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Lesson 1.2

Activity 1-B. Describe in brief the interrelationships between Science and Technology.

Technology solves problems with science, and science discovers new things with technology.
However, the goals of science and technology are not the same. The goal of science is to answer questions
and increase knowledge. The goal of technology is to find solutions to practical problems. Despite their
disparate goals, science and technology coexist and help each other advance. Scientific knowledge is used
to develop new technologies such as the space telescope. New technologies frequently enable scientists to
explore nature in novel ways.
Science and technology will provide fertile ground for creating deeper understandings of both by
focusing on the contradictions between these main aspects of being ‘human.' The convergent borders
between the perceived made and natural worlds, the true and virtual, the potentially unlikely and future
likely, all necessitate that students establish some contextual cross domain awareness, in addition to in-
depth understandings of both science and technology.

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