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EE310 — Chapter 4 MOS Field Effect Transistor Lecture Slides Instructor: Prof. Chu Ryang Wie Chap.4. MOS Field Effect Transat +! — MOSFET velative t BOT + MOSFET can be made Vers Small, ana mmanefactwing is Simpler L MOSFET civewits tate (tle power CCMOS) + Both digital ak ancilog Aundiors possible zoom ~1R MOSFETS A Lesa Goals ob Chap. 4 ‘ Familsarity With physveal Shractere ond Operation Terminal Charadeniiies, and Cronk Models > Base Amp Greats Cand Laverter ry dene ales) 4b Physeal Structure & Opereiti on hae (I) Device Structure Cone Drain NMOS = N~channe) MOSFET Be 57 ante § 7 ° solft PS} (Bedy ) e — + Gate oxide = insulator oe Tg =BC Gete current =0 VG ables Condudior in Si 2 Gate Metal com be Alummann sy mb- S) cpslycrystal) ty pti com ) » Dewee Size: Lo Lengih ob Channe! 0 ~3 4m W = Widin sh Charne| 0.2 ~ 16d Um + PN janchons SS -B, D-B are reerse based of i) oP Gy zers bated > obber S-B is shorted and DB rs reverie b S-B-D He cubohh Vg = Vy mate mosKET 4 3-terminal device + \G ceotrste current bebiees Sat D -43- (3) Apply Vg te create Inversion Charne| Key Concepts ? + Channel = inversion layer @ Si surhate that conducts Current between SQ ond D Nmos pmos m-ohanne] MOSEET P-channel masceT vos \L = Threshold Voltage = Ves just enovgh t create inversion channel ex) machannel forms ib Veg 2 VE cNmos) p- channel farms ib Vs Sve cpmar) (0 Vas NMOS With the m-channe] induced Cie >) , Rhere Ts continuts Channe| be}ween S ond OS, Chamel acts as a Conductey Cor yesishic) jo) — / anole gg zee Comet ‘1 From the description above ofthe operation ofthe MOSFET for small ps, We note that ip is proportional depeaeg ite: Find the constant of proporionalty forthe pariclar evra oa characteristics are depicted in Fig: 44. Also, give the range of drain-o-source resserces corresponding to an overdrive volage, tgs ~ V, oF 0.5 Vito 2V. Ans. 1 mAIV?, 2421005 kQ Let by = BVes—Vu) Vpe , O@B=c ) at - 9 ys Sas Bec for Nos ~ Ves OSVoO2V SW Take the Ves WIV dade os Fg. Vos = loomv LoemVv (yp = a1ma oad R= 4ly = (Wr-0))mA yA ” Aha OW Vane NGM) ye Ve Comey Q al = oo = | PS BEY (S) When Vpg is Large As the Drain~end of Chame} becomes “pinched because Vos increases, the [= Vpg curve ‘bends’ Cand I-v becomes manlinear) and eventually , i yeaoher a amaxinum , Saturation Value, The maximum, Saturation Value *h Cp happens when Vos Yeaches Vae-Ve amd He Draneend of Channel is pinched off Operating Modes Novos G) Triede Clinear) ¢ Vs >Vy (Chanel ow) Voe< Gr Ve 2 \ f, Nis Gy Saturation 7 gs > Me ) ve 2 Vas Ve Cobefl 2 Vigo ie Mee) 2 C(B-% My al) material — dove . “Triede tureti i p i> Sa wretion } iv) Site Ve Vy = const, DP Saturation Cy Wey yy Vary eee Ves ML) tp — Vos Summary ;, pau Yaie + Saturation (ye EKG or Ley ed * Triode: fe KOE Vere) Vos Mel v kDa Mos” roe | bwhere Ky, SMa Gy = groesre transcord wotane cay Kem alg WL = My Coy = Dewice trans cond. \by y Vgsg = Vga = Gate b~S everdrive Vat, Jote q& . x