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Drive Thru History—American History

Episode 7
Philadelphia, Thaddeus Kosciuszko, Germantown, Benjamin Chew House,
Fort Mifflin, Valley Forge

Philadelphia and Thaddeus Kosciuszko

1. What is often referred to as America’s smallest national park?

2. What nation was Kosciuszko’s native country?

3. What school did Kosciuszko attend during his early years?

4. Who recruited Thaddeus Kosciuszko to fight with the Americans?

5. Why was Benjamin Franklin in France?

A. To stir up French support for the Americans

B. To learn how the French military fought
C. To keep a closer eye on Britain

6. What was Thaddeus Kosciuszko’s first task in America as head engineer?

7. What was it about the Declaration of Independence that moved Kosciuszko so

much after he read it? How does the Declaration continue to affect people of all
nationalities today?

8. Thaddeus Kosciuszko was Thomas Jefferson’s guest at _________________ on

many occasions.

9. Kosciuszko was recognized by both Congress and George Washington for his
service in the Continental Army. What do you think these honors say about
Kosciuszko’s character?
10. What did Thaddeus Kosciuszko ask to be done with his estate when he left America
for the second time?

11. Among whose tombs is Kosciuszko buried?


12. Where did the British go after they captured Philadelphia?

13 What success was Washington hoping for by attacking the British at Germantown?

14. As part of the attack at Germantown, Washington divided his army into ________

15. In whose house did the British barricade themselves during the Americans’
surprise attack?

16. Why do you think the British commanders telling their men that the Americans
wanted revenge motivated the British to fight ferociously?

17. What advantages did the Benjamin Chew House give the British over the

18. True or False: Most of the Americans were shot before they reached the house.

19. Why did Washington’s plan at Germantown fail?

20. What odd incident happened after the battle at Germantown?

21. What character qualities did General Washington display when he chose to return
General Howe’s dog to him unhurt?
Fort Mifflin

22. Beside which river was Fort Mifflin constructed?

23. Who was the head of the committee that oversaw the defense of Pennsylvania?

24. What is an iron horse?

25. When did the British take control of Philadelphia?

26. The bombing of Fort Mifflin remains the most ____________ ________________
in North American history.

27. Even though the British siege of Fort Mifflin was successful, how did the Americans’
heroic stand help General Washington?

28. What does Cornelius Stotts’ letter to his wife show us about life during the siege of
Fort Mifflin and colonial life in general?

29. What do the Dotts House at Fort Mifflin and Washington D.C. have in common?

Valley Forge

30. Strategically, why was Valley Forge an excellent winter camp?

31. Baron Friedrich von Steuben was a harsh drill master, who nonetheless, served the
American army in a vital way. Name one negative and one positive reaction the
American soldiers may have felt toward their Prussian drill teacher.

32. Despite its suffering, describe in your own words some of the blessings that came
out of Valley Forge?
Drive Thru History—American History
Episode 7
Philadelphia, Thaddeus Kosciuszko, Germantown, Benjamin Chew House,
Fort Mifflin, Valley Forge

Answer Key

Philadelphia and Thaddeus Kosciuszko

1. What is often referred to as America’s smallest national park?

A. The house of Thaddeus Kosciuszko

2. What nation was Kosciuszko’s native country?

A. Poland

3. What school did Kosciuszko attend during his early years?

A. A Purist School

4. Who recruited Thaddeus Kosciuszko to fight with the Americans?

A. Benjamin Franklin

5. Why was Benjamin Franklin in France?

A. To stir up French support for the Americans

B. To learn how the French military fought
C. To keep a closer eye on Britain

A. A

6. What was Thaddeus Kosciuszko’s first task in America as head engineer?

A. Fortify the banks of the Delaware River against British ships

7. What was it about the Declaration of Independence that moved Kosciuszko so

much after he read it? How does the Declaration continue to affect people of all
nationalities today?

A. Answers may vary.

8. Thaddeus Kosciuszko was Thomas Jefferson’s guest at _________________ on
many occasions.

A. Monticello

9. Kosciuszko was recognized by both Congress and George Washington for his
service in the Continental Army. What do you think these honors say about
Kosciuszko’s character?

A. Answers will vary.

10. What did Thaddeus Kosciuszko ask to be done with his estate when he left America
for the second time?

A. Provide for the freedom, education, and land of freed slaves

11. Among whose tombs is Kosciuszko buried?

A. The Polish kings


12. Where did the British go after they captured Philadelphia?

A. Germantown

13 What success was Washington hoping for by attacking the British at Germantown?

A. British-held Philadelphia would fall to the Americans.

14. As part of the attack at Germantown, Washington divided his army into ________

A. Four

15. In whose house did the British barricade themselves during the Americans’
surprise attack?

A. Benjamin Chew
16. Why do you think the British commanders telling their men that the Americans
wanted revenge motivated the British to fight ferociously?

A. Answers will vary.

17. What advantages did the Benjamin Chew House give the British over the

A. Gave them a commanding view of sight while protected them from the

18. True or False: Most of the Americans were shot before they reached the house.

A. True

19. Why did Washington’s plan at Germantown fail?

A. It was too complicated and relied on everything going right.

20. What odd incident happened after the battle at Germantown?

A. General Howe’s dog was found by the Americans.

21. What character qualities did General Washington display when he chose to return
General Howe’s dog to him unhurt?

A. Answers will vary.

Fort Mifflin

22. Beside which river was Fort Mifflin constructed?

A. Delaware River

23. Who was the head of the committee that oversaw the defense of Pennsylvania?

A. Benjamin Franklin

24. What is an iron horse?

A. Iron horses were five-foot-long iron spikes driven into timbers which were
attached to boxes full of stones.
25. When did the British take control of Philadelphia?

A. After Washington’s defeat at Brandywine (September 1777)

26. The bombing of Fort Mifflin remains the most ____________ ________________
in North American history.

A. brutal bombardment

27. Even though the British siege of Fort Mifflin was successful, how did the Americans’
heroic stand help General Washington?

A. Gave him more time to retreat to Valley Forge

28. What does Cornelius Stotts’ letter to his wife show us about life during the siege of
Fort Mifflin and colonial life in general?

A. Answers may vary.

29. What do the Dotts House at Fort Mifflin and Washington D.C. have in common?

A. They were both designed by architect Pierre Charles L'Enfant.

Valley Forge

30. Strategically, why was Valley Forge an excellent winter camp?

A. The river and two creeks forced attackers to run uphill. It was also just the
right distance from Philadelphia.

31. Baron Friedrich von Steuben was a harsh drill master, who nonetheless, served the
American army in a vital way. Name one negative and one positive reaction the
American soldiers may have felt toward their Prussian drill teacher.

A. Answers will vary.

32. Despite its suffering, describe in your own words some of the blessings that came
out of Valley Forge?

A. Answers will vary.

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