Pyrite is with the average composition of the
clay are shown in Table 3, and the abun- present in the boundary clay, and ele- earth's crust. The crustal Ir abundance,
dances of pertinent trace elements are ments that form water-insoluble sulfides less than 0.1 ppb (19, 22), is too small to
shown in Table 2. The major silicate min- are greatly enhanced in this layer. The be a worldwide source for material with
erals that must be present were not de- trace elements that are depleted are an Ir abundance of 6.3 ppb, as found
tected, so the other mineral abundances those that often appear as clay com- near Gubbio. Extraterrestrial sources
were normalized to give the amount of ponents. The element magnesium is an with Ir levels of hundreds of parts per

a b c d
- 2.7 MA

*- +1.2 _ _

- +0.7
a 0L K
0 D
- -05
_ )

- -2.2
0.2 _
0,1 _

0.0 LL_
Mg Ti Na
I I Fig. 6 (left). Stratigraphic section at H0jerup Church, Stevns Klint, Denmark. (a) Lithology (C,
__r~~~0 --5.4 Cerithium limestone; F, fish clay). (b) Stages. (c) Samples analyzed in this study. (d) Meter
levels. Analytical results are given in Tables I to 3. Fig. 7 (right). Major element abundances
L L Li in acid-insoluble fractions from Danish rocks near the Tertiary-Cretaceous boundary. The
crosshatched areas for the Cretaceous and Tertiary values each represent root-mean-square
deviations for three samples. (Only two measurements of magnesium and silicon were included in the Cretaceous values.) For the boundary layer
sample the crosshatched areas are the standard deviations associated with counting errors. Measurements of silicon and magnesium were done
by XRF (42), all others were by NAA.
1100 qr(Fwr'P_
at1n1m,i vnT. )n
v v -. 4vo
billion or higher are more likely to have
produced the Ir anomaly. Figure 10 60 0.06 c

shows that if the source had an average 4

earth's crust composition (46), increases 401 0.04- 0,0
significantly above those observed
would be expected in all 27 elements.
20 0.024
However, for a source with average car-
bonaceous chondrite composition (46), C

only nickel should show an elemental in- O0

crease greater than that observed. As
shown in Fig. 11, such an increase in c

nickel was not observed, but the predict- -a

ed effect is small and, given appropriate .-1

conditions, nickel oxide would dissolve w

in seawater (47). We conclude that the 4
pattern of elemental abundances in the
Gubbio sections is compatible with an
extraterrestrial source for the anomalous 2

iridium and incompatible with a crustal

source. 0 00Lo 0
The Danish boundary layer, which has Th Cs Ta Hf
much more Ir than the Italian C-T clay, Fig. 8. Selected trace element abundances of Danish acid-insoluble residues. First bar is the
is even less likely to have had a crustal mean value [root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) is shown by the crosshatched areas] for the

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origin. Rocks from the upper mantle given element in the three Cretaceous residues. Second bar is the abundance (counting error is
shown by solid areas) for the given element in the boundary layer residue. Third bar is the mean
(which has more Ir than the crust) have value and RMSD for the given element in the three Tertiary residues. Measurements were by
less than 20 ppb (48) and are therefore an NAA, except for zinc, which was measured by XRF (43). Significant amounts of nickel, zinc,
unlikely worldwide source. There are, cobalt, iridium, and thorium in all samples dissolved in the 2N HNO3. Very little cesium, tan-
however, localized terrestrial sources talum, or hafnium in any of the samples dissolved in the acid.
with much higher Ir abundances; for ex-
ample, nickel sulfide and chromite ores
(48) have Ir levels of hundreds and thou- ppm) to explain its Ir in this fashion, un- these effects occurring worldwide seems
sands of parts per billion, respectively. less the marine chemistry concentrated less likely than an extraterrestrial origin
The Danish boundary layer, however, Ir preferentially (even in the sulfide envi- for the Ir.
does not have enough nickel [506 parts ronment) and disposed of the other ele- We next consider whether the Ir
per million (ppm)] or chromium (165 ments elsewhere. The probability of anomaly is due to an abnormal influx of

Table 2. Abundance of trace elements in the Danish boundary layer (parts per million).
(1) (1)
Ele- Abundance in (2) El Abundance in (2)
ment whole rock/ Abundance mee-t wholerock/ Abundance
abundance of in residue* abundance of in residue
residue* residue
Enhanced elementst Depleted elements
V 391 ±27 330 ± 31 Mn 102.0 ± 1.3 21.3 ±0.5
Cr 371 ±13 358 ± 9 Rb 27 ± 7 35 ±4
Co 141.6 ±1.8 57.2 ±0.7 Yt 79 ± 6 6.3 ±1.8
Ni 1137 ±31 479 ±14 Zrt 144 ±11 125 ±6
Cut 167 ±14 93 ± 6 Nbt 8 ± 4 6.1 ±1.8
Znt 1027 + 49 378 ± 18 Cs 1.87 ± 0.19 1.51 ± 0.14
As 96 ±8 68 ±4 La 61.1 ±1.6 6.8 ± 0.4
Se§ 46.5 ± 0.6 12.1 ± 0.3 Ce 57.0 ± 1.2 9.7 ± 0.6
Mo 29.0 ± 2.5 20.3 ± 1.4 Nd 63.4 ± 2.7 5.4 ± 0.6
Ag§ 2.6 ± 0.9 3.5 ± 0.7 Sm 11.93 ± 0.08 0.781 ± 0.008
In 0.245 ± 0.022 0.086 ± 0.019 Eu 2.76 ± 0.11 0.121 ± 0.010
Sb 8.0 ± 0.4 6.7 ± 0.4 Th 1.84 ± 0.04 0.148 ± 0.014
Ba 1175 ± 16 747 ± 11 Dy 11.24 ± 0.12 0.908 ± 0.033
Ir 0.0643 ± 0.0029 0.0416 ± 0.0018 Yb 5.02 + 0.09 0.56 ± 0.05
Pb* 64 + 14 28 ± 7 Lu 0.553 ± 0.031 0.083 0.004
Hf 4.34 ± 0.16 3.88 + 0.07
Other elementst Ta 0.508 ± 0.011 0.500 + 0.005
Sc 20.74 + 0.16 14.30 ± 0.14 Th 7.1 ± 0.4 1.28 ± 0.06
Gat 30 ± 6 19.8 ± 3.0 U 8.63 ± 0.09 0.918 + 0.024
SE 1465 ±72 48.1 + 2.4
Au < 0.12 0.027 ± 0.007
*Column I minus column 2 is the amount of an element that dissolved in the acid or was lost in the firing; abundance of residue = 44.5 percent. tElements V, Ag,
and In are at least 20 percent and all other "enhanced elements" are at least a factor of 3 more abundant in the boundary residue than in the other residues. All
"depleted elements" are at least 20 percent less abundant in the boundary residue than in the other residues. "Other elements" do not show a consistent pattern of
boundary residue abundances relative to the others. tMeasured by hard XRF (43). §Flux monitors were used in the NAA measurements of these elements.
The indicated errors are applicable for comparing the two entries for a given element, but calibration uncertainties of possibly 10 to 20 percent must be considered
when the values are used for other purposes.
6 JUNE 1980 1101
extraterrestrial material at the time of the to concentration of normal background must have affected both the Italian and
extinctions, or whether it was formed by iridium at the boundary. These appear to Danish areas at exactly the time of the
the normal, slow accumulation of mete- be much less likely than the sudden-in- C-T extinctions, but at none of the other
oritic material (19), followed by concen- flux model, but we cannot definitely rule times represented by our samples. We
tration in the boundary rocks by some out either one at present. feel that this scenario is too contrived, a
identifiable mechanism. The first scenario requires a physical conclusion that is justified in more detail
There is prima facie evidence for an or chemical change in the ocean waters elsewhere (23).
abnormal influx in the observations that at the time of the extinctions, leading to In summary, we conclude that the
the excess iridium occurs exactly at the extraction of iridium resident in the sea- anomalous iridium concentration at the
time of one of the extinctions; that the water. This would require iridium con- C-T boundary is best interpreted as in-
extinctions were extraordinary events, centrations in seawater that are higher dicating an abnormal influx of extra-
which may well indicate an extraordi- than those presently observed. In addi- terrestrial material.
nary cause; that the extinctions were tion, it suggests that the positive iridium
clearly worldwide; and that the iridium anomaly should be accompanied by a
anomaly is now known from two dif- compensating negative anomaly immedi- Negative Results of Tests for the
ferent areas in western Europe and in ately above, but this is not seen. Supernova Hypothesis
New Zealand. Furthermore, we will show The second scenario postulates a re-
in a later section that impact of a 10-km duction in the deposition rate of all com- Considerable attention has been given
earth-crossing asteroid, an event that ponents of the pelagic sediment except to the hypothesis that the C-T ex-
probably occurs with about the same fre- for the meteoritic dust that carries the tinctions were the result of a nearby su-
quency as major extinctions, may have concentrated iridium. This scenario re- pernova (I1). A rough calculation of the
produced the observed physical and bio- quires removal of clay but not of iridium- distance from the assumed supernova to
logical effects. Nevertheless, one can in- bearing particles, perhaps by currents of the solar system, using the measured

