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Situation Analysis

Every entrepreneur has its own strategy for the progression of their

business. Are strategies really need in a business? How it can help

entrepreneurs in running their business? We all know that strategies have a vital

role in our life especially the entrepreneurs or the business owners. Before

starting a new business, you must plan first. You need to identify those strategies

you think that can help you in your business. It’s not just planning for your own

sake, for your income and for the benefit of your business. But, it is also for the

satisfaction and loyalty of your customers. Of course in a business,

entrepreneurs need to follow certain rules or strategies for them to have a

successful business. The researchers want to study “Effectiveness of Sales

Strategies of Carinderia Owners in Agoo and Aringay, La Union” because they

want to determine how effective the strategies are. This study is for carinderia

owners in Agoo and Aringay, La Union.

Carinderia is a local eatery that sells and serves variety of food. It is also known

as “turo-turo” wherein customers literally point to freely choose what they want to

eat [ CITATION Tay11 \l 1033 ].

Taylor says that Filipinos are known for food lover. That is why a lot of

people nowadays enter food businesses just like the simple carinderia. A great

spot to establish a carinderia is near a school wherein their would-be customers

are students and teachers who have a limited budget. And because they only

have limited budget, they would always prefer a place that offers a variety of

viands in a low-priced. That is the reason why carinderias are the big market

leader especially if they are near the said establishment.

A carinderia is an eatery offering a variety of food that are often priced at

lesser price tags than those offered in customary restaurants that offers a high

price. Often, a carinderia does not offer set menus but customers have to choose

their food from an array of serving dishes or even off pots and pans [ CITATION

Bus16 \l 1033 ].

It says that most stores determine their prices by the prices offered by

their competitors. Although that is alright, you also have to consider whether

lowering your prices could still earn you a good profit. Still, lowering your prices

would mean attracting new clients and introducing them to the tastes and

varieties of food you offer. Stay with that price for a couple of weeks and months,

then, gradually increase it when you get regular customers who know that your

food is better and healthier than your competitors. Thus, even if you offer a

slightly higher price tag, you won’t lose their loyalty.

Decide how many meals you will serve for the day and prepare a menu

plan for at least a week. Some carinderia owners stick to a stable menu plan

particularly if they have already established best-selling dishes. [ CITATION Hom18 \l

1033 ].

There isn't any best way to experience eating genuine Filipino dishes than

having your meals in a Carinderia. Despite the fact that it doesn't have good

looking food attendant and the ambiance is a bit informal compared to high class

restaurants, it gives you the assurance that you get gratified with what you eat at

a very low price because this is the primary goal of every Carinderia that has

been put up all around the country. Every owner always makes it a point to

showcase their cooking expertise through creation of locally made dishes and

make every costumer realize its delightful taste at a very low price [ CITATION Ino12

\l 1033 ].

This study made use of survey research design. It is known as one of the

common types of research design for quantitative research. It was made through

asking questions to the respondents. It may be in a form of questionnaire or a

face-to-face interview but the researchers used a questionnaire to conduct a


Carinderia owners of Agoo and Aringay, La Union have also its own

strategies for the progression of their business. They make sure that those

strategies will help their sales increase and have more customers to eat in their

carinderia. This study was done so that the researchers will determine the level

of effectiveness of strategies of carinderia owners.

Theoretical Framework

Pricing Theory

Selecting an appropriate price for a new product is a major task unto itself.

At its launch, a product’s price will affect customer interest and initial sales.

Pricing also impacts how customers view a new product, either as something that

is accessible or as an unaffordable luxury. The basic economic theories of supply

and demand state that a higher price will drive down customer demand, while a

lower price will raise demand, sometimes to levels the outpace the

manufacturer’s ability to produce sufficient supply. Other factors that affect

pricing at the time of a product launch include the buying power of target

customers and the prices of similar products from competing

businesses[ CITATION Har18 \l 1033 ].

This theory is applicable to this study because it tells how to do the right pricing

strategy to increase their sales. And it also shows the impact of it to the

customers. This theory really tells how effective the pricing strategy is in running

the business.

The AIDAS Theory of Selling

The AIDAS theory of selling is one of the widest known theories and is the

basis for training materials across numerous organizations. AIDAS stands for

Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, and Satisfaction. The AIDAS theory simply

states that a prospect goes through five different stages before finally responding

satisfactorily to any product. Thus he/s should be led comfortably through all five

stages (Mukherjee, 2015).

This theory is applicable to this study because it conveys the satisfactory

of the customers to the product which is one of the things that the researchers

want to know. This theory also shows the strategy that the carinderia owners or

any business owners should do and that are the attention that the owners should

give to the customers, the interest of the customers to the product, the desired

product of the customers, the action of the owners and staffs, and of course the

satisfaction of the customers. This theory really tells how effective it is to attract

customers to increase their sales.

Pricing Strategy Theory

“Price is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenues; all

others represent costs,” according to Business Link, a public-private partnership

business support organization. Choosing the right price for your product helps

send the correct price-quality signal. Price-signaling occurs when the cost of

something reflects the product’s perceived quality. Whether or not your product is

the best quality for the best price, your pricing strategy aims to convince the

buyer that is the case (Griffin, 2019).