Cae =z = Onide Capacbane/int area ox 93, heiy® 124m Win = 6b 490m sym bey = 2S mm o1smm toy = 2m DCox Sol) 9 AK @ va. Vase rp Se BAe Coy = = = * t., tex on = 2 Sex (1) 2.3K EE = raqxdF Afr Q SAT? Vpe2 Voce Vp 2 UY min @ kn =AlnCy = 550 OMY x 27 Fi A = ou -4.8— (7) Pmos or P-channel] MOSFET G D Ss pis; J cPchowil\ pts. D ot{te =) mS| Body) Og B + Pachanel Crmns ib Veo < Ve . i saturates and P-channel Pinckes off at D-end jf, Vp, NGM (@® cmos ., Conplementwry MOS NMOS and PMOS ow the same Shlicen (9) Subthresheld region For NMOS with Vag < Ve, mo channel rx present and ly tO for any Vos. . . bMGs However, very cmall [prs Shil pesert ath [os € Ned Sutreshsld Covent, amd This is te cya 39 wowiewia VLSE cempurbae in amcdem deep ¢ A I-V Characteristics ~49- Q) Crewt oe s Pmos = re ot ot B= shorted to s Wms = 4 Ho 5s “h, Be shorted eS (2 bp — Vos cheeactendlc, NMOS 1) Channe) ts Endued oe OFF : Vgc Me (Nmas) Cickehl —> [<— Channel Ves Taduted NN) Sackuraction mode or Trisde mode * ve (Mess Vo) 410 — 44 Aneshancemenviype NMOS transistor wit V,=0.7 V has its source terminal grounded and a1 5-V de {plied tothe gate’ what eeglon does the deve operate for (a) Vp= #03 V?(b) Vp= 09 V? Ouee3v dns) Tide (6) Saration: (€ Staton Enhancement NMOS > Me=0.7 Vo Nate Enhamement meats - = - Ve > Vs= 0 VghS @) Y= 05 (by Yo-ag co) yz>e Sel) Vgs=IS-0=LEV >Vh=07 2. Chomnel = induced HU, 2h 5- 07 = 08 Trrede A) Vog =O Vase = Ge (b) Vos = 09 2 SAT (o) Ypr= 3 . SAT 45 Ifthe NMOS device in Exercise 4.4 has Ca, = 100 WAIV?, W= 10 pm, and L= 1 jum, find the value of rain current that results in each of the three cases (a), (b), and (c) specified in Exercise 44 Ans (a) 275 nA; (b) 320 A; (e) 320 HA “ fd _, Same AMIS as aber, bate IAA, what =o Sel (4) Voz OV Triodo _ 5 Jv ipa EL ee Woe BAD = sth Lerraas = 27544 (>) Vo = 2 4M SAT , apy : , 2 MA 1g. C154. (oe TOE r= Free 7 = 22044 (0) Vosc 2 SAT ly? 320A -4.1—- 46 An enhancement-type NMOS transistor with V, = 0.7 V conducts a current jp = 100 HA when vgs = ts = 1.2 V. Find the value of ip for ugs= 1.5 V and rps =3 V. Also, calculate the value of the drain-to source resistance rps for small sand vgs = 3.2 V. Ars. 256 uA: $000 plot @ Vps=Vgrh2V fo Exhanenent Nar 4.20.9 7 Oi=c OHV, yes Nate Tohamncemen PMS + O%erC 7 CMe 3.2N, small Vos Sol) operating mode? Vigs nr oy PVE 2 Chemo! Cadured > Bhasaye SAT Voc *Ves > Veg-Ve § Saturden Ne or Ghane, ra Namo SAT: Lp = oy = $e egy Vy EEG Ch2-4.4)" 5 Nougy S Leys 2x 100MM Zana a MAL y> | Vga 3V >vi ted 7 Q VoeFV >Mise ste Lev Ge £Poguhfr* Os eI asbad 2) a 2 The = S f B Smatt Moe 2Frde te = (Sj = (lg Nyce) 2 fo A-asv]> svn | 4.7 An NMOS transistor is fabricated in a 0.4-yum process having 44,C,, = 200 wA/V? and Vi; = $0 V/um of | channel length. If L = 0.8 um and W = 16 ym, find V, and A. Find the value of [y that results when the device is operated with an overdrive voltage Voy= 0.5 V and Vps= 1 V. Also, find the value ofr, at this operating point If Vas increase by 2 Vhs the comesponcing change Ans. 40 V; 0.025 V"'; 0.51 mA; 80 KO; 0.025 mA , : co I B= cig =200 AA, 2 250 Yi >a thm J tos /-\Vo.