Soal Try Out 4 Bahasa Inggris

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Raisa   :  “Hana, wish me luck. I will take part in the speech contest tomorrow morning
Hana  :  “Sure, good luck, Raisa. I hope you will win this contest.”
Raisa : “Thank you for supporting me, Hana”. I’ll do the best.
1. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. To express hope
B. To ask for certainty
C. To show agreement
D. To show disagreement

Diana : “What do you think of my mother, doctor?’

Doctor :”Well, I think Mrs. Fanny works to hard, doesn’t she?”
Diana : “Yes, she sleeps only 5 hours a day.”
Doctor : “Does she get enough food every day.”
Diana :”No, she doesn’t. She eats only small portions of lunch and dinner. She doesn’t have
Doctor :”Oh, that’s too bad.”

2. What does the doctor want to know from Diana?

A. Diana’s daily activities
B. Mrs. Fanny’s diaries
C. Mrs. Fanny’s habit
D. Diana’s job

Dear Sabrina,
You are invited to attend a meeting to plan our school anniversary programs. The meeting
will be held on Monday, 1st April 2018 at 9.a.m in Student Center.
If you have any questions about this letter or the meeting, please give me a call at
0812345678 or stop by my class (Grade 9D).
We look forward to having the meeting with you and other students.

Muhammad Azka
Student Association President
Of Bunga Bangsa
3. What is the text written for?
A. To give information about school anniversary programs
B. To invite someone to attend the meeting in school.
C. To celebrate the school anniversary.
D. To announce the school anniversary programs.

4. You are invited to attend a meeting to plan our school anniversary programs. The
underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. Consult
B. Design
C. Report
D. Reserve

To all students of Insan Cendekia Junior High School,

The library will not be open to students starting from Monday, 2nd July 2018. This is done so
the registration process for new students will run smoothly. All needs to borrow CD,DVD,
books, etc. must be done before that date. The library will re-open on Tuesday, 17th July .

Thank you for your attention,

The school principal

5. The school principal writes the announcement in order to ….

A. Describe the library of Insan Cendekia Junior High School.
B. Give recommendation when the new students register.
C. Give information about the agenda of school Library.
D. Remind the students what they need to borrow.

6. When will the library close?

A. 2nd -16th July 2018
B. After 2nd July 2018
C. After 17th July 2018
D. Before 2nd July 2018

Comfortable inn.
Where the family feels completely
Welcome to Moonlight’s rooms and suites. Soothing, sleek, and streamlined with the latest
technology, our newly refurbished interiors raise the city's standard for sophistication. Enhance your
enjoyment in two inspired restaurants and the new Alfresco. Discover relaxing spa treatments and
unwind with a workout, tennis match or outdoor swim. In our astonishingly quiet refuge, just step
from Orchard Road, legendary Moonlight care always promises new delight.


For more information:

7. What does the text tell us about?

A. New Alfresco
B. Orchard Road
C. Comfortable inn
D. Moonlight Hotel

8. The purpose of writing the text is ….

A. To announce the comfortable inn.
B. To inform about Moonlight’s rooms and suites.
C. To promote the two inspired restaurant and new Alfresco.
D. To persuade people to come and stay overnight at Moonlight Hotel.
Source :

9. What is the name of the product?

A. Holiday
B. Exotica
C. Yogurt Delight
D. Gourmet Trail Mix

10. We must consume the product ….

A. Before 30th March 2020
B. After 30th March 2020
C. Before 5th April 2017
D. After 5th April 2017

11. This product contains artificial flavours. The similar meaning of the underlined words is
A. False
B. Original
C. Pristine
D. Unnatural
12. What kind of the text above?
A. Baby born card
B. Birthday card
C. Condolence card
D. New home card

13. Who are Jhonson and Marrie?

A. Joe’s partners.
B. Joe’s parents.
C. Joe’s friends.
D. Joe’s sibling.

My turtles

I’m used to having pets at home because my family is pet lovers. I have kept some
turtles since February 2017. I put them all in one tank in my room.
The name of the male turtle is Donatello and the female one is called Rafael. It is
quite easy to keep them. They can survive without food for about two months. However,
they need a comfortable place to live. They have to live with imported soil and plants,
good water circulation and a piece of dry trunk in the aquarium. Inadequate conditions can
cause not only stress but also affect their growth. The worst thing is they may even end in
their death!
The weapon of an adult turtle lies in its edge of the shell. He will use this weapon
when he is disturbed while he is taking a nap.
14. Why is it dangerous to touch the edge of the turtle’s shell when he is having his nap?
A. Because the turtle might infect you with a certain disease
B. Because it is the location of a turtle’s weapon
C. Because it can cause stress to the turtle
D. Because it will kill the turtle

15. From the text we know that the writer has turtles at home … he is pet lover.
A. If
B. But
C. And
D. Because

16. Based on the sentences in paragraph 2, we know that the word “them” refers to ….
A. Male turtle
B. Female turtle
C. Writer’s Family
D. Donatello and Rafael

17. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To tell the readers that the writer’s family is pet lovers
B. To persuade the readers to keep turtles as a pet
C. To describe the writer’s turtles to the readers
D. To show the advantages of keeping turtles
E. How to have a good general healthy body
F.In today’s hectic world that we live in, maintaining our good health care is very important for us
to keep up with today’s economy lifestyle. All of us need to be healthy regardless of our age or gender.
In order to be considered us as overall well-being healthy, we should have a disease free body, fit and fill
with abundant energy. Follow the healthy tips illustrate below for your general health benefits.
Steps :
1. Practice healthy living styles with proper food habits and exercise.
We need to work hard, both physically and mentally to be fit and healthy. Exercise and eating healthy foods is
essential to promote a healthy body.
2. Avoid junk foods which make us lethargic and dull.
You will stand a much higher percentage of suffering from health problems if you are overweight and obese.
3. Consume a healthy diet, such as vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts, lean meat.
Don't forget to intake 8 glasses of liquid. The main source for poor health and sickness is
improper healthy eating habits.

