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REPORT NO.8 SOFTWARE “The methods presented in Report No. 8 have been incorporated into efficent computer code and softwar, catalog # XQ9222, 1994, Both the executable an the FORTRAN 77 ‘cade ean be purchased from AGA on diskette, The easy-to-use program provides tabular ‘output of compressibility, supercompressibiity and density for applications on PC's, flow ‘computers and mainframes. System specications Language: FORTRAN 77 Requirements: IBM Compatible PC (Minimum S12KB RAM) Compiler: Microsoft 5.0 (Adaptable for other compilers) “The purchasing company is granted unlimited use of the program and subroutines within the purchasing company. The purchasing company can incorporate subroutines provided ‘on this diskette into executable programs for sal, but eannot sel source code provided on tis diskete ‘To order a program diskette, complete the information below and mail to: ILL Infodisk, Ine. 610 Winters Avenue Paramus, NJ 07652 Toll Free: 866 819 9444 Fax: 201 986-7886 (Outside the US: 201 986 1131 Company: Adress: City, State, Zips County: — Phone: Fax: ¥ Se ‘woo nme emi apenas Gi aimee Dory eon 9200 kane ey No eben crore, Dey Tess wan Compressibility Factors of Natural Gas L and Other Related ff Hydrocarbon Gases by K.E. Starling and J.L. Savidge An Transmission Measurement Committee Report No. 8 ) American Petroleum Institute MPMS Chapter 14.2 Gas Research Institute ach American Gas Associ Catalog No. xa9212 Second Edition, November 1992 2nd Printing July 1994 3rd Printing, November 2003 copes rattan ary Spt 20 Sap 2010 aan oly. No thr en ene pi, Ou by Teche ues cm iene tor tie American Gos hobscater AGA) wom sony Disclaimers and Copyright Nothing contained in this publication tobe construed as granting any right, by implication or ‘thers, fr the manafactre, sale, o ase in connection with any method, apparatus, oF praduct ‘covered blero patent, or as insuring avane agains ably fr infringement of ltrs patent ‘The American Gas Association's Transmission Measurement Comoritee. developed this publication asa service othe natural gos indy and tothe publi. Use of tis publeation ks Yolunary ad should be taken after an Independom review of the applicable fats and ors have been made 19 ensure the accuracy and reliability ofthe data contained in tis ‘publication: however, he American Gas Association (AGA) makes no representation, warrant), fr guarantee tn connection with tis publication and hereby expreshydsclains any lability oF responsibly for fss or damage resulting from its use or from the ase of any product or ‘methodology described herein; fr any violation of any federal, sae, or muricipal regulation ‘ith which this publication may confer; oF for dhe inPingemont of ay patent fom the use ofthis publication. Nothing contained In this publication shouldbe viewed a3 an endorsement by AGA of any particular marnjactarer's product ‘Permission is granted to republish material herent Lows or ondinances, and tv regulations, ‘adminisvatve orders, or similar dociments sued by public auhories. Those desing ‘Permision for other publications should consul the Operating and Enginvering Section ‘Amerian Gas Assocation, 400 North Capitol Siret, NH, Floor, Washinglon, DC 20001, usa Copyright © 1992, 1994 and 2003 American Gas Assoclalon, Al Rights Reserved sontteo, yu an pore eS ot oxen ages oN oon ane ‘wos ons was a paraing Pomuued an PREFACE ‘This manual is based on research managed and sponsored by the Gas Research Intute (GRI) anc the Groupe Europeen de Recherches Gaziores (GERG) in cooperation with A.A. The manual provides al ofthe tochrcal information needed to compute compreesibilty factors, supercomoressbilty factors, and densi for natural gas and related gases. It ‘supersedes the 1985 Version of AGA. Report Number 8 and conforms to Intemationsl ‘Standards