Rtune Preliminary Test 1 - With G Da Ce

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Preliminary Test 1 - with guidance inopportune (adj) an inopportune moment or

time is not suitable or good for something.

cantankerous (adj) bad-tempered and
complaining a lot. retract (v) if part of an animal's body retracts or
is retracted, it moves back into the main part.
impertinent (adj) rude and not respectful,
especially to someone who is older or more restitut
ion (n) the act of giving back something
important. that was lost or stolen to its owner, or of
paying for damage.
unleash (v) 1 to suddenly let a strong force,
feeling etc. have its full effect, 2 to let a dog retaliation (n) action against someone who has
run free after it has been held. done something bad to you.
pit sb/sth against (v phr) to test your supplication (n) to ask or pray for help from
strength, ability, power etc. against someone someone in power or from God.
else. strain (n) a breed or type of animal, plant etc.
hubris (n) great and unreasonable pride. antigen (n) a substance that makes the body
outwit (v) to gain an advantage over someone produce antibodies.
using tricks or clever plans. compatible (adj) 1 compatible machines,
dishearten (v) to lose hope and the methods, ideas etc. can exist together or be
determination to continue doing something. used together without causing problems, 2
two people that are compatible are able to
a fish out of water (phr) feeling
have a good relationship.
uncomfortable because you are in an
unfamiliar place or situation.
clench (v) clench your fists/teeth/jaw etc. to hold
your hands, teeth etc. together tightly, usually
Preliminary Test 2
because you feel angry or determined. thrive (v) if something such as a company or
plant thrives, it becomes very successful or ve
clutch (v) to hold something or someone tightly,

strong and healthy.

especially because you are frightened, in pain,
or do not want to lose something. trot (v) to run fairly slowly, taking short steps.
veritable (adj) a word used to emphasize a hide (n) an animal's skin, especially when it has
comparison that you think is correct. been removed to be used for leather.
diversify (v) to make a business or economy sheath (v) to be enclosed in a protective outer
start to produce a range of different products cover.
or services.
disengage (v) to separate something from
manifest (v) to show a feeling, attitude etc. something else that is fastened to it or holding
enumerate (v) to name a list of things one by
one. disentangle (v) to remove knots from ropes,
strings etc. that have become twisted or tied
diffident (adj) shy and unwilling to make
people notice you or talk about you.
digress (v) to move away from the main subjec:
precept (n) a rule on which a way of thinking or
that you are talking or writing about.
behaving is based.
prevalent (adj) common at a particular time or
ingratiating (adj) trying too hard to get
in a particular place.
someone's approval.
eminent (adj) an eminent person is famous and
imperceptible (adj) an imperceptible change,
admired by many people.
movement etc. is difficult to see or notice
because it is very small.

imminent (adj) an event that is imminent wi/1 symbiotic (adj) to describe the relationship
happen very soon. between two different living things that
depend on each other for particular
utter (adj) utter failure/rubbish/fool etc. a
complete failure etc.
algae (n) a very simple plant without stems or
inimitable (adj) too good or skilful for anyone
leaves that grows in or near water.
else to copy with the same high standard.
mollusc (n) a type of sea or land animal that
sibling (n) a brother or sister.
has a soft body covered by a hard shell.
progeny (n) the descendants of a person,
degradation (n) the process by which
animal, or plant form, or the things that can
something changes to a worse condition.
develop from something else.
prohibitive (adj) prohibitive prices are so high
enlist (v) to join the army, navy etc.
that they prevent people from buying
engrossed (adj) so interested in something that something.
you do not notice anything else.
protracted (adj) lasting a long time, especially
nucleus (n) a small, important group at the longer than usual, or necessary.
center of a larger group or organization.
adjourn (v) if a meeting or law court adjourns,
recur (v) if something, especially something bad or if the person in charge adjourns it, it
or unpleasant, recurs, it happens again. finishes or stops for a short time.
slump (v) to suddenly go down in price, value, stagger (v) to walk or move unsteadily, almost
or number. falling over.
wilt (v) if a plant wilts, it bends over because it trudge (v) to walk with slow, heavy steps,
is too dry or old. especially because you are tired.
droop (v) to hang or bend downwards. pace (n) 1 the speed at which you walk or run,
sag (v) to sink or bend downwards and away 2 the rate or speed at which something
from the usual position. happens or at which someone does
venture (n) a new business activity that involves
taking risks. concede (v) to admit that something is true or
correct although you wish it was not true.
blemish (n) a small mark, especially a mark on
someone's skin or on the surface of an object, assent (v) to agree to a suggestion, idea etc.
that spoils its appearance. after considering it carefully.

doctrine (n) a belief or set of beliefs that form bequeath (v) to officially arrange for someone
the main part of a religion or system of ideas. to have something that you own after your
material (adj) important and having a
noticeable effect. precedent (n) something of the same type that
has happened or existed before.
culprit (n) the reason for a particular problem or
d ifficu lty. witless (adj) not very intelligent or sensible; silly.

squander (v) to spend money or use your time makeshift (adj) made for temporary use when
carelessly on things that are not useful. you need something and there is nothing
better available.
eschew (v) to deliberately avoid doing or using
something, usually for moral, religious, or timber (n) wood used for building or making
practica! reasons. things, or the trees that produce this wood.
termite (n) an insect that eats and destroys
wood from trees and buildings.
Preliminary Test 3 drag (v) to pull someone or something along the
ground, often because they are too heavy to
pore (n) one of the small hales in your skin that
liquid, especially sweat can pass through, ora
similar hole in the surface of a plant.

sawmill (n) a factory where logs are cut into rustle (v) if leaves, papers, clothes etc. rustle, or
boards using a machine. if you rustle them, they make a noise as they
rub against each other.
devise (v) to plan or invent a way of doing
something, especially something complicated hassle (v) to be continuously asking someone to
and clever. do something in a way that annoys them.
canopy (n) something that spreads above you hustle (v) to make someone move quickly, hurry.
like a roof.
raffle (v) to offer something as a prize in a raffle
humid (adj) weather that is humid makes you (a kind of competition or game).
feel uncomfortable because the air feels very
tactile (adj) connected with your sense of
hot and wet.
bio-diversity (n) variety of plant and animal
savor (n) a taste or smell, especially one that is
contamination (n) bad effect on something puff (v) to breathe quickly and with difficulty
caused by poison ora dangerous substance.
after running, carrying something heavy etc.
pout (v) to push out your lips because you are
Preliminary Test 4 annoyed orto look sexually attractive.

roam (v) to walk or travel, usually for a long grimace (v) to twist your face in an ugly way
time, with no clear purpose or direction. because you are feeling pain, or because you
are trying to be funny.
devoted (adj) showing great love and loyalty for
someone or something. gloat (v) to show in an unpleasant way that you
are happy about your own success or about
orchard (n) a place where fruit trees are grown. someone else's failure.
span (v) to include all of a particular space or undaunted (adj) not afraid of continuing to try
a rea. to do something in spite of difficulties or
blossom (v) if trees blossom, they produce danger.
flowers. expulsion (n) the process of sending a person
endurance (n) the ability to suffer difficulties or or group of people away from a place often by
pain with strength and patience. using force.
rear (v) to look after a person or animal until exemption (n) permission not to do something
they are fully grown. you would normally have to do.
bear (v) if a tree bears fruit, it produces fruit. agitate (v) to make someone feel anxious,
upset, and nervous.
saga (n) a long story, especially one that
continues over a period of many years. beset (v) to make someone experience serious
problems or dangers.
hurtle (v) if something, especially something big
or heavy, hurtles somewhere, it moves or falls incite (v) to deliberately encourage people to
very fast. cause trouble, fight, argue etc.
candid (adj) directly truthful, even when the forage (v) to go around searching for food or
truth may be unpleasant or embarrassing. other supplies.
frank (adj) honest and truthful in what you say. pollen (n) a fine powder produced by flowers,
which is carried by the wind or by insects to
ramification (n) an additional result of
other flowers of the same type making them
something you do, which may not have been
produce seeds.
clear when you first decided to do it.
nectar (n) the sweet liquid that bees collect
bequest (n) money or property which you
from flowers.
arrange to give to someone after your death.
hive (n) a small box where bees are kept.
drone (n) a male bee that does no work.

scavenge (v) if an animal scavenges, it eats lurch (v) to move suddenly forwards or
anything that it can find. sideways, usually because you cannot control
your movements.
scarcity (n) situation in which there is not
enough of something. twitch (v) if a part of someone's body twitches,
it makes a small, sudden, uncontrolled
flee (v) to leave somewhere very quickly in order
to escape from danger.
plunge (v) to move, fall, or be thrown suddenly
Preliminary Test 5 dart (v) to move suddenly and quickly in a
longevity (n) long life. pa rticu lar di rection.
periphery (n) the outer area or edge that incur (v) to put yourself in an unpleasant
surrounds a place. situation by your own actions, so that you lose
something, get punished etc.
onus (n) the responsibility for something.
trigger (v) to make something happen very
foster (v) 1 to take someone else's child into
quickly, especially a series of violent events.
your family for a period of time but without
becoming their legal parent, 2 to help a skill, synchron
ize (v) to arrange for two or more
feeling, idea etc. develop over a period of actions to happen at exactly the same time.
time. drape (v) to cover or decorate something with
stipend (n) an amount of money paid regularly folds of cloth.
to someone such as a priest or student as slash (v) a word used especially in newspapers
wages or money to live on.
and advertising meaning to greatly reduce an
collaborative (adj) collaborative effort/work amount, price etc.
/project etc. involving two or more people shuffle (v) to mix playing cards around into a
working together to achieve something.
different order before playing a game with
counterfeit (adj) made to look exactly like them.
something else.
sift (v) to put flour, sugar etc. through a sieve or
expendable (adj) no longer useful or important similar container in order to remove large
so that you can get rid of it. pieces.
extracurricular (adj) extracurricular activities shrivel (v) if something shrivels or is shriveled, it
are not part of the course that a student is becomes smaller and its surface is covered in
doing. lines because it is very dry or old.
terrestrial (adj) connected with the Earth rather snuggle (v) to settle into a warm comfortable
than with the moon or other planets. position.
detour (v) to make a detour (a way of going pasture (n) land or a field that is covered with
from one place to another that is longer than grass and is used for cattle, sheep etc. to feed
the usual way). Oíl.

contour (n) the shape of the outer edges of indigenous (adj) indigenous animals, plants
something such asan area of land or etc. have always lived or grown naturally in the
someone's body. place where they are, as opposed to others
that were brought there.
retain (v) to keep something or continue to
have something. detrimental (adj) causing harm or damage.
engender (v) to be the cause of a situation or
Preliminary Test 6
brandish (v) to wave something around in a
dangerous or threatening way, especially a
stir (v) to make something move slightly.
weapon. peek (v) to look quickly at something, especially
something that you are not supposed to see.
pulsate (v) to make sounds or movements that
are strong and regular like a heart beating.

glance (v) to quickly look at someone or collate (v) to gather information together,
something once. examine it carefully, and compare it with other
information to find any differences.
peer (v) to look very carefully or hard, especially
because you are having difficulty in seeing. intersect (v) if two lines or roads intersect, they
meet or go across each other.
gaze (v) to look at someone or something for a
long time, giving it all your attention often impair (v) to make something less good than it
without realizing you are doing so. usually is or less good than it should be.
rapids (n pi) part of a river where the water propensity (n) a natural tendency to behave in
looks white because it is moving very fast over a particular way.
inflame (v) to make someone's feelings of
rivulet (n) a very small stream of liquid, anger, excitement etc. much stronger.
especially water.
covenant (n) a formal agreement between two
geyser (n) a natural spring of hot water that or more people.
sometimes rises suddenly into the air.
deluge (v) to send a very large number of
capitulate (v) to accept or agree to something letters, questions etc. to someone ali at the
that you have been opposing until now. same time.
dignify (v) to make something or someone indulge (v) to let someone have or do whatever
seem better or more important than they really they want, even if it is bad for them.
are by using a particular word to describe
cater for (phr v) to provide a particular group of
people with everything that they need or
encapsulate (v) to put the main facts or ideas want.
of something in a short form ora small space.
indispensable (adj) someone or something
succumb(v) to stop opposing someone or that is indispensable is so important or useful
something that is stronger than you, and allow that it is impossible to manage without them.
them to take control.
peruse (v) to read something, especially in a
careful way. Preliminary Test 8

devious (adj) using dishonest tricks and stumble on/across(phr v) to discover

deceiving people in order to get what you something or meet someone by chance and
want. unexpectedly.

despondent (adj) unhappy and not hopeful. oblique (adj) not looking or pointing directly at
embed (v) to fix something firmly and deeply
into something else. subsist (v) to stay alive on only small amounts
of food or money.
concurrent (adj) existing or happening at the
Preliminary Test 7 same time.
granary (n) a place where grain, especially repulse (v) if something or someone repulses
wheat, is stored. you, you feel they are very unpleasant.
silo (n) a tall structure like a tower that is used apprehend (v) if a criminal is apprehended,
for storing grain, winter food for farm animals they are found and taken away by the police;
etc. arrest.
congregate (v) to come together in a group. commiserate (v) to express your sympathy for
someone who is unhappy about something.
accumulate (v) to gradually get more and more
money, possessions, knowledge etc. over a acquit (v) to give a decision in a court of law
period of time. that someone is not guilty of a crime.
throng (v) if people throng a place, they go garbled (adj) a garbled statement or report is
there in large numbers. very unclear and confusing.

fumble (v) to hold or try and move something put sb down (phr v) to keep criticizing
with your hands carelessly or awkwardly. someone in front of other people.
crucial (adj) something that is crucial is be taken in (phr v) to be completely deceived
extremely important because everything else by someone so that you believe a lie.
depends on it.
inhibited (adj) not confident or relaxed enough
limb (n) an arm or leg. to do or say what you want to.
fin (n) one of the thin body parts that a fish uses abundance (n) a large quantity of something.
to swim.
culmination (n) the culmination of the final or
mutate (v) if a plant or animal mutates, it highest point that is reached after a long
develops a feature that makes it different from period of effort or development.
other plants or animals of the same kind,
indignant (adj) expressing anger and surprise,
because of a change in its genetic structure.
because you feel insulted or unfairly treated.
forebear (n) someone who was a member of
infatuated (adj) having unreasonably strong
your family a long time in the past.
feelings of love, but only for a short time and
especially for someone that you do not know
very well.
Final Test 1 - with guidance
solvent (adj) having enough money to pay your
quotient (n) the number which is obtained debts.
when one number is divided by another.
consensus(n) an opinion that everyone in a
portent (n) a sign or warning that something is group will agree with or accept.
going to happen.
salvation (n) something that prevents danger,
potent (adj) having a powerful effect or loss, or failure.
influence on your body or mind.
obtuse (adj) slow to understand things, in a
lineage (n) the way in which members of a way that is annoying
family are descended from other members.
obese (adj) very fat in a way that is unhealthy.
behold (v) to see orto look at something.
dread (n) afear of something in the future.
pristine (adj) extremely fresh or clean.
blur (n) a shape that you cannot see clearly.
protocol (n) the system of rules on the correct
and acceptable way to behave on official convoluted (adj) complicated and difficult to
occasions. understand.

myriad (adj/n) too many to count. curtail (v) to reduce something such as the
amount of money you spend.
cessation (n) a pause or stop.
conscript (v) to make someone join the army,
inception (n) the start of an organization or navy etc.
i nstitution.
grandiose (adj) grandiose plans sound very
penultimate (adj) next to the last. important or impressive, but will never really
grind (v) a) to break something such as corn or happen because they are not practica!.
coffee beans into small pieces or powder, mangy (adj) dirty and in bad condition.
either in a machine or between two hard
surfaces. meager (adj) a meager amount of food, money
etc. is too small and is much less than you
stem from (phr v) to develop as a result of need.
something else.
morbid (adj) having a strong and unhealthy
outright (adv) completely. interest in unpleasant subjects, especially
put up with sb (phr v) to accept an unpleasant death.
situation or person without complaining. legible (adj) written or printed clearly enough
for you to read.

eligible (adj) someone who is eligible for linger (v) to stay somewhere a little longer,
something is able or allowed to do it, for especially because you do not want to leave.
example because they are the right age.
avenge (v) to do something to hurt or punish
petty (adj) a problem, detail, worry etc. that is someone because they have harmed or
petty is small and unimportant. offended you.
nominal (adj) a nominal sum of money is very elicit (v) to succeed in getting information or a
small, especially when compared with the reaction from someone, especially when this is
usual amount that would be paid for difficult.
conspicuous(adj) someone or something that
temporal (adj) related to or limited by time. is conspicuous is very easy to notice, especially
because they are different from everything or
ingenious (adj) an ingenious plan, idea,
everyone else around them.
invention etc. is the result of clever thinking
and new ideas, and works well. meticulous (adj) very careful about small
details, and always making sure that
compulsive (adj) compulsive behavior is very
everything is done correctly.
difficult to stop or control, and is often a result
of ora sign of a mental problem. retaliation (n) action against someone who has
done something bad to you.
plaintive (adj) a plaintive sound is high, like
someone crying, and sounds sad. remission (n) a period when an illness improves
for a time.
speckled (adj) covered with many small marks
or spots. aggregate (v) to put things together in a group
to form a total.
trifle (n) something unimportant or not
valuable. bias (n) a tendency to consider one person,
group, idea etc. more favorably than others.
asset (n) something or someone that is useful
because they help you succeed or deal with sniffle (n) an act or sound of sniffling (to
problems. breathe air into your nose noisily, especially in
short breaths).
nestle (v) to be in a position that seems to be
protected by the hills etc. around. trickle (n) a thin slow flow of liquid.
precipitation (n) the act of doing something leak (n) a small hale that lets liquid or gas flow
too quickly in a way that is not sensible. into or out of something.
consortium (n) a combination of several defy (v) to refuse to abey a law or rule, or refuse
companies, banks etc. working together to to do what someone in authority tells you to
buy something, build something etc. do.
headlong (adv) falling with your head first and descry (v) to notice or see something, especially
the rest of your body following. when it is a long way away.
hindsight (n) the ability to understand facts prowess (n) great skill at doing something.
about a situation only after it has happened.
cement (v) to make a relationship between
displace (v) to take the place of someone or people or countries firm and strong.
elude (v) if something that you want eludes
imposition (n) something that someone you, you fail to find or achieve it.
unreasonably expects or asks you to do for
console (v) to make someone feel better when
them, which is inconvenient.
they are feeling sad or disappointed.
infuse (v) to fill something or someone with a
fathom (v) to understand what something
particular feeling or quality.
means after thinking about it carefully.
proliferate (v) if something proliferates it
yield (v) to produce a result, answer, or a piece
increases rapidly and spreads to many different
of information.

singular (adj) very unusual or strange. spur sb on (phr v) to encourage someone to try
harder in arder to succeed.
obelisk (n) a tall pointed stone pillar.
avid (adj) avid reader/listener/fan etc. someone
wand (n) a thin stick you hold in your hand to
who does something, listens to something etc.
do magic tricks.
as muchas they can.
clarity (n) the quality of expressing ideas or
attire (n) clothes.
thoughts in a clear way.
defamation (n) the act of defaming someone
(to write or say something that makes people
Final Test 2 have an unfairly bad opinion of someone or
swarm (v) if people swarm somewhere, they go
there as a large, uncontrolled crowd. recapitulate (v) to repeat the main points of
something that has just been said.
crater (n) a round hole in the ground, especially
made by an explosion or by something that propagate (v) 1 to grow and produce new
has fallen from the sky. plants orto make a plant do this, 2 to spread
an idea, belief etc. to many people.
cherish (v) to love someone or something very
much and take care of them well. exorbitant (adj) an exorbitant price, rate,
demand etc. is much higher than is reasonable
cohesion (n) if there is cohesion among a group
or usual.
of people, a set of ideas etc., all the parts or
members of it are connected or related in a begrudge (v) to feel jealous of someone
reasonable way to form a whole. because they have something which you think
they do not deserve.
irrepressible (adj) full of energy, confidence,
and happiness so that you never seem itinerary (n) a plan or list of the places you will
unhappy. visit on a journey.
ascribe (v) to believe something or someone has distemper (n) an infectious disease that affects
a particular quality. dogs and cats.
condense (v) to make something that is spoken animosity (n) strong dislike or hatred.
or written shorter, by using fewer words to disseminate (v) to spread information, ideas
give the same information.
etc. to as many people as possible, especially
appraisal (n) a statement or opinion judging in arder to influence them.
the worth, value, or condition of something. dissension (n) disagreement and argument
snip (v) to cut something by making quick cuts among a group of people.
with scissors. dissipation (n) the enjoyment of physical
crush (v) to press something in arder to break it pleasures such as drinking too much alcohol,
into very small pieces, or into a powder. that are harmful to your health.
mull sth over (phr v) to think about a emirate (n) the position or country of an emir
problem, plan etc. and consider it for a long (a Muslim ruler, especially in Asia and parts of
time. A frica).
misnomer (n) a wrong or unsuitable name. janitor (n) someone who looks after a school or
other large building.
indentation (n) 1 a cut into the surface or
edge of something, 2 a space at the beginning inveterate (adj) inveterate liar/smoker etc.
of a line of writing. someone who smokes a lot, lies a lot etc. and
cannot stop.
impregnable (adj) a building that is
impregnable is so strong that no one can get mason (n) someone whose job is cutting stone
into it by force. into pieces to be used in buildings.
vindicate (v) to prove that someone or incorrigible (adj) someone who is incorrigible
something is right or true; justify. is bad in a way that cannot be changed or

genus (n) one of the groups into which sow (v) to plant or scatter seeds on a piece of
scientists divide animals or plants. ground.
exude (v) exude confidence/sympathy etc. if you prone (adj) likely to do something or suffer from
exude a particular quality, it is easy to see that something, especially something bad or
you have a lot of it. harmful.
tacit (adj) tacit agreement, support etc. is pathogenic (adj) causing disease in your body.
accepted or understood without actually being
officially agreed.
vested (adj) if you have a vested interest in Final Test 3
something happening, you have a strong depot (n) a place where goods are stored until
reason for wanting it to happen because you they are needed.
will get an advantage from it.
repository (n) a place where things are stored
prolific (adj) a prolific artist, writer etc. in large quantities.
produces many works of art, books etc.
conveyor belt (n phr) a long continuous
prevailing (adj) existing or accepted in a moving band of rubber, cloth, or metal, used
particular place or ata particular time. for moving goods or partly finished products
protracted (adj) lasting a long time, especially from one place to another in a factory, or bags
longer than usual, or necessary. from one place to another in an airport.

preposterous (adj) 1 completely unreasonable; erratic (adj) erratic actions, movements etc.
absurd, 2 extremely unusual and silly. seem to have no pattern or plan.

take a rain check (phr) used to say that you pan (v) to wash soil in a pan to separate gold
will do something in the future but not now. from it.

as happy as a clam (phr) very happy. shears (n pi) a heavy tool for cutting, like a big
pair of scissors.
scoop (n) an important or exciting news story
that is printed in one newspaper before any of emboss (v) to make a raised pattern on the
the others know about it. surface of metal, paper, leather etc.

stealth (adj) the action of doing something very mould (n) a hollow container that you pour
quietly, slowly, or secretly so that no one liquid into, so that when the liquid becomes
notices you. solid, it takes the shape of the container.

tar (n) a black substance, thick and sticky when burnish (v) to polish metal until it shines.
hot but hard when cold, used especially for deity (n) god.
making road surfaces.
annex (v) to take control of a country or area
doom (v) to make someone or something next to your own, especially by using force.
certain to fail, die, be destroyed etc.
vessel (n) a ship or large boat.
swift (adj) moving, or able to move, very fast.
providence (n) a force that sorne people
stalk (v) to follow a person or animal quietly in believe controls our lives, especially because it
order to catch or kili them. is what God wants.
groove (n) a thin line cut into a surface, hazy (adj) not clear because of a slight mist that
especially to guide the movement of is caused by heat, smoke etc.
patter (v) to make the quiet sound of
molten (adj) molten metal or rock has been something hitting a surface lightly, quickly, and
made into a liquid by being heated to a very repeatedly.
high temperature.
chime (v) if a bell or clock chimes, it makes a
magma (n) hot melted rock below the surface ringing sound, especially to tell you what time
of the Earth. it is.
germinate (v) if a seed germinates or if it is clink (v) if two glass or metal objects clink or if
germinated, it begins to grow. you clink them, they make a short ringing

gauge (v) form a correct idea of how people daunting (adj) frightening in a way that makes
feel about something or what they are likely you feel less confident. ·
to do.
plausible (adj) a statement that is plausible is
decipher (v) to find the meaning of something reasonable and seems likely to be true.
that is difficult toread or understand.
stark (adj) unpleasantly clear and impossible to
conducive (adj) if a situation is conducive to avo id.
something such as work, rest etc., it provides
subservient (adj) someone who is subservient
conditions that make it easy for you to work
is too willing to do what other people want
them to do.
obnoxious (adj) extremely unpleasant or rude.
menial (adj) menial work is boring, needs no
magnanimous (adj) kind and generous, skill, and is not important.
especially to someone that you have defeated
poised (adj) not moving but ready to move or
in sorne way.
do something at any moment.
sweeping (adj) affecting many things, or
dubious (adj) making you doubt whether
making a big difference to things.
someone or something is honest, safe etc.
thorny (adj) thorny question/issue a question
incubation (n) the period between becoming
etc. that is complicated and difficult.
infected with a disease and showing the first
acquiesce(v) too ready to agree with someone physical signs of it.
or do what they want, without arguing or
flare-up (n) a situation in which someone
suddenly becomes angry or violent.
incensed (adj) extremely angry.
susceptible (adj) tending to experience strong
assertion (n) something that you say or write feelings easily and be easily influenced by
that you strongly believe. other people.
like a cat on a hot tin roof (phr) so nervous gestation (n) the process by which a child,
or anxious that you cannot keep still or keep animal or plant develops.
your attention on one thing.
dearth (n) a lack of something.
a dog and pony show (phr) an event or a
the grim reaper (phr) metaphorical
situation that does not happen in the way that
description of death.
it should and is considered disreputable and
short-lived. cluster (n) a group of things of the same kind
that are very close together.
rim (n) the outside edge of something circular.
gregarious (adj) friendly and preferring to be
attenuate (v) to make something weaker or
with others rather than alone.
have less effect.
hinder (v) to make it difficult for someone to do
meek (adj) very quiet and gentle and unwilling
something or for something to develop.
to argue or express an opinion.
reverberation (n) a loud sound that hits a
beat around the bush (phr) to avoid or delay surface and is heard again and again.
talking about something embarrassing or
unpleasant. incessant (adj) an incessant activity, noise etc.
continues without stopping.
cry over spilled milk (phr) to waste time
feeling sorry about an earlier mistake or
problem that cannot be changed.
Final Test 4
pay sb no mind (phr) to not pay any attention
estuary (n) the wide part of a river where it
to someone or something or not care about
goes into the sea.
what they are saying or doing.
slough (n) an area of land covered in deep dirty
pound the pavement (phr) if a police officer
water or mud.
pounds the pavement, he walks regularly
around the area he is responsible for.


silt (n) moving sand, mud, soil etc. that is carried privation (n) a lack or loss of the things that
in water and then settles at a bend in a river, everyone needs, such as food, warmth, and
an entrance to a port etc. shelter.
resilient (adj) someone who is resilient quickly distort (v) to explain a fact, statement, idea etc.
becomes healthy or happy again after an in a way that changes its real meaning.
illness, difficulty, change etc.
malign (v) to say or write unpleasant things
dredge (v) to remove mud or sand from the about someone that are untrue.
bottom of a river, harbor.
lapse (n) a short time when someone is careless
in jeopardy (phr) in danger of being lost or or forgetful.
put a damper on sth (phr) to affect
whim (n) sudden feeling that you would like to something in a way that makes people sad,
do something or have something, especially disappointed, or less hopeful.
when there is no particularly important or
whistle in the dark (phr) to try to show that
good reason.
you are brave when really you are afraid.
flock (v) to go to a place in large numbers
call it a day (phr) to decide to stop working,
because something interesting or exciting is
especially because you have done enough or
happening there.
you are tired.
deranged (adj) behaving in a crazy or
take sth with a grain of salt (phr) to not
dangerous way.
completely believe what someone tells you
dislocate (v) to injure a joint so that the two because you know that they do not always tell
bones at the joint are moved out of their the truth.
normal position.
grave (adj) very serious and worrying.
peril (n) great danger, especially of being
solemn (adj) very serious in behavior or style.
harmed or killed.
unencumbered (adj) without responsibilities,
afflict (v) to make someone suffer or experience
permanent ties etc.
serious problems.
misgiving (n) a feeling of doubt, distrust, or
mutilation (n) severe damage caused to
fear about what might happen or about
somebody's body by accident, disease etc.
whether something is right.
cumulative (adj) increasing gradually as more misapprehension (n) a mistaken belief or a
of something is added or happens.
wrong understanding of something.
contagious (adj) a disease that is contagious lament (v) to express feelings of great sadness
can be passed from person to person by
about something.
abominate (v) to hate something very much.
gain ground (v phr) make steady progress and
become more popular, more successful etc. bewail (v) to express deep sadness or
disappointment about something.
legion (adj) very many; numerous.
deplore (v) to disapprove very strongly of
crouch (v) to lower your body close to the
something and criticize it severely, especially
ground by bending your knees completely.
confine (v) to keep someone in a place that
not be up to snuff (phr) not be good enough.
they cannot leave, such as a prison.
slant (v) to slope or move in a sloping line.
stack (v) to form a neat pile or make things into
a neat pile. tip (v) to lean at an angle instead of being level
or straight, or to make something do this.
throb (v) if a part of your body throbs, you get a
regular feeling of pain in it. splurge (n) spending more money than you can
usually afford.
brace (n) something that is used to strengthen,
stiffen, or support something. revel (v) to spend time dancing, eating, drinking
etc., especially ata party.
vice (n) a bad habit.

spree (n) a short period of time doing spawn (v) if a fish or frog spawns it produces
something that you enjoy, especially spending eggs in large quantities together.
money or drinking.
harass (v) to treat someone unfairly by
rampage (n) on the rampage rushing about in threatening them or being continuously
a wild and violent way, often causing damage. unpleasant to them.
jot down (phr v) to write something quickly. perch (n) a branch, stick, rod etc. where a bird
kudos (n) admiration and respect that you get
for being important or doing something plumage (n) the feathers covering a bird's body.
patent (v) to obtain a special document that
curmudgeon (n) an old person who is often says that you have the right to make or sell a
angry or annoyed. new invention or product and that no one else
is allowed to do so.
droll (adj) amusing.
malleable (adj) something that is malleable is
genial (adj) having a cheerful and friendly
easy to press or pull into a new shape.
character or manner.
dormant (adj) not active or not growing at the
formidable (adj) a formidable person etc. is
present time but able to be active later.
one that you feel respect for because they are
very powerful, or impressive.
devout (adj) 1 someone who is devout has a Final Test 5
very strong belief in a religion, 2 a devout
hope or wish is one that you feel very strongly. hail (v) to describe someone or something as
being very good, especially in newspapers,
profess (v) clearly stating what you believe. magazines etc.
bestow (v) to give someone something of great endear (v) to make someone popular and liked.
value or importance.
procure (v) to obtain something, especially
grudging (adj) done or given very unwillingly. something that is difficult to get.
collude (v) to work with someone secretly, impunity (n) if you do something wrong or
especially in order to cheat or deceive other immoral with impunity, there is no risk that
people. you will be punished for it.
granite (n) 1 a very hard gray rock, often used embankment (n) a slope of earth, stones etc.
in building, 2 strict in a very serious and often
unpleasant way.
incarnation (n) representation of something.

vulgar (adj) 1 remarks, jokes etc. that are vulgar enamel (v) to cover or decorate something with
deal with sex in a very rude and offensive way, enamel (a glass-like substance that is put onto
2 impolite and showing bad manners. metal, clay etc. for decoration or protection).

disarray (n) the state of being completely dogged (adj) dogged actions or behavior show
that you are very determined to continue
confused or untidy.
doing something.
recluse (n) someone who chooses to live alone,
and does not like seeing or talking to other relegation (n) being moved into a lower
peo ple. division of a sports league.

tenacity (n) determination to do something and heave (v) to pull or lift something very heavy
unwillingness to stop trying even when the with one great effort.
situation becomes difficult. rinse (v) to wash clothes, dishes etc. quickly
obsolete (adj) no longer useful because with water, especially running water, and
something newer and better has been without soap.
invented. scrub (v) to rub something hard, especially with
roost (v) if a bird roosts, it rests or sleeps a stiff brush in order to clean it.
somewhere. have a head start (phr) to have an advantage
which allows you to be ahead of other people.

be in over one's head (phr) to be in a gullible (adj) too ready to believe what other
situation which is too difficult far you to people tell you, so that you are easily deceived.
plankton (n) the very small farms of plant and
lose one's head (phr) to become too anxious animal life that live in water, especially the sea,
to think or behave calmly. and are eaten by fish.
shrub (n) a small bush with several woody crustacean (n) an animal such as a lobster or a
stems. crab that has a hard outer shell and several
pairs of legs, and usually lives in water.
toll (n) a very bad effect on something or
someone overa long period of time. navel (n) the small hollow or raised place in the
middle of your stomach.
glimmer (n) a light that is not very bright.
umbilical cord (n phr) a long narrow tube of
glint (n) a flash of light from a shiny surface.
flesh that joins an unborn baby to its mother.
bland (adj) without any excitement, strong
ragged (adj) torn and in bad condition.
opinions, or special character.
barnacle (n) a small sea animal with a hard
shred (v) to cut or tear something into small
shell that sticks firmly to rocks and the bottom
thin pieces.
of boats.
knack (n) a special skill or ability that you usually
abrasive (adj) having a rough surface.
gain by practice.
tributary (n) a stream or river that flows into a
get the better of sb (phr) be more clever
larger river.
than somebody else and so gain an advantage
over them. paddle (n) a short pole that is wide and flat at
one end or both ends, used far moving a small
sizzle (v) to make a sound like water falling on
boat along.
hot metal.
come into one's own (phr) to become very
good, useful, or important in a particular Final Test 6
prospector (n) someone who looks far gold,
get wind of (phr) to hear or find out about minerals, oil etc.
something secretor private, especially if you
learn it accidentally or unofficially.
jaunt (n) a short journey far pleasure.

obscure (adj) not at all well known and usually residue (n) the part of something that is left
not very important. after the rest has gane or been taken away.

skip (v) to move farwards with quick steps and robust (adj) a robust person, animal or insect is
jumps. strong and healthy.

totter (v) to walk or move unsteadily from side cavity (n) a hale or space inside something.
to side as if you are going to fall over. vent (n) a hale or pipe through which gases,
torso (n) our body, not including your head, smoke, liquid etc. can enter or escape from an
enclosed space or a container.
arms, or legs.
cadaver (n) a dead human body. moss (n) a small flat green or yellow plant that
grows in a thick furry mass on wet soil or rock.
misshapen (adj) not the normal or natural
shape. larva (n) a creature like a fat worm that is a
young insect which has left the egg and has
dabble (v) to do something or be involved in not yet changed into an insect with wings.
something in a way that is not very serious.
pending (adj) while waiting far something, or
venomous (adj) 1 full of extreme hatred or until something happens.
anger, 2 a venomous snake, insect etc.
produces poison to attack its enemies. asylum (n) protection given to someone by a
government because they have escaped from
feasible (adj) a plan, idea, or method that is fighting or political trouble in their own
feasible is possible and is likely to work. country.

perpetual (adj) continuing all the time without twist sb's arm (phr) to persuade s
stopping, especially in a way that is worrying. something they do not want to do.
shuttle (v) to travel frequently between two alleviate (v) to make something less painful or
places. difficult.
crave (v) to have an extremely strong desire for correlate (v) if two or more facts, ideas etc.
something. correlate, or you correlate them, they are closely
connected or one causes another.
filigree (n) delicate work made of gold or silver
wire, used to decorate things. demean (v) to do something that you think you
are too good for.
desecrate (v) to spoil or damage something holy.
unilateral (adj) a unilateral action or decision is
impound (v) if the police or law courts impound
done by only one of the groups involved in a
your possessions they take them and keep them
until you claim them.
incision (n) a cut into something, especially into
extremity (n) the part that is furthest away from
someone's body using a special knife during a
the center of something.
medical operation, or the act of making this
entice (v) to persuade someone to do something kind of cut.
by offering them something if they will do it.
expedient (n) a clever and effective way of
imbue (v) to make someone feel an emotion very dealing with a problem, even though it may be
strongly. morally wrong.
heart-wrenching (adj) causing very strong rash (adj) doing something too quickly, without
emotion of sadness, nostalgia etc. thinking carefully about whether it is sensible or
mangle (v) to damage or injure something badly not.
by crushing or twisting it. writhe (v) to twist your body from side to side
spangle (v) to cover something with shiny spots. violently, especially because you are suffering
wrangle (v) to argue with someone angrily for a
long time. wither (v) if plants wither they become drier and
smaller and start to die.
tangle (v) to become twisted together or make
something become twisted together in an subside (v) if a feeling or noise subsides, it
untidy mass. gradually decreases.

swish (v) to move or make something move incitement (n) encouraging people to cause
quickly through the air with a smooth quiet trouble, fight, argue etc.
sound. importune (v) to ask someone for something
bristle (n) a short stiff hair, wire etc. that forms repeatedly, especially in an annoying or
part of a brush. unreasonable way; beg.

interject (v) to interrupt what someone else is expunge (v) to remove a name from a list, piece
saying with a sudden remark. of information, or book.

supplant (v) to take the place of a person or assimilate (v) to think about new ideas,
thing so that they are no longer used, no longer information etc. so that you feel ready to use
in a position of power etc. them.

sublimate (v) to use the energy that comes from kin (n) your family.
sexual feelings to do something, such as work brink (n) on the brink of to be almost in a new
or art, that is more acceptable to your society. and very different situation.
scrutinize (v) to examine someone or something aversion (n) a strong dislike of something or
very thoroughly and carefully. someone.
pull sb's leg (phr) to make a joke by telling illustrious (adj) famous and admired because of
someone something that is not actually true. what you have achieved in the past.

exemplary (adj) excellent and providing a good subdue (v) to prevent your emotions frorn
example for people to follow. showing.
be bound up (phr v) to be strongly connected or articulate (v) to express what you are thinking or
related to something. feeling very clearly.
bundle (n) a group of things such as papers, instigate (v) to start trouble by persuading
clothes, or sticks that are fastened or tied someone to do something bad.
implicate (v) to show or seem to show that
whir (v) to make a fairly quiet, regular sound, like someone is involved in something wrong or
the sound of a bird or insect moving its wings criminal.
very fast.
strive (v) to make a great effort to achieve
pilgrim (n) someone who travels a long way to a something.
holy place for a religious reason.
expend (v) expend time/money etc. to use or
missionary (n) someone who has been sent to a spend a lot of time etc. in order to do
foreign country to teach people about something.
Christianity and persuade them to become
expound (v) to explain or talk about something
in detail.
beak (n) the hard pointed mouth of a bird.
condone (v) to accept or forgive behavior that
slaughter (n) to kili large numbers of people or most people think is morally wrong.
animals in a cruel or violent way.
concur (v) to agree with someone or have the
same opinion as them.

Final Test 7 perpendicular (adj) not leaning to one side or

the other but exactly upright.
suspend (v) to hang something from something
else. thrash (v) to beat someone violently in order to
punish them.
unearth (v) to find something after searching for
it. especially something that has been buried in dominion (n) the power or right to rule people.
the ground. acute (adj) very serious or severe.
vanguard (n) the leading position at the front of dismay (n) the worry, disappointment, and
an army or group of ships moving into battle, or unhappiness you feel when something
the soldiers who are in this position. unpleasant happens.
siege (n) a military operation during which an contortion (n) the act of twisting something so
army surrounds a place and tries to gain control that it does not have its normal shape, and
of it by stopping supplies of food, weapons etc. looks strange or unattractive, or the fact of
from reaching it. being twisted in this way.
hitch (v) to fasten something to the back of a car slam on the brakes (phr) to make a car stop
so that it can be pulled. very suddenly.
loiter (v) to stand or wait somewhere, especially brood (n) a family of young birds all born at the
in a public place, without any clear reason. same time.
retard (v) to delay the development of mound (n) 1 a pile of earth or stones that looks
something, orto make something happen more like a small hill, 2 a large pile of something.
slowly than expected.
huddle (v) if a group of people huddle together,
uplifting (adj) making you feel more cheerful. they gather closely together in a group,
flit (v) to move lightly or quickly and not stay in especially because they are cold or frightened.
one place for very long. bountiful (adj) if something is bountiful, there is
suppress(v) to prevent important information or more than enough of it.
opinions from becoming known, especially from array (n) a group or collection of things, usually
people who have a right to know. arranged so that you can see them all.

palatable (adj) having a pleasant or acceptable baffle (v) if something baffles someone, they
taste. cannot understand or explain it at all.
spoilage (n) waste resulting from something muffle (v) to make a sound less loud and clear.
being spoiled.
inter (v) to bury a dead person.
mold (n) a soft green or black substance that
swivel (v) to turn something around that is fixed
grows on food which has been kept too long,
to a moving central point.
and on objects that are in warm, wet air.
congeal (v) if a liquid such as milk congeals, it
yeast (n) a substance used for producing alcohol
becomes thick or solid.
in beer and wine and for making bread rise.
tap (v) to hit your hand or foot lightly against
botulism (n) serious food poisoning caused by
bacteria in preserved meat and vegetables.
smack (v) to hit a child with your hand in order to
leaven (n) a substance, especially yeast, that is
punish them.
added to a mixture of flour and water so that it
will swell and can be baked into bread. aspire (v) to desire and work towards achieving
something important.
bovine (adj) connected with cows.
premeditated (adj) a premeditated crime or
legume (n) a bean, pea, lentil etc., used as food.
attack is planned in advance and done
deplete (v) to reduce the amount of something deliberately.
that is available.
perpetuity (n) in perpetuity for all future time.
i dash off (phr v) to write or draw something very
Final Test 8 quickly.

denote (v) to mean. lavish (adj) lavish gifts, meals etc. are large and
generous, and look as if they have cost a lot of
aloft (adv) high up in the air. money.
enlightenment (n) the state of understanding irreverent (adj) having a lack of respect for
something clearly or the act of making someone organizations, customs, beliefs etc.
understand something clearly.
toss one's hat into the ring (phr) to officially
reminisce (v) to talk or think about pleasant announce that you will compete or take part in
events in your past.
augment (v) to increase the value, amount, bite off more than one can chew (phr) to
effectiveness etc. of something.
try to do more than you are able to do.
supplicate (v) to ask or pray for help from eat humble pie (phr) to admit that you were
someone in power or from God. wrong about something.
copious (adj) existing or being produced in large paucity (n) less than is needed of something.
audacity (n) the quality of having enough
volatile (adj) a volatile situation is likely to courage to take risks or say impolite things.
change suddenly and without much warning.
-1 replenish (v) to fill something again or put new
futile (adj) actions that are futile are useless supplies into something.
because they have no chance of being
successful. furnish (v) to supply or provide something.
pledge (v) a firm promise or agreement, festoon (v) to cover something with long pieces
especially one made publicly or officially. of material, especially for decoration.

condole (v) condole with sb to express sympathy multi-hued (adj) of many colors.
for someone's problems. ripple (v) to move in small waves, or to make
solace (n) a feeling of emotional comfort at a something move in this way.
time of great sadness or disappointment. sway (v) to move slowly from one side to another.

weave (v) to move somewhere by turninq and carrion (n) dead flesh that is decayinq.
chanqinq direction a lot.
play possum (phr) to preterid to be asleep or
mainstay (íl) an irnportant part of sornethinq dead so that someone will not annoy or hurt
that makes it possible for it to work properly or you.
continué to exist.
feign (v) to preter-d to have a particular íeelinq or
bumble off (phr v) to move away unsteadily and to be ill, asleep etc.
mimicry (n) providinq protection by lookinq
in a twinkling (phr) very quickly. exactly like somethinq else.
blotch (íl) a pink or red mark Oíl the skin. or a lush (adj) plants that are lush grow rnany leaves
colored mark Oíl sornethinq. and look healthy and stronq.


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