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vent two other scenarios that might lead exactly the right velocity. These currents surface density of iridium in the Gubbio


Expected increases in elemental abun

at T/C boundary if Ir anomaly source
40 average"earth's crust" composition

C 3

E 0
cn be
2 0





0 0
z_ ._ Z -
z<CnI. >U
U c.a nU-toaccmo
O- o D

Uz"wMA a-u-j U 3=FLa I_Q._ oE* e-CEw D£

s ~~~~~z *
-0 a
.,,0 ZZ@E i Co La I.- ) mX


Fig. 10 (left). Comparison of observed elemental abundance patterns in the Gubbio section samples with average patterns expected for crustal
material (46). Fig. 11 (right). Comparison of observed elemental abundance patterns in the Gubbio section samples with patterns expected for
carbonaceous chondrites (46).
1102 SCIENCE, VOL. 208
boundary layer and the amount of iridi- samples were obtained-no carriers sample spiked with about 20 picograms
um expected to be blown off in the super- were added. Chemical separations were of 2"Pu; it indicates both the sensitivity
nova explosion, gives about 0.1 Ilight- also performed on the plutonium fraction of NAA for the detection of 244Pu and the
year. The probability is about 10-9 (49) after the neutron irradiation. No signifi- freedom of the purified sample from oth-
that, during the last 100 million years, a cant gamma radiation was observed, oth- er elements that might interfere with the
supernova occurred within this distance er than that associated with the pluto- detection of 244Pu. The plutonium isotop-
from the sun. Any mechanism with such nium isotopes. In order to measure our ic ratios in this sample and in the tracer
a low a priori probability is obviously a chemical yields, Gubbio acid-soluble and were also measured with a single-direc-
one-time-only theory. Nevertheless, be- acid-insoluble residues were spiked with tion-focusing mass spectrometer 5 feet in
cause the theory could be subjected to small amounts of 238Pu tracer. This pluto- radius.
direct experimental tests, it was treated nium isotope is easily detectable through No 244PU was detected in the Gubbio
as a real possibility until we obtained two its alpha decay, as its half-life is only samples (Fig. 12b), with a detection limit
other independent pieces of evidence 87.7 years. In addition, one of the sam- of less than 10 percent of the amount that
that forced us to reject it. ples was spiked with 244P. Figure 12a would be expected to accompany the
Elements heavier than nickel can be shows the gamma-ray spectrum of the measured iridium if a supernova were re-
produced in stars only by neutron cap-
ture followed by beta decay. The most
intense source of neutrons so far postu- Th SC Ti
lated is that produced by the gravitation- Fig. 9. Some of the ppmI ppm

al collapse of the core of a star that leads element abundances 12 30 1.2 - i, >1
measured in acid-in- o OIVa.
immediately to a supernova explosion. soluble residues of m
In this environment the rapid capture of Cretaceous, boundary 8 20 0.8
neutrons ("r process") leads to the for- layer, and Tertiary

