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(Notes are color-coded to match my notebook so you can see order and stay with the order for organization)

EQ: What is the function of the Respiratory System?

To obtain O2 and eliminate CO2

EQ: What are the 2 conducting passages for breathing?

1. Upper Respiratory Tract
Nasal Cavity, Pharynx (Throat), Larynx (Voice Box)
2. Lower Respiratory Tract
Trachea (Windpipe), Bronchi, Lungs
These organs are lined with mucous membranes. In some
areas, the membranes have hairs that help filter the air while
other regions move mucus.

EQ: What is the pathway of air?

NostrilsLarynxTracheaBronchiBronchiolesAlveoli in the Lungs
**This is where you will make the chest vest from the “Breathe In, Breathe
Out” worksheet; look in the module as it is labeled to match this
EQ: What are the processes that involve respiration?
1. Ventilation (inhalation & exhalation)
2. Transport of gases (O2 & CO2) through diffusion (passive
transport) at higher to lower without using energy to
complete; exchanges gases between the alveoli and the
capillaries surrounding them inside the lungs (PICTURE
you need to draw goes here; it is in the module in my
notebook pics and it will also be in class on the board)
3. Cellular respiration
4. Perfusion (cardiovascular system pumps blood
throughout the lungs)
EQ: How is O2 transported in the blood?
**O2 is not very soluble in liquid so---
1. A small amount (1.5%) is carried in the plasma (liquid)
portion of blood
2. The other 98.5% is bound to the protein hemoglobin in
red blood cells
**Hemoglobin saturation at 100% means that every part of
the heme structure in the red blood cells is bound to O2;
normal healthy individuals should have a Hb (hemoglobin)
saturation rate of 95-99%
**When hemoglobin is NOT transporting O2, it tends to have
a bluish-purple tint to it creating the maroon color of
deoxygenated blood
EQ: How is CO2 transported in blood?
1. A small amount (5%) is carried in plasma as dissolved gas
2. Some CO2 (10%) binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells
forming carbaminohemoglobin (See pic from my
notebook in module that you will need to draw-we will
also do this in class on the board)
3. Most CO2 (85%) is transported as dissolved bicarbonate
ions (HCO3-) in the plasma

EQ: What is COPD & emphysema?

COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Inflammatory lung disease that blocks or obstructs the
airflow from the lungs; symptoms include difficulty breathing,
cough, mucus production, wheezing usually from smoking.
Can further lead to heart disease & lung cancer.

Emphysema: condition where the alveoli at the ends of the

bronchioles are destroyed by smoking; this means that CO2 &
O2 cannot be exchanged properly between capillaries &
alveoli for ventilation. Emphysema can also lead to COPD.

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