Task 3 - Drafting

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Task 3 – Drafting

Jaider Gómez Vega

Universidad Abierta y a Distancia- UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación- ECEDU

Licenciatura de Lenguas Extranjeras con Énfasis en ingles

551016_19- Academic Writing

Professor- Cristian Felipe Cañon

October 29th, 2021


Table of Contents

Task 3 – Drafting………………………………………………………………………3

Step 1……………………………………………………………………………………3

Web Conference Summary …………………………………………………….3

Opinion Paragraph………………………………………………………………4

Step 2……………………………………………………………………………………6

Assignment 5……………………………………………………………………6

Assignment 6……………………………………………………………………7

Assignment 7……………………………………………………………………11

Step 3……………………………………………………………………………………19

Rough Draft Essay……………………………………………………………..19

References…………………………………………………………………. …..22

Web Conference Summary

The teacher Milly begins introducing herself and her classmate Cristian who is my tutor

in this course, then the teacher explains how the meeting will be divided in two parts, the first

part will be the explanation of task two to see what we did well in this task and what we should

improve or what we did not do so well and the second part will be the explanation of task three

that has just started. Miss Muñoz then starts to show how we all have to hand in a paper with the

APA norms corresponding to the seventh edition and there she details each step of the second

assignment making it clear that everything must be very well presented that is why it is called the

Academic Writing course and Miss Muñoz makes it very clear that ``in a summary you should

not give opinions or points of view, No, in a summary you should write what you see or what

you are reading that is all`` Minute 9: 05, after explaining the step by step of task 2 she starts

explaining task 3 which is also divided in two parts showing how we should develop the step and

showed that the opinion paragraph is very important because it shows my opinion about a

defined article and there she focuses on the idea that we are the ones who should convince the

reader of what we are doing that is to say that our writings should be convincing that is why it is

called Draft writing and they should follow the step by step guide to take a sequence and have

logic at the moment that these are read.


Opinion Paragraph

The challenge of applying and mastering argumentative competence in university

Argumentative competence in university education is conceived as a skill to be

acquired, it has a crucial importance as a thinking tool and for its high academic and social

value in the whole teaching-learning process (Crowell & Kuhn, 2014). The development

and stimulation of competencies show a path towards the humanization of the classroom,

empowering the student towards a participatory, proactive and exploratory attitude based

on the establishment of new relationships that develop the intelligence of the subject by

involving important aspects such as higher mental processes.

Reason 1 The challenge of trying to convince: The human being is a purely polemic

being, because we live in a world where we share or do not share preferences, tastes,

desires, concerns, judgments and values. Share or not preferences, tastes, desires, concerns,

judgments and values; that is why we will always encounter situations where we have two

are always going to find ourselves in situations where we have to discuss and express our

differences, our dislikes and differences, our dislikes or our disagreements or, on the

contrary, we express our affections or agreements. Our affections or agreements. In this

regard, Diaz (1996, p. 45) states that "[h]human beings live immersed in an argumentative


Argumentation is part of his daily world. There is no conversation, discussion,

statement, opinion in which there is no underlying effort to convince effort to convince".


Reason 2: Is it possible to organize a critical thinking shaped from the

argumentative point of view? It is a complex skill and belongs to the so-called higher order

thinking, which goes beyond maintaining and defending a position or a specific idea. It

consists of knowing how to differ from the opinion shown by another person, judge the

information received and question it, position oneself in a motivated way in the face of a

disagreement, understand the different points of view in a conflict, find and offer

alternatives to the reasons given, change one's own perspective or that of others, it is

required when being part of the educational environment and should be constituted as an

essential didactic objective. In addition, it is basic for an adequate coexistence in society

(García, 2015).

