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Review article

Current Concepts

Tuberculosis in Children
Carlos M. Perez-Velez, M.D., and Ben J. Marais, M.D., Ph.D.

From Grupo Tuberculosis Valle-Colorado idespread implementation of the strategy of directly ob-
and Clínica León XIII, IPS Universidad de served treatment short course (DOTS) during the 1990s resulted in im-
Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia (C.M.P.-V.);
and the Sydney Emerging Infections and proved global control of tuberculosis.1 However, its effectiveness has been
Biosecurity Institute and Children’s Hos- limited in areas where poverty and infection with the human immunodeficiency
pital at Westmead, University of Sydney, virus (HIV) or drug-resistant tuberculosis are prevalent, and the emphasis on a
Sydney (B.J.M.). Address reprint requests
to Dr. Marais at the Clinical School, Chil- positive sputum smear as the diagnostic criterion actually excludes most children
dren’s Hospital at Westmead, Locked from care.2 Tuberculosis remains a major but often unrecognized cause of disease
Bag 4001, Westmead, Sydney, NSW 2145, and death among children in areas where the disease is endemic3; service delivery
Australia, or at ben.marais@health.nsw in such areas is hampered by the absence of pragmatic strategies to guide diagnosis
and management. This article provides a brief overview of basic principles, current
N Engl J Med 2012;367:348-61.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1008049
controversies, and recent advances related to the care of children with tuberculosis,
Copyright © 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society. with an emphasis on intrathoracic disease.


Poor ascertainment and reporting of cases of tuberculosis prevent accurate estima-

tion of the global burden of disease from tuberculosis in children.4 Among the
4,452,860 new cases reported in 2010 by the 22 countries with the highest burden of
disease from tuberculosis, only 157,135, or 3.5% (range, 0.1 to 15.0), were in chil-
dren. Best estimates suggest that children (defined as persons younger than 15 years
of age) account for approximately 11% of the burden of disease from tuberculosis,5
suggesting that just over 332,000 cases of tuberculosis in children went undiag-
nosed or unreported in these countries. Although overdiagnosis does occur, under-
diagnosis is the rule in most areas where there is a high burden of disease and
children with tuberculosis can access services only through referral hospitals. The
problem of underdiagnosis in children is illustrated by the low pediatric caseload
reported in four countries with a high disease burden, where rates exceeding 10% of
all reported cases would be expected: Russia, 0.8%; India, 1.1%; Nigeria, 1.4%; and
Brazil, 3.5%.1 In areas such as North America and Western Europe, where there is
minimal internal transmission and routine provision of postexposure prophylaxis, a
smaller proportion of children is affected, and most cases of childhood tuberculosis
occur in immigrant populations.6,7
Coinfection with HIV has had a major epidemiologic effect, especially in sub-
Saharan Africa. Apart from leading to an increase in the absolute number of patients
with tuberculosis, it has induced a pronounced shift in the age and sex of patients
toward young women of childbearing age.8 The effect of this demographic shift can
be seen in the high rates of exposure to tuberculosis among infants born to mothers
infected with HIV 9 and in the high rates of tuberculosis among infants infected with
HIV.10 Early initiation of antiretroviral therapy is the single most important interven-
tion for reducing overall mortality and the risk of tuberculosis among HIV-infected
infants,11 with isoniazid preventive therapy providing additional benefit.12