This theory is applicable to this study because it shows how important the

pricing strategy to the business. It also tells us how it gets customers. This theory

really tells how effective it is to attract customers.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual paradigm shows the variables of this study. The independent

variable is the sales strategies of carinderia owners. And the dependent variable is the

level of effectiveness of sales strategies of carinderia owners in Agoo and Aringay, La

Union. With the use of these two variables, the researchers will find out the strategies

of carinderia owners and how effective they are on their business. By separating the

independent and dependent variable, it will be easy for the researchers to accomplish

their study.

a. Monthly Sales
Level of Effectiveness of sales
b. Strategies
strategies of carinderia owners
b.1. Price
in Agoo and Aringay, La

b.2. Product Union

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness of strategies of

carinderia owners in Agoo and Aringay, La Union to the sales of their business.

Specifically, it answers the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the carinderia owners in terms of monthly sales?

2. What are the strategies of carinderia owners in terms of:

2.1. Price

2.2. Product?

3. What is the level of effectiveness of strategies of carinderia owners to the

sales of their business?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the strategies and the monthly

sales of their business?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the level of effectiveness of

strategies of carinderia owners and their monthly sales?


1. There is no significant relationship between the strategies and the monthly

sales of their business.

2. There is no significant relationship between the monthly sales and the

level of effectiveness of strategies of carinderia owners.

Scope and Delimitations

This study was conducted in Agoo and Aringay, La Union specifically at

Agoo Hypermarket and Aringay plaza and Aringay market. It covered 100

carinderia owners as respondents. The respondents were taken through

purposive or judgment sampling.

Its main purpose is to determine the level of effectiveness of sales

strategies of carinderia owners. Also, researchers want to identify how these

strategies affect the sales of their business.

This study made use of survey research design that uses a questionnaire

form that would be given to the respondents for them to answer. The primary

purpose of this research design was to obtain information describing

characteristics of a large sample of individuals of interest relatively quickly.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will redound to the level of effectiveness of sales

strategies of carinderia owners.

The significance of this study is to find out how effective the strategies are

on their business.

The outcome or the result of this study is beneficial to teachers, ABM

students, community, researchers and future researchers.

Teachers. This study will help teachers to understand the actuality of

carinderia establishments in the municipality and its rapid growth. They will also be

fully-informed about the needs of community. As a teacher, during lunch break,

they opt to eat on carinderias rather than having a pack lunch. They should be

aware of the strategies of carinderia owners especially on the price and product.

ABM Students. The results of this study will provide the ABM students with

some knowledge about the progression of business. It can be an application for

them when they are starting their own business.

Community. The given data would inform the community about the

different strategies to consider in choosing the carinderia to be patronized.

Researchers. This study will be beneficial to the researchers to make an

excellent research paper for their research project. And, it will help them in

choosing right strategies on their future businesses.

Future Researchers. The findings of this study may be used as a reference

data in conducting new researches like this. It will serve as their cross-reference

that will give them enough information to do their research.

Definition of Terms

Carinderia. It is a small eatery wherein Filipinos love to eat.

Level. It is the scale of quantity or the measure of effectiveness of sales

strategies of carinderia owners.

Loyalty. It refers to the fidelity of customers to the carinderia business.

Price. It is the pricing strategy of carinderia owners.

Product. It is the product strategy of carinderia owners.

Progression. It is the development of the carinderia business.

Satisfaction. It refers to the pleasure or delight of customers.

Strategies. It is the plans of carinderia owner for the progression of their


Variety. It refers to the different menu in carinderia business.

Viands. It is the dishes or an item of food that the carinderia owners sell.



The chapter discusses the research design, data sources, instrumentation

and data collection, data analysis, statistical tool and categorization of data.

Research Design

This study made use of survey research design. Survey research design

was made through asking questions to the respondents. It may be in a form of

questionnaire or a face-to-face interview. A survey is a data collection tool used

to gather information about individuals. Surveys are commonly used

in psychology research to collect self-report data from study participants. A

survey may focus on accurate information about individuals, or it might aim to

obtain the opinions of the survey takers [ CITATION Che18 \l 1033 ].

Survey research design is known as one of the common types of research

design for quantitative research. Survey research designs are techniques in

quantitative research in which investigators administer a survey to a sample or to

the entire population of people to describe the attitudes, opinions, behaviors, or

characteristics of the population. In this technique, survey researchers collect

quantitative, numbered data using questionnaires or interviews and statistically

scrutinize the data to describe trends about responses to questions and to test

research questions or hypotheses [ CITATION Tan18 \l 1033 ].

Survey research is a method of descriptive research. Survey research has

generally included large population-based data collection. The primary purpose

of this type of survey research was to get hold of information describing

characteristics of a large sample of individuals of interest relatively quickly. Large

fact found from surveys obtaining information reflecting demographic and

personal characteristics and consumer feedback surveys are prime examples.

