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Retno Rianti

Human Interest
Human Inter
Inter est

Author Retno Rianti

Editor Riny Lestianingrum
Layout Dwi Prasetyanto
Ilustrator Arif
Cover design Gatot

Published in : 2010

ISBN : 978-979-067-068-6

Publisher PT. Sindur Press

Jl. Pleburan VIII/64 Semarang
Telp. (024) 6580335, 6582901
Fax. (024) 6582903, 6581440

All rights reserved. No part of this publication

may be reproduced, without the prior permission
of the copyright holder.

An Encyclopedia is a book or set of book containing facts, informations

or large amount of such reference material about different subjects. In this
encyclopedia, the information given is about all subjects that interest for

In their lives, human beings always need knowledges to develope their

mind. They like to observe things around them, inventing something, finding
out the true fact of their environments: This encyclopedia consists of seven
sections: Beautiful Creatures, Global Technology, Human body, Part Of Our
Planet, These Are The Most Things, The Hobbies, and The Inventors. Each
section give widely informations for our knowledge.

All pages in this book is full of information that presented by

interesting pictures, hence understanding these informations will be easier.
There is also a comprehensive contents to help readers easier in finding the
information they need.

Beside that, this encyclopedia is meant to give more knowledge, to

increase the readers interest in what is in our surrounding, so that we can
improve our quality lives.

Introduction ___ iii

Contents ___ iv






PLANTS ___ 22






Ball Games ___ 84

Water Sport ___ 101

Ice Sport ___ 108

Photography ___ 114

Philately ___ 115


References ___ 130


Any of group of soft invertebrate organisms. Most mollusks, such

as oysters and clams, have a hard shell to protect them.

Clam is an animal found in the ocean or in fresh
water that has a soft body and a shell in two
parts joined by a hinge. Clam eats by
opening its shell.The most delicious clam is Mya
arenaria, its has a thin and brittle shell. This clam
lives in Europe, along Atlantic and Pacific shore in
North America.
The giant clam Tridacna gigas in Pacific coral.
It is about 200 weight kg and shell’s length 1 m.

Octopus (Gurita)
Octopus is an animal that has a soft,
oval, body and eight arms with
suckers on their underside.
It is usually small and swim a with a
jet propulsion technique. Using the
technique, it can move 30 km/hour faster.
The name of octopus comes from a phrase
To protect their lives, octopi use
their defence mechanism, ink meaning “having eight feet”. Actually, the
pocket, camouflage and break of limbs are usually called “arms”. But for some
its feet.
Source: reason the word “foot” was used to call the limbs of the octopus.
Oyster is a shellfish with a soft
body inside a rought, hinged shell,
which attaches to rocks or timber
in shallow water along the coasts.
Some kinds of oysters can be
eaten while others are grown for
their pearls. Pearls are kind of
jewelry produces by oyster. It
needs a long time to produse one
pearl, which made it precious

Oyster made a beautiful pearl. The oyster

is include in genus avicula and pinctada.

A kind of self-godied animal
that is protected from
endanger by a coiled
shell. They are
moving slowly and
can live on land
or in water.
Many snails eat
plant but they
often eat meat.
It has a strong
theet that made
from material like
iron one. Scientist
presume that its teeth
are used as compas.
There is a mukosa gland under the head that produce
mucus to help snail moving.


An animal with a hard shell and many jointed leg. Such as

a lobster, crab, or shrimp, that usually lives in the sea.

The shell is used to protect its soft

body from danger. Crustacean begin
its life from egg, that hatches to be a
larva. If larva is bigger, it changes
the shell and grow a new one. The
shell changing is called moulting.
Crustaceans keep moulting as long
as they live. That is why the process
makes crutaceans have big risk to
Source: lose their lives.

A saltwater shellfish that has
a long tail and five pairs of
legs, the flesh of lobsters
is used for food. Their
shell turn bright red when
they are cooked.Lobster
can be 200 kilogram
weigh. Lobsters also have
two tweezers, that are used
to protect them from the
enemy and
gathering food. American lobster.

It is a famous crustacean. It is
small freshwater or
saltwater shellfish that can be
eaten together with
lobster. Shrimp is included into
ordo dekapoda, having five pairs
of leg. The front legs are
adapted as tweezers used to
eat, self defense and those also
are used to communicate with Shrimp hides in a coral to hunt its food.
the others. Source:
Shrimps are related to lobster
and crab. Shrimps have hard outer skeletons that must be shed and
replaced with roomier ones as they grow. A shrimp does this eight times
before reaching its full size. The full size of most shrimps is not very big.
Many shrimps measure just 1 inch (2,5 cm) long or less.

A sea animal that has a
flat body, a hard shell,
eight legs, and two
prominent pincers
or claws. Some
kinds of crabs
can be eaten.
A male fiddler
crab has a very
big claw, used to
scare other crabs.
In some areas you can
see crabs on land, and
The bright red sally lightfoot. even high up in trees. Coconut
Source: crabs can climb up 50 feet (15,2
meters), to feed on the fruit of coconut
trees. Crabs are colorful, fascinating crustaceans, related to lobsters
and shrimp. The famous crab is the bright red sally lightfoot that lives on
the shores of the Galapagos islands.


A group of mammals that has a

large brain, eyes that can look
forward, and fingers with tumb.
Primates include humans,
apes, and monkeys.

The characteristic sof primate

are, breasting. Female primates
produce milk to feed their
children, it has hair, and endoterm
body. The brain controls blood
circulation system, it has four

The word primate comes from a word meaning

“the first” or the most important”. The idea was
that the primate group of animal is the most
important because it includes human beings.
Primate is devided into four big groups, which
are: prosimian, new world monkey, old world
monkey, and ape.

Kingkong, lemur, orang utan,

and ape. The example of four
big group of primate.

Prosimian is the most primitive monkey in
the morphology or else the behaviour
psychology. Tarsier, lemur, indri are the
example of the prosimian class. Prosimian
has small rounded face, tail, big eyes and
neck that can move 800. One of the
example is Tarsius which has a small body,
big eyes and long back leg. It can jump 3
m long from one tree to another. Tarsius
tail is long and hairy in the tip of the tail.
There are 5 fingers in every hand and leg.
All fingers has nail except for the second
and third, which have claws for grooming.

Tarsius syrichta lives in filipina.


New World Monkey

The monkey has a long big tail, that sometime it can be used to
prehensile tool. It only can be found in South America. The example of the
new monkey are marmoset (callitrix argentata), tamarin (leontopithecus
rosalia and sanguinus oedipus), muriqui, and red howler monkey. One of
the example of marmoset is
Tamarin. It is also called
golden lion tamarin. It is
the smallest monkey
species. A dwarf marmoset
is only 30 cm which half of
the length is a tail. The tail
is not prehensil, but it
climbs as good as squirrel.

Golden lion tamarin, the smallest

monkey species.

Old World Monkey
The old world monkey is Primate
class which has the biggest
member. It has a longer tail than
the body and it is not prehensil.
It can be found in Africa and
Shouteast Asia. Some monkeys
include in this class are Probosis,
which only lives in Kalimantan,
Indonesia Babon, Macaca, and Mandril.
They usually eat leaves. One of the ex-
ample is Probasis Monkey or “Bekantan” (Na-
salis larvatus). It lives in Kalimantan Island, Probosis Monkey (Bekantan) eats

Indonesia. The characteristic of the male leaves for living.

Bekantan is a shout and swollen nose. It can
be moved, and the tip of the nose is lay above
the mouth. The voice of the monkey is nasal. The female and young
Bekantan have short and pointed nose. Bekantans are a good swimmer so
that they usually live near a river.

The other example is
Mandril (Mandrillus
leucophaelus) from
Guinea. It is the most
colorful monkey. Male
mandril has dark grey
green fur and purple face
with blue puffed along the
side chick. It also has
yellow beard and dark tuft
of hair. But Mandril does
not have a tail. Mandril
does not like to live
in group.
Mandril (Mandrillus leucophaelus) lives in Guinea island.

Ape is the cleverest
primate class. They usually
live in tropical forest. There
are eight genus homonoid
which are not extict: pan
(simpanse) gorrila, Pongo
(orang utan), Hoolock,
Nomoscus, Symphalangos
and Homo (human). Ape is
different from monkey. To
differ them, you can see The chief of the gorrila group, silverback gorrila.
from the tail. Source:

Monkey has tail but ape does not. Ape walks straight with two legs,
on the otherhand monkey walks with four legs.

The example of the ape is gorrila, the biggest primate species. Gorilla eats
vegetables and insects. Therefore gorillas are the omnivore, which come
from tropical forest in Africa. 97-98% gorrilla DNA similar with human

Each gorrila has different nose. The male is bigger than female. Everyday
gorrila need almost 26 kg food consists of leaves, flowers, seeds, stems,
ants, and termites. Gorrilas seldom
drink and live in group of 6 - 7
members. The chief of group is
silverback gorrila, which has the
silver the back color.

Homo is the oldest genus. All species

except homo sapiens have extincted.
The word homo derives from latin
which mean human.

There is a statue of homo-erectus.



Elephants are the world’s largest animals that live on land. They have
thick, wrinkled skin. Their eyesight are not very good, but they have
an excellent hearing and sense of smell, big teeth made of ivory which
are used for digging up roots and breaking off tree bark to eat.

There are two kinds of elephant, Asian and

African elephants. The asian elephants are not
as big as African elephants. The asian stands
10 feet (3 meters) high and lives in the forests
of India, Sri Langka, and Southeast Asia. It has
small ears, short tusks, light and smooth skin
and domed forehead.

Asian elephant.

Meanwhile the African elephants are big,

stand as tall as 13 feet (4 meters),
wrinkled skin, big ears, long tusks and
flat forehead. They live in a savanna
habitat of grassland.

Elephants live in family groups led by

the older females. Sometimes they join
together to form bigger herd of animals.
African elephant.
Elephants feed on leaves, barks, fruits, and Source:
grasses. They have a good memories. That
why an asian elephant can be used to work with human
being. They can be taught to do somethings. Elephants can live for more
than sixty years.
Bear is a large, strong animal with a thick, furry coat, a short tail
and sharp claws. There are three kinds of bear. The grizzly bear,
polar bear, and the black bear.

Bears are omnivores, eating both plants

and animal. Black bears and grizzlies eat
everything from dead animal to ants, but
eat mostly grasses, roots, nuts, and
berries. In summer to autumn bears eat as
much as possible, storing fat that will help
them live through winter without food,
they sleep into a deep sleep called
hibernation, in the spring they wake up
much thinner and very hungry.
The hibernation bear.

The black bear usually weighs about 500

pound (227 kg). It is a good climber. Its claws
are more curved than grizzly’s claws. The
grizzly cannot climb trees.

Polar bear has black skin under the white fur

to absorb heat, and hollow hairs for added
insulation. It also has a thick layer of fat
beneath its skin and is able to go for long
periods without feeding by living on this fat.

Polar bears that live in the Arctic are very

good swimmer. Their main food is seals. The black bear.
The polar bear is the biggest land predator.
An adult male weighs nearly 1 ton and stands
11 feet (3,3 meters) tall, while an adult female is
about half that size.

Adult male polar bear.


Any of various species of water animal that are mammals with a long
fishlike body, flippers, a horizontal tail, and one or two blowholes.
Whales live in fresh or salt water.

Whale is the biggest animals live on

earth, the blue whale is the longest
animal that ever lived. A male blue whale
can grow to be 100 feet (30,5 m) long
and weigh 150 tons.

Whales are mammals, not fish even the

word whale comes from a term means
“great fish” or large sea fish”. They
cannot breathe underwater.

The male of blue whale.

They often come to surface to breathe,

using the blowholes on the top of the
head, they make a spray of water when
they let out the used air. They live, travel
and feed in groups. They work closely
together to catch their prey.

Whale make spray of water.

There are two kinds of whales, Baleen whales feed by taking in

plankton from the ocean. Example, blue whales, gray whale, and
humpback whale. While toothed whales catch larger prey such as fish, the
example of this whale is beluga
whales, killer whales and sperm
whales. Dolphins are also small
toothed whales. They can leap
out of the water at great speed.
Most dolphins are great
swimmer, it’s about 20 mph
(30 kilometer/h) fast.

Dolphins swim in group.

Like many insects,
butterflies have a
metamorphosis (the
change in function
and shape that occur
in steps during
development from
egg to adult)

A butterfly’s life cycle

has four stages. The
egg changes into a
caterpillar, or larva. The
caterpillar then turns
into a chrysalis form
which an adult butterfly
eventually emerges.
Butterflies feed by
sucking up nectar from
Anatomy of butterfly. flowers through the

Butterfly is an insect with four

large, brighly colored wings
and a thin body. Butterflies
are found almost all over the
world, especially in tropical
areas, in cold climates they
migrate to warmer area, like
monarch butterflies which
begin to fly south from
Canada and all over the
United States. They can fly
more than 2.000 miles (3,219
kilometers). The largest
butterfly in the world is the
Monarh batterfly.
Queen Alexandra’s birdwing. Source:www.ani
It has a wingspan of more
than 11 inches (28 cm).
Bat is a small flying animal. It has a furry body
like a mouse and wings of thin skin. Bats are
mammals, but they differ from other mammals
because they can fly.

Bats do not have feathery wings like birds. Instead

they have double layers of skin stretched over thin
bones. Bats are small creatures with large wings.
Most of bats are noctural, which means they are
active only at night. Bats live in every place except
the cold polar regions. Most bats feed on insects,
but some eat fruit, nectar, and others hunt
small animals.

Above: mouse eared bat. Below: horseshoe bat.


There are three different bat faces,

vampire bat, mouse eared bat, and
horse shoe bat. Vampir bat lives ini
central and South America. It uses
sharp teeth and tubelike tongue to
Vampire bat.
suck animal blood.

Bats use echoes from their

high-pitched squeaks to catch
insect. The echoes help the
them make a sound picture of
what is around them.They do
not need to use their eyes
so much. All bats have large
sensitive ears to steer by.
Most bats also have razor
sharp teeth. Bats hang upside
down when they rest or sleep.
They live in colony,
usually in caves or trees.
Sleeping bats.

Marsupial is a type of mammal,
the female marsupials have a
pouch in their stomach.

The baby bornt will stay in the

pouch and live from their
mother’s milk until they are big
enough to live outside. Most
marsupials, such as kangaroos, koalas,
Kangaroo has a pouch to bring its
and wombats live in Australia. Opossiums joey. (the body kangaroo)
live in North and South America. Source:

Kangaroo can jump more than 30

feet (9 meter) in one leap,
meanwhile koalas are good
climbers. They spend most of their
time in eacalyptus tree, eating
tender shoots. Eventhough Koala
looks like bears, it has nothing to do
with bear family.
The largest of all marsupials is the
red kangaroo. The male is reddish-
brown colour and almost twice the
size of female, which is bluish-grey.
Koala lives in eacalyptus trees.

They have powerfull back

legs for hopping.
Red kangaroo is nocturnal.
Resting by day under the
tree, and active on cooler
winter day. They graze
mainly on grass, but also
feed on the leaves of low
growing shrubs.

Red kangaroos.

Reptiles are the scaly
skinned animals and
cold-blooded. Being
cold-blooded, it needs to
eat its own weight in food
only every two month.

Reptiles always need hots of

sunshine to warm them up. They live in Tiger salamander is having bathe
on the rock.
warm place or deserts. Most reptiles have
four longs except snakes.

Snakes, lizards and crocodiles are reptile, they lay eggs in shallow holes
and cover them. When their babies hatch out, they have to look after
them selves already. The longest snake is the reticulated python of
southeast Asia. It grows up to 33 feet (10 m) long.

The longest lizard is the komodo

Dragon of komodo island Indonesia. It
can grow up to 10 feet (3 meter)

Snakes live on every continent except

antarctica. There are nearly three
thousand species of snakes, which
have a lot of variety and size, color,
and behaviour. Snakes is wellknown
The biggest lizard of the world. The
by its poison, most snakes see well,
Dragon komodo. but have no external ears. They
detect vibrations caused by moving
creatures, using its forked tongue.

The smallest snake is a 4 inch

(10 cm) long, which is Blind
snake of the tropics forest.
The largest is the anaconda,
which can grow to be
500 pound weigh.
The anaconda.

Turtles and Tortoises
Turtle is a reptile with a soft body covered by a wide bony of
leather shell that protect its head, limbs and body. It can live on
land and in fresh water or ocean, meanwhile tortoise is a turtle
that lives on land and has feet toes rather than flippers.

Both of them have a hard shell made of

bony plates and attached to their

Green turtles spend their time at sea.