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Current Concepts

The emergence of drug-resistant tuberculosis atic children who have been exposed to persons
poses a major threat to global tuberculosis con- with infectious disease.22 The recent formulation
trol.13 The initial complacency in addressing the of an international consensus on reference stan-
problem was influenced by studies indicating that dards and uniform research methodology should
the acquisition of isoniazid resistance reduced the facilitate progress.23-25
pathogenicity of the strain.14 However, the devel- The sequence of events that follows reinfection
opment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (char- (which is common in areas where tuberculosis is
acterized by resistance to isoniazid and rifampin) endemic) remains poorly defined. In cases of re-
in children exposed to persons with infectious current tuberculosis, strain typing makes it pos-
drug-resistant tuberculosis,15 as well as its clonal sible to differentiate relapse from reinfection but
spread in New York City16 and the Russian prison cannot be used to quantify the risk of reinfec-
system,17 has provided clinical evidence of the tion. Composite data analysis suggests that there
transmissibility of multidrug-resistant strains. Ad- is a 79% reduction in the risk of disease progres-
ditional proof was provided by an explosive out- sion among previously infected immunocompe-
break of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis tent adults as compared with previously uninfected
(multidrug-resistant bacteria with additional re- adults after documented exposure26; however, the
sistance to a fluoroquinolone and a second-line epidemic contribution made by reinfection de-
injectable agent) among patients with HIV infec- pends on the frequency of its occurrence in a
tion in South Africa.18 Although the incidence of particular environment.
drug-resistant tuberculosis among children is un- It is important to differentiate infection from
known, pediatric cases provide a valuable epide- disease, since infection is a common event and
miologic perspective, since they reflect ongoing the approaches to managing the two conditions
transmission within communities. In places where are very different. Disease progression is usually
the rates of drug-resistant tuberculosis in children indicated by persistent, nonremitting symptoms,
have been monitored, the rates among children although the rate of progression is variable.21 In
were similar to those among adults from the the vast majority of cases (>90%), disease occurs
same community.15 The World Health Organiza- within 1 year after the primary infection, with the
tion (WHO) estimated that in 2008, 3.6% of inci- youngest children at greatest risk for progres-
dent tuberculosis cases globally were of the mul- sion. The risk profile is bimodal, with adolescents
tidrug-resistant or extensively drug-resistant type, being at increased risk.21 Exploring the mecha-
which suggests that there was a similar burden nisms underlying the increased risk and the sud-
of this type of disease among children.13 den switch in phenotype toward adult-type cavitary
disease that occurs with the onset of puberty
NAT UR A L HIS T OR Y OF DISE A SE should provide new insights into the immuno-
pathogenesis of tuberculosis.27
An understanding of the natural history of tuber-
culosis is required to appreciate both the variations A PPROACHE S T O DI AGNOSIS
in susceptibility to disease and the diverse spec-
trum of clinical manifestations observed in chil- Children are usually evaluated for tuberculosis
dren. Meticulous descriptions of tuberculosis in after presenting with symptoms or signs sugges-
the literature published before the introduction tive of disease (passive case finding) or as a result
of chemotherapy provide valuable insight into the of contact investigation or routine immigration
sequence of events that follows primary infection screening (active case finding). The clinical pre-
with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Table 1 and Fig. sentation of children whose infection is detected
1).19,20 An important observation documented in through active case finding differs from that of
these earlier studies was the presence of tran- children whose infection is detected through pas-
sient hilar adenopathy, and even excretion of sive case finding, with the former group often hav-
M. tuberculosis, in children who had never had ing infection but not disease or having disease
progression to disease.21 This finding poses a in a very early phase. Among children in whom
major problem in case definition for studies, such M. tuberculosis infection is detected, young chil-
as vaccine efficacy trials, that use active case- dren and those with recent exposure are at in-
finding strategies in populations of asymptom- creased risk for progression to disease. Knowl-

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Table 1. Clinical Syndromes Associated with Tuberculosis in Children.*

Disease Phase Results on Tuberculin
and Timing Clinical Syndrome Group at Greatest Risk Immunopathogenesis Skin Test and IGRA Manifestations on Imaging
Primary infection
Incubation, 0–6 wk Asymptomatic All ages No adaptive immunity Negative None
Immune conver- Self-limiting symptoms (mild, viral- All ages Acquisition of adaptive immunity Generally positive; Transient hilar or mediastinal lymph-
sion, 1–3 mo like); hypersensitivity reactions infection may be adenopathy detected in 50–70%
(fever, erythema nodosum, lifelong; no test for of cases; transient Ghon focus
phlyctenular conjunctivitis) reinfection usually not detected
Early disease progres-
2–6 mo Uncomplicated lymph-node disease <10 yr of age Inadequate innate immunity, adap- Generally positive‡ Hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopa-
tive immunity, or both thy without airway involvement;
Ghon focus without cavitation
Progressive Ghon focus <1 yr of age or severely Inadequate innate immunity, adap- Generally positive‡ Ghon focus with visible cavitation

compromised tive immunity, or both

immune system
Disseminated (miliary) disease, <3 yr of age or severely Inadequate innate immunity, adap- Generally positive‡ Discrete lung nodules (1–2 mm in
­tubercular meningitis, or both compromised tive immunity, or both diameter) on chest film, hepato-
immune system splenomegaly, retinal lesions
with hydrocephalus, basal
meningeal enhancement, brain
infarcts or tuberculomas on CT
of the head
4–12 mo Complicated lymph node disease >1 yr of age Exuberant lymph node responses, Generally positive‡ Hyperinflation, atelectasis, or col-
(airway compression, expansile with inadequate innate immuni- lapse of lung; expansile consoli-
caseating pneumonia, infiltration ty, adaptive immunity, or both dation of segment or entire lobe;
of adjacent anatomical struc- tracheoesophageal or broncho-
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tures [bronchus, esophagus, esophageal fistula; pericardial ef-

pericardium, phrenic nerve]) fusion; hemidiaphragmatic palsy

Pleural disease (exudative effusion, >3 yr of age Hypersensitivity response to tuber- Generally positive‡ Effusion, sometimes large, usually in

n engl j med 367;4  july 26, 2012

empyema in rare instances, or culoprotein one lung; pleural thickening and
chylothorax with ductus thoraci- loculations detected on ultraso-
cus infiltration) nography

