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1. What does this sign mean?

A. Don't drive too fast.
B. Don't be too far from this vehicle. KEEP DISTANCE
C. Don't be too close to this vehicle.
D. Don't drive over the speed limit.

2. Where can the notice commonly be found?

A. At the back of a bus, a truck, or a car.
B. At the back of a train.
C. At the side of the road.
D. At the bus station.

3. How much sodium does the product contain per 100 g?

A. 45 mg
B. 148 mg
C. 565 mg
D. 709 mg

4. “Ingredients: sugar, cashew, milk solids…etc”.

The underlined word means: …. Needed to make something.
A. The steps
B. The goals
C. The materials
D. The nutrition information
The text is for no 5-7

Dear Agung,

I’II be late. I’ll be home at 8 p.m. There’s a plate of lasagna for dinner in the refrigerator. You can use the
microwave to warm it. Don’t forget to lock the door and feed billy our rabbit.


5. The message is address to?

A. Agung
B. Billy
C. Mother
D. The writer

6. Agung’s mother will go home in the….

A. Afternoon
B. Morning
C. Night
D. Evening

7. From the above message, we can conclude that….

A. Agung is going to cook lasagna
B. Mother will not come on time as usual
C. Agung does not know how to use the microwave
D. Billy always lock the door

The text is for no 8-10

8. How old is Abby?
A. Seven years old
B. Seventeen years old
C. Seventy years old
D. Seventy seven years old

9. The text above is written to ...

A. to congratulate someone on his birthday party
B. to invite someone to attend a party
C. to welcome Abby at home
D. to celebrate Abby's graduation

10. How long the party will be held?

A. Two hours
B. Three hours
C. Four Hours
D. Five Hour

The text is for no 11-14

The lion and the mosquito
a lion grumbled and growled at a mosquito which kept flying around his head as he tried to take a
‘’ go away before i crush you under my paw,’’ he roared.
‘’ I’m not afraid of you,’’ teased the mosquito. ‘’you may be called the king of the beasts, but I’m
more powerfull than you are. I can prove it, too. Let’s fight and see who wins.’’ The lion agreed.
The mosquito quickly swooped down at the lion and bit him again and again on his nose and ears.
While trying to crush the mosquito, the lion clawed himself with his sharp nails, drawing blood.
‘’enough,’’ he finally cried. ‘’enough! You win!’’
Unharmed, the mosquito buzzed away. He boasted of his victory over the lion to anyone who
would listen. He was so busy boasting that he flew straight into a spider’s web strung between the trees.
As a tiny spider hurried towards him, the mosquito struggles helplessly in the strong threads of
the web.
‘’I fought and won against the greatest of the beasts,’’ he thought sadly, ‘’only to be devoured by
one less powerful than I am!’’
11. What is the social function of the text above?
A. To describe about the lion
B. To tell how to kill an animal
C. To retell the story of the lion
D. To amuse or entertain the reader

12. The main idea of the last paragraph is….

A. The lion won the fight
B. The mosquito regretted his manner
C. The mosquito was afraid of the spider
D. The lion sad to see the mosquito dead

13. “He boasted of his victory….” (par 6)

The underlined word has similar meaning to….
A. Talk about something loudly
B. Talk happily about something
C. Talk sadly over something happened
D. Talked with too much pride about something

14. From the text we know that….

A. The lion won the fight over the mosquito
B. The lion succeeded to crush the mosquito
C. The mosquito was proud of his factory
D. The mosquito bit the spider

The text is for no 15-16


English Conversation Club (SCC) is opening registration for new members.

Join us and improve your English!
Every Thursday from 16.00 to 17.00 at the school hall
For registration, please contact
1. Wayan (VIIA)
2. Anissa (VIIB)

15. When do the members have meeting?

A. In the morning.
B. On Thursday afternoon.
C. On Thursday morning.
D. In the afternoon at three o’clock.

16. Where do they have the meeting?

A. In the ECC’s meeting room.
B. In the VIIA classroom.
C. At the school hall.
D. At the cafetaria.
The text is for no 17-20

17. The best title for the text is…

A. A warm, caring person.
B. Michael Jordan.
C. A sports fan.
D. A famous star.

18. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. Michael Jordan is handsome.
B. Everyone dreams to be Michael Jordan.
C. His playing ability is great.
D. Michael Jordan has great personality.

