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In the Discussion, talk about what resonated most with you?

Did you view or opinion about

burnout change? Was one article more compelling over the other? What's been your experience,
if any, with Burnout and how well did the articles capture any of your experiences?

Article 3

This topic couldn’t have come in a better time because of the week I had. In my opinion,
I believe everyone in healthcare has experienced “burnout” at one point or another. Compassion
fatigue describes the impact of helping others while on the other hand burnout describes the
impact of a stressful workplace. However, both come hand in hand. When you ask anyone who
is a nurse, “Why did you want to become a nurse?” Most of the time they respond, “Because I
love helping others.” Everyone who responds like that is most of the time putting other people’s
needs first before caring for themselves. I must admit, I’m one of them. As I mentioned before,
I’m an assistant for a surgeon, so while at work, my priority are my patients. I sometimes tend to
forget to eat, hydrate, or even use the restroom. After reading the articles, these things can lead to
Did my view or opinion of burnout change after reading these articles? My answer is no.
We all can agree that burnout takes a toll on your mental status and your body. According to
Article 3, self-reflection and finding balance in daily activities are components of caring for
oneself. Also, setting boundaries like learning how to say “no,” is a way of putting yourself first.
I work 10-hour days (sometimes more) 4 days a week, so when asked if I can come in on my day
off, I say no. In doing so, this will help my mental status and help my body to recharge.

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