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m e dic i n e

Peripheral lymphadenitis (most fre- 1–10 yr of age Inadequate local control Generally positive‡ Ultrasonography usually not needed,
quent extrathoracic disease man- but may reveal matting and adja-
ifestation, usually in the neck) cent soft-tissue edema
Late disease progres-

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8–24 mo Adult-type pulmonary disease >10 yr of age, but can Overly aggressive innate immunity, Generally positive‡ Apical cavities in one or both lungs,
(difficult to differentiate among occur in children as adaptive immunity, or both minimal or no lymph-node
primary infection, reactivation, young as 8 yr of age enlargement (previously referred
and reinfection; reactivation may to as postprimary tuberculosis)
occur >20 yr after initial infection)
Current Concepts

edge of the child’s status regarding the likelihood

* Adapted from Wallgren19 and Lincoln and Sewell.20 Age ranges, risk groups, and timelines are intended to provide general guidance only; children infected with the human immunode-
hydronephrosis, calyceal dilata-
of exposure changes the pretest probability of

Periarticular osteopenia, subchon-

dral cystic erosions, narrowing

ficiency virus are particularly susceptible to tuberculosis and may present with atypical features. For the phases of disease, the times shown are the interval between initial exposure
disease and the positive predictive value of subse-

Renal calcifications, cavitation,

quent investigations.

tion, ureter stricture

of joint space Clinical Evaluation
Taking a careful patient history is essential for ex-
ploring the nature of the exposure and accurately

¶In cases of inadequate local control, manifestations are usually restricted to the local focus of disease, although disease can disseminate from any active focus.
characterizing the symptoms.28 The diversity of
the clinical presentation and the nonspecific na-
ture of most symptoms complicate diagnosis.
Constitutional symptoms often include failure to
Generally positive‡

Generally positive‡

thrive (deviation from the expected growth-curve

trajectory) and reduced playfulness; low-grade or
intermittent fever is seen less frequently.28 With
airway involvement, the usual presenting symp-
tom is a persistent, nonremitting cough or
‡ Because test results may be negative in immunocompromised patients, a negative result cannot be used to rule out infection.

wheeze that is unresponsive to the treatment for

likely alternative causes. Clinical signs are often
subtle, and no diagnostic scoring system has
been adequately validated29; the sensitivity and
Inadequate local control¶

Inadequate local control¶

specificity of the clinical diagnostic approaches

for tuberculosis are particularly poor in children
§ Late disease progression is generally rare, but adult-type pulmonary disease is common in adolescents.

with HIV infection.30

Imaging Studies
In clinical practice, chest radiography is one of
the most useful diagnostic studies. Both frontal
and lateral views should be obtained, since a lat-
eral view assists in the assessment of the medias-
† At least 90% of disease manifestations occur within 12 months after infection.
and the onset of the disease phase. IGRA denotes interferon-γ–release assay.

tinal and hilar areas. The radiographic findings

vary, but pronounced hilar adenopathy, with or
>1 yr of age

>5 yr of age

without airway compression, is highly suggestive

of tuberculosis. The International Union against
Tuberculosis and Lung Disease compiled an atlas
of illustrative cases.31 Unfortunately, the techni-
Osteoarticular disease (e.g., spon-
dylitis, arthritis, osteomyelitis)

Urinary tract (kidney, ureter, blad-

cal quality of the radiographs obtained in areas

where tuberculosis is endemic is often poor or
radiographic facilities are not available.
Ultrasonography is useful in confirming the
presence of pericardial or pleural effusions and
der) disease

abdominal lymphadenopathy. High-resolution

computed tomography (CT) offers excellent ana-
tomical visualization,32 but because of the high
cost of CT and the high level of radiation to which
the patient is exposed, as compared with other
forms of imaging, it should be reserved for com-
plicated cases. Both CT and magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) are particularly helpful in visualiz-
1–3 yr

>3 yr

ing the intracranial effects of disease, although

MRI is more sensitive to the detection of brain-
stem lesions and early perfusion defects in pa-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

tients with tuberculous meningitis, and it also hensive studies that focus on children.) Micro-
allows superior evaluation of the spine and soft scopical examination of sputum smears is the
tissues.33 cornerstone of diagnosis in most countries, but
its usefulness is limited in young children with
Laboratory Studies paucibacillary disease who are unable to expecto-
Table 2 provides an overview of the laboratory rate. Both the tuberculin skin test and the
examinations used in the diagnosis of tuberculo- interferon-γ release assay fail to differentiate
sis. (See the Supplementary Appendix, available M. tuberculosis infection from active disease. The
with the full text of this article at, for WHO recommends that the assay not be used in
a list of references that includes recent compre- place of the tuberculin skin test,34 although the