Downloaded from on July 1, 2020

mation of the heaviest known isotopes. rocks near Gub- 4 10 0.4
The slower capture of neutrons by heavy bio. Data include all
samples from that I0
isotopes in highly evolved stars ("s pro- area measured within 0 0.0
cess") leads to a different mix of iso- 19 m of the boundary.
topes (50). There were four sam-
One heavy isotope in particular of- ples from each of the Hf Co Cs
fered the possibility of testing the super- three layers; the ppm ppm ppm
crosshatched areas 6 60 12
nova hypothesis; this is 244Pu, with a are the standard de-
half-life of 80.5 x 106 years. The ex- viations. The abun-
plosion of a supernova should send out dance patterns for 4 40 8
an expanding shell of newly created samples from 27
km north of Gubbio
heavy elements, with a ratio of Ir atoms are similar to those 2 20 4
to 244Pu atoms equal to about 103. This shown.
value is inferred from the existence of an 0 L I1nThi 0 0
anomaly in the meteoritic abundance,kif
heavy xenon isotopes that is interpeld
as being due to the fission of 244Pu (51). Table 3. Whole-rock composition of the Gubbio and Danish boundary layers (percent).
Any 244PU incorporated in the earth at the Abundance in boundary layert
time of the creation of the solar system, Element* or
about 4.7 billion years ago, would have Gubbio Denmark
mineral (Contessa)
decayed by 58 half-lives, or by a factor of measured Measured Normalized
1017, which would make it quite un-
detectable in the Gubbio section by SiO2 27.7 ± 0.6 29.0 ± 0.6
the most sensitive techniques available. A1203 12.19 ± 0.15 8.01 ± 0.17
FeOt 4.53 ± 0.05 4.35 ± 0.04
If the C-T extinctions were due to a su- MgO 1.10 ± 0.07 3.07 ± 0.10
pernova, and if this were the source of CaO 22.6 ± 0.4 23.1 ± 0.4
the anomalous Ir, each Ir atom should Na2O 0.1806 ± 0.0036 0.0888 ± 0.0018
have been accompanied by about 10-3 K20 2.46 ± 0.20 0.38 ± 0.04
TiO2 0.521 ± 0.022 0.324 ± 0.016
244Pu atom, and this 244PU would have de- S2- Not detected - 1.1
cayed by only a factor of 2. P043- Not detected 0.92 ± 0.09
Plutonium-244 is easily detected both C02§ 17.7 ± 0.3 18.4 ± 0.3
by mass spectrometry and by NAA. The X Trace elements - 0.2 - 0.3
former is more sensitive, but the latter Sum 89.2 ± 0.8 90.3 ± 1.0
was immediately available. In NAA, Differencell 10.8 ± 0.8 9.7 ± 1.0
which we utilized, 244pU is converted to Calcite - 90 41.5 (norm)
245N1, which has a half-life of 10 hours Quartz 5-7 - 3
and emits many characteristic gamma Pyrite - 5 - 2
Illite 2-3 - I
rays and x-rays. Plutonium was chem-
ically separated from 25- and 50-g batch- *Abundance values are for element expressed as form shown. tElements Si, Ca, Mg, S, P, and Gubbio Ti
es of boundary clay and from a 50-g
were measured by soft XRF (42). Some S may be lost in this sample preparation procedure. The Denmark Ti
was measured by hard XRF (43). All other measurements were by NAA. Mineral analyses were done by M.
batch of bedding clay from below the Ghiorso and I. S. E. Carmichael by x-ray diffraction. *Total Fe expressed as FeO. §The
dance was calculated from the Ca abundance by assuming all Ca was present as the carbonate.CO2 abun-
C-T boundary, and nearly "mass-free" difference is mainly water and organic material.
6 JUNE 1980 1103
sponsible for the latter. The ocean, how- test whether a supernova was respon- rial because of mixing the protosolar gas
ever, can produce chemical and physical sible for the iridium anomaly involved a cloud. However, different supernovas
changes in depositing materials as well measurement of the isotopic ratio of irid- should produce iridium with different
as diagenetic alterations in the deposited ium in the boundary material. Iridium isotopic ratios because of differences in
sediments, so the absence of measurable has two stable isotopes, 191 and 193, the contributions of the r and s processes
244Pu is not an absolutely conclusive ar- which would be expected to occur in occasioned by variations in neutron
gument. about the same relative abundances, 37.3 fluxes, reaction times, and so on, from
The second method that was used to to 62.7 percent, in all solar system mate- one supernova to the next. According to
this generally accepted picture, solar
system iridium is a mixture of that ele-
ment produced by all the supernovas
Fig. 12. Gamma-ray that ejected material into the gaseous
spectra of Pu frac- nebula that eventually condensed to
tions from acid-in-
soluble residues of ir- form the sun and its planets. A particular
radiated boundary supernova would produce Ir with an iso-
1103 layer clay samples topic ratio that might differ from that of
from Gubbio. (a) solar system material by as much as a
K13 Sample had been factor of 2 (52).
spiked with 2,"Pu and
238Pu containing rela- We therefore compared the isotopic
___ tively small amounts ratio of Ir from the C-T boundary clay
of 239PU, 240PU, and with that of ordinary Ir, using NAA. This
242pu. Dashed lines is a new technique (23), which we devel-
show expected ener-
gies and abundances oped because of the extreme difficulty of

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b Expected Expected of 24sPu and equil- determining Ir isotope ratios by mass

Co 100 position of position of ibrated daughter rad- spectrometry. In our earlier analytical
Am Ka2 ; V Am Ka 1
iations normalized to work we used only the 74-day 19Ir, made
the 327.2-keV gam- from 191kr by neutron capture. But in this
50 ma ray of 245PU (not
shown). (b) Sample new work we also measured the 18-hour
% * . @09% 0 @0 had been spiked with 19Ir made from the heavier Ir isotope,
238Pu containing rela- and extensive chemical separations be-
0 l I 0 . tively small amounts fore and after the neutron irradiations
of 239Pu, 240PU, and
I5 242pU. No 244PU was were necessary. Figure 13 contrasts a
90 100 110 120 130 detected. typical gamma-ray spectrum of the kind
c Gamma-ray energy (keV) used in the isotopic ratio measurement
with one used in an Ir abundance deter-
to mination. This comparison demonstrates
the need for chemical purification of the
iridium fraction as well as the lack of ma-
E jor interfering radiations.
,ion The final result is that the isotopic ra-
tio of the boundary Ir differs by only
0.03 ± 0.65 percent (mean + 1 standard
deviation) from that of the standard.
From this, we conclude that the 191Ir/193Ir
Fig. 13. (a) Gamma- ratio in the boundary layer and the stan-
s81Hf ray spectrum of irra-
dard do not differ significantly by more
\ diated acid-insoluble
residue from bound- than 1.5 percent. Therefore the anoma-
ary layer clay at Gub- lous Ir is very likely of solar system ori-
bio without chemistry gin, and did not come from a supernova
before or after irradia-
tion. (b) Same as or other source outside the solar system
above with chemistry (53)-for example, during passage of the
before and after irra- earth through the galactic arms. [In a
diation used in isotop- very recent paper, Napier and Clube
ic ratio determina-
tions. Counting peri- suggest that catastrophic events could
ods, decay periods, arise from the latter (54).]
A and chemical yields
are different for the
two spectra. The Asteroid Impact Hypothesis
After obtaining negative results in our
tests of the supernova hypothesis, we
were left with the question of what extra-
terrestrial source within the solar system
290 300 310 320 330 340 350
could supply the observed iridium and
Gamma-ray energy (keV) also cause the extinctions. We consid-
1104 SCIENCE, VOL. 208
ered and rejected a number of hypothe- in Grieve and Robertson's review article ference is that extreme atmospheric tur-
ses (23); finally, we found that an exten- (62) on the size and age distribution of bulence would follow the impact. The as-
sion of the meteorite impact hypothesis large impact craters on the earth. Rather teroid would enter the atmosphere at
(55, 56) provided a scenario that explains than present our lengthy justification (23) roughly 25 km/sec and would "punch a
most or all of the biological and physical for the estimates based on the cratering hole" in the atmosphere about 10 km
evidence. In brief, our hypothesis sug- data, we will simply report the evalua- across. The kinetic energy of the aster-
gests that an asteroid struck the earth, tion of Grieve (63), who wrote: "I can oid is approximately equivalent to that of
formed an impact crater, and some of the find nothing in your data that is at odds 108 megatons of TNT.
dust-sized material ejected from the cra- with your premise." Grieve also esti-
ter reached the stratosphere and was mates that the diameter of the crater
spread around the globe. This dust ef- formed by the impact of a 10-km asteroid Size of the Impacting Object
fectively prevented sunlight from reach- would be about 200 km (63). This section
ing the surface for a period of several of our article has thus been greatly con- If we are correct in our hypothesis that
years, inmththe dust settled to earth. densed now that we have heard from ex- the C-T extinctions were due to the im-
Loss of sunlight suppressed photosyn- perienced students of the two data bases pact of an earth-crossing asteroid, there
thesis, and as a result most food chains involved. are four independent ways to calculate
collapsed and the extinctions resulted. the size of the object. The four ways and
Several lines of evidence support this hy- the results obtained are outlined below.
pothesis, as discussed in the next few Krakatoa 1) The postulated size of the incoming
sections. The size of the impacting ob- asteroid was first computed from the
ject can be calculated from four inde- The largest well-studied terrestrial ex- iridium measurements in the Italian sec-
pendent sets of observations, with good plosion in historical times was that of the tions, the tabulated Ir abundances (66) in
agreement among the four different di- island volcano, Krakatoa, in the Sunda type I carbonaceous chondrites (CI),