4. Exercise 30 minutes 5 days a week.

Exercising in the morning can leave you with a refreshed feeling throughout the day and can put
you in a good mental health and it will be easier for you to think positively and generate a better appetite.
You should start off with small changes and make sure you enjoy it. You should not make drastic
changes excessively in your lifestyle. Try to make small changes over a period of time pursuing it into
your regular habit in order to achieve long term success. Besides exercise, you need to have good sleep
and rest in order to be healthy. A good sleep can refresh your mind and make you feel healthier.

5. Realize that positive thinking is very essential in order to be healthy.

Clear out your mind of all negative thoughts and fill it with positive ones.
18. Based on the text, what should we do to keep our healthy generally?
A. Exercise every day and have junk food.
B. Consume a healthy diet and have a good sleep.
C. Exercise every day and clear out of negative thoughts.
D. Consume vegetables, fruits, fish, nut, meat, and junk foods.

19. What is the text tell us about?

A. How to have a good healthy body.
B. How to consume healthy diet.
C. How to keep healthy mind.
D. How to exercise every day.

20.  The word ‘we’ in ‘we need to work hard, both physically and mentally to be fit and
healthy’ refer to?
A. The consumer
B. The healthy people
C. The writer and reader
D. The health practitioners

21. Based on the first paragraph, it tell us about?

A. Avoid junk food
B. Consume healthy food
C. Positive thinking is very essential
D. Consume proper food and exercise
The little Jackal was exceedingly fond of shell-fish, especially of river crabs. Now there came
a time when he had eaten all the crabs to be found on his own side of the river. He knew there must
be plenty on the other side, if he could only get to them, but he could not swim.
One day he thought of a plan. He went to his friend the Camel, and said,–“Friend Camel, I
know a spot where the sugar-cane grows thick; I’ll show you the way, if you will take me there.”
“Indeed I will,” said the Camel, who was very fond of sugar-cane. “Where is it?”
“It is on the other side of the river,” said the little Jackal; “but we can manage it nicely, if you will take
me on your back and swim over.”
The Camel was perfectly willing, so the little Jackal jumped on his back, and the Camel swam
across the river, carrying him. When they were safely over, the little Jackal jumped down and showed
the Camel the sugar-cane field; then he ran swiftly along the river bank, to hunt for crabs; the Camel
began to eat sugar-cane. He ate happily, and noticed nothing around him.
The little Jackal had eaten his fill by the time the Camel had barely taken a mouthful. The little
Jackal had no mind to wait for his slow friend; he wanted to be off home again, about his business.
So he ran round and round the sugar-cane field, and as he ran he sang and shouted, and made a
great hullabaloo.
The villagers heard him at once. “There is a Jackal in the sugar-cane,” they said; “he will dig
holes and destroy the roots; we must go down and drive him out.” So they came down, with sticks
and stones. When they got there, there was no Jackal to be seen; but they saw the great Camel,
eating away at the juicy sugar- cane. They ran at him and beat him, and stoned him, and drove him
away half dead.
When they had gone, leaving the poor Camel half killed, the little Jackal came dancing back
from somewhere or other. “I think it’s time to go home, now,” he said; “don’t you?”. “Well, you are a
pretty friend!” said the Camel. “The idea of your making such a noise, with your shouting and singing!
You brought this upon me? Why did you shout and sing?”
“Oh, I don’t know why,” said the little Jackal,–”I always sing after dinner!”
“So?” said the Camel, “Ah, very well, let us go home now.”
He took the little Jackal kindly on his back and started into the water. When he began to swim he
swam out to where the river was the very deepest. There he stopped, and said,–
“Oh, Jackal!”. “Yes,” said the little Jackal. “I have the strangest feeling,” said the Camel,–”I feel as if I
must roll over.” “`Roll over’!” cried the Jackal. “My goodness, don’t do that! If you do that, you’ll drown

22. What does the text mostly talk about?

A. The little Jackal and the crabs.
B. The little Jackal and the camel.
C. The little Jackal and the villagers.
D. The little Jackal and the sugar cane.

23. Based on the third paragraph, it tells us about ….

A. The Jackal ate the crabs.
B. The Jackal wanted to cross the river.
C. The camel agreed with Jackal’s plan.
D. The camel disagreed with Jackal’s plan.
24. What can we learn from the story?
A. If there is a will there is a way.
B. Every action there must be reciprocity.
C. When you work together you will be stronger.
D. What is most truly valuable is often underrated.

25. What was the main problem of the story?

A. Little Jackal wanted to eat crabs in other side of the river.
B. Little jackal wanted to swim in the river.
C. Little Jackal wanted to cheat his friend.
D. Little Jackal wanted to cross the river.

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