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Current Concepts

less sensitive than liquid cultures for the detec-

Figure 1 (facing page). Clinical Syndromes of Intratho-
racic Tuberculosis in Children. tion of M. tuberculosis in both children and adults,
Panel A shows hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy it provides results quickly, is highly specific, and
associated with an ipsilateral peripheral nodule, or detects resistance to rifampin. When two sputum
“Ghon focus”; these nodules are often subpleural, with samples are used, the assay detects three times as
an overlying pleural reaction. Panel B shows a Ghon many cases as when microscopy is used40 but only
focus with cavitation, which is seen almost exclusively
about 70% of the cases when liquid culture is
in infants and immunocompromised children; other ele-
ments of the Ghon complex are also visible. In Panel C, used.41,42 Currently, access to the Xpert-MTB/RIF
enlarged lymph nodes compress the airway, causing ei- assay is limited, but the efforts of the Global Labo-
ther complete obstruction with lobar collapse, as shown ratory Initiative, a working group of the Stop TB
in the right middle and lower lobes, or partial obstruc- Partnership, should increase its availability.
tion with a ball-valve effect leading to hyperinflation, as
Each of the diagnostic approaches described
shown in the left lung. Panel D shows necrotic lymph
nodes erupting into bronchus intermedius, with endo- has limitations. However, when a combination of
bronchial spread and patchy consolidation of the mid- clinical, radiologic, laboratory, and histopatho-
dle and lower lobes. In Panel E, necrotic lymph nodes logic findings are consistent with a diagnosis of
compress and obstruct the left bronchus in the upper tuberculosis and there is epidemiologic evidence
lobe and may infiltrate a phrenic nerve, causing hemi-
of exposure to tuberculosis or immunologic evi-
diaphragmatic palsy; endobronchial spread causes dense
consolidation of the entire lobe, with displacement of dence of M. tuberculosis infection, an accurate di-
the trachea and fissures and the formation of focal cavi- agnosis is possible in most cases.42
ties. Panel F shows diffuse micronodules in both lungs,
which may result from lymphohematogenous spread
after recent primary infection or from the infiltration of PR INCIPL E S OF DISE A SE
a necrotic lymph node or lung lesion into a blood vessel, M A NAGEMEN T
leading to hematogenous spread. Panel G shows a
pleural effusion that is usually indicative of recent pri- Although every effort should be made to attain
mary infection, with a hypersensitivity response to tu- bacteriologic confirmation of disease, confirma-
berculoprotein that leaked from a subpleural Ghon focus tion rates remain low, and treatment initiation
(often not visible) into the pleural cavity; in rare cases
should not be delayed in immunologically vul-
this effusion may also result from chylothorax or tuber-
culous empyema. Panel H shows a pericardial effusion nerable children. Unfortunately, some tuberculo-
that occurs when tuberculoprotein leaks from a necrot- sis-control programs will not initiate treatment
ic subcarinal lymph node into the pericardial space; it without bacteriologic confirmation, citing the
may also occur after hematogenous spread. Panel I shows risk of adverse events from treatment and con-
cavity formation in both upper lobes, with endobronchial
cerns about amplifying drug resistance. How-
spread to the middle lobe. Nodules or cavities in apical
lung segments are typical of adult-type disease and are ever, adverse events are rare in young children who
pathologically distinct from the other cavities shown. are treated with first-line tuberculosis drugs, and
they are at low risk for acquiring or transmitting
drug-resistant tuberculosis. Despite differences
two tests may be complementary, improving the between adult and pediatric tuberculosis (see
sensitivity or specificity of the assessment in spe- Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix), the
cific clinical circumstances.35 principles of disease management are similar.
Collecting specimens of spontaneously pro- The purpose of tuberculosis treatment is to cure
duced sputum in young children is problematic; the individual patient, whereas the intent of pub-
gastric aspiration and sputum induction (with or lic health efforts is to terminate transmission and
without laryngopharyngeal suction) are feasible prevent the emergence of drug resistance. Rapidly
alternative methods of collection.36 The “string metabolizing bacilli are quickly killed by bacteri-
test” (which involves the use of an esophagogas- cidal agents with high activity, thereby terminat-
troduodenal nylon yarn that can absorb swal- ing transmission, ameliorating symptoms, and
lowed sputum) works well in adults with HIV decreasing the risk of drug resistance (by reduc-
infection who have little sputum,37 and prelimi- ing the population from which drug-resistant
nary test results in children seem promising.38 mutants emerge). The use of drugs with steriliz-
Fine-needle aspiration biopsy is very useful in ing activity is required to eradicate persistent
children with a peripheral lymph-node mass.39 subpopulations of intermittently metabolizing
Although the Xpert-MTB/RIF assay (Cepheid) is bacilli, thereby preventing relapse and effecting a

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Table 2. Diagnostic Studies for Tuberculosis in Children.*