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ameter estimates. Strait, between Java and Sumatra (64). which are considered to be typical solar
Since this event provides the best avail- system material, and the fraction of
able data on injection of dust into the erupted material estimated to end up in
Earth-Crossing Asteroids and stratosphere, we give here a brief sum- the stratosphere. If we neglect the latter
Earth Craters mary of relevant information. fraction for the moment, the asteroid
On 26 and 27 August 1883, Krakatoa mass is given by M = sAlf, where s is
Two quite different data bases show underwent volcanic eruptions that shot the surface density of Ir (measured at
that for the last billion years the earth an estimated 18 km3 of material into the Gubbio to be 8 x 10-9 g/cm2), A is the
has been bombarded by a nearly con- atmosphere, of which about 4 km3 ended surface area of the earth, andf is the Ir
stant flux of asteroids that cross the up in the stratosphere, where it stayed mass fractional abundance in CI meteor-
earth's orbit. One data base comes from for 2 to 2.5 years. Dust from the ex- ites (0.5 x 10-6). This preliminary value
astronomical observations of such aster- plosion circled the globe, quickly giving of the asteroid mass, 7.4 x 1016 g, is then
oids and a tabulation of their orbital pa- rise to brilliant sunsets seen worldwide. divided by the estimated fraction staying
rameters and their distribution of diame- Recent measurements of the 14C injected in the stratosphere, 0.22, to give
ters (57). Opik (58) computed that the into the atmosphere by nuclear bomb M = 3.4 x 10'7 g. The "Krakatoa frac-
mean time to collision with the earth for tests confirm the rapid mixing (about 1 tion," 0.22, is used simply because it is
a given earth-crossing asteroid is about year) between hemispheres (65). If we the only relevant number available. It
200 million years. To a first approxima- take the estimated dust mass in the could differ seriously from the correct
tion, the number of these objects with di- stratosphere (4 km3 times the assumed value, however, as the two explosions
ameters greater than d drops roughly as low density of 2 g/cm3) and spread it uni- are of quite different character. At a den-
the inverse square of d. E. M. Shoe- formly over the globe, it amounts to sity of 2.2 g/cm3 (67), the diameter of the
maker [cited in (59, 60)] and Wetherill 1.6 x 10-3 g/cm2. This layer did not ab- asteroid would be 6.6 km.
(60) independently estimated that there sorb much of the incident radiation on a 2) The second estimate comes from
are at present about 700 earth-crossing "straight-through" basis. However, if it data on earth-crossing asteroids and the
asteroids with diameters greater than 1 were increased by a factor of about 103 (a craters they have made on the earth's
km (Apollo objects), so there should be rough prediction of our theory), it is surface. In a sense, the second estimate
about seven with diameters greater than most probable that the sunlight would be comes from two quite different data
10 km. This assumes that the power law attenuated to a high degree. bases-one from geology and the other
with exponent -2 extends from the ac- Since the time for the colored sunsets from astronomy. Calculations of the as-
cessible 1-km-diameter range into the 10- to disappear after Krakatoa is frequently teroid diameter can be made from both
km-diameter range. If one accepts the given as 2 to 2.5 years, we have assumed data bases, but they will not really be in-
numbers given above, the mean time to that the asteroid impact material in the dependent since the two data bases are
collision for an earth-crossing asteroid stratosphere settled in a few years. Thus, known to be consistent with each other.
with a diameter of 10 km or more would 65 million years ago, day could have As shown in an earlier section, the most
be 200 million years divided by 7, or been turned into night for a period of believable calculation of the mean time
- 30 million years. In a more sophisti- several years, after which time the atmo- between collisions of the earth and aster-
cated calculation, Shoemaker (61) esti- sphere would return relatively quickly to oids equal to or larger than 10 km in di-
mates that a mean collision time of 100 its normal transparent state. ameter is about 100 million years. The
million years is consistent with a diame- What happened during the Krakatoa smaller the diameter the more frequent
ter of 10 km, which is the value we will explosions can be expected to happen to are the collisions, so our desire to fit not
adopt. A discussion of cratering data, a much greater extent during the impact only the C-T extinction, but earlier ones
which leads to similar estimates, is given of a large asteroid. An interesting dif- as well, sets the mean time between ex-
6 JUNE 1980 1105
tinctions at about 100 million years and ods-about 1000 times that of Kra- ducing new growth, during an interval of
the diameter at about 10 km. katoa-would then be expected to re- darkness, but after light returned they
3) The third method of estimating the duce the sunlight to exp(-30) = 10-'3. would regenerate from seeds, spores,
size of the asteroid comes from the pos- This is, of course, much more light atten- and existing root systems. However, the
sibility that the 1-cm boundary layer at uation than is needed to stop photosyn- large herbivorous and carnivorous ani-
Gubbio and Copenhagen is composed of thesis. But the model used in this sim- mals that were directly or indirectly de-
material that fell out of the stratosphere, plistic calculation assumes that the dust pendent on this vegetation would be-
and is not related to the clay that is is a perfect absorber of the incident light. come extinct. Russell (2) states that "no
mixed in with the limestone above and A reasonable albedo coupled with a terrestrial vertebrate heavier than about
below it. This is quite a surprising pre- slight reduction in the mass of dust can 25 kg is known to have survived the ex-
diction of the hypothesis, since the most raise the light intensity under the as- tinctions." Many smaller terrestrial ver-
obvious explanation for the origin of the sumed "optical depth" to 10-7 of normal tebrates did survive, including the ances-
clay is that it had the same source as the sunlight, corresponding to 10 percent of tral mammals, and they may have been
clay impurity in the rest of the Cre- full moonlight. able to do this by feeding on insects and
taceous and Tertiary limestone, and that Although it is impossible to make an decaying vegetation.
it is nearly free of primary CaCO3 be- accurate estimate of the asteroid's size The situation among shallow marine
cause the extinction temporarily de- from the Krakatoa extrapolation, it bottom-dwelling invertebrates is less
stroyed the calcite-producing plankton would have been necessary to abandon clear; some groups became extinct and
for about 5000 years. But as discussed the hypothesis had a serious discrepancy others survived. A possible base for a
earlier, the material in the boundary lay- been apparent. In the absence of good temporary food chain in this environ-
er is of a different character from the clay measurements of the solar constant in ment is nutrients originating from decay-
above and below it, whereas the latter the 1880's, it can only be said that the ing land plants and animals and brought
two clays are very similar. To estimate fourth method leads to asteroid sizes that by rivers to the shallow marine waters.