They only come to the land to sleep and
lay eggs. The increadible thing about
these turtles are, they always come back
to the beach where they were bornt to
lay their eggs.
Green turtle swims to reach the beach to lay its

The difference between turtle and

tortoise is: turtle moves
slowly on land but it is
fast swimmers.
Tortoise, however,
spend all their life
time on land. The
giant saddleback
tortoises of the
Galapagos island can
stretch their necks to
get water and food from
low cactus plants.

Many tortoises live in desert, and The Galapagos island are huge. They weigh
over 600 pounds (91 kg).
dig burrow that provide relief Source:
from the searing heat. All tortoises

are slow, moving plant eaters.

Galapagos tortoises do not begin to feed until the sun has warmed
their huge bodies. They eat various leaves and berries.

Shark is a large to very large ocean fish with a
rough, often grayish skin, a skeleton
made of cartilage and prominent
fin on its back.

Shark are the fierce hunters of

the world’s ocean. Unlike the
other fish, sharps don’t have a
swim bladder (air bag that will help
fish floating) which means they have to keep
swimming all the time, or they would sink to the bottom
of sea. The difference also shows in the skeleton. Shark’s
skeleton is made of rubbery cartilage, meanwhile other
Whale shark.
fish’s bone is made of bone. Source:
There are a lot kind
of shark; tiger shark, reef shark
which live near coral reefs,
whale shark, which is the
world’s largest fist, growing
over 40 feet (12 meter) long,
and the smallest shark 15 the
dwarf shark, about 7 inchers
(18 centimeter) long.

Basking shark hunt in the night.


The sharks are dangerous but

they will not attack is they don’t
smell blood. All shark have an
excellent sense of smell and good
hearing, which is helping them
hunt at night.

Some sharks lay eggs, they lay

their eggs in a tough case, called Egg’s shark attaches to the weeds.
a mermaid’s purse which attaches
itself to weeds.

Amphibian is an animal which is able
to live both on land and in water.
Usually, amphibian is cold blooded and
has backbone.

Amphibians live in the water but they do not live in

the sea. They spend part of their lives on land and go
Source: back to water when it is the time to lay their eggs. Females lay their eggs in or near a pond or stream.

Frogs have long back legs. The legs are

good when they are swimming. The legs
is also used to jump. Common frogs can
leap about 2 feet (60 centimeter) and
South African sharpnosed frogs can
jump over 10 feet (3 meter).

Toads usually have a rougher skin than

frogs and it is often covered with mucus.
Toads like to live in drier places. They
have wider bodies and shorter legs.
Female surinam toads keep their eggs in Frog life cycle.
holes in their skin, where
the young toads grow.

The cycle of frog’s live begins when female frogs lay eggs in the water.
The eggs hatch into tadpoles. The tadpoles grow legs and turn into
froglets. Finally froglets grow into
young frogs.

Salamander life cycle. The egg

hatches into a larva. The larva
grows gills, forelimbs, and hindlimb
buds, then it will developefully limbs
and gills. Finally it becomes an adult

Salamander life cycle.


Penguin is a black and white sea
bird that can not fly even it has
wings. Like all birds, penguins
have feather. Their short, thick
feathers are wateproof. The
fluffy down feathers trap warm
air. The feathers keep their body
warm in cold seas. Emperor penguins. The largest penguin.

Penguins have a horny beak for catching food. They also have a small pair
of wings, which is not used to fly but as flippers. They are fast and good
swimmers. There are eighteen kinds of penguins, they are found only in
southers hemisphere but only two species live in the frozen Antarctic.

The emperor penguins is the

largest penguin which live in
antarctic. During the blackest
winter months,the male minds
the single eggs laid by the
female and then shelters the
newly hatched chick. To warmth
the eggs and chicks, the male
penguins keephem on their feet.
Meanwhile the female hunts for
The male penguin minds the egg. food in the sea.

Penguins dive into the water to catch their food,

surfacing to take a breathe. They eat fish,
shrimp, squard and krill. Penguins live,
travel, and hunt in groups.
The smallest penguins are little blues which
stand 14 inches (35 centimeter) high.
The rock hopper penguins have long yellow
or orange feather above their eyes. They
often nest on cliff tops, using pebbles or
grass. They reach their colony by hopping from
rock to rock, as their name suggest.
The rock penguin.

Insect is a small animal with a body divided into three parts. Insect
has six legs and pair of wings but it does not have a backbone.

Insects live all over the world from deserts to

steaming rainforests and icy lakes because
they have no backbone, they are protected by
a hard, outer skeleton or shell. Many insects
have two pairs of wings, but flies have just one

Insect has three basic body parts which are a

head, a thorac and an abdomen. The legs and
wings are attached to the thorac, and the
antennae to the head
The anatomy of insect.

The example of insect is beetles.

Beetles live everywhere on earth.
Some live in the water and many can
fly. The horned beetle is found in
Kalimantan, Indonesia. Ladybugs are
a kind of beetle. They eat tiny
insects, aphids which they find on
plants. They have the hard outer
wings which protect their flying wing.
The wings lie underneath.
Horned beetle.

The common insect is wasps, the flying

insect with a thin, black and yellow striped
body and a narrow waist. There are
thousand kind of wasps. They have stings
to capture and stung other insects or to
defend themselves. Some swaps live in
group, but mostly they live alone. The
honey bees live in group. Their nest, called
beehive may contain 60.000 worker bees.

The wasp.

Birds of Prey
Birds of Prey are birds that hunt for food
primarily have the wing, using their keen
senses, especially vision. Mostly, the
females are larger than the males.

The eagles, hawks, owls and falcons have

hooked beaks and strong, sharp talons, they are
fast flyers, and have excelent long distance
eyesight. They can see their prey from a long

Eagle is part of the hawk family. It has sharp

eyesight and feeds on
small animals, Bird of prey.
birds and fish.
The bald
eagle gets its name from its white
head feathers. They live along the
coasts, rivers and lakes in North

The world’s biggest bird of prey is the

The bald eagle.
condor of the Andes mountains in South
America. It weighs up to 22 pound
(10 kg). It also has huge wings. The
wingspan is about 10 feet (3 m)
and it can fly at up to 23.000 feet
(7.000 m).

The condor of
the andes.

The peregrine falcon is the world’s fastest bird.

It can travel over 200 mph (320 km/h).
Usually they eat other birds, especially pigeons.

The peregrine falcon.


Redwood is one of the tallest and longest living trees in the world.
It is an evergreen conifer and grows on
the western coast of North America.

The massive sequora trees in

California are evergreen conifers.
Some are thousands of years old. The
largest is nearly 275 feet (84 meter)
tall, with a diameter of 36 feet
(11 meter).

The Bristlecone pines are not only the

largest living tree on earth, but also
the longest living one. It lives in the
Southwest of United States. One tree
is thought to be about 4.900 years old.

Bristlecone pines.
Redwood confirmed as world’s tallest
tree, it measures 378.1 feet.

A thick, fleshy plant that is covered in
sharp spikes instead of leaves.

It grows in deserts. Most cactuses

produce bright flowers and fruits that you
can eat. Cactuses are specially adapted
to the dry desert climates in which they
grow. They store water in their fleshy
stems and their roots spread out wide
just the surface of the ground to catch
every drop of available water. Cactuses
come in many shapes and sizes, some of
them like the giant saguaro eventually
growis to enormous proportions.

Saguaro giant cactus.


Mosses are small plants with very tiny leaves.

The different growth forms help to distinguish one

moss from another. There are about 25.000 species
of moss, which are together known as the
Bryophytes. They are small, flowerless, low-growing
plants that reproduce by means of spores.
Bryophytes have a distinctly two-stage life-cycle.

There are three groups of mosses: the true mosses, True moss.
the small group of mountain mosses, and the
sphagnum mosses. Mosses are most abundant in
damp habitats, but they flourish everywhere except
in the sea or in deserts. They can absorb moisture
and dissolved minerals all over their surface.

Mountain moss.

Sphagnum moss.

23 Source:
Spruce Tree
An evergreen fir tree with long
cones and short
angular needlelike leaves
attached in singly twigs.
It belongs to the genus Picea,
of the pine family. Spruce
grows in the Northern
themisphere and its wood is
used to make paper. Spruce
Spruce tree.
tree grows all the year around Source:
in Germany’s black forest.

Plants in Arctic Region

It is real sruggle for plants to survive
in such extreme climates.

There are only two species of

flowering plant in Antarctica,
although the more maritime climate of
the Arctic encourages more plant
species. All tend to be low-growing as
this gives then shelter from the strong
winds. Mosses and linchens are the
hardiest plants in polar regions.
Polar regions.

Purple Saxifrage
This creeping plant is
generally found sheltering
among rocks in the Arctic. Its
beautiful purple flowers bloom
almost as soon as the snow
has melted, to make the most
of the short spring and
summer. They add a splash of
colour to an often drab Purple saxifrage.
landscape. Source:

Arctic Willow
This is a low-growing shrub that
grows in tundra swamps and wet
ground. It sends out long woody
stems along the ground. In the
northern spring, it has small
catkins that appear out of scale
with the rest of the plant. Arctic
willow and its close relative Alaska
Arctic willow. willow are favourite foods of
Source: moose.

Many species of lichens grow in both the
north and south polar regions, where
they can thrive in the unpolluted air.
Often colourful, they
generally occur as encrustations on the
rocks. They may be fertilized by
droppings from nesting birds.

Source: www.1280

Hairgrass and Antarctic
pearlwort are the only two
flowering plants found in the
Antarctic. Hairgrass grows in
low mats and is found only in
those areas near the coast
from which the snow recedes
in spring and where the
temperature is sufficiently

Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum), is one
of the best-known European mountain
flowers, belonging to the sunflower family
(Asteraceae). The name comes from
German edel (meaning noble) and weiss
(meaning white).

Leaves and flowers are covered with white hairs

and appear woolly (tomentose). Flowering stalks of
Edelweiss can grow to a size of 3–20 cm. Each
bloom consisting of five to six small yellow flower
heads (5 mm) surrounded by leaflets in star form.
Inaccessible places.
Source: The flowers are blooming between July and September.

The plant is unequally distributed and prefers rocky limestone places at

2000–2900 m altitude. It is not toxic, and has been used traditionally in
folk medicine as a remedy against abdominal and respiratory diseases.

The dense hair appears to be an adaptation to high altitudes, protecting

the plant from cold, aridity and UV radiation. Since it usually grows in
inaccessible places, it is associated in many countries of
the alpine region with mountaineering. Its white
colour is considered a symbol of purity, and holds
a Latin as well as Romanian name, floarea
reginei (Queen's flower). Edelweiss is
a protected plant in many countries.

Another kind of edelweiss.


Edelweiss lives in rocky limestone.


Black Orchid
The orchid black has labellum with
green hairy strip, it smell fragrant.
Black orchid (coelogyne pandurata)
is a orchid species that only lives in
Kalimantan island. It attaches to
other tree in tropical forest.

There are almost 20.000 types of

orchid. Their seeds are so light that
they can be blown over 600 miles
(1.000 km) by the wind.

Black orchid.

Cherry Blossom
A cherry blossom is the name for the
flower of cherry trees known as Sakura
in Japanese. In English, the word
“sakura” is equivalent to the Japanese
flowering cherry. Cherry fruit (known in
Japanese as sakuranbo) comes from
another species of tree.
Somei Yoshino.
The most popular variety of sakura in
Japan is the Somei Yoshino. Its flowers are nearly pure white, tinged with
the palest pink, especially near the stem. They bloom and usually fall
within a week, before the leaves come out. Therefore, the trees look
nearly white from top to bottom.

Winter sakura begins to bloom in the fall and continues blooming

sporadically throughout the winter. Other categories include yamazakura,
yaezakura, and shidarezakura. The yaezakura has large flowers, thick with
rich pink petals. The shidarezakura, or
weeping cherry, has branches that fall like
those of a weeping willow, bearing cascades
of pink flowers.
Blooming of sakura in the fall.

Maglev Train
Maglev stands for magnetic levitation.
A maglev train floats on a magnetic
field and is driven by the effect of
magnets. It has no wheels and travels
along a guideway instead of on rails.
Maglevs may will be the trains of the
Maglev train.

Steam Engine
The steam engine named the rocket, won
a railway competition in 1829. It used coal
to heat water and make steam. Then its
boiler drove two big cylinders, which
The rocket steam engine.
turned the front wheels. For the next 125 Source:
years, most trains worked in the some

way of the rocket.

Light is a form energy called
electromagnetic radiation, which moves invisible
waves. The most important source of light is the
Sun. Nowdays, light can also be produced
artificially using electricity or fire. Any object or
substance that emits light is called a light source.
The variety of lamps.

A system for sending pictures and
sound by electronic signals over
long distance. The signals are
picked up by the receiring set of
viewers. The signal is sent by
transmitters, satelite,
or underground cable. Television
Modern television. is one of the most singificant
Source: inventions of the 20th century.

Television was first developed

in th 1920. Early TV is very
simple, the screen was tiny
and the picture was black
and white.

Today new advances in

television technology, including
digital and broadband acces,
the screen is wide, the picture
An old television.
is colorfull. Source:

The TV screen is just one part of the

picture tube, behind the screen, an electron gun fires
three beams of electron (parts of atoms) at the screen.
These beams correspond to the three colours used
in television, red, blue, and green mixed together,
they produce full colour images.

Vladimir Zworykin is the russion scientist

who did most of his work in the USA.
In 1923, he patented the iconoscope
television camera tube, the device that
made electronic television

Vladimir Zworykin.
Telephone is a sistem for speaking to someone
else over a long distance, by sending sound by
wire or radio wave.

A telephone has a part for speaking into and

part for listening. It is a device that transform a
person’s voice into on electrical signal made up Telephone use in home.
of varying electric curent.

Long time ago two telephones

are linked via the telephone
network, the sounds of speaker’s
voice are picked by microphones
in the handsets. Loud speakers
reproduce and amplify these
sound, so that each caller can
hear what the
other is saying.

The first telephone of Graham Bell. Now days, a

Sumber: telephone can be
everywhere. It is called mobile phone. Mobile phones are
not physically connected to the telephone network. They
send and receive calls as rado wave signal. The technology
of mobile phone is very involving. Now we can also send
Mobile phone.
text messages, email and viceo images from mobile phone. Source:
Alexander Graham Bell
In 1875, The Scottist born inventor Alexander
Graham Bell (1847-1922) made the first
succesful transmission of the human voice
along an electrical wire. The first call he made
were to his collegue Thomast Watson. The
telephone is patented in 1876.

Alexander Graham Bell, the invertor of


Computer is an electronic machine that can
recall large amounts of information in words
and pictures. Computer can be used to
write letter, store lots of information, do
complicated math, or design. Computer
make life easier. The program on computer is
various and at the time we can communicate
with all people around the word using internet.
A set of computer.

E-mail stands for electronic
mail. A way of sending
messages between users all
over world. You write a
letter on your computer: then
send it down a telephone line to
someone else’s computer
instantly. It makes sending mail
using e-mail faster than using
An e-mail. The easier way to send information
ordinary post. Mail is sent and
or mail.
received through a large Source:
computer called a server.

Internet is a worldwide communication
system created by connecting network of
computer to each other. Computer users
can connect to the internet using a mo-
dem and search the system with browser.
One way to communicate using computer
and internet is e-mail.

The network of internet.


Telescope is a shape instrument with powerful lenses that make
distant things appear nearer and larger. Very powerfull telescopes
are used to study the stars, planets, and other distant object
in space.

There are two types of telescope.

A refracting telescope forms an
image by bending, or refracting,
light toys using lenses.
The example is binoculars, the
pair of binoculars consist of two
compact refracting telescopes
joined together. Each telescope
Part of binocular. uses two prisms to reflect light
Source: rays from the objective lens to
the eyepiece lens. The image is focused by
adjusting the position of the eyepiece lenses.

A reflecting telescope bounces,

Keck telescope.
or reflects, light ray of mirrors so that Source:
they form an image. Keck telescope
is the largest optical telescope on
Mauna Kea volcano in Hawai.

Galileo Galilei is the first scientist

who used a telescope to
systematically study the night sky. He
made many important discoveries about
the planet and stars.

There also radio telescope which use to

detect radio waves emitted by stars,
galaxies, nebulae, and other
astronomical objects. It uses a large
dish to focus the waves on to an aerial.
The aerial changes the waves into
electrical singnals, from which a
computer generates an image of the
object. Arecibo radio telescope,
Puerto Rico.

Microcope is a device with one or more lenses that when looked
throught will produce a greatly enlarged imaged of an object.
It is used for looking at things that are too small to be seen with
the unaided eyes.