Type of Investigation Examples Uses Strengths Limitations

Microbiologic studies
Detection of Light microscopy with use of Ziehl– Diagnosis of tuberculosis, High specificity; useful in all specimen Sensitivity very low as compared with liq-
Mycobacterium Neelsen, Kinyoun, or Giemsa stains; monitoring of treatment types; rapid detection (<1 hr); low cost uid culture; in young children, approxi-
tuberculosis ba- fluorescence microscopy with use of response (fluorescence microscopy is the most mately 1–15% with a clinical diagnosis
cilli light-emitting diode (e.g., Primo Star cost-effective method); Primo Star of tuberculosis and about 2–25% with
iLED) and auramine stain iLED microscope is endorsed by the confirmation on culture; highly opera-
WHO; in adults, fluorescence micros- tor-dependent; labor-intensive; no spe-

copy has a sensitivity that is about 10% ciation of acid-fast bacilli (a particular
greater than that of light microscopy problem when nontuberculous myco-
and a sensitivity that is 26–37% greater bacteria may be present, e.g., in biopsy
in patients coinfected with HIV; speci- specimens from fine-needle aspiration
ficity is similar to that of light micros- of lymph nodes or gastric aspiration);
copy and examination time is shorter no differentiation of viable and dead
Detection of M. Solid medium: egg-based (e.g., Diagnosis of tuberculosis, Solid medium: high specificity; capable of Solid medium: in young children with clini-
tuberculosis Löwenstein–Jensen; Ogawa), agar- species identification, phenotypic and genotypic speciation cal diagnosis of intrathoracic tubercu-
growth based (e.g., Middlebrook 7H10 or 7H11), drug-susceptibility test- and drug-susceptibility testing; useful losis, sensitivity is low (about 10–40%),
and thin- or thick-layer plated agar ing, monitoring of treat- in all specimen types except formalin- depending on disease severity and
ment response fixed tissue; can include colorimetric specimen-collection method; slow
indicators of growth, such as nitrate turnaround time (2–12 wk); fastest
reductase assay and colorimetric redox turnaround provided by thin-layer agar
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indicator assay, which are endorsed by

the WHO; relatively low cost; less

Liquid medium (e.g., Middlebrook 7H9), expensive than liquid culture
with use of various growth-indicator Liquid medium: high sensitivity and speci- Liquid medium: strict control of cross-­

n engl j med 367;4  july 26, 2012

methods, including fluorescent (e.g., ficity; traditional reference standard; contamination and quality required;
MGIT 960), colorimetric (e.g., BacT/ useful in all specimen types except contamination rates higher than with

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m e dic i n e

ALERT), microscopical (e.g., tubercu­ formalin-fixed tissue; less dependent solid medium; high per-test cost rela-
losis microscopical observation drug- on operator expertise than other op- tive to other options; slow turnaround
susceptibility test kit), radiometric tions; most automated liquid-culture time (2–8 wk)
(e.g., BACTEC 460), and manometric systems and microscopical observa-
(e.g., VersaTREK) tion tests for drug susceptibility testing
are endorsed by the WHO; in children,

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sen­sitivity varies depending on disease
severity and quality of specimen collec-
tion and processing
Detection of DNA Positive or negative smear samples Diagnosis of tuberculosis, Moderate sensitivity (50–85% for negative Drug-susceptibility testing limited with
specific to ­(sputum, gastric aspirates, and ­ species identification, results on smears and positive results most tests (except with line-probe
M. tuberculosis others) used for diagnosis but not drug-susceptibility test- on culture of respiratory specimens [at assays, which require culture isolates);
for drug-susceptibility testing (e.g., ing, monitoring of treat- higher end of range when at least two no differentiation of viable and dead
Amplified MTD, artus MTB, ment response samples are collected] and >95% for bacilli; high risk of cross-contamination
GenoQuick MTB, GenoType MD, positive results on smears); in chil- in open-tube–based systems; strict
LightCycler MTB, Loopamp MTB, dren, sensitivity of Xpert MTB/RIF is quality control essential; cost remains
RealArt MTB, and TaqMan MTB) 20%, fluorescence microscopy 9%, cul- high, but ongoing innovation and
Positive or negative smear samples ture 25% in one to two IS samples economies of scale should continue
­(sputum, gastric aspirates, and ­ from patients with clinical diagnosis of to drive it down; polymerase-chain-
others) used for diagnosis and limited intrathoracic tuberculosis; substantial reaction inhibitors may be problematic
drug-susceptibility testing (e.g., Xpert incremental yield for smear-negative with use of certain specimens
MTB/RIF) disease (33–61%) as compared with
Positive smear samples only (sputum, culture; high specificity (>97%); fully
­gastric aspirates, and others) and automated and integrated platforms
­culture isolates used for diagnosis and available (e.g., GeneXpert and
expanded drug-susceptibility testing COBAS); GenoType and Xpert MTB/
(e.g., GenoType MTBDRplus, Geno­ RIF and are endorsed by the WHO; am-
Type MTBDRsl, and INNO-LiPA Rif.TB) plified-MTD and TaqMan MTB ap-
proved by FDA; can be used in all spec-
imen types; rapid turnaround (2–12 hr)
Detection of Lipoarabinomannan, with assay in urine Diagnosis of tuberculosis Sensitivity best in immunocompromised Sensitivity generally very low (about 50%);
mycobacterial (e.g., Clearview TB ELISA and disease patients with HIV infection (CD4 count no differentiation between M. tubercu-
antigens Determine TB-LAM Ag) <50, 85%; CD4 count 50–100, 71%; losis and nontuberculous mycobacteria;
CD4 count 101–150, 56%); high speci- availability of pediatric studies limited,
ficity (about 95%); rapid turnaround some currently under way; current ver-
Current Concepts