Organization Document ISO 12213, Natural Gas -- Calculation of Compression Factors. This AG.A. document includes FORTRAN computer programs and. sample calculations which aro optimized for effcient microprocessor and flow computer lmplementation. Supporting computer programs based on the methods inthis manual can be obtained on diskette from the AG.A. ‘This manual was updated in July 1994 for the purpose ot (1) correcting typographical ‘errors identified in the November 1992 edition, (2) improving the computer programs, and (3) achiaving computational consistancy with GPA 2172-94 and the 1992 edition of A.G.A. Report No. 8, Patt 3. No changes were made to the basic equations of state, or tothe parameters used to calculate the compressibiliy factor. Properties calculated from this document willbe slightly diferent from the November 1982 version. The differences in the exampie calculations. are caused by changes inthe way the gas characterization parametersare obtained from input ata. These changes help assure a high level of numerical consistency with other industry ‘standards for flow computer computations. The effects of these changes, however, aro ‘expected to be loss than 0.01% for typical natural gas found in transmission pipelines and less than 0.03% for typical production gas. This is well within the uncertainty of tho experimental data. Therefore no changes required trom the November 1992 revision to maintain the stated accuracy. Wf seeneny sep ues ny oy ph vom. WEN IO "AVO HN Sse) ODENSE Vo a ne en Pew Rm DID ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ‘This document is the result of many years of efor. Its based on a large amount of related supporting materials which are the product of many dedicated individuals. and Organizations both domestically and internationally. The individuals and organizations listed blow deserve the recognition and thanks of the gas industry for thir signiticant contributions of time, skils and resources, Foremost among the contributors are Mr. P. Hoglund of Washington Natural Gas and Dr. M, Jaeschke of Ruhrgas AG. Mr. Hoglund led A.G.A. in organizing and articulating the benefits of the RAD program. In addition, he actively promoted intemational cooperation which initiated A.G.A’s participation in he Intemational Standards Organization Technical Committee 193/Subcommittee 1. Pau’ vision and etforts led to pivotal research interactions that substantially improved the quality of the methods presented inthis document. Dr. Jaeschke's research at Fuhrgas AG made an invaluable contribution to improving ‘compressiblity factor prediction through his extensive experimental work on the PVT behavior of natural gases. His inital efforts were in support of GERG virial equation of state research With Dr. J. Schouten, The experimental work was later expanded to help support needs ‘entied at Ruhegas and in the Gl wide-range equation of state research with Dr. K. Starling land Dz. . Jacobsen. Dr. Jaeschke's efforis, and those of his coworkers, produced over ten. thousand state-of-the-art measurements of the compressibilly factor for a wide variety of natural gases, their constituents, and related mixtures. Their data are the predominant ‘experimental basis for the high accuracy equations of state presented in this report. GRI, AGA, and GERG contributed thelr financial, committee, and technical management. Gasunie, Ruhrgas, Gaz de France, and Briish Gas contributed to the development of the experimental compressibility factor database and the GERG research program which produced the GERG method, Individual contributions were made by Mr. J Erickson and Ms. Lori Traweek of A.G.A. through their active support and patience and Dr. ‘A. Smit (Gasuni) through his leadership as chairman of ISO TC 193/SC 1. Mr. J.P. Smith (Transco), Mr. ML. Willams (Amoco), Mr. G. Givens (Consolidated Natural