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Infinity Faction Rundown

<The Stats>

MOV: Movement, how far a model can move in game. Represented by two numbers. The first number is
how fast it moves for one action, and when combined with another move action the model moves the
second number.

CC: Close Combat, how skilled a fighter is in close quarters. In Infinity, you can use your pistol in CC
(which uses your CC stat) if it is better than your weapon for close combat.

BS: Ballistic Skill, how accurate a shooter is which can be based off sheer marksmanship alone or
computer assisted firing.

PH: Physique, how agile/dexterous a model can be. Is used for many movement-based skill checks such
as climbing and jumping and is the Damage determining factor in CC.

WIP: Willpower, the model’s ability to resist effects, discover hidden objects, perform technical skills
such as Engineer/Doctor Rolls. Hackers depend on this skill for using programs.

ARM: Armor, the capability to protect a model from damage. Seen as a bit of an over-costed stat due to
the lethality of ranged weapons in this game.

BTS: Bio-Technical Shielding, protection from info-war attacks and all other sorts of
biological/chemical/rad agents. Useful for resisting hacker programs if vulnerable to them.

W: Wounds, how much a model can handle before succumbing to their injuries. Some models can ignore
going unconscious and fight to the death!

AVA: Availability, how accessible certain units are within your given faction. Some units require a lot of
resources to be able to bring to bear on the battlefield, while your basic trooper can be brought in
plentiful numbers.

<Important Abbreviations>

Lieutenant: Lt’s are the catchall term for the leader of your force when playing Infinity. Not saying every
Lt. must hold this rank for fluff purposes, but having a Lt. is mandatory to play the game properly. In
game, they generate a special order that only the Lt. can use. Doing so reveals the officer in question and
can paint a bullseye on their back. Certain profiles in each faction can be a Lt. Losing your Lt. is a big deal
and is covered later.

SWC: Special Weapons Cost, what allows you the player, to bring the big guns. It’s a separate cost when
listbuilding used for purchasing bigger guns in addition to certain loadouts in addition to Hacking
Devices. The rule of thumb when calculating SWC is that there is 1 for every 50pts in your force, and for
example, 300pts would allot 6 SWC. 200pts would be 4 SWC, etc.
<Unit Shorthand>
LI: Light Infantry, the cheap and cheerful units that tend to form the core of an average force. Sometimes
written off as cheerleaders for merely just providing orders to bigger more powerful units, their presence
within the game is important. Light Infantry can span from the lowliest rifle toting Ariadnan, to a state-
of-the-art cybernetic organism manufactured by ALEPH. Every faction handles LI similarly generally

MI: Medium Infantry, better armed and armored, these infantries tend to carry more gear and
protection. The offset to this being a slower movement stat and increased cost, both in points and SWC.

HI: Heavy Infantry, powered armor exoskeletons propel the infantry and allow for more powerful
armaments and gear. Unlike MI, most HI don’t suffer from the same drop in Movement due to their gear
because of the power armor.

TAG: Tactical Armored Gear, the final word when it comes to battlefield engagements. Giant suits of
armor with the best technology their respective faction can offer. Computer aided targeting systems
allow these walking tanks to spearhead operations. In-game, they require a lot of support practically
requiring the list tailored to them in order to get the most out of these behemoths. They can be very
vulnerable to Hacking and other infowar tactics.

REMS: Remotes, AI controlled companions that assist in the operations that a faction might undertake.
Capable of carrying heavy weapon systems, extra munitions, or even infowar/reconnaissance packages.
These automatons can be the workhorse of any force.

SK: Skirmishers, infantry that excel at getting behind enemy lines or scouting out territory. The premier
button pushers of Infinity. Most of these units start outside the deployment zone. Having less armor than
even Light Infantry, this can be offset through the use of Camouflage and other cunning tactics and

WB: Warbands, kind of a catchall term for cheap, undisciplined troops who have a particular set of skills.
Most are very close range oriented and tend to be hard to control. Their impetuous nature can allow
them to move farther and faster than other units due to these extra orders.

The lifeblood of the force. Perhaps the most precious resource in the entire game. Combat Groups are
formed by a maximum of 10 models. Orders allow units to perform actions/skills in the game.

Regular: Grants an order to the order pool.

Irregular: Can only use their order for themselves.

Impetuous/Extreme Impetuous: Granting an extra order in addition to the order (whether Regular or
Irregular) they normally provide to the order pool. Their recklessness basically means they can’t benefit
from Partial Cover.

Frenzy: After killing an enemy, the turn after they become Impetuous.
<Human Sphere Factions>

The faction that shoots first and ask questions later. Formed after a failed colonization attempt in Space
by USA and a few other nations. India, Western Europe, and Indonesia form the greatest Hyperpower.
Has +1 BS and -1 WIP on their troops. Known for the best technology in the Sphere, TAGs, TO:Camo, and
even their Heavy Infantry are well known. Sectorials of PanO are Military Orders, Neoterran Capitaline
Army, Shock Army of Acontecimento, and Varunia Immediate Reaction Division. Svlarheima is next on
the list for getting a Sectorial, eventually.