Reason 3: Can lack of reading complicate the argument? Many students have

difficulties in reading comprehension, which in some way conditions their ability to

produce texts and even more so to argue. These difficulties may even hinder or condition

the labor market insertion of young people. In any case, one of the key factors that must be

taken into account when addressing this problem is the importance of reading and

argumentative practice in order to improve the skills inherent in being able to sustain an

argument, face a discussion or a dialogue from different perspectives and taking into

account the main dimensions of argumentative practice (metacognitive, epistemological

and social). Finally, I want to say that it is the responsibility of educational institutions to

develop the students' communicative competencies, especially those of argumentation.

This is the only way to develop Pragma-dialectics and to have a wide field of texts to

analyze from an argumentative perspective. As long as there are deficits in the areas of

reading comprehension and text production in general, it will be far from being

consolidated as a discipline of importance for researchers in the field of education

Assignment 5

1. Choose one of the following thesis statements and write three topic sentences that you

could use for paragraphs in a rough draft.

o Companies should take advantage of the marketing potential of the Internet by

advertising and offering customer service via Web pages.

o The Colombian government should support early childhood programs for babies

addicted to crack because most of these children are raised in homes lacking

adequate stimulation.

o The scientific stance on the effects of bilingualism on cognitive development have

followed the tides of popular belief over the past five decades.

o Research shows that repeated exposure to air pollution can cause or worsen

asthma in children.

o Building a prison near my home would benefit my community.

Thesis Statement
Topic Sentence 1 Airborne pollutants have the same effect as other triggers on
children with asthma. They irritate the airways, inflame and narrow
them, and cause breathing problems.
Topic Sentence 2 Pollutants can also make children more prone to respiratory
infections (such as colds), which can lead to asthma symptoms. If
airborne allergens are an asthma trigger, pollutants can make the
lungs even more sensitive.
Topic Sentence 3 Local environmental conditions are important in determining the
impact or manifestations of asthma. Factors such as temperature,
humidity and atmospheric pressure, as well as air pollutants, interact
to influence asthma presentation, but do not have exclusively
independent effects on the disease.

2. With the chosen thesis statement from above, write a paragraph that could go anywhere

in a rough draft.

If your child has asthma, you probably understand what triggers are - things that make
your child's asthma symptoms worse, such as cold weather, pet dander or being around
smoke. But poor air quality can also trigger attacks, so it's important to know how to take
precautions. The air we breathe has a decisive influence on the respiratory health of the
population, especially children and the elderly, who are the most vulnerable.

Although asthma is mainly a disease of genetic origin, factors such as environmental

pollution, cigarette smoke and early entry to school, among others, have an impact on the
increase in the prevalence of this allergic disease in the world.

Assignment 6

1. Write a thesis statement and supporting reasons that you could use to convince your

reader of your position on the following writing assignments.

Writing Thesis Statement Supporting Reasons

a. Should Any drug is harmless. As with other
people with substances, cannabis can have side
certain effects, such as drowsiness,
medical disorientation, confusion and
conditions be Medical marijuana is hypotension, which can be controlled by
allowed legal harmless? have been found reducing doses. Many of these effects
access to in several studies that develop tolerance and disappear within
marijuana? cannabis-based drugs are a few days. However, for therapeutic
not correlated with an use, there is no information of negative
increase in virtually no effects of marijuana consumption, such
serious side effects. as lung or immune system damage,
cognitive processes disorder, non-
motivational syndrome, behavioral
disorders or psychotic crises, among
b. Choose a The Alchemist (Paulo The Alchemist tells the story of
book you Coelho) When a person Santiago, a young Andalusian shepherd
read recently. really desires something, the who travels from his homeland to the
Would you entire Universe conspires to Egyptian desert in search of a treasure
recommend make his dream come true. hidden in the pyramids. No one knows
this book to a It is enough to learn to listen what the treasure contains, nor if