These surveys were often provided through the mail and were intended to

describe demographic characteristics of individuals or obtain opinions on which

to base programs or products for a population or group [ CITATION Pon15 \l 1033 ].

Data Sources

Locale and Population of the Study

This study was conducted at Agoo and Aringay, La Union specifically at

Agoo Hypermarket and Aringay plaza and Aringay market during the second

semester of Grade 12 learners, School Year 2018-2019.

The study involved one hundred (100) randomly-picked and identified

Agoo and Aringay carinderia owners using purposive or judgment sampling.

Instrumentation and Data Collection

The researchers made use of a questionnaire as one of the data collection

instrument for this study. The questionnaires were answered by carinderia

owners of Agoo and Aringay, La Union.

The questionnaire has four parts.

 Part I was on the profile of carinderia owners in terms of

monthly sales.

 Part II was on the strategies of carinderia owners in terms of


 Part III was on the strategies of carinderia owners in terms of


 Part IV was on the level of effectiveness of strategies of

carinderia owners to the sales of their business.

Data Analysis

The data collected from the field were organized, analyzed and presented

in tables to ensure accuracy and order. Statistically weighted mean was used in

answering the research questions.

Statistical Tools. In order to come up with a justifiable and dependable

analysis and interpretation of data collected, the researchers made use of

frequency count, weighted mean, percentages and ranking.

Categorization of Data

The profile of carinderia owners in terms of monthly sales was interpreted

using frequency distribution.

The strategies of carinderia owners in terms of price was interpreted using

the following relative values:

Numerical Values Statistical Limits
Ratings (DR)
5 4.21-5.00 Very Strongly Agree

4 3.41-4.20 Strongly Agree

3 2.61-3.40 Agree

2 1.81-2.60 Disagree

1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree

The strategies of carinderia owners in terms of product was interpreted

using the following relative values:

Numerical Values Statistical Limits
Ratings (DR)
5 4.21-5.00 Very Strongly Agree

4 3.41-4.20 Strongly Agree

3 2.61-3.40 Agree

2 1.81-2.60 Disagree

1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree

The level of effectiveness of strategies of carinderia owners to the sales of

their business was interpreted using the following relative values:

Numerical Values Statistical Limits
Ratings (DR)
Very Highly
5 4.21-5.00
4 3.41-4.20 Highly Effective
3 2.61-3.40
2 1.81-2.60 Slightly Effective

1 1.00-1.80 Not at All



This chapter presents, discusses and interprets the findings of the study in

answer to the question raised in Chapter 1.

Table 1. Profile of Carinderia Owners in Terms of Monthly Sales (n=100)

Variable Frequency Percentage

Monthly Sales
₱20,001 and above 16 16%
₱16,001-20,000 70 70%
₱12,001-16,000 12 12%
₱8,001-12,000 2 2%
Total 100 100%

It can be gleaned from the table that 70% of the carinderia owners have

monthly sales of ₱16,001-20,000 while 16% have monthly sales of ₱20,001 and

above. And only 12% of them have monthly sales of ₱12,001-16,000 and 2%

have monthly sales of ₱8,001-12,000. It is indicative that carinderia owners can

generate or make high sales monthly.

Table 2 represents the sales strategies of carinderia owners in Agoo and

Aringay, La Union.

Table 2.1. Strategies of Carinderia Owners in Terms of Price

Strategies of Carinderia Owners in Terms of Price WM DR Rank

Lower than the competitors’ price 4.51 VSA 1
Based on the expenses 4.44 VSA 2

Customers’ feedback 4.36 VSA 3

Compute the price which includes direct materials and VSA
4.35 4
direct labor
Quality of the product 4.31 VSA 5

Based on the demand 4.30 VSA 6

Higher than the competitors’ price 4.09 SA 7

What customers may afford 4.08 SA 8

Same as the competitors’ price 4 SA 9

Let the customers make the price 3.86 SA 10

Average Weighted Mean 4.23 VSA

Numerical Statistical
Values Limits
Very Strongly
5 4.21-5.00
Agree (VSA)
Strongly Agree
4 3.41-4.20
3 2.61-3.40 Agree (A)

2 1.81-2.60 Disagree (D)

Strongly Disagree
1 1.00-1.81
(SD) The

table 2.1

shows the price strategies of carinderia owners, computed along their weighted

mean values and arranged accordingly to their particular ranks.

Among the ten price strategies, as identified by the researchers, the top

three strategies are “Lower than the competitors’ price” with weighted mean

value of 4.51, “Based on the expenses” with weighted mean value of 4.44 and

lastly, “Customers’ feedback” with weighted mean value of 4.36. This is indicative

that the most of the carinderia owners in Agoo and Aringay, La Union use to

lower their price as their price strategy for the benefit of their business.

