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Learning Materials # 2

The Self, Society, and Culture

Name: Marc Lawrence P. Tiglao ll Year&Section: BSIT-ETT1A

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Explain the relationship between and among the self, and society;
2. Discuss and describe the different ways by which society and culture shape the
3. Examine one’s self against the different views of the self; and,
4. Analyze and evaluate one’s socio-digital behaviors and identify ways to manage
them effectively.

Instructions: If you think the statement is correct, write agree, otherwise write disagree.
AGREE 1. Culture is important in the development of one’s social self.
DISAGREE 2. People you do not know do not affect your social self.
AGREE 3. One’s behavior is affected by the people around him or her.
AGREE 4. Social institutions have an influence on people’s lives.
DISAGREE 5. People don’t need other people to survive.
The Self
Activity 1. MEvolution
Instructions: Create a collage using your own picture to show how you developed from
the time you were born up to present. For each picture, write a caption to tell a story
about your own evolution. Focus on the physical challenges manifested while you were
growing up.
Use the space below to plan or outline your collage.

kindly click the picture to see my captions.

Activity 2. Me, Myself, and the Society
Process Questions:
1. What beliefs, values, and behaviors do you consider to be helpful to your
social self? Why?
I believe that one day my time will come too, my success, my dreams, my goal and it
will happen if I work hard and trust everything to God. The values that helpful to my
social self is my family, friends and the people surrounding my everyday life (INC). They
taught me to be contented, be simple, not to give up easily and don’t be arrogant. And
now I’m using everything they taught to me in facing this world, and I know it will be
useful in building the better me, and for the better social self of mine.
2. What beliefs, values, and behavior do you consider as detrimental to your
social self? Why?
Even though I know my limitations and competence, it is the doubt to myself, the
negativity that I always think, being afraid to fail or to do mistake that it’ll led people to
judge me, I always overthink in many things especially at night. I have so many what if
inside me. And that is what I considered as a detrimental to my social self because it
affects how I act to other people.

3. What new insights about your social self-do you have at this point?
I trust people easily, I’m afraid to strict people, I have low self-esteem, I doubt my ability
in what I do and I’m always afraid on what people thinking about me.

Activity 3. Metacognitive Reading Report

Instructions: Read the articles referenced and answer the items that follows:
1. Ellemers, N., Spears, R., & Doose, B. (2002). Self and social identity. Annual
Review of Psychology, 53, 161-186.
2. Markus, H., & Kitayama, S. (1991). Cultures and the Self: Implications for
cognition, emotion and motivation. Pychological Review, 98(2), 224-253.
1. List down three things that you significantly learned from the readings.

- Maintaining your self-identity or your character as an individual is important because it

strengthens your character. when we know who we are, when we have confidence in
our self and are able to identify our strengths, that, you can build yourself as a stronger
individual. And it will make you unique and distinguishes from everyone else.
-According to the importance of social context says that, we should not think about
certain social ways of life as intrinsically appealing or ugly. All things are considered, a
similar gathering enrollment might be seen either as personality improving or as
jeopardizing, a positive self-appreciation, contingent upon whether it analyzes well or
ominously to different gatherings that are applicable in that unique situation. For
example, though brain research understudies could build up a positive personality when
contrasting their intelligence with expressions understudies, or their inventiveness with
physical science understudies, they felt mediocre when contrasting themselves and
physical science understudies as far as insight, or with expressions understudies as far
as inventiveness.
- The independent construal is focusing on being independent to others, discovering
their own self such as thoughts, feelings, and action, and also influencing other. The
independent construal is popular in western culture, and most of them like to be alone,
minding their individual self and not that much sociable person. Unlike the
interdependent construal of the self, they act not just in themselves but also in others,
According to Lebra (1976), the Japanese are most fully human in the context of others.
Well it is very agreeably true, because of their respective way of treating other people,
and very fundamentally connected to other people. Which is very interdependent
construal of the self because of very high focus in the relationships with other and
concern with the ways in which they can benefit their social groups

2. List down three things that are still unclear to you.

-How about those migrant people, like they born in southern places but living in the
present in western, does it affect their “self” in having a different culture?
The Self and The Development of Social World
Activity 4. My Social Media
Instructions: Open any of your social media accounts. Review your posts and screen
capture those that you think show benign and toxic online disinhibitions. Why do you
think they are benign and toxic? Use the table below for your answer.
1. I think this post shows Because it shows how I
a benign disinhibition. feel and it doesn’t
affect someone in the
social media.

2. This post shows benign I didn’t expect to be in

disinhibition. this religion and now I
am an active member
of INC, It improve my
whole being and
development of myself

3. My post show a toxic Though this is just a fun

disinhibition. post for my friend, this
is also shows a toxic,
because in social
media, everyone can
see your post, and the
captions there is, I am
giving a false rumor
about them being a

4. This post show a toxic Because of having an

online disinhibitions. embarrassing content.

5. assistance in resolving
interpersonal and
conflicts. And it can be
motivational to others.
Activity 5. Reflection
Instructions: Take a look at the things you post on your social media accounts and
answer the following questions:
1. Based on the things you post, what can you say about your online
I checked my timeline in Facebook, and I observe that I am not that open in social
media, some of my post in timeline are from the tagged, though I know that too. If I will
rate my activeness in social media in 1-10, I’ll rate myself in 4, because I open my
account for only one reason, and that is for my any connection related to my school and
study, I am not into a relationship for now for a reason of I want to focus more in my
study and hopefully 4 years from now, I can see myself in the list of graduates. My
timeline post is all a tagged photos such as in my church (INC) and the other are from
my school before.
2. How do you feel about your posts?
I am happy and fortunate. I have seen that in the past years of my life, in the many
trials that have gone through, I can say that I am happy where I am now and who
are the ones I am with and meet on my everyday living, they’re one of the reason
how I become better.

3. Have you ever been involved in social media conflicts? If yes, explain how,
and if no, explain your general feeling toward social media conflicts.
In general, I have never been involved in a social media conflict, because I always think
everything I do, and I make sure that my account is always secured in every situation
that may happen. My general feeling about social media conflict? I feel confuse,
because in just a wrong phrase or the way you express the sentence, it can affect you
and your daily lives, because the information spreads fast. And your main point will
never be clear in social media because it is just a virtual, it can’t express what you truly
What can you do to avoid social media conflicts in the future?
I think ignoring people’s company will avoid you in conflicts, like don’t react on
someone’s posts. And be nice every time, be respectful. And to avoid hackers, always
have a backup information and number, so that you can avoid being hacked.
The Self and Culture
Activity 6.
Instructions: Write a one-paragraph essay about the question below:
How do you observe the behaviors of Filipinos here and abroad?

The behavior of a Filipino doesn’t change, it grows. Base on my knowledge in a Filipino who works
abroad, is that the thing they usually do or the behavior they have in here is also the same on what
they do in other countries, like for example, those cuisine they serve. Sometimes they carry it or they
influence those foreign people on what food we are eating here in the Philippines, and they loved it.
My main point is Filipino’s behavior doesn’t change, it grows and expand. They can adjust easily in
what country they go, that’s why a lot of foreign people love our country because of many OFW they
have socialized and they know that we are a very good people, though not everyone but mostly, and
also a lot of Filipino parents who stayed or been a citizen of other countries because they marry
someone there, they never forget to teach their children of all the Filipinos language, cultures,
behavior, and etc. They never forget where their life started, and that Filipinos are proud for.

Ofalia et al. (2019). Understanding the Self ( Outcome-Based Module ). C & E Publiching, Inc.

Prepared by:
Assist. Prof. IV

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