friend? Why Santiago will be able to overcome the

or why not? obstacles along the way. But what
begins as a journey in search of riches
becomes a discovery of the inner
treasure, through the book you will find
stories and phrases that at some point
you can use them for self-improvement.
Some of the phrases that you can find in
this beautiful book are:
1. When you want something, the whole
to the dictates of the heart universe conspires to make your wish
and to decipher the language come true.
that is beyond words. 2. Only one thing makes a dream
impossible: the fear of failure.
3. The possibility of making a dream
come true is exactly what makes life
This book can be summed up in two
words simplistic philosophy. However,
it is not a bad book, it is worth
mentioning the excellent narrative that
makes it very pleasant to read and some
sentences that make you think.
c. Explain why We all know that in every vote that
voters should takes place in Latin American countries
support a like Colombia, the political machine is
certain in the middle and the buying of votes
candidate in are the biggest example of corruption,
an upcoming but despite this there are still honest
In modern democracies,
election people who want to govern their people
political participation, as it
in a fair way, but for this type of people
has been defined, is in itself
to come to power, you need your
as it has been defined, is
original vote and without being bought,
itself considered a
you must support that particular
fundamental and voting is
candidate who is not within the vicious
its highest expression.
circle of the same who always want to
rule. listen, analyze, put on a scale and
support not the chatterbox but the one
who shows fair government capabilities,
stay only with him or her, do not let
yourself be bought.

2. Use the information you listed in question 1 above to write a persuasive paragraph.

Much of the debate over legalizing marijuana for medical use in for medicinal use

in Colombia has been more sociopolitical more socio-political than academic, addressing

the problems associated with the illegal trafficking of the substance and the criminalization

of criminalization of consumers.

It is considered that legalization could alleviate problems associated with the

illegality of the substance, by putting an end to trafficking, violence and corruption, with a

public health management that decriminalizes the consumer and decreases and decreases

the costs of the justice system.

There is some scientific evidence on the medicinal use of some medicinal use of

some cannabis compounds, but there is still much research much research is still lacking,

especially when it comes to the marijuana plant.

At present, synthetic cannabinoids from pharmaceutical research are one thing.

from pharmaceutical research and derivatives of phytocannabinoids and derivatives

of the Phytocannabinoids (cannabinoids from the form the marijuana plant), for which there

is some evidence of medicinal evidence of medicinal effect and another the consumption of

the plant as such plant as such, looking for therapeutic effects with which there is still with

which there is still a lot of research to be done.

Medical" marijuana does not differ much from "street" marijuana. Most of the

marijuana sold in U.S. dispensaries sold in dispensaries in the U.S., where marijuana has

been approved for medical marijuana has been approved for medical use, is of the same

quality and carries the same health risks as the marijuana health risks as marijuana sold on

the street, except that the street except that the latter controls the use of insecticides,

chemical fertilizers and use of insecticides, chemical fertilizers and contamination with

fungi with fungi (candida and aspergillus fumigatus), mycobacteria that can contaminate

marijuana, clandestinely stored, adding health risks.

The analysis and evaluation of the potential medical uses of marijuana of marijuana

have scientific foundations since there are some components with medicinal properties,

there are some components with medicinal properties.

The use of marijuana in its natural state should be evaluated through rigorous

scientific methods and the standards of "evidence-based standards of "evidence-based

medicine", where the goal is to identify and differentiate between the objective is to

identify and differentiate between beneficial and and effective products and those that are

useless or harmful.

In Colombia, in a broad sense, as proposed by the as proposed in the draft law

currently being debated in the Congress of the Congress of the Republic, should be limited,

initially, only to the initially, only to scientific research and when we know more about its

pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, move towards its authorization for human use.

Assignment 7

1. Read the introductions to three different pieces of writing. They can come from a

newspaper, your own writing, a magazine, a classmate’s writing, and so on. Then, answer

the questions.

Piece of Writing 1
Reference Coehlo, P. (s.f.). El Alquimista. Obtenido de El Alquimista:
How did this I liked this book because it is written in the third person, it presents a

piece get your narrative structure that coincides with the journey of the protagonist. It

attention? begins at Santiago's starting point, Andalusia, until he reaches Egypt. The

Epilogue reveals a circular story when it brings Santiago back to the

starting point, which makes it interesting when you start reading it.
What is the The Alchemist is a book written by the Brazilian Paulo Coelho and

thesis statement published in 1988. It is a symbolic work which, according to the author, is

of this piece? the only language that can help us to reach the 'Soul of the world', or as the

psychologist Carl Jung called the 'collective unconscious'.