(3 hr); simple and user-friendly strip sion requires an ELISA platform

test; urine collection is noninvasive
and safer to handle than sputum

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Antigen MPB64, with immunochromato- Species identification Confirms M. tuberculosis infection in posi- May not detect some M. bovis BCG strains
graphic assay (e.g., Capilia TB, MGIT tive cultures, with sensitivity >97%
TBcID, and BIOLINE TB Ag MPT64) and specificity >99%; rapid turnaround
(15 min); low cost, easy to use

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Studies of histopatho- Tissue samples stained with hematoxylin Diagnosis of tuberculosis Useful for any tissue biopsy; capacity for No pathognomonic histologic features,
logical features and eosin or Papanicolaou stain cell differentiation makes it possible to but very high specificity when both ca-
consistent with rule out other diagnoses (e.g., cancer) seating granulomas and mycobacterial
tuberculosis bacilli are identified

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Table 2. (Continued.)

Studies of immune Tuberculin skin test (stimulation with in- Identification of M. tuberculo- Tuberculin skin-test sensitivity about 70– Tuberculin skin-test specificity reduced by
response to myco- tradermal injection of purified protein sis infection 80% (lower in immunocompromised BCG vaccination, especially in infants;
bacteria derivative, e.g., Mantoux method) patients); low cost; sensitivity of IGRAs skin-test sensitivity is low in immuno-
IGRA (stimulation with M. tuberculosis– 75–90% (lower in immunocompro- compromised patients and second vis-
specific antigens [e.g., ESAT-6 plus mised patients); specificity unaffected it required after 48–72 hr; IGRA sensi-
CFP-10, with or without TB 7.7], with by BCG vaccination; IGRAs may have tivity low in immunocompromised pa-

detection by ELISPOT assay [e.g., higher sensitivity for detection of re- tients; assay not well validated in chil-
T-SPOT.TB] or ELISA [e.g., cent rather than remote infection; test- dren; indeterminate assay results are
QuantiFERON–TB Gold]) ing includes a negative control and re- problematic; IGRA currently too com-
quires only a single visit plex and costly for routine use in set-
tings with limited resources; neither tu-
berculin skin test nor IGRA can differ-
entiate M. tuberculosis infection from
active disease
Antibody tests None None with current tests; advances awaited Values for sensitivity and specificity of cur-
rent commercial serologic tests are
highly variable; not recommended for
the diagnosis of pulmonary or extra­
pulmonary tuberculosis
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Studies involving body Adenosine deaminase, identified with Diagnosis of tuberculosis Sensitivity and specificity moderate to high May be negative in early stages of central

fluids: detection of colorimetric method disease, monitoring of in specimens from pleural and pericar- nervous system tuberculosis; validated
biochemical mark- treatment response dial effusions, ascitic fluid, and CSF, for certain body fluids only
ers consistent with especially for isoenzyme ADA2 of ade-

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tuberculosis nosine deaminase; has been used to
monitor treatment response in CSF

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m e dic i n e

Interferon-γ, identified on ELISA or High sensitivity and specificity in speci-

ELISPOT assay mens from pleural and pericardial effu-
sions and ascitic fluid

Lysozyme (muramidase), identified with High sensitivity and specificity in speci- Further evaluation in children is needed;

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turbidimetric method mens from pleural and pericardial effu- validated for certain body fluids only
sions, depending on threshold values
Current Concepts

long-term cure. Pragmatic disease classification

* Many new tests are in different phases of development and validation; see the Supplementary Appendix for further resources. BCG denotes bacille Calmette–Guérin, CSF cerebrospinal
expensive and often inaccessible in set-
Often provide the initial suggestion of the Value of results depends on skills of opera-
should guide case management (Fig. 2).