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the diameter of the asteroid, one can use are consistent with the other three. We will not go further into this matter,
the surface density of the boundary layer Until we understand the reasons for but we refer the reader to the pro-
(about 2.5 g/cm2), together with an esti- the factor of 10 difference in Ir content of ceedings of the 1976 Ottawa meeting on
mate of the fraction of that material the boundary clay between Denmark and the C-T extinctions. This volume repro-
which is of asteroidal origin. The aster- Italy, we will be faced with different val- duces an extensive discussion among the
oid diameter is then calculated to be 7.5 ues for the asteroid diameter based on participants of what would happen if the
km. The numbers used in this calculation the first method. The "Danish diameter" sunlight were temporarily "turned off"
are the following: clay fraction in the is then 6.6 km x 101/3 = 14 km. The sec- (5, pp. 144-149). Those involved in the
boundary layer, 0.5; density of the aster- ond and third estimates are unchanged; discussion seemed to agree that many as-
oid, 2.2 g/cm3; mass of crustal material the second does not involve measure- pects of the extinction pattern could be
thrown up per unit mass of asteroid, ments made on the boundary layer, and explained by this mechanism, although a
60 (63); fraction of excavated material the third uses the thickness of the clay, number of puzzles remained.
delivered to the stratosphere, 0.22 (from which is only slightly greater in Denmark We must note, finally, an aspect of the
the Krakatoa measurements). If one uses than in Italy. The fourth method is based biological record that does not appear to
different numbers, the diameter changes on such an uncertain attenuation value, be in accord with the asteroid impact hy-
only by the cube root of the ratio of input from Krakatoa, that it is not worth re- pothesis or with any sudden, violent
values. calculating. We conclude that the data mechanism. Extinction of the foraminif-
The first and the third methods are in- are consistent with an impacting asteroid era and nannoplankton occurs within re-
dependent, even though they both de- with a diameter of about 10 + 4 km. versed geomagnetic polarity zone Gub-
pend on measurements made on the bio G- in the Gubbio section (30). Butler
boundary material. This can best be ap- and co-workers (68, 69) have studied the
preciated by noting that if the Ir abun- Biological Effects nonmarine sequence of the San Juan Ba-
dance were about the same in the earth's sin of New Mexico and have found a
crust as it is in meteorites, the iridium A temporary absence of sunlight polarity sequence that appears to be cor-
anomaly seen in Fig. 5 would not exist. would effectively shut off photosynthesis related with the reversal sequence at
Therefore, method 1 would not exist ei- and thus attack food chains at their ori- Gubbio. In the San Juan Basin, the high-
ther. The fact that method 3 could still be gins. In a general way the effects to be est dinosaur fossils are found in the nor-
used is the indicator of the relative inde- expected from such an event are what mal polarity zorqe (anomaly 29) that fol-
pendence of the two methods. one sees in the paleontological record of lows what is identified as the Gubbio G-
4) The fourth method is not yet able to the extinction. zone. It would thus appear that the dino-
set close limits on the mass of the in- The food chain in the open ocean is saur and foram-nannoplankton ex-
coming asteroid, but it leads to consist- based on microscopic floating plants, tinctions were not synchronous. (Ex-
ent results. This method derives from the such as the coccolith-producing algae, tinctions occurring in the same polarity
need to make the sky much more opaque which show a nearly complete ex- zone in distant sections would not estab-
than it was in the years following the tinction. The animals at successively lish either synchroneity or diachroneity.)
Krakatoa explosion. If it is assumed that higher levels in this food chain were also Three commpnts on the San Juan Basin
the Krakatoa dust cloud attenuated the very strongly affected, with nearly total work have been published (70) calling at-
vertically incident sunlight by about 3 extinction of the foraminifera and com- tention to the possibility of an uncon-
percent, then an explosion involving 33 plete disappearance of the belemnites, formity at the boundary, in which case
times as much material would reduce the ammonites, and marine reptiles. the correlation of the magnetic polarity
light intensity to lie. The stratospheric A second food chain is based on land zones could be in error and the ex-
mass due to an explosion of the magni- plants. Among these plants, existing in- tinctions might still be synchronous.
tude calculated in the three earlier meth- dividuals would die, or at least stop pro- Lindsay et al. (69) argue strongly against
1106 SCIENCE, VOL. 208
a major hiatus, but admit that "the case the probable interval of about 100 million 200, 1060 (1978); ibid. 201, 401 (1978); S. Gart-
ner and J. Keany, Geology 6, 708 (1978).
is not completely closed." Russell (71) years between collisions with 10-km-di- 8. E. G. Kauffman, in (6), vol. 2, p. 29.
has noted stratigraphic evidence against ameter objects. Discussions of these ex- 9. A. G. Fischer, in (6), vol.2, p. 11; __ and M.
A. Arthur, Soc. Econ. Paleontol. Mineral.
a diachronous extinction in the continen- tinction events generally list the orga- Spec. Publ. 25 (1977), p. 19.
tal and marine realm. nisms affected according to taxonomic 10. J.(1966); F. Simpson, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 77, 197
J. D. Hays, ibid. 82, 2433 (1971); C. G.
Resolution of the question of whether groupings; it would be more useful to A. Harrison and J. M. Prospero, Nature (Lon-
the extinctions could have been synchro- don) 250, 563 (1974).
have this information given in terms of 11. 0. H. Schindewolf, Neues Jahrb. Geol. Pa-
nous will depend on further paleomag- interpreted ecological or food-chain laeontol. Monatsh. 1954, 451 (1954); ibid. 1958,
270 (1958); A. R. Leoblich, Jr., and H. Tappan,
netic studies. In the meantime we can groupings. It will also be important to Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 75, 367 (1964); V. I. Kra-
state that the asteroid impact hypothesis carry out iridium analyses in complete sovski and I. S. Shklovsky, Dokl. Akad. Nauk
SSSR 116, 197 (1957); K. D. Terry and W. H.
predicts that the apparently diachronous stratigraphic sections across these other Tucker, Science I59, 421 (1968); H. Laster, ibid.
timing of the foram-nannofossil and di- boundaries. However, E. Shoemaker 160, 1138 (1968); W. H. Tucker and K. D. Terry,
ibid., p. 1138; D. Russell and W. H. Tucker, Na-
nosaur extinctions will eventually be (private communication) predicts that if ture (London) 229, 553 (1971); M. A. Ruderman,
shown to be incorrect. some of the extinctions were caused by Science 184, 1079 (1974); R. C. Whitten, J. Cuz-
zi, W. J. Borucki, J. H. Wolfe, Nature (London)
the collision of a "fresh" comet (mostly 263, 398 (1976).
S. Gartner and J. P. McGuirk, Science 206, 1272
ice), the Ir anomaly would not be seen 12. (1979).
Problems in Boundary Clay Composition even though the extinction mechanism 13. A. Boersma and N. Schackleton, in (6), vol. 2,
p. 50; B. Buchardt and N. 0. Jorgensen, in (6),
was via the same dust cloud of crustal vol. 2, p. 54.
One would expect from the simplest L. Christensen, S. Fregerslev, A. Simonsen, J.
material, so the absence of a higher Ir 14. Thiede, Bull. Geol. Soc. Den. 22, 193 (1973).
considerations of our hypothesis that the concentration at, for example, the Per- 15. N. 0. Jorgensen, in (6), vol. 1, p. 33, vol. 2, p.
boundary layer resulted from crustal ma- mian-Triassic boundary would not inval- 16. 62; M. Renard, in (6), vol. 2, p. 70.
H. P. Luterbacher and I. Premoli Silva, Riv.
terial (enriched in certain elements by idate our hypothesis. According to Shoe- Ital. Paleontol. Stratigr. 70, 67 (1964).
the asteroidal matter) that was distrib-
H. Pettersson and H. Rotschi, Geochim. Cos-
maker, cometary collisions in this size 17. mochim. Acta 2, 81 (1952).
range could be twice as frequent as aster- 18. V. M. Goldschmidt, Geochemistry (Oxford

