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“ Love, freedom and Discipline”
Evaluation 1st Term TEACHER: Ivonne Cruz GRADE : 9th ABC
STUDENT:Juan Diego Agudelo DATE: 15/09/2021 SCORE:


Complete the blanks with the verbs in brackets:

1. Many wildlife habitats will be destroyed if man ________keeps________ (keep) polluting the environment.

2. If we dump all sorts of chemicals into rivers, we __wont´t be able to_____ (not be able to) swim in them in the

3. If we ________don´t stop__________ (not stop) cutting down so many trees, we _____will

endanger______________ (endanger) our oxygen supply.

4. Soon the Earth’s resources will be exhausted if the human population ____continues________________
(continue) to grow.

5. If everybody continues to use aerosols and CFCs, the hole in the ozone layer _____will get_________________
(get) bigger.

6. If the sun radiation can’t escape into space, Earth’s temperature _____will increase____________ (increase)

7. If the global temperature _____rises_________________ (rise), sea levels ____will rise_____ (rise) too.

8. We’ll threaten our own existence if we _don’t cut down____

(not cut down) on waste rapidly.

9. People _______will run out of_____________ (run out of) drinking water one day if they ____don’t use___________
(not use) it more rationally.

10. If he _________want___________ (want) to help the planet, then he _____has_to_____________ (have to)
change his habits.


Complete the blanks with the verbs in brackets:

1. If people ______weren´t_________________ (not be) so careless, Earth wouldn’t be in danger.

2. The amount of waste _____would decrease_________________ (decrease) if people started to buy reusable

3. Many fish wouldn’t die if factories ________didn’t dump_____________

(not dump) so many chemicals into rivers and oceans.

4. If people __________bought___________ (buy) more recycled paper, there wouldn’t be so much waste.
5. ______would you take___________________ (you take) these bottles to the bottle bank if I asked you to?

6. If people really __________didn’t care__________ (not care) about the environment, they ________woulnt
try____________ (not try) to save it.

7. If Paul ______thought____________ (think) more about the planet, he wouldn’t waste so much water.

8. We __________would be______________ (be) less worried if oil spills ______didn’t have_______________ (not
have) such destructive effects.

9. If we consumed less, we ________would produce____________ (produce)

less waste material.

10. If we _________destroyed__________ (destroy) the ozone layer, nothing ________would save______________

(save) us from the UV rays.

1. Choose the correct variant:

1. I have been getting up very early for years and now I ___ it.

a) used to b) am used to c) is used to

2. Nora ___ to working long hours because she is writing a diploma.

a) is used b) was used c) uses

3. He ___ to smoke a lot but now he doesn’t do it.

a) is used b) used c) uses

4. Living in the UK you ___ to driving on the left.

a) gets used b) will get used c) not get used

5. When I moved to Norway I quickly ___ to cold weather.

a) used b) will use c) got used

6. Tom ___ to play football a lot when he studied at school.

a) is used b) was used c) used

7. Ann thinks she ___ to living in this city.

a) got used b) will get used c) gets used

8.___ to rainy weather in Great Britain last year.

a) can’t get used b) couldn’t get used

c) won’t get used

9. Kate ___ to sitting and watching TV nearly every evening.

a) are used b) will be used c) is used

10. My brother ___ to drinking coffee in the evening. It is a very bad habit.
a) used b) was used c) is used

11. I ___ to the loud music. My brother likes it a lot.

a) is used b) am used c) was used

12. Tom ___ to sit long hours at the computer when he was a student.

a) used b) was used c) will be used

13. You ___ to getting up very early soon.

a) gets used b) will get used c) used



Adapted from Listen to a radio programme on music. For questions 1-10
choose the BEST answer A, B, or C according to what is said in the programme. Only ONE answer is correct.

1 The Rolling Stones members...

A were born in the 60s

B have all got grandchildren

C have been playing for almost 40 years

2 The speaker would feel embarrassed if …

A her grandfather played a live concert

B Mick Jagger sang “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction” now

C her grandfather went to see The Rolling Stones on stage

3 Paul McCartney’s new record…

A has an up-to-date sound

B has been produced by Radiohead

C has been one of his most successful

4 John Lydon…

A has become a TV celebrity

B presents a TV show in Britain

C played with Madonna 20 years ago

5 Most bands…

A make more than two good records

B make more interesting records as years go by

C write their best albums when they’re in their 20s

6 The audience…

A prefers the latest Rolling Stones songs

B prefers old songs in McCartney concerts

C thinks old artists are still living off the past

7 In other parts of the world…

A youth is highly appreciated

B people like artists from the West

C there is a lot of respect for mature artists

8 Asha Bhosle…

A started singing in the 70s

B has developed a richer style

C has become a classical musician

9 Asha Bhosle became well-known…

A last year

B recording songs for movies

C playing with The Kronos Quartet

10 The pop and rock audience…

A is getting old

B should change their musical taste

C is bored of listening to the same type of music

1 Jafar Panahi´s film Taxi…

A is a ferocious assault against the Iranian leadership

B expresses discontentment with the Iranian leadership

C is a harsh attack against the apathy of the Iranian society

2 The Circle…

A was forbidden in most Muslim countries

B was taken illegally to the Venice Film Festival

C is the first film to show one of Mr Pahani’s recurrent themes

3 Mr.Pahani was released from prison mainly because he…

A went on a hunger strike

B served his time in prison

C was backed up by influential people

4 Mr.Panahi´s freedom is now…

A in the hands of the Iranian Regime

B unquestionable thanks to international support

C somewhat restricted professionally but he has been granted freedom of movement

5 Choose the sentence that is correct

A The director´s time in prison put him off writing controversial scripts

B The director´s imprisonment deterred him from continuing with his work

C The government´s pressure on the director has not stopped him from making protest films

6 Being awarded in Berlin has made Mr. Panahi feel…

A valued

B thrilled

C concerned

7 Hojatollah Ayoubi, the head of the Iranian´s Cinema Organization…

A gives Mr Panahi credit for the work he did

B does not approve of what the Berlin festival has done

C believes that Mr Panahi promotes misunderstandings and misconceptions

8 Jafar Panahi´s biggest regret about his work is that…

A his awards are not valuable outside Iran

B he is being underrated in his own country

C his films cannot be screened publicly in his country

9 The purpose of this text is to …

A warn Mr. Panahi of the threats against him

B support Mr. Panahi and praise his accomplishments

C encourage people all over the world to see Mr. Panahi´s films


What has been the most important moment of your life so far and what has been the most important lesson you
learnt. (100 words)

The most important moment of my life was when a godfather gave me the console named new
nintendo 3ds xl and gives me emotional support since at that time my family was going through a
difficult problem, from there I learned the most important lesson is that I always know You can trust
someone, be it your parents, your godparents, your siblings, your cousins and your friends, but that
many people always want to help you, there is always a large majority who do not want to support
you, so be careful with whom you form friendships, since When you're on top there'll always be a fool
wanting to drag you down

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