It is in relation to the study of Sutevski (2009), many entrepreneurs in the

time of downturn think that the best way to do to increase sales and keep their

existing customers is to start lowering their prices. Additionally, many of them

chose to lower their prices to eliminate competition, and to increase revenue and


Table 2.2. Strategies of Carinderia Owners in Terms of Product
Strategies of Carinderia Owners in Terms of
WM DR Rank
Desired products of the customers 4.78 VSA 1
Specialty 4.59 VSA 2

What dishes are easy to cook 4.46 VSA 3

Healthy menu items 4.33 VSA 4

Customers’ choice 4.31 VSA 5

Food trends 4.26 VSA 6

To-Go Items 4.13 SA 7

Sold-out first 4.12 SA 8

Common dishes or menu in carinderias 4.11 SA 9

Popular dishes in our community 4.09 SA 10

Average Weighted Mean 4.32 VSA


Numerical Statistical
Values Limits
Very Strongly
5 4.21-5.00
Agree (VSA)
Strongly Agree
4 3.41-4.20
3 2.61-3.40 Agree (A)

2 1.81-2.60 Disagree (D)

Strongly Disagree
1 1.00-1.81

Table 2.2 shows the product strategies of carinderia owners, computed

along their weighted mean values and arranged accordingly to their particular


Among the ten product strategies, as identified by the researchers, the top

three strategies are “Desired products of the customers” with weighted mean

value of 4.78, “Specialty” with weighted mean value of 4.59 and “What dishes are

easy to cook” with weighted mean value of 4.46. This is indicative that most of

the carinderia owners in Agoo and Aringay, La Union consider the desired


According to Philip Kotler (2000), the societal marketing concept holds that

the organization’s task is to determine the needs, wants, and interests of target

markets and to deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently

than competitors.

Table 3 represents the level of effectiveness of strategies of carinderia

owners to the sales of their business.

Strategies of Carinderia Owners in Terms of Price WM DR Rank

Lower than the competitors’ price 4.81 VHE 1
Based on the expenses 4.72 VHE 2
Compute the price which includes direct materials and direct VHE
4.57 3
Based on the demand 4.55 VHE 4

Higher than the competitors’ price 4.43 VHE 5

What customers may afford 4.42 VHE 6

Customers’ feedback 4.40 VHE 7

Quality of the product 4.36 VHE 8

Same as the competitors’ price 4.25 VHE 9

Let the customers make the price 4.23 VHE 10

Average Weighted Mean 4.47 VHE
Table 3.1. Level of Effectiveness of Price Stratregies


Numerical Statistical
Values Limits
Very Highly
5 4.21-5.00
Effective (VHE)
Highly Effective
4 3.41-4.20
3 2.61-3.40
Effective (ME)
Slightly Effective
2 1.81-2.60
1 1.00-1.81 Not At All

Table 3.1 shows the level of effectiveness of price strategies of carideria

owners to the sales of their business, computed along their weighted mean

values and arranged accordingly to their particular ranks.

Among the ten price strategies, as identified by the researchers, the top

three strategies that are effective are “Lower than the competitors’ price” with

weighted mean value of 4.81, “Based on the expenses” with weighted mean

value of 4.72 and “Compute the price which includes direct materials and direct

labor” with weighted mean value of 4.57. This is indicative that in lowering their

price compared to their competitors is the most effective strategy to increase

their sales.

It is in relation to the study of Bernard (2017), many owners rely on

intuition at their competitors’ prices, which is then followed by setting their prices

lower. If you price your products too low, you may cause your products to appear

too cheap. This can have an effect on the product being offered by just being of

lower quality or value than the competitors’. Low pricing may cause you financial

loss if it is not enough to cover costs. This is especially true if your sales volume

goes down.

Table 3.2. Level of Effectiveness of Product Stratregies

Strategies of Carinderia Owners in Terms of Product WM DR Rank

Desired products of the customers 4.81 VHE 1
Specialty 4.60 VHE 2

Customers’ choice 4.46 VHE 3

What dishes are easy to cook 4.45 VHE 4

Healthy menu items 4.40 VHE 5

Common dishes or menu in carinderias 4.36 VHE 6

Sold-out first 4.35 VHE 7

Food trends 4.33 VHE 8

To-Go Items 4.30 VHE 9

Popular dishes in our community 4.28 VHE 10

Average Weighted Mean 4.34 VHE


Numerical Statistical
Values Limits
Very Highly
5 4.21-5.00
Effective (VHE)
Highly Effective
4 3.41-4.20
3 2.61-3.40
Effective (ME)
Slightly Effective
2 1.81-2.60
1 1.00-1.81 Not At All

Table 3.2 shows the level of effectiveness of product strategies of

carideria owners to the sales of their business, computed along their weighted

mean values and arranged accordingly to their particular ranks.

Among the ten product strategies, as identified by the researchers, the

top three strategies that are effective are “Desired products of the customers”

with weighted mean value of 4.81, “Specialty” with weighted mean value of 4.60

and “Customers’ choice” with weighted mean value of 4.46. This is indicative that

in considering the desired products of the customers is the most effective

strategy to increase their sales.