Gas) contributed through their leadership, advice, and participation as industry liaisons through the AG.A. Fy, Committees. Dr. D. Embry (Philips Petroleum), Mr. J. Stuart (Pacific Gas & Electric), Mr. P. LaNasa (private consultant), Dr. R. Teyssandier (Texaco) and Mr. R. Beaty (Amoco) Contributed by providing valuable industry feedback during the preparation process of this report and provided ideas for the computer programs. Lastly, the contributions made by the researchers, many students and support staf at the University of Oklahoma, University of Amsterdam, University of Idaho, Texas A&M, and "National Institute of Standards and Technology are best represented by the exceptional quality ff the results produced for the gas industy. Dr. KE. Staling’s, U. of Oklahoma, contribution helped to produce not only an exceptional equation of state (DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD) for natural gases, but significantly improved this Gocument in ways which should facilitate its understanding and practical use. Or. R. Jacobsen and coworkers atthe University of Idaho provided an exceptional correlation development methodology and set of tools that helped substantially in developing the DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD. Or. 4. i g fi fi : i q 3 i a Schouton and Dr. J. Michels ofthe U. of Amsterdam contibuted creative research which produced the SGERG equation of stato (GROSS CHARACTERIZATION METHOD). Dr.C. 3 Fitz, U. of Oklahoma, and Mr. P. Clarke, U. of Idaho, contibuted great personal efor to produce the DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD. Dr. K.Hall Dr J-Holste, Toxas AGM 2, U,, and Dr. M. Haynes, NLLS.T., contbutod ther skils to develop a state-otthe-art PVT = Reference Dalabaso on naiural gas moures. Dr. S. Boyer and ME Lommon,U. of 6 Idaho, mado a number of signiant technical conrbutions which improved both the quay ig ofthe final results ofthe research project and this A.G.A. report. & u DF. Jotay L. Savidge sf Project Manager : & a 01 a pang ‘peu me OLEH smn “fon See fara nnn is abyss egy 29 sna “pad 8 Cuppomoy vosnoaHe ANAL ON Avo. Gen Gansu J DNGE ROE Uo ods eBay Tes PAS. | i | ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ....... 1.1 Scope 1 112 Background. 1 11 Field of Application 2 4.9.1 Types of Prope 2 1.8.2 Types of Gases 2 113.3 Types of Conditions 3 1.4 Overview of Compressibility Factor Calculation Methods 4 1.4.1. DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD 5 142 GROSS CHARACTERIZATION METHOD 5 1.5 Uncertainty 3 6 1.5.1 DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD Uncertal 7 115.2 GROSS CHARACTERIZATION METHOD Urea 7 1.6 Recommendations 7 2 SYMBOLS 7 3. DEFINITIONS Gronencnsonpeappenponssnssa 4 GENERAL EQUATIONS cee eee) 5 NATURAL GAS CHARACTERIZATION METHODS « 10 6 REFERENCE CONDITIONS ©2622... ec ecceeee 1" 6.1 Mass Density at Contract Reference Conditions ..... . 1" 6.2 Supercompressibility Factor Reference Condition... 1" 6.3 Relative Density Reference Condition nee 6:4 Heating Value Reference Conditions... 22s. s sisi 12 7 UNITS, CONVERSIONS, PRECISION AND ACCURACY .... 13 8 EQUATIONS FOR COMPRESSIBILITY FACTORS ............ 5 8.1 DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD Equation of State 15 8.1.1 Nomenclature 15 8.1.2 DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD Equation of Site for ‘Compressiblity Factor . wee 18 8.1.8 DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD Equation of State Tor Pressure at 8.2 GROSS CHARACTERIZATION METHOD Equation of Stat 2 8.2.1 Nomenclature . 