19. “His personality, too, is as outstanding as his playing ability”

The underlined word means…
A. Great.
B. Warm.
C. Famous.
If you are a sports fan, you are sure to know the name Michael Jordan.  He is probably the greatest
D. Determined.player the world has ever seen. Although his career as a player is over, his fame will live on for
many years to come.
20. The text Jordan
indicates thatcertainly looks
the writer is…like a star. He is tall, well-built and handsome, with friendly brown
eyes and a wide grin.
A. Michael Jordan’s son. He always manages to look well-dressed, even in his casual clothes or smart suits.
His personality, too, is as outstanding as his playing ability. Michael is a very determined person. This
B. Michael Jordan’s fan.
has made him a successful basketball star. He has given lots of money and support to charities.
C. Michael
All in Jordan’s coach.
all, Michael Jordan is not only a great athlete, but also a warm, caring person. Is it no wonder
that so many boys have dreamed of growing up to be just like him?
D. Michael Jordan himself.

The text is for no 21-24

21. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform someone about Farewell Party
B. To invite  someone to attend Farewell Party
C. To forbid students to come to farewell party
D. To remind someone to celebrate farewell party

22. Where will the party be held?

A. at Olivia's house
B. at Sam's house
C. at Marcia and John Smith's house
D. at the park ANNOUNCEMENT

TO : ALLmean?
23. What does "Farewell" VOLLEY BALL TEAM
A. say good bye will have a technical meeting for next match.
Please do come to school on Sunday 12th at 9.00 am.
B. say god night
C. say good luck
D. say good morning

24. RSVP stands for ‘Respondez  S’il  Vous Plait which means …...
A. Make sure you come             
B. Please Reply
C. I want you to come
D. Don't forget

The text is for no 25-27

25. Who can come to the meeting?
A. Readers
B. Volley ball Team
C. Students
D. Anyone

26. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A. The agenda of the meeting is about technical matter.
B. The meeting will be held in the morning.
C. All volleyball team are invited
D. All students play basketball.

27. The word "match" in the text means :

A. Celebration
B. Feast
C. Competition.
D. Championship

The text is for no 28-29.

Jakarta, 12th May 2018

Dear Salma
Salma, sorry I haven’t written to you for so long. We moved into a new apartment last month and we’ve
been really busy getting settled.
It’s a nice apartment. It is bigger than our old one. It’s big so there are a lot of rooms to work in. It has a
big living room, two bedrooms and two bathrooms. Another thing I like is the kitchen.
The apartment is on a quiet street in a good neighborhood. There’s also a shopping center just down
the street with a supermarket, some quite good restaurants and some stores.
We really enjoy living here. Do come over and have a look next time you are in the town. I’ll wait.

28. What is the purpose of the letter above?

A. To tell a problem.
B. To ask for advice.
C. To give information.
D. To ask for information.
29. Why hasn’t Shelly written a letter to Indah for so long?
A. Because she lived in an apartment.
B. Because she was busy getting settled.
C. Because she enjoyed living in an apartment.
D. Because she had to move into an apartment.

The text is for no 30-31

30. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To announce the engagement of Megan and Stephan
B. To advertise the engagement party of Megan and Stephan
C. To invite someone to attend the engagement party of Megan and Stephan
D. To give detailed information about engagement party of Megan and Stephan

31. What should the invitee do first after receiving the invitation?
A. Call at (123) 456 789.
B. Call Carla and Megan.
C. Prepare to join the party.
D. Come to spiritual lounge.

The text is for no 32-35

Last weekend, I visited my pen pal's house. His Name is Andra. There were many activities I
did there. In the morning, Andra and I had breakfast. We had traditional food. I liked it very much.

