Pile, Roger Christian M. (The Contemporary World - B2B) Activity#14

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Pile, Roger Christian M.

The Contemporary World-B2B

20200114212 May 14, 2021


Write an essay on this topic: What are the things that you can do to improve the

level of food security in your family, community, country?

By this question given, there are things that we can in order to improve the level of food security

especially in our family, on the community we belong and even in the country. With the global

pandemic happen many of us has been experiencing a lot of difficulties to cope up on what

happening to us. First with our family, we must have an emergency fund around 6 digit as per

the financial advisor, where we can get budget in case we have insufficient funds and we must

learn on how to prioritize what are we needs than wants. In our community and country, our

Government are never stop helping and giving some in kind and in cash assistance to help their

fellowmen so they can have also meals to eat every day. And also many private sectors or

companies are helping also by giving their product in free. When the ECQ happen again many

individual held some community pantry where some indigent people can get based on their

needs. We can improve everything as long as we can follow the protocols, instructions and we

must also help all the front liners who are fought to the COVID 19 Virus.

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