It is in relation to the study of Wig (2010), most of the companies are

operating their business without clear and well-defined understanding of what are

their customer needs, what their customers actually value the most and the least,

what they are willing to pay for and what would make them stay loyal. An

excellent understanding of customer values and priorities can help in

improvement a profitable product with strong take-up rate and highly satisfied

customers. It is more important to look at what customers really need to make

their customers satisfy.

Table 4 represents the significant relationship between the strategies and

month sales of their business.

Table 4.1. Significant Relationship between the Price Strategies and the
Monthly Sales

Variable Correlation Conclusion Tcomputed Conclusion Decision

Coefficient on r

Price -0.06 Very low -0.60 No Accept H0

Strategies negative significant
Vs. correlation relationship

Tcritical=1.984, df=90, α=0.05, two-tailed

Table 4.1 shows that there is a moderately high negative correlation

between price strategies and monthly sales of the carinderia owners. The table

shows the price strategies of carinderia owners and their monthly sales. The

relationship between the two factors was computed and determined using the

Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. It is used to determine the

relationship between price strategies of carinderia owners and monthly sales of

their business. The computed value is -0.60 and the critical value is ± 1.984 with

an alpha of 0.05, two-tailed. It means that the researchers would accept the null

hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between the price strategies

and monthly sales of carinderia owners. Therefore, price strategies don’t affect

the sales of the business.

It is in relation to the study of Tomas (2016), the pricing strategy depends

a lot of on the way in which a consumer goes through the process of purchasing

your product. If this process requires a long decision, then it will be more difficult

for your company to be successful with a marketing strategy that only focuses on

low prices. The consumers need more information to help them make a decision.

Table 4.2. Significant Relationship between the Product Strategies and the

Monthly Sales

Variable Correlation Conclusion Tcomputed Conclusion Decision

Coefficient on r
Product 0.09 Very low 0.80 No Accept H0
Strategies positive significant

Vs. correlation relationship
Tcritical=1.984, df=90, α=0.05, two-tailed

Table 4.2 shows that there is a very high negative correlation between

product strategies and monthly sales of the carinderia owners. The table shows

the product strategies of carinderia owners and their monthly sales. The

relationship between the two factors was computed and determined using the

Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. It is used to determine the

relationship between product strategies of carinderia owners and monthly sales

of their business. The computed value is -0.80 and the critical value is ± 1.984

with an alpha of 0.05, two-tailed. It means that the researchers would accept the

null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between the product

strategies and monthly sales of carinderia owners.

It is in opposition to the study of Product Management (2017), the

foundation of a successful business is a product that customers want. Therefore,

the product strategy should first define who your customers are. Many

companies serve multiple customer segments. Make sure you have a strong

understanding of your customers’ needs before setting a long-term product

strategy. And be willing to adjust as you get feedback from your customers

throughout the product lifecycle. It tells that product strategy and sales are in

each other's pocket.

Table 5 shows the significant relationship between the level of

effectiveness of strategies of carinderia owners and their monthly sales.

Table 5.1. Significant Relationship between Level of Effectiveness of Price

Strategies of Carinderia Owners and Their Monthly Sales

Variable Correlation Conclusion Tcomputed Conclusion Decision

Coefficient on r

Level of -0.17 Very low 1.71 No Accept H0

Effectivenes negative significant
s of Price correlation relationship
Vs. Monthly
Tcritical=1.984, df=90, α=0.05, two-tailed

Table 5.1 shows that there is a very high negative correlation between

level of effectiveness of price strategies and monthly sales of the carinderia

owners. The table shows the level of effectiveness of price strategies of

carinderia owners and their monthly sales. The relationship between the two

factors was computed and determined using the Pearson product moment

correlation coefficient. It is used to determine the relationship between level of

effectiveness of price strategies of carinderia owners and monthly sales of their

business. The computed value is 1.71 and the critical value is ± 1.984 with an

alpha of 0.05, two-tailed. It means that the researchers would accept the null

hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between the level of

effectiveness of price strategies and monthly sales of carinderia owners.

It is in opposition to the study of McCormick (2016), an effective pricing

strategy is vital for businesses who wish to achieve success by finding the price

point where they can get the best out of sales. Businesses may use a variety of

pricing strategies, depending on their own unique marketing goals and


Table 5.2. Significant Relationship between Level of Effectiveness of

Product Strategies of Carinderia Owners and Their Monthly Sales
Variable Correlation Conclusion Tcomputed Conclusion Decision
Coefficient on r

Level of 0.04 Very low 0.40 No Accept H0

Effectivenes negative significant
s of Product correlation relationship
Vs. Monthly
Tcritical=1.984, df=90, α=0.05, two-tailed

Table 5.2 shows that there is a moderately low positive correlation

between level of effectiveness of product strategies and monthly sales of the

carinderia owners. The table shows the level of effectiveness of product

strategies of carinderia owners and their monthly sales. The relationship between

the two factors was computed and determined using the Pearson product

moment correlation coefficient. It is used to determine the relationship between

level of effectiveness of product strategies of carinderia owners and monthly

sales of their business. The computed value is 0.40 and the critical value is ±

1.984 with an alpha of 0.05, two-tailed. It means that the researchers would

accept the null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between the

level of effectiveness of product strategies and monthly sales of carinderia


It is in opposition to the study of Scott (2018), fast food marketing reacts to

the moods and needs of customers, and while emphasizing value and

affordability have always been part of the industry’s overall strategy, and those

product qualities have become even more important in a tight economy.



