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Albert Hofmann

The Swiss Albert Hofmann worked as a chemist in the field of pharmaceutics. His best-known
achievement is the first synthesis of lysergic acid diethylamide as part of his research into a
circulatory stimulant using ergot.
Albert Hofmann was born on 11 January 1906 in Switzerland and died on 29 April 2008. After
graduating from high school, he studied chemistry at the University of Zurich. The
pharmaceutical company Sandoz AG employed the young scientist as a chemist in research.

Hofmann successfully developed various medicines such as Dihydergot (circulation and
blood pressure stabilizer), Methergin (uterine contraceptive and blood-styling) and Hydergin
(blood circulation stimulant). During his career, he became head of the natural products
department of the pharmaceutical-chemical laboratories and vice-director of Sandoz AG.
His most important discovery was in the context of his research on ergot. In 1938, Hofmann
synthesized lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD for short, for the first time. The substance was
initially considered ineffective. It was only by chance that Hofmann discovered the
psychedelic effect of LSD. In a well-known self-experiment, he confirmed the strong effect
and the substance found interest in the field of psychiatry.
Ergot is a long, grain-like permanent form of the ergot fungus. It grows in the ears of rye and
some other cereal genera. The fungus is very poisonous, but it is used in a modified form in
gynecology and obstetrics. For example, in childbirth, abortions or bleeding.

Daily influence
Nowadays, LSD is mainly seen as a drug and is illegal in most countries. For some years now,
research has again been conducted into the therapeutic effects of LSD, which makes Albert
Hofmann important in the field of medicine and chemistry to this day .

In which country was Albert Hofmann born?

HOFMANN, Albert. LSD-Mein Sorgenkind Die Entdeckung einer "Wunderdroge". Stuttgart: Klett Cotta,

ARNOLD, W. 5 November 2020.[28. September 2021]
a. Austria
b. Germany
c. Switzerland
d. Italy

LSD is the abbreviation for…

a. Lysergic acid diethylamid

b. Lyserg acid diet
c. Lysergic acid dyamid
d. Lifading acid dyamid

For which company did he work?

a. Pfizer
b. Sandoz
c. he didn’t work for a company
d. he worked for the government

In which vehicle did Hofmann first notice the psychedelic effect of LSD?

a. bicycle
b. bus
c. train
d. car

HOFMANN, Albert. LSD-Mein Sorgenkind Die Entdeckung einer "Wunderdroge". Stuttgart: Klett Cotta,

ARNOLD, W. 5 November 2020.[28. September 2021]

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