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uted worldwide in the stratosphere and Univ. Press, New York, 1954).
then fell into the ocean. This material oidal collisions. 19. J. L. Barker, Jr., and E. Anders, Geochim. Cos-
would be subjected to chemical and Second, we would like to find the cra- 20. mochim. Acta 32, 627 (1968).
R. Ganapathy, D. E. Brownlee, P. W. Hodge,
physical processes in the atmosphere ter produced by the impacting object. Science 201, 1119 (1978).
M. Sarna-Wojcicki, H. R. Bowman, D.
and then in the ocean, which would alter Only three craters 100 km or more in di- 21. A. Marchand, E. Helley, private communication.
the composition. The enhancements of ameter are known (62). Two of these 22. J. H. Crocket and H. Y. Kuo, Geochim. Cosmo-
chim. Acta 43, 831 (1979).
metals having water-insoluble sulfides in (Sudbury and Vredefort) are of Pre- 23. These are briefly discussed in L. W. Alvarez,
the Danish C-T boundary compared to cambrian age. For the other, Popigay W. Alvarez, F. Asaro, H. V. Michel, Univ. Cal-
if. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Rep. LBL-9666
the Italian might be related to an anaero- Crater in Siberia, a stratigraphic age of (1979).
bic environment during deposition of the A description of the NAA techniques is given in
Late Cretaceous to Quaternary and a po- 24. Alvarez et al. (23), appendix II; I. Perlman and
former and an aerobic one for the latter. tassium-argon date of 28.8 million years F. Asaro, in Science and Archaeology, R. H.
(no further details given) have been re- Brill, Ed. (MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1971),
Hydrogen sulfide can be produced by p. 182.
bacteria in oxygen-deficient waters, and ported (72, 73). Thus, Popigay Crater is 25. These limestones belong to the Umbrian se-
quence, of Jurassic to Miocene age, which has
this would precipitate those metals if probably too young, and at 100-km-di- been described in V. Bortolotti, P. Passerini, M.
they were available. This would not, ameter probably also too small, to be the Sagri, G. Sestini, Sediment. Geol. 4, 341 (1970);
A. Jacobacci, E. Centamore, M. Chiocchini, N.
however, explain the striking depletion C-T impact site. There is about a 2/3 Malferrari, G. Martelli, A. Micarelli, Note Es-
of some trace elements in the Danish probability that the object fell in the plicative Carta Geologica d'Italia (1:50,000),
Foglio 190: "Cagli" (Rome, 1974).
boundary or its very high Ir abundance. ocean. Since the probable diameter of 26. H. P. Luterbacher and I. Premoli Silva, Riv.
If chondritic Ir with an abundance of the object, 10 km, is twice the typical Ital. Paleontol. Stratigr. 68, 253 (1962); I. Pre-
moli Silva, L. Paggi, S. Monechi, Mem. Soc.
500 ppb were diluted 60-fold with oceanic depth, a crater would be pro- Geol. Ital. 15, 21(1976).
27. S. Monechi, in (6), vol. 2, p. 164.
crustal material, the Ir abundance should duced on the ocean bottom and pulver- 28. D. V. Kent, Geology 5, 769 (1977); M. A. Ar-
be 8 ppb rather than the 65 ppb ob- ized rock could be ejected. However, in 29. thur, thesis, Princeton University (1979).
0. Renz, Eclogae Geol. Helv. 29, 1 (1936); Serv.
served. Possible solutions to these diffi- this event we are unlikely to find the cra- Geol. Ital. Mem. Descr. Carta Geol. Ital. 29, 1
culties may arise when better estimates ter, since bathymetric information is not 30. (1936).
M. A. Arthur and A. G. Fischer, Geol. Soc. Am.
of the extent of mixing of asteroidal and sufficiently detailed and since a sub- Bull. 88, 367 (1977); I. Premoli Silva, ibid., p.
terrestrial material in the atmosphere are stantial portion of the pre-Tertiary ocean 371; W. Lowrie and W. Alvarez, ibid., p. 374;
W. M. Roggenthen and G. Napoleone, ibid., p.
made, and when the boundary layer has been subducted. 378; W. Alvarez, M. A. Arthur, A. G. Fischer,
W. Lowrie, G. Napoleone, I. Premoli Silva, W.
chemistry is studied at additional loca- References and Notes M. Roggenthen, ibid., p. 383; W. Lowrie and W.
tions and a better understanding of the Alvarez, Geophys. J. R. Astron. Soc. 51, 561
D. A. Russell, Geol. Assoc. Can. Spec. Rep. 13 (1977); W. Alvarez and W. Lowrie, ibid. 55, 1
marine chemistry is achieved.. 1.
(1975), p. 119. (1978).
2. ,in(5),p. 11. 31. Locations of the sections studied are: (i) Bot-
3. M. B. Cita and 1. Premoli Silva, Riv. Ital. Pa- taccione Gorge at Gubbio: 43°21.9'N, 1r35.0'E
leontol. Stratigr. Mem. 14 (1974), p. 193. (0'7.9' east of Rome); (ii) Contessa Valley, 3 km
Implications 4. D. A. Russell, Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 7, northwest of Gubbio: 43°22.6'N, 12°33.7'E
163 (1979). (0'6.6' east of Rome); (iii) Petriccio suspension
5. K-TEC group (P. Beland et al.), Cretaceous- bridge, 2.3 km west-southwest of Acqualagna:
Among the many implications of the Tertiary Extinctions and Possible Terrestrial 43°36.7'N, 12°38.7'E (0lI1.6' east of Rome); (iv)
and Extraterrestrial Causes (Proceedings of Acqualagna, road cut 0.8 km southeast of town:
asteroid impact hypothesis, if it is cor- Workshop, National Museum of Natural Sci- 43°36.7'N, 12°40.8'E (0°13.7' east of Rome); and
ences, Ottawa, 16 and 17 Nov. 1976). (v) Gorgo a Cerbara: 43°36.1'N, 12°33.6'E
rect, two stand out prominently. First, if 6. T. Birkelund and R. G. Bromley, Eds., Cre- (0°6.5' east of Rome). We thank E. Sannipoli,
the C-T extinctions were caused by an taceous-Tertiary Boundary Events, vol. 1, The W. S. Leith, and S. Marshak for help in sam-
Maastrichtian and Danian of Denmark (Sym- pling these sections.