This chapter presents the summary of findings made, the conclusions

drawn, and the recommendations advanced as a result of the study conducted.


This study quantified the level of effectiveness of strategies of carinderia

owners in Agoo and Aringay, La Union, during the School Year 2018-2019.

The study involved one-hundred (100) randomly-picked and identified

carinderia owners using purposive or judgment sampling. The researchers made

use of a questionnaire as one of the data collection instrument for this study.

Frequency distribution, rankings and weighted mean were used to quantify the

data gathered.

All computations were done manually by the researchers.

Major Findings
The following were the main findings of the study:

1. Most of the carinderia owners have monthly sales of ₱16,001-20,000 with

a percentage of 70%.

2. The most identified price strategy of carinderia owners is the lower price

than the competitors with weighted mean of 4.51; the most identified product

strategy of carinderia owners is the desired product of the customers with

weighted mean of 4.78.

3. The most identified price strategy that can benefit the business is the

lower price than the competitors with weighted mean of 4.81; the most identified

product strategy that can benefit the business is the desired product of the

customers with weighted mean of 4.81.

4. There is no significant relationship between the strategies of carinderia

owners and their monthly sales.

5. There is no significant relationship between the monthly sales and the

level of effectiveness of strategies of carinderia owners.


Based on the findings, the following conclusion were drawn:

1. Most of the carinderia owners have monthly sales of ₱16,001-20,00.

2. Most of the carinderia owners considered the desired product of the

customers and set a lower price than the competitors.

3. Having a lower price than the competitors’ price and considering the

desired product of the customers has a big impact to the sales of the business.

4. Strategy is not just the basis of gaining high sales.

5. The success of a business cannot be seen in the level of effectiveness

of strategies.


Based on the conclusions derived, the following recommendations are


1. Carinderia owners should use the best strategy to have high monthly


2. Carinderia owners should not only focus on their strategies; they should

also give customers good service to have their retention.

3. The future researchers must conduct another study like this to see if the

result is the same or not. Also, they can use this study as a reference data in

conducting new researches like this. It will serve as their cross-reference that will

give them enough information to do their research.


A. Online Sources

(2016, January 26). Retrieved from Business News Philippines:

(2018, May 24). Retrieved from Home Business:

Cherry, K. (2018, March 16). Retrieved from


Griffin, D. (2019, January 1). Retrieved from

Hartman, D. (2018, December 10). Retrieved from

Inocencio, H. (2012, July 12). Retrieved from

Mukherjee, A. (2015, April 15). Retrieved from

Ponto, J. (2015, March 1). Retrieved from

Scott, L. (2018, April 16). Retrieved from


Tanny, T. (2018, January 8). Retrieved from

Taylor, E. (2011, September 22). Retrieved from

Bernard. (2017, March 20). Retrieved from

Kotler, P. (2000). Retrieved from

McCormick, M. (2016, April 27). Black Curve. Retrieved from

Product Management. (2017, November). Retrieved from

Sutevski, D. (2009). Retrieved from

Tomas, D. (2016, July 7). Retrieved from



Answer the following survey – questionnaire in all honesty and

truthfulness. Your answer shall be treated with confidentiality and shall only be
used for the very purpose of the research being conducted. Your cooperation is
highly appreciated. Thank you!

Name (optional):



₱20,001 and above





₱4,000 and below


Direction: Below is a list of strategies of carinderia owners in terms of price. Put

a check mark (/) on each strategy to indicate the level of agreement.

5 4 3 2 1
Strategies of Carinderia Very
Owners in Terms of Price Strongly Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree
1. Lower than the
competitors’ price
2. Based on the expenses
3. Compute the price which
includes direct materials and
direct labor
4. Based on the demand
5. Higher than the
competitors’ price

6. Quality of the product
7. What customers may
8. Let the customers make
the price
9. Same as the competitors’
10. Customers’ feedback


Direction: Below is a list of strategies of carinderia owners in terms of product.
Put a check mark (/) on each strategy to indicate the level of agreement.