After breakfast, he took me to the garden behind his house. The garden was very big and
beautiful. There is a big bird cage in the garden. There were many kinds of birds in that cage. I spent
a long time feeding the birds. I also took pictures with those beautiful birds.
32. The text above
After tellsthe
visiting us about .... Andra and I went to the flower garden not far from his house. We
bird cage,
A. A
took a holiday
rest andathada friend's place a big tree and watch butterflies flying above colorful flowers. In the
lunch under
B. A picture of bird
afternoon, we swam in the pool in the backyard. It was so fun. I really enjoyed my time with Andra.
C. A big bird cage
D. A big garden

33. What is the last paragraph about?

A. Andra had butterflies as his pet
B. The writer's friend is a good swimmer
C. There are a lot of flowers in Andra's house
D. The writer had a good time with his friend

34. Where did the writer spend his afternoon?

A. Under a tree
B. Inside big bird cage
C. In the flower garden
D. In the swimming pool

35. From the text, we know that the writer ....

A. Had gone and visited many places during his holiday
B. Lived
the same
Little village with his
Red Riding pen pal,
Hood’s Andrasaid to her, “Take this basket of goodies to your
C. Liked butterflies
grandma’s cottage, but anddon’t
talk to very much on the way!” Promising not to, Little Red Riding Hood
D. Spent
skipped off.his
her way at she
met house
the Big Bad Wolf who asked, “Where are you going, little girl?” “To my
grandma’s, Mr. Wolf!” she answered.
The text
The is Bad
Big for no 36-39
Wolf then ran to her grandmother’s cottage much before Little Red Riding Hood, and
knocked on the door. When Grandma opened the door, he locked her up in the cupboard. The wicked
wolf then wore Grandma’s clothes and lay on her bed, waiting for Little Red Riding Hood.
When Little Red Riding Hood reached the cottage, she entered and went to Grandma’s bedside.
“My! What big eyes you have, Grandma!” she said in surprise. “All the better to see you with, my dear!”
replied the wolf. “My! What big ears you have, Grandma!” said Little Red Riding Hood. “All the better to
hear you with, my dear!” said the wolf. “What big teeth you have, Grandma!” said Little Red Riding Hood.
“All the better to eat you with!” growled the wolf pouncing on her. Little Red Riding Hood screamed and
the woodcutters in the forest came running to the cottage. They beat the Big Bad Wolf and rescued
Grandma from the cupboard. Grandma hugged Little Red Riding Hood with joy. The Big Bad Wolf ran
away never to be seen again. Little Red Riding Hood had learnt her lesson and never spoke to strangers
ever again.
Source :
36. What is the story about?
A. A little riding hood meet wolf
B. Grandma asked wolf to take little riding hood
C. A kind wolf who wants to help little riding hood
D. A bad wolf who wants to eat little riding hood and grandma.

37. Why did little riding hood do not realize the wolf who in disguise as her grandma?
A. Because she was blind
B. Because the wolf was kind
C. Because the wolf wore grandma’s clothes.
D. Because the wolf wore little riding hood’s clothes

38. Who did save little riding hood and her grandma from the wolf?
A. The stranger
B. The woodcutter.
C. The grandfather
D. The grandmother
39. What is the moral value of the story?
A. Don’t be greedy
B. Don’t use riding hood
C. Don’t sleep in the river
D. Don’t believe in stranger.
Fill in the blank with the correct words!

After the class was over, I (40) ….the school quickly. My watch showed 2:30 p.m as I got on my
bicycle. I pedalled hard and was soon speeding home. My thoughts returned to the math (41)
….that I had just had in class. I could remember (42)….how I read the formula again last night. I
was glad that I had studied hard for that test.

A. Left                    
B. Went                 
C. Came                
D. Visited
A. Problem          
B. Lesson              
C. Story                 
D. Quiz
A. Clearly            
B. Slowly               
C. Loudly              
D. Softly

The text is for no 43-45

On Wednesday, my students and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which is
not far from Malioboro.
On Thursday, we visited the temple in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmana,
Syiwa, and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahma and Syiwa temples, because
Wisnu temples is being renovated.
On Friday morning, we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were lucky
because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to Borobudur. We
arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard an announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed.
In the evening we left for Jakarta by Wisata bus.