27 8.2.2 GROSS CHARACTERIZATION METHOD uation o Sito for Compressibity Factor 28 ‘tbe man iyo) seyecaey se ue x nyo nd Bane RETO AMaNY fo en SBP Oh a oH a sn NTE 8.2.3 Interaction Vrial Coeticont Terms for Nitogen and Carbon Dioxide 8.2.4 Intoraction Virial Cooticont Terms for tho Equivalent Hydrocarbon, CH 9 PROCEDURES FOR COMPUTATIONS OF COMPRESSIBILITY FACTORS 10 COMPUTER PROGRAMS FOR COMPUTATIONS OF ‘COMPRESSIBILITY FACTORS, SUPERCOMPRESSIBILITY FACTORS, AND DENSITIES 10.1 Documentation for Computer Programs 10.2 Computer Program Code Listings 11 TABLES OF COMPUTED COMPRESSIBILITY FACTORS AND ‘SUPERCOMPRESSIBILITY FACTORS . 12 UNCERTAINTIES IN COMPUTED COMPRESSIBILITY FACTORS AND ‘SUPERCOMPRESSIBILITY FACTORS APPENDIX A - DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD APPENDIX At = NOMENCLATURE... ‘APPENDIX A.2 - DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD COMPUTATION PROCEDURES ‘A2.1 Computations of Compressiilty Factors and Densities ‘A.2.2 Computations of Other Quantitios APPENDIX A.3 - DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD COMPUTER PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION A3.1 Scope 5 43.2 Summary Flow Diagram ‘A3.3 Driver Block... ‘4.3.4 Component Dependent Quantities Block ‘43.5 Composition Dependent Quantities Block ‘3.6 Temperature Dependent Quantities Block... ‘437 Density Dependent Quantities Block ‘4.3.8 Descriptions of Functions and Subroutines ‘A38.1 BLOCK DATA... : ‘83.82 Subroutine PARAMOL ‘3.8.3 Subroutine CHARDL, ‘A384 Subroutine B ‘A385 Subroutine TEMP ‘A386 Function Subprogram DDETAIL_ ‘A387 Subroutine BRAKET ‘A388 Function Subprogram PDETAIL A389 Function Subprogram ZDETAIL ‘3.9 Example Calculations 33 se Ieee i pe a pS farsfeann ty eps yy yo i i a i APPENDIX A - DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD FORTRAN 7 CODELISTING ss oo FUNCTION DDETAIL ENEUUENNI 6 0 FUNCTION PDETAIL ..... o.oo... 84 ay FUNCTION ZDETAIL wee 55. as SUBROUTINE Beas 1. 7 Re SUBROUTINE BRAKET | Tt TE s8 n SUBROUTINE CHARDL. || ae SUBROUTINE PARANOL anon 6s SUBROUTINE TEMP ss. ao 86s BLOCK DATA cl 69 APPENDIX AS - DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD COMPUTER : PROGRAM CALCULATIONS m APPENDIX A DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD CALCULATION 5 UNCERTAINTIES mn OE {A611 Uncertainties i te DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD [ Computed Gompressibilty Factors . vies 78 2 ‘2 Uncerainios in BETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD i Computed Supercompressibilty Factors 78 i APPENDIX A= DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD REFERENCES |. 79 4 APPENDIX B - GROSS CHARACTERIZATION METHOD a1 i APPENDIX B.1 - NOMENCLATURE... +83 : [APPENDIX B.2 - GROSS CHARACTERIZATION METHOD COMPUTATION f PROCEDURES eee. Be : 8.21 Detorminaton of th Molar Gross Heating Valu ofthe E Equivalent Hydrocarton (Hg.) - .- 84 i 8.2.2 METHOD 1. Input Parametots: Volumetric Grose Heating E Value, Relave Density, Mole Fraction CO, a : 8.2.3 METHOD 2. Input Pararnators: Rolaive Dorsly, Nolo Fractions i GIN, and CO, er 8.2.4 SGEHG Method Equation of Stato for Prossure a) E APPENDIX B.3 = GROSS CHARACTERIZATION METHOD COMPUTATION z PROCEDURES... : 22 t 3.1 Computations of ampressibity Facors 8 i 5.3.2 Computations of Other Quanites 92 g APPENDIX B.4- GROSS CHARACTERIZATION METHOD COMPUTER : PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION... 93 i Bat Scope... eS 83 i 8.42 Summary Fiow Diagram Bu UEEEN as 8.43 Driver Bock 33 i 8.4.4 Component Dependent Quaniie Bloc ENNIS es i 8.45 Characterization Dependent Quantities Block =o 222.111! 95 8.48 Temporature Dopendent Quanies Block : 95 i 8.47 Densty Dependent Quanttes Block 2... Ul 9s : 8.4.8 Desarptions of Functions and Subrouines : 98 B.4.8.1 Subroutine CHARGS ......0.00.s00sececseee Function GROSS. 