This work deals with the theme of dreams and destiny through the eyes of

Santiago, a shepherd who embarks on a journey towards his "Personal

Legend", which has inspired millions of people to pursue their dreams.

Piece of Writing 2
AlohaCriticón, S. V. (2021). Alohacriticon: Cine, Música y literatura .
Obtenido de Alohacriticon: Cine, Música y literatura :
Sofia Vergara is a woman I have always admired for her effort and struggle
How did this
as a single mother, an actress criticized for the way she speaks English but
piece get your
successful in everything she has undertaken, that is what most caught my
attention in the report I read.
The thesis of this small magazine type writing shows the biography of
What is the
Sofia Vergara starting from her birth and showing all her successes in
thesis statement
Colombia and the United States to finally demonstrate that with effort you
of this piece?
can achieve what you want.
Piece of Writing 3
Reference NEWS, B. (08 de April de 2021). America's gun culture in charts.
Obtenido de America's gun culture in charts:

This news caught my attention because it is impressive to see how the

How did this president of the United States Joe Biden himself is terrified of the daily

piece get your murders in the country due to the uncontrolled use of weapons and the

attention? psychological consequences of the pandemic, that is why I decided to read

The magazine's study not only shows President Joe Biden's concern and
What is the
pronouncement on the use of guns in his country, but also reveals the state
thesis statement
of affairs in which the United States and other countries live year after year
of this piece?
with the use of guns by ordinary citizens and school shootings.

2. Read the following introduction to a persuasive essay. Then answer the questions below.

Despite the heated debate among evolutionists and Creationists, the two ideas are very

similar. Dr. Dobzhansky, author of Mankind Evolving, even goes so far as to say, “Christianity

is a religion that is implicitly evolutionistic, in that it believes history to be meaningful.” In fact,

evolution and Creation can be combined and accepted as one general explanation of mankind’s

origin. These two explanations are not in conflict with one another, but actually need one

another in order to complete the answer to mankind’s questions.

o Does the introduction get your attention?

Of course, it does catch my attention because it is a subject that has always been a

controversy between the Christian world and evolutionists so with just the

introduction, I would continue reading the rest as my position is entirely biblical

and I would like to know what others and the author think.

o What is the thesis statement?


The thesis statement is to show in a short paragraph by Dr. Dobzhansky that the whole

issue of evolution and its controversy could have a happy ending because both

evolutionists and creationists could come to the same conclusion which is to

explain the origin of mankind.

o Would you continue to read the rest of this essay? Why or why not?

I would love to continue reading it as it is a subject that catches my attention too much

because if somehow these two theories could come together and come to a

conclusion about the evolution and creation of mankind it would be spectacular to

read this and create one's own idea of it.

3. Choose one of the thesis statements you fleshed out in an earlier lesson. Then, use the

strategies in this lesson to write an introduction to the paper.

Piece of writing 2: The thesis of this small magazine type writing shows the biography of

Sofia Vergara starting from her birth and showing all her successes in Colombia and the

United States to finally demonstrate that with effort you can achieve what you want.

Sofía Margarita Vergara González shines in the series Modern Family as much

for her sinuous curves as for her undeniable comedic talent. She says that as a child, in

her native Colombia, those curves gave her a complex and that she even considered

having a breast reduction. Obviously, she did not. She was affectionately known in her

family as La Toti and intended to become a dentist, but a photographer saw her on the

beach and advised her to try her luck in the world of images.

4. Read the conclusions to three different pieces of writing. They can come from a

newspaper, your own writing, a magazine, a classmate’s writing, and so on. Then, answer

the questions.