= f DV QB URC > Be Vy Vecze sv, vo IV y O 4rd fr aver rV SA) o ae big = odin sol = 4ov, = iv, fw Efe l Ost roll 0s" (ie) — = ae = sir. sad aie 2 Vs @ oe inlet ~4I (3) Transistor Output Yesistance sm SAT Yo - duets Channel Length modulation hy Vag Beyond Pinchef Cabber Sage +b Sadie) aL eas} oh! = yh W (Ye-%) Ww pe Leas) & Se Sey) C+sk Leb GLEN vps bp = TK MCE) Define. . =o Ne d u whehowy Wen Ny Large signal Mede\ Loe SAT moole - Lt yt oy, Mbe iy bbs ty = Beale Cle FS) = Ty CFE) Output resistance YS = ( Sin Die va 4 Noe Dp > 4B The PMOS transistor shown in Fig. E48 bas V, = 1 V, k= 60 WA/V?.and W/L = 10.(a) Find 413 ihe range of Vc for which the transistor conducts, (b) In terms of Vo find the range of Vp for which ae transistor operates in the triode region. (c) tn tems of Vo find the range of Vp for which the wanens chriey in saturation, (4) Neglecting channel-length modulation (i.e. assuming A= 0), find the vaee $f loy| and Vo andthe corresponding range of V> to operate the transistor in the saturation sede aa ey HA © HAS “0.02 V "find the value ofr, comesponding tothe oveudrive voltage decried OW nee As 0.02 Vand forthe value of Vy detemined in (4), find Ip at Vp=#3.V and Vee Pyatene® calculate the value of the apparent output resistance in saturation, Compare te the wea found in (e). 45V Ms. (a) Vo S +4.V; (b) Vp 2 Vg +1; © Y, (f) 78 HA, 82.5 HA, 0.67 MQ (same). eo 7 PMOS Question ! roureess 4 YzA4V, Kp Aylay = 60 a a 'o $Vq +1: 05 V3.5 V, 4.5 V; (¢) 067 MQ. (A) Ve amge= C9 Far Tauced Channel, (b) Vy ranges) Cor Trrode (Vp range=C > for SAT, @) [Val Wgeg) =O 9, Np) Crrrgr-aorv! exc 4 Foe Bis iw SAT with T= DS AA, Tyrne Vn ) ys-00ut, Tac )@ ¥23V, 0V OQWNess) From. Appora R=C >) Sol) (ay Vgs7 a> ae) | Vy < S424 Hen PMS conducts, | > Fredo: Vor 2 Ves-Me Vga 38 bess negosive ) \V Vo 2 Vy-S =) nM 2 Vg tl Trsde | © sat: Vos < Vgs-Ve CVpg i more negative) . My $ Ve SAT z \ wit 2 ee ‘i git Vig? Las 159 22 el ENise = be Pa 10 Vice [sma : Be {rN a a a oo ye (Va) ~ 50N = 067 m2Q “Ta 7588 | physrcal ftom 0 bY typical 49 An NMOS wansistor has Vy = 0.8 V, 2¢,= 0.7 V, and y= 04 V"2 fas. 1.23 V SON) V.= Veo tV Cy V3) = BV + 04 (oq a7 fam V" = 09-4 0.4352 123 V (6) Temperature Effect As Temp. LY ond Md c he at) Clersinant) TaF z X bey y (7) Breakdown 1) Drain —Bedy pr sundfisn breaus down areund 29-150V Csabt avalanche ) Find V, when Vig =3 V. 1) Pench —Thaoagh 2 The Pchabt paint mover atthe wag te S The cleplehwa Carsund D) extends alithe wig to S —> hegpene aremd OV Coo perma a “sey > especi ary ow Medan Shackohenn I) Gate Oxide Preadoula happnc avourd Veg*P2V Pecarnse G = small, en a hing Oy ! Vg~ ao can rise for evn smith Qe 4! % Celangine dicder) 4.3 MOSFET Creuit at DC -Examplee —hIS- 0410 Redesign the circuit of Fig 4.20 forthe following case: Voo = ~Vsp = 2.5 V, Vj= 1 Vs UyCur = 60 HAY V2, W/L = 120 um/3 um, fp =0.3 mA, end Vp =+0.4 V, Ins, Ry =3.3 KO: Ry = ThA ee Design for To=83m4, Vp=ouv DRac yor 9 wo s SOL) Vos >Vaqs >Vgst *° SAT ah poet ‘ O T= 03m = oki Vary = abo HO Vv 3 Vege =). sl — Vass eam £0 vee 0.5 > Vs=> ge > Re eo B3kKQ 1 = US-VEV = 7ED Vog = -25V @ A= some 7 Example 4.3 - Diode Connected MOSFET ee find the de voltage Vp. Let the NMOS transistor have V, = 0.6 V, ,C,, = 200 WA/V’, {= Of sand W = um. Neget he chanel eng maglaon eee Ge asure fn Oy Design fr T5= HA OR=C ) Avec 9 njge SONY Vos =VGs > Ves-Ve ST Von = +3 G Vo douh => ot fase =i 2oowk 5 ° Vee v 7 Fa ERIS Luca beer tu 1 ss Ngse = EY SA tO f, D qa We. 2 zed (Fm 492 Consider 4.2, which ® designed in Example 4.3 (to which you shoul i solving this problem). Let the voltage Vp be applied to the gate of another t pata istor fig, E412. Assume tat Qs sdemtclo Gy Find the Gan cuenta cas 2. (assume Voo=3V Fred DTC Avec 9, Meglerk © SON) Q, ord 2h have the same ase? So SomeLy Ry = 2040. R agphpe” 1 | Ty, = coud tene azo pe By = BOGS UV eek ear: SLU > Veg t40 ow bs 0 ua stv check sar spa “se (Current Mirror) “ Example 4S —41b- Analyze the circuit shown in Fig, 4.28(a) to determine the voltages at all nodes and the currents through all branches, Let V, = 1 V and k,(W/L) = 1 mA/V2, Neglect the channel-length ‘modulation effect (1e., assume A = 0), i ‘tov tyosaa lot fata La ‘oma foun . po 0-615 x) ia -1oma een in i) (b) Analyze for all VS omd LS Sol) Vg=SV Vases 4-400 Vps= 107 (2 2p MR Cpe 6%) Vv —~ wiyw ve Assame SAT > Tp = 34 > MQ 5 tr 7 : SoEIY _ poe 2TH= Gb Ty? Hse .7y% Ne! Vv ves { sig- bes =7V Vyzton 6x Tro. tdnh Vagsp= G~ bxedg | S lore ze ~ 6XOS = Tp2asma > Vere | Vq> SV Uy = a bx v7 slue that Ry can have while the transistor remains in the an SAT? Largest Value oh Ry that has WMOS Stiles SAT SOL) Ta Feanple HF Example 4.9 ‘The NMOS and PMOS transistors inthe ci KW,/L,) = VmalV? and V,, = -V,, Grain currents igy and iop, as well asthe vol ~ 419- icuit of Fig. 4.25(a) are matched with k/(W,/L,) = = 1. Assuming 4 = 0 for both devices, find the age vo, for vy = OV, 42.5 V, and -25 V, 425v +28v Dp? Necure SAT P is Tpthk ve, et , Top =o ky Vas shel! yor Vor vot if % | vpov A Ow 10kD Qs ls Va 0-L-r5)4 | | i pele | Lepes? = bias -25v died Ny ras a a TZ Va =0 Grom Symmetry. +25V + ge 2 Op: Nose a oee = duly iskrt 2- PV! fe amd Low Vd? a = G-Ve 1s egev @ Tn! * Kea Vs oe = [xe « C22.5) mA 24u _ - e2ey wa pgs ixexd.c£ = AA MOSFET as Amp or Switeh —4I18- Vpp ! wi fPNg | WTe | @ Tree Comman~ Source Ong Nese : ie “oom Rein o Me Misty. bp Vas Ves a ee Ree ee! () SAT nian Vo =Voo~ Roin = Vop~ Ap Ka (Va-¥)° Ay= 2 “Aye VV] == CsYo)_ Veo. 8 (> Thee: vy Vase Vase (Tree? N= Vo Rot = Nog RAE LVL © Mg RRO = Vy 88 yy % Yop WEE. my Be | mag P agtRp 2? Ro Suptch ? YA <——>C ow Tn [high Ea | high Cok lou Out | | Ameisiort + MOS is bras Small Fge. + Design a geed Q-pt: Example 4.8 —4.19~ Find Values in VTC, (Fg-26cby fee Nene KE = 1A SIV, RyFIPEML, Vop2!0V Sol) @) pont X2 VesoV Yysov (b) pont A Vesvl¥ y= loV (C) pont B o> Vat Ve= Ge =VeceVe = VPM Y= Vo Retin = Voy- Re EKsCWoMIE)™ ~V~ Ry BR Flo- xdxpe yr = 10-4," w W120 1a C4\r10) CY) =0 V Vee Va Shee V=lv RECS VeVopsi0V ye Gy Be = Mow 1 Ro Ry K Mise = tov oN J = BS —— =006V (Pea 128. 