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MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer of your choice and send it to your instructors’
FB Messenger @ Gerry Ac on the specified date and time. Failure to follow what was instructed will turn
this test null and void.

1. The inventors of the wheel

a. Egyptians b. Sumerians c. Greeks d. Romans
2. The builders of the aqueduct and colosseum
a. Egyptians b. Sumerians c. Greeks d. Romans
3. These people perfected the art of mummification
a. Egyptians b. Sumerians c. Greeks d. Romans
4. Geographical discoveries and printing were the two major developments of this period
a. Renaissance b. Middle Ages c. Industrial Revolutions d. Ancient times
5. An alloy of copper and tin
a. steel b. iron c. gold d. bronze
6. Machineries first revolutionized
a. cities b. farms c. factories d. castles
7. Power source during the industrial revolution
a. Radium b. Coal c. Gasoline d. Steam
8. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in physiology for his invention of the electrocardiograph.
a. Nobel b. Einthoven c. Hollerith d. Graves Otis
9. He was the inventor of the first refrigerator in 1834.
a. Hollerith b. Einthoven c. Graves Otis d. Parkin
10. An American who devised the first electronic computer.
a. Biro b. Hollerith c. Nobel d. Einthoven


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