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A wonderful dog is a state of mind, not a breed; it only takes a big treatment to develop
a terrific dog. From being found dead to creeping via a garbage can, the big dogs only
congregate where the stage is large, the lights are bright, and there is a large crowd. The
more bloody the conflict, the better! "If you're going to go down, make it big; if you're
going to go bankrupt, don't do it in a duplex." If hype were an Olympic sport, the large
dog would compete; he specializes in sealing deals, entering when the prospect is
paying attention, the pen is ready, and the inkwell is full.

When it comes to catastrophic setbacks, don't anticipate many apologies because it's
rarely their fault; instead, they'll claim that management is too stupid to understand their
vision and that inept subordinates are implementing their tactics; for dogs of this type,
it's all or nothing.

They want to be bosses and know how to get there as quickly as possible. Many Poodles
want to be great dogs from the minute they enter the pack; they already have an image
and clothing, but their objective is to be able to pay to look that wonderful. Retrievers
can be enormous and powerful, but they are not always evident. Big dogs aren't
particularly good at keeping track of things, but when it comes to charm and
connections, they have the finest the world has to offer, and they can stand up to any
management and earn their trust.

If you have terrific dogs on your squad, you will adore them at times and despise them
at others.


You cannot change a person's essential, fundamental nature; it is their essence, their
soul, that makes each of us unique and wonderful; you cannot make someone become
something that is not a part of who they are, even if you yell and yell and give excessive

Bone: One of the reasons why some dogs sell and others don't is because some were
trained while others were not.
There are some that find it natural, but they are few and far between. Those who do
exceptionally well are trained and mentored to be exceptional. Those that wander have
no training and are unaware of their own strengths and shortcomings, often ending up
being cruel and hungry.

You must split the work according to the breed of each dog, for example: Pitbulls did
cold calls, retrievers made customer service visits, Chihuahuas conducted market
research, Poodles discovered key prospects, and bassets strengthened. ties with the most
valuable customers in the interim, you can focus on improving their powers and
learning skills from other races to help us reach our full potential.


The key to become a champion dog salesman is to understand and operate from your
strengths while adopting the positive features of other breeds; this capacity to cross-train
to become the finest of the breeds is a crucial factor in salespeople's success. The first
step is to understand each race's natural talents.

• Pit bull: their strong point is their aggression and directness; they choose the quickest
road between a prospect and closing a sale, they lack patience and tact, but they
compensate with recklessness. They have the best chance of success when there is little
time and many prospects.

Pit bull bone: if you're hesitant to do something, just do it! The more times you swing
the bat, the better your chances of hitting a home run; sitting on the bench won't get you

Golden retrievers: provide consistent service before, during, and after the sale and gives
excellent, giving quality, future transactions will be facilitated, it knows that happy
users are still buying and recommending, this breed sells a lot and in all directions, it
knows that selling to a new customer requires more effort than selling to an existing

Bone for the retriever: Always be the first to give, in all facets of a negotiation; make it
a habit so that your expenditure is genuine and not artificial.

• Poodle: in business, appearance and image are vital, perception is more powerful than
fact, they understand that image and reputation are important to be successful in sales,
they are consummate in marketing, and they want their customers to come to them
rather than the other way around. They excel at seminars, trade events, and public
relations, as well as networking, referring, and collaborating with the best. The product
should be appealing in terms of appearance, feel, and sound.

Poodle bone: learn to speak well in front of groups and to present yourself physically
attractively and with a favorable image.

• Chihuahueño: they simply cannot argue with the information, the target is left with
facts, figures and statistics that match logic and credibility, they are curious, their motto
is the one who has the most knowledge is the one who wins. Bone for the Chihuahuan:
learn to sell, research, learn it becomes easier and more fun.

• Basset hound: their strengths are proven by time, there are many mixed relationships
in each transaction, they are loyal and trustworthy, you need to achieve an emotional
connection with the customer.

Bone for the basset hound: master the art of relationship building by learning to listen
and matching your body language and words with those of the person you're talking to.


I believe that you should act in accordance with your strong points; however, your
strengths can sometimes get in the way of excellence; when you completely mask your
own spirit, spark, and what makes you unique, by imitating someone else, it becomes a
stumbling block to developing your own identity; you give up your strength in the
search for others.
One of the most effective strategies for enhancing your own power is to mimic the
abilities of others. Your primary strength as a salesperson is that you always stay a kind

Bone: the difference between some salespeople selling dogs and others is not in their
ability to learn and develop winning skills; you must always study and have an
eagerness to be more than you are.