0-1 Ce) Qepomt ad Volaye Gam Q-pt > CVMe) = ©2,)) == C119 Tp Q-pt os chown at he GV, then tend = ~2VRo . N Vase ax6V Wa SA an Oe - Aee- ae ROY Mb a (oe shes SEE IE she Eup op pS Ve ot 2 ip? Vz oetbe l= Lae 4.5 Biasing MOS Amp Cireuits -4¥w firing Vg > ay Vas= Const. > Use Rs oH \ Va> ast TR, a Device 2 Device 1 (\) Fix Ves (2) Use D-to-G Feedback Ry 4 ' r Yop “bo ds e te pect me 2p ° he Ve Vsyer “a "ye p ‘va Wo me fas Nos Vos Too ee ae os tye me Ee + di | te Po o “ sFisune «32 ~4y YO Desze ecto oops asecnncunautasormtryaaviieyoix, MN ve the resting values of Yo. and Vy Figpocey: Rez > Bos 97 Ty=C), Neer) Vat sh HR alg Sel) k= ad fua > b.2k2 ae SAR) Tis E6 Vga = bv D> Vag lV ENGME One) Ya Ry= Vives pea > 6240 a Lil be 22eghhly dibferot heom 0.5mA 3 coy) Ups - SV + 62 Lo Tp Ree Bp = 22, Hen See Ki Voce = 2 UH= (4- bayer => Ta egiad * . souqad, vy>-1.962v Vor = 1982 Ug Wy 3~ bax 044 = 1g be 04.21 ris required to design the circuit in Fig, 4.32 to operate ata de drain current of 0.5 mA. Assume V, W/L = 1 mAIV? V.and 4=0, Use a standard 5% resistance value for Rp, and setual values obtained for fy and Vp hac) =O) Vor | Fig B22 RyosC V3 TESA, then Ty Sol) — SIV = Vyred @ qe 2V=Mb Cithy?D ae Le ft Tp todd = zt Vase 2 Nase Rye TIE a hud > brer C SURO Aye G) —H Tp slightly Front. | = 1 LOY AY = ECU 9> RoE | ye CYgr ols ECMAY = EC Voo~ Ro, Pog ean a oy aug pah ~r o-trbah | 2th =C4-WDY @ T= aig | > THe upemd, Vp =).959¥ Y 1 g60¥ e 422 Using two transistors Q, and Q- having equal lengths but widths related by Ws/W, =, of Fig. 4.33b) to obtain J = 0.5 mA. Let Vay SV, AMW/L), = 08 mAIV 1, and Q.” What is the lowes > Ve Y=Vqr , Lowest Vay fev S47? A), Wy | Tp, = 198 = SK sey = EY heey > Ye the V 1 Tort ED =t.smh prevent = 6S m8 x0 inde Lpee . ae A fo>viores =-4oyv Vosa 2 Vgse 205M > Mp2 2 Vou : PL tySBT Jn atone NOx 4.6 Small-Signal Models —4r2- (2) Total (DC +c) Currents at Drain Yeo ee as. olde eo Mis He ip = Ly + td = ohn Gr meh = Lh (ge + Kaveh tke = a | oced for ia od = be Nse t Kogoglge toy, Fig. 34 e Tp) lia) Small —S: gral (4, < Wa = = Mice o KS Hye nv.) ® Voltage Goin A,= From Fig. 24 CVgg Tao) - ta Ro (be) @c) ~ = Veo é ish > signa! Drain Voltage —4.23- (5) Small-Signal model: Hybrd-T model ) ty = Gelgs neglecting by ta = Gwe tas including A Cw 1G) a= Qa} AE including Fig 39 (6) Caleul ating gm oo Ay> 9, Roll) [we n> che | Gt ka Vase Gf yout Vee) | > ae Toba rye’) ‘ 2b = FET Gf yor te Tp)? 