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Virtual classes are a better learning method than face-to-face classes?

Nowadays, talk about education is very controversial because in the past

decades the teaching method has been the same, while new generations said
it was obsolete, the other people think the opposite. The real challenge was
the virtual classes, most of the student’s community used to go to school, for
many hours, in the same room with partners, but in virtual classes they had
to adapt to a new form to study. I really agree with the virtual classes are
better than the conventional learning method, because in 2021 most of the
activities has been digitalized, since buying some stuff until work and study.
Firstly, the most of the activities we usually do in our life we can actually do
it from our smartphone or any mobile device, because is easiest and faster,
for this reason I think than study with a lot technology stuff result more
convenient, because the first requirement is the internet, and with this as an
unlimited resource, we can learn about everything in anytime, there are a lot
of platforms that helps to make the virtual classes a great environment for
Secondly, most of the population in the world had adapted to this new way
to teach and learn yet with the face-to-face classes the parents cannot know
how much their children are learning, but with virtual classes, parents can
stay more near and know the progress of their learning.
In short, there is a quote that says, “all changes are great for us”, and virtual
classes is one of these changes; because tech resources allow to learn more,
and improve every activity we usually do in a traditional way.

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