++Yu Jing++

The old close quarters faction, all their troops possess a higher than average CC stat. Possessing the best
Heavy Infantry technology of the Sphere, the quote/unquote bad guys of the Sphere and Eternal Rival of
PanO. YJ has the most diverse HI in the Sphere, ranging from transformer Cats to stealthed power armor
operatives. Yu Jing leads the way! Sectorials of Yu Jing are Imperial Service and the Invincible Army.


The misfits of the Human Sphere, possessing average stats all around. They travel the stars in three
world ships that have their own culture, command, and abilities. Anything goes when it comes to these
self-titled freedom fighters. The best Hacking equipment and REMs can be found here in the entire
Sphere. Able to scrounge, barter, purchase any outdated equipment and repurpose it for their own ends,
these “ne’er do wells hate ALEPH with a passion that is borderline obsession. Sectorials for the Nomads
are the CJC (Corregidor Jurisdictional Command), BJC (Bakunin Jurisdictional Command), and TJC
(Tunguska Jurisdictional Command).


Biotechnology, medicine, and Silk are all the property of the New Islam. The best Doctors and biotech in
the Sphere, Haqqislam troopers benefit from their strong devotion by possessing +1 WIP. Access to a lot
of Viral weaponry and some of the best Light Infantry in the game. Haqq upgrades practically all of their
Paramedics to Doctors, granting an even better chance to heal the soldiers of Allah. Lots of dirty tricks
can be found here. Sectorials for Haqqislam are the Hassassin Bahram, Qapu Khalqi, and Ramah Task


What does a failed colonization effort, a wormhole collapsing, and being cutoff from your own time have
in common? The Ariadnans of course. Humans from Earth from all different corners (Scotts, Frenchies,
Cossacks, and Americans) are flung through a wormhole 175 years into the future. Dawn, their new
home and planet they have made refuge on isn’t without it’s surprises. Tesseum, a super space metal
(unobtainium) and the indigenous locals (the Antipodes) have made the Ariadnans a hearty people.
Possessing on average better PH values due to their time spent in the wilderness of Dawn, these
survivors are thriving. Sectorials for the Caledonian Highlander Army (Scotts), Tartary Army Corps
(Cossacks), MRRF (Frenchies), and the USAriadna Ranger Force.

HAL, Mother, the Big Brother of the Human Sphere. An AI that controls the day in and day out, while
owning its own private army. Possessing cutting edge technology that can ascend people into a digital
form, superior cybernetic organisms known as LHosts, access to the best weapons manufacturers gives
you a faction that is armed to the teeth. A lot of their units have a lot of skills and equipment which can
inflate their cost. Very reliable and somewhat forgiving due to their above average durability. ALEPH is
watching you! Sectorials of ALEPH are O.S.S. (Tactical and Hindi influenced subsection) and the A.S.S.
(Greeks, Assault Subsection).

++NA2 the Non-Aligned++

Mercenaries used to be a dream, being able to take the lowest of the low ranging from the resourceful
Bounty Hunters, the despicable Druze, and even honorable Kaplan Security Teams. Now, they possess
any person with a gun in their hand, the will to live, and capability to make money. The JSA (Japanase
Secessionist Army) has moved here after the Uprising event, but we don’t talk about that. Every
Mercenary that you could think of lies within these factions. Mercenary companies tend pop up and
fizzle out just like the ebb and flow of the tide. Some make it to greatness and earn a pretty penny for
themselves in the process. Most of the newer mercenary companies are a combination of two factions
within the Sphere as the main focus with some other faction’s units sprinkled in for flavor.
Sectorials/Merc Companies for NA2 are the JSA, Spiral Corps, DBS (Druze Bayram Security), Ikar Co.,
StarCo, Foreign Company, and the Dashat Company.


A relatively new kid on the block in terms of getting representation within the game, O-12 has been in
the Infinity lore for a long time. They work behind the scenes to shift the Human Spheres interest and
preventing all out war among the factions. Multiple Bureaus operate within O-12 ranging from hunting
rogue AIs to policing the various havens within the Sphere. Lots of emphasis on crime-fighting, while
possessing a higher number of Adhesive weapons. They may seem built to be less than lethal, but don’t
let them fool you. You become a problem, and they will nip you in the bud. Does not follow the
Concillium Convention either even though they fight to uphold those laws. Above average tech with an
abundance of gear and skills. This faction possesses no sectorials currently.