22) = kK Vgce a | Nive Recall BIT? rn Ze = 2, rlég ceo ad => get BAKO KL KES 2032 8 > dai = (axegxaxes = % wa To=8 sng CD Smoll~signal Medel: —T—model a a =: : V5 Cd > dm VGs = be ig = net inchdng > (8) Including the Body - Effect Dd “+ a Reet V= Vit V(AM - 4.) = VMS on : te » an : 7 ? iF be Cee Wl > ib \ Bedy - Ehbect “Tramseonductance f° fer signal conp 1d> Gab Mes] _ Io = ote oy , - Ans = ne = Ky “Ne vay ra S Kiger = 719), where, of ~ Me + Signal drain carrert cy imclading Yo and body = foe F es 2 bd = Fale © re + Aub Vis 9 Te at Realy 2h be Tt-medel inclad —“4.25- 424 An NMOS transistor has 1,Cy = 60 WAVE, WIL = 40, V, = 1 V. and V, 2 15 V. Find gy and 7, hen athe hos voltage Vz = 1.5 Vand whe (Othe bias current fp =C vase tsV (Tp osm qzo + B= : 2 Sol) a Vag=h SV Vast? 5-105 > He = kVese > 6A yoxo.5 = = nit > Tye de lgse = 2x60 Arcosvls = 30h > 3 = Mae is as (by Tys.5H4 > Aye kay = Vax tobe xin say | ~ = iy, = Balen 425. MOSFET is to operate at Jy = 0.1 mA and is to have gy = 1 mAIV. IF ky = 50 WAVE, find the required WiL ratio and the overdrive voltage. wee Vase > for Trz0lmh, Gal SE 7 mM Sol) In Tae wes dee oo —— = (00 05M 0. Lx 0.05% x04 | = 2to — rte. ax L | a> Vine Vase cia alan = 02V foc wich y= Ot id the at ofthe wih of POS iat 426 For a fabsieation proc: ssidth of an NMOS tr (eee re. pmos ve. nmos® by + Ma, I aeepl =! Vaseal, beaks ie Cf Sol) 4.o= Kr Deep = =k (2), ae = Gand We - kx Mon = Me 22,5 istor so that the (Wo devices have equal g,, for the same bias cond equal qv | | | Onde i bn |e gp = Kats TGS ep apc > | 427 Foran NMOS transistor with 26,2 06 V. 720.5 V"2.and Var V. find 2= 8 Sol) 4,7, = (22) ( May = Vgse To 4.1 Single-Stage MOS Amplifiers ~ 426 (I) Basie Structure and DC Bias 430 Consider the circuit of Fig, 442 for the case Vop = Vss= 10 V, 1= 0.5 mA, Re = 4.7 MQ, Ry= 15 kX, Vi= 15 V, and &{(WiL) = 1 mAIV?. Find Vow, Vos, Vow Vss and Vp, Also, calculate the values of gy and a assuming that V, = 75 V. What is the maximum possible signal swing at the drain for which the MOSFET remains in saturation? ‘ns, See Fig, E4.30; without taking into accoune the signal swing atthe gote, the drain can swing to-L5 V, ‘negative signal swing of 4 V. “ «10v Gp MENS kek t= a Bad 0 VoyVace osmjt ON gs Ove BV OVE Bq G, pyeqrv ‘ 4 D Gn Bie fe var in maw Yor Saturation yom fees Sol) aaa aa O Vgse= = = sad lV | | azn $ Poy ® Vee = Mace =p type are | &] Oxs OD Vg=0 OVe = Vg-Vge= 0-2. F =-LS | Wet Vpp ~ Tye = 10 — oSmx 5k 52, free =o =) 84 RG aVarixos =) 00 QD imax 0, feo mes in cat + PVR 2 > My 2-1 Par CAT, A marermnae 5 Theye Eve, FIGURE E30. ¢., @) Common = Source (Cs) Amplfier “4.27 Rin Rg = Rg Ree = Well Ro =- Jo C¥a I Ron RLY Nas Ayo = ~ 9m C¥ll Ro) Re Ret Rog CS amplifier based on the circuit analyzed in Exercise 4.30. Specifically, refer tothe results reise shown in Fig. £4.30. Find Ry, A, and Ry, both without and wit ulate the overall vol G.. with r, taken into ace: ak sinusoid, what output si er Peat Rot RL) DRa B Rea Wy, with rh 35 OG, wan, Rageltiity REIDK Dv fe Vag = O4 PP 5 seid v with 1B SH plies D Raf = ea Ry STOR wD = Rn Ra ee ee eee eae Dalat ee 4 CS wih Re ~%28- Ts Sat Signal ground oy not 3 Neglecting Yo Rin= Rg Rest = R, A= we a Gee) CRM RD = B.C Rall RD NV; Ue Sat Re ~ TE Gms om A= 7 Sm%e “ I+ Gans From 432, CS