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Villanueva, Nicole P.

Transcultural Nursing

N4A August 20, 2021

 Culture
- It is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing
language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. It is the sum of all the
material and spiritual values that were created in the process of social development.
 Cultural Identity
- It refers to identification with, or sense of belonging to, a particular group based on
various cultural categories. The process of sharing collective knowledge such as
heritage, traditions, norms and customs constructs and maintains cultural identity.
 Material Culture
- Refers to objects that has been purposely made or modified by people according to
culturally dictated plans.
 Non-material Culture
- The abstract ideas and the ways of thinking that make up a culture; this are the belief
customs, languages, social institutions.
 Subculture
- This are groups that the members share values and norms which are distinct from
those held by majority or the members of the larger cultural group.
 Bicultural
- It is when a person crosses two cultures, lifestyles, and sets of values.
 Cultural Imposition
- When one culture forces their own values and beliefs onto another culture or
subculture this situation is cultural imposition.
 Cultural Values
- It is when a person or society is committed to endure ideals or belief systems.
 Cultural Shock
- It is the state of being disoriented or unable to give a response to a different cultural
environment. It can be caused by sudden strangeness, unfamiliarity and
incompatibility to someone’s perceptions and expectations.
 Religion
- The set of belief that there is a divine or super human power to be obeyed and
worshipped as the creator and ruler.

 Ethnicity
- This is the consciousness of belonging to a group.
 Ethnic Group
- It is when a group of people share a common social and cultural heritage which is
passed on to successive generations.
 Diversity
- This is the state of being different. It occurs between cultures and within a cultural
 Race
- The classification of people according to shared biologic characteristics, genetic
markers or features. It is the physical differences that are socially significant to
groups and cultures.
 Cultural Awareness
- The in-depth self-examination of one’s own background, recognizes biases and
prejudices and assumptions about other people.
 Cultural Knowledge
- It is the act of searching for information about the culture and beliefs in order to have
a better understanding.
 Cultural Skill
- It is the ability to have a collective relevant cultural data in order to have a accurate
culturally specific assessment.
 Cultural Encounter
- It is the process when it encourages nurses to be directly engage in a cross-cultural
interaction with patients who have culturally diverse backgrounds.
 Cultural Desire
- It is the motivation of a healthcare professional to be willingly involve in the process
of becoming culturally aware, knowledgeable, skillful and seek cultural encounters.
 Anthropology
- This is the study of the socio-cultural features that defines nursing and its practices,
traditions and rituals.
 Culture-Specific Nursing Care
- This are the values, beliefs and patterns of behavior that a nurse have or applies that
tend to be unique to a designate culture.

 Cultural Competence
- This is the ability of healthcare professionals demonstrate cultural awareness and
respect for their beliefs, race and values while giving the best medical care to patients.
 Cultural Congruence
 Culturally Congruent Care
- This is the kind of care that fits the people’s valued life patterns and set of meanings.
It is generated from the people themselves, rather than based on predetermined
 Ethnocentric
- This is the judgement of different cultures based on standard on one’s own culture.
 Leininger’s Sunrise Model
- This is a representation of the structure of culture care theory that describes the
relationship between the anthropological and nursing beliefs and principles.
 Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality
- The culture care diversity refers to the differences in meanings, values, or acceptable
forms of care in or between groups of people while the culture care universality refers
to common care or similarities of meanings that can be shown among many cultures.
 Panethnic Minority Group
- This is a group of people who are singled out because of their physical or cultural
characteristics in which they live with differential and unequal treatment. This group
defines themselves as objects of collective discrimination.
 Transcultural Nursing
- This is a comparative study in which cultures are studied to understand similarities or
culture universal and differences or culture specific across human groups.

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