<Foreign Invaders>
++Combined Army++

Not! Covenant from Halo, these alien races serve a greater purpose. After their first AI achieved
enlightenment and ironically transcended, they decided to make another but hamstrung it so it wouldn’t
leave them like the first did. Above average tech level and stats with a great number of abilities/skills.
Similar to ALEPH, their units tend to not be as cheap because of this technology. Voodoo Tech being the
final word in infowarfare. Able to possess troops with but a mere glare or burning them with plasma
based weaponry, this motley crew of aliens consists of the Morats (the space Onis [Murder Apes]), the
Shasvastii (Predators based solely on survival), the Ur Rationalists (ranging from the Aspects to the vat-
grown, bioengineered robotic soldiers), the Sygmaa (“enlightened” Tohaa), and the Umbra (edgelord
space vampires).

Victims in a dog eat dog world. Space Elf Aliens, affectionately called “Artichokes” who also hate fire are
the masters of bioengineering. Able to “exalt” races they deem worthy of sentience. The truth being that
they are losing a war with the Combined Army and have such strong instincts of self-preservation that
has caused them to adopt a somewhat scorched earth policy. Also, they have created living suits that
protect their owner from harm, dubbed Symbiont Armor. Further, they have created little creatures who
perform similar duties of protection whether by attacking the enemy or sacrificing their own life. Viral
weaponry, Nanite clouds, and Pheremones that have been weaponized are just some of the highlights of
the Tohaa. Their true strength lies in the living armors. Oh, and they love the number three, so much
that they even base their combat style off of it. There are no sectorials for the Tohaa.


++Military Orders++

Vatican in space, now with more Crusades. Able to rival Yu Jing in terms of how many units in power
armor they can bring to the field. The Deus Vult faction, the Knightly Orders that are hellbent on
preserving Christianity. Since they rely heavily on these armored knights, they tend to be smaller in
number unless built a specific way. Don’t expect to bring 10 Knights to a gunfight and win every game.


Clandestine units of PanO that represent a huge security taskforce. Lots of high-tech units found here
with an even higher AVA. Has a few good builds.


Jungle skirmishers with average stats. Resourceful, and more reliant on their skills due to the lack of
normal PanO tech availability. No longer supported modelwise by CB. Received a list update before being
phased out.


Varuna, the water world that everyone loves to hate on. Navy SEALs of PanOceania. They pack a whallop
while possessing a limited roster as you would expect from a sectorial. Their fireteam compositions are
downright naughty with a heavy reliance on the feared Kamau trooper with MSR.

=Yu Jing=

++Imperial Service++

The secret police arm of the Jade Empire. Capable of snuffing(sniffing?) out any rebellion before it gets
out of hand. The access to ALEPH auxiliaries and an abundance of civilian help is well received. Extensive
use of prisoners whether they are in power armour or controlled by an explosive collar are seen in

++Invincible Army++

The pinnacle of YJ technology, able to outfight every soldier with powered armor to protect the Jade
Empire and her interests. Emphasis on command abilities like NCO, LTL2, and CoC. Tactical Awareness is
found on a couple of units. One of the strongest factions in Limited Insertion style lists. Hacking still
being one of their main weaknesses in addition to E/M and Infowar tactics. Very strong faction with a
few different builds.



The quintessential mercenary faction, Corregidor sells its services to the highest bidder. A single Intruder
Commando able to incite rebellion. Lots of Hispanic and African influences can be found here. Originally
a prison ship, the quarters refitted that created a new face for the world ship. Lowest tech when
compared to the other Nomad nations, but their capabilities as soldiers and space laborers is well


The Red-Light District in space home to Praxis Labs and the Observance, with the former being the
premier in black market lab technology (Ian Malcolm scientists preoccupied joke here) and the latter
being a religious sect that fosters a hatred towards ALEPH. Has some dealings in black market
augmentations in the form of Uberfall and the Morlocks, in addition to their own police force.


Russian Mafia in space. Home to the greatest hackers in the sphere. If it can be bought, chances are it’s
been stolen and placed on the black market. Most of the income for the worldships of the Nomads is
siphoned through here. Heavier emphasis on tech compared to its neighbors. Some of the more
eccentric nomad units can be found here such as the Puppet Masters and the Hollow Men.


++Qapu Khalqi++

Defenders of the Silk road, the OG merc company faction. Owners of the original Haris skill. Utilizing
some mercenaries and Nomad support, these security forces patrol the Silk Route fending off any
thieves. List is showing its age even after the update. A powerful force back in its hayday.

++Hassassin Bahram++

Assassins Creed in Space! A brotherhood of operatives that get their orders from the Old Man of the
Mountain (definitely not an AI). Usage of religious troops and strong-willed troops from the mountains
gives them an edge despite not having the best technology. Plenty of access to Viral weaponry and
determined troopers.

