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Form Type

Field Type Old Field NameNotes

Company Organization Text Church Name
Company Address 1 Text Address
Company Address 2 Text
Company City Text City
Company State Dropdown State
Company Zip Text
Company Country Dropdown Default to U.S.
Company Website Text Website
Company EZ Org Code 4-chars Code
Company Tax Exempt Yes/No
Company Tax Exempt ID Text
File Displays if Tax Exempt = TRUE
Company Organization Logo
Company Category Dropdown i.e., Software Developer, Charity, Parent's Club, Booster Club
Company Division Text i.e, Red Cross of Menlo Park
Company Org Description Text Limit to 128 chars
Company Approved Checkbox
Company Approved Date Date
EZ Admin field. When checked, company can post events without
Company Auto Approve Checkbox EZ Admin having to approve
Text- This will be used as the link value behind the EZ Give that will be
Company Embed Code Encrypted placed on client's websites. It must be use

Form Type
Field Type Old Field NameNotes
Recommend that contact sets up generic email account (i.e., This email will be the main email point of
Contact Email Unique ID Email contact between EZ and the receiver.
Contact First Name Text First Name
Contact Last Name Text Last Name
Contact Password password Password
Contact Retype Passwordpassword Retype Password
Contact Phone Text Phone
Contact Terms Checkbox Accept User Agreement
Text- This will be used as the link value behind the EZ Give that will be
Contact Embed Code Encrypted placed on client's websites. It must be use
Form Type Field Type Old Field NameNotes
Event-CauseEvent Title Text Event Title 128 chars
Event-CauseShort Description
Event-CauseEvent DescriptionRich Text Event DescriptionAllow for formatting
Event-CauseEvent Link Text URL field
Event-CauseStatus Computed Saved, Published, Unpublish, Delete
Event-CauseOrganization Computed Associated with Receiver Record
The date value will be used to order the events-causes if a
Event-CauseDate Published Computed receiver has more than 1 event-cause
Event-CauseApproved Checkbox Only availble to EZ Admin
Event-CauseMinimum AmountInteger Minimum donation amount for the event/cause

Form Type
Field Type Old Field Name Notes
Donor Email Unique IDEmail
Donor First Name Text First Name
Donor Last Name Text Last Name
Donor Password password Password
Donor Retype Password password Retype Password
Donor Phone Text Phone
Donor EZ Code Text EZ Code 3 characters (alpha/numeric). Must use all 3
Used to indicate they donor wants to receive emails for each
Donor Activity MonitoringCheckboxActivity Monitoringtransaction
Donor Terms Checkbox Accept User Agreement
Donor Newsletter Checkbox Default to 'Yes' Latest news and newsletter
Fields needed to make EZtoGive and Facebook integrate (i.e.,
Donor Facebook Fields TBD post my donations to my wall, etc)

Get rid
Form Type
Field Type Old Field NameNotes
Admin will be asked or will receive IDs that are NOT based on
Admin User ID Unique ID emails (there is no need)
Admin First Name Text First Name
Admin Last Name Text Last Name
Admin Password password Password
Admin Retype Passwordpassword Retype Password

Assess Admin login from a non-advertised webpage: /ezadmin.php

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