tor and interpreter; findings in immu-

tent with disease is highly suggestive
but a combined set of results consis-
Results of individual tests lack accuracy,

radiation exposure; CT and MRI are

atypical; CT is associated with high
nocompromised children are often

fluid, ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISPOT enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot, FDA Food and Drug Administration, HIV human immunodeficiency virus, IGRA
The most important variables to consider in
disease management are bacillary load and ana-

tings with limited resources

tomical location. Drug resistance should be con-
sidered in children from areas with a high preva-
lence of drug-resistant tuberculosis and in those
who have had documented contact with a person
with drug-resistant disease, with someone who
died during treatment for tuberculosis or who is
not adhering to therapy, or with someone who is
undergoing retreatment for tuberculosis. Young
children with uncomplicated disease who are
phy (anteroposterior and lateral views)
ies are unrevealing or unavailable; can

abdominal and retroperitoneal lymph-

diagnosis, especially when other stud-

sonography useful in identifying intra-

from areas with a low prevalence of isoniazid

uncertain or complicated cases; ultra-
reveal complications; chest radiogra-

is most helpful; CT may be useful in

adenopathy and for confirmation of

resistance can be treated with three drugs (iso-

niazid, rifampin, and pyrazinamide) during the
pleural or pericardial effusions

2-month intensive phase of treatment, followed

Rapid; easy to use; low cost

by isoniazid and rifampin only during the

4-month continuation phase.43 However, chil-
dren who have extensive or cavitary lung disease
(either of which suggests a high bacillary load)
or who are from areas with a high prevalence of
isoniazid resistance should receive a fourth drug
(ethambutol, which is safe in children of all ages)
during the 2-month intensive phase of treat-
ment.43 Table S2 in the Supplementary Appendix
disease, monitoring of
Diagnosis of tuberculosis

summarizes the mechanism of action, main

treatment response

adverse effects, and recommended pediatric dos-

ages of drugs prescribed for the first-line treat-
ment of tuberculosis.
In the absence of drug resistance, the most
frequent cause of a poor response to treatment is
nonadherence to the regimen. Although empiri-
cal evidence of the value of DOT is limited, as a
interferon-γ–release assay, and WHO World Health Organization.
Protein, glucose, lactate, or lactate dehy-

Imaging studies: ana- Radiography, CT, ultrasonography, MRI

method of medication administration, it is prefer-

able to unsupervised administration and to admin-
istration by a parent.44 In most instances, a recur-
rence of tuberculosis more than 12 months after
treatment represents reinfection. Standard first-
line treatment is appropriate in the absence of
exposure to a person who is believed to have drug-

resistant tuberculosis. Use of an escalated re-

treatment regimen that includes streptomycin is
discouraged.43 When there is a poor clinical re-
sponse in a patient with a history of adherence to
treatment, a reevaluation of the diagnosis should
consistent with tu-
berculosis disease
Composite mea-

be conducted, including consideration of the im-

tomical lesions

mune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome


(IRIS) and drug resistance. Principles for the man-

agement of drug-resistant tuberculosis in chil-
dren have been summarized elsewhere,45 and
excellent outcomes have been reported.46

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Active Case Finding Passive Case Finding

(immigrant or contact screening) (suspected TB)

Symptom-based screening, radiologic

Symptoms suggestive of possible TB disease
signs suggestive of TB disease, or both

No Yes Yes

TB exposure or infection? Findings consistent with TB disease?

Recent close contact with infectious TB Carefully review:
case or positive immune-based testing Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection risk; epidemiologic
(tuberculin skin test, interferon-γ– risk factors and immune-based tests (tuberculin skin test
release assay, or both) or interferon-γ–release assay)
Clinical symptoms and signs suggestive of TB disease
Radiologic signs consistent with TB disease
Collect appropriate specimens:
No Yes Respiratory specimens, nonrespiratory specimens, or both
for bacteriologic confirmation and other relevant tests
No TB exposure or infection Young or immuno-
Discharge compromised?

No Yes No Yes

TB exposure or infection with TB exposure or infection TB disease unlikely TB disease likely

low risk of progression to with high risk of progression Rule out alternative diagnoses Specify
disease to disease and monitor symptom Degree of certainty
Monitor for possible future Provide preventive therapy resolution Clinical syndrome
disease Reevaluate as indicated Consider
Immune status (perform
HIV test)
Possibility of drug resistance
Treatment options

Figure 2. Algorithm for the Diagnosis and Classification of Tuberculosis in Children.

TB denotes tuberculosis.