96 4.8.3 Subroutine PARAMGS B.4.8.4 Function PGROSS 4.8.5 Subroutine VIRGS 4.8.6 Function ZGROSS 8.4.9 Example Calculations... APPENDIX B.5 - GROSS CHARACTERIZATION METHOD FORTRAN | CODE LISTING (GROSSXZ) FUNCTION DGROSS: FUNGTION PGROSS FUNCTION ZGROSS SUBROUTINE CHARGS ‘SUBROUTINE PARAMGS SUBROUTINE VIRGS [APPENDIX B.6 - GROSS CHARACTERIZATION METHOD COMPUTER, PROGRAM CALCULATIONS [APPENDIX B.7 - GROSS CHARACTERIZATION METHOD CALCULATION UNCERTAINTIES B74 Uncertainties in Computed Compressibily Factors B72 Uncertainties in Computed Supercompressibilty Factors APPENDIX B.8 - GROSS CHARACTERIZATION METHOD REFERENCES . . APPENDIX C - REFERENCE CONDITIONS AND CONVERSIONS FOR HEATING VALUE AND RELATIVE DENSITY . APPENDIX C.1 - NOMENCLATURE ‘APPENDIX ¢.2 - DISCUSSION OF REFERENCE AND STANDARD ‘CONDITIONS APPENDIX C.3 - DENSITY, COMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR AND ‘SUPERCOMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR . €.3.1 Mass Density at Contract Reference Conditions C132 Supercompressiblly Factor Reference Condition C'33 Relative Density Reference Condition APPENDIX C4 - MOLAR HEATING VALUE FROM COMPOSITION ‘APPENDIX C.5 - VOLUMETRIC HEATING VALUE ‘APPENDIX C.6 - REFERENCES APPENDIX D - UNIT CONVERSIONS APPENDIX D.1 - UNIT CONVERSION PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION ‘APPENDIX D.2 - UNIT CONVERSION PROGRAM FORTRAN SOURCE CODE... - APPENDIX 0.3 - REFERENCES: 96 96 96 96 96 103 104 108 107 408 Done 114 116 . 120 120 122 123 125 127 129 130 1132 432 133 135 442 143 145 147 11 2158: i 2 {eben (you seo a8 uemy aa one APPENDIX E - UTILITY PROGRAM (AGASPROG) APPENDIX E.1 - UTILITY PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION, ‘APPENDIX E.2 - UTILITY PROGRAM FORTRAN SOURCE CODE LISTING INDEX .. PROGRAM AGASPROG ‘SUBROUTINE COMPST ‘SUBROUTINE CONFIG ‘SUBROUTINE INPUT ‘SUBROUTINE METHOD ‘SUBROUTINE OUTPUT ‘SUBROUTINE PROPS ‘SUBROUTINE SETUP. SUBROUTINE STATUS. ‘SUBROUTINE TABLES ‘SUBROUTINE TABLES? ‘SUBROUTINE STATUS2 ‘SUBROUTINE UNITSG FUNCTION DCALC FUNCTION PCALG | 1 FUNCTION ZcALC 157 189 168 2165 168 169 172 173 179 120 tet 183 186 190 194 196 198 201 203 “beste nn {yor uamoney se un 6 mn Yours] Agpuveug paguied = Baw vrei i oN fo een 5RERIEN OeaSSeeE Oads aePn e COMPRESSIBILITY FACTORS FOR NATURAL GAS ‘AND OTHER RELATED HYDROCARBON GASES 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Scope This report presents detaled information for precise computations of compressibility factors and densities of natural gas and other hydrocarbon gases, calculation uncertainty estimations and FORTRAN computer program listings. Applications for computations of other Properties are summarized but are beyond the scope ofthis report 4.2 Background Research in 1928 and 1929 under the direction of Mr. Howard 8. Bean of the National ‘Bureau of Standards provided the natural gas industry wih is inal compressibility factor data Covering pressures up to 600 psia (4 MPa). However, it was not unt 1954 that extensive tables of natural gas supercompressibiliy factors were published, based on tests supervised by Professor Samuet A. Beller of Ohio State University. The natural gas sunercamprassibiliy factor tables were extended and an equation of state was developed in 1956-1962 under the direction of Mr. RH. Zimmerman of Ohio State University. The results of this project, designated PAR Project NX-19, appear in AG.A’s "Manual for Determination of Supercompressibily Factors for Natural Gas," published in 1962. ‘The research leading tothe present report was initiated in 1981 under the sponsorship ‘of GR in close liaison with the A.G.A. Transmission Measurement Committee. This research, Cartiod out under the direction of Professor Kenneth E. Starling ofthe University of Oklahoma, Was aimed at extending capabilies for accurate computation of compressibilty factors beyond the temperature, pressure and composition ranges of PAR Project NX-18. The results for Pipeline quality natural gases, which were completed in 1984, provided the basis for the 1985 report. ‘Tho intial 1981-1984 research used data ranging in pressures up to approximately 900, psia (6 MPa) obtained from the literature