Pin for
The simple microscope uses one less, capable
Lens specimen of magnifications of between 70-250
times. Simple microscope of Antoni Van
Leevwenhoek’s consisted of a single
convex lens held between two metal
plates. The eye had to be placed close to
Screw for
the lensa to see the object placed on a
pin. Different lenses produced different
Antoni Leevwenhoek’s microscope. magnification.

The compound microscope uses

two lenses (on objective lens and
an eye piece). It was the use of
the compound lens that led to the
discovery of cells.

How it works? The lens closest to

the object (objective lens) creates
a magnified image inside the
microscope. The largest eyepiece
lens uses this image as its object
and acts as a simple microscope,
it was the use of the compound
lens that led to the discovery
The part of compound microscope.
of cells.

Robert Hooke.
English Scientist Robert Hooke (1635-1703) was
responsible for improving the early compound
microscope, and also introduced the term “cell”.

Robert Hooke.


The human body is made of many Head

different part. These part all work

together to make us a whole person,
helping us to live and keeping us healthy. The
watcher of all the parts is brain,
our control center.

Rails of The Body

The largest part of the body is torso, or trunk. The Hand

four limbs are joined to the torso. The hands at the

ends of our arm help to touch and hold. The feet
help us to stand and walk. The head is on top of the
neck. The brain is inside the head.

Part of body.
Source: Publisher collection

Two third of the body’s

weight is caused of water.
It also contains carbon,
calcium, iron, nitrogen.

of The Body
Organ’s anatomy. Inside our body, there
are many organs, that do
special jobs for the rest of the body. Organs work together to make up
different body system. Our brain, heart, lung, liver, and intestine have
their own function, but they work together in good system.

It is the framework of bones, which
provide a firm surface for muscle to
attach to, helping us to move.

When the baby are born. It has 270

small, soft bones. As a child grows to
be adult, some of the bones join until it
is only 206 bones left.

The skeleton protects our body’s

organs. The brain is protected by the
skull, the heart and lungs are protected by
the rib cage. The femur or thigh bone, is the
largest bone in the body.

At the center of bones is soft marrow. It is

inside the toughest part, named compact
The part of skeleton. bone which is lined with spongy bone.
A bone’s outer layer is called the periosteum.

The movements are made by
the muscles. They work by
becoming shorter and polling
the bones to
which they are attached.
The human body has about
620 muscles that
use for movement.

When our heart beat, breathe

and digest food, the muscles
work automatically. Part of muscles.
The largest muscle is the
gluteus maximum in the
buttock, meanwhile the strongest muscle is the muscle
on each side of the mouth, used to bite.

The Heart
and Blood Circulation
Heart job is to pump blood all
around the body.

An adult body contains about 10

points (5 liter) of blood, therefore
everyday an adult’s heart pump
over 14.000 pints (7.000 liter) of
blood around the body.

The blood carries oxygen from the

air we breathe and goodness from
the food we eat. The heart is
The anatomy of heart.
pear-shaped and is about as big as Source:
your clenched fish. It lies in your

chest, behind your ribs.

The right side of the heart pump blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen. The
left side pumps the blood around the body.

When we breathe, we take in air
containing O2 (oxygen). O2 is
very important to make the
body work. The air we breathe
in passing into our two lungs.
The lungs is protected by the
rib cage.

They take oxygen from the

air and pass it into our
bloodstream. Then our
blood takes oxygen around
the body.

Adult breathe between 12 and

Respiratory system.
20 times a minute
Source: meanwhile children breathe

Sounds are made by things
vibrating, and the voice
comes from vibrating vocal

These cords are soft flaps in the

larynx, or voice box. They lie
across the windpipe behind the
adam’s apple at the front of
your throat.

The lips and tongue are

controlled by hundreds of tiny
muscles which are very flexible. Part of sound system.
So they can form words from
the sounds made by the vocal cords. The different voices are caused by
the different sizes of the throat, nose, and mouth.

Central Nervous System

A network of nerves runs through out whole body. They carry instructions
from the brain, as well as message from your sense organs back to the
brain. The nerves branch off
from the spiral cord, connected
to the brain. Together they make
up the body’s central nervous
system. The brain is the body’s
control center. It tells the rest of
the body what to do.

The brain uses about a fifth of

the oxygen we breathe, as well
as a fifth of the energy in the
food we eat. With this the brain
Part of brain.
Source: produces electricity. Our brain
helps us to see, to hear, to
judge, to think and to do something. The left half of the brain controls the
right side of the body, while the right half controls the left side.

Sleeping takes a lot of our
time. Most people spend
about a third of their lives

We grow when we sleep.

Therefore babies need at least
18 hours of sleep everyday.
Children sleep for about 12 hours
A children is sleeping. at night.
Publisher collection
Adults sleep for six and nine
hours a night, meanwhile old people need very little sleep. Sleep is very
important to give our body time to rest and mend itself.

Smell and Taste

Smell and taste are important senses. Our sense of smell is much
stronger than our sense of taste. When we taste food, we rely on
its smell and texture to give us information about it as well.

We use our noses for smelling things.

The nose then sends messages through
a nerve to the brain, which recognizes
the smell. The top of the nose are
cells that are sensitive to scent
particles. Most people can identify
about 3.000 different smells. But
as we grow older, our sense of
smell gets weaker.
The tongue also sends nerve
signals to the brain about tastes.
Actually, nose and tongue work
together to identify things. Our
tongue has about 10.000 taste
Part of tongue
buds, which pick up the four basic
to taste things.
tastes and pass the Source:
information on.

Ears have two parts. The outside part is called the outer ear, which shaped
to collect sounds as they travel through the air. And the other part is the
inner ear, which consist of many parts with special function. All sound are
made by things vibrating. Sound waves make the eardrums and other
parts vibrate. Information on vibrations then sent to the brain, which let
us hear the sounds.

The inner ear is

very important
to keep our
balance. Three
canal next to
cochlea, help us
keep our balance.
They let the brain
know what
movements the
body is making.

How do we hear the sounds? Sounds pass into the ear and a tiny bone,
called hammer, is connected to the eardrum. The eardrum vibrates the
hammer. The hammer then moves the anvil, which in turn moves
the stirrup bone. The bones shake a spiral tube, called the
cochlea, which moves tiny hairs that
send signals to the brain. Then we
hear the sounds.

Sounds travel well through liquids,

so it is easy to hear when you are
underwater. That’s way whales and
other sea creatures make sounds to Hammer.
communicate with each other.


Our planet’s name is planet earth. There are

high mountains, hot deserts, huge oceans,
freezing cold areas, and also continents. Earth is
wrapped by Air, which allow us to breathe and live.
The earth has moon, which is about 240.000 miles
(386.000 km) away from Earth.

From the space, Earth looks like a mainly blue and white planet because
most of its surface covers with water. The white patterns are clouds, and
the brown and green areas are land. Earth has a diameter of about 7.900
mile (12.700 km), four times bigger than the Moon.

The earth has 5 huge oceans; Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern , ocean
around Antarctica and Arctic Ocean. The oceans carry up 97 percent of all
the earth’s water.

Pacific Ocean
Pacific is the
world’s largest
ocean. It covers
on-third of the
earth surface. It
stretches from the
Arctic in the north
to the Antartic in
the south, and from
the Americas to
Australia and Asia.
Map of Pacific Ocean.
It is also the deepest ocean and
drops to 11.033 meter (36,197 ft)
in the Mariana Trench. Pacific
means peaceful, yet it has many
strong currents that affects climate
and weather.

Mariana trench, the deepest Fact

point in the Pacific Ocean. Area : 165.241.000 sq km (63.800.000 sq miles).
Source: Average depth : 4.200 m (13.800 ft).
Greatest depth : 11.033 m (36.197 ft)
Number of island : 20000 - 30000.
Highest mountain : Mauna Kea, Hawai 10.205 m (27.605 ft) of which over
half is below the ocean’s surface.

Atlantic Ocean
The atlantic ocean is the
second-largest of the
world's ocean.

With a total area of about

106.4 million square
kilometres (41.1 million
square miles), it covers
approximately one-fifth of the
earth's surface and about
one-quarter of its water
surface area.

The first part of its name

refers to the atlas of greek
mythology, making the
atlantic the "sea of atlas".

The Atlantic Ocean occupies

an S-shaped basin extending
Map Atlantic Ocean.
between the Americas to the Source:
west, and Eurasia and Africa

to the east.

As one component of the
interconnected global ocean,
it is connected in the north
to the Arctic Ocean, to the
Pacific Ocean in the
southwest, the Indian Ocean
in the southeast, and the
Southern Ocean in the
south. The equator
subdivides it into the North
Panama canal.
Atlantic Ocean and South Atlantic Ocean.

The Atlantic Ocean is bounded on the west by North and South America.

In the southeast, the Atlantic merges into the Indian Ocean. The 20° East
meridian, running south from Cape Agulhas to Antarctica defines its

In the southwest, the Drake Passage connects it to the Pacific Ocean. The
man-made Panama Canal links the Atlantic and Pacific.

Fact area : 106.400.000 sq km (41.100.000 sq miles).

Average depth : 3.339 m (10.950 ft).
Greatest depth : 8.605 m (28.230 ft) in Poerto Rico trench.

Poerto Rico trench, the deepest point of Atlantic Ocean.


Indian Ocean
The Indian Ocean is the
world’s third largest ocean.

It is bounded by Africa to the

west. Australia and Indonesia to
the east and Asia to the north.
In the south, it emerges with the
Southern Ocean that extends
right around the globe.

Unlike the Atlantic and Pacific.

It has no natural outlet to the
north. Although the suez canal at
the northern tip of the red sea
links it with the
Mediteranean sea.

The currents of the Indian Ocean

Map of Indian Ocean.
change direction spectacularly Source:
according to the monsoon winds

between February and March, a

strong current flows south west along the coast of Sumatra, changing
direction completely between August and September.
In the Bay of Bagal, the current flows clockwise in February.

Area :
73.426.000 sg km
(28.350.000 sg miles).
Average depth :
3.890 m (12.762 ft).
Greatest depth :
7.450 m (24.441 ft) in java
Number of island :
Smallest country Singapore.

Java trench, the deepest point of Indian Ocean.


The Southern Ocean
The Southern Ocean also known as
the Great Southern Ocean, the
Antarctic Ocean and the South Polar
Ocean, comprises the southern most
waters of the World Ocean. It is
usually regarded as the fourth-largest
of the five principal ocean.

This ocean zone is cold, northward flowing

waters from the Antarctic mix with warmer
sub-Antarctic waters. Australian authorities
regard the Southern Ocean as lying
immediately south of Australia.
Map of Southern or Antarctic Ocean. The Southern Ocean includes the Antarctic
Circumpolar Current (which circulates
around Antarctica). Its total area comprises 20,327,000 square kilometers
(7,848,000 mi²).

The Southern Ocean lies in the

Southern Hemisphere. It has typical
depths of between 4,000 and 5,000
meters (13,000 to 16,000 ft) over
most of its extent with only limited
areas of shallow water.

The Antarctic continental shelf

appears generally narrow and
unusually deep, its edge lying at
Map of continental shelf. depths up to 800 meters (2,600 ft),
Source: compared to a global mean of 133
meters (436 ft).

The Southern Ocean's greatest depth of 7,235 meters (23,737 ft) occurs
at the southern end of the South Sandwich Trench.
In many respects, the Southern Ocean forms the opposite of the Arctic
Ocean, located on the opposite end of the globe.
Fact area : 20,327,000 sq km (7,848,000 sq miles).
Average depth : 4.000 and 5.000 m (13.000 to 16.000 ft).
The narrow depth : 800 m (2.600 ft)
The greatest depth : 7.235 meters (23,737 ft)

Arctic Ocean
The Arctic is the smallest and
shallowest of the world’s five major
ocean. It is located in the Northem
Hemisphere and mostly in the Arctic
north polar area. Almost completely
surrounded by Eurasia and North
America, the Arctic Ocean is partly
covered by sea ice throughout
the year.

The Arctic Ocean is divided into two

basins, the Eurasian Basin, and the North
American Basin, by the Lomonosov Ridge.
There are also submarine ridges
between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans.
Map of Artic Ocean.
The main current in the Arctic Ocean is
the East Greenland current. This current is strong due to the number of
rivers that flow into the Arctic Sea, the low rate of evaporation, and the
land and submarine ridges surrounding the ocean. Two other weeks
currents flow out of the Arctic Ocean, the Labrador current which runs
through Smith Sound and Baffin Bay, and one that runs out of the Bering

The central part of the ocean is

permanently covered in about ten
feet of ice. Pressure ridges in the ice
can sometimes reach three times
that height. In the summer months,
the icepack is surrounded by water
and free-floating. During the winter,
the icepack expands to nearly twice
its summer area, reaching the land
on all sides.

Fact area : 14.090.000 sq km

Average depth : 3.658 m (3.410 ft).
Fram basin. Deepest point : 4.665 m at Fram Basin

The people of the worlds live of six different continents. Only
scientists who live and work on the seventh continent of Antartica.
The continent are Asia, Africa, North America, South America,
Europe, Antarctica and Australia.

Asia is the largest
continent in the world
in both, area and

Asia consists of 47
countries, four dependent
countries and seven
unrecognized regions.

Asia is broadly divided

into six sub regions
namely: Central Asia,
Eastern Asia, Northern
Asia, Southeastern Asia,
Southern Asia and
Western Asia.

Located in the Eastern

and Northern
hemisphere, Asia covers
more than 8% of the total
surface of the earth; it is
also the most populous
continent of the world,
with a population of about
Map of Asia. 4 billion.
This makes Asia home to
more than 50% population of the world. Some of the major countries are
China, Japan, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Malaysia, Maldives,
Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Pakistan and others.

Area, 49 700 000 km2 (19 189 277 mi2)
it covers about 60 percent of Earth's total
land area.
Population, almost 4 billion human
inhabitants, about 60 percent of the
world's population. Seven out of ten of
the most populated countries are in Asia.
Population density,
89.07/sq km (2008 Estimate).
Number of countries, 47.

Maldives, the smallest country in Asia.


Time Zones, UTC+2 to

Highest Point,
Chomolungma, Mount
Everest. 8848 m (29 028 ft)
Largest Lake, Caspian Sea
(salt lake) 371 000 km2 (143
250 mi2).
Yangtze river, the longest river in Asia.

Lake Baikal,
31 500 km2 in Siberia is the world's largest freshwater lake by volume.
Longest River, Yangtze, China, 6380 km (3 964 mi).
Largest Country, Russia (13,119,300 sq. km.)
Smallest Country, Maldives (300 sq. km.)
Lowest Point,
Dead Sea
(Depth: -396.8 mt). Lake Baikal is the world’s largest
freshwater lake by volume.
Languages of Asia, Source:
Arabic, Chinese,

Hindi, Japanese,
Korean, Malay,
Russian, Thai,
Turkic, Vietnamese.

Africa is the world's
second-largest and second
most-populous continent,
after Asia.

At about 30.2 million km² (11.7

million sq mi) including adjacent
islands, it covers 6% of the
Earth's total surface area and
20.4% of the total land area.

With a billion people in 61

territories, it accounts for about
14.72% of the world's human

The continent is surrounded by

Map of Africa. the Mediterranean Sea to the
Source: north, both the Suez Canal and
the Red Sea along the Sinai
Peninsula to the northeast, the Indian Ocean to the southeast, and the
Atlantic Ocean to the west. It also includes the disputed territory of
Western Sahara, there are 53 countries, including Madagascar and various
island groups,
associated with the

Africa's largest
country is Sudan, and
its smallest country is
the Seychelles, an
archipelago off the
east coast. The
smallest nation on the
continental mainland
Life in the village of Africa.
is The Gambia. Source: www.128

Poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and inadequate water supply and

sanitation, as well as poor health, affect a large proportion of the people
who reside in the African continent.

North America
It is the third-largest continent in area,
following Asia and Africa, and the
fourth in population after Asia, Africa,
and Europe.

North America is the northern

continent of the Americas,situated in the
Earth's northern hemisphere and in the
western hemisphere. It is
bordered on the north by the Arctic Ocean,
on the east by the North
Atlantic Ocean, on the southeast by the
Caribbean Sea, and on the west by the
North Pacific Ocean. North America covers
Map of North America.
an area of about 24,709,000 square Source: www.bener
kilometers (9,540,000 square miles), about
4.8% of the planet's surface or about 16.5% of its land area. As of July
2008, its population was estimated at nearly 529 million people.

North America connected to

South America at the Isthmus
of Panama. The continent is
delimited on the southeast by
the Darién watershed. Its
southern limit is the Isthmus of
Tehuantepec, Mexico. The
islands of the West Indies
delineate a submerged former
land bridge, which had
connected North America and
New York city, one of city in north America.
Source: South America.

The continental coastline is long and irregular. The Gulf of Mexico is the
largest body of water indenting the continent, followed by Hudson Bay.
Others include the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and
the Gulf of California. The Gulf of California.

Population density, 22.9/km2 (59.3/sq mi)

Languages English, Spanish, French, and
many others
Time Zones, UTC-10 to UTC
South America
South America ranks fourth in area and
fifth in population.

South America has an area of 17,840,000

square kilometers (6,890,000 sq mi), or
almost 3.5% of the Earth's surface. As of
2005, its population was estimated at more
than 371,090,000.

South America is the southern continent of

America, situated entirely in the Western
Hemisphere and mostly in the Southern
Hemisphere, with a relatively small portion in
Map of South America. the Northern Hemisphere. It is bordered on
Source: the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the
north and east by the Atlantic Ocean; North
America and the Caribbean Sea lie to the northwest.

South America is home to the world's highest

waterfall, Angel Falls in Venezuela; the
largest river (by volume), the Amazon
River; the longest mountain range,
the driest place on earth, the
Atacama Desert, the largest
rainforest, the Amazon Rainforest;
the highest capital city, La Paz, Bolivia,
the highest commercially navigable lake
in the world, Lake Titicaca, and excluding
research stations in Antarctica, the world's
Sao Paolo, the biggest country
in South America. southern most permanently inhabited
community, Puerto Toro, Chile.

South America's major mineral

resources are gold, silver,
copper, iron ore, tin, and
petroleum. It is also one of the
most biodiverse continents on
The hingest waterfall in the world, Angels Fall.
Europe is, one of the
world's seven continents.
It is the world's
continent by surface area.

It covers about 10,180,000

square kilometres (3,930,000
sq mi) or 2% of the Earth's
surface and about 6.8% of its
land area. Of Europe's
approximately 50 states,
Russia is the largest by both
area and population, while
Vatican City is the smallest.

Europe is the third most

populous continent after Asia
and Africa, with a population Map of Europe.
of 731 million or about 11% of Source:

the world's population; however, according to the United Nations, Europe's

share may fall to about 7% by 2050.In 1900, Europe's share
of the world's population was 25%.

Europe is bordered
by the Arctic Ocean
and other
bodies of water to
the north, the
Atlantic Ocean to
the west, the
Mediterranean Sea
to the south, and
the Black Sea and
waterways to the
The Black Sea, as the border of Europe in the Southeast.

Europe is generally divided
from Asia to its east by the
water divide of the Ural
Mountains, the Ural River, the
Caspian Sea, the Caucasus
Mountains and the Black Sea
to the southeast.

Europe, in particular Ancient

Greece, is the birthplace of
Western culture. It played a
predominant role in global
Ural mountain.
affairs from the 16th century
onwards, especially after the
beginning of colonialism. Between the 16th and 20th centuries, European
nations controlled at various times the Americas, most of Africa, Oceania,
and large portions of Asia.

One of the Ancient Greece building, The Parthenon.


Area, 10,180,000 km2 (3,930,000 sq mi)

Population, 731,000,000
Population density, 70/km2 (181/sq mi)
Countries, 50
Time Zones, UTC to UTC+5

The Australian continent is
the smallest and lowest,
lying human, inhabited
continent on Earth.

Having a total land area of some

8,560,000 square kilometres
(3,305,000 sq. mi.). Australia
and adjacent islands are
connected by a shallow
continental shelf covering some
2,500,000 square kilometres
including the Sahul Shelf and
Bass Strait and half of which is Map of Australia.
less than 50 metres deep.

Mainland Australia showing the continental shelf (light blue) extending to

the islands of New Guinea in the north, and Tasmania in the south Australia
is the smallest of the geographic continents, though not of geological
continents. Tasmania, New Guinea and other
nearby islands such as the Aru Islands and
Raja Ampat Islands are part of the
Australian continent, also known as
Sahul, since they are part of the
same geological landmass. These
islands are separated by seas over
lying the continental shelf, the
Arafura Sea and Torres Strait
between Australia and New Guinea,
and Bass Strait between mainland
Australia and Tasmania.

Area, 8,468,300 km2 (3,269,629 sq mi)

Population, 31,260,000
The aborigin people.
Source: Population density, 3.7/km2
Country : Australia,
Papua New Guinea, and portions of Indonesia
Time Zones, GMT+10, GMT+9.30, GMT+8
Largest cities List of cities in Australia by population,

The Highest Peak of The Mountain

Mount Everest is the highest peak of all.
It lies on the border between Nepal and
Tibet in Himalayas. It is 29.035 ft or
8.848 m high. It is also known to the
people of Tibet as chomolungma or “the
goddess mother of the world”.
Mount everest.

The Longest Mountain

Range On Land
The longest mountain range on
land is the Andes, which stretches
for over 5.500 mile or 8.900 km
along the west coast of South
America and the Himalayas to the
north of India. The transantarctic
mountains stretch right across the Mount Andes.
frozen continent of Antartica.
Taiga forest in winter season.
The Largest Forest
The taiga is the world’s largest forest.
It stretches 6.000 miles (10.000 km)
across northern Russia. The taiga is
very cold during long, dark winter and
summer in the forest is short
and cool.
The Biggest
Tropical Rainforest
The amazon rainforest is the biggest
tropical rainforest in the world. The
rainforest grow on warm, wet lowland,
where it rains almost everyday. There
are million of creatures live in Amazon
rainforst as there is plenty of warmth,
Amazon rainforest.
water, and food.

The Largest Desert

Sahara desert is the
largest desert in the
world. It is in
northern Africa.
Extending from the
Atlantic to the Nile
valley. It is about
Sahara Desert. 3.500.000 sq miles
(9.065.000 sq km) wide.
The temperature of the Sahara
desert often reaches 1200F (490C).
The sahara has many water underground. In some places this water form
pools called oases. It has about 90 large oases.

The Coldest Continent

The South Pole is on the
frozen land of Antartica, which
is the coldest continent on
Earth. There are icebergs in
the cold sea near the Poles.
The largest iceberg ever seen
was about 200 miles (320 km)
long and 65 miles (100 km)
wide. It was in the south
Pacific Ocean.

The Largest Passenger Airliner
Fact :
First flight 27 April 2005
Introduced 25 October 2007 with
Singapore Airlines
Primary users Singapore Airlines,
Emirates, Qantas, and Air France,
Produced 2004 – present

The Airbus A380 is a double-deck,

wide-body, four-engine airliner
manufactured by the European corporation
Airbus A380, the largest aeroplane.
Source: Airbus, a subsidiary of EADS. The largest
passenger airliner in the world, the A380
made its first flight on 27 April 2005 from Toulouse, France, and made its
first commercial flight on 25 October 2007 from Singapore to Sydney with
Singapore Airlines. The aircraft was known as the Airbus A3XX during
much of its development phase, but the nickname Superjumbo has since
become associated with it.

The A380's upper deck extends along the

entire length of the fuselage, and its width is
equivalent to that of a widebody aircraft.
This allows for a cabin with 50% more floor
space than the next-largest airliner, the
Boeing 747-400, and provides seating for
525 people in a typical three-class
configuration or up to 853 people in
all-economy class configurations. The
postponed freighter version, the A380-800F,
is offered as one of the largest freight
aircraft, with a payload capacity exceeded
only by the Antonov An-225. The A380-800
has a design range of 15,200 km (8,200
miles), sufficient to fly from New York to
Hong Kong for example, and a cruising
speed of Mach 0.85 (about 900 km/h or 560
mph at cruising altitude).

Passanger’s cabin inside the airbus A380.


The Largest Plane In
The World
By the weight, FAI,
short for Fédération
Internationale states
that The "Antonov AN-225
"Mriya" is the world's
largest aircraft, built in
Ukraine when it was part of the
Soviet Union.

It has payload capacity of 250 tonnes. Antonov AN-225.

Unlike any other commercially available
aircraft, the An-225 has the ability to carry external loads of up to 90
tonnes mounted on its "roof rack" also.

The An-225 is quoted as having a maximum takeoff weight of over 1.3

million pounds (600,000 kg). The FAI gives credit for a slightly lower
weight of 1.12 million pounds (508,200 kg), the record set by an An-225
in 1989 for the largest mass ever lifted by an airplane to an altitude of
6,500 ft (2,000 m).

The An-225 has six engines, a 32-wheel

landing gear system, and does not
have the rear ramp/door

The AN-225 is enormous.

There is enough cargo
space to load 5 tanks,
the complete assembled
fuselage of a Boeing 737,
or 8 double-decker
buses. It can carry up to
1500 people at a
time.With a maximum
gross weight of 640
tonnes, the An-225 is
A size comparison between it and two of the the world’s heaviest
world's other largest aircrafts.
The Longest Canal
The Grand Canal of China is the longest
canal in the world.

The Grand Canal, 1,764 km (about 1200

miles) in length with 24 locks and 60
bridges is the longest man-made waterway
as well as being the oldest canal, far
surpassing the next two grand canals of
the world: the Suez and Panama Canals.

Running from Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Province in the south to Beijing in the north
of China and connecting different river
systems, the Grand Canal contributed
greatly to ensure that the Chinese primary
economy thrived in past dynasties.

Now more than 2000 years old, some parts of

the canal are still in use, mainly functioning as a
The Grand Canal. water-diversion conduit. The building of the canal in
Source: 486 BC during the Wu Dynasty. It was extended
during the Qi Dynasty, and later by Emperor Yangdi
of Sui Dynasty, during six years of furious construction from 605-610 AD.

Today, the length of the Grand Canal is approximately 1,200 miles long,
running from Hangzhou in the
Zhejian province located in the
south of China to Beijing,
located in the northern
portion of the country.
Additionally, the Grand
Canal connects a number
of river systems to
include the Yangtze,
Yellow Huaihe, Quiantang,
and Haihe Rivers, and then
at the southern end, flows
through Hebei, Tianjin, Beijing,
One of the grand canal functions is for
Jiangsu, Shandong, and Zhejiang. transportation.

The Saltiest Sea
The name 'Dead Sea' is
actually a kinder, translation
from the Hebrew name 'Yam
ha Maved', which means,
'Killer Sea'. It is some of the
saltiest water anywhere in the
world, almost six times as
salty as the ocean!

The Dead Sea is completely

None can live in Dead sea.
landlocked and it gets saltier
with increasing depth. The
surface, fed by the River Jordan, is the least saline. Down to about 130
feet (40 meters), the seawater comprises about 300 grams of salt per
kilogram of seawater. That's about ten times the salinity of the oceans.
Below 300 feet, though, the sea has 332 grams of salt per kilogram of
seawater and is saturated. Salt precipitates out and piles up
on the bottom of the sea.

Dead Sea so salty because all

roads lead to the sea when
it comes to the rivers in
the area. The Dead Sea
is continually fed water
from the rivers and
streams coming down
off the mountains that
surround it. But the
fact is no rivers drain
People floats easily in Dead Sea because
it’s very salty. out of the Dead Sea. The
Source: only way water gets out of
the Sea is through
evaporation. This part of the
world get plenty hot. When the water
evaporates, it leaves behind all the dissolved minerals in the Sea, just
making it saltier. The fact that the water doesn't escape the Sea just traps
the salts within its shores. There's nothing living in the Dead Sea because
it got so salty.

The Deepest Lake
in USA
Crater lake is the deepest
lake in the United States
with a maximum depth of
1949 feet. It may also have
one of the purest water, in
North America.
It was created when Mount
Mazama (12,000 feet high)
collapsed 7,700 years ago
following a large eruption.
Crater Lake.

The Deepest Lake In North

Great Slave Lake is also known as the
Grand lac des Esclaves after the
Slavey North American Indians,
it covers 11,000 sq miles in the
Northwest Territories of Canada and
The beautiful land scape of the Lake. goes down to 2,015 feet which makes
Source: it the deepest lake in North America .

Because of the low temperatures in the area, for about

eight months of the year, the lake
is at least partially frozen,
while during winter, the ice
is so thick that trailer
trucks can pass through.

There is a legend that

an unidentified big
creature is living in the
Great Slave Lake.

People fishes in the Lake.


The Deepest Lake In
Located in Patagonia, between
the Aysén Region and the
Santa Cruz Province. The lake
is called O'Higgins in Chile and
San Martin in Argentina. It is
the deepest lake in the
San Martin Lake. Americas, with a maximum
depth of 2,742 feet. The lake is
very irregular consisting of eight well-defined arms with milky light-blue
water coming from the suspended rock flour.

The lake is named after South American heroes José de San Martín of
Argentina and Bernardo O'Higgins of Chili , who fought together for the
liberation of Chili Chile.

The Freshest Water and Largest and Lake In The World

Out of the 140 sub-glacial lakes on earth, Vostok is the largest and the
deepest, with a maximum depth of 2,950 feet . Beneath's Vostok Station,
13,000 feet under the surface of the central Antarctic ice sheet, may be it
is the most unspoiled lake on Earth.

British and Russian scientists discovered it in 1996.

The average water

temperature is -3 °C and the
reason why it is still liquid
below freezing is the high
pressure from the weight of
the ice above it.

Scientists also discovered that

the ice core may be 420,000
years old, meaning that the
lake could have been sealed
for over 500,000 years and the
water beneath could be as old.
The Lake Vostok in the afternoon.

The Deepest Lake
By Volume In The World
Also known as the “blue eye of
Siberia”, is located in Southern
Siberia near the Russo-Mongolian

Famous for being the deepest lake in the

world with a maximum depth of 5,369
feet, it holds a volume of water larger
than that of all the great lakes

Lake Baikal is a great eco-system where

more than 1,700 species of flora and
fauna live; two thirds of them only to be
found there. Completely surrounded by
high mountains and dense forests, the
lake has an estimated age of 25-30
million years, making it one of the most
ancient lakes in geological history.

Lake Baikal.

However, this enormous

water formation may harbor
a mystery of immense
proportions: a gigantic
animal, either of
sturgeon-like appearance or
a rogue sea serpent; Baikal's
very own Loch Ness Monster.

No one can tell for sure if the

legend is true or not, but the
creature exists in people's minds and
haunts their thoughts. The under water creature
of Lake Baikal, Loch Ness Monster.

The Largest Lake
By Surface Area
Caspian Sea is not only the
largest lakes by surface Area.

It is about 371.000 sq km (143.000

sq miles) wide. It also the third
deepest lake in the world going
down to 3.363 feet. Lake Caspian Sea.
Between the southern areas of the
Russian Federation and northern Iran lies the largest enclosed body of
water on Earth. It's an endorheic lake with salty water (salinity of
approximately 1.2%) that was landlocked due to continental drift 5.5
million years ago. An ancient former of the Tethys Samudra Ocean,
(just like the Black Sea or the Mediterranean Sea )

The Tallest Building In The World

The world's tallest structure is the 828 m
(2,720 ft) tall Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United
Arab Emirates.

The building gained the official title of "Tallest

Building in the World" at its opening on 4
January 2010. It is taller than any other
man-made structure ever built.

The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban

Habitat, one organization that certifies
buildings as the "World’s Tallest",
recognizes a building only if at least fifty
percent of its height is made up of floor
plates containing habitable floor area.
Structures that do not meet this conditions,
such as the CN Tower, are defined as "towers".

There are dozens of radio and television

broadcasting towers which measure over
600 metres (about 2,000 ft) in height, and
only the tallest are recorded in publicly
Burj Khalifa Dubai.
available information sources.

The Longest
Cross-Sea Bridge
In The World
Donghai Bridge
(simplified Chinese
Dàqiáo; literally “East
Sea Grand Bridge”) is
the longest cross-sea
bridge in the world
and the longest bridge
in Asia. It was
completed on
December 10, 2005.
It has a total length of
32.5 kilometres (20.2
The longest cross-sea bridge in the world, Donghai Bridge.
miles) and connects Source:
Shanghai and the
offshore Yangshan deep-water port in China. Most of the bridge is a
low-level cause way. There are also cable-stayed sections to allow for the
passage of large ships, largest with span of 420 m.

The Largest Sheet of Floating Ice

Antarctica’s Ross ice Shelf is the world’s langers sheet of floating ice. It is
about as big as France.

The largest sheet of floating ice, which decreases slowly because of the global

The Largest Gorge
In The World
The Grand Canyon is a gorge
of the Colorado River in North
Arizona, located in the Grand
Canyon National Park. It is
the largest gorge in the world.
It is about 277 miles (446 km)
long and 5.000 ft (1.500 m)
deep. There are a lot of
narrow cleft with steep, rocky
Grand Canyon in the North Arizona.

The Driest Desert in The World

The Atacama desert is, according to NASA, National Geographic
and many other publications, one of the driest places on Earth,
and is virtually sterile because it is blocked from moisture on both
sides by the Andes mountains and by the Chilean Coast Range.

The average rainfall in the Chilean region of Antofagasta is just 1

millimetre (0.04 in) per year. Some weather stations in the Atacama have
never received rain.

Some locations in the Atacama do receive a marine fog known locally as

the Camanchaca, providing sufficient moisture for hypolithic algae, lichens
and even some cacti. But
in the region that is in
Atacama desert view in 3.000 m high.
the "fog shadow" of the Source:

high coastal crest-line,

averages 3,000 metres
(10,000 ft) m high for
about 100 kilometres (60
mi) south of Antofagasta,
the soil has been
compared to
that of Mars.

The Longest River
In The World
The Nile is the world's
longest river at 4,135 miles.

It has two sources, one at Lake

Victoria, in Uganda (the White
Nile) and one at Lake Tana, in
Ethiopia (the Blue Nile). The
entire Nile River Delta is estimated
to drain an area of 1,293,000 square
miles. This area is so vast that has a The Nile River.
number of different climate areas. North, Source:
in Egypt and Sudan, rainfall is rare. More
to the south, in and around Ethiopia, rainfall is heavy, contributing to the
floodwaters that rush downstream and eventually create the
wonderfully fertile soil that supports so much of life in Egypt and Sudan.
Dams, the most notable being the Aswan High Dam, have been built along
the route to prevent massive flooding of populated areas.

The Nile River Delta is home for many species of animals, including
crocodiles, turtles, baboons, wildebeest, and more than 300 species of
birds, including fishing eagles, ibis, and the Nile Valley Sunbird.

The ancient Egyptians called the river Ar or Aur, meaning "black," because
of the black sediment left behind after the frequent river floods. Nile
comes from the Greek Neilos, which means "river valley."

The people who lived along

the Nile in ancient times
used the river for agriculture
and transportation. That
hasn't changed, although the
methods of agriculture and
transportation have. Steam
ships are still used in Egypt
and Sudan, to transport

Nile river is still used for trasportation.


The Highest Water,
Fall In The World
Fact :
Angel Falls has other names,
Salto Ángel, Angel Falls from Isla Ratón
Location Auyantepui, Canapa National
Park, Venezuela
Total height 979 m/3,212 ft
Height of longest drop 807 m/2,647 ft
Number of drops 47

Angel Falls or Kerepakupai merú which

means "waterfall of the deepest place",
in Pemon language, or: Parakupa-
vena, which means "the fall from the
highest point"; Spanish: Salto Ángel, is
the world's highest waterfall, with a
height of 979 m (3,212 ft) and a
plunge of 807 m (2,647 ft). The
waterfall drops over the edge of the
Angel Falls in Venezuela.
Auyantepui mountain in the Canaima Source:
National Park, Venezuela.

The base of the falls feeds into the Kerep River which flows into the
Churun River, a tributary of the Carrao River.

The height figure 3,212 feet (979 m) mostly consists of the main plunge
but also includes about 0.25 miles (400 m) of shallowly sloped cascades
and rapids below the drop
and a 100-feet (30 m) high
plunge downstream of the
talus rapids. While the main
plunge is undoubtedly the
highest single drop in the

The Churun River which got the

water from the Kerep River as the
base of the falls.

The Largest Snakes By Weight
In The World
The largest documented Anaconda to date was
almost 28 feet, with a girth of 44 inches. It was
not weighed at the time! But scientists estimate
that it must have weighed over 500 pounds.

Anacondas are huge snakes belonging to the Boa

family and are also known as Water Boa.
They are also found in tropical
rainforests, Savannah grasslands,
scrub forests and deciduous forests.
Anaconda's weight is usually
supported by water. They prefer to
live in water, but do enjoy spending
time on land in shallow caves.

What an anaconda looks like?

The anaconda has a brownish green, scaly Green anaconda.
skin that glistens but is dry to the touch.
The nostrils are on the top of the snout,
letting the snake breathe easily when it is in water. It ‘smells' with its
tongue, has no fangs and is non-venomous. It has a large head and thick
neck. It emits a foul smelling, brownish musk, which is quite poisonous to
small organisms. It continues to grow all its life, getting bigger and bigger.

The Longest Snake in The World

The Asiatic Reticulated Python holds the world record to be the
longest snake ever measured, at 33 feet. The Anaconda,
however, is
heavier than the

Asiatic Reticulated Python.


Python reticulatus, also known as the (Asiatic) reticulated python or regal
python, is a species of python found in Southeast Asia. Adults can grow to
over 28 feet (8.7 m)in length but normally grow to an average of 10-20
feet. They are the world's longest snakes and longest reptile, but are not
the most heavily built. Like all pythons, they are non-venomous
constrictors and normally not considered dangerous to humans, even
though large specimens are powerful enough to kill an adult and attacks
are occasionally reported.

An excellent swimmer, it has

even been reported far
out at sea and has
consequently colonized
many small islands
within its range. The
specific name is Latin
meaning net-like, or
reticulated, and is a
Python swims in the river. reference to the complex color

The fastest Animal On Land

The cheetah is the fastest
land animal.
The cheetah (Acinonyx
jubatus) is a typical
member of the cat
family (Felidae) that is unique
in its speed, while lacking
climbing abilities. The species is
the only living member of the
Running cheetah.
genus Acinonyx. It is the fastest land Source:
animal, reaching speeds between 112 and

120 km/h (70 and 75 mph) in short time covering distances up to 460 m
(1,500 ft), and has the ability to accelerate from 0 to 103 km/h (64 mph)
in three seconds, faster than most supercars. The recent studies confirm
the cheetah's status as the fastest land animal.The word "cheetah" is
derived from the Sanskrit word citrakaya?, meaning "variegated body".

The Smallest Bird In The World
The male Bee Hummingbird is the
smallest bird, as he is smaller than the
female. The Bee Hummingbird (Mellisuga
helenae) inhabits Cuba and the Isle of
Youth. The bird weighs 1.8 grams, having
a length of about 5 cm (2 in). This bird
has also the smallest number of feathers:
about 1,000 feathers (in other bird
Male bee hummingbird. species, there are up to 25,000 feathers).

The bird flies with 80 wing beats per second,

a rhythm which the human cannot detect
naturally details. During the courtship
displays, the male flap his wings up to 200
times per second!

The nest is attached to small branches using

spider web threads. The nest is also world's
Hummingbird’s nest.
smallest (3 cm or 1.2 inch in diameter). The nest Source:
usually hosts two eggs, smaller than two coffee
beans. The chicks usually hatch in May-June.

The appetite of this bird is the opposite of its size. This hummingbird
consumes small spiders and mites, but especially the sweet nectar of the
tropical vividly colored flower. Its high
metabolism means this bird consumes
half of its body mass and drink 8
times their body mass in water

Its heart rate is the second

fastest of all animals, to
sustain the high metabolism.
The body temperature is
400C (1040F), the highest of all
birds, but it drops during the
night to 190C (660F) to save energy.
Bee Hummngbird drinks eight These birds are solitary, accepting each
time his body mass in water. other's company only during the
Source: breeding period.
The Smelliest Bird
The south American hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin)
has an odor similar to cow manure. Colombians call
it pava hedionda ("stinking pheasant"). The cause of
the smell is believed to be a combination of its diet of
green leaves and its specialized digestive system,
which involves a kind of fermentation. Smelliest bird.

Largest Flocks
Flamingoes, with their long
necks and legs, have a height
range of 3-5 feet and are the
biggest bird to form large
flocks. Of the four species, the
lesser flamingo (Phoeniconaias
minor) of eastern and southern
Africa has been seen in flocks of
several million birds,
Flamingoes. particularly in the Great Lakes
of eastern Africa.

The Biggest Eggs In The World

The extinct giant elephant bird (Aephornis
maximus) laid 1 feet long eggs, in which an
Elephant Bird egg compared to chicken eggliquid
capacity of 2.25 gallons, the equivalent of seven
ostrich eggs and more than 12,000 humming bird
eggs.When early Arabian and Indian explorers
started returning from their journeys along the coast
of Africa, they brought … huge eggs, up to three feet
in circumference.
Egg fosil of elephant bird. Elephant bird.
Source: Source:

The eggs of a bird that would later be

known as the Elephant Bird, or Vouron Patra
(Aepyornis maximus). The eggs of the
Elephant Bird laid were larger than the
largest dinosaur eggs.

The Longest Bridge By Total
Length In The World
The Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, or the
Causeway, consists of two parallel bridges that
are the longest bridges in the world by total
length. These parallel bridges cross Lake
Pontchartrain in southern Louisiana. The
longer of the two bridges is 23.87 miles
(38.42 km) long. The bridges are supported by
over 9,000 concrete pilings. The two bridges
feature bascule spans over the navigation
channel 8 miles (13 km) south of the north
shore. The southern terminus of the Causeway
is in Metairie, Louisiana, a suburb of New
Lake Pontchartrain Causeway. Orleans. The northern terminus is at Mandeville, Louisiana.

The Longest Bridge In Europe

The Vasco da Gama Bridge (Portuguese: Ponte Vasco da Gama), is a
cable-stayed bridge flanked by viaducts and roads that spans the Tagus
River near Lisbon, capital of Portugal. It is the longest bridge in Europe
(including viaducts), with0 a total length of 17.2 km (10.7 mi), including
0.829 km (0.5 mi) for the main bridge, 11.5 km (7.1 mi) in viaducts, and
4.8 km (3.0 mi) in dedicated access roads. Its purpose is to alleviate the
congestion on Lisbon’s other bridge (25 de Abril Bridge), and to join
previously unconnected motorways radiating from Lisbon.

Vasco da Gama Bridge.


The Smallest Island
In The World
The smallest island in the world,
according to the Guinness Book
of Records, is Bishop Rock.

It lies at the most south-westerly

part of the United Kingdom. It is one
of 1040 islands around Britain and
only has a lighthouse on it.

In 1861, the British

government set out the parameters
A lighthouse at the Bishop Rock.
for classifying an island. It was Source:
decided that if it was inhabited, the
size was immaterial. However, if it was uninhabited, it had to be “the
summer’s pasturage of at least one sheep”, which is about two acres.

The Largest Island

In The World
The largest island in
the world is Greenland

Australia is considered a
continent because it has
unique plant and animal
life. Antarctica also is a
continent – larger than
Europe and Australia.
Greenland, although quite
big, shares the habitat
features of Northern
America. So it is an island
not a continent.

Greenland, a single island

which is the largest island in
the world.

The Smallest
The size as a golf
course, the Vatican
City is the smallest
country in the

It’s basically a walled

enclave inside of
Rome, Italy. It’s so
small that the entire
country does not have
Vatican City.
a single street Source:

The Vatican City may be small, but it is very powerful. It is the sovereign
territory of the Holy See, or the seat of the Catholic Church (basically its
central government), which has over 1 billion people (about 1 in 6 people
on the planet) as constituents.

The Vatican City was created in 1929 by the Lateran Treaty (which was
signed by one of history’s most repressive dictators, Benito Mussolini) and
is ruled by the Pope, basically a non-hereditary, elected monarch who
rules with absolute authority (he’s the
legislative, executive and judiciary all rolled
into one) – indeed, the Pope is the only
absolute monarch in Europe.

Another unique thing about the smallest

country in the world is that it has no
permanent citizens. Citizenship of the
Vatican City is conferred upon those who
work at the Vatican (as well as their
spouses and children) and is revoked when
they stop working there.

Size: 0.17 sq. mi. (0.44 km²)

Population: 783 (2005 census)
Location: Rome, Italy Benediktus XVI.
The Largest Country
Russia also officially known as the
Russian Federation, is a
country in northern Eurasia. Russia
shares borders with the following
countries: Norway, Finland,
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and
Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia,
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China,
The capital city of Russia, Moscow in the night.
Mongolia, and North Korea. It also Source:
has maritime borders with Japan
(by the Sea of Okhotsk) and the United States (by the Bering Strait).

At 17,075,400 square kilometres (6,592,800 sq mi), Russia is by far the

largest country in the world, covering more than a ninth of the Earth's
land area. Russia is also the ninth most populous nation in the world with
142 million people. It extends across the whole of northern Asia and 40%
of Europe, spanning 11 time zones and incorporating a wide range of
environments and landforms. Russia has the world's largest reserves of
mineral and energy resources, and is considered an energy superpower.
It has the world's largest forest reserves and its lakes contain
approximately one-quarter of the world's fresh water.

Area Total 17,075,400 sq km (6,592,800 sq miles)
Water (%) 13 (including swamps)

Map of Russia.

The Largest
Population Of The
China has been the world's
most populous nation for
many centuries.

When China took its first post census in

Population in China.
Source: 1953, the population stood at 582 million; by the fifth census in 2000, the population had
more than doubled, reaching 1.3 billion.

The population continues to grow. There is also a serious gender

imbalance. Census data obtained in 2000 revealed that 119 boys were
born for every 100 girls, and among China’s "floating population" the ratio
was as high as 128:100. These situations led the government in July 2004
to forbid selective abortions of female fetuses. It is estimated that this
imbalance will rise until 2025–2030 to reach 20% then slowly decrease.

Today, China's population is over 1.3 billion, the largest in the world. China
plans to conduct its sixth national population census in 2010

Population of China, 1961–2006

Population, 1,321,000,000 (2007 est.)

Map of China.

The Longest Wall
In The World
The Great Wall of China or
Cángchéng; literally "long
city/ fortress" or Wànli
Chángchéng; literally "The
long wall of 10,000 Li, is a
series of stoneandearthen
fortifications in
northern China.

It was built, rebuilt, and

maintained between the 5th The famous great wall in China.
century BC and the 16th
century to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire
during various successive dynasties.

Since the 5th century BC, several walls

have been built that were referred to as
the Great Wall. One of the most famous is
the wall built between 220–206 BC by the
first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang.
Little of that wall remains; the majority of
the existing wall were built during the Ming
Part of the wall. Dynasty.
The Great Wall stretches from
Shanhaiguan in the east to Lop Nur in the
west, along the wall that roughly delin-
eates the southern edge of Inner Mongolia.

The most comprehensive archaeological

survey, using advanced technologies, has
recently concluded that the entire Great
The wall is made from the brick.
Source: Wall, with all of its branches, stretches for
8,851.8 km (5,500.3 mi).

This is made up of 6,259.6 km (3,889.5 mi) of sections of actual wall,

359.7 km (223.5 mi) of trenches and 2,232.5 km (1,387.2 mi) of natural
defensive barriers such as hills and rivers. The Great Wall is a maximum
9.1 m (30 ft) wide and is about the same color as the soil surrounding it.

The Most
Populous City
Mumbai formerly called
Bombay, is the capital of
the India state of
Maharashtra. Mumbai,
the most populous city
in India, is one of the
most populous cities in
the world, with a
population of Mumbai city.
approximately 14
million. Along with the neighboring urban areas, which includes cities of
Navi Mumbai and Thane, it is one of the most populous urban regions in
the world. Mumbai lies on the west coast of India and has a deep natural
harbour. As of 2009, Mumbai was named an Alpha world city.

The Largest Urban Agglomerations In The World

Tokyo is the capital of Japan. This huge, wealthy and fascinating
metropolis brings high-tech visions of the future side by side with glimpses
of old Japan, and has something for everyone.

Today, Tokyo is the destination for business, education, modern culture,

and government. It is vast: it's best thought of not as a single city, but a
constellation of cities that have grown together.

Tokyo's districts vary wildly

by character, from the
electronic sound of
Akihabara to the Imperial
gardens and shrines of
Chiyoda, from the
hyperactive youth
culture mecca of Shibuya to
the pottery shops and
temple markets of Asakusa.

Night in Tokyo.

The Most
Expensive Car
Bugatti Veyron
This is by far the most
expensive street legal
car available on the
market today. It is the
fastest accelerating car
reaching 0-60 in 2.6
seconds. It claims to be The Bugatti Veyron.
the fastest car with a top
speed of 253 mph+. However, the title for the fastest car goes to the SSC
Ultimate Aero which exceed 253 mph pushing this car to 2nd place for
the fastest car.

The Fastest Street Legal Car

SSC Ultimate Aero $654,400.

Don't let the price tag fool you, the 6th

most expensive car is actually the
fastest street legal car in the world with
a top speed of 257 mph+ and reaching
0-60 in 2.7 seconds.

SSC Ultimate Aero.


This car cost nearly half as much as the

Bugatti Veyron, yet has enough power to
top the most expensive car in a speed
race. It is estimated that only 25 of this
exact model will ever be produced.

The Fastest Car
In Racing
McLaren F1

In 1994, the McLaren

F1 was the fastest
and most expensive
car. Even though it
was built 15 years
ago, it has an McLaren F1.
Source: www.F1.Gt.2
unbelievable top
speed of 240 mph and reaching 60 mph in 3.2 seconds. Even as of today,
the McLaren F1 is still top on the list and it outperformed many other

The Most Powerful Motorcycle

The MTT Turbine Superbike costing $150,000 (111,000 Euros). This
motorcycle is not only expensive but also extremely fast. This Superbike is
the Guinness World Record holder for the “Most Powerful Motorcycle Ever
to Enter Series Production”.

The turbine engine in this motorcycle

MTT Turbine Superbike. is made by Rolls Royce and is
Source: capable of over 300hp. The
motorcycle also boasts
carbon fiber fairings, a
rear mounted
camera with LCD
color display,
rear-looking radar
detector with laser
scrambler, one
touch “Smart Start”
ignition, and many
other cool

The Most Expensive
The Dodge Tomahawk is
the most expensive
motorcycle in production.

It cost you at least

$250,000. The production is
limited to a few hundred
The Most Expensive Motorcycle, Dogde Tomahawk. models. The Dodge
Source: Tomahawk V10 superbike
boasts 8.3 liter engine (505 cubic inch), and the 10 cylinders can bring the
bike to a maximum speed of almost 400 mph. The 1500lb bike has an
independent 4 wheel suspension and can reach 60 mph in around 2.5

The Most Expensive

The Most Expensive Cruise Ship, Royal
Cruise Ship Caribbean Genesis.
Royal Caribbean Genesis
Price Tag: $1.2 billion
Completion Date: 2009
Total Length: 1180 feet
Passengers: 6400.

In the cruise ship industry,

the battle for bragging rights
has turned into a QE2-size
slugfest. In 2003, Cunard stole the
crown for world’s largest cruise ship when it launched the 151,410-ton
Queen Mary 2; three years later Royal Caribbean topped it with the
154,000-ton Freedom of the Seas. Now, Royal Caribbean is set to raise
the stakes yet again with the 220,000-ton Genesis, slated to launch in
2009 from a shipyard in Turku, Finland.

The ship’s three main propellers will swivel 360 degrees on independent
bearings. All will be driven by electric motors powered by the ship’s central
bank of six diesel generators, and steered by an integrated navigation and
control system. From the bridge, the captain will be able to move the ship
in any direction, with the flick of a joystick. No tugboats required.

The front of Emerate Palace hotel.
The Most Expensive Hotel Ever Built
The Emirates Palace is a luxury hotel located in the United Arab Emirates
(UAE) city of Abu Dhabi.

The building was designed by Wimberly, Whisenand, Allison, Tong and

Goo. It opened in November 2005 but certain restaurants and spas did not
open until 2006. The hotel was built by and is owned by the Abu Dhabi
government, and is currently being managed by the Kempinski Group.

The costs to build the hotel was 3

billion USD or 11.02 billion AED.
The Emirates Palace occupies
850,000 m² of floor space.

Underground parking allows

housing for 2,500 vehicles. There
are two swimming pools and

The hotel has its own marina and

helipad. According to the New
York Times, the Emirates Palace
is reputed to be the most
The interior of Emerate Palace hotel.
Source: expensive hotel ever built.


The Most Expensive Room Hotel Per Night

The Atlantis Bridge Suite has the acknowledgmet of being the most
expensive hotel suite in the world - $25,000 a night. Found on Paradise
Island, Bahamas. The Bridge Suite is located on top of a bridge that
connects the two Royal Towers buildings,
so it overlooks the entire resort and marina.

The ten-room suite is decorated in red, black and lots of gold, and comes
with its own butler, bar lounge and entertainment center as well as 12-foot
ceilings. The master bedroom has a sitting area, his-and-hers closets, and
hand-painted linens. The bathrooms have chaise lounges, marble baths,
and dolphin fixtures. For those who are fussy about their personal space,
there are two separate master bathrooms. The kitchen also has its own
entrance so the butler or cook never bothers you.
The suite room in Atlantis Hotel.
Source: Source:


Long time ago, people loved in sport, either for
recreation of for the thrill of competition. In ancient Greece, for
example, men regularly visited gymnasiums to relax and to keep
fit; some also participated in the more formal competitions. Today,
there is an impressive range of sports to choose from, including
activities as diverse as athletics, archery, and horse riding. Sports
can be enjoyed for their own sake, as leisure or health,
or at a competitive level.

Ball Games
Every sport that use ball as the equipment to play. It might a single or
team play.

American football
Football, Tackle football,
Gridiron football.
It is a contact
collision sport.
Team members 11
at a time.
Categorization Outdoor.

American football, known in

the United States
simply as football is a
Players can make a tacle to stop the opposing
competitive team sport team.
known for combining

strategy with physical play.

The playing of the game is to score points by advancing the ball into the
opposing team's end zone. The ball can be advanced by carrying it or by
throwing it to a teammate. The winner is the team with the most points
when the time expires.

Football is played on a field

360 by 160 feet (109.7 by
48.8 m). The longer
boundary lines are sidelines,
while the shorter boundary
lines are end lines. Sidelines
and end lines are out of
bounds. Near each end of the
field is a goal line; they are
100 yards (91.4 m) apart.
A scoring area called an end
zone extends 10 yards
(9.1 m) beyond each goal line
to each end line. The end
Stanford-football field.
zone includes the goal line Source:
but not the end line.

Each team has 11 players on the field at a time. However,

teams may substitute for any or all of their players, if time
allows, during the break between plays. Teams are divided
into three separate units: the offense, the defense and the
special teams.
American football team with their manager.

Team members 9.
Categorization Bat-and-ball.
It become the Olympic sport in

Baseball is a bat-and-ball sport

played between two teams of nine
players each.That take turns playing Children baseball team.
offense (batting or hitting) and Source:
defense (fielding or pitching). A pair of turns, one at bat and one in the
field, by each team constitutes an inning;
Boston’s Fenway Park. there are nine innings in a game.
The goal is to score runs by
hitting a thrown ball with a
bat and touching a series of
four bases arranged at the
corners of a ninety-foot
square, or diamond.

The baseball park must have

a minimum distance of 325
feet (99 m) from home plate
to the fences in left and right
field and 400 feet (122 m) to
center. The most famously idiosyncratic outfield boundary is the left-field
wall at Boston's Fenway Park, in use since 1912: the Green Monster is 310
feet (94 m) from home plate down the line and 37 feet (11 m) tall

The bat is a hitting tool, traditionally made of a single,

solid piece of wood.
The glove or mitt is a fielding tool, made of padded
leather with webbing between the fingers. As an aid in
catching and holding onto the ball.
The baseball is about the size of an adult's fist, around
9 inches (23 centimeters) in circumference. It has a
rubber or cork center, wound in yarn and covered in
white cowhide, with red stitching.

Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of
5 players try to score points against one another
by placing a ball through a 10 foot (3.048 m)
high hoop (the goal) under organized rules.

In the United States, Basketball is very famous

games. It have its own organization, called NBA.
Basketball is one of the most popular and widely
viewed sports in the world.

Points are scored by

throwing (shooting) the ball
through the basket from
above. The team with more
points at the end of the
game wins, but additional
time (overtime) may be
issued when the scores of
both teams are the same.
The ball can be advanced on
the court by bouncing it
(dribbling) or passing it
A player dribbles the ball to score.
between teammates.

Basketball can be played either indoor or outdoor court. The only essential
equipment in a basketball game is the basketball and the court: a flat,
rectangular surface with baskets at opposite ends (or in the case of 3-on-3
street basketball, half a court with one basket). A regulation NBA basket-
ball court is 94' long by 50' wide.

There are also regulations on

the size a basketball should Indoor basketball court.
be. If women are playing, the
official basketball size is 28.5"
in circumference (size 6, or a
"285 ball") and a weight of 20
ounces. For men, the official
ball is 29.5" in circumference
(size 7, or a "295 ball") and
weighs 22 ounces.
Bowling is a game in which players attempt to
score points by rolling a bowling ball along a flat
surface, either into objects called pins or to get
close to a target ball. Bowling track usually a
wooden or synthetic surface.
There are many forms of bowling, with one of the
most recent being ten-pin bowling.

tenpin, largest and heaviest

pins, bowled with a large ball, and
the most popular size in North
candlepin, tall, thin, and bowled
with a handheld ball
duckpin, short, squat, and
bowled with a handheld ball
tall, between duckpins and
candlepins in diameter with a
rubber girdle, bowled with a
handheld ball.
Source: www.ball

Bowling is an aerobic type of

physical exercise, similar to walking with
free weights. Bowling helps in burning
calories and works muscle groups which
is not usually exercised.

The flexing and stretching in bowling

works tendons, joints, ligaments, and
muscles in the arms and promotes
weight loss. Apart from the physical
benefits it also has psychosocial
benefits, strengthening friendships or
creating new ones in groups.
Children also can play bowling.

The most popular of these sports
worldwide is more commonly known
as just "football" or "soccer".
However, the word football is applied
to whichever form of football is the
most popular in each particular part of
the world.
In some nation, like The United
Kingdom and Italia, people use term football. They
have their own liga which is famous around the world. The
players also become the icon of the game. The most famous
even in football game is world cup.

The team member is usually between 11 and 18 players;

World’s cup tropy.
some variations that have fewer players (Futsal) are also Source:
popular. A clearly defined area in which to play the game.
Scoring goals or points, by moving the ball to an opposing
team's end of the field and either into a goal area, or over a line. Players
being required to move the ball, by kicking, carrying,
or hand-passing the ball.

Players using only their body to move the ball,

except the goal keeper. In most regulations, there
are rules restricting the movement of players
offside, and players scoring a goal must put the
ball either under or over a crossbar between the
goalposts. Other features common to several
football regulations include: points being mostly
scored by players carrying the ball across the goal
line; and players receiving a free kick after they
take a mark or make a fair catch.
David Beckham, the famous
icon of the football game from

Football stadium.

Golf is a precision
club-and-ball sport.
Golfers, using club,
attempt to hit balls into
each hole on a golf course
while trying to make the
fewest number of strokes.

Golf is one of the few ball

games that does not
require a standardized
playing area.

Instead, the game is

played on golf "courses",
each of which features a
unique design, although
One of golf course types.
courses typically consist
Source: of either nine or 18 holes,
each with a teeing area that is set off by two markers showing the bounds
of the legal tee area, fairway, rough and other hazards, and the putting
green surrounded by the fringe with the flagstick and cup, levels of grass
are varied to increase difficulty.

While many holes are

designed with a direct
line-of-sight This is called a
"dogleg", in reference to a
dog's knee. The hole is
called a "dogleg left" if the
hole angles leftwards and
vice versa; sometimes, a
hole's direction can bend
twice and is called a
"double dogleg".

The flagstik is used to mark the hole.


Golf competition is generally
played for the lowest number
of strokes by an individual,
known simply as stroke play,
or the lowest score on the
most individual holes during a
complete round by an
individual or team, known as
match play.

Golf ball, golf club, and a tee.


Golf balls are spherical, usually white

(although other colours are allowed), and
minutely pock-marked by "dimples" that
decrease aerodynamic drag by decreasing air
turbulence around the ball in motion, thereby
allowing the ball to fly farther.

A tee is allowed only for the first stroke on

each hole.

Bag to bring golf clubs. Golf clubs are used to hit a golf ball.
Source: A maximum of 14 clubs is allowed in a player's
bag at one time during a stipulated round.

A professional Golf player

usually has an assistant
who also his caddy. A
caddy help him to bring
his bag’s clubs during the
game. Sometimes a good
caddy also help a golfer
to choose which club he
used to hit the ball, so
the ball can fly as far as
he want.
A caddy helps golfers to make direction.

Ice hockey
Contact Collision
Team members Five
skaters and one

Ice hockey is one of

the olympic game
since Olympic 1920
Ice hockey is a
team sport played
on ice, in which Ice hockey team.
skaters use sticks Source:

to direct a puck into

the opposing team's goal. It is a fast-paced and physical sport.

Ice hockey is most popular in areas that are sufficiently cold for natural
reliable seasonal ice cover. With the advent of indoor artificial ice rinks, it
has become a year-round past time in these areas.

Ice hockey can be played both men or women. Worldwide the National
Hockey League (NHL) is the highest level for men and the Canadian
Women's Hockey League (CWHL) and the Western Women's Hockey
League (WWHL) are the highest level for women.

The player uses stick to direct a puck.


Since ice hockey is a full contact
sport and body checks are allowed,
injuries can be a common
occurrence. Protective equipment is
highly recommended and is enforced
in all competitive situations.

This usually includes a helmet,

shoulder pads, elbow pads, mouth
guard, protective gloves, heavily
padded shorts, athletic cup/jock
A goaltender keeps his rink side.
strap, shin pads. Source:

In addition, goaltenders will

usually add a neck guard,
chest protector, blocker, catch
glove, and leg pads.

Ice hockey is played on a

hockey rink. During normal
play, there are six players,
including one goaltender, per
team on the ice at any time,
A stick, a puck and a rink.
Source: each of whom is on ice skates.

The objective of the game

is to score goals by
shooting the puck, into
the opponent's goal net,
which is placed at the
opposite end of the rink.
The players may control
the puck using a long
stick with a blade that is
commonly curved at one

Indoor hockey rink.


Team members, Single
or doubles.
Categorization: Racket sport
Equipment Tennis ball, tennis
racket. Tennis is one of the
olympic game since Olympic
1896-1924, 1988-present.
Tennis is a sport usually
played between two players
(singles) or between two
Single women game.
teams of two players each Source: www.

Each player uses a

racket that is strung to
strike a hollow rubber
ball covered with felt
past a net into the
opponent's court.

Advanced players
Roger Federer who won 16 Grand improve their
Slam tournaments.
Source: www. performance
through a number of
addition equipment. Vibration dampers may
be interlaced in the proximal part of the
string array for improved feel. Racket handles
may be customized with absorbent materials
Margaret Court who won 29
to improve the players' grip. Players often Grand Slam tournaments.
use sweat bands on their wrists to keep their Source:
hands dry as well. Finally, although the game
can be played in a variety of shoes, usually
they use special shoes.

Tennis balls are of hollow rubber with a felt coating.

The predominant color was Optic Yellow

The tennis racket comprises a handle and neck

joining a roughly circular frame that holds an array of
tightly pulled strings.

Tennis is played on a
rectangular, flat surface,
usually grass, clay, a hardcourt
of concrete and/or asphalt and
occasionally carpet (indoor).
The court is 78 feet (23.77 m)
long, and 27 feet (8.23 m)
wide for singles matches and
36 ft (10.97 m) for doubles
matches. Additional clear space
around the court is Clay court for the French open in Paris, held in May-Juni.
required in order for players to
reach overrun balls.

A net is stretched across the full width of the court, parallel with the
baselines, dividing it into two equal ends. The net is 3 feet 6 inches (1.07
m) high at the posts and 3 feet (91.4 cm) high in the center.

Tennis is enjoyed by
millions of
recreational players
and is also a hugely
popular worldwide
spectator sport,
especially the four
Grand Slam
tournaments : the
Australian Open, the
French Open,
Wimbledon, and the
US Open.
Lawn court for Wimbledon
tournament, held in June and Juli.

Trophy for the winner of single man

(left side) and woman (right side) in
Wimbledon tournament.

Volleyball is an Olympic team
sport in which two teams of 6
players are separated by a
net. Each team tries to score
points by grounding a ball on
the other team's court under
organized rules.
Women volleyball team.

The game is played on a

volleyball court 18 meters (59 feet)
long and 9 meters (29.5 feet) wide,
divided into two 9 m × 9 m halves by
a one-meter (40-inch) wide net
placed, so that the top of the net is
2.43 meters (7 feet 11 5/8 inches)
above the center of the court for
men's competition, and 2.24 meters
(7 feet 4 1/8 inches) for women's
competition. There is a 3 meters line
from and parallel to the net in each
Volleyball court.
team court which is considered as the
Source: "attack line". This "3 meter" (10 feet)
line divides the court into "back row"
and "front row" areas. These are in turn divided into 3 areas each: these
are numbered as follows, starting from area "1", which is the position of
the serving player:

The complete rules are extensive. Play proceeds

as follows: A player on one of the teams begins a
rally by serving the ball from behind the back
boundary line of the court, over the net, and into
the receiving team's court. The receiving team
must not let the ball be grounded within their
court. They may touch the ball as many as three
A player serves to start the games.
Source: www.conrkuip.typepadcom

FIVB regulations state that the ball must
be spherical, made of leather or
synthetic leather, have a circumference
of 65–67 cm, a weight of 260–280 g
and an inside pressure of 0.30–0.325
kg/cm2. Other governing bodies have
similar regulations.
Ball and net.

Blocking refers to the

actions taken by players
standing at the net to stop or
alter an opponent's

A block that is aimed at

completely stopping an attack,
thus making the ball remain in
the opponent's court, is called

At the same time, the block

Double blocker stop the ball. position influences the positions
where other defenders place
themselves while opponent hitters are spiking.

Blocking is also classified according to the number of players involved.

Thus, one may speak of single (or solo), double, or triple block.

The attack is usually the third contact

a team made with the ball.
The object of attacking is to handle
the ball so that it lands on the
opponent's court and cannot be
defended. A player makes a series of
steps, jumps, and swings at the ball.
The player jumps to do spike.

Mainly a singles game, squash is
played in a closed court with
four walls. The players use the
same floor space. The object is
to hit the ball againts one or
more walls, provided one is the
front wall, so that the opponent
cannot return it before it has
bounced twice on the floor.

Squash players.

Squash is played with a small

hollow ball which becomes
more bouncy as the air inside
gets warm and expands. The
ball must land below the out of
court line marked all around
the court, and must not hit the
board at the base of the front
Squash court.

This game
was invented
in 1950 in the
USA, where it
has overtaken
squash in popularity.
The ceiling is used as well
as the walls. As in squash,
the ball must
always hit the front wall
and may bounce only once
Racket and ball for playing squash.
on the floor.

Table tennis
Players aim to hit a ball over a
net so that the opponent
cannot return it. The ball must
bounce before being hit.

For service, it must bounce on

the server’s side first. The first
player to score 21 points, wins.
A player in competition has to focus on
the ball so she can return the ball to
the opponent ‘s side of table.

The small ball is made of light plastic.

The blade of the wooden bat may be
covered in pimpled rubber on both sides.
Other technological improvements include the
use of carbon or other synthetic layers as part of
the blade to increase the size of the sweet spot
or the stiffness of the blade.
The net is 15.25 c, (6 in) high.

Blade and ball of table tennis.


The game is played on a 274 cm × 152.5 cm × 76 cm high

(9 ft × 5 ft × 30 inches high) table.

The International Table

Tennis Federation
requires a total playing
area not less than 14 m
long, 7 m wide and 5 m
high for competitions.
No limitations in size or
shape are specified. You
cannot win on a let. It is
counted as a redo.

Table tennis.
Badminton is a racket sport played by either
two opposing players (singles) or two
opposing pairs (doubles), who take positions
on opposite halves of a
Double women players.
Source: rectangular court that is
divided by a net.

The shuttlecock is a feathered ball whose

unique aerodynamic properties cause it to
fly differently from the balls used in most
racket sports. Because shuttlecock flight is
affected by wind, competitive badminton is
best played indoors. Badminton is also
played outdoors as a casual
recreational activity.
Shuttlecock and
racket are the
Since 2009, badminton has been equipment to play
an Olympic sport with five events: badminton.
men's and women's singles, men's
and women's doubles, and mixed
doubles, in which each pair consists of a man and a

The court is rectangular and divided into halves by a net.

The full width of the court is 6.1 metres (20 ft), and in
singles this width is reduced to 5.18 metres (17 ft). The
Single man player.
Source: full length of the court is 13.4 metres (44 ft).
www.upload. The service courts are marked by a centre line dividing
the width of the court, by a short service line at distance
of 1.98 metres (6 ft 6 inch) from the net. The net is 1.55 metres (5 ft 1
inch) high at the edges and 1.524 metres (5 ft) high in the centre. The net
posts are placed over the doubles sidelines, even when singles is played.

Indoor badminton court.


Water Sport
Water sport is every sport
which done in water.
There are a lot of kind
of sport which usually
need water as the
media of playing.

Surfing is a surface
water sport in which the
surfer moves along the face
of a breaking ocean wave .
Surfing also takes place on rivers, Kelly slater, 9 times world
riding a standing wave. Championship.

Two major subdivisions within

stand-up surfing are
longboarding and
shortboarding, reflecting
differences in surfboard design
particularly including surfboard
length, and riding style.

In tow-in surfing a motorized

water vehicle, such as a
Surfing in Hawaii. personal watercraft tows the
surfer into the wave front,
helping the surfer match a large wave's higher speed, a speed that is
generally, a speed that a self-propelled surfer can not match.

It is longboarding.

To surfing we need appropriated swells.
The surfers willingly go around the world to look
for great beaches which have beautiful waves.
Hawaii beaches, Bali beaches, Thai beaches are
places that famous with big waves, because they
located on coastlines exposed to large expanses
of ocean traversed by intense low pressure

Swell is generated when wind blows consistently

over a large area of open water, called the wind's
fetch. The size of a swell is determined by the
strength of the wind and the length of its fetch
and duration.
Barrel wave.
Source: The wave that affected by wind conditions from
the offshore which blows into the front of the
wave. There is a “barrel” or the “tube” wave.

The most important influence on

wave shape is the topography of the
seabed directly behind and
immediately beneath the breaking
wave. The contours of the reef or bar
front becomes stretched by

Each break is different, since the

underwater topography of one place
Tube wave.
is unlike any other. At beach breaks, Source:
sandbanks change shape

from week to week.

A large wave breaking swell

regularity varies across the globe and
throughout the year. Different season
also influence the swells.

Hawaii beach is the most famous place for


Swimming is both a popular recreation and an important competititve
sport. It involves using legs and arms against the water to
propel the body along. It is an excellent form
of exercise, and a good way to learn to
swim is, use buoyancy aids, such as
water wings, when
practising strokes.

Purely a competitive stroke, butterfly
was invented when swimmers began
to bend the breaststroke rules. The
arms move symmetrically from above the
water with an explosive pull. The legs kick up Butterfly style.
and down together.

This is the slowest stroke. Arms and legs move
symmetrically underwater, the legs providing most
of the thrust. The arms circle from an outstretched
position, pulling through the water, around, and
under the chin. At the same time, the legs move
with a frog like kick. Swimmers lie on their backs in
backstroke. The stroke requires alternate arm pulls,
windmill style, and a flutter kick, in which the legs
Backstroke style.
Source: move up and down in the water.

Front Crawl
This is the rastest stroke, so it is
used in free style races, but it may
also be performed slowly. It is a
popular recreational stroke and is
used in long distance swimming.
The swimmer lies face down in the
water. Both arms and legs move
alternately, the arms pull down through
the water from an outstretched Front crawl style.
position, and the legs move up
and down.
Cliff Diving
Cliff diving is one of the riskier kinds of diving;
hence, extreme caution is a must. To the benefit
of the divers, certain standards have been set to
minimize the risk factors. Some of these include
determining the height of the jump (23 - 28
meters for men, 18 - 23 meters for women), an
ideal entering speed of 75 - 100 km/h, and a free
fall time of 3 seconds.

Cliff diving is usually done in areas surrounded by

calm waters. Apart from a recreational activity,
Women also do cliff diving.
this extreme sport has also been taken up as a
Source: profession by brave hearts who continually
conduct spine-chilling shows for the audience.

Cliff diving is defined as the acrobatic perfection of diving into water from
a high cliff. Braving the rough rocks, divers take a plunge in the
hard-hitting water beneath to experience a thrill to last for a lifetime

The sensational sport originated from the Hawaiian Island of Lana´i in

1770. Kahekili, the king, demanded that his men leap off high cliffs and
enter the water feet first without a splash, to prove their courage and

This exciting sport requires a technical

education, extensive training, courage,
self-confidence, extraordinary physical control
and possessing the ability to make quick
decisions is a must for this extreme sport,
before one takes the first plunge.

Double cliff divers making a

manoeuver in red bull cliff.

The two main types of canoe racing are over calm water and
over rough water. There are two types of canoe, kayaks and
Canadian canoes. In a kayak, the canoist sits inside the boat
with legs stretched out under the deck and uses a paddle
with a blade at each end. In a Canadian canoe, the canoist
sits or kneels and uses a one bladed paddle.

In slalom races,
competitors set
out one at a time.
They have to
Flat water racing negotiate a
There are sprint and long number of gates made
distance races for singles, from hanging poles and
doubles, and fours, for both they incur penalties for
kayaks and Canadian canoes. mistakes. In whitewater
In long river races, marathon, course, competitors are
obstacles such as locks and timed over a course that
rapids are negotiated by includes obstacles such as
portage. The strength is against the flow, rocks
needed by the athletes. and rapids.

Is the art of controlling a boat with
large foils called sails. By charging the
rigging, rudder and keel or centre
board, a sailor manages the force of
the wind on the sails in order to
change the direction and speed of a

Sailing boats use the power of the

wind to drive them through the water.
Vessels range from one person
dinghies to ocean going yachts that
have a crew of 12 or more. Boats can
sail directly downwind or across the
wind, but have to take a zigzag
course, called tacking, to sail into the
Sailing over the Ocean.
Source: wind.
Yacht racing.

Yacht Racing
Yachts race on inshore and offshore courses. Inshore races
are held just off the coast, on courses marked out with
buoys. Offshore races go across the seas. Some races are for
yachts of the same design, and other competitions, called
handicap races, are for boats of different designs.

Water Skiing

Water Skiing.

Water skiers are towed behind a motorboat on one or two

skis. Competitions have three sections. In slalom, water
skiers negotiate a series of six buoys over increasingly
difficult runs. In jumpings they take off from a ramp.
In tricks, points are awarded for special manoeuvers.
In skiing the skier uses skis as the main
form of equipment and stands upright
while holding onto a tow rope.

In windsurfing, the sailor stands on
a board and steers by means of the
sail, controlling it and supporting the
rig with a double boom.

There are several kinds of

competition, including racing
around buoys, slalom races, and
performing tricks.

Ice Sport
Any snowy slope is a site for sled racing, but for major competitions, spe-
cial steep, twisty runs are made from ice and snow. The art is to shift the
bodyweight to make the sled go the fastest way down, letting gravity do
the work. Riders go one at a a time, and the winner is the one with the
lowest total time from up to four runs.

The luge is one or two person toboggan with no brakes or steering. The
riders, or sliders, use their legs and shoulders to guide the vehicle. The
luge is ridden face up, in a sitting or lying position.


Two or four men bobs have
metal runners, steering, and
brakes. In a four, the two
middle men help to guide
the bob by shifting their
weight on turns. A brake
man uses the brakes only
for correcting skids or for

Bobsleigh Olympic winter games.


The skeleton toboggan is so called
because it has no structure above the
runners. The rider lies face down,
uses toe pieces for braking, and
steers by shifting weight. The only
major competitions are on the Cresta
Run at St Moristz in Switzerland.
Ice toboggan.

Speed Skating
Long track racing is held on a 400-m
(436-yd) track with two skaters in
separate lines. There are no lines in short
track racing, and four to six skaters jockey
for position around a tight oval track.
Woman in speed skating.

Figure Skating
Figure skating takes
place on an indoor ice rink. There are four events,
men’s and women’s singles, mixed pairs, and ice
dancing. Long-track speed skating usually takes
place outdoors, and skaters race against the clock.
Short-track is held indoors, with elimination heats.
Ice hockey, on indoor ice rinks, is a major sport in
North America and parts of Europe.

Skaters perform set rountines and Single woman competition.

free programmes to music,
featuring spins, jumps, and, in
pairs, lifts. Judges award marks out of six for
artistic impression and for technical merit.
Ice dancing is less athletic, with more emphasis
placed on interpretation of the music.
Mixed pairs dancing.

The Summer Olympic Games
The Summer Olympic Games are an
international multi-sport event,
occurring every four years, organized
by the International Olympic
Committee. Medals are awarded in each
event, with gold medals for first place,
silver for second and bronze for third,
a tradition that started in 1904.

The Summer Olympic Games can be followed by all

country in the world. They send their best male and
women athletes to join the competition and prove that
they are the best athletes in the world, and give a
medals to their nation so their country will have the best
rank among other country.

The gold medal of Summer Olympic 2012.


The next Summer Olympic will be held in London, The United Kingdom.
London, United Kingdom will hold the 2012 Summer Olympics, making it
the first city to host the Games three times. The International Olympic
Committee has removed baseball and softball from the 2012 program.

London is making preparation to hold Summer Olympic in 2012.


The International Olympic Committee chose Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil as the host city of the 2016 Summer Olympics. Rio
will become the first South American city to host either
the Summer or Winter Games

The Summer Olympic Games is always held in

different country based on the country’s
preparation to have big event. So it is not
impossible for big country like the United States
Summer Olypic logo 2016.
becomes the host of the event more Source:
than once time.

In fact, The United states has hosted four Summer Olympics Games
more than any other nation.

Summer Olympics

In the men's 110-metre

hurdles at the 2004 Olympic
Games in Athens.

Winter Olympic Games
The Winter Olympic Games are a winter multi-sport event
held every four years. The feature winter sports held on
snow or ice, such as Alpine skiing, cross-country skiing,
figure skating, bobsledding and ice hockey. Fewer
countries participate in the Winter Olympics than the
Summer Olympics. The first Winter Olympics were held in
Chamonix, France in 1924. Prior to this, figure skating and
Figure skating. ice hockey had been events at the Summer Olympics.
Source: The Games were held every four
years from 1924 until 1940 when
they were interrupted by World War II. The Winter
and Summer Games resumed
in 1948 and were celebrated
on the same year until 1992.
At that time the Winter Games
split from the Summer Games,
and were begun to be
celebrated on alternating even
years. The first Winter Olympic Ice hockey.
Medal of
Games to be held on this new www.Olympic
Winter Olympic 2010.
Source: schedule was in 1994 in
Lillehammer, Norway.

Many countries have hosted

the Winter Olympics multiple
times. The United States has
hosted the Games four times,
There is a muk more than any other country.
Sumber: France has been host three
times. Austria, Canada, Italy,
Japan, Norway, and
Switzerland have hosted the
Games twice.

Ski-jumping over the sport's

exclusion from the 2010
Winter Olympics in

In 2003 the IOC awarded the 2010 Winter Olympics
to Vancouver, thus allowing Canada to host its
second Winter Olympics. With a population of more
than 2.5 million people, Vancouver will be the largest
metropolitan area to ever host a Winter Olympic
Games. Vancouver is a low-altitude, seaport city
with a relatively mild oceanic climate. Most of the
venues will be located in the Vancouver
metropolitan area, with the exception of the alpine,
Nordic, and sliding events, which will be held in Whistler. Winter Olympic logo.
The decision for the location of the 2014

Winter Olympics was made on 4 July 2007.

Sochi, Russia, was elected as the host city over the other
two finalists: Salzburg, Austria, and Pyeongchang, South
Korea. Sochi will be the first city with a subtropical climate
to host the Winter Games.The Olympic Village and Olympic
Stadium will be located on the Black Sea coast. All of the
mountain venues will be 50 kilometres (30 mi) away in the
alpine region known as Krasnaya Polyana.

Winter Olympic logo. Winter Olympics Games


Gregor schlierenzauer Better Know A Winter Olympics

Sport Ski Jumping The Game Of Insanity.
Tschudi when the 1952 Source:
Winter Olympics arrived
outside his door in Norefjell.


A photograph can capture an instant of
happiness or record an athlete’s record
breaking sprint, it can show the cruelty of war
or the beauty of the Earth from Space. Yet
there is more photography than pictures in a
magazine. Although photography is less than
180 years old, it now influences every
part of our lives. X-ray photography
can reveal faulty welds in a gas
pipeline, or faulty valves in your
heart. A process called
photolithography is used to
A set of camera. www.
attach microscopic circuits onto
Source: computer chips.

Types of photography
Modern cameras have made photography easier,
but different types of photography still demand
different skills. Great news photographers can
anticipate where historic events are about to
unfold, while landscape photographers need
patience and an artist’s skill with composition.

Outdoor scenes offer the photographer
infinite variety because the mood of every place
alters with changing light, weather, and seasons.
Skilful photographs capture
A beautiful view
caught in camera.
Action pictures
A camera can reveal actions that are too quick to see with the naked eye,
splitting a second into 4.000 parts or more. To take good action pictures, a
photographer must learn when to
trigger the shutter to capture just the
right one of those instants.

A picture of dancer.

Philately (stamp
collecting) began in
the 1840s. As there
were very few stamps Stamp album.
in existence, early Source:
philatelists collected
many of the same
art, and stuck them
on walls or furniture
for decoration.

Today, a stamp album may include different stamps from every nation of
the world. Because goverments often use stamp designs to mark special
political events, or to honour individuals, stamp collections can be
interesting documents of social history, reflecting social attitudes
and priorities in different nations.

Usually, people collect stamps which have

memoriable story, maybe they look them from
the amount of production, because as rare as
the stamp produce, or it is limited edition stamp,
it becomes more expensive.
The world’s rarest stamp is the 1856 British
Guiana One Cent, for it is only one copy.It
was found by a young boy in British
Guiana in 1873. The stamp worth
Collecting stamp by its Source:
country, India.

People who likes to collecting stamp will spend a great

amount of money to have a
stamp which has great history.
For hobby, collecting stamp can
be done by collecting it as
group. example by country,
shape, or theme. Stamps do
not need to be rare or
expensive, just collecting
stamp you interest in.

Collecting stamp by its country, India.

Alexander Graham Bell,

the inventor of the telephone.
In the 1870s, two inventors Elisha Gray and
Alexander Graham Bell both independently
designed devices that could transmit speech
electrically (the telephone).
Finishing it, Both men rushed their
respective designs to the patent office
within hours of each other, and Alexander Graham Bell
patented his telephone first.

Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham

Bell entered into a famous legal
battle over the invention of the
telephone, which Bell won.

Alexander Graham Bell.

Bette Nesmith Graham,

the inventor of Liquid Paper.
The invention of Liquid paper started from a mistake out.
Bette Nesmith Graham was a secretary in Dallas and also a
singgle mother who raising a baby boy, Michael. She was
www. very tired in typing documents for her boss repeatedly,
www.rainbow because she had to repeat it all over again every time she made a mistake. Than she tried to make a thing that can cover up
mistake on paper. Bette was an artist and use to handling paints
and inks. She used her own kitchen blender to mix up her first batch of
liquid paper, the substance used to cover up mistakes made on paper.

Carl Eliason, .
the inventor of the snowmobile.
Carl Eliason has to be listed as inventor of the
snowmobile, since his patent is 30 years earlier
than the other contender for that honor, Joseph
Armand Bombardier. Carl Eliason of Sayner
Eliason and motorized toboggan.
Wisconsin built what is basically a motorized
toboggan in 1924, which was patented in 1927.

From the first motorized toboggan, Eliason

began to make his machine larger and less
like a toboggan and more like a modern
snowmobile. The Eliason's motorized
toboggan started out with a 2.5 hp motor,
and by 1937 used a 25 hp motor. He
continued developing his motorized tobog-
gan, meanwhile the
Modern snowmobile. development of snowmobile
Source: becomes huge bussines.

Cyrus McCormick,
the inventor of mechanical reaper.
Cyrus McCormick, the "Father of Modern
Agriculture," made one of the most significant
contributions to the United States' prosperity, when he
invented the horse-drawn reaper in 1831.

Cyrus Hall McCormick was

born in 1809. He grew up on his Cyrus McCormick.
family's 532-acre farm, "Walnut
Grove", north of Lexington,
Virginia. As a boy, McCormick had a talent for
both agriculture and inventing. At the age of
15, he invented a lightweight cradle for
Hore-drawn reaper. carting harvested grain (1824).
Source: Using his father's incomplete model as a
starting point, McCormick sketched out plans
for a machine that would automatically cut, thresh and bundle grain while
being pulled through a field by horses. Within six weeks, he had built the
world's first mechanical reaper.
Douglas C. Engelbart,
the inventor of the computer mouse.
A mouse is a device that you hold and move with the
hand in order to move ans control the cursor on com-
puter screen or give other command to the computer.

In 1964, the first prototype computer mouse was

made to use with a graphical user interface (GUI),
'windows'. Engelbart received a patent for the
wooden shell with two metal wheels (computer
mouse) in 1970,
Douglas C. Engelbart.
describing it in the
www.innovation patent application as an
"XY position indicator
for a display system. "It was nicknamed the
mouse because the tail came out the end,"
Engelbart revealed about his invention.

Edwin Binney and C. Harold Smith,

the inventor of Crayola Crayons.
Edward Binney,
co-inventor of Crayola

Binney and Smith. crayons. Crayon is a stick

Source: of colored wax for writing,
www.pabook. drawing , or coloring.

Crayola brand crayons were the first kids crayons ever

made, invented by Edwin Binney and C. Harold Smith. The
brand's first box of eight Crayola
crayons made its debut in 1903.
The crayons were sold for a nickel and the
colors were black, brown, blue, red, purple,
orange, yellow, and green. The word Crayola
was created by Alice Stead Binney (wife of
Edwin Binney) who took the French words for
chalk (craie) and oily (oleaginous) and
combined them.

Edwin Perkins,
the inventor of Kool-Aid.
Kool-Aid was invented by Edwin Perkins and
his wife Kitty in Hastings, Nebraska, United
States. All of his experiments took place in his
mother’s kitchen. Its predecessor was a liquid
concentrate called Fruit Smack.

Fruit Smack, like Jell-O®, came in six

delicious flavors. The four-ounce bottle made
enough for a family to enjoy at an affordable
price. However, shipping the bottles proved to
be costly and breakage was becoming a
problem as well.

Young Edwin Perkins.


In 1927, Perkins developed a

method of removing the liquid from
Fruit Smack so the remaining
powder could be re-packaged in
envelopes under a new name to be
called Kool-Ade, changed the
spelling to Kool-Aid.

Perkins moved his

production to
Chicago in 1931
and Kool-Aid was
sold to General
Foods in 1953.

Kool-Aid Man, a
frosty pitcher filled
with Kool-Aid, is the
mascot of Kool-Aid.

Gordon Gould,
the inventor of the laser.
An electronic apparatus for making a thin,
very powerful beam of light that can
transmit information, perform surgery and
cut through metal.

Gordon Gould was the

Gordon Gould. first person to use the
Source: word "laser," and
there is good reason
to believe he made the first light laser. Gould was a
doctoral student at Columbia
University under Charles Townes, the
inventor of the maser.

Gould was inspired to build his optical laser starting

in 1958. He failed to file for a patent his invention Blue laser.
until 1959. As a result, Gould's patent was refused
and his technolgy was exploited by others.
In 1977 Gould finally won his patent war and received his
first patent for the laser.

Josephine Garis Cochrane,

the inventor of the dishwasher.
In 1886, Josephine Cochran proclaimed in
disgust, "If nobody else is going to invent a
dishwashing machine, I'll do it myself". And she
did, Cochran invented the first dishwasher.

Josephine Garis Cochrane.


Cochran had expected the public to

welcome her new invention, unveiled at
the 1893 World's Fair, but only the
hotels and large restaurants were
buying her ideas. It was not until the
1950s that dishwashers caught on with
Dishwasher machine. the general public. It became the usefull
Source: equipment for the household.

Levi Strauss,
the inventor of blue jeans.
In 1850 during the California gold rush,
Levi Strauss, a 20-year-old Bavarian
immigrant, left New York for San
Francisco with a small supply Levi Strauss.
of dry goods.

Shortly after his arrival, a prospector wanted to know

what he was selling. When Strauss told him he had

rough canvas for tents and wagon covers, the
prospector said, "You should have brought pants!"
saying he couldn't find a pair of pants strong enough
to last. So, Strauss had the canvas made into pants.

Miners liked the pants, but complained that they

tended to chafe. A substitution of a twilled cotton cloth
from France called "serge de Nimes," became known
as denim. His denim merk is Levi’s which stands for Levi Straus. Today,
Levi’s becomes the famous denim pants in the world.

Marion Donovan,
the inventor of the disposable diaper.
Marion Donovan was a young mother in the
post-war baby boom era. She came from a family of
inventors and inherited the inventing 'gene'.
Unhappy with leaky, cloth diapers that had to be
Marion Donovan.
washed, she first invented the 'Boater', a plastic Source:
covering for cloth diapers.

Donovan made her first boater using a shower

curtain. A year later she carried her ideas
further. Using disposable absorbent material
and combining it with her Boater design,
Donovan created the first convenient
disposable diaper. Manufacturers thought her
Baby disposablediaper.
product would be too expansive to produce.
Source: Donovan, left unable to sell or license her
diaper patent, went into business for herself.
Nowday baby diapers are very essential for mothers around the world.

Mark Zuckerberg,
the inventor of facebook.
Mark Zuckerberg (born May 14,
1984) is an American
entrepreneur best known for
co-founding the popular social
networking site Facebook.
Zuckerberg co-founded
Facebook with fellow classmates
Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo
Saverin, and Chris Hughes while Mark Zuckerberg.
attending Harvard. Zuckerberg
serves as Facebook's CEO. He has been the subject of controversy
surrounding the origins of his business.
Time magazine added Zuckerberg as one of The World's Most Influential
People of 2008. He fell under the Scientists & Thinkers category for his
web phenomenon, Facebook, and ranked 52 out of 101 people. As of
January 2010 Zuckerberg is the youngest self-made businessman worth
more than a billion dollars
On May 24, 2007, Zuckerberg announced a Facebook Platform,
a development platform for programmers to create social applications
within Facebook. This announcement sparked a great deal of interest in
the developer
community. Within
weeks, many
applications had been
built and some
already had millions of
users. Today, there
are more than
800,000 developers
around the world
building applications
for Facebook Platform.

View of facebook platform.


Percy Spencer,
the inventor of the microwave oven.
The microwave oven was a by-product of another
technology, because it was during a radar-related
research project around 1946 that Dr. Percy
Spencer invented the
microwave oven.

An electromagnetic mave
of extremely high
Pency Spencer. frequency, 1 GHz or more,
Source: and having wave lengths
from 1 mm to 30 cm. Percy Spencer.
Philo T. Farnsworth,
the inventor of modern television.
In 1927, Farnsworth was the first inventor to
transmit a television image comprised of 60
horizontal lines. Farnsworth developed the
dissector tube, the
Philo T. Farnsworth. basis of all current
Sumber: electronic televisions.
He filled for his first
television patent in 1927 (pat# 1,773,980.)
Based on his invention, the technology television
have developed in great scala. We can see the
television type is numerious. Including flat and Modern television.
wide screen, 3D motion picture, and
surrounding sound system.

Richard Drew,
the inventor of
Scotch tape.
Scotch Tape was
invented in 1930 by
banjo playing 3M
engineer Richard G.
Scotch tape. Richard Drew.
Source: Source:
Rudolph Diesel,
the inventor of the diesel engine.
In 1893, he published a paper
describing an engine with combustion
within a cylinder, the internal
combustion engine. In 1894, he filled for
a patent for his new
Rudolph Diesel. invention, dubbed
the diesel engine.
Diesel was almost
killed by his engine when it exploded - however, his
engine was the first that proved that fuel could be
ignited without a spark. He operated his first
successful engine in 1897. www. image.

Ruth Handler,
the inventor of the Barbie doll.
Every girl loves barbie dool. Not only a little girl but
also a woman likes to have the barbie doll as
collection. The Barbie doll was invented in 1959 by
Ruth Handler (co-founder of Mattel), whose own
daughter was called Barbara.
Ruth Handler.

Davidson barbie.

India barbie.

Samuel Morse,
the inventor of Morse code.
While being a professor of arts
and design at New York
University in 1835, Samuel
Morse proved that signals
could be transmitted by wire.
He used pulses of current to
deflect an electromagnet,
which moved a marker to
Samuel Morse.
produce written codes on a strip Source:
of paper, the invention
Morse code machine.
of Morse Code.

Schuyler Wheeler,
the inventor of the electric fan.
In 1886 Schulyer Wheeler invented the
electric fan, a principal method of home
cooling until Willis Haviland Carrier, the
father of air conditioning, designed the
first scientific system to clean, circulate,
and control the temperature and humidity
of air in homes.
Electric fan.
Source: Schuyler Wheeler. Source:

Schuyler Wheeler was an American engineer

who invented the two-blades electric fan in
1882 at age 22.

Wheeler was born in Massachusetts.

His two-bladed electric fan was produced by
the Crocker and Curtis Electric Motor
Company. He died of angina pectoris at his
home in Manhattan.

Thomas Adams,
the inventor of chewing gum.
Adams Sons and Company was formed in
1876 by the glass merchant Thomas
Adams (1818-1905) and his two sons.

As a result of experiments in a
warehouse of Front Street, Adams
made chewing gum that had chicle as
an ingredient, large quantities of which
had been made available to him by
General Antonio de Santa Anna of Mexico,
who was in exile in Staten Island and at
Thomas Adams.
whose investigation Adams had tried to use the Source:
chicle to make rubber.

Adams sold the gum with the slogan "Adams' New

York Gum No. 1 Snapping and Stretching."

The firm was the nation's most prosperous chewing

gum company by the end of the century: it built a
monopoly in 1899 by merging with the six largest
and best-known chewing gum manufacturers in the
United States and Canada, and achieved great
success as the maker of Chiclets.

Who don’t like gum, chewing gum is

also likeable by adult.

Type of bubble gum.


Thomas Alva Edison,
the inventor of the phonograph,
lightbulb and motion pictures.
August 12, 1877, is the date
popularly given for Thomas Alva
Edison's completion of the model for Thomas Alva Edison.
the first phonograph. It is more likely, Source:
however, that work on the model was not
finished until November or December of that year, since Edison did not file
for the patent until December 24, 1877.

Motion pictures.

Tupper, Silas,
the inventor of tupperware.
Tupperware (plastic container with airtight lid) was
invented by Earl Silas Tupper (1908-1983).

Using inflexible pieces of polyethylene slag given to

him by DuPont, Tupper purified the slag and molded it
to create lightweight, non-breakable containers, cups,
bowls, plates, and even gas masks that were used in Silas Tupper.
World War II. He later designed liquid-proof, airtight
lids by duplicating the lid of a paint can.

Walter Hunt,
the inventor of the safety pin.
The safety pin was the invention of Walter Hunt, invented
while Hunt was twisting a piece of wire, trying to think of
something that would help him
pay off a fifteen-dollar debt. On
April 10, 1849, the safety pin was
patented. Hunt thought little of his
safety pin as an invention and
Walter Hunt. soon sold the patent for four
Source: hundred dollars.

On 1849, Hunt was granted US paten 6,281
for his safety pin. Hunt’s pin was made from
one piece of wire, which was coiled into a spring at one end a separated
clasp and point at the other end, allowing the point of wire be forced by
the spring into the clasp. It’s designed to keep finger safe from injury,
hence the name.

Willis Carrier,
the inventor of air conditioning.
In 1902, only one year after Willis Haviland Carrier
graduated from Cornell University with a Masters in
Engineering, the first air (temperature and humidity)
conditioning was in operation in Brooklyn.

He found out air problem when he work for company in

Brooklyn. The problem was the fluctuations in heat and
Willis Carrier.
Source: humidity that caused the paper be expand and contract with the missalignment of colored ink.

He made a design for a new machine that

become as the world’s first modern air
conditioning system. After several years of
refiement and field testing, on January 2,
1906. Carries was grated US patent on his
invention, which he called, “Apparatus for
treating Air.” It was designed to dehumidify
air, heating water for the first and cooling it
for the second. Air Conditioning.

Wright Brothers,
the inventor of aircraft.
In 1899, Wright Brothers designed their first
aircraft: a small, biplane glider flown as a kite to
test their solution for controlling the craft by wing
warping. Wing warping is a method of arching the
wingtips slightly to control the aircraft's rolling
motion and balance.

In 1900, the Wrights

Wright Brothers. successfully tested
Source: their new 50-pound
biplane glider with its
17-foot wingspan and wing-warping
mechanism at Kitty Hawk, in both unmanned
and piloted flights. In fact, it was the first
piloted glider.
Wright Brothers and the first Aircraft.
After months of studying how propellers work
the Wright Brothers designed a motor and a new aircraft sturdy enough to
accommodate the motor's weight and vibrations. The craft weighed 700
pounds and came to be known as the Flyer.

Yokoi, Gumpei,
the inventor of the Game Boy.
Gumpei Yokoi was the creator of the Game
Boy and Virtual Boy and worked on Famicom
(and NES), the Metroid series, Game Boy
Pocket and did extensive work on the system
Gumpei Yokoi. we know today as the Nintendo Entertainment


John. M Echol, Hassan Shadily. 1992. Kamus Indonesia Inggris. Jakarta:

John. M Echol, Hassan Shadily. 2000. Kamus Inggris Indonesia. Jakarta:
Gramedia.Morris, G. Christopher. 2007. Macillan Dictionary For
Children Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers. New York,
London, Toronto, Sydney: Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Morris, Neil. 2005. My First Encyclopedia. United Kingdom: Parragon
Mudzakir, Arief. 2006. RPUL Global. Semarang: CV. Aneka Ilmu.
Pringle, Laurence. 2001. Scholastic Encyclopedia of Animals. Singapore:
Scholastic Inc.
Random House, Inc, 1999. Ramdom House Webster’s College Dictionary.
New York: Division of Random House, Inc.
Roger, Kirsteen; Laura Howell; Alastair Smith; Philip Clarke & Corinne
Henderson. 2002. The Ubsorne Internet-Linked Sience Encyclopedia.
London, England: Usborne Publishing Ltd.
The Dorling Kindersley. 3The Dorling Kindersley2002. Illustrated Family
Encycopedia, volume I-Z. London, UK: Dorling Kindersley Limited.


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