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7 Steps to Develop an Effective Marketing

Communications Strategy
1. The Better You Know Your Audience, the Better You (& Your Team) Can Appeal to
their Interests

All successful marketing efforts begin with a thorough understanding of your audience. Start
by analyzing your current clients and why they chose your products or services. Don't have
enough data to get the full picture? Put a research plan in place to help fill in any gaps
relating to demographics, purchase patterns and other insights into when, where, why and
how people purchase your products.

2. Uncover Your Unique Selling Proposition

Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is the main benefit that, when communicated
effectively, drives sales of your product or service. It focuses on a unique problem that you
solve better than anyone else. Your USP must be compelling and strong enough to move
people to act. Your USP will be central to all of your marketing communications, so don't
take this step lightly.

3. Sharpen Your Brand Look and Feel

From logos to business cards and marketing collateral, your brand must speak to the
customer in a contemporary, relevant manner. It needs to support your operational USP
and accurately represent your market position – don't mislead your audience by creating a
marquee brand if you're aiming to be a low-cost option. Be honest, sincere and true to the
heart of your business.

4. Ensure that All Messaging is Consistent

While most people think of logo and stationary when it comes to branding, your brand voice
is equally important. A good place to start is to generate a few key positioning statements to
feature in your communications. Start with a tagline, single sentence version and then a
standard short paragraph. Try spooling out a handful of key messages (up to 5) that your
company should be communicating (note that they cannot all be in all places). Outline key
descriptive words to use and not use, and make sure that your new messaging standards
are adhered to in all future communications.

5. Choose Your Marketing Mix

With all of the recent advancements in online marketing, there are more ways to
communicate than ever before. Every industry and brand is unique, so there is no standard
marketing mix that will work for everyone. The key is to understand your options, and
choose a media mix that fits your audience (where do they spend their time / attention),
budget and marketing communications goals.

6. Establish Marcom Success Measurements (Metrics)

Whatever the medium and message, ensure that your communications are measurable.
Whether its email open rates, social media exposure or direct mail response rates, establish
key communications goals and put systems in place to chart your success. Tie this data in
with sales metrics to get a true sense of what's working and what's not.

7. Manage Leads and Client Data

You know your audience, you've built your brand and you've told your story. People are
interested – now what? A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is a database
of your contacts (customers, prospects, others) that allows you to organize information
(contact info, records, files, calls, emails, etc) to streamline and scale sales and marketing
processes. This will help you better understand how clients move through the sales funnel
and help you close more leads.

Successful marketing communications efforts are much more than a shot in the dark. Each
of these seven steps needs to be explored to the fullest in order to gain the greatest return
on investment possible.
There are various ways to increase the market in the tourism industry. The use of a brand name in

getting the public’s attention works well or method of regional cooperation in tourism (Rong and Mu,

2013), however, the use of advertising as the primary means of success requires a carefully analysis of

the tools in the fields of scientific, social and economic behavior. Advertising is defined as the activity or

profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services (Moradkhani, 2014). The

tourism industry must use advertising as the primary tool for its professional gain. The successful

promotion of tourism in each country is based on cultural values, and the professionals understanding of

advertising and its values. Professional advertising can be seen as a winning tool for the economic

development both inside and outside of the given country. Inappropriate, insufficient, inadequate

advertising can be waste of money and energy. The advertiser is required to identify the target audience

and tourism and which will increase tourism, investments and other positive behavior dependent on the

volume of the advertising aimed to attract the tourists. Discussion and results in tourism advertising, in

print, television and radio stations, each stage has a specific affect on tourism industry. Each country's

tourism industry can generally be measured by its ability and plan and after reviewing the country's

interest and need for the industry; then strategies can be planned and improve the development of the

industry (Ketabchi and Mohammad, 2004). Nevertheless, when is advertising not enough? How to plan

an advertisement for a positive effect on the industry? The newest method recent used for advertising is

slogans. The manner in which the facts has a greater effect on the audience‟s mind. However, an

advertising slogan must five questions to answer. 1. What is the slogans value and it proposition? 2.

Who will find the proposition meaningful? 3. How does the slogan differentiate the destination from

these in the competitive set? 4. How is the message lively to be memorable? 5. Has the proposition

been designed to the long term? (Pike, 2004) Of course, sometimes accompanied by changing is the

name of the country and other times even the name of the country, not taken into account and

sometimes a combination of both. For example, is this motto Hungary? “You are from hungry. Are you

hungry?” Also, sometimes may be used for a country or region to introduce the concepts of a political

slogans (Vary, 2010). Some of these famous advertising slogans mentioned in the following table.

International Journal of Geography and Geology,

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