43. The text above mainly discussed about ….

A. The writer’s trip to Yogyakarta
B. The writer’s first visit to Prambanan
C. The writer’s impression about the guide
D. The writer’s impression about Borobudur
44. Which temple was being renovated?
A. Syiwa
Once, there lived a happy family in the kingdom of Priangan Land.they were a father in from dog. His
is Tumang, a mother whose name was Dayang Sumbi, and a child whose name was Sangkuriang.
day Dayang Sumbi asked her son to go hunting with his lovely dog, Tumang. After hunting all day,
Syiwa danbegan
Wisnu desperate and worried because he hunted no deer. Then he thought to shot his own
dog. Then he took the dog liver and carried home. Soon, Dayang Sumbi found out that it was not deer liver
45. They are really amazing” (Paragraph 2). The synonym of the underlined word is ….
but Tumang’s, her own dog. So, she was very angry and hit Sangkuriang’s head. In that incident,
A. Huge
Sangkuriang got wounded and scar. Then he ran away from home.
B. Annoying
Years went by, Sangkuriang had traveled to many places and finally arrived at a village. He met a
C. Horrifying
D.beautiful women and felt in love with her. When they were discussing their wedding plan, the women
looked at the
The text wound 
is for in Sangkuriang’s head. It matched to her son’s wound that had left several years
no 46-48
earlier. Soon she realized that she felt in love with her own son. She couldn’t marry him but how to say it.
Then, she found the way. She needed a lake and boat for celebrating their wedding day. Sangkuriang had
to make them in one night. He built a lake. With a dawn just moment away and the boat was almost
complete. Dayang Sumbi had to stop it. Then, she lit up the eastern horizon with flashes of light. It made
the cook crowed for a new day. Sangkuriang failed to marry her. He was very angry and kicked the boat. It
felt over and became the mountain of Tangkuban Perahu Bandung
46. What is the text about ?
A. Dayang Sumbi and Tumang.
B. The legend of Sangkuriang
C. The legend kingdom of Priangan.
D. The legend of Tangkuban Perahu.

47. Why did Dayang Sumbi refuse to marry Sangkuriang ?

A. Sangkuriang had shot the dog.
B. She realized that she felt in love with her son.
C. She knew that Sangkuriang was a naughty man.
D. Sangkuriang had done the wrong thing in hunting.

48. What can we learn from the story?

A. People must keep their words all the time.
B. Never be reluctant to do good things.
C. We should not hate our descendants.
D. Just do what we have planned.

49. Arrange the following jumble words to make a good sentence!

Not to use – with – for water – be careful – the pump – except – other liquid
       1             2           3                  4                 5              6               7
A. 5 – 4 – 1 – 7 – 2 – 3 – 6
B. 4 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 6 – 3
C. 5 – 4 – 6 – 7 – 2 – 1 – 3
D. 4 – 1 – 7 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 6

50. Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph!

1. Viona had an accident a few days ago.
2. Diana went to the hospital to visit her.
3. She is still in the hospital now.
4. She is at the hospital now.
5. She had to go to hospital.
A. 1-4-3-5-2
B. 1-3-5-4-2
C. 1-2-3-4-5
D. 1-5-3-2-4

Arrange these words into a good sentence!
51. Not – lights – the – break – traffic- do-
52. I – picnic-my – to-for- Kaliurang-family – went – last month- and –

Long, long time ago, there lived a beautiful girl named Cinderella. Her parents passed
away, she lived with her step mother and step sisters. Cinderella was very sad every day because
she had to do the housework alone.
One day, the king wanted to find the wife for his son. He invited all the beautiful girls to
come. Cinderella was very sad because her step sister did not let her go. Her sisters went to the
palace without Cinderella.
Luckily, The Angel cam and helped Cinderella to go to the palace. In the palace,
Cinderella danced with the Prince. He fell in love with her; then he married her. They lived
happily ever after.

Answer these questions below based on the text!

53. What is the text tell us about?
54. What is the main idea of second paragraph?
55. . He invited all the beautiful girls to come. “He” refers to…

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