amp. ge Vee gv pp FL Nog> bavp-g and Ve EVEL, then Sel) CS wo Rot V CS Wek Res (5) Common Fate (CG) Amplifter ~42q- S temok at signal Gud Neglecting 1 Clay snpat resistance) Rat = Rp negleding Fe Clarge culpa restshonte) Aux we = GmNae) CRAM Rout) aM ys mn Ri Raut) = Jy CRull Bo) regledong Xe =same as CS amp ae ane \ Ge hy Ny vi Ay = a GCAiIRod) = eC Ru Roat) Yat Reg We Ge Reig, a RillRew Perea eae Yat teg CS 8 Li=le © CG = current Gollover, 434 Consider a CG amplifier designed using the circuit of Fig. 4.42, which isanalyzed in Exercise 4.30 with the analy sis eesults displayed in Fig, £4.30, Note that g,,= 1 mA/V and Rp = 15 KO. Find Ry Rs Avy A. and G, for R, = 15 kQ and Ry = 50.0, What will the overall voltage gain become for R= TRO? 10 kA? 100 KO? DX DR DAV De 3 D Gy for Bag si, New, ioe RE iser, Rage So 2, Ryrts hedge ne FD Rone Sho FSR SMa = sagt BRAT Das 2,6 Rul) = wed Crowds) = 7S ne gheding Yo sk = 1% CG Amplifier Analysis -4.24a- Ro Ae aed (6) Common—Dyain or Source -Folower —430~ (Fig. 46) Sts mot at sguat ground. Rin = Rg becanse G- ts -S is open Rout Te mat easily aletermared by Taspection only. Far Rout, reduce all jndependent sourte t Bere cyncl. Veg) S Vigzt > Nq>0 ‘ = ~+t Ss Row Blt ~ % Ay = = Cygnet) ga MRD _ yore Vz, Lan tee 1+ gu ctal) 44> fhe ~ a Fan = &% oe 2 Fay +0 Ay oe FA ah, Rr mH Scuvee lever 2 High Rn, hee Rot, AVL, Use bo ceuned te Seurse ws heghReg, er ag Out pu Shage eb mulh Aye cep. 435 Consider a source follower such as that in Fig. 4.46(a) designed on the basis of the cituit of Fig. 4.42, the results of whose analysis are displayed in Fig. E430. Specifically, note that g,.= 1 mA/V and r= 150 KO, Let Ry, = | MQ and R, = 15 KO. (a) Find Ry, A... A. and Reg without and with r, taken into count, (b) Find the overall small-signal voltage gain G, with r, taken into account Stim weise Ror HIM Aegeim Ro mISK Ika BW Dave Dror we a6 y Ww Sol) sme BRT RyrGIM Dyw mike = NRA, (eels F1e wish Yo pooh iste v ——— 20.927 Le se =e ue 643K s “9M a way iy -421~ (7) Summary of MOS Anpe 1) CS is used as Gain stage. One oy more CS stages in Cascade ii) CS with Rs: Rg improves many performance factors of CS Omp, at the expense of Yeduces gain Wi) CG] t + Low Rin > ony Special perpute use AE Veltage cmp * Brcalent high freq. performance + Unity gain current follower Clow Rin, highRout) ih Cascocle Vv) CD oy Source Fallowey : Voltage buffer ¢ high Rin, (ou Row, Ay&!) * Output stage eh multictage cunp CR e bs hw) a. wy Mos Pe! Capacitance ~4.32- G Cad, Cau = dae Cx Co, Cay = ve 4 PN Sundbion ). Gate Capacitance > oe 4 () Triede $ f > Cos WLC = 34 Cy, =0 2) Seckarection ay _ ° E Pp Ger Te, Gane Ce zo = CoA 4 a , Cope L (Gy ~Cuy) HL Cr Coy = Whey Cex Te added +0 Cp, Ga —4.33- 2. Tancion Capacitence: Cen, Cop Cobe — Cabs Coy = Cc = Vin fe Vis Me 436 For an n-channel MOSFET with f,, = 10am, L= 1.0 um, W= 10 fam, Loy = 0.05 jm, Cao 10 EF, Vy=06 V, Vsp = 1 V, 6 Yoe tor is operating in saturation: Cx, Cy. Sen Cots Cav And Cy. (Note: You may consult Table 4.1 for values ofthe physical constants.) fins. 3.45 fy; 1.72 £F; 24.7 FP; 1.72 FF; 6.1 £F: 4.1 F = Coo = calculate the following capacitances when the transis- Dy AOy My, Sqqy SC, Deu, SAT mode Sol) o c= Se = Ruel Fim “38 as SR4 5K 19 Fon? = 24X10 Hare ¥ to xio4 om 8 Oy = Whe Cy = 10x 0.05dim* x 3.45 PF/ ya = TS EE fF O Gee RWLGy + Gy = Froumcram 3.45 F Zag + UBER = 2447 Coo Jo fF 9 gy = Ce Gy A hIRE OCys =hi2CF — i Vie Me Virsg . aa Vo @ Cogs Vyg= Vogt Veg? 2H FV nate pont a asap ac ' Cay = Se 5 ee OEE apres Umer Se t , eajeeebe ae ite BI PF 3. High Freq, Made) of MOSFET 4, MOSFET f. -4.34- Find Shork-Grewh Cuprert Gain Gor Sinasaied imputE Fy orl +e— aS OT4= sGul wh Cpr ted Cyt, male WO SG BGR = 5 Spur RO Ms Baye THESE [ir he | , ; {a= gg IPGL) | > Reig Rey ‘ 5 > Reg ad Cin form a Low-Pass metwark ~4.36- o § External Capacitors male High Pare metworls, ) Ce, € Regt Ra) Co = Rg : 2r$5, = i a a anf, = aa ts Ry Ca R tatty, = hm SatRIRD 438 For the CS amplifier specified in Example 4.12, find the values of Ay, and fy that result when the signal- Source resistance is reduced to 10 KO. aagm Rye RzISK get aisok Gelpr Growr ogee OOn OF, v G00 Rye) = FP 1 Oso ists = - 2.2 ioe. 7 mex = Sy C14 g RL) = 9 4PC be 1794) = 3ASb PE o = Ree HR acre 4 = Cee Pegs UF +3aceR =G25F, Rey ! = 374 He. ; Ene; = i G26px com DA, "Of, at, OF, OF, (RO= “ oh fon 00M 2a (lok liok)}= -10 why” =p.0lhs Tae Geib = 3.343 = 3P.2p Ala SPICE MOSFET Parameters 7 LEVEL Parkscular model &) LEVEL =] simplest model TABLE 4.7. Parameters ofthe SPICE Level-1 MOSFET Model (Partial Listing) srice Book Parameter Symbol Description Unis Basie Model Parameters LeveL MOSFET made selector TOx a Gate-onide thickness eae cox ¢ Gate-oxide capacitance, pr unit area Fn uo H ‘Carrier mobility em Ve, KP e Process transconductance parameter av LAMBDA a Channel-length modulation coefficient vt “Threshold Voltage Parameters vto Zero-bias threshold voltage v GAMMA Blody-efect parameter v NsuB Substrate doping e PHT Surface inversion potential v MOSFET Diode Parameters us Body. junction saturstion-current density Aim? ro Zerm bin body junction capaeence, per unit area Fi Mi Grading coefficient. for area component cisw Zero-bis body-junction capacitance, pe unit Tength aon cy the sidewall (periph) ofthe druivsouree resem wis Grading coefficient, or sidewall omponest Pe vs Body-janton built-in potential y MOSFET Dimension Parameters Lo 1 Lateral ison inthe shane ® wp Sideways tfson int the channel MOS Gate-Capacitance Parameters caso Gare-body overlap cpattance, per wait chase ierath F capo cuiw Gate-dain overlap capaciiance. per unit chanel width F caso cw Gate source overap capacitance, per nk har F Duelap Cop ELbedive LW Coun = WCGSO by = L=2LD oo. = WCGDO Way = W-2WD ¢, L-caBo ConmonEniter y= Bales Ryl(B+ 10, = gett rsrReliRo Bir lRelR) he Negleing Ry Rebbe eA Rd REAR) -BalReN RD) esas commen se Ae Dies serch

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