Piece of Writing 1
Reference MVOrganizing. (06 de May de 2021). Why social media is bad
conclusion? Obtenido de Why social media is bad conclusion?:
Does this conclusion Conclusion The excessive use of social media and the internet has

restate the thesis negative impacts on the lives of people. The use of social media has

statement? also caused problems with addiction, negative impacts on family, as

well as deterioration of family elations, physical and mental health.

Does this conclusion Of course, it does reaffirm them as it shows the negative effects of the

summarize the main excessive use of social networks, especially by young people who have

points of the piece? known nothing else but social networking.

What is the take- The best message is definitely: we must give ourselves space to think

home message of and reflect on the excessive use of social networks, there is time for

this piece? everything and specially to understand that it is possible to live without

Piece of Writing 2


Does this conclusion A %20armas%20de%20fuego.pdf

comprehensive disarmament plan cannot have success if it is not

restate the thesis accompanied by an efficient effort of expansion of the provision of the

statement? public service of security. A person will not fail to perceive that a

firearm lends you security if you cannot find that it is the forces of the

State that actually they are improving their protection capacity.

Does this conclusion A disarmament plan can be successful in reducing violence as

summarize the main long as it's properly designed and implemented. Administration’s
locals should consider disarmament plans as one more strategy within
points of the piece? their actions to reduce violence that affects people. Among other
reasons, because disarmament actions are, in the case of Colombia, one
of the few that are within the reach of local leaders, given the mostly
national provision structure of the public security and justice services.
What is the take- A disarmament plan would be successful not only in Bogotá but in all

home message of the cities of Colombia because it would allow many young people and

this piece? children to give themselves the opportunity to reintegrate into society,

they would have a chance to see life from a different point of view and

perhaps see the potential they have as integrated people capable of

doing many good things.

Piece of Writing 3
Reference HEALTH, I. P. (September de 2013). The Cost of Postabortion Care and Legal

Abortion In Colombia. Obtenido de The Cost of Postabortion Care and Legal

Abortion In Colombia:

Does this conclusion https://www.guttmacher.org/journals/ipsrh/2013/cost-

Provision of postabortion care and legal abortion services at higher-
level facilities results in unnecessarily high health care costs. These
restate the thesis costspostabortion-care-and-legal-abortion-colombia
can be reduced significantly by providing services in a timely
fashion at primary-level facilities and by using safe, noninvasive and
statement? less costly abortion methods.
Does this conclusion Despite the fact that Colombia passed some laws in favour of legal
abortion in 2006, in many places this type of activity continues to be
summarize the main carried out illegally, perhaps because of the cost of a legal abortion or
the poor quality of health care in the country, which has very serious
points of the piece? consequences for women who have abortions in this way.
What is the take- I know the situation of abortion in Colombia, even if it is legal in some
way, it will never cease to be a risk for the people who practice it, first
home message of our health system is still precarious, sex education in our young people
is not successful and finally personally I will never support this type of
this piece? practice because it goes against the word of the Lord.

5. Choose one of the thesis statements you fleshed out in an earlier lesson. Then use the

strategies in this lesson to write a conclusion to the paper.


Piece of Writing 1

Why is excessive use of social networks bad?

We depend on our smartphones for work, school, our personal and social lives.

When was the last time you left home without your phone and kept on going? The internet

has become a significant part of our daily lives. So too has social media. And it is having

an impact on today’s teens.

It’s clear that in many areas, not enough is known yet to draw many strong

conclusions. However, the evidence does point one way: social media affects people

differently, depending on pre-existing conditions and personality traits.

As with food, gambling and many other temptations of the modern age, excessive

use for some individuals is probably inadvisable. But at the same time, it would be wrong

to say social media is a universally bad thing, because clearly it brings myriad benefits to

our lives.

Rough Draft Essay

a child born on the Venezuelan border, grows up in the countryside,

Thesis Statement goes through difficult times due to the situation in the country but his

family knows he has a promising future.

