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Problem set 1

1. A steel tape is 100m long at 60oC with a pull of 10 kg. A line

was measured and found to be 510.02m. when the temperature
was 65oC using the same pull. If the coefficient of expansion is
0.0000065 m/oC, what is the correct length of the line?
2. A baseline was measured using a 100m. tape which is
standardized 15oC with a standard pull of 10kg. The recorded
distance was found out to be 430.60 meters. At the time of
measurement the temperature was 20oC and the pull exerted was
16 kg. Determine the true length of the base if the weight of one
cubic cm. of steel is 7.86 gr. Weight of tape is 2.67kg, E = 2 x 106
kg/cm2, K = 7x10-7 m/oC.

3. A 50m steel tape weighs 0.04kg/m and is supported at its end

points and at the 10-m and 25-m marks. If a pull of 8kg is applied,
determine the following:

a. Correction due to sag between the 0-m & 10-m marks, 10-m &
25-m marks, and the 25-m & 50-m marks.
b. Correction due to sag for one tape length.
c. Correct distance between the ends of the tape.

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