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Award Notice

Country: Indonesia
Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank
Reference: BMZ 2017 67 383
Project: Forestry Programme V: Social Forestry Support Programme
Procurement: Implementation consultant
Winning Contractor: GFA Consulting Group GmbH (Germany)
Contract dates: 23 August 2021 – 22 August 2028
Contract amount: EUR 3,459,866 (includes cost of junior expert excluded from financial
Brief Description of contract:
The project supports the Government of Indonesia to work with community forest user
groups and local administrations to improve forest ecosystems and local livelihoods. The
three intended outputs of the programme are:
 Social forestry related capacity of all relevant stakeholders (such as PSKL, BPSKL,
Dinas Kehutanan, Pokja PPS and KPH staff and communities in the field of social
forestry) has improved
 Financially sustainable and climate-resilient forestry models are applied by local
 Harmonization of social forestry related policies within DitJen PSKL and between
other involved agencies has improved
Requested consulting services:
Qualified consulting agencies (alone or in cooperation) with proven regional expertise are
invited to submit applications. The consultants shall provide the following national and
international expertise:
 Social/community forestry
 Capacity building for forest-management groups and agencies supporting them
 Forest-based community enterprise development
 Community forest management and land-use planning
 Monitoring, evaluation and lesson learning
 Environmental and social safeguards
Consulting Services
for "Forest
Deadline: 16.00 local time on
Programme V: Social
Thursday 29 October 2020
Forestry Support
Country: Indonesia
Deadline: Thursday 29 October 2020
Ref.: International, open Tender for Consultancy Services for
Programme Implementation
Project Executing Agency:
The PEA is the Directorate-General of Social Forestry and
Environmental Partnership (Perhutanan Sosial dan Kemitraan
Lingkungan, PSKL), Ministry of Environment and Forestry,
Republic of Indonesia
Project brief:
The “Forest Programme V: Social Forestry Support programme”
(Project ID, BMZ Nr. 2017 67 383) supports the Government of
Indonesia to work with community forest user groups and local
administrations to improve forest ecosystems and local
livelihoods. The three intended outputs of the programme are:
 Social forestry related capacity of all relevant
stakeholders (such as PSKL, BPSKL, Dinas Kehutanan,
Pokja PPS and KPH staff and communities in the field of
social forestry) has improved
 Financially sustainable and climate-resilient forestry
models are applied by local communities
 Harmonization of social forestry related policies within
DitJen PSKL and between other involved agencies has
Requested consulting services:
Qualified consulting agencies (alone or in cooperation) with
proven regional expertise are invited to submit applications. The
consultants shall provide the following national and international
1. Social/community forestry
2. Capacity building for forest-management groups and
agencies supporting them
3. Forest-based community enterprise development
4. Community forest management and land-use planning
5. Monitoring, evaluation and lesson learning
6. Environmental and social safeguards
The selected consultants or consortia will have proven experience
and a minimum average annual turnover of EUR 2,000,000 over
the last three years.

Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau  Palmengartenstraße 5–9  60325 Frankfurt  Tel.: (069) 7431-0  Fax: (069) 74312944

The pre-qualification of experienced consultants is subject to the

regulations contained in the KfW Guidelines for the Assignment of
Consultants in Financial Cooperation with Developing Countries,

The original application shall be submitted to the tender agent before the deadline stated above at
the following address:
Pete Wood
6 Anglers Way

Contact (for courier delivery only): +44 1223 470618

Two copies of the Application shall be submitted to the following address:

Ir. Muhammad Said, MM

Director of Conflict Interest, Tenurial Affairs, and
Customary Forest Management
Manggala Wanabhakti Building Blok IV floor 4
Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Central Jakarta,
Indonesia 10270

Phone & Fax: 021 57854198 (for courier delivery only)


On-time receipt of the original at the address in UK will be

decisive for inclusion in the evaluation.

Bidders should contact the tender agent, Mr. Pete Wood

( for full details of the pre-
qualification requirements.

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