He shares and learns from other cultures new ways of looking at life
Topic Sentence 1
and languages start to become part of his life.
War knocks on his doors, the family must be divided, sometimes

Topic Sentence 2 loneliness is the only fear and his refuge in the lord makes

everything begin to change.

Topic Sentence 3 life's opportunities have to be taken, but starting a family without

planning it is a surprise.

Introduction Paragraph

On this amazing day a beautiful and healthy child is born on September

1, 1987, on the border between Colombia and Venezuela on a Thursday afternoon to bring

joy and happiness to a large family of 7 children, Jaider being the seventh of the group,

being born in the field is perhaps considered the most beautiful thing in life by many

Colombians who have this pleasure, but the problem was born in the years when the war

destroyed entire families for more than 30 years in most of the national territory.

1. Body Paragraph

Enjoying the field was the most desired daily game since the technology was

not even at the doors of this department, you could enjoy the baths in each river and small

pipes where it was known that there were no piranhas, each group of children that we were

going to These quiet and great places we looked for a way for the girls to go too since

among the groups there was always a girl to conquer and we took the opportunity to write

little letters that became poems for our first loves. Having a farm near an indigenous

reservation of the Guahibo-Sikuani community was the greatest opportunity not only to

know ancestral and new cultures but to learn a language other than the Spanish language we

spoke, the Sikuani children who shared with us taught us their traditions and We also ate

mañoco and cassava (their traditional food), when I was 13 years old, the FARC's 16th

front arrived at the small school of Montfortian nuns and priests where we studied with my

friends in mischief and took 12 boys of 14 and 15 years old. I was only 1 year away from

their recruitment, because of this my parents decide that it is time to get out of there.

2. Body Paragraph

My parents had converted to Lutheran Protestantism a short time ago, and

with this type of relationship, the English embassy helped my mother to go to their

boarding school in Cumaral in the department of Meta, where I shared all my high school

and The love for said language began, being in grade 11 the woman who helped in my

upbringing died, the loving Ligia of my heart had passed away to heaven and my heart was

broken by this, but I had to be strong since I could not say goodbye or return to my land for

fear of the guerrilla group.

3. Body Paragraph

I arrived in Bogotá after finishing my high school and I started studying

languages at Santo Tomás University, but I could only have 2 semesters since my

girlfriend, who is today my beautiful wife, got pregnant and could not do so much

responsibility, but I knew that my The knowledge acquired in the training with the British

shepherds would be of some use, I began to teach English in small schools until I became

the coordinator of bilingualism in the municipality of Cajicá where I currently live with my

wife and two daughters.

Conclusion paragraph.

My life has gone through moments of difficulty but also of great sadness, the

important thing about all this is to learn to take each path as a way of learning and

experience to be stronger and able to cope with whatever comes next, no matter how strong

it may be.

I know the situation of abortion in Colombia, even if it is legal in some way,

it will never cease to be a risk for the people who practice it, first our health system is still

precarious, sex education in our young people is not successful and finally personally I will

never support this type of practice because it goes against the word of the Lord.


Miller, R. & Pessoa, S. (2016). Where’s Your Thesis Statement and What

Happened to Your Topic Sentences? Identifying Organizational Challenges in

Undergraduate Student Argumentative Writing. TESOL Journal, 7(4), 847–873.


Muñoz, M. (2020). Unit 2: Writing. In A Practical Guide to Writing (pp. 43-

59). Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia.


Coehlo, P. (s.f.). El Alquimista. Obtenido de El Alquimista:



AlohaCriticón, S. V. (2021). Alohacriticon: Cine, Música y literatura .

Obtenido de Alohacriticon: Cine, Música y literatura :


NEWS, B. (08 de April de 2021). America's gun culture in charts. Obtenido

de America's gun culture in charts: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41488081

HEALTH, I. P. (September de 2013). The Cost of Postabortion Care and Legal Abortion In Colombia. Obtenido

de The Cost of Postabortion Care and Legal Abortion In Colombia:



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