Immune recovery after the initiation of antiret- a prolonged course may be required, depending
roviral treatment for HIV-coinfected individuals on the degree to which the patient’s immune
or nutritional rehabilitation may unmask sub- system has been compromised and the extent of
clinical disease or induce paradoxical deteriora- disease.49,50
tion, despite adequate treatment for tuberculo-
sis. A finding of IRIS does not indicate treatment PR E V EN T ION A ND C ON T ROL
failure, and treatment should not be interrupted;
patients with severe IRIS may require a course of Transmission of tuberculosis within health care
glucocorticoids. Despite the risk of IRIS, data on facilities is a particular concern in settings where
adults indicate that antiretroviral therapy is most immunologically vulnerable children may be ex-
effective when initiated within 8 weeks after the posed. In hospitals and clinics, careful consider-
start of tuberculosis treatment, or for patients with ation should be given to areas where patients are
severely compromised immune systems, within treated and to air-exchange patterns. It is also im-
2 to 4 weeks after the start of treatment.47 The only portant to recognize that symptomatic parents or
exception would be patients with central nervous caregivers may pose transmission risks.51 Vaccina-
system tuberculosis, in whom IRIS can have dev- tion with bacille Calmette–Guérin (BCG) reduces
astating consequences.48 With HIV-associated the risk of disseminated (miliary) disease and tu-
tuberculosis, treatment should be given daily, and berculosis meningitis in young children but offers

358 n engl j med 367;4  july 26, 2012

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Current Concepts

no consistent protection against adult-type tuber- raising the possibility that subclinical tuberculo-
culosis.52 No benefit of BCG vaccination has been sis was present at trial entry. The second trial
established in HIV-infected children, and it is enrolled young infants (3 to 4 months of age)
contraindicated in such children because of the who had been exposed to HIV but had no known
risk of disseminated BCG disease.53 The develop- exposure to tuberculosis.60 The infants were
ment of a safe and effective vaccine remains a top randomly assigned to receive open-label isonia-
priority among global health researchers. zid or placebo; those who were infected with
With good adherence, a 6-month course of HIV also received early antiretroviral therapy. All
isoniazid preventive therapy provides excellent infants were closely monitored for subsequent
protection against tuberculosis disease.54 De- exposure to tuberculosis. The investigators found
spite universal recommendations regarding the no significant difference in the incidence of tu-
provision of preventive therapy and strong evi- berculosis or mortality between the treatment
dence of the greatly increased risk of tuberculosis and placebo groups, suggesting that preexpo-
and the increased mortality among children in sure prophylaxis against tuberculosis has little
close contact with persons who have tuberculo- value if HIV-infected infants are enrolled in
sis,55 the implementation of preventive strategies management programs early, with meticulous
remains poor. Pragmatic solutions are required monitoring for tuberculosis exposure and provi-
to close the pronounced gap between policy and sion of postexposure prophylaxis. However, the
practice.56 Parents are often reluctant to provide value of preexposure prophylaxis in areas where
preventive treatment for an otherwise well child, monitoring for tuberculosis exposure is likely to
and the long duration of preventive therapy is a be poor remains unresolved.49,54
source of further discouragement. One study With the use of isoniazid preventive therapy
showed that a 3-month course of preventive after the completion of tuberculosis treatment in
therapy with isoniazid and rifampin was similar HIV-infected adults, it has been estimated that
in efficacy to a 9-month course of isoniazid 83 recurrences can be prevented for every 1000
alone.57 A regimen of 12 doses of weekly rifapen- cases treated.12 The WHO recommends isonia-
tine and isoniazid has been shown to be effica- zid preventive therapy for 6 to 36 months after
cious in adults,58 but this regimen is not yet the completion of tuberculosis treatment in all
recommended for children younger than 12 years patients with HIV infection, including children
of age because specific data on safety and efficacy who live in areas with a high prevalence of
in this age group are required. The efficacy of tuberculosis. However, the added value of pre-
abbreviated regimens has not been well studied ventive therapy as compared with ongoing
in children with HIV infection. A disadvantage screening for tuberculosis exposure and me-
of the regimens that include rifampin or rifapen- ticulous postexposure prophylaxis has not been
tine is the interactivity of these drugs with the evaluated.
protease inhibitors included in the antiretroviral It is possible to drastically reduce the morbid-
therapy provided for infection with HIV49,50; rif­ ity and mortality associated with pediatric tuber-
a­bu­tin is less reactive, but its use in preventive culosis if case detection is improved and preven-
therapy regimens has not been evaluated. tive therapy and curative treatment are made
Although the value of postexposure prophy- more accessible globally. Many challenges and
laxis is universally acknowledged, the value of research priorities remain (Table S3 in the Sup-
preexposure prophylaxis remains in question. plementary Appendix), but while we await the
Successive randomized, controlled trials of pre- development of new vaccines, better diagnostics,
exposure prophylaxis in children with HIV infec- and shorter treatment regimens, much can be
tion have had contradictory findings. The first of achieved with pragmatic approaches and sensi-
these trials, involving children with minimal ac- ble application of existing tools.
cess to antiretroviral therapy, was discontinued No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
because of increased mortality in the placebo reported.
group.59 The reduction in mortality among those Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this article at
receiving isoniazid preventive therapy was con- We thank Mario Perez, M.D., for his valuable assistance with
fined to the first 2 to 3 months of treatment, an earlier version of Figure 1.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

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