impact event, the same could be true of posium, University of Copenhagen, Copenha- 32. J. H. Crocket, J. D. McDougall, R. C. Harriss,
the earlier major extinctions as well. gen, 1979); W. K. Christiansen and T. Birke- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 37, 2547 (1973).
lund, Eds., ibid., vol. 2, Proceedings. 33. Location: 5516.7'N, 12°26.5'E. We thank I.
There have been five such extinctions 7. H. Tappan, Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Bank and S. Gregersen for taking W.A. to this
since the end of the Precambrian, 570 Palaeoecol. 4, 187 (1968); T. R. Worsley, Na- locality.
ture (London) 230, 318 (1971); W. T. Holser, 34. A. Rosenkrantz and H. W. Rasmussen, Guide to
million years ago, which matches well ibid. 267, 403 (1977); D. M. McLean, Science Excursions A42 and C37 (21st International
6 JUNE 1980 1107
Geological Congress, Copenhagen, 1960), part ing in November 1979 [W. Alvarez, L. W. Alva- 70. W. Alvarez and D. W. Vann, Geology 7, 66
1, pp. 1-17. rez, F. Asaro, H. V. Michel, Eos 60, 734 (1979); (1979); J. E. Fassett, ibid., p. 69; S. G. Lucas
35. F. Surlyk, in (6), vol. 1, p. 164. Geol. Soc. Am. Abstr. Programs 11, 350 (1979)]. and J. K. Rigby, Jr., ibid., p. 323.
36. C. Heinberg, in (6), vol. 1, p. 58. 54. W. M. Napier and S. V. M. Clube, Nature (Lon- 71. D. A. Russell, Episodes 1979 No. 4 (1979), p. 21.
37. H. W. Rasmussen, in (6), vol. 1, p. 65; P. Grave- don) 282, 455 (1979). 72. V. L. Masaytis, M. V. Mikhaylov, T. V. Seliva-
sen, in (6), vol. 1, p. 72; U. Asgaard, in (6), vol. 55. H. C. Urey, ibid. 242, 32 (1973). novskaya, Sov. Geol. No. 6 (1971), pp. 143-147;
1, p. 74. 56. E. J. Opik, Ir. Astron. J. 5 (No. 1), 34 (1958). translated in Geol. Rev. 14, 327 (1972).
38. E. Hakansson and E. Thomsen, in (6), vol. 1, p. 57. E. M. Shoemaker, J. G. Williams, E. F. Helin, 73. V. L. Masaytis, Sov. Geol. No. 11 (1975), pp.
78. R. F. Wolfe, in Asteroids, T. Gehrels, Ed. 52-64; translated in Int. Geol. Rev. 18, 1249
39. S. Floris, in (6), vol. 1, p. 92. (Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1979), pp. 253- (1976).
40. I. Bang, in (6), vol. 1, p. 108. 282. 74. It will be obvious to anyone reading this article
41. K. Perch-Nielsen, in (6), vol. 1, p. 115. 58. E. J. Opik, Adv. Astron. Astrophys. 2, 220 that we have benefited enormously from conver-
42. Soft x-ray fluorescence measurements for major (1963); ibid. 4, 302 (1964); ibid. 8, 108 (1971). sations and correspondence with many friends
element determinations were made by S. Flex- These review articles give references to Opik's and colleagues throughout the scientific commu-
ser and M. Sturz of Lawrence Berkeley Labora- extensive bibliography on meteorites, Apollo nity. We would particularly like to acknowledge
tory. objects, and -asteroids. the help we have received from E. Anders, J. R.
43. Hard x-ray fluorescence measurements for trace 59. C. R. Chapman, J. G. Williams, W. K. Hart- Arnold, M. A. Arthur, A. Buffington, I. S. E.
element determinations were made by R. D. mann, Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 16, 33 Carmichael, G. Curtis, P. Eberhard, S. Gartner,
Giauque of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. (1978). R. L. Garwin, R. A. F. Grieve, E. K. Hyde, W.
44. F. G. Walton Smith, Ed. CRC Handbook of Ma- 60. G. W. Wetherill, Sci. Am. 240 (No. 3), 54 (1979). Lowrie, C. McKee, M. C. Michel (who was re-
rine Science (CRC Press. Cleveland, 1974), vol. 61. E. M. Shoemaker, personal communication. sponsible for the mass spectrometric measure-
1, p. 11. 62. R. A. F. Grieve and P. B. Robertson, Icarus 38, ments), J. Neil, B. M. Oliver, C. Orth, B. Par-
45. H. A. Wollenberg et al., Univ. Calif. Lawrence 212 (1979). doe, I. Perlman, D. A. Russell, A. M. Sessler,
Berkeley Lab. Rep. LBL-7092, revised 1980. 63. R. A. F. Grieve, personal communication. and E. Shoemaker. One of us (W.A.) thanks the
46. Encyclopaedia Britannica (Benton, Chicago, 64. G. J. Symons, Ed., The Eruption of Krakatoa National Science Foundation for support, the
ed. 15, 1974), vol. 6, p. 702. and Subsequent Phenomena (Report of the Kra- other three authors thank the Department of En-
47. K. K. Turekian, Oceans (Prentice-Hall, Engle- katoa Committee of the Royal Society, Harri- ergy for support, and one of us (L.W.A.) thanks
wood Cliffs, N.J., 1976), p. 122. son, London, 1888). the National Aeronautics and Space Administra-
48. J. H. Crocket, Can. Mineral. 17, 391 (1979); J. 65. I. U. Olson and I. Karlen, Am. J. Sci. Radio- tion for support. The x-ray fluorescence mea-
R. Ross and R. Keays, ibid., p. 417. carbon Suppl. 7 (1965), p. 331; T. A. Rafter and surements of trace elements Fe and Ti by R. D.
49. I. S. Shklovsky, Supernovae (Wiley, New York, B. J. O'Brien, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Radiocarbon Giauque and of major elements by S. Flexser
1968), p. 377. Dating 1, 241 (1972). and M. Sturz were most appreciated. We appre-
50. D. D. Clayton, Principles of Stellar Evolution 66. U. Krtihenbuhl, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta ciate the assistance of D. Jackson and C.
and Nucleosynthesis (McGraw-Hill, New York, 37, 1353 (1973). Nguyen in the sample preparation procedures.
1968), pp. 546-606. 67. B. Mason, Space Sci. Rev. 1, 621 (1962-1963). We are grateful to T. Lim and the staff of the
51. D. N. Schramm, Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 68. R. F. Butler, E. H. Lindsay, L. L. Jacobs, N. Berkeley Research Reactor for many neutron
12, 389 (1974). M. Johnson, Nature (London) 267, 318 (1977); irradiations used in this work. We also ap-