++Ramah Task Force++

Haqqislam’s gift to the Sphere, many a soldier has undergone some form of gene therapy to make them
better. Being the leaders in biotech, this is nothing for the best and brightest of Haqq. Best tech, higher
emphasis on movement skills, and better durability make this sectorial very strong. Captain Islam makes
his home here being one of the original Khawarij and the only one to accept the genetic modifications
100%. Was known as the Al-Medinat sectorial before it finally was released.


The angry Scottsmen of Ariadna in merry group. Everything goes to the clan, the fighter, his weapon, and
his family. Higher than average Dog-Faces and their offspring are seen here. Their hacking capabilities
come in the form of their AP claymores. Lowest of low tech with a heavy reliance on Tesseum and


Russian Operatives. The premier camo force of Ariadna. Between their scout units and the Antipodes,
they can shove quite the amount of camo tokens up the field. Some of the craziest fire teams imaginable
can be found here. Does everything well aside from hacking (Ariadnans don’t give a damn). Can play
STALKER in space.


Merovingians create a rapid reaction force of French military units that allow for fast movement and
action all around Dawn. Known for their capabilities of handling Dog-Face incidents, these soldiers are
generally the first to the fight. Can start with a lot of their models up the field due to their mechanized
nature. The update they received before going OOP helped them a little despite their list being a bit
dated and thin.


The American scientists and security forces staked out their own little slice of heaven on the frontiers of
Dawn. Lots of higher armor troops, their line troops being Medium Infantry. Emphasis goes to a lot of
cheaper trade units, flamethrowers, and mines. List is a bit dated as well despite being a newer entry to



Hindi influenced side of the ALEPH force, lots of strong tactical units with solid REMs. Very strong fire
teams along with support to REMS due to having possessed a fair amount of hacking options. Newer to
the scene, they tend to favor shooting with a lot of mods in their favor.


The Greeks heroes of old! A lot of the cybernetic organisms are given personalities fashioned after the
Greek heroes from earth’s history. They favor close combat but stack a lot of strong skills and tech to go
with their special 4-man fire teams. This higher cost is offset by the Frenzy or Impetuous discount.
Achilles and Hector are two well-known AI constructs that can be found here.


Corregidor, with some vanilla upgrades, and few mercenaries lends a fair amount of fire team options.
Before the Corregidor update this force was seen as the superior, but now they both offer something
different. Strong fire teams and access to cheap filler makes this Merc Company seem a little cheaper.


Security and other dirty deeds done dirt cheap by the DBS. Roster is a bit thin, but they’re a very lean
faction. They lack a lot of the options some forces take for granted but can still carry the day. List building
is pretty one dimensional with this force. Considered Hard Mode, by many.

++Ikari Co++

Japanese and a few Chinese defectors for the core of this company. Plentiful mercenary options make
this force quite comfy. Headed by a greedy Japanese general, this force has some strong fire team
compositions though lacking a bit in the button pusher category.

++Foreign Company++

This company is a bit interesting in that it makes use of PanOceania units and Nomad units, at first you
think Icestorm is a perfect fit, but it primarily makes use of NCA units and Tunguska units along with the
Super Friends crew consisting of a bunch of big names in Aristeia. Interesting fire team compositions can
be found here as well. A lot of the options here are expensive.

++Dashat Company++

Haqqislam and YJ had a love child, and this beast is mean. Has some of the better IA options in addition
to solid Haqq and RTF options, this force really cleans house in their fireteam options too. Plenty of solid
button pushers and strong Core teams makes this force feel like it’s on autopilot despite being Haqq
central in the fluff.

++Spiral Corps++

Human Mercs working for a shady Tohaa government. Lots of aliens and humans intermingling to form
solid cores and special three-man teams. Has the better options for their profiles than in Vanilla. Can
make a force of only exalted alien species and Tohaa.

=Combined Army=


Space Onis or Murder Apes, whatever you wanna call them, these guys were the original hard mode. It
was tough to make these guys work. They ignore Loss of Lt. because of how special the Morat rule is.
After their update, they have become a solid force to be reckoned with. Still some dated units and
profiles that can be done away with, but their fire team options are decent when combined with cheap
fodder and strong CC pieces.


Recently had a facelift model wise and gained a bunch of new profiles in their updated list. Quite a force
to be reckoned with now. These space lizards Predators favor survival over all else. Shasvastii special
rules grants them another unconscious state and allows them to count for table quarters unless killed
dead. Masters of subterfuge and saboteurs. These aliens have a lot of camouflage options and decent
fire team options. Waiting as more of the new models come in from the Defiance box set.


The vanguard of the Combined Army headed by the edgelords themselves, the Umbra. They are given
access to certain Morat, Shasvastii, and Sygmaa units, in addition to some of the lighter Ur-Rationalist
units. A few solid fireteam compositions and cherry picked units from their corresponding faction make
this light detachment a force to be reckoned with.

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