Which breed will sell the most and profit the most? The answer will be everything. If
you can find the best of both breeds in the same vendor, you have what is known as a
"super hybrid breed," and that champion dog will be able to live and thrive regardless of
the situation or environment. Your ability to hone your skills while learning the tools of
different breeds will set you apart as a dog vendor. The more money there is for mixed
race people, the older they are.
You must comprehend your message and put it into action. However, the jewels of any
race can be implemented by a customized training technique. It is the key to becoming
the finest hybrid super breed dog vendor. The conditioning and training process is the
repeating of qualities and talents that may be innate in other races, with the goal of
opening a path in your brain that incorporates the trait that you require to become
wealthy at this time.
You must comprehend your message and put it into action. However, the jewels of any
race can be implemented by a customized training technique. It is the key to becoming
the finest hybrid super breed dog vendor. The conditioning and training process is the
repeating of qualities and talents that may be innate in other races, with the goal of
opening a path in your brain that incorporates the trait that you require to become
wealthy at this time.
Another function of conditioning is to combat the innate fear of being rejected,
ashamed, or humiliated; people fear this because they are afraid of public humiliation.
Replace such apprehensions with instinctive responses that produce pleasure, joy, and
The Big Bone: We often feel that success is innate and natural; yet, a good dog seller
should never let pride and ego get in the way of learning new skills.
• Obedience training:
Even the most domesticated dogs will go crazy if left alone, without guidance or
direction, attacking each other and hunting for morsels of food. They must have a good
trainer who is familiar with their breed and understands their strengths and weaknesses
in order to place each dog in the proper position. Dog training should enable each dog
salesman be as effective as possible by directing him in the right way; it should be
customized for each dog based on breed trends.
The key to successful dog training is remembering that what works for one breed often
does not work for another; different things motivate different breeds. Pitbulls and
Poodles adore becoming champions and would go to any length to get it, whereas a
friendly basset hound or chihuahua only wants to know what they want.
• At-home training: The temperament and attitude of any breed of dog are primarily
defined by how they are nurtured. When a dog performs what you want, praise him
when he does his business outside and correct him when he doesn't.
1. Do not pee or poop inside the house: you are liable for a disaster; never toss your
troubles on others or places where they do not correspond.
2. It is illegal to bark, whine, snarl, or be grouchy unless absolutely necessary: it is also
forbidden to point fingers, hurl insults, accept responsibility, and do not act behind
anyone's back.
When they call, go: be accountable for your results.
4. Do not bite or scrape furniture: Do not speak negatively about other team members in
front of prospects or clients.
5. Avoid using furniture: never take advantage of another person's assistance or
6. Do not beg at the table: do not seek harm, accuse others, or expect assistance; instead,
earn your own meal.
7. Do not steal food from the table, cabinet, or refrigerator: be truthful, act with integrity
in all situations, and be transparent in all situations.
8. Do not wander around: respect each person's region and notify any potential conflicts
or overlaps.
9. Don't leap on individuals; instead, follow the definition of a professional.
10. Celebrate all wins, big and little, yours and others'.
• Puppy training: Dogs who are not properly handled when they are young will always
be a problem. It is easier to teach him appropriate behavior when he is young than it is
to correct it later. The procedure is straightforward:
1. Begin by assigning simple tasks to your puppies that will help them to accomplish
their first triumphs.
2. Encourage them to learn about the industry in which they work.
3. get them to call you (25 surveys)
4. Toss some bones their way.
• A list of factors to consider when motivating high-performing sales teams:
1. Commemorate all victories, and aggressively acknowledge participation and well-
done duties.
2. Establish the honor code (house rules) and report any violations.
3. Encourage frequent and early learning experiences and successes.
4. Use peer pressure to keep the pack motivated.
5. Never attempt to teach pigs to sing.
6. Instead of gimmicky business buzzwords, use everyday terminology like learning
experiences and support.
7. When the dog is running, feed the bright hand and stoke the fire till it works.
8. Establish short-term objectives.
9. Have your canines stand at the pinnacle of pressure, comfort, and challenge on a
regular basis.
10. Maintain emotional control and attend to emotional needs rather than physical ones.
11. Haz que sientan su contribución a un propósito más importante
12. Establece y mantén un comportamiento ritual, actos y rutinas que favorezcan al
equipo, la familia y la camaradería.
13. Siempre busca campeones y aliados dentro del equipo y úsalos para dirigirlo.
14. Busca y reconoce a los héroes todo el tiempo
15. Encuentra una forma de cambiar el medio, cuando el equipo se atore mental o
16. Controla y enfócate en energía y emociones todo el tiempo.
17. Arrójales de vuelta sus problemas para que ellos los resuelvan.
18. Practica la rueda de la ruleta del liderazgo.
19. Muestra el lado duro para mantener las reglas, pero equilíbralo con el lado suave.
20. Debes saber cuándo ayudar a otros.
21. Di las cosas como las sientas sin importar si estas equivocado.
22. Es un estudioso de personas.

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