5 4 3 2 1
Strategies of Carinderia
Owners in Terms of
Strongly Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree
1. Desired products of the
2. Specialty
3. What dishes are easy to
4. Food trends

5. Sold-out first
6. Common dishes or menu
in carinderias
7. Popular dishes in our
8. To-Go Items

9. Healthy menu items

10. Customers’ choice


Direction: Below is a list of strategies of carinderia owners in terms of price and
product. Put a check mark (/) on each strategy to indicate the level of

Strategies of Carinderia 5 4 3 2 1
Owners in Terms of Price Very Moderat

Highly Highly ely Slightly Not at
Effective Effective Effective Effective All
1. Lower than the
competitors’ price
2. Based on the expenses
3. Compute the price which
includes direct materials and
direct labor
4. Based on the demand
5. Higher than the
competitors’ price
6. Quality of the product
7. What customers may
8. Let the customers make
the price
9. Same as the competitors’
10. Customers’ feedback


5 4 3 2 1
Very Modera
Strategies of
Highly Highly tely Slightl Not at
Carinderia Owners in
Effecti Effecti Effecti y All
Terms of Product
ve ve ve Effecti
1. Desired products of
the customers
2. Specialty
3. What dishes are easy
to cook
4. Food trends
5. Sold-out first
6. Common dishes or
menu in carinderias
7. Popular dishes in our

8. To-Go Items
9. Healthy menu items
10. Customers’ choice




Respondent Price Strategies Monthly Sales

1 4.3 5
2 3.9 5
3 3.7 4
4 4.3 6
5 3.5 6
6 4.5 5
7 4.4 4
8 4.4 5
9 4.7 5
10 3.8 5
11 3.8 6
12 4.5 5
13 4.1 5
14 4.2 5
15 3.8 5
16 4 5
17 3.7 5
18 4 6
19 4.6 5
20 4.2 4
21 4.3 3
22 4.2 5
23 4.6 5
24 4.1 5
25 4.4 6
26 4.4 5
27 4.2 6
28 4.2 5
29 4.5 5
30 4.4 6
31 4.2 4
32 4.4 5
33 4.4 5
34 4.1 5
35 4 5
36 4.3 6
37 4.2 5
38 4.2 5
39 4.1 5
40 4.2 5
41 4.5 5
42 4.3 5
43 4.5 5
44 4.3 5

45 4.1 4
46 4.3 5
47 4.2 5
48 4.3 5
49 4.3 5
50 4.2 5
51 3.7 5
52 3.9 5
53 4.3 4
54 4.3 6
55 4.3 5
56 4.3 4
57 4.2 3
58 4 5
59 4.5 6
60 4.4 5
61 4.5 6
62 4.2 5
63 4.3 5
64 4.3 5
65 4.1 5
66 4.3 5
67 4.3 5
68 4.5 5
69 4.6 5
70 4.4 5
71 3.9 6
72 4 6
73 3.8 6
74 4.3 6
75 4.2 6
76 4.3 5
77 4.1 5
78 4.3 5
79 4.5 5
80 4.2 5
81 4.6 5
82 4.3 5
83 4.4 5
84 4.5 5
85 3.7 5
86 4.4 5
87 4.1 5
88 4.3 5
89 4 5
90 3.9 5
91 4.2 5
92 4.1 5
93 4.1 5
94 4.5 5
95 4.2 5

96 4.1 4
97 4 4
98 4.4 4
99 4 4
100 4.6 4

r= -0.04




Respondent Product Strategies Monthly Sales

1 4.6 5
2 4.2 5
3 4.8 4
4 4 6
5 4.1 6
6 4.7 5
7 0.6 4
8 4.6 5
9 4.2 5
10 4.5 5
11 4.8 6
12 4.5 5
13 4.7 5
14 4.3 5
15 4.4 5
16 4.5 5
17 4.1 5
18 4 6
19 4.5 5
20 4.2 4
21 4.6 3
22 4.4 5
23 4.5 5
24 4 5
25 4.3 6
26 4.3 5
27 4.5 6
28 4.6 5
29 4.3 5
30 4.3 6
31 4.4 4
32 4.5 5
33 4.4 5
34 4.1 5
35 4.2 5
36 4.6 6
37 4.3 5
38 4.3 5
39 4.3 5
40 4.2 5
41 4.5 5
42 4.4 5
43 4.5 5
44 4.2 5

45 4.2 4
46 4.4 5
47 4.2 5
48 4.3 5
49 4.3 5
50 4.4 5
51 4.3 5
52 4.2 5
53 4.5 4
54 4.5 6
55 4.5 5
56 4.4 4
57 4.6 3
58 4.1 5
59 4.3 6
60 4.1 5
61 4 6
62 4.5 5
63 4.4 5
64 4.4 5
65 4.3 5
66 3.9 5
67 4.1 5
68 4.1 5
69 4.2 5
70 4.2 5
71 4.3 6
72 4.2 6
73 4.3 6
74 4.3 6
75 4.1 6
76 4 5
77 4.4 5
78 4 5
79 4.2 5
80 4.3 5
81 4.3 5
82 4.6 5
83 4.4 5
84 4.3 5
85 4.5 5
86 4.3 5
87 4.4 5
88 4 5
89 3.9 5
90 4.3 5
91 4.3 5
92 4.1 5
93 4.3 5
94 4.1 5
95 4.1 5

96 3.8 4
97 4.3 4
98 4.1 4
99 4.2 4
100 4.5 4

r= 0.09





Respondent Level of Effectiveness of Price Monthly Sales

1 4 5
2 4.2 5
3 4.4 4
4 4.6 6
5 4.3 6
6 4.7 5
7 4.6 4
8 4.6 5
9 4.6 5
10 4.7 5
11 4.6 6
12 4.2 5
13 4 5
14 3.9 5
15 4.6 5
16 4.2 5
17 4.3 5
18 4.6 6
19 4.6 5
20 5 4
21 4.5 3
22 4.6 5
23 4.6 5
24 4.6 5
25 4.5 6
26 4.4 5
27 4.6 6
28 4.5 5
29 4.5 5
30 4.5 6
31 4.7 4
32 4.2 5
33 4.5 5
34 4.6 5
35 4.2 5
36 4.4 6
37 4.5 5
38 4.5 5
39 4.6 5
40 4.5 5
41 4.6 5

42 4.7 5
43 4.3 5
44 4.2 5
45 4.4 4
46 4.3 5
47 4.9 5
48 4.4 5
49 4.5 5
50 4.3 5
51 4.6 5
52 4.6 5
53 4.7 4
54 4.6 6
55 4.8 5
56 4.5 4
57 4.6 3
58 4.6 5
59 4.5 6
60 3.9 5
61 4.4 6
62 4.6 5
63 4.5 5
64 4.5 5
65 4 5
66 4.4 5
67 4.3 5
68 4.6 5
69 4.5 5
70 4.1 5
71 4.4 6
72 4.1 6
73 4.5 6
74 4.4 6
75 4.3 6
76 4.4 5
77 4.7 5
78 4.5 5
79 4.4 5
80 4.5 5
81 4.4 5
82 4.5 5
83 4.5 5
84 4.4 5
85 4.4 5
86 4.3 5
87 4.5 5
88 4.6 5
89 4.7 5
90 4.5 5
91 4.5 5
92 4.7 5

93 4.3 5
94 4.6 5
95 4.2 5
96 4.6 4
97 4.7 4
98 4.4 4
99 4.5 4
100 4.6 4

r= -0.17





Respondent Level of Effectiveness of Monthly Sales

Product Strategies
1 4.3 5
2 4.5 5
3 4.6 4
4 4.9 6
5 4.9 6
6 4.7 5
7 4.6 4
8 4.6 5
9 4.5 5
10 4.6 5
11 4.5 6
12 5 5
13 4.7 5
14 4.4 5
15 4.6 5
16 4.6 5
17 4.7 5
18 4.5 6
19 4.6 5
20 4.4 4
21 4.5 3
22 4.4 5
23 4.4 5
24 4.4 5
25 4.4 6
26 4.6 5
27 4.7 6
28 4.6 5
29 4.5 5
30 4.6 6
31 4.4 4
32 4.5 5
33 4.4 5
34 4.5 5
35 4.5 5
36 4.6 6
37 4.5 5
38 4.4 5
39 4.3 5
40 4.6 5
41 4.8 5

42 4.6 5
43 4.5 5
44 4.3 5
45 4 4
46 4.5 5
47 4.5 5
48 4.2 5
49 4.5 5
50 4.5 5
51 4.6 5
52 4.6 5
53 4.5 4
54 4.5 6
55 4.5 5
56 4.5 4
57 4.7 3
58 4.6 5
59 4.5 6
60 4.3 5
61 4.7 6
62 4.4 5
63 4.7 5
64 4.3 5
65 4.5 5
66 4.4 5
67 4.4 5
68 4.6 5
69 4.5 5
70 4.4 5
71 4.2 6
72 3.9 6
73 4.2 6
74 4.1 6
75 4.2 6
76 4.3 5
77 4.3 5
78 4.1 5
79 4.1 5
80 4.3 5
81 4.2 5
82 3.9 5
83 4.3 5
84 3.7 5
85 4.2 5
86 4.5 5
87 4.2 5
88 4.1 5
89 4.5 5
90 4.5 5
91 4.4 5
92 4.4 5

93 4.3 5
94 4.2 5
95 4.2 5
96 4.3 4
97 4.3 4
98 4.2 4
99 4.3 4
100 4.4 4

r= 0.04


Sta. Rita West, Aringay, La Union


Birth Place : Agoo, La Union

Birth Date : January 12, 2001

Age : 18 years old

Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino



Tabaco City, Albay



Aringay, La Union



Aringay, La Union

Second Semester 2018-2019

Strand: ABM

Dulao, Aringay, La Union


Birth Place : Aringay, La Union

Birth Date : September 12, 2000

Age : 18 years old

Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino



Aringay, La Union



Aringay, La Union



Aringay, La Union

Second Semester 2018-2019

Strand: ABM

Dulao, Aringay, La Union


Birth Place : Aringay, La Union

Birth Date : October 27, 2000

Age : 18 years old

Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino



Aringay, La Union



Aringay, La Union



Aringay, La Union

Second Semester 2018-2019

Strand: ABM

Samara, Aringay, La Union


Birth Place : Aringay, La Union

Birth Date :

Age : 18 years old

Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino


Aringay, La Union



Aringay, La Union



Aringay, La Union

Second Semester 2018-2019

Strand: ABM


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