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52. C. F. McKee, personal communication. E. H. Lindsay, L. L. Jacobs, R. F. Butler, Geol- preciate the efforts of G. Pefley and the staff
53. These observations were reported at the Ameri- ogy 6, 425 (1978). of the Livermore Pool Type Reactor for the
can Geophysical Union meeting in May 1979 69. E. H. Lindsay, R. F. Butler, N. M. Johnson, in irradiations used for the Ir isotopic ratio
and at the Geological Society of America meet- preparation. measurements.

petition of undesirable plants during the

establishment of the newly seeded crop
or to supress growth of grasses and allow
establishment of legumes. Row crop pro-
duction with the no-tillage system is al-
most always carried out by planting the
crop into soil covered by a chemically
No-Tillage Agriculture killed grass sod or with dead plant resi-
dues of a previous crop. For example, in
Ronald E. Phillips, Robert L. Blevins, Grant W. Thomas continuous no-tillage corn (Zea mays)
production, the soil surface at the time
Wilbur W. Frye, Shirley H. Phillips of planting is covered with corn stalk
residues of the previous corn crop. In
double-cropped soybeans, the soil at the
time of planting is covered with residues
For over 100 years, agriculture has re- ity of growing many different crops with- of a recently harvested small-grain crop
lied upon the moldboard plow and disk out tilling the soil (1-3). such as barley or wheat.
harrow to prepare soil to produce food. In this article, we define conventional The land area used for row crops and
Without the moldboard plow and disk it tillage as moldboard plowing followed by forage crops grown by the no-tillage sys-
would not have been possible to control disking one or more times. By this meth- tem has increased rapidly during the past
weeds and to obtain the yields necessary od one obtains a loose, friable seedbed in 15 years. In 1974, the U.S. Department
to provide favorable economic returns the surface 10 centimeters of soil. We de- of Agriculture (5) estimated that the
from agriculture. Weeds are strong com- fine the no-tillage system (4) as one in amount of cropland in the United States
petitors with food crops for water and which the crop is planted either entirely under no-tillage cultivation was 2.23 mil-
plant nutrients, and it was not until plant without tillage or with just sufficient till- lion hectares, and that 62 million hec-
growth regulators were introduced in the age to allow placement and coverage of tares or 45 percent of the total U.S. crop-
late 1940's that attention was turned to the seed with soil to allow it to germinate land (6) will be under the no-tillage sys-
no-tillage agriculture. From plant growth and emerge. Usually no further cultiva- tem by 2000. An estimated 65 percent of
regulators selective herbicides were de- tion is done before harvesting. Weeds the seven major annual crops (corn, soy-
veloped, and these increased the feasibil- and other competing vegetation are con- beans, sorghum, wheat, oats, barley,
trolled by chemical herbicides. Soil and rye) will be grown by the no-tillage
R. E. Phillips and G. W. Thomas are professors amendments, such as lime and fertilizer, system by the year 2000 and 78 percent
and R. L. Blevins and W. W. Frye are associate pro- are applied to the soil surface. by the year 2010 (5). In Kentucky there
fessors in the Department of Agronomy, College of
Agriculture, University of Kentucky, Lexington In pasture management, chemicals are were 44,000, 160,400, and 220,000 ha
40546. S. H. Phillips is assistant director of the Co- used as a substitute for tillage, herbicides of no-tillage corn and soybeans grown
operative Extension Service for Agriculture, Lex-
ington 40546. being used to restrict growth and com- in 1969, 1972, and 1978, respectively.
1108 0036-8075/80/0606-1108$01.50/0 Copyright K) 1980 AAAS SCIENCE, VOL. 208, 6 JUNE 1980
Extraterrestrial Cause for the Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction
Luis W. Alvarez, Walter Alvarez, Frank Asaro and Helen V. Michel

Science 208 (4448), 1095-1108.

DOI: 10.1126/science.208.4448.1095

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