L3 ARTICLES For Students

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( a / an / Ø / the )

a / an – with countable, singular nouns, to talk about things in general or for the first time

I’ve got a car. / He’s bought a tie and a shirt.

Can I have a bottle of milk?

He’s an accountant. / This is an expensive ring.

a / an – price, distance, frequency,

4$ a kilo / 80km an hour / twice a week

a – unknown person

A Mr. Brown called you this morning.


Ø – singular or plural, countable or uncountable to talk about things in general

Fish live in water./ Children like cartoons. / Milk is often added to tea in England.

I don’t like football. / Today is Friday. /His hair is black.

She speaks French very well. / I always have lunch at 1 p.m.

She comes from Spain. But  the Netherlands / the USA / the Czech Republic

I love New York. But  Have you ever been to the Vatican City / the Hague?

I used to live on Oxford Street. But  Take the M5 and then A25.

Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. /Where is Lake Geneva?

Europe and Asia are very different, aren’t they?

Let’s go to Dave’s Pub! But  the Red Dragon (pub) / Peter’s house / his house

My favourite season is (the) spring.

go to work / school / bed / church / hospital / prison /

go home / by bus / on foot / at night / at 4 p.m.


the – with singular or plural, countable or uncountable, specific things mentioned earlier

I’ve bought a tie and a shirt. The tie is black and the shirt is white.

the – with unique things

the world / the sun / the moon / the North Pole / the Lord

the first / the biggest

the Queen of Belgium but  Queen Mary

the – nationalities / groups of people/ family names

the Japanese/ the French / the Scottish

the young / the poor / the blind / the homeless

the Johnsons / the Windsors


The Nile and the Sahara Desert are both in Africa.

Have you ever been to the Alps? / Where is the Caspian Sea?

Is the Atlantic an ocean?

How about going to the Silver Screen Cinema tonight?

When in London, visit the British Museum and the Tate Gallery.

I never eat breakfast in the morning.

Let’s go to the beach / the cinema / the country

What’s the weather like? / Can you play the piano?

She grew up in the seventies. (the 1970s) but  She was born in 1971

What newspapers do you read? The Times.

KD Level 3 ARTICLES ( a / an / Ø / the )

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