Day 100-Friday 9th October

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❏ Day 100

Final Task 

★ Do you remember your persuasive essay about your favourite city around the world?

● Today we are going to create a travel brochure about your favourite city. In this travel
brochure you should decide which information you want to share.

You will need:

✓a sheet of paper
✓ photos/drawings
✓ markers/colors
✓ Necessary information about the city that you chose

Step 1:
Fold the sheet of paper in 3 parts.
Step 2:
Create the cover. ​The brochure cover includes ​a title, picture, and one sentence​ convincing readers
to travel to that particular city. The cover should be appealing and show ​creativity​.

Step 3:
Complete inside with the information that you consider interesting about that city.
Remember that it is your travel brochure, so you decide which information you should include
inside(food, weather, landscapes, language,location,interesting facts, historical monuments, etc).
Here you have some examples:
➔ Here is another example: ​

Remember to ​send us (both Misses) your final task​ by video​ explaining your 
brochure about your city. 
(Haremos esta actividad el Viernes con la docente que te corresponda ese 
día, cuando te conectes por favor t​ ener listos los materiales​ para la 
realización del folleto. ​Todos los alumnos ​deben enviar el video) 

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