and provided by GERG. However, the GERG data bank was extended considerably in the period 1985-1990. The new data showed that tho ‘original equation of state, developed in the period 1981-1984, needed to be Improved. In addition, velocity of sound data obtained under GR sponsorship during 1985-1989 showed calculation for rich gases were not sufficiently accurate for critical flow applications. The new equations of state presented in this revision include the most recent GR and GERG compressibility factor data for natural gas mixtures. In addition, the revised method has applied an improved correlation methodology developed by researchers under the direction of Professor Richard T Jacobsen at the University of Idaho, hoes fous sn ono ont png ‘erent (you irony se un ma oy ena i 3 i i 1.3 Field of Application 1.3.1 Types of Properties “This report presents detalled information needed to compute gas phase compressibiity actors, supercompressibilty factors and densties for natural gas and other related hydrocarbon gases. “The detailed information in tis report on te subject of computations of compressibility actors, sypercompressiblty factors and densities can be applied directly in calculations of gas volume and gas low rate. These computations also can be used in other instances where the Telationship between temperature, pressure and volume of gas is important. A pertinent ‘example is gas teservoir calculations, ‘The derived thermodynamic properties which can be Calculated using the information in thie report include the heat capacity, enthalpy, entropy, ‘onic velocity, eical flow factor and component chemical potentials. Applications using these properties include sonic nozzle calculations, compressor calculations, heat exchanger Calculations, gas mixture reaction equilibrium calculations and gas mixture component fugacity calculations (lor use in vapor-liquid equilbxium calculations). 1.3.2 Types of Gases ‘This report is intended for natural gases and other related nydrocarbon gases. The Information in this report also can be used for calcviations of compressbilly factors and densities for pure methane, ethane, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and hydrogen sutide land gas mixtures of up to twenty-one compounds. Table 1 identilies the ranges of gas characteritics for which this report can be used. The normal range column gives the range ff gas characteristics for which the average expected uncertainty corresponds to the ‘Uncertainties identifid in Figure 1. The expanded range of gas characteristics has an average Uncertainty which is expected to be higher, especially outside of Region 1 of Figure 1. The Use ofthis report for computations of the physical properties of gases with component mole percentages outside the ranges given in Table 1 is not recommended. {An accepted database for water, heavy hydrocarbons and hydrogen sulfide in natural {gases is net presently available for determinations of uncertainties of calculated gas properties. ‘Therefore, asa practical matter, the only limitation is that the calculation is for the gas phase. “Thus, the limits are the water dew point for mote percent water, the hydrocarbon dew point for mmole percent heavy hydrocarbons, and pure hydrogen sulfide, The presentation of methods for calculations using the various heavy hydrocarbon fraction characterization methods used inthe hydrocarbon industy is beyond the scope of this report; these methods wil be presented ‘subsequently in the technical literature SmaI ft gh 3 Table 1 Flanges of Gas Mixture Characteristics ‘Consistent with this Feport Quantity Normal Range. Expanded Range Relative Density” 554 10.87 0.07 10 1.52 {Gross Heating Value™* 477 t0 1150 Blulsct 0 to 1800 Btulsct ‘Grose Heating Value*** 18.7 10 45.1 Mui? 0 to 66 Mui? Mole Percent Methane 45.0 t0 1000 Oto 100.0 Mole Percent Nitrogen 010500 Oto 100.0 Mole Percent Carbon Dioxide 010.300) Oto 100.0 Mole Percent Ethane 010 100 Oto 100.0 Mole Percent Propane 0104.0 010 120 ‘Mole Percent Total Butanes 0101.0 01060 ‘Mole Percent Total Pentanes 01003 0104.0 ‘Mole Percent Hexanes Plus O10 02 (010 Dew Polat ‘Mole Percent Helium O10 02 01030 ‘Mole Percent Hydrogen 010 100 (10 100.0 ‘Mole Percent Carbon Monoxide 0103.0 0103.0 Mole Percent Argon # 0101.0 Mola Percant Oxygen # 010210 Mole Percant Water 0100.05 (010 Dew Point Mole Percent Hydrogen Sulfide 0100.02, to 100.0 * Reference Condition: Relative density at 60°F, 14.73 psia ** Reference Conditions: Combustion at 60°F, 14.73 psia; density at 60°F,14.73 psia. ++ Rlaference Conditions: Combustion at 25°C,0.101325 MPa; density at 0:C,0.101325 MPa. # The normal range Is considered to be zero for these compounds. 1.33 Types of Conditions ‘This report is only valid for the gas phase. It can be applied for tamparatures from -200°F to 760°F (-180°C to 400°C) at pressures up to 40,000 psia (280 MPa). Application at extreme conditions should be verified by other means (e.g., experimental vertication). Use of the calculation methods is not recommended within the vicinity of the ectical point. For pipaline quality natural gas, this is usually not a constraint because operating conditions near the critical point generally are not encountered. ig ‘ a a i Temperature, °C a 130-60 8 62120 200 ae 20,000 TT T1193] 140 ee Region 4 # fe ae ‘ge 10,000 TI u a g i: s Region 3 € é = 5 5 i a a a E i i 2,500 | 417 i Region 2 93% ai 1750 |- oan Region 1 0 0 200-80 17 143 250 400 ‘Temperature,"F Figure 1. Targeted Uncertainty for Natural Gas Compressibilty Factors using the DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD 1.4 Overview of Compressibility Factor Calculation Methods “This report provides recommended methods to compute highly accurate comprossibily factors and densities for natural gas custody transfer and other gas measurement applications. Two equation of state methods are provided. All the information needed to efficiently Implement the appropriate method is contained in this report ‘worieamoeramapnanpal fa pornia Teed 8 GyoneL 0 snRNA ON ‘The two methods are cifferentiated by the Input parameters needed for the equation ‘of state calculations. One method applies a detail knowledge of natural gas composition to ‘compute the compressibilty factor (L.., using the gas analysis), Reference 1, Appendix A. ‘This method is referred to herein as the “DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD.” It can be applied over the entire temperature, pressure and composition ragime referred to in Section 1.3. The second method applies an aggregate or gross knowledge of natural gas composition {given by heating value and/or relative density and diluent content information) to compute the Compressibilly factor, References 2 and 3, Appendix 8.8, This mothod is referred to herein as the "GROSS CHARACTERIZATION METHOD." The GROSS CHARACTERIZATION METHOD can be applied in a limited temperature, pressure region for natural gas ‘Compositions shown in the normal range column of Table 1. Both methods require the use of temperature and pressure in absolute units and a gas analysis to Inially determine the applicable method. 1.4.1 DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD ‘The DETAIL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD was developed to accurately describe the gas phase pressure-temperature-density behavior of natural gas mixtures over a wide range of conditions. It can also accurately describe the gas phase pressure-temperature- onsity behavior of the pure components methane, ethane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and hydrogen and mixtures of these components. In addition, a low density correlation was

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