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Alan Hines DOMINOES OXFORD Changing Places OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6D? Oxford University Press is a department ofthe University of Oxford. Itfurthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford. 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(Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibility for the content Printed in China ‘This book is printed on paper from certified and wellmanaged sources. ‘lustations by: Thomas Sperting ‘The publisher would tke to thank the following for permission to reproduce photographs: Corbis pp O (Leonardo DiCaprio(Kurt Krieger), (Jennifer Lopez/Kurt Krieger), 0 (Serena Williams) Duomo}, 25 (Jeep in Mojave DeserY/Craig Aurness}, 41 (Julia Roberts/Mitchell Gerben) Famous p 1 (Anna Kournikova/Bria Mackness); Getty Images pp 39 (Newly-wed car} Stuart MeClymont), 40 (Penelope Cruz/livan Agostini) 41 (Michael Schumacherjjean-Loup Gautreu/AFP), 41 (Will SmithjKevin Winter). 41 (Tiger Woods/Scott Halleran); Masterfle pp 19 (Mitten Butte Monument Valley, Arizona/Larry Fisher), 32 (Monument Valley, Utah] Steve Craft), 33 (Mnucks at Sunrise/Roy Ooms); OUP p 40 (Teenage gitl/Photodisc): Rex Features pO (Robbie Williams/Giuseppe Aresu, Cover: Photolibrary (directors chair/Stockdise) OMINOES Series Editors: Bill Bowler and Sue Parminter Changing Places Alan Hines Illustrated by Thomas Sperling Alan Hines is the author of Square Dance, a novel that he also adapted as a film starring Winona Ryder, Jane Alexander, Jason Robards, and Rob Lowe. He has published fiction and articles in a number of magazines in the United States and in Great Britain. In addition to Square Dance, he has written many other screenplays and movies for television, and his film The Interrogation of Michael Crowe won a Peabody Award. He has received many awards for his fiction, including the D.H. Lawrence Fellowship. He was born in Dallas, Texas, and now lives in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Nv BEFORE READING Match the sentences with the pictures and tick the boxes. a It's exciting work. b It's different every day. ¢ It’s dirty work d_ You can make a lot of money. e You can walk down the street and people don’t look at you. f You don't make much money. People always stop you in the street and want to talk to you h Itisn’t very exciting Would you like to change places with someone famous for a day? (They live your life and you live their life for 24 hours.) Who would you like to be? Why? Serena Williams Jennifer Lopez Robbie Williams Leonardo Diaprio Se Every morning, Hal gets up at seven o'clock. He feeds Freddie, his dog. He eats his breakfast. Then he gets on his bicycle and goes to work. feed to give things to eat to Hal works at the zoo. He watches the visitors carefully. They can look at the animals — but they can’t go near them or feed them. BS Nothing changes from day to day. ‘Nothing exciting happens in my life,’ thinks Hal. wonderful dream. He is famous and he has an exciting life. Then he gets up in the morning and he is Hal again. Ts Sometimes at night, Hal has a Ry > On the weekends, Hal meets Sophie. Hal wants to marry her soon. z00 a place where you can see dream pictures that you see in your animals from different countries head when you are sleeping animal a living being that moves; a famous when many people know dog or a cat is an animal about someone marry to make someone your husband or wife This is Tim Hawkins. Tim is a famous actor. ‘Lknow that man,’ people think, when they see Tim. They stare at him in the street. Sometimes they run after him. Tim does not have a normal life and he is unhappy. For his next movie, Tim wears glasses. His face is very different in glasses. It’s not Tim Hawkins’ face and many people do not recognize him. Now Tim wants to wear glasses all the time. ‘actor someone who is in a film normal usual, not different glasses you wear these in front of stare to look at someone or movie a story that is on film Your eyes to help you see better something for a long time recognize to see someone and to know who it is One morning, Hal gets up. ‘Today isn’t different from yesterday or the day before that!” Hal thinks. Then he remembers something. In two days, he must marry Sophie. He feels nervous. When Hal gets to the zoo, a movie crew is there. They are making a movie — with Tim Hawkins! The crew are filming. Hal watches for two or three minutes. He is very excited. nervous a little afraid film to use cameras to make a movie ‘crew a number of people who are all working together Later, Hal is eating a sandwich when Tim Hawkins walks in. Tim stares at Hal, and Hal stares at Tim. ‘What!’ Tim says. ‘Who are you?” ‘Tm Hal Tanner,’ Hal says. Tim looks at Hal and thinks for a minute. ‘I have an idea, Hal ‘Tanner. Let's have some fun. Let’s change places for the afternoon.’ Hal thinks about this. Then he smiles. ‘All right,’ he says. He gives his clothes to Tim, and he takes Tim's clothes. idea something that you think Place where something is fun something that you like doing —_elethes people wear these and that makes people laugh READING CHECK Match the sentences with the pictures and tick the boxes. He works in a zoo iy He's a movie star. Nothing exciting happens in his life. Oo oO Oo He wants to marry Sophie He’s unhappy because he doesn't have a normal life. He's making a movie at the zoo. He watches the crew working on a scene. He's eating a sandwich when the two men meet. He says, ‘Let's change places.’ He says, ‘All right!” zyme noo oO WORD WORK Complete the sentences with the words in the box. famous -aiimais” clothes movies actors a Cats and dogs are... ANIMAS, b Hats and shirts are ¢ The White House and Big Ben are buildings. d X-Men and Matrix are Gwyneth Paltrow and Leonardo DiCaprio are Tim UO Oo Oo oO OU Oo Oo oO a) Oo 2 Use the words in the wordsnake to complete the sentences. Everybody !°2¢99)!2,6°. Tim Hawkins when they see him. People . at him in the street. Every morning Hal Freddie, his dog Sophie wants to Hal. Timis in Hal's 200 one day. Hal has a very . life Hal has interesting at night In his new film Tim wears zra me ao ow Hal must marry Sophie in two days and he feels. j_ Tim has an interesting when he sees Hal Changing places with somebody can be a lot of = GUESS WHAT What happens in the next chapter? Tick two boxes. a Hal is nervous before he starts to act. b ( Hal isn’t a good movie actor. ¢ [] Tim is a good z00 worker d (J Hal and Tim change back that evening. Chapter two . ut “This is easy!’ Tim says. ‘Who is Hal Suddenly, a zoo worker comes and who is Tim? Nobody knows.’ in. ‘It’s time to go to work, Hal,’ ‘Our mothers can’t say, I'm sure!” the worker says to Tim. Hal laughs. brush to move your hair sure when you feel that something istrue Everybody is looking at Hal now. At first he feels nervous. loves the scene. Soon, he is having fun. The crew “You're wonderful!’ they tell him. Tim is happy, too. “Good morning, Hal!’ the zoo workers call to him. Then Hal’s boss comes to speak to him. ‘Tanner, you must go to the monkey house,’ he tells Tim. ‘Can you work there for an hour, please?” Scene apart of a movie that happens monkey an animal, usually with a at one time boss 2 person who tells workers what to do tong tail Tim Hawkins lives an exciting life, Hal thinks. Tim loves Hal's job because nobody recognizes him. This is a normal life, he thinks. And these monkeys are wonderful! job work Later, Hal and Tim meet. They must change their clothes again. Tim has many things to do that night. “You are on a TV talk show at five o'clock,’ Hal tells him. ‘Then you have a party later.’ ‘I don’t want to do those things!” Tim says. ‘You do them. You be Tim Hawkins. You can do it!’ ‘Ican be Hal Tanner,’ Tim says. ‘Let’s do it for one more day.’ Hal feels afraid. But he’s excited, too. ‘OK,’ he agrees. ‘Let's do it!" talk show when famous people agree to say yes’ answer questions on TV party when people meet to have fun READING CHECK Put the sentences in the correct order. Number them 1-8. zoo worker calls Tim ‘Hal’ Tim goes to the monkey house Hal and Tim agree to change places for one more day. Hal tells Tim about a TV talk show and a party that evening Hal and Tim change their hair. Everyone looks at Hal in the movie The crew says nice things to Hal Hal's boss comes to speak to Tim zsmme noo WORD WORK Find eight more words from Chapter 2 in the TV. CCerrxaags || NZ>mo—-me z >xEITITImMmBIoOAO OPXAZYPcCHyYHM ITomrocawyeg<